Exemplo n.º 1
void CActorInstance::RenderToShadowMap()
	if (RENDER_MODE_BLEND == m_iRenderMode)
	if (GetAlphaValue() < 0.5f)


	if (m_pkHorse)
Exemplo n.º 2
 void  BlotScaledImageSizedEx ( ImageFile *pifDest, ImageFile *pifSrc
                                    , int32_t xd, int32_t yd
                                    , uint32_t wd, uint32_t hd
                                    , int32_t xs, int32_t ys
                                    , uint32_t ws, uint32_t hs
                                    , uint32_t nTransparent
                                    , uint32_t method, ... )
     // integer scalar... 0x10000 = 1
	CDATA *po, *pi;
	static uint32_t lock;
	uint32_t  oo;
	uint32_t srcwidth;
	int errx, erry;
	uint32_t dhd, dwd, dhs, dws;
	va_list colors;
	va_start( colors, method );
	//lprintf( WIDE("Blot enter (%d,%d)"), _wd, _hd );
	if( nTransparent > ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_MAX )
	if( !pifSrc ||  !pifDest
	   || !pifSrc->image //|| !pifDest->image
	   || !wd || !hd || !ws || !hs )

	if( ( xd > ( pifDest->x + pifDest->width ) )
	  || ( yd > ( pifDest->y + pifDest->height ) )
	  || ( ( xd + (signed)wd ) < pifDest->x )
		|| ( ( yd + (signed)hd ) < pifDest->y ) )
	dhd = hd;
	dhs = hs;
	dwd = wd;
	dws = ws;

	// ok - how to figure out how to do this
	// need to update the position and width to be within the 
	// the bounds of pifDest....
	//lprintf(" begin scaled output..." );
	errx = -(signed)dwd;
	erry = -(signed)dhd;

	if( xd < pifDest->x )
		while( xd < pifDest->x )
			errx += (signed)dws;
			while( errx >= 0 )
	            errx -= (signed)dwd;
	//Log8( WIDE("Blot scaled params: %d %d %d %d / %d %d %d %d "), 
	//       xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd );
	if( yd < pifDest->y )
		while( yd < pifDest->y )
			erry += (signed)dhs;
			while( erry >= 0 )
				erry -= (signed)dhd;
	//Log8( WIDE("Blot scaled params: %d %d %d %d / %d %d %d %d "), 
	//       xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd );
	if( ( xd + (signed)wd ) > ( pifDest->x + pifDest->width) )
		//int newwd = TOFIXED(pifDest->width);
		//ws -= ((int64_t)( (int)wd - newwd)* (int64_t)ws )/(int)wd;
		wd = ( pifDest->x + pifDest->width ) - xd;
	//Log8( WIDE("Blot scaled params: %d %d %d %d / %d %d %d %d "), 
	//       xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd );
	if( ( yd + (signed)hd ) > (pifDest->y + pifDest->height) )
		//int newhd = TOFIXED(pifDest->height);
		//hs -= ((int64_t)( hd - newhd)* hs )/hd;
		hd = (pifDest->y + pifDest->height) - yd;
	if( (int32_t)wd <= 0 ||
       (int32_t)hd <= 0 ||
       (int32_t)ws <= 0 ||
		 (int32_t)hs <= 0 )
	//Log9( WIDE("Image locations: %d(%d %d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d)")
	//          , xs, FROMFIXED(xs), FIXEDPART(xs)
	//          , ys, FROMFIXED(ys)
	//          , xd, FROMFIXED(xd)
	//          , yd, FROMFIXED(yd) );
	// set pointer in to the starting x pixel
	// on the last line of the image to be copied 
	pi = IMG_ADDRESS( pifSrc, (xs), (ys) );
	po = IMG_ADDRESS( pifDest, (xd), (yd) );
	oo = 4*(-((signed)wd) - (pifDest->pwidth) ); // w is how much we can copy...
	// adding in multiple of 4 because it's C...
	srcwidth = -(4* pifSrc->pwidth);
	// set pointer in to the starting x pixel
	// on the first line of the image to be copied...
	pi = IMG_ADDRESS( pifSrc, (xs), (ys) );
	po = IMG_ADDRESS( pifDest, (xd), (yd) );
	oo = 4*(pifDest->pwidth - (wd)); // w is how much we can copy...
	// adding in multiple of 4 because it's C...
	srcwidth = 4* pifSrc->pwidth;
	while( LockedExchange( &lock, 1 ) )
   //Log8( WIDE("Do blot work...%d(%d),%d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d)")
   //    , ws, FROMFIXED(ws), hs, FROMFIXED(hs) 
	//    , wd, FROMFIXED(wd), hd, FROMFIXED(hd) );

	if( ( pifDest->flags & IF_FLAG_FINAL_RENDER )
		&& !( pifDest->flags & IF_FLAG_IN_MEMORY ) )
		int updated = 0;
		Image topmost_parent;

		// closed loop to get the top imgae size.
		for( topmost_parent = pifSrc; topmost_parent->pParent; topmost_parent = topmost_parent->pParent );

		ReloadOpenGlTexture( pifSrc, 0 );
		if( !pifSrc->glActiveSurface )
			lprintf( WIDE( "gl texture hasn't downloaded or went away?" ) );
			lock = 0;
		//lprintf( WIDE( "use regular texture %p (%d,%d)" ), pifSrc, pifSrc->width, pifSrc->height );

			int glDepth = 1;
			VECTOR v1[2], v3[2], v4[2], v2[2];
			int v = 0;
			double x_size, x_size2, y_size, y_size2;
			 * only a portion of the image is actually used, the rest is filled with blank space
			TranslateCoord( pifDest, &xd, &yd );
			TranslateCoord( pifSrc, &xs, &ys );

			v1[v][0] = xd;
			v1[v][1] = yd;
			v1[v][2] = 0.0;

			v2[v][0] = xd;
			v2[v][1] = yd+hd;
			v2[v][2] = 0.0;

			v3[v][0] = xd+wd;
			v3[v][1] = yd+hd;
			v3[v][2] = 0.0;

			v4[v][0] = xd+wd;
			v4[v][1] = yd;
			v4[v][2] = 0.0;

			x_size = (double) xs/ (double)topmost_parent->width;
			x_size2 = (double) (xs+ws)/ (double)topmost_parent->width;
			y_size = (double) ys/ (double)topmost_parent->height;
			y_size2 = (double) (ys+hs)/ (double)topmost_parent->height;

			while( pifDest && pifDest->pParent )
				glDepth = 0;
				if( pifDest->transform )
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v1[1-v], v1[v] );
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v2[1-v], v2[v] );
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v3[1-v], v3[v] );
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v4[1-v], v4[v] );
					v = 1-v;
				pifDest = pifDest->pParent;
			if( pifDest->transform )
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v1[1-v], v1[v] );
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v2[1-v], v2[v] );
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v3[1-v], v3[v] );
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v4[1-v], v4[v] );
				v = 1-v;
#if 0
			if( glDepth )
				//lprintf( WIDE( "enqable depth..." ) );
				glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
				//lprintf( WIDE( "disable depth..." ) );
				glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pifSrc->glActiveSurface);				// Select Our Texture
			if( method == BLOT_COPY )
				glColor4ub( 255,255,255,255 );
			else if( method == BLOT_SHADED )
				CDATA tmp = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
				glColor4ubv( (GLubyte*)&tmp );
			else if( method == BLOT_MULTISHADE )
#if !defined( __ANDROID__ )
				if( glUseProgram && l.glActiveSurface->shader.multi_shader )
					int err;
					CDATA r = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA g = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA b = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					glUseProgram( l.glActiveSurface->shader.multi_shader );
					err = glGetError();
					glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 0, (float)GetRedValue( r )/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue( r )/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue( r )/255.0f, (float)GetAlphaValue( r )/255.0f );
					err = glGetError();
					glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 1, (float)GetRedValue( g )/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue( g )/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue( g )/255.0f, (float)GetAlphaValue( g )/255.0f );
					err = glGetError();
					glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 2, (float)GetRedValue( b )/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue( b )/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue( b )/255.0f, (float)GetAlphaValue( b )/255.0f );					
					err = glGetError();
					Image output_image;
					CDATA r = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA g = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA b = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					output_image = GetShadedImage( pifSrc, r, g, b );
					glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, output_image->glActiveSurface );
					glColor4ub( 255,255,255,255 );
			else if( method == BLOT_INVERTED )
#if !defined( __ANDROID__ )
				if( l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader )
					int err;
					//lprintf( WIDE( "HAVE SHADER %d" ), l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader );
					glUseProgram( l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader );
					err = glGetError();
					Image output_image;
					//lprintf( WIDE( "DID NOT HAVE SHADER" ) );
					output_image = GetInvertedImage( pifSrc );
					glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, output_image->glActiveSurface );
					glColor4ub( 255,255,255,255 );

			// Front Face
			//glColor4ub( 255,120,32,192 );
			scale( v1[v], v1[v], l.scale );
			scale( v2[v], v2[v], l.scale );
			scale( v3[v], v3[v], l.scale );
			scale( v4[v], v4[v], l.scale );
			glTexCoord2f(x_size, y_size); glVertex3fv(v1[v]);	// Bottom Left Of The Texture and Quad
			glTexCoord2f(x_size, y_size2); glVertex3fv(v2[v]);	// Bottom Right Of The Texture and Quad
			glTexCoord2f(x_size2, y_size); glVertex3fv(v4[v]);	// Top Left Of The Texture and Quad
			glTexCoord2f(x_size2, y_size2); glVertex3fv(v3[v]);	// Top Right Of The Texture and Quad
			// Back Face
#if !defined( __ANDROID__ )
			if( method == BLOT_MULTISHADE )
				if( l.glActiveSurface->shader.multi_shader )
			else if( method == BLOT_INVERTED )
				if( l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader )
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);				// Select Our Texture

	else switch( method )
	case BLOT_COPY:
		if( !nTransparent )
			cBlotScaledT0( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth );       
		else if( nTransparent == 1 )
			cBlotScaledT1( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth );       
		else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT )
			cBlotScaledTImgA( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, nTransparent&0xFF );
		else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_INVERT )
			cBlotScaledTImgAI( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, nTransparent&0xFF );        
			cBlotScaledTA( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, nTransparent );        
		if( !nTransparent )
			cBlotScaledShadedT0( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
		else if( nTransparent == 1 )
			cBlotScaledShadedT1( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
		else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT )
			cBlotScaledShadedTImgA( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, nTransparent&0xFF, va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
		else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_INVERT )
			cBlotScaledShadedTImgAI( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, nTransparent&0xFF, va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
			cBlotScaledShadedTA( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth, nTransparent, va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
			CDATA r,g,b;
			r = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
			g = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
			b = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
			if( !nTransparent )
				cBlotScaledMultiT0( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth
									  , r, g, b );
			else if( nTransparent == 1 )
				cBlotScaledMultiT1( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth
									  , r, g, b );
			else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT )
				cBlotScaledMultiTImgA( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth
										  , nTransparent & 0xFF
										  , r, g, b );
			else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_INVERT )
				cBlotScaledMultiTImgAI( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth
											, nTransparent & 0xFF
											, r, g, b );
				cBlotScaledMultiTA( po, pi, errx, erry, wd, hd, dwd, dhd, dws, dhs, oo, srcwidth
									  , nTransparent
									  , r, g, b );
	lock = 0;
//   Log( WIDE("Blot done") );
Exemplo n.º 3
//#include "../../../code/image_proc/image/hsi.hpp"
CColorAdjustDialog::DrawPreview(CPaintDC& dc, RECT* rect)
  if (!m_blit_tile || m_blit_tile->GetPixels() == NULL || rect == NULL) {
    return false;
  const int width  = m_blit_tile->GetWidth();
  const int height = m_blit_tile->GetHeight();
  int current_width = m_Width;
  if (current_width > width)
    current_width = width;
  int current_height = m_Height;
  if (current_height > height)
    current_height = height;
  BGRA* pixels = (BGRA*) m_blit_tile->GetPixels();
  for (int iy = 0; iy < current_height; iy++) {
    for (int ix = 0; ix < current_width; ix++) {
      pixels[iy * width + ix].red   = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].red;
      pixels[iy * width + ix].green = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].green;
      pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].blue;
      pixels[iy * width + ix].alpha = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].alpha;
  int red_value   = GetRedValue();
  int green_value = GetGreenValue();
  int blue_value  = GetBlueValue();
  int alpha_value = GetAlphaValue();
  int use_red   = ShouldUseRedChannel();
  int use_green = ShouldUseGreenChannel();
  int use_blue  = ShouldUseBlueChannel();
  int use_alpha = ShouldUseAlphaChannel();
  int method = 0;
  if (method == 0)
    for (int iy = 0; iy < current_height; iy++) {
      for (int ix = 0; ix < current_width; ix++) {
        if (use_red)   pixels[iy * width + ix].red   += red_value;
        if (use_green) pixels[iy * width + ix].green += green_value;
        if (use_blue)  pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  += blue_value;
        if (use_alpha) pixels[iy * width + ix].alpha += alpha_value;
    double h_value = ((double)red_value   / (double)255.0) * ((double)2.0 * 3.14);
    double s_value = ((double)green_value / (double)255.0);
    double i_value = ((double)blue_value  / (double)255.0);
    for (int iy = 0; iy < current_height; iy++) {
      for (int ix = 0; ix < current_width; ix++) {
        double r = pixels[iy * width + ix].red   / 255.0;
        double g = pixels[iy * width + ix].green / 255.0;
        double b = pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  / 255.0;
        double h, s, i;
        RGBtoHSI(r, g, b, &h, &s, &i);
        if (use_red)   h += h_value;
        if (use_green) s += s_value;
        if (use_blue)  i += i_value;
        if (use_alpha) pixels[iy * width + ix].alpha += alpha_value;
        HSItoRGB(h, s, i, &r, &g, &b);
        pixels[iy * width + ix].red   = r * 255;
        pixels[iy * width + ix].green = g * 255;
        pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  = b * 255;
  dc.BitBlt(rect->left, rect->top, current_width, current_height, CDC::FromHandle(m_blit_tile->GetDC()), 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
  if (1) {
    rect->left += current_width;
    dc.FillRect(rect, CBrush::FromHandle((HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)));
    rect->left -= current_width;
    rect->top += current_height;
    dc.FillRect(rect, CBrush::FromHandle((HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)));
    rect->top -= current_height;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// x, y is position
// xs, ys is starting position on source bitmap (x, y is upper left) + xs, ys )
// w, h is height and width of the image to use.
// default behavior is to omit copying 0 pixels for transparency
// overlays....
 void  BlotImageSizedEx ( ImageFile *pifDest, ImageFile *pifSrc
                              , int32_t xd, int32_t yd
                              , int32_t xs, int32_t ys
                              , uint32_t ws, uint32_t hs
                              , uint32_t nTransparent
                              , uint32_t method
                              , ... )
	PCDATA po, pi;
	//int  hd, wd;
	uint32_t oo, oi; // treated as an adder... it is unsigned by math, but still results correct offset?
	static uint32_t lock;
	va_list colors;
	va_start( colors, method );
	if( nTransparent > ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_MAX )

	if(  !pifSrc
		|| !pifSrc->image
		|| !pifDest
		//|| !pifDest->image

		// this will happen when mixing modes...
		lprintf( WIDE( "sanity check failed %p %p %p" ), pifSrc, pifDest, pifSrc?pifSrc->image:NULL );
	//lprintf( WIDE( "BlotImageSized %d,%d to %d,%d by %d,%d" ), xs, ys, xd, yd, ws, hs );

		int tmp;
		r1.x = xd;
		r1.y = yd;
		r1.width = ws;
		r1.height = hs;
		r2.x = pifDest->eff_x;
		r2.y = pifDest->eff_y;
		tmp = (pifDest->eff_maxx - pifDest->eff_x) + 1;
		if( tmp < 0 )
			r2.width = 0;
			r2.width = (IMAGE_SIZE_COORDINATE)tmp;
		tmp = (pifDest->eff_maxy - pifDest->eff_y) + 1;
		if( tmp < 0 )
			r2.height = 0;
			r2.height = (IMAGE_SIZE_COORDINATE)tmp;
		if( !IntersectRectangle( &rd, &r1, &r2 ) )
			//lprintf( WIDE( "Images do not overlap. %d,%d %d,%d vs %d,%d %d,%d" ), r1.x,r1.y,r1.width,r1.height
			//		 , r2.x,r2.y,r2.width,r2.height);

		//lprintf( WIDE( "Correcting coordinates by %d,%d" )
		//		 , rd.x - xd
		//		 , rd.y - yd
		//		 );

		xs += rd.x - xd;
		ys += rd.y - yd;
		tmp = rd.x - xd;
		if( tmp > 0 && (unsigned)tmp > ws )
			ws = 0;
			if( tmp < 0 )
				ws += (unsigned)-tmp;
				ws -= (unsigned)tmp;
		tmp = rd.y - yd;
		if( tmp > 0 && (unsigned)tmp > hs )
			hs = 0;
			if( tmp < 0 )
				hs += (unsigned)-tmp;
				hs -= (unsigned)tmp;
		//lprintf( WIDE( "Resulting dest is %d,%d %d,%d" ), rd.x,rd.y,rd.width,rd.height );
		xd = rd.x;
		yd = rd.y;
		r1.x = xs;
		r1.y = ys;
		r1.width = ws;
		r1.height = hs;
		r2.x = pifSrc->eff_x;
		r2.y = pifSrc->eff_y;
		tmp = (pifSrc->eff_maxx - pifSrc->eff_x) + 1;
		if( tmp < 0 )
			r2.width = 0;
			r2.width = (IMAGE_SIZE_COORDINATE)tmp;
		tmp = (pifSrc->eff_maxy - pifSrc->eff_y) + 1;
		if( tmp < 0 )
			r2.height = 0;
			r2.height = (IMAGE_SIZE_COORDINATE)tmp;
		if( !IntersectRectangle( &rs, &r1, &r2 ) )
			lprintf( WIDE( "Desired Output does not overlap..." ) );
		//lprintf( WIDE( "Resulting dest is %d,%d %d,%d" ), rs.x,rs.y,rs.width,rs.height );
		ws = rs.width<rd.width?rs.width:rd.width;
		hs = rs.height<rd.height?rs.height:rd.height;
		xs = rs.x;
		ys = rs.y;
		//lprintf( WIDE( "Resulting rect is %d,%d to %d,%d dim: %d,%d" ), rs.x, rs.y, rd.x, rd.y, rs.width, rs.height );
		//lprintf( WIDE( "Resulting rect is %d,%d to %d,%d dim: %d,%d" ), xs, ys, xd, yd, ws, hs );
		//lprintf( WIDE(WIDE( "Doing image (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)" )), xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd );
	if( (int32_t)ws <= 0 ||
        (int32_t)hs <= 0 /*||
        (int32_t)wd <= 0 ||
		(int32_t)hd <= 0 */ )
		lprintf( WIDE( "out of bounds" ) );
	// set pointer in to the starting x pixel
	// on the last line of the image to be copied
	//pi = IMG_ADDRESS( pifSrc, xs, ys );
	//po = IMG_ADDRESS( pifDest, xd, yd );
	pi = IMG_ADDRESS( pifSrc, xs, ys );
	po = IMG_ADDRESS( pifDest, xd, yd );
//cpg 19 Jan 2007 2>c:\work\sack\src\imglib\blotdirect.c(492) : warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
//cpg 19 Jan 2007 2>c:\work\sack\src\imglib\blotdirect.c(493) : warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
	oo = 4*-(int)(ws+pifDest->pwidth);     // w is how much we can copy...
	oi = 4*-(int)(ws+pifSrc->pwidth); // adding remaining width...
	// set pointer in to the starting x pixel
	// on the first line of the image to be copied...
	pi = IMG_ADDRESS( pifSrc, xs, ys );
	po = IMG_ADDRESS( pifDest, xd, yd );
	oo = 4*(pifDest->pwidth - ws);     // w is how much we can copy...
	oi = 4*(pifSrc->pwidth - ws); // adding remaining width...
	//lprintf( WIDE("Doing image (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)"), xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd );
	//oo = 4*(pifDest->pwidth - ws);     // w is how much we can copy...
	//oi = 4*(pifSrc->pwidth - ws); // adding remaining width...
	while( LockedExchange( &lock, 1 ) )

	if( ( pifDest->flags & IF_FLAG_FINAL_RENDER )
		&& !( pifDest->flags & IF_FLAG_IN_MEMORY ) )
		Image topmost_parent;

		ReloadOpenGlTexture( pifSrc, 0 );
		if( !pifSrc->glActiveSurface )
	        //lprintf( WIDE( "gl texture hasn't updated or went away?" ) );
		    lock = 0;
		//lprintf( WIDE( "use regular texture %p (%d,%d)" ), pifSrc, pifSrc->width, pifSrc->height );
      //DebugBreak();        g

		// closed loop to get the top imgae size.
		for( topmost_parent = pifSrc; topmost_parent->pParent; topmost_parent = topmost_parent->pParent );

		 * only a portion of the image is actually used, the rest is filled with blank space
		TranslateCoord( pifDest, &xd, &yd );
		TranslateCoord( pifSrc, &xs, &ys );
			int glDepth = 1;
			double x_size, x_size2, y_size, y_size2;
			VECTOR v1[2], v3[2],v4[2],v2[2];
			int v = 0;

			v1[v][0] = xd;
			v1[v][1] = yd;
			v1[v][2] = 0.0;

			v2[v][0] = xd;
			v2[v][1] = yd+hs;
			v2[v][2] = 0.0;

			v3[v][0] = xd+ws;
			v3[v][1] = yd+hs;
			v3[v][2] = 0.0;

			v4[v][0] = xd+ws;
			v4[v][1] = yd;
			v4[v][2] = 0.0;

			x_size = (double) xs/ (double)topmost_parent->width;
			x_size2 = (double) (xs+ws)/ (double)topmost_parent->width;
			y_size = (double) ys/ (double)topmost_parent->height;
			y_size2 = (double) (ys+hs)/ (double)topmost_parent->height;
			// Front Face
			//glColor4ub( 255,120,32,192 );
			//lprintf( WIDE( "Texture size is %g,%g to %g,%g" ), x_size, y_size, x_size2, y_size2 );
			while( pifDest && pifDest->pParent )
				glDepth = 0;
				if( pifDest->transform )
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v1[1-v], v1[v] );
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v2[1-v], v2[v] );
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v3[1-v], v3[v] );
					Apply( pifDest->transform, v4[1-v], v4[v] );
					v = 1-v;
				pifDest = pifDest->pParent;
			if( pifDest->transform )
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v1[1-v], v1[v] );
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v2[1-v], v2[v] );
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v3[1-v], v3[v] );
				Apply( pifDest->transform, v4[1-v], v4[v] );
				v = 1-v;
#if 0
			if( glDepth )
				//lprintf( WIDE( "enqable depth..." ) );
				glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
				//lprintf( WIDE( "disable depth..." ) );
				glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pifSrc->glActiveSurface);				// Select Our Texture
			if( method == BLOT_COPY )
				glColor4ub( 255,255,255,255 );
			else if( method == BLOT_SHADED )
				CDATA tmp = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
				glColor4ubv( (GLubyte*)&tmp );
			else if( method == BLOT_MULTISHADE )
#if !defined( __ANDROID__ )
				if( glUseProgram && l.glActiveSurface->shader.multi_shader )
					int err;
					CDATA r = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA g = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA b = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					glUseProgram( l.glActiveSurface->shader.multi_shader );
					err = glGetError();
					glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 0, (float)GetRedValue( r )/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue( r )/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue( r )/255.0f, (float)GetAlphaValue( r )/255.0f );
					err = glGetError();
					glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 1, (float)GetRedValue( g )/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue( g )/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue( g )/255.0f, (float)GetAlphaValue( g )/255.0f );
					err = glGetError();
					glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 2, (float)GetRedValue( b )/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue( b )/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue( b )/255.0f, (float)GetAlphaValue( b )/255.0f );					
					err = glGetError();
					Image output_image;
					CDATA r = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA g = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					CDATA b = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
					output_image = GetShadedImage( pifSrc, r, g, b );
					glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, output_image->glActiveSurface );
					glColor4ub( 255,255,255,255 );
			else if( method == BLOT_INVERTED )
#if !defined( __ANDROID__ )
				if( l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader )
					int err;
					glUseProgram( l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader );
					err = glGetError();
					Image output_image;
					output_image = GetInvertedImage( pifSrc );
					glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, output_image->glActiveSurface );
					glColor4ub( 255,255,255,255 );
			scale( v1[v], v1[v], l.scale );
			scale( v2[v], v2[v], l.scale );
			scale( v3[v], v3[v], l.scale );
			scale( v4[v], v4[v], l.scale );
			glTexCoord2f(x_size, y_size); glVertex3fv(v1[v]);	// Bottom Left Of The Texture and Quad
			glTexCoord2f(x_size, y_size2); glVertex3fv(v2[v]);	// Top Left Of The Texture and Quad
			glTexCoord2f(x_size2, y_size); glVertex3fv(v4[v]);	// Bottom Right Of The Texture and Quad
			glTexCoord2f(x_size2, y_size2); glVertex3fv(v3[v]);	// Top Right Of The Texture and Quad
			// Back Face
#if !defined( __ANDROID__ )
			if( method == BLOT_MULTISHADE )
				if( l.glActiveSurface->shader.multi_shader )
			else if( method == BLOT_INVERTED )
				if( l.glActiveSurface->shader.inverse_shader )
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);				// Select Our Texture
		switch( method )
		case BLOT_COPY:
			if( !nTransparent )
				CopyPixelsT0( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs );
			else if( nTransparent == 1 )
				CopyPixelsT1( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs );
			else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT )
				CopyPixelsTImgA( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent & 0xFF);
			else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_INVERT )
				CopyPixelsTImgAI( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent & 0xFF );
				CopyPixelsTA( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent );
			if( !nTransparent )
				CopyPixelsShadedT0( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs
                           , va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
			else if( nTransparent == 1 )
				CopyPixelsShadedT1( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs
                           , va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
			else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT )
				CopyPixelsShadedTImgA( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent & 0xFF
                           , va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
			else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_INVERT )
				CopyPixelsShadedTImgAI( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent & 0xFF
                           , va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
				CopyPixelsShadedTA( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent
                           , va_arg( colors, CDATA ) );
				CDATA r,g,b;
				r = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
				g = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
				b = va_arg( colors, CDATA );
				//lprintf( WIDE( "r g b %08x %08x %08x" ), r,g, b );
				if( !nTransparent )
					CopyPixelsMultiT0( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs
										  , r, g, b );
				else if( nTransparent == 1 )
					CopyPixelsMultiT1( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs
										  , r, g, b );
				else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT )
					CopyPixelsMultiTImgA( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent & 0xFF
											  , r, g, b );
				else if( nTransparent & ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_INVERT )
					CopyPixelsMultiTImgAI( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent & 0xFF
												, r, g, b );
					CopyPixelsMultiTA( po, pi, oo, oi, ws, hs, nTransparent
										  , r, g, b );
		MarkImageUpdated( pifDest );
	lock = 0;
	//lprintf( WIDE( "Image done.." ) );