Exemplo n.º 1
int WDL_VirtualComboBox::OnMouseDown(int xpos, int ypos)
  if (m__iaccess) m__iaccess->OnFocused();
  if (m_items.GetSize())
    //SendCommand(WM_COMMAND, GetID()|(CBN_DROPDOWN<<16), 0, this);

    HMENU menu=CreatePopupMenu();
    int x=0;

    HWND h=GetRealParent();
    POINT p={0,};
    WDL_VirtualWnd *w=this;
    while (w)
      RECT r;
    if (h) 

    if (ret>=1000)
    // track menu
      SendCommand(WM_COMMAND,GetID() | (CBN_SELCHANGE<<16),0,this);
      if (a.isOK() && m__iaccess) m__iaccess->OnStateChange();
  return -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
void WDL_VirtualSlider::OnMoveOrUp(int xpos, int ypos, int isup)
  int pos;
  bool isVert = GetIsVert();
  int rsize=m_maxr-m_minr;
  if (rsize<1)rsize=1;

  int viewh=m_position.bottom-m_position.top;
  int vieww=m_position.right-m_position.left;

  LICE_IBitmap *bm_image=m_skininfo ? m_skininfo->thumbimage[isVert] : 0;
  int bm_w=16,bm_h=16;
  if (bm_image)
    if (bm_image)

  int precmode=0;
  if (m_is_knob) isVert=true;

  if (isVert)
#ifndef _WIN32
    if (isup) pos=m_pos;
      if (viewh <= bm_h || m_is_knob || (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000))
        int sc=m_is_knob && !(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000)?4:1;
        pos = m_pos- ((ypos-m_last_y) - (m_is_knob ?xpos-m_last_x:0))*sc;
      pos=m_minr+ (((double)(viewh-bm_h - ypos + m_move_offset)*(double)rsize)/(double)(viewh-bm_h));
    if (pos < m_minr)pos=m_minr;
    else if (pos > m_maxr)pos=m_maxr;

    if (pos != m_pos || isup)
      if (ypos == m_last_y&&(m_is_knob && xpos==m_last_x))

      if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)&0x8000) && isup)


      if (isup || ypos != m_last_y||(m_is_knob&&xpos!=m_last_x))
        if (chk.isOK())
          if (m__iaccess) m__iaccess->OnStateChange();
#ifndef _WIN32
    if (isup) pos=m_pos;
      if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000) || vieww <= bm_w || m_is_knob)
      pos = m_pos+ (xpos-m_last_x);
      pos=m_minr + (((double)(xpos - m_move_offset)*(double)rsize)/(double)(vieww-bm_w));
    if (pos < m_minr)pos=m_minr;
    else if (pos > m_maxr)pos=m_maxr;

    if (pos != m_pos || isup)
      if (xpos == m_last_x)

      if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)&0x8000) && isup)


      if (isup || xpos != m_last_x)
        if (chk.isOK())
          if (m__iaccess) m__iaccess->OnStateChange();
  if (precmode&&GetRealParent())
    if (xpos != m_last_x || ypos != m_last_y)
      POINT p;
#ifdef _WIN32
    #ifdef _WIN32
      if (!m_is_knob)
        POINT pt={0,0};
        WDL_VWnd *wnd=this;
        while (wnd)
          RECT r;

        if (isVert) 
          m_last_y=( viewh - bm_h - (((m_pos-m_minr) * (viewh-bm_h))/rsize))+m_move_offset;
          m_last_x=( (((m_pos-m_minr) * (vieww-bm_w))/rsize))+m_move_offset;
      if (!SetCursorPos(p.x,p.y)) 
        m_last_y = ypos;
        m_last_x = xpos;
    do m_last_precmode++; while (ShowCursor(FALSE)>=0);
    while (m_last_precmode>0) {m_last_precmode--; ShowCursor(TRUE); }
Exemplo n.º 3
void QTVS_Leap::FingerLogic(handIndex hIndex)

  if (ui.checkBox_gesturesParangus->isChecked())

  if (ui.checkBox_gesturesLeap->isChecked())

//DEBUG: Atm we cancel
  // return;

  // 0 -> 4 = left hand
  // 5 -> 9 = right hand
  // So lets use a shift and no redundant code
  int iHandToFingerShift = 0;
  if (hIndex == handRight)
    iHandToFingerShift += 5;

  for (FingerList::const_iterator fl = fingers.begin(); fl != fingers.end(); ++fl) {
    const Finger finger = *fl;
    // std::cout << std::string(4, ' ') <<  fingerNames[finger.type()]
    //           << " finger, id: " << finger.id()
    //           << ", length: " << finger.length()
    //           << "mm, width: " << finger.width() << std::endl;
    Leap::Vector position = finger.stabilizedTipPosition();

    // Convert Leap::Vector position to Screen Coords
    QPoint screenPosition = FingerCursorPosition(position);

    // Lerp coords for smoothness if required
    int xCoord = lerp(fingerTraces.at(finger.type() + iHandToFingerShift)->geometry().left(), screenPosition.x(), dMouseLerpValue);
    int yCoord = lerp(fingerTraces.at(finger.type() + iHandToFingerShift)->geometry().top(), screenPosition.y(), dMouseLerpValue);

    // Qt Doesn't allow different threads to overwride gui locations.
    // Therefore, the usage of events are well, used.
    // This updates visual finger representation to correct location
    QMoveEvent *tEvent = new QMoveEvent(QPoint(xCoord, yCoord), fingerTraces.at(finger.type() + iHandToFingerShift)->pos());
    QCoreApplication::postEvent(fingerTraces.at(finger.type() + iHandToFingerShift), tEvent);

    // Z axis does NOT use stabilized position.
    // Stabilized position is generally used for X/Y movement (2D display)
    // Therefore Z is updated quite poorely. So we used unStabalized position instead
    // Setup position limits (manual testing for values
    position = finger.tipPosition();
    float zFinger = position.z < 0 ? 0 : position.z > 200 ? 200 : position.z;

    // Convert to percentages
    // trim lowerend of percentages
    zFinger /= 200;
    if (zFinger < 0.1) zFinger = 0.1;

    if (hIndex == handLeft)
      // We're on index finger and its close to screen / center of Z-plane on leap motion
      if (finger.type() == leapIndex && zFinger < 0.12)
        POINT pt;
        pt.x = screenPosition.x();
        pt.y = screenPosition.y();

        // if our rect was reset
        // Therefore, we just started to drag
        if (debugWindowDrag_Left.left == -1)
          // Find window under point
          // Find window's dimmensions
          // Find difference between player's finger coords and window's coords
          debugWindowHWND_Left = GetRealParent(WindowFromPoint(pt));

          // Set it as active window if need be.
          if(debugWindowHWND_Left != GetForegroundWindow() && ui.checkBox_DragSetsActive->isChecked())
            // Backup incase SetForegroundWindow fails
            // TODO: Perhaps replace in future? since foreground window DOES faile occasionally.
            // SetWindowPos(debugWindowHWND_Left,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE);

          // Restore window if maximized Section
          WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl = { sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) };
          GetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Left, &wndpl);

          // Determine if window is maximized to begin with
          if (wndpl.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE)
            // Setup the restore command and send it
            wndpl.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
            SetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Left, &wndpl);

            // Center restored window around player's fingers
            int iTempWindowWidth = wndpl.rcNormalPosition.right - wndpl.rcNormalPosition.left;
            int iTempWindowHeight = wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom - wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top;
            MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Left, pt.x - iTempWindowWidth / 2, pt.y - iTempWindowHeight / 2,
                       iTempWindowWidth, iTempWindowHeight, true);

          GetWindowRect(debugWindowHWND_Left, &debugWindowDrag_Left);
          debugWindowDrag_Left.left = pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Left.left;
          debugWindowDrag_Left.top = pt.y -  debugWindowDrag_Left.top;
          debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom = pt.y;//debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom - pt.y;
          debugWindowDrag_Left.right = pt.x;//debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom - pt.y;

        // Setup temp rect for window's width/height
        RECT tRect;
        GetWindowRect(debugWindowHWND_Left, &tRect);

        debugDisplayString = QString::number(pt.y);

        // If left hand and right hand have different HWNDs on drag
        // Proceed with normal drag
        if (debugWindowHWND_Left != debugWindowHWND_Right)
          WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl = { sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) };
          GetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Left, &wndpl);

          // AeroSnap time

          // Maximize window on top
          if (pt.y <= 30 && wndpl.showCmd != SW_MAXIMIZE)
            iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand = 1;
            iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_LeftHand = tRect.right - tRect.left;
            iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_LeftHand = tRect.bottom - tRect.top;
            wndpl.showCmd = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
            SetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Left, &wndpl);

          // AeroSnap Left
          else if (pt.x <= 30)
            if (iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand == 0)
              iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand = 1;

              iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_LeftHand = tRect.right - tRect.left;
              iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_LeftHand = tRect.bottom - tRect.top;

              int wndwidth = (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) / 2;
              int wndheight = rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top;//max(min((rcMonitor.bottom-rcMonitor.top), state.mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y), state.mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y);
              int posx = rcMonitor.left;
              int posy = rcMonitor.top + (rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top) / 2 - wndheight / 2; // Center vertically (if window has a max height)
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Left, posx, posy,
                         wndwidth, wndheight, true);

          // AeroSnap Left
          else if (pt.x >= (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) - 30)
            if (iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand == 0)
              iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand = 1;

              iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_LeftHand = tRect.right - tRect.left;
              iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_LeftHand = tRect.bottom - tRect.top;

              int wndwidth = (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) / 2;
              int wndheight = rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top;//max(min((rcMonitor.bottom-rcMonitor.top), state.mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y), state.mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y);
              int posx = rcMonitor.right - wndwidth;
              int posy = rcMonitor.top + (rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top) / 2 - wndheight / 2; // Center vertically (if window has a max height)
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Left, posx, posy,
                         wndwidth, wndheight, true);

          // Normal Drag
          else if ( pt.y > 30 && pt.x > 30  && (pt.x < (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) - 30 ))

            // some other custom snap is in effect
            if (iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand == 1)
              iDebugWindowRestore_LeftHand = 0;

              if (wndpl.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE)
                // Setup the restore command and send it
                wndpl.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
                SetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Left, &wndpl);
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Left, pt.x - iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_LeftHand / 2, pt.y - iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_LeftHand / 2,
                         iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_LeftHand, iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_LeftHand, true);

            // Nope, just normal drag
            else if (wndpl.showCmd != SW_MAXIMIZE)
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Left, pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Left.left, pt.y - debugWindowDrag_Left.top, tRect.right - tRect.left, tRect.bottom - tRect.top, true);


        // Left and Right hand have same HWNDs
        // Resize mode engadged
        else if(ui.checkBox_ResizeWindows->isChecked()) {
          // Left hand's overview:
          // Horizontal movement = simultaneious change in window's coords + change in width.
          // Vertical movement = change in window's height only.

          // Left reference points:
          // X = hwnd.left
          // Y = hwnd.bottom

          RECT resizeRect;

          resizeRect.top = tRect.top;
          resizeRect.left = tRect.left + (pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Left.right);// / 5;
          resizeRect.right = (tRect.right - resizeRect.left);// - (pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Left.left) ;/// 5;
          resizeRect.bottom = (tRect.bottom - tRect.top) + (pt.y - debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom);// / 5;

          debugWindowDrag_Left.right = pt.x;
          debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom = pt.y;

          MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Left, resizeRect.left, resizeRect.top, resizeRect.right , resizeRect.bottom, true);


      else if (finger.type() == leapIndex && zFinger > 0.15)
        debugWindowDrag_Left.left = -1;
        debugWindowHWND_Left = NULL;

    if (hIndex == handRight)

      if (finger.type() == leapIndex && zFinger < 0.12)

        // debugDisplayString = "TRYIGN";
        POINT pt;
        pt.x = screenPosition.x() - 15;
        pt.y = screenPosition.y() - 15;

        if (debugWindowDrag_Right.left == -1)
          debugWindowHWND_Right = GetRealParent(WindowFromPoint(pt));
          if(debugWindowHWND_Right != GetForegroundWindow() && ui.checkBox_DragSetsActive->isChecked())
            // Backup incase SetForegroundWindow fails
            // TODO: Perhaps replace in future? since foreground window DOES faile occasionally.
            // SetWindowPos(debugWindowHWND_Left,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE);

          GetWindowRect(debugWindowHWND_Right, &debugWindowDrag_Right);
          debugWindowDrag_Right.left = pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Right.left;
          debugWindowDrag_Right.top = pt.y -  debugWindowDrag_Right.top;
          debugWindowDrag_Right.bottom = pt.y;//debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom - pt.y;
          debugWindowDrag_Right.right = pt.x;//debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom - pt.y;

        RECT tRect;
        GetWindowRect(debugWindowHWND_Right, &tRect);

        if (debugWindowHWND_Left != debugWindowHWND_Right)
          WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl = { sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) };
          GetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Right, &wndpl);

          // AeroSnap time

          // Maximize window on top
          if (pt.y <= 30 && wndpl.showCmd != SW_MAXIMIZE)
            iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand = 1;
            iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_RightHand = tRect.right - tRect.left;
            iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_RightHand = tRect.bottom - tRect.top;
            wndpl.showCmd = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
            SetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Right, &wndpl);

          // AeroSnap Left
          else if (pt.x <= 30)
            if (iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand == 0)
              iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand = 1;

              iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_RightHand = tRect.right - tRect.left;
              iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_RightHand = tRect.bottom - tRect.top;

              int wndwidth = (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) / 2;
              int wndheight = rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top;//max(min((rcMonitor.bottom-rcMonitor.top), state.mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y), state.mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y);
              int posx = rcMonitor.left;
              int posy = rcMonitor.top + (rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top) / 2 - wndheight / 2; // Center vertically (if window has a max height)
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Right, posx, posy,
                         wndwidth, wndheight, true);

          // AeroSnap Left
          else if (pt.x >= (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) - 30)
            if (iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand == 0)
              iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand = 1;

              iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_RightHand = tRect.right - tRect.left;
              iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_RightHand = tRect.bottom - tRect.top;

              int wndwidth = (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) / 2;
              int wndheight = rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top;//max(min((rcMonitor.bottom-rcMonitor.top), state.mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y), state.mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y);
              int posx = rcMonitor.right - wndwidth;
              int posy = rcMonitor.top + (rcMonitor.bottom - rcMonitor.top) / 2 - wndheight / 2; // Center vertically (if window has a max height)
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Right, posx, posy,
                         wndwidth, wndheight, true);

          // Normal Drag
          else if ( pt.y > 30 && pt.x > 30  && (pt.x < (rcMonitor.right - rcMonitor.left) - 30 ))

            // some other custom snap is in effect
            if (iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand == 1)
              iDebugWindowRestore_RightHand = 0;

              if (wndpl.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE)
                // Setup the restore command and send it
                wndpl.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
                SetWindowPlacement(debugWindowHWND_Right, &wndpl);
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Right, pt.x - iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_RightHand / 2, pt.y - iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_RightHand / 2,
                         iDebug_PreviousWindowWidth_RightHand, iDebug_PreviousWindowHeight_RightHand, true);

            // Nope, just normal drag
            else if (wndpl.showCmd != SW_MAXIMIZE)
              MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Right, pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Right.left, pt.y - debugWindowDrag_Right.top, tRect.right - tRect.left, tRect.bottom - tRect.top, true);
        else if (ui.checkBox_ResizeWindows->isChecked()){
          // Right hand's overview:
          // Horizontal movement = change in width.
          // Vertical movement = simultaneious change in window's coords + change in window's height only.

          // debug_iReferencePointX_Right =  tRect.left + debugWindowDrag_Right.left;// + debug_iReferencePointY_Left;
          // debug_iReferencePointY_Right =  tRect.top + debugWindowDrag_Right.top;// + debug_iReferencePointY_Left;

          // RECT resizeRect;

          // resizeRect.top = tRect.top;
          // resizeRect.left = tRect.left + (pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Left.right);// / 5;
          // resizeRect.right = (tRect.right - resizeRect.left);// - (pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Left.left) ;/// 5;
          // resizeRect.bottom = (tRect.bottom - tRect.top) + (pt.y - debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom);// / 5;

          // debugWindowDrag_Left.right = pt.x;
          // debugWindowDrag_Left.bottom = pt.y;

          RECT resizeRect;

          resizeRect.top = tRect.top + (pt.y - debugWindowDrag_Right.bottom);
          resizeRect.left = tRect.left;
          resizeRect.right = (tRect.right - tRect.left) + (pt.x - debugWindowDrag_Right.right);
          resizeRect.bottom = (tRect.bottom - resizeRect.top);// - (pt.y - debug_iReferencePointY_Right) / 5;

          // debugWindowDrag_Right.left += (pt.x - debug_iReferencePointX_Right) / 5;
          // debugWindowDrag_Right.top += (pt.y - debug_iReferencePointY_Right) / 5;
          debugWindowDrag_Right.right = pt.x;
          debugWindowDrag_Right.bottom = pt.y;

          MoveWindow(debugWindowHWND_Right, resizeRect.left, resizeRect.top, resizeRect.right , resizeRect.bottom, false);

        // debugDisplayString = QString::number(finger.tipPosition().z);
      else if (finger.type() == leapIndex && zFinger > 0.15)
        debugWindowDrag_Right.left = -1;
        debugWindowHWND_Right = NULL;
    zFinger *= 75.0;

    QResizeEvent *rEvent = new QResizeEvent(QSize(zFinger, zFinger), fingerTraces.at(finger.type() + iHandToFingerShift)->size());
    QCoreApplication::postEvent(fingerTraces.at(finger.type() + iHandToFingerShift), rEvent);

    // switch (finger.type())
    // {
    // case leapThumb:
    // {
    //   // if(finger.isExtended())
    //   // {
    //     // QShowEvent * sEvent = new QShowEvent();
    //     // QCoreApplication::postEvent(thumbTrace, sEvent);
    //   int xCoord = lerp(thumbTrace->geometry().left(), screenPosition.x(), dMouseLerpValue);
    //   int yCoord = lerp(thumbTrace->geometry().top(), screenPosition.y(), dMouseLerpValue);

    //   QMoveEvent *tEvent = new QMoveEvent(QPoint(xCoord, yCoord), thumbTrace->pos());
    //   QCoreApplication::postEvent(thumbTrace, tEvent);
    //   // }
    //   // else
    //   // {
    //     // QHideEvent * hEvent = new QHideEvent();
    //     // QCoreApplication::postEvent(thumbTrace, hEvent);
    //   // }
    //   // thumbTrace->move(xCoord, yCoord);
    // }
    //   // indexTrace;
    //   // middleTrace;
    //   // ringTrace;
    //   // pinkieTrace;

    // break;

    // case leapIndex:

    // {
    //   int xCoord = lerp(indexTrace->geometry().left(), screenPosition.x(), dMouseLerpValue);
    //   int yCoord = lerp(indexTrace->geometry().top(), screenPosition.y(), dMouseLerpValue);

    //   QMoveEvent *tEvent = new QMoveEvent(QPoint(xCoord, yCoord), indexTrace->pos());
    //   QCoreApplication::postEvent(indexTrace, tEvent);
    //   // thumbTrace->move(xCoord, yCoord);
    // }
    // break;

    // case leapMiddle:

    // {
    //   int xCoord = lerp(middleTrace->geometry().left(), screenPosition.x(), dMouseLerpValue);
    //   int yCoord = lerp(middleTrace->geometry().top(), screenPosition.y(), dMouseLerpValue);

    //   QMoveEvent *tEvent = new QMoveEvent(QPoint(xCoord, yCoord), middleTrace->pos());
    //   QCoreApplication::postEvent(middleTrace, tEvent);
    //   // thumbTrace->move(xCoord, yCoord);
    // }
    // break;

    // case leapRing:

    // {
    //   int xCoord = lerp(ringTrace->geometry().left(), screenPosition.x(), dMouseLerpValue);
    //   int yCoord = lerp(ringTrace->geometry().top(), screenPosition.y(), dMouseLerpValue);

    //   QMoveEvent *tEvent = new QMoveEvent(QPoint(xCoord, yCoord), ringTrace->pos());
    //   QCoreApplication::postEvent(ringTrace, tEvent);
    //   // thumbTrace->move(xCoord, yCoord);
    // }
    // break;

    // case leapPinkie:

    // {
    //   int xCoord = lerp(pinkieTrace->geometry().left(), screenPosition.x(), dMouseLerpValue);
    //   int yCoord = lerp(pinkieTrace->geometry().top(), screenPosition.y(), dMouseLerpValue);

    //   QMoveEvent *tEvent = new QMoveEvent(QPoint(xCoord, yCoord), pinkieTrace->pos());
    //   QCoreApplication::postEvent(pinkieTrace, tEvent);
    //   // thumbTrace->move(xCoord, yCoord);
    // }
    // break;
    // }