Exemplo n.º 1
 * Utility Functions _________________________________________________________________
static BOOL OnSalvage()
    if (IsButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_SERVER)) {
	pszPartitionName = 0;
	pszVolumeName = 0;
    } else if (IsButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_PARTITION)) {
	pszPartitionName = szPartitionName;
	pszVolumeName = 0;
    } else if (IsButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_VOLUME)) {
	pszPartitionName = szPartitionName;
	pszVolumeName = szVolumeName;

    nNumProcesses = DEFAULT_NUM_PROCESSES;
    if (IsButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_NUM_PROCESSES_CHECKBOX)) {
	nNumProcesses = _ttoi(szNumProcesses);
	if ((nNumProcesses < MIN_NUM_PROCESSES) || (nNumProcesses > MAX_NUM_PROCESSES)) {
	    return FALSE;

    if (!g_CfgData.bReuseAdminInfo) {
        if (!GetAdminInfo(hDlg, GAIO_LOGIN_ONLY))
	    return FALSE;

        if (!GetHandles(hDlg))
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
QList<SmartPointer<ExtensionHandle> >
RegistryObjectManager::GetExtensionsFromContributor(const QString& contributorId) const
  QList<int> ids = GetExtensionsFrom(contributorId);
  QList<ExtensionHandle::Pointer> result;
  foreach(Handle::Pointer handle, GetHandles(ids, EXTENSION))
Exemplo n.º 3
static BOOL PrepareToConfig()
    BOOL bMustExit = FALSE;

    // Use a local copy of the config info to decide what should be configured
    // or unconfigured.  We do this so that if the user cancels for some reason,
    // the real config state will still be what the user expects (what was
    // previously read from the system plus the user's changes).
    CONFIG_STATE configFS = g_CfgData.configFS;     // File server
    CONFIG_STATE configDB = g_CfgData.configDB;     // Database server
    CONFIG_STATE configBak = g_CfgData.configBak;   // Backup server
    CONFIG_STATE configSCS = g_CfgData.configSCS;   // System Control server
    CONFIG_STATE configSCC = g_CfgData.configSCC;   // System Control client

    BOOL bWorkToDo = FALSE;

    bWorkToDo |= PrepareToConfig(configFS, bFsRunning, bFsOn, IDC_FS_SERVICE);
    bWorkToDo |= PrepareToConfig(configDB, bDbRunning, bDbOn, IDC_DB_SERVICE);
    bWorkToDo |= PrepareToConfig(configBak, bBakRunning, bBakOn, IDC_BK_SERVICE);
    bWorkToDo |= PrepareToConfig(configSCS, bScsRunning, bScsOn, IDC_SCS);
    bWorkToDo |= PrepareToConfig(configSCC, bSccRunning, bSccOn, IDC_SCC);

    // If there is nothing to do, then just return TRUE.
    if (!bWorkToDo)
        return TRUE;

    // If we are unconfiguring the last DB server:
    //		1) Warn user and ask for confirmation
    //		2) Unconfigure all other servers that are running on this machine
    //		3) Tell them (after unconfiguring) that they must run the Wizard if they
    //		   wish to reconfigure the machine, then exit the program.
    if (configDB == CS_UNCONFIGURE) {
	if (g_CfgData.bLastDBServer) {
	    int nChoice = MsgBox(hDlg, IDS_LAST_DB_SERVER, GetAppTitleID(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
	    if (nChoice == IDNO)
		return FALSE;

	    // Make sure these all get unconfigured as well.  If they are not configured, then
	    // nothing bad will happen because the config calls are idempotent.
	    configFS = CS_UNCONFIGURE;
	    configBak = CS_UNCONFIGURE;
	    configSCS = CS_UNCONFIGURE;
	    configSCC = CS_UNCONFIGURE;

    // Get additional needed information from the user
    BOOL bDB = (ShouldConfig(configDB) || ShouldUnconfig(configDB));

    // Use this as our default
    eOptions = GAIO_LOGIN_ONLY;

    // If we already have a sys control machine, then we don't need to ask for it
    if (ShouldConfig(configSCC)) {
	if (szScMachine[0] == 0) {
	    ShowWarning(hDlg, IDS_MUST_ENTER_SCS_NAME);
	    return FALSE;
	lstrcpy(g_CfgData.szSysControlMachine, szScMachine);
    } else if (bDB && !g_CfgData.bLastDBServer) {
        // We need to know the name of the SCM machine.  Are we the SCM machine?
        if (bScsRunning)
            lstrcpy(g_CfgData.szSysControlMachine, g_CfgData.szHostname);
	    eOptions = GAIO_GET_SCS;

    // If doing a login only and the admin info is reusable
    if ((eOptions != GAIO_LOGIN_ONLY) || !g_CfgData.bReuseAdminInfo) {
    	if (!GetAdminInfo(hDlg, eOptions))
	    return FALSE;

        // Use the admin info to get new handles
        if (!GetHandles(hDlg))
            return FALSE;

    // Now that we are ready to configure, copy our local config info
    // into the structure that the config engine uses.
    g_CfgData.configFS = configFS;
    g_CfgData.configDB = configDB;
    g_CfgData.configBak = configBak;
    g_CfgData.configSCS = configSCS;
    g_CfgData.configSCC = configSCC;

    // Configure the server
    BOOL bConfigSucceeded = Configure(hDlg, bMustExit);
    if (bConfigSucceeded) {
        if (bMustExit) {
	    return TRUE;
        g_CfgData.bReuseAdminInfo = TRUE;
    } else
        g_CfgData.szAdminPW[0] = 0;

    // Get current config status
    BOOL bCanceled = FALSE;
    DWORD dwStatus = GetCurrentConfig(hDlg, bCanceled);
    if (dwStatus || bCanceled) {
	if (!bCanceled)
	    ErrorDialog(dwStatus, IDS_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED);

    // Show the initial services config

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool Tpm2::DispatchOut(TPM_CC _command, TpmStructureBase *_req)
    if (phaseTwoExpected) {
        throw runtime_error("A TPM command has been dispatched before the previous async-command has been processed.  Call Cancel() if you need to abort");

    OutByteBuf reqBuf;
    StructMarshallInfo *reqInfo = NULL;
    vector<byte> commBuf;
    int handleAreaSize = 0;

    authHandleCount = 0;

    if (_req != NULL) {
        reqInfo = TheTypeMap.GetStructMarshallInfo(_req->GetTypeId());
        handleAreaSize = reqInfo->HandleCount * 4;
        authHandleCount = reqInfo->AuthHandleCount;

    sessions = false;
    numSessions = 0;
    sessionsTag = TPM_ST::NO_SESSIONS;

    vector<BYTE> sessionBuf;

    // AuthValues are always retrieved from the object handle. If no explicit sessions
    // are provided then the auth-value is retrieved for all sessions that require auth
    // and PWAP is used.
    // If explicit sessions are provided then the explicit sessions are used (either a
    // session handle, or a AUTH_SESSION::PWAP(), if PWAP is desired for a handle).
    // If there are not enough explicit sessions, then an error is generated.

    int numExplicitSessions = Sessions.size();

    GetHandles(_req, reqInfo, inHandles);

    if (numExplicitSessions != 0) {
        if (authHandleCount > Sessions.size()) {
            throw runtime_error("Too few explicit sessions");

    // Do we have sessions of either type?
    if (authHandleCount != 0 || numExplicitSessions != 0) {
        sessions = true;
        sessionsTag = TPM_ST::SESSIONS;

    int commandLen;

    if (_req != NULL) {
        commBuf = _req->ToBuf();

    commandLen = 10 + commBuf.size();

    if (sessions) {

        DoParmEncryption(_req, commBuf, true);

        // No explicit sessions, but auth needed for one or more handles we fabricate
        // some PWAP sessions
        if (authHandleCount > 0 && numExplicitSessions == 0) {

            for (size_t j = 0; j < authHandleCount; j++) {
                Sessions[j] = &PwapSession;

            numExplicitSessions = authHandleCount;
            numSessions = authHandleCount;

        // Then we can process the real or fabricated sessions
        numSessions = Sessions.size();
        vector<BYTE> commBufNoHandles = VectorSlice(commBuf, handleAreaSize,
                                                    commBuf.size() - handleAreaSize);
        GetAuthSessions(sessionBuf, _command, commBufNoHandles, authHandleCount, inHandles);
        commandLen += sessionBuf.size() + 4;

    // Construct the command buffer

    OutByteBuf outCommand;

    // First the standard header
    outCommand << (UINT16)sessionsTag << (UINT32)commandLen << (UINT32)_command;

    // Add the handes (if any).
    outCommand.AddSlice(commBuf, 0, handleAreaSize);

    // Add the sessionLen + sessions (if any).
    if (sessions) {
        outCommand << (UINT32)sessionBuf.size() << sessionBuf;

    // Add the rest of the command (handles already added)
    outCommand.AddSlice(commBuf, handleAreaSize, commBuf.size() - handleAreaSize);

    // Command buffer complete

    if ((CpHash != NULL) || AuditThisCommand  ) {
        // Non-NULL CpHash indicates that the caller wants the CpHash, 
        // but does not want the command invoked.
        OutByteBuf cpBuf;
        cpBuf << ToIntegral(_command);

        for (auto i = inHandles.begin(); i != inHandles.end(); i++) {
            cpBuf << (*i)->GetName();

        cpBuf.AddSlice(commBuf, handleAreaSize, commBuf.size() - handleAreaSize);

        if (CpHash != NULL) {
            CpHash->digest = CryptoServices::Hash(CpHash->hashAlg, cpBuf.GetBuf());
            phaseTwoExpected = false;
            CpHash = NULL;
            return false;

        // Else we are auditing this command
        LastCommandAuditCpHash.digest = CryptoServices::Hash(CommandAuditHash.hashAlg, cpBuf.GetBuf());
        cout << "CpHash: " << LastCommandAuditCpHash.digest << endl;

    // Tpms can be used for operations that do not directly involve the TPM: e.g. getting
    // a CpHash, but if we get to thhis point we really need a TPM...

    if (device == NULL) {
        throw runtime_error("No TPM device.  Use _SetDevice() or the constructor that takes a TpmDevice*");

    // And send it to the TPM
    std::vector<BYTE>& commandBuf = outCommand.GetBuf();
    vector<BYTE> tempRespBuf;

    lastCommandBuf = commandBuf;

    UpdateHandleDataCommand(_command, _req);

    respBuf = tempRespBuf;
    phaseTwoExpected = true;
    commandBeingProcessed = _command;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
static ssize_t RecvResponse(struct NaClSrpcMessageChannel* channel,
                            NaClSrpcRpc* rpc,
                            NaClSrpcArg** results) {
  NaClSrpcArg* result_copy[NACL_SRPC_MAX_ARGS + 1];
  struct NaClImcMsgIoVec iov[IOV_ENTRY_MAX];
  const size_t kMaxIovLen = NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(iov);
  size_t iov_len = 0;
  NaClSrpcMessageHeader header;
  NaClSrpcImcDescType descs[NACL_SRPC_MAX_ARGS];
  size_t expected_bytes;
  ssize_t retval;
  size_t i;

  if (results == NULL) {
                "RecvResponse: results should not be NULL\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EINVAL;
    goto done;
   * SrpcPeekMessage should have been called before this function, and should
   * have populated rpc.  Make sure that rpc points to a sane header.
  if (rpc->is_request ||
      rpc->template_len > 0 ||
      rpc->value_len > NACL_SRPC_MAX_ARGS ||
      rpc->value_len != VectorLen(results)) {
                "RecvResponse: rpc header invalid: is_request %"NACL_PRIu32", "
                "template_len %"NACL_PRIu32", value_len %"NACL_PRIu32"\n",
    return -NACL_ABI_EINVAL;

   * Having read the header we know how many elements the results vector
   * contains.  The next peek reads the fixed portion of the results vectors,
   * but cannot yet read the variable length portion, because we do not yet
   * know the counts of array types or strings.  Because the results read
   * could conflict with the expected types, we need to read the fixed portion
   * into a copy.
  if (!AllocateArgs(result_copy, rpc->value_len)) {
                "RecvResponse: AllocateArgs failed\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EINVAL;
    goto done;
  iov_len = 0;
  expected_bytes = 0;
  AddIovEntry(rpc, kRpcSize, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  for (i = 0; i < rpc->value_len; ++i) {
    AddIovEntry(result_copy[i], kArgSize, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len,
  header.iov = iov;
  header.iov_length = (nacl_abi_size_t) iov_len;
  retval = NaClSrpcMessageChannelPeek(channel, &header);
  if (retval < (ssize_t) expected_bytes) {
                "RecvResponse: NaClSrpcMessageChannelPeek incomplete: "
                "expected %"NACL_PRIdS", got %"NACL_PRIdS"\n",
    retval = ErrnoFromImcRet(retval);
    goto done;

   * Check that the peeked results vector's types conform to the types passed
   * in and that any nonfixed size arguments are no larger than the counts
   * passed in from the caller.  If the values are acceptable, we copy the
   * actual sizes to the caller's vector.
  if (!CheckMatchAndCopyCounts(rpc->value_len, results, result_copy)) {
                "RecvResponse: CheckMatchAndCopyCounts failed\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EIO;
    goto done;

   * After peeking the fixed portion of the results vector we are ready to
   * read the nonfixed portion as well.  So the read just adds the IOV entries
   * for the nonfixed portion of results.
  iov_len = 0;
  expected_bytes = 0;
  AddIovEntry(rpc, kRpcSize, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  AddFixed(results, rpc->value_len, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  if (!AddNonfixedForRead(results, rpc->value_len, kMaxIovLen,
                          0, 1, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes)) {
                "RecvResponse: AddNonfixedForRead failed\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EIO;
    goto done;
  header.iov = iov;
  header.iov_length = (nacl_abi_size_t) iov_len;
  retval = NaClSrpcMessageChannelReceive(channel, &header);
  if (retval < (ssize_t) expected_bytes) {
                "RecvResponse: NaClSrpcMessageChannelReceive incomplete: "
                "expected %"NACL_PRIdS", got %"NACL_PRIdS"\n",
    retval = ErrnoFromImcRet(retval);
    goto done;

   * The read left any descriptors returned in the descs array.  We need to
   * copy those descriptors to the results vector.
  if (!GetHandles(results, rpc->value_len,
                  descs, header.NACL_SRPC_MESSAGE_HEADER_DESC_LENGTH)) {
                "RecvResponse: GetHandles failed\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EIO;

  return retval;
Exemplo n.º 6
static ssize_t RecvRequest(struct NaClSrpcMessageChannel* channel,
                           NaClSrpcRpc* rpc,
                           NaClSrpcArg** inputs,
                           NaClSrpcArg** results) {
  struct NaClImcMsgIoVec iov[IOV_ENTRY_MAX];
  const size_t kMaxIovLen = NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(iov);
  size_t iov_len;
  NaClSrpcMessageHeader header;
  NaClSrpcImcDescType descs[NACL_SRPC_MAX_ARGS];
  size_t expected_bytes;
  ssize_t retval;

   * SrpcPeekMessage should have been called before this function, and should
   * have populated rpc.  Make sure that rpc points to a sane header.
  if (!rpc->is_request ||
      rpc->template_len > NACL_SRPC_MAX_ARGS ||
      rpc->value_len > NACL_SRPC_MAX_ARGS) {
                "RecvRequest: rpc header invalid: is_request %"NACL_PRIu32", "
                "template_len %"NACL_PRIu32", value_len %"NACL_PRIu32"\n",
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EINVAL;
    goto done;
   * A request will contain two vectors of NaClSrpcArgs.  Set the index
   * pointers passed in to new argument vectors that will be filled during
   * the next peek.
  if (!AllocateArgs(results, rpc->template_len) ||
      !AllocateArgs(inputs, rpc->value_len)) {
                "RecvRequest: AllocateArgs failed\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EINVAL;
    goto done;

   * Having read the header we know how many elements each argument vector
   * contains.  The next peek reads the fixed portion of these argument vectors,
   * but cannot yet read the variable length portion, because we do not yet
   * know the counts of array types or strings.
  iov_len = 0;
  expected_bytes = 0;
  AddIovEntry(rpc, kRpcSize, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  AddFixed(results, rpc->template_len, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len,
  AddFixed(inputs, rpc->value_len, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  header.iov = iov;
  header.iov_length = (nacl_abi_size_t) iov_len;
  retval = NaClSrpcMessageChannelPeek(channel, &header);
  if (retval < (ssize_t) expected_bytes) {
                "NaClSrpcMessageChannelPeek incomplete: expected %"
                NACL_PRIdS", got %"NACL_PRIdS"\n",
    retval = ErrnoFromImcRet(retval);
    goto done;

   * After peeking the fixed portion of the argument vectors we are ready to
   * read the nonfixed portions as well.  So the read just adds the IOV entries
   * for the nonfixed portions of the arguments.
  iov_len = 0;
  expected_bytes = 0;
  AddIovEntry(rpc, kRpcSize, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  ClearTemplateStringLengths(results, rpc->template_len);
  AddFixed(results, rpc->template_len, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len,
  AddFixed(inputs, rpc->value_len, kMaxIovLen, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes);
  if (!AddNonfixedForRead(results, rpc->template_len, kMaxIovLen,
                          1, 0, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes)) {
                "RecvRequest: AllocateArgs failed for results\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EIO;
    goto done;
  if (!AddNonfixedForRead(inputs, rpc->value_len, kMaxIovLen,
                          1, 1, iov, &iov_len, &expected_bytes)) {
                "RecvRequest: AllocateArgs failed for inputs\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EIO;
    goto done;
  header.iov = iov;
  header.iov_length = (nacl_abi_size_t) iov_len;
  retval = NaClSrpcMessageChannelReceive(channel, &header);
  if (retval < (ssize_t) expected_bytes) {
                " NaClSrpcMessageChannelReceive incomplete: expected %"
                NACL_PRIdS", got %"NACL_PRIdS"\n",
    retval = ErrnoFromImcRet(retval);
    goto done;

   * The read left any descriptors passed in the descs array.  We need to
   * copy those descriptors to the inputs vector.
  if (!GetHandles(inputs, rpc->value_len,
                  descs, header.NACL_SRPC_MESSAGE_HEADER_DESC_LENGTH)) {
                "RecvRequest: GetHandles failed\n");
    retval = -NACL_ABI_EIO;
    goto done;
   * Success, the caller has taken ownership of the memory we allocated
   * for inputs and results.
  inputs = NULL;
  results = NULL;

  return retval;