Exemplo n.º 1
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (Picture me, GuiDrawingArea_ClickEvent event) {
	int xstart = event -> x;
	int ystart = event -> y;
	double xWC, yWC;
	int ixstart, iystart, ix, iy, oldix = 0, oldiy = 0;

	Graphics_DCtoWC (my selectionGraphics.get(), xstart, ystart, & xWC, & yWC);
	ix = ixstart = 1 + floor (xWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
	iy = iystart = SQUARES - floor (yWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
	if (ixstart < 1 || ixstart > SQUARES || iystart < 1 || iystart > SQUARES) return;
	if (event -> shiftKeyPressed) {
		int ix1 = 1 + floor (my selx1 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		int ix2 = floor (my selx2 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		int iy1 = SQUARES + 1 - floor (my sely2 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		int iy2 = SQUARES - floor (my sely1 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		ixstart = ix < (ix1 + ix2) / 2 ? ix2 : ix1;
		iystart = iy < (iy1 + iy2) / 2 ? iy2 : iy1;
	//while (Graphics_mouseStillDown (my selectionGraphics)) {
	do {
		Graphics_getMouseLocation (my selectionGraphics.get(), & xWC, & yWC);
		ix = 1 + floor (xWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
		iy = SQUARES - floor (yWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
		if (ix >= 1 && ix <= SQUARES && iy >= 1 && iy <= SQUARES && (ix != oldix || iy != oldiy)) {
			int ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2;
			if (ix < ixstart) { ix1 = ix; ix2 = ixstart; }
			else              { ix1 = ixstart; ix2 = ix; }
			if (iy < iystart) { iy1 = iy; iy2 = iystart; }
			else              { iy1 = iystart; iy2 = iy; }
			if (my mouseSelectsInnerViewport) {
				int fontSize = Graphics_inqFontSize (my graphics.get());
				double xmargin = fontSize * 4.2 / 72.0, ymargin = fontSize * 2.8 / 72.0;
				if (xmargin > ix2 - ix1 + 1) xmargin = ix2 - ix1 + 1;
				if (ymargin > iy2 - iy1 + 1) ymargin = iy2 - iy1 + 1;
				Picture_setSelection (me, 0.5 * (ix1 - 1) - xmargin, 0.5 * ix2 + xmargin,
					0.5 * (SQUARES - iy2) - ymargin, 0.5 * (SQUARES + 1 - iy1) + ymargin, false);
			} else {
				Picture_setSelection (me, 0.5 * (ix1 - 1), 0.5 * ix2,
					0.5 * (SQUARES - iy2), 0.5 * (SQUARES + 1 - iy1), false);
			oldix = ix; oldiy = iy;
	} while (Graphics_mouseStillDown (my selectionGraphics.get()));
	// }
	#if cocoa
		Graphics_updateWs (my selectionGraphics.get());   // to change the dark red back into black
	if (my selectionChangedCallback) {
		//Melder_casual (U"selectionChangedCallback from gui_drawingarea_cb_click");
		my selectionChangedCallback (me, my selectionChangedClosure,
			my selx1, my selx2, my sely1, my sely2);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool structFormantGridEditor :: v_click (double xWC, double yWC, bool shiftKeyPressed) {
	FormantGrid grid = (FormantGrid) our data;
	Ordered tiers = editingBandwidths ? grid -> bandwidths : grid -> formants;
	RealTier tier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [selectedFormant];
	double ymin = our editingBandwidths ? our p_bandwidthFloor   : our p_formantFloor;
	double ymax = our editingBandwidths ? our p_bandwidthCeiling : our p_formantCeiling;
	long inearestPoint, ifirstSelected, ilastSelected;
	RealPoint nearestPoint;
	double dt = 0, df = 0;
	bool draggingSelection;

	 * Perform the default action: move cursor.
	//d_startSelection = d_endSelection = xWC;
	our ycursor = (1.0 - yWC) * ymin + yWC * ymax;
	Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, our d_endWindow, ymin, ymax);
	yWC = our ycursor;

	 * Clicked on a point?
	inearestPoint = AnyTier_timeToNearestIndex (tier, xWC);
	if (inearestPoint == 0) {
		return FormantGridEditor_Parent :: v_click (xWC, yWC, shiftKeyPressed);
	nearestPoint = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [inearestPoint];
	if (Graphics_distanceWCtoMM (our d_graphics, xWC, yWC, nearestPoint -> number, nearestPoint -> value) > 1.5) {
		return our FormantGridEditor_Parent :: v_click (xWC, yWC, shiftKeyPressed);

	 * Clicked on a selected point?
	draggingSelection = shiftKeyPressed &&
		nearestPoint -> number > our d_startSelection && nearestPoint -> number < our d_endSelection;
	if (draggingSelection) {
		ifirstSelected = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (tier, our d_startSelection);
		ilastSelected = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (tier, our d_endSelection);
		Editor_save (this, U"Drag points");
	} else {
		ifirstSelected = ilastSelected = inearestPoint;
		Editor_save (this, U"Drag point");

	 * Drag.
	Graphics_xorOn (our d_graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
	drawWhileDragging (this, xWC, yWC, ifirstSelected, ilastSelected, dt, df);
	while (Graphics_mouseStillDown (our d_graphics)) {
		double xWC_new, yWC_new;
		Graphics_getMouseLocation (our d_graphics, & xWC_new, & yWC_new);
		if (xWC_new != xWC || yWC_new != yWC) {
			drawWhileDragging (this, xWC, yWC, ifirstSelected, ilastSelected, dt, df);
			dt += xWC_new - xWC, df += yWC_new - yWC;
			xWC = xWC_new, yWC = yWC_new;
			drawWhileDragging (this, xWC, yWC, ifirstSelected, ilastSelected, dt, df);
	Graphics_xorOff (our d_graphics);

	 * Dragged inside window?
	if (xWC < d_startWindow || xWC > d_endWindow) return 1;

	 * Points not dragged past neighbours?
	RealPoint *points = (RealPoint *) tier -> points -> item;
	double newTime = points [ifirstSelected] -> number + dt;
	if (newTime < our tmin) return 1;   // outside domain
	if (ifirstSelected > 1 && newTime <= points [ifirstSelected - 1] -> number)
		return 1;   // past left neighbour
	newTime = points [ilastSelected] -> number + dt;
	if (newTime > our tmax) return 1;   // outside domain
	if (ilastSelected < tier -> points -> size && newTime >= points [ilastSelected + 1] -> number)
		return FunctionEditor_UPDATE_NEEDED;   // past right neighbour

	 * Drop.
	for (long i = ifirstSelected; i <= ilastSelected; i ++) {
		RealPoint point = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [i];
		point -> number += dt;
		point -> value += df;

	 * Make sure that the same points are still selected (a problem with Undo...).

	if (draggingSelection) our d_startSelection += dt, our d_endSelection += dt;
	if (ifirstSelected == ilastSelected) {
		 * Move crosshair to only selected formant point.
		RealPoint point = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [ifirstSelected];
		our d_startSelection = our d_endSelection = point -> number;
		our ycursor = point -> value;
	} else {
		 * Move crosshair to mouse location.
		/*our cursor += dt;*/
		our ycursor += df;

	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (this);
	return FunctionEditor_UPDATE_NEEDED;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Graphics_waitMouseUp (Graphics me) {
	while (Graphics_mouseStillDown (me)) {
		double xWC, yWC;
		Graphics_getMouseLocation (me, & xWC, & yWC);