MV_BOOL bfGppOutEnableRegBitTest(MV_32 bit)
	if (bit < 0)
		return MV_FALSE;

	if (bit < 32)
		return MV_REG_READ(GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(1)) & BIT(bit - 32) ? MV_TRUE : MV_FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
* mvGppValueSet - Set a GPP Pin list value.
*       This function set value for given GPP pin list.
*       group - GPP group number
*       mask  - 32bit mask value. Each set bit in the mask means that the 
*               value of corresponding GPP will be set accordingly. Other GPP 
*               are not affected.
*       value - 32bit value that describes GPP value per pin.
*       None.
*       Set GPP8 value of '0' and GPP15 value of '1'.
*       mvGppActiveSet(0, (GPP8 | GPP15), ((0 & GPP8) | (GPP15)) );
*       None.
MV_STATUS mvGppValueSet (MV_U32 group, MV_U32 mask, MV_U32 value)
	MV_U32 outEnable;
	MV_U32 i;

	if (group >= MV_GPP_MAX_GROUP)
		DB(mvOsPrintf("mvGppValueSet: Error invalid group number \n"));
		return MV_BAD_PARAM;

	/* verify that the gpp pin is configured as output 		*/
	/* Note that in the register out enabled -> bit = '0'. 	*/
	outEnable = ~MV_REG_READ(GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(group));

	for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ;i++)
		if (((mask & (1 << i)) & (outEnable & (1 << i))) != (mask & (1 << i)))
			mvOsPrintf("mvGppValueSet: Err. An attempt to set output "\
					   "value to GPP %d in input mode.\n", i);
			return MV_ERROR;

	gppRegSet(group, GPP_DATA_OUT_REG(group), mask, value);

	return MV_OK;

Exemplo n.º 3
* mvGppTypeSet - Enable a GPP (OUT) pin
*       group - GPP group number
*       mask  - 32bit mask value. Each set bit in the mask means that the type
*               of corresponding GPP will be set. Other GPPs are ignored.
*       value - 32bit value that describes GPP type per pin.
*       None.
*       Set GPP8 to input and GPP15 to output.
*       mvGppTypeSet(0, (GPP8 | GPP15), 
*                    ((MV_GPP_IN & GPP8) | (MV_GPP_OUT & GPP15)) );
*       None.
MV_STATUS mvGppTypeSet(MV_U32 group, MV_U32 mask, MV_U32 value)
	if (group >= MV_GPP_MAX_GROUP)
		DB(mvOsPrintf("mvGppTypeSet: ERR. invalid group number \n"));
		return MV_BAD_PARAM;

	gppRegSet(group, GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(group), mask, value);

    /* Workaround for Erratum FE-MISC-70*/
    if(mvCtrlRevGet()==MV_88F6XXX_A0_REV && (group == 1))
        mask &= 0x2;
        gppRegSet(0, GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(0), mask, value);
    } /*End of WA*/

	return MV_OK;

Exemplo n.º 4
* mvGppTypeSet - Enable a GPP (OUT) pin
*       group - GPP group number
*       mask  - 32bit mask value. Each set bit in the mask means that the type
*               of corresponding GPP will be set. Other GPPs are ignored.
*       value - 32bit value that describes GPP type per pin.
*       None.
*       Set GPP8 to input and GPP15 to output.
*       mvGppTypeSet(0, (GPP8 | GPP15), 
*                    ((MV_GPP_IN & GPP8) | (MV_GPP_OUT & GPP15)) );
*       None.
MV_STATUS mvGppTypeSet(MV_U32 group, MV_U32 mask, MV_U32 value)
	if (group >= MV_GPP_MAX_GROUP)
		DB(mvOsPrintf("mvGppTypeSet: ERR. invalid group number \n"));
		return MV_BAD_PARAM;

	gppRegSet(group, GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(group), mask, value);

	return MV_OK;

Exemplo n.º 5
* mvGppValueSet - Set a GPP Pin list value.
*       This function set value for given GPP pin list.
*       group - GPP group number
*       mask  - 32bit mask value. Each set bit in the mask means that the 
*               value of corresponding GPP will be set accordingly. Other GPP 
*               are not affected.
*       value - 32bit value that describes GPP value per pin.
*       None.
*       Set GPP8 value of '0' and GPP15 value of '1'.
*       mvGppActiveSet(0, (GPP8 | GPP15), ((0 & GPP8) | (GPP15)) );
*       None.
MV_STATUS mvGppValueSet (MV_U32 group, MV_U32 mask, MV_U32 value)
	MV_U32 outEnable, tmp;
	MV_U32 i;

	if (group >= MV_GPP_MAX_GROUP)
		DB(mvOsPrintf("mvGppValueSet: Error invalid group number \n"));
		return MV_BAD_PARAM;

	/* verify that the gpp pin is configured as output 		*/
	/* Note that in the register out enabled -> bit = '0'. 	*/
	outEnable = ~MV_REG_READ(GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(group));

    /* Workaround for Erratum FE-MISC-70*/
    if(mvCtrlRevGet()==MV_88F6XXX_A0_REV && (group == 1))
        tmp = ~MV_REG_READ(GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(0));
        outEnable &= 0xfffffffd;
        outEnable |= (tmp & 0x2);
    } /*End of WA*/

	for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ;i++)
		if (((mask & (1 << i)) & (outEnable & (1 << i))) != (mask & (1 << i)))
			mvOsPrintf("mvGppValueSet: Err. An attempt to set output "\
					   "value to GPP %d in input mode.\n", i);
			return MV_ERROR;

	gppRegSet(group, GPP_DATA_OUT_REG(group), mask, value);

	return MV_OK;

Exemplo n.º 6
void recoveryDetection(void)
	MV_32 stateButtonBit = mvBoarGpioPinNumGet(BOARD_GPP_WPS_BUTTON,0);
	MV_32 buttonHigh = 0;
	char* env;

	/* Check if auto recovery is enabled */
	env = getenv("enaAutoRecovery");
	if(!env || ( (strcmp(env,"yes") == 0) || (strcmp(env,"Yes") == 0) ) )
		rcvrflag = 0;

	if (stateButtonBit == MV_ERROR)
		rcvrflag = 0;

	if (stateButtonBit > 31)
		stateButtonBit = stateButtonBit % 32;
		buttonHigh = 1;

	/* Set state input indication pin as input */

	/* check if recovery triggered - button is pressed */
	if (!(MV_REG_READ(GPP_DATA_IN_REG(buttonHigh)) & (1 << stateButtonBit)))
		rcvrflag = 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
int __init buffaloLedDriver_init (void)
    int i;
    char buf[1024];
    struct proc_dir_entry *pde;

    FUNCTRACE(printk("%s > Entered.\n",__FUNCTION__));

    pde = proc_mkdir("buffalo/gpio", 0);
    pde = proc_mkdir("buffalo/gpio/led", 0);
    pde = proc_mkdir("buffalo/gpio/switch", 0);
    pde = proc_mkdir("buffalo/gpio/fan", 0);
    pde = proc_mkdir("buffalo/gpio/power_control", 0);
    pde = create_proc_info_entry ("buffalo/power_sw", 0, 0, gpio_power_read_proc);

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/all", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloAllLedReadProc;
    pde->write_proc= BuffaloAllLedWriteProc;

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/cpu_status", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloCpuStatusReadProc;
    pde->write_proc = BuffaloCpuStatusWriteProc;

    if (BIT_LED_ALARM >= 0) {

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/alarm", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedWriteProc;
        alarmLed.mppNumber = BIT_LED_ALARM;
        pde->data = &alarmLed;

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/alarm_blink", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkWriteProc;
        pde->data = &alarmLed;

    if (BIT_LED_INFO >= 0) {

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/info", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedWriteProc;
        infoLed.mppNumber = BIT_LED_INFO;
        pde->data = &infoLed;

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/info_blink", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkWriteProc;
        pde->data = &infoLed;

    if (BIT_LED_PWR >= 0) {

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/power", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedWriteProc;
        powerLed.mppNumber = BIT_LED_PWR;
        pde->data = &powerLed;

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/power_blink", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkWriteProc;
        pde->data = &powerLed;

    if (BIT_LED_FUNC >= 0) {

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/func", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedWriteProc;
        funcLed.mppNumber = BIT_LED_FUNC;
        pde->data = &funcLed;

        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/func_blink", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloLedBlinkWriteProc;
        pde->data = &funcLed;

    if (BIT_LED_ETH >= 0) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/led/eth", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloEthLedReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloEthLedWriteProc;

    for (i=0; i<BUF_NV_SIZE_BIT_HDD_POWER; i++) {
        if (bitHddPower[i] < 0)

        sprintf(buf, "buffalo/gpio/power_control/hdd%d", i);
        pde = create_proc_entry(buf, 0, 0);
        if (pde != NULL) {
            pde->read_proc = BuffaloHddReadProc;
            pde->write_proc= BuffaloHddWriteProc;
            pde->owner = THIS_MODULE;
            pde->data = (void *)i;

    for (i=0; i<BUF_NV_SIZE_BIT_USB_POWER; i++) {
        if (bitUsbPower[i] < 0)

        sprintf(buf, "buffalo/gpio/power_control/usb%d", i);
        pde = create_proc_entry(buf, 0, NULL);
        if (pde != NULL) {
            pde->read_proc = BuffaloUsbReadProc;
            pde->write_proc = BuffaloUsbWriteProc;
            pde->owner = THIS_MODULE;
            pde->data = (void *)i;

    if (use_slide_power == 1) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/switch/power", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloPowerReadProc;
//		pde->write_proc = BuffaloPowerReadProc;

        pde = create_proc_info_entry("buffalo/gpio/switch/slide_switch", 0, 0, BuffaloSlideSwitchReadProc);

    if (BIT_AUTO_POWER >= 0) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/switch/auto_power", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloAutoPowerReadProc;
//		pde->write_proc = BuffaloAutoPowerReadProc;

    if (use_slide_power == 1 || BIT_AUTO_POWER >= 0) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/switch/sw_control", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloSwPollingReadProc;
        pde->write_proc = BuffaloSwPollingWriteProc;

    if (BIT_FUNC >= 0) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/switch/func", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloFuncReadProc;
        //		pde->write_proc= BuffaloFuncReadProc;

    if (BIT_FAN_LOW >= 0 && BIT_FAN_HIGH) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/fan/control", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloFanControlReadProc;
        pde->write_proc= BuffaloFanControlWriteProc;

    if (BIT_FAN_LCK >= 0) {
        pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/fan/lock", 0, 0);
        pde->read_proc = BuffaloFanStatusReadProc;
        pde->write_proc= BuffaloFanStatusWriteProc;

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/data_out_register", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloGpioRegisterReadProc;
    pde->write_proc= BuffaloGpioRegisterWriteProc;
    pde->data = (void *)GPP_DATA_OUT_REG(0);

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/data_out_enable_register", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloGpioRegisterReadProc;
    pde->write_proc= BuffaloGpioRegisterWriteProc;
    pde->data = (void *)GPP_DATA_OUT_EN_REG(0);

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/blink_enable_register", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloGpioRegisterReadProc;
    pde->write_proc= BuffaloGpioRegisterWriteProc;
    pde->data = (void *)GPP_BLINK_EN_REG(0);

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/data_in_polarity_register", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloGpioRegisterReadProc;
    pde->write_proc= BuffaloGpioRegisterWriteProc;
    pde->data = (void *)GPP_DATA_IN_POL_REG(0);

    pde = create_proc_entry("buffalo/gpio/data_in_register", 0, 0);
    pde->read_proc = BuffaloGpioRegisterReadProc;
    pde->write_proc= BuffaloGpioRegisterWriteProc;
    pde->data = (void *)GPP_DATA_IN_REG(0);

    if (Buffalo_has_PM()) {
        for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
            sprintf(buf, "buffalo/gpio/power_control/hdd%d", i);
            pde = create_proc_entry(buf, 0, 0);
            if (pde != NULL) {
                pde->read_proc = BuffaloPMHddPowerReadProc;
                pde->write_proc= BuffaloPMHddPowerWriteProc;
                pde->owner = THIS_MODULE;
                pde->data = (void *)i;

            sprintf(buf, "buffalo/gpio/led/pm_diag_led%d", i);
            pde = create_proc_entry(buf, 0, 0);
            if (pde != NULL) {
                pde->read_proc = BuffaloPMHddDiagLedReadProc;
                pde->write_proc= BuffaloPMHddDiagLedWriteProc;
                pde->owner = THIS_MODULE;
                pde->data = (void *)i;

    printk("%s %s Ver.%s installed.\n", DRIVER_NAME, AUTHOR, BUFFALO_DRIVER_VER);
    return 0;