Exemplo n.º 1
JSPICE3 adaptation of Spice3f2 - Copyright (c) Stephen R. Whiteley 1992
Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Authors: 1985 Thomas L. Quarles
         1993 Stephen R. Whiteley

#include "spice.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "inddefs.h"
#include "uflags.h"

static IFparm INDpTable[] = { /* parameters */ 
 IOPAP("inductance",IND_IND,    IF_REAL,"Inductance of inductor"),
 IOPAU("ic",        IND_IC,     IF_REAL,"Initial current through inductor"),
 OP(   "flux",      IND_FLUX,   IF_REAL,"Flux through inductor"),
 OP(   "v",         IND_VOLT,   IF_REAL,"Terminal voltage of inductor"),
 OPR(  "volt",      IND_VOLT,   IF_REAL,"Terminal voltage of inductor"),
 OP(   "i",         IND_CURRENT,IF_REAL,"Current through the inductor"),
 OPR(  "current",   IND_CURRENT,IF_REAL,"Current through the inductor"),
 OP(   "p",         IND_POWER,  IF_REAL,
                                "instantaneous power stored by the inductor")

/* model parameters */
/* static IFparm INDmPTable[] = { }; */

static char *INDnames[] = {
Exemplo n.º 2
Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Author: 1985 Thomas L. Quarles
Modified: September 2003 - Paolo Nenzi

#include "ngspice.h"
#include "devdefs.h"
#include "capdefs.h"
#include "suffix.h"

IFparm CAPpTable[] = { /* parameters */ 
 IOPAP("capacitance", CAP_CAP,             IF_REAL, "Device capacitance"),
 IOPAP("cap",         CAP_CAP,             IF_REAL, "Device capacitance"),
 IOPAP("c",           CAP_CAP,             IF_REAL, "Device capacitance"),
 IOPAU("ic",          CAP_IC,              IF_REAL, "Initial capacitor voltage"),
 IOPZU("temp",        CAP_TEMP,            IF_REAL, "Instance operating temperature"),
 IOPZ( "dtemp",       CAP_DTEMP,           IF_REAL, 
       "Instance temperature difference from the rest of the circuit"), 
 IOPAU("w",           CAP_WIDTH,           IF_REAL, "Device width"),
 IOPAU("l",           CAP_LENGTH,          IF_REAL, "Device length"),
 IOPU( "m",           CAP_M,               IF_REAL, "Parallel multiplier"),
 IOPU( "scale",       CAP_SCALE,           IF_REAL, "Scale factor"),
 IP(   "sens_cap",    CAP_CAP_SENS,        IF_FLAG, "flag to request sens. WRT cap."),
 OP(   "i",           CAP_CURRENT,         IF_REAL, "Device current"),
 OP(   "p",           CAP_POWER,           IF_REAL, "Instantaneous device power"),
 OPU(  "sens_dc",     CAP_QUEST_SENS_DC,   IF_REAL, "dc sensitivity "),
 OPU(  "sens_real",   CAP_QUEST_SENS_REAL, IF_REAL, "real part of ac sensitivity"),
 OPU(  "sens_imag",   CAP_QUEST_SENS_IMAG, IF_REAL,
       "dc sens. & imag part of ac sens."),
 OPU(  "sens_mag",    CAP_QUEST_SENS_MAG,  IF_REAL, "sensitivity of ac magnitude"),