Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: User.cpp Projeto: b3rend/znc
CString& CUser::ExpandString(const CString& sStr, CString& sRet) const {
	// offset is in hours, so * 60 * 60 gets us seconds
	time_t iUserTime = time(NULL) + (time_t)(m_fTimezoneOffset * 60 * 60);
	char *szTime = ctime(&iUserTime);
	CString sTime;

	if (szTime) {
		sTime = szTime;
		// ctime() adds a trailing newline

	sRet = sStr;
	sRet.Replace("%user%", GetUserName());
	sRet.Replace("%defnick%", GetNick());
	sRet.Replace("%nick%", GetNick());
	sRet.Replace("%altnick%", GetAltNick());
	sRet.Replace("%ident%", GetIdent());
	sRet.Replace("%realname%", GetRealName());
	sRet.Replace("%vhost%", GetBindHost());
	sRet.Replace("%bindhost%", GetBindHost());
	sRet.Replace("%version%", CZNC::GetVersion());
	sRet.Replace("%time%", sTime);
	sRet.Replace("%uptime%", CZNC::Get().GetUptime());
	// The following lines do not exist. You must be on DrUgS!
	sRet.Replace("%znc%", "All your IRC are belong to ZNC");
	// Chosen by fair zocchihedron dice roll by SilverLeo
	sRet.Replace("%rand%", "42");

	return sRet;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: User.cpp Projeto: johnfb/znc
CString& CUser::ExpandString(const CString& sStr, CString& sRet) const {
	CString sTime = CUtils::CTime(time(NULL), m_sTimezone);

	sRet = sStr;
	sRet.Replace("%user%", GetUserName());
	sRet.Replace("%defnick%", GetNick());
	sRet.Replace("%nick%", GetNick());
	sRet.Replace("%altnick%", GetAltNick());
	sRet.Replace("%ident%", GetIdent());
	sRet.Replace("%realname%", GetRealName());
	sRet.Replace("%vhost%", GetBindHost());
	sRet.Replace("%bindhost%", GetBindHost());
	sRet.Replace("%version%", CZNC::GetVersion());
	sRet.Replace("%time%", sTime);
	sRet.Replace("%uptime%", CZNC::Get().GetUptime());
	// The following lines do not exist. You must be on DrUgS!
	sRet.Replace("%znc%", "All your IRC are belong to ZNC");
	// Chosen by fair zocchihedron dice roll by SilverLeo
	sRet.Replace("%rand%", "42");

	return sRet;
Exemplo n.º 3
void pawsBuddyWindow::OnListAction( pawsListBox* widget, int status )
    if (status==LISTBOX_HIGHLIGHTED)
        pawsListBoxRow* row =  widget->GetSelectedRow();
        if ( row )
            currentBuddy = ((pawsTextBox*)row->GetColumn(0))->GetText();

    else if (status == LISTBOX_SELECTED)
        if (currentBuddy.IsEmpty())

        csString title(PawsManager::GetSingleton().Translate("Tell"));
        csString name = GetRealName(currentBuddy);
        title.Append(" " + name);
        pawsStringPromptWindow::Create(title, csString(""),
                                       false, 220, 20, this, name);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: User.cpp Projeto: b3rend/znc
CConfig CUser::ToConfig() {
	CConfig config;
	CConfig passConfig;

	CString sHash;
	switch (m_eHashType) {
	case HASH_NONE:
		sHash = "Plain";
	case HASH_MD5:
		sHash = "MD5";
	case HASH_SHA256:
		sHash = "SHA256";
	passConfig.AddKeyValuePair("Salt", m_sPassSalt);
	passConfig.AddKeyValuePair("Method", sHash);
	passConfig.AddKeyValuePair("Hash", GetPass());
	config.AddSubConfig("Pass", "password", passConfig);

	config.AddKeyValuePair("Nick", GetNick());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("AltNick", GetAltNick());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("Ident", GetIdent());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("RealName", GetRealName());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("BindHost", GetBindHost());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("DCCBindHost", GetDCCBindHost());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("QuitMsg", GetQuitMsg());
	if (CZNC::Get().GetStatusPrefix() != GetStatusPrefix())
		config.AddKeyValuePair("StatusPrefix", GetStatusPrefix());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("Skin", GetSkinName());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("Language", GetLanguage());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("ChanModes", GetDefaultChanModes());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("Buffer", CString(GetBufferCount()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("KeepBuffer", CString(KeepBuffer()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("MultiClients", CString(MultiClients()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("DenyLoadMod", CString(DenyLoadMod()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("Admin", CString(IsAdmin()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("DenySetBindHost", CString(DenySetBindHost()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("TimestampFormat", GetTimestampFormat());
	config.AddKeyValuePair("AppendTimestamp", CString(GetTimestampAppend()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("PrependTimestamp", CString(GetTimestampPrepend()));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("TimezoneOffset", CString(m_fTimezoneOffset));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("JoinTries", CString(m_uMaxJoinTries));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("MaxJoins", CString(m_uMaxJoins));
	config.AddKeyValuePair("IRCConnectEnabled", CString(GetIRCConnectEnabled()));

	// Allow Hosts
	if (!m_ssAllowedHosts.empty()) {
		for (set<CString>::iterator it = m_ssAllowedHosts.begin(); it != m_ssAllowedHosts.end(); ++it) {
			config.AddKeyValuePair("Allow", *it);

	// CTCP Replies
	if (!m_mssCTCPReplies.empty()) {
		for (MCString::const_iterator itb = m_mssCTCPReplies.begin(); itb != m_mssCTCPReplies.end(); ++itb) {
			config.AddKeyValuePair("CTCPReply", itb->first.AsUpper() + " " + itb->second);

	// Modules
	CModules& Mods = GetModules();

	if (!Mods.empty()) {
		for (unsigned int a = 0; a < Mods.size(); a++) {
			CString sArgs = Mods[a]->GetArgs();

			if (!sArgs.empty()) {
				sArgs = " " + sArgs;

			config.AddKeyValuePair("LoadModule", Mods[a]->GetModName() + sArgs);

	// Networks
	for (unsigned int d = 0; d < m_vIRCNetworks.size(); d++) {
		CIRCNetwork *pNetwork = m_vIRCNetworks[d];
		config.AddSubConfig("Network", pNetwork->GetName(), pNetwork->ToConfig());

	return config;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool pawsBuddyWindow::OnButtonReleased(int /*mouseButton*/, int /*keyModifier*/, pawsWidget* widget)
    switch ( widget->GetID() )
        case TELL:
            if ( currentBuddy.Length() == 0 )
                return true;

            csString title(PawsManager::GetSingleton().Translate("Tell"));
            csString name = GetRealName(currentBuddy);
            title.Append(" " + name);
            pawsStringPromptWindow::Create(title, csString(""),
                                           false, 220, 20, this, name);
            return true;
        case REMOVE:
            if ( currentBuddy.Length() == 0 )
                return true;

                                            GetRealName(currentBuddy), false, 220, 20, this, "RemoveBuddy" );            
            return true;
        case ADD:
            pawsStringPromptWindow::Create(PawsManager::GetSingleton().Translate("Add"), csString(""),
                                           false, 220, 20, this, "AddBuddy");            
            return true;

        case EDIT:
            if (currentBuddy.IsEmpty())
                return true;

            if (!editBuddy.IsEmpty())
                // Already editing.
                // Since we store only one name that is being edited, we cannot edit any other names.
                psSystemMessage err(0, MSG_ERROR, 
                                   PawsManager::GetSingleton().Translate("You are already renaming a buddy."));
                return true;

            // Save the real name of the buddy. Player may select another buddy or delete the buddy
            // before clicking OK on the rename window. It is also possible that server removes the
            // buddy while it is edited.
            editBuddy = GetRealName(currentBuddy);

            pawsStringPromptWindow::Create(PawsManager::GetSingleton().Translate("Rename") + " " + editBuddy, 
                                           currentBuddy, false, 220, 20, this, "EditBuddy");
            return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool CUser::WriteConfig(CFile& File) {
	File.Write("<User " + GetUserName().FirstLine() + ">\n");

	if (m_eHashType != HASH_NONE) {
		CString sHash = "md5";
		if (m_eHashType == HASH_SHA256)
			sHash = "sha256";
		if (m_sPassSalt.empty()) {
			PrintLine(File, "Pass", sHash + "#" + GetPass());
		} else {
			PrintLine(File, "Pass", sHash + "#" + GetPass() + "#" + m_sPassSalt + "#");
	} else {
		PrintLine(File, "Pass", "plain#" + GetPass());
	PrintLine(File, "Nick", GetNick());
	PrintLine(File, "AltNick", GetAltNick());
	PrintLine(File, "Ident", GetIdent());
	PrintLine(File, "RealName", GetRealName());
	PrintLine(File, "BindHost", GetBindHost());
	PrintLine(File, "DCCBindHost", GetDCCBindHost());
	PrintLine(File, "QuitMsg", GetQuitMsg());
	if (CZNC::Get().GetStatusPrefix() != GetStatusPrefix())
		PrintLine(File, "StatusPrefix", GetStatusPrefix());
	PrintLine(File, "Skin", GetSkinName());
	PrintLine(File, "ChanModes", GetDefaultChanModes());
	PrintLine(File, "Buffer", CString(GetBufferCount()));
	PrintLine(File, "KeepBuffer", CString(KeepBuffer()));
	PrintLine(File, "MultiClients", CString(MultiClients()));
	PrintLine(File, "BounceDCCs", CString(BounceDCCs()));
	PrintLine(File, "DenyLoadMod", CString(DenyLoadMod()));
	PrintLine(File, "Admin", CString(IsAdmin()));
	PrintLine(File, "DenySetBindHost", CString(DenySetBindHost()));
	PrintLine(File, "DCCLookupMethod", CString((UseClientIP()) ? "client" : "default"));
	PrintLine(File, "TimestampFormat", GetTimestampFormat());
	PrintLine(File, "AppendTimestamp", CString(GetTimestampAppend()));
	PrintLine(File, "PrependTimestamp", CString(GetTimestampPrepend()));
	PrintLine(File, "TimezoneOffset", CString(m_fTimezoneOffset));
	PrintLine(File, "JoinTries", CString(m_uMaxJoinTries));
	PrintLine(File, "MaxJoins", CString(m_uMaxJoins));
	PrintLine(File, "IRCConnectEnabled", CString(GetIRCConnectEnabled()));

	// Allow Hosts
	if (!m_ssAllowedHosts.empty()) {
		for (set<CString>::iterator it = m_ssAllowedHosts.begin(); it != m_ssAllowedHosts.end(); ++it) {
			PrintLine(File, "Allow", *it);


	// CTCP Replies
	if (!m_mssCTCPReplies.empty()) {
		for (MCString::const_iterator itb = m_mssCTCPReplies.begin(); itb != m_mssCTCPReplies.end(); ++itb) {
			PrintLine(File, "CTCPReply", itb->first.AsUpper() + " " + itb->second);


	// Modules
	CModules& Mods = GetModules();

	if (!Mods.empty()) {
		for (unsigned int a = 0; a < Mods.size(); a++) {
			CString sArgs = Mods[a]->GetArgs();

			if (!sArgs.empty()) {
				sArgs = " " + sArgs;

			PrintLine(File, "LoadModule", Mods[a]->GetModName() + sArgs);


	// Servers
	for (unsigned int b = 0; b < m_vServers.size(); b++) {
		PrintLine(File, "Server", m_vServers[b]->GetString());

	// Chans
	for (unsigned int c = 0; c < m_vChans.size(); c++) {
		CChan* pChan = m_vChans[c];
		if (pChan->InConfig()) {
			if (!pChan->WriteConfig(File)) {
				return false;


	return true;