Exemplo n.º 1
void GridMemList_RemoveElementAt(int index)
	int n;
	GridMemStruct* pGridMemStruct;

//printf("IN: GridMemList_RemoveElementAt\n");
	// check ranges
	if (index < 0 || index >= GridMemListNumElements)

	// free allocated memory
	pGridMemStruct = GridMemList[index];
if (message_flag >= GRIDMEM_MESSAGE)
printf("GridMemManager: Remove grid (%d/%d): %s\n", index, GridMemListNumElements, pGridMemStruct->pgrid->title);

	// shift down element references
	for (n = index; n < GridMemListNumElements - 1; n++)
		GridMemList[n] = GridMemList[n + 1];

	GridMemList[n] = NULL;

Exemplo n.º 2
void NLL_FreeGrid(GridDesc* pgrid)
	int index;
	GridMemStruct* pGridMemStruct;

//printf("IN: NLL_FreeGrid\n");
	if (USE_GRID_LIST  && (index = GridMemList_IndexOfGridDesc(0, pgrid)) >= 0) {
		pGridMemStruct = GridMemList_ElementAt(index);
		pGridMemStruct->active = 0;
		GridMemList_RemoveElementAt(index);     // 20130413 AJL - bug fix, added this line.  Before, grid memory was not freed.
		//pgrid->buffer = NULL;

Exemplo n.º 3
void  FreeUserGrid(
   Grid  *user_grid)
Exemplo n.º 5
int NLLoc

        // calling parameters
        char *pid_main, // CUSTOM_ETH only: snap id
        char *fn_control_main, // NLLoc control file: full path and name (set to NULL if *param_line_array not NULL)
        char **param_line_array, // array of NLLoc control file lines (set to NULL if fn_control_main not NULL)
        int n_param_lines, // number of elements (parameter lines) in array param_line_array (use 0 if fn_control_main not NULL)
        char **obs_line_array, // array of observations file lines (set to NULL if obs file name is read from NLLoc control file)
        int n_obs_lines, // number of elements (obs file lines) in array obs_line_array (set to 0 if obs file name is read from NLLoc control file)
        int return_locations, // if = 1, return Locations with basic information (HypoDesc* phypo, ArrivalDesc* parrivals, int narrivals, GridDesc* pgrid
        int return_oct_tree_grid, // if = 1 and LOCSEARCH OCT used, includes location probabily density oct-tree structure in Locations (Tree3D* poctTree)
        int return_scatter_sample, // if = 1, includes location location scatter sample data in Locations (float* pscatterSample)

        // returned parameters
        LocNode **ploc_list_head // pointer to pointer to head of list of LocNodes containing Location's for located events (see phaseloclist.h), *ploc_list_head must be initialized to NULL on first call to NLLoc()

        ) {

    int istat, n;
    int i_end_of_input, iLocated;
    int narr, ngrid, nObsFile;
    int numArrivalsIgnore, numSArrivalsLocation;
    int numArrivalsReject;
    int maxArrExceeded = 0;
    int n_file_root_count = 1;
    char fn_root_out[FILENAME_MAX], fname[FILENAME_MAX], fn_root_out_last[FILENAME_MAX];
    char sys_command[MAXLINE_LONG];
    char *chr;
    FILE *fp_obs = NULL, *fpio;

    char *ppath;

    int return_value = EXIT_NORMAL;

    /* set program name */
    strcpy(prog_name, PNAME);

    // DD
    nll_mode = MODE_ABSOLUTE;

    /* set constants */

    NumLocGrids = 0;
    NumEvents = NumEventsLocated = NumLocationsCompleted = 0;
    NumCompDesc = 0;
    NumLocAlias = 0;
    NumLocExclude = 0;
    NumTimeDelays = 0;
    NumPhaseID = 0;
    DistStaGridMax = 0.0;
    MinNumArrLoc = 0;
    MinNumSArrLoc = 0;
    MaxNumArrLoc = MAX_NUM_ARRIVALS;
    FixOriginTimeFlag = 0;
    Scatter.npts = -1;
    for (n = 0; n < MAX_NUM_MAG_METHODS; n++)
        Magnitude[n].type = MAG_UNDEF;
    NumMagnitudeMethods = 0;
    ApplyCrustElevCorrFlag = 0;
    MinDistCrustElevCorr = 2.0; // deg
    ApplyElevCorrFlag = 0;
    NumTimeDelaySurface = 0;
    topo_surface_index = -1;
    iRejectDuplicateArrivals = 1;
    strcpy(fn_root_out_last, "");

    // Arrival prior weighting  (NLL_FORMAT_VER_2)
    iUseArrivalPriorWeights = 1;

    // station distance weighting
    iSetStationDistributionWeights = 0;
    stationDistributionWeightCutoff = -1;

    // GridMemLib
    MaxNum3DGridMemory = -1;
    GridMemList = NULL;
    GridMemListSize = 0;
    GridMemListNumElements = 0;

    // otime limits
    OtimeLimitList = NULL;
    NumOtimeLimit = 0;

    // GLOBAL
    NumSources = 0;
    NumStations = 0;

    // Gauss2
    iUseGauss2 = 0;

    // output
    iSaveNLLocEvent = iSaveNLLocSum = iSaveHypo71Event = iSaveHypo71Sum
            = iSaveHypoEllEvent = iSaveHypoEllSum
            = iSaveHypoInvSum = iSaveHypoInvY2KArc
            = iSaveAlberto4Sum = iSaveNLLocOctree = iSaveNone = 0;

    /* open control file */

    if (fn_control_main != NULL) {
        strcpy(fn_control, fn_control_main);
        if ((fp_control = fopen(fn_control, "r")) == NULL) {
            nll_puterr("FATAL ERROR: opening control file.");
            return_value = EXIT_ERROR_FILEIO;
            goto cleanup_return;
        } else {
    } else {
        fp_control = NULL;

    /* SH 02/27/2004
    added snap_pid   */
    strcpy(snap_pid, pid_main);
    /* SH 02AUG2004 not needed any more
    // AJL 20040527 added snap param file
    if (argc > 3)
    strcpy(snap_param_file, argv[3]);
    strcpy(snap_param_file, "snap_param.txt");

    /* read NLLoc control statements from control file */

    if ((istat = ReadNLLoc_Input(fp_control, param_line_array, n_param_lines)) < 0) {
        nll_puterr("FATAL ERROR: reading control file.");
        return_value = EXIT_ERROR_FILEIO;
        goto cleanup_return;
    if (fp_control != NULL) {

    /* read observation lines into memory stream (must read control file first) */

    char *bp_memory_stream = NULL;
    if (n_obs_lines > 0) {
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
        size_t memory_stream_size;
        FILE *fp_memory_stream = NULL;
        // read lines into memory memory stream
        fp_memory_stream = open_memstream(&bp_memory_stream, &memory_stream_size);
        if (fp_memory_stream == NULL) {
            nll_puterr("FATAL ERROR: Cannot pass observations file lines as string array to NLLoc function: GNU C library extensions needed to support memory streams (function open_memstream).");
            return_value = EXIT_ERROR_MEMORY;
            goto cleanup_return;
        for (n = 0; n < n_obs_lines; n++) {
            fprintf(fp_memory_stream, "%s", obs_line_array[n]);
            /*DEBUG*///printf("%s", obs_line_array[n]);
        fp_obs = fmemopen(bp_memory_stream, memory_stream_size, "r");

        NumObsFiles = 1;
        nll_puterr("FATAL ERROR: Cannot pass observations file lines as string array to NLLoc function: GNU C library extensions needed to support memory streams (function open_memstream(); see compiler define _GNU_SOURCE).");
        return_value = EXIT_ERROR_MEMORY;
        goto cleanup_return;

    // get path to output files
    strcpy(f_outpath, fn_path_output);
    if ((ppath = strrchr(f_outpath, '/')) != NULL
            || (ppath = strrchr(f_outpath, '\\')) != NULL)
        *(ppath + 1) = '\0';
        strcpy(f_outpath, "");

    // copy control file to output directory

    if (!iSaveNone && fp_control != NULL) {
        chr = strrchr(fn_control, '/');
        if (chr != NULL)
            strcpy(fname, chr + 1);
            strcpy(fname, fn_control);
        sprintf(sys_command, "cp -p %s %s_%s", fn_control, fn_path_output, fname);
        sprintf(sys_command, "cp -p %s %slast.in", fn_control, f_outpath);
        //printf("sys_command: %s\n", sys_command);

    /* convert source location coordinates  */
    istat = ConvertSourceLoc(0, Source, NumSources, 1, 1);

    /* initialize random number generator */

    if (message_flag >= 4)

    /* open summary output file */

    if (!iSaveNone) {
        if ((istat = OpenSummaryFiles(fn_path_output, "grid")) < 0) {
            nll_puterr("FATAL ERROR: opening hypocenter summary files.");
            return_value = EXIT_ERROR_FILEIO;
            goto cleanup_return;

    // 20101005 AJL
    // open velocity files if needed
    fp_model_grid_P = fp_model_hdr_P = NULL;
    fp_model_grid_S = fp_model_hdr_S = NULL;
    if (LocMethod == METH_OT_STACK) {
        sprintf(fname, "%s.%s", fn_loc_grids, "P.mod");
        if ((istat = OpenGrid3dFile(fname, &fp_model_grid_P, &fp_model_hdr_P,
                &model_grid_P, " ", NULL, iSwapBytesOnInput)) < 0) {
            sprintf(MsgStr, "WARNING: LocMethod == OT_STACK, but cannot open velocity model file %s.*", fname);
            nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);
        } else {
            sprintf(MsgStr, "INFO: LocMethod == OT_STACK, sucessfully opened velocity model file %s.*", fname);
            nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);

        sprintf(fname, "%s.%s", fn_loc_grids, "S.mod");
        if ((istat = OpenGrid3dFile(fname, &fp_model_grid_S, &fp_model_hdr_S,
                &model_grid_S, " ", NULL, iSwapBytesOnInput)) < 0) {
            sprintf(MsgStr, "WARNING: LocMethod == OT_STACK, but cannot open velocity model file %s.*", fname);
            nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);
        } else {
            sprintf(MsgStr, "INFO: LocMethod == OT_STACK, sucessfully opened velocity model file %s.*", fname);
            nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);


    /* perform location for each observation file */

    for (nObsFile = 0; nObsFile < NumObsFiles; nObsFile++) {

        i_end_of_input = 0;

        nll_putmsg(2, "");
        sprintf(MsgStr, "... Reading observation file %s",
        nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);

        // check if observations are read from file(s)
        if ((n_obs_lines <= 0)) {
            /* open observation file */
            if ((fp_obs = fopen(fn_loc_obs[nObsFile], "r")) == NULL) {
                nll_puterr2("ERROR: opening observations file",
            } else {
            /* extract info from filename */
            if ((istat = ExtractFilenameInfo(fn_loc_obs[nObsFile], ftype_obs)) < 0)
                nll_puterr("WARNING: error extractng information from filename.");

        /* read arrivals and locate event for each  */
        /*		event (set of observations) in file */

        NumArrivals = 0;
        while (1) {

            iLocated = 0;

            if (i_end_of_input)

            if (NumArrivals != OBS_FILE_SKIP_INPUT_LINE) {
                nll_putmsg(2, "");
                        "Reading next set of observations (Files open: Tot:%d Buf:%d Hdr:%d  Alloc: %d) ...",
                        NumFilesOpen, NumGridBufFilesOpen, NumGridHdrFilesOpen, NumAllocations);
                nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);

            /* read next set of observations */

            NumArrivalsLocation = 0;
            if ((NumArrivals = GetObservations(fp_obs,
                    ftype_obs, fn_loc_grids, Arrival,
                    &i_end_of_input, &numArrivalsIgnore,
                    MaxNumArrLoc, &Hypocenter,
                    &maxArrExceeded, &numSArrivalsLocation, 0)) == 0)

            if (NumArrivals < 0)
                goto cleanup;

            /* set number of arrivals to be used in location */

            NumArrivalsLocation = NumArrivals - numArrivalsIgnore;
            NumArrivalsRead = NumArrivals + numArrivalsReject;

            nll_putmsg(2, "");
            // AJL 20040720 SetOutName(Arrival + 0, fn_path_output, fn_root_out, fn_root_out_last, 1);
            SetOutName(Arrival + 0, fn_path_output, fn_root_out, fn_root_out_last, iSaveDecSec, &n_file_root_count);
            //strcpy(fn_root_out_last, fn_root_out); /* save filename */
                    "... %d observations read, %d will be used for location (%s).",
                    NumArrivalsRead, NumArrivalsLocation, fn_root_out);
            nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);

            /* sort to get rejected arrivals at end of arrivals array */

            if ((istat = SortArrivalsIgnore(Arrival, NumArrivalsRead)) < 0) {
                nll_puterr("ERROR: sorting arrivals by ignore flag.");
                goto cleanup;

            /* check for minimum number of arrivals */

            if (NumArrivalsLocation < MinNumArrLoc) {
                        "WARNING: too few observations to locate (%d available, %d needed), skipping event.", NumArrivalsLocation, MinNumArrLoc);
                nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);
                        "INFO: %d observations needed (specified in control file entry LOCMETH).",
                nll_putmsg(2, MsgStr);
                goto cleanup;

            /* check for minimum number of S arrivals */

            if (numSArrivalsLocation < MinNumSArrLoc) {
                        "WARNING: too few S observations to locate (%d available, %d needed), skipping event.", numSArrivalsLocation, MinNumSArrLoc);
                nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);
                        "INFO: %d S observations needed (specified in control file entry LOCMETH).",
                nll_putmsg(2, MsgStr);
                goto cleanup;

            /* process arrivals */

            /* add stations to station list */

            // station distribution weighting
            if (iSetStationDistributionWeights || iSaveNLLocSum || octtreeParams.use_stations_density) {
                //printf(">>>>>>>>>>> NumStations %d, NumArrivals %d, numArrivalsReject %d\n", NumStations, NumArrivals, numArrivalsReject);
                NumStations = addToStationList(StationList, NumStations, Arrival, NumArrivalsRead);
                if (iSetStationDistributionWeights)
                    setStationDistributionWeights(StationList, NumStations, Arrival, NumArrivals);


            /* sort to get location arrivals in time order */

            if ((istat = SortArrivalsIgnore(Arrival, NumArrivals)) < 0) {
                nll_puterr("ERROR: sorting arrivals by ignore flag.");
                goto cleanup;
            if ((istat = SortArrivalsTime(Arrival, NumArrivalsLocation)) < 0) {
                nll_puterr("ERROR: sorting arrivals by time.");
                goto cleanup;

            /* construct weight matrix (TV82, eq. 10-9; MEN92, eq. 12) */

            if ((istat = ConstWeightMatrix(NumArrivalsLocation, Arrival, &Gauss)) < 0) {
                nll_puterr("ERROR: constructing weight matrix - NLLoc requires non-zero observation or modelisation errors.");
                /* close time grid files and continue */
                goto cleanup;

            /* calculate weighted mean of obs arrival times   */
            /*	(TV82, eq. A-38) */

            CalcCenteredTimesObs(NumArrivalsLocation, Arrival, &Gauss, &Hypocenter);

            /* preform location for each grid */

                    "Locating... (Files open: Tot:%d Buf:%d Hdr:%d  Alloc: %d  3DMem: %d) ...",
                    NumFilesOpen, NumGridBufFilesOpen, NumGridHdrFilesOpen, NumAllocations, Num3DGridReadToMemory);
            nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);

            for (ngrid = 0; ngrid < NumLocGrids; ngrid++) {
                if ((istat = Locate(ngrid, fn_loc_obs[nObsFile], fn_root_out, numArrivalsReject, return_locations, return_oct_tree_grid, return_scatter_sample, ploc_list_head)) < 0) {
                    if (istat == GRID_NOT_INSIDE)
                    else {
                        nll_puterr("ERROR: location failed.");
                        goto cleanup;

            if (istat == 0 && ngrid == NumLocGrids)
            iLocated = 1;



            /* release grid buffer or sheet storage */

            // 20130413 AJL - bug? fix, release memory for all arrivals read
            //for (narr = 0; narr < NumArrivalsLocation; narr++) {
            for (narr = 0; narr < NumArrivals; narr++) {
                //printf("DEBUG: FREE: narr %d Arrival[narr].n_time_grid %d\n", narr, Arrival[narr].n_time_grid);
                if (Arrival[narr].n_time_grid < 0) { // check has opened time grid
            //  20141219 AJL - bug fix, should be outside events/obs loop!

            /* close time grid files (opened in function GetObservations) */

            // 20130413 AJL - bug? fix, release memory for all arrivals read
            //for (narr = 0; narr < NumArrivalsLocation; narr++) {
            for (narr = 0; narr < NumArrivals; narr++) {
                CloseGrid3dFile(&(Arrival[narr].fpgrid), &(Arrival[narr].fphdr));

            if (iLocated) {
                nll_putmsg(2, "");
                        "Finished event location, output files: %s.* <%s.grid0.loc.hyp>",
                        fn_root_out, fn_root_out);
                nll_putmsg(0, MsgStr);
            } else
                nll_putmsg(2, "");

            // 201101013 AJL - Bug fix - this cleanup was done in NLLocLib.c->clean_memory() which puts the cleanup incorrectly inside the Locate loop

        } /* next event */

        nll_putmsg(2, "");
        sprintf(MsgStr, "...end of observation file detected.");
        nll_putmsg(1, MsgStr);

        if ((n_obs_lines <= 0)) { // observations are read from file(s)
        } else { // observation lines are read from memory stream (20101110 AJL)
            // AJL 20101110 - Bug fix for function version

    } /* next observation file */

    nll_putmsg(2, "");
            "No more observation files.  %d events read,  %d events located,  %d locations completed.",
            NumEvents, NumEventsLocated, NumLocationsCompleted);
    nll_putmsg(0, MsgStr);
    nll_putmsg(2, "");

    /* write cumulative arrival statistics */
    if (!iSaveNone) {
        for (ngrid = 0; ngrid < NumLocGrids; ngrid++) {
            if (LocGridSave[ngrid]) {
                sprintf(fname, "%s.sum.grid%d.loc.stat", fn_path_output, ngrid);
                if ((fpio = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) {
                            "ERROR: opening cumulative phase statistics output file", fname);
                    return_value = EXIT_ERROR_FILEIO;
                    goto cleanup_return;
                } else {
                WriteStaStatTable(ngrid, fpio,
                        RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max,
                        P_ResidualMax, S_ResidualMax, Ell_Len3_Max, Hypo_Depth_Min, Hypo_Depth_Max, Hypo_Dist_Max, WRITE_RESIDUALS);
                WriteStaStatTable(ngrid, fpio,
                        RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max,
                        P_ResidualMax, S_ResidualMax, Ell_Len3_Max, Hypo_Depth_Min, Hypo_Depth_Max, Hypo_Dist_Max, WRITE_RES_DELAYS);
                WriteStaStatTable(ngrid, fpio,
                        RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max,
                        P_ResidualMax, S_ResidualMax, Ell_Len3_Max, Hypo_Depth_Min, Hypo_Depth_Max, Hypo_Dist_Max, WRITE_PDF_RESIDUALS);
                WriteStaStatTable(ngrid, fpio,
                        RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max,
                        P_ResidualMax, S_ResidualMax, Ell_Len3_Max, Hypo_Depth_Min, Hypo_Depth_Max, Hypo_Dist_Max, WRITE_PDF_DELAYS);
                // save to last
                sprintf(sys_command, "cp %s %slast.stat", fname, f_outpath);
                // write delays only
                sprintf(fname, "%s.sum.grid%d.loc.stat_totcorr", fn_path_output, ngrid);
                if ((fpio = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) {
                            "ERROR: opening total phase corrections output file", fname);
                    return_value = EXIT_ERROR_FILEIO;
                    goto cleanup_return;
                } else {
                WriteStaStatTable(ngrid, fpio,
                        RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max,
                        P_ResidualMax, S_ResidualMax, Ell_Len3_Max, Hypo_Depth_Min, Hypo_Depth_Max, Hypo_Dist_Max, WRITE_RES_DELAYS);
                // save to last
                sprintf(sys_command, "cp %s %slast.stat_totcorr", fname, f_outpath);

    /* write station list */
    if (!iSaveNone) {
        for (ngrid = 0; ngrid < NumLocGrids; ngrid++)
            if (LocGridSave[ngrid]) {
                sprintf(fname, "%s.sum.grid%d.loc.stations", fn_path_output, ngrid);
                if ((fpio = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) {
                            "ERROR: opening cumulative phase statistics output file", fname);
                    return_value = EXIT_ERROR_FILEIO;
                    goto cleanup_return;
                } else {
                WriteStationList(fpio, StationList, NumStations);
                // save to last
                sprintf(sys_command, "cp %s %slast.stations", fname, f_outpath);

    // clean up before leaving NLLoc function

    //  20141219 AJL - bug? fix, moved here from inside events/obs loop!

    if (!iSaveNone)

    if (fp_model_grid_P != NULL) {
        CloseGrid3dFile(&fp_model_grid_P, &fp_model_hdr_P);
    if (fp_model_grid_S != NULL) {
        CloseGrid3dFile(&fp_model_grid_S, &fp_model_hdr_S);

    // AEH/AJL 20080709
    if (Arrival != NULL) {
        Arrival = NULL;

    // AJL 20101110 - Bug fix for function version
    for (ngrid = 0; ngrid < NumLocGrids; ngrid++) {
        // 20100607 AJL added to prevent valgrind error of not-freed blocks

    // AJL 20100929 - Bug fix for function version
    // free any allocated surface data
    if (topo_surface_index >= 0) {
    for (n = 0; n < NumTimeDelaySurface; n++) {
        free_surface(model_surface + n);

    if (bp_memory_stream != NULL) {
        bp_memory_stream = NULL;

    return (return_value);
