Exemplo n.º 1
void EDA_TEXT::Draw( EDA_RECT* aClipBox, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                     EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                     EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aFillMode, EDA_COLOR_T aAnchor_color )
    if( m_MultilineAllowed )
        std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
        wxArrayString  strings;
        wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings, '\n' );
        positions.reserve( strings.Count() );

        GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(positions, strings.Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings.Count(); ii++ )
            wxString& txt = strings.Item( ii );
            drawOneLineOfText( aClipBox, aDC, aOffset, aColor,
                               aDrawMode, aFillMode, txt, positions[ii] );
        drawOneLineOfText( aClipBox, aDC, aOffset, aColor,
                           aDrawMode, aFillMode, GetShownText(), m_Pos );

    // Draw text anchor, if requested
    if( aAnchor_color != UNSPECIFIED_COLOR )
        GRDrawAnchor( aClipBox, aDC,
                      m_Pos.x + aOffset.x, m_Pos.y + aOffset.y,
                      DIM_ANCRE_TEXTE, aAnchor_color );
Exemplo n.º 2
void SCH_TEXT::Plot( PLOTTER* aPlotter )
    static std::vector <wxPoint> Poly;
    COLOR4D  color = GetLayerColor( GetLayer() );
    int      tmp = GetThickness();
    int      thickness = GetPenSize();

    // Two thicknesses are set here:
    // The first is for EDA_TEXT, which controls the interline spacing based on text thickness
    // The second is for the output that sets the actual stroke size
    SetThickness( thickness );
    aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( thickness );

    if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
        std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
        wxArrayString strings_list;
        wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings_list, '\n' );
        positions.reserve( strings_list.Count() );

        GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(positions, (int) strings_list.Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings_list.Count(); ii++ )
            wxPoint textpos = positions[ii] + GetSchematicTextOffset();
            wxString& txt = strings_list.Item( ii );
            aPlotter->Text( textpos, color, txt, GetTextAngle(), GetTextSize(),
                            GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                            thickness, IsItalic(), IsBold() );
        wxPoint textpos = GetTextPos() + GetSchematicTextOffset();

        aPlotter->Text( textpos, color, GetShownText(), GetTextAngle(), GetTextSize(),
                        GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                        thickness, IsItalic(), IsBold() );

    // Draw graphic symbol for global or hierarchical labels
    CreateGraphicShape( Poly, GetTextPos() );

    aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( GetPenSize() );

    if( Poly.size() )
        aPlotter->PlotPoly( Poly, NO_FILL );

    SetThickness( tmp );
void TEXTE_PCB::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygonSet(
                            SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer,
                            int                    aClearanceValue,
                            int                    aCircleToSegmentsCount,
                            double                 aCorrectionFactor ) const
    wxSize size = GetSize();

    if( IsMirrored() )
        size.x = -size.x;

    s_cornerBuffer = &aCornerBuffer;
    s_textWidth  = GetThickness() + ( 2 * aClearanceValue );
    s_textCircle2SegmentCount = aCircleToSegmentsCount;
    EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK;  // not actually used, but needed by DrawGraphicText

    if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
        wxArrayString strings_list;
        wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings_list, '\n' );
        std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
        positions.reserve( strings_list.Count() );
        GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText( positions, strings_list.Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings_list.Count(); ii++ )
            wxString txt = strings_list.Item( ii );
            DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, positions[ii], color,
                             txt, GetOrientation(), size,
                             GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                             GetThickness(), IsItalic(),
                             true, addTextSegmToPoly );
        DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, GetTextPosition(), color,
                         GetShownText(), GetOrientation(), size,
                         GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                         GetThickness(), IsItalic(),
                         true, addTextSegmToPoly );
Exemplo n.º 4
void SCH_TEXT::Plot( PLOTTER* aPlotter )
    static std::vector <wxPoint> Poly;

    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( GetLayer() );
    wxPoint     textpos   = m_Pos + GetSchematicTextOffset();
    int         thickness = GetPenSize();

    aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( thickness );

    if( m_MultilineAllowed )
        std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
        wxArrayString strings_list;
        wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings_list, '\n' );
        positions.reserve( strings_list.Count() );

        GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(positions, strings_list.Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings_list.Count(); ii++ )
            wxString& txt = strings_list.Item( ii );
            aPlotter->Text( positions[ii], color, txt, m_Orient, m_Size, m_HJustify,
                            m_VJustify, thickness, m_Italic, m_Bold );
        aPlotter->Text( textpos, color, GetShownText(), m_Orient, m_Size, m_HJustify,
                        m_VJustify, thickness, m_Italic, m_Bold );

    /* Draw graphic symbol for global or hierarchical labels */
    CreateGraphicShape( Poly, m_Pos );

    aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( GetPenSize() );

    if( Poly.size() )
        aPlotter->PlotPoly( Poly, NO_FILL );
Exemplo n.º 5
void EDA_TEXT::TransformTextShapeToSegmentList( std::vector<wxPoint>& aCornerBuffer ) const
    wxSize size = GetSize();

    if( IsMirrored() )
        NEGATE( size.x );

    s_cornerBuffer = &aCornerBuffer;
    EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK;  // not actually used, but needed by DrawGraphicText

    if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
        wxArrayString* list = wxStringSplit( GetText(), '\n' );
        std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
        positions.reserve( list->Count() );
        GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText( positions, list->Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < list->Count(); ii++ )
            wxString txt = list->Item( ii );
            DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, positions[ii], color,
                             txt, GetOrientation(), size,
                             GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                             GetThickness(), IsItalic(),
                             true, addTextSegmToBuffer );

        delete list;
        DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, GetTextPosition(), color,
                         GetText(), GetOrientation(), size,
                         GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                         GetThickness(), IsItalic(),
                         true, addTextSegmToBuffer );