Exemplo n.º 1
/** Compute the size of a dialog window. */
void ComputeDimensions(const ClientNode *np)

    const ScreenType *sp;
    int width;
    int x;


    /* Get the min width from the size of the buttons. */
    if(!minWidth) {
        minWidth = GetStringWidth(FONT_MENU, GetCancelString()) * 3;
        width = GetStringWidth(FONT_MENU, GetOKString()) * 3;
        if(width > minWidth) {
            minWidth = width;
        minWidth += 16 * 3;
    dialog->width = minWidth;

    /* Take into account the size of the message. */
    for(x = 0; x < dialog->lineCount; x++) {
        width = GetStringWidth(FONT_MENU, dialog->message[x]);
        if(width > dialog->width) {
            dialog->width = width;
    dialog->lineHeight = GetStringHeight(FONT_MENU);
    dialog->width += 8;
    dialog->height = (dialog->lineCount + 2) * dialog->lineHeight;

    if(np) {

        dialog->x = np->x + (np->width - dialog->width) / 2;
        dialog->y = np->y + (np->height - dialog->height) / 2;

        if(dialog->x < 0) {
            dialog->x = 0;
        if(dialog->y < 0) {
            dialog->y = 0;
        if(dialog->x + dialog->width >= rootWidth) {
            dialog->x = rootWidth - dialog->width - (settings.borderWidth * 2);
        if(dialog->y + dialog->height >= rootHeight) {
            dialog->y = rootHeight - dialog->height
                        - (settings.borderWidth * 2 + settings.titleHeight);

    } else {

        sp = GetMouseScreen();

        dialog->x = (sp->width - dialog->width) / 2 + sp->x;
        dialog->y = (sp->height - dialog->height) / 2 + sp->y;


Exemplo n.º 2
/** Compute the size of a dialog window. */
void ComputeDimensions(DialogType *dp) {

   const ScreenType *sp;
   int width;
   int x;


   /* Get the min width from the size of the buttons. */
   if(!minWidth) {
      minWidth = GetStringWidth(FONT_MENU, CANCEL_STRING) * 3;
      width = GetStringWidth(FONT_MENU, OK_STRING) * 3;
      if(width > minWidth) {
         minWidth = width;
      minWidth += 16 * 3;
   dp->width = minWidth;

   /* Take into account the size of the message. */
   for(x = 0; x < dp->lineCount; x++) {
      width = GetStringWidth(FONT_MENU, dp->message[x]);
      if(width > dp->width) {
         dp->width = width;
   dp->lineHeight = GetStringHeight(FONT_MENU);
   dp->width += 8;
   dp->height = (dp->lineCount + 2) * dp->lineHeight;

   if(dp->client) {

      dp->x = dp->client->x + (dp->client->width - dp->width) / 2;
      dp->y = dp->client->y + (dp->client->height - dp->height) / 2;

      if(dp->x < 0) {
         dp->x = 0;
      if(dp->y < 0) {
         dp->y = 0;
      if(dp->x + dp->width >= rootWidth) {
         dp->x = rootWidth - dp->width - (borderWidth * 2);
      if(dp->y + dp->height >= rootHeight) {
         dp->y = rootHeight - dp->height - (borderWidth * 2 + titleHeight);

   } else {

      sp = GetMouseScreen();

      dp->x = (sp->width - dp->width) / 2 + sp->x;
      dp->y = (sp->height - dp->height) / 2 + sp->y;


Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: place.c Projeto: KarlGodt/jwm
/** Cascade placement. */
void CascadeClient(const BoundingBox *box, ClientNode *np)

   const ScreenType *sp;
   int north, south, east, west;
   int cascadeIndex;
   char overflow;

   GetBorderSize(&np->state, &north, &south, &east, &west);
   sp = GetMouseScreen();
   cascadeIndex = sp->index * settings.desktopCount + currentDesktop;

   /* Set the cascaded location. */
   np->x = box->x + west + cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex];
   np->y = box->y + north + cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex];
   cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex] += settings.borderWidth
                                 + settings.titleHeight;

   /* Check for cascade overflow. */
   overflow = 0;
   if(np->x + np->width - box->x > box->width) {
      overflow = 1;
   } else if(np->y + np->height - box->y > box->height) {
      overflow = 1;

   if(overflow) {
      cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex] = settings.borderWidth
                                   + settings.titleHeight;
      np->x = box->x + west + cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex];
      np->y = box->y + north + cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex];

      /* Check for client overflow and update cascade position. */
      if(np->x + np->width - box->x > box->width) {
         np->x = box->x + west;
      } else if(np->y + np->height - box->y > box->height) {
         np->y = box->y + north;
      } else {
         cascadeOffsets[cascadeIndex] += settings.borderWidth
                                       + settings.titleHeight;


Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: place.c Projeto: KarlGodt/jwm
/** Place a client on the screen. */
void PlaceClient(ClientNode *np, char alreadyMapped)

   BoundingBox box;
   const ScreenType *sp;


   if(alreadyMapped || (!(np->state.status & STAT_PIGNORE)
                        && (np->sizeFlags & (PPosition | USPosition)))) {

      GravitateClient(np, 0);
      if(!alreadyMapped) {

   } else {

      sp = GetMouseScreen();
      GetScreenBounds(sp, &box);
      SubtractTrayBounds(GetTrays(), &box, np->state.layer);
      SubtractStrutBounds(&box, np);

      /* If tiled is specified, first attempt to use tiled placement. */
      if(np->state.status & STAT_TILED) {
         if(TileClient(&box, np)) {

      /* Either tiled placement failed or was not specified. */
      if(np->state.status & STAT_CENTERED) {
         CenterClient(&box, np);
      } else {
         CascadeClient(&box, np);

