Exemplo n.º 1
/* Make
 * create an empty queue object
 *  "capacity" [ IN ] - minimum queue length
 *  always expands to a power of 2, i.e. providing
 *  a length of 10 will result in a length of 16.
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KQueueMake ( KQueue **qp, uint32_t capacity )
    rc_t rc;
    if ( qp == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcNull );
        KQueue *q;

        uint32_t cap = 1;
        while ( cap < capacity )
            cap += cap;

        q = malloc ( sizeof * q - sizeof q -> buffer + cap * sizeof q -> buffer [ 0 ] );
        if ( q == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            rc = KSemaphoreMake ( & q -> rc, 0 );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = KSemaphoreMake ( & q -> wc, cap );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = KLockMake ( & q -> rl );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = KLockMake ( & q -> wl );
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            q -> capacity = cap;
                            q -> bmask = cap - 1;
                            q -> imask = ( cap + cap ) - 1;
                            q -> read = q -> write = 0;
                            atomic32_set ( & q -> refcount, 1 );
                            q -> sealed = false;

                            QMSG ( "%s: created queue with capacity %u, "
                                   "bmask %#032b, imask %#032b.\n"
                                   , __func__, q -> capacity, q -> bmask, q -> imask

                            * qp = q;
                            return 0;

                        KLockRelease ( q -> rl );

                    KSemaphoreRelease ( q -> wc );

                KSemaphoreRelease ( q -> rc );
            free ( q );
        * qp = NULL;
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
rc_t CC
XFSTreeDepotMake ( const struct XFSTreeDepot ** Depot )
    rc_t RCt;
    struct XFSTreeDepot * TheDepot;

    RCt = 0;
    TheDepot = NULL;

    if ( Depot == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcNull );

    * Depot = NULL;

    TheDepot = calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct XFSTreeDepot ) );
    if ( TheDepot == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcExhausted );

    RCt = KLockMake ( & ( TheDepot -> mutabor ) );
    if ( RCt == 0 ) {
        * Depot = TheDepot;
    else {
        free ( TheDepot );

        * Depot = NULL;

    return RCt;
}   /* XFSTreeDepotMake () */
Exemplo n.º 3
/*)))   Two methods: _InitSidStorage() and _DisposeSidStorage()
 ///    You should call them before and after
rc_t CC
_SidStorageInit ()
    rc_t RCt;
    struct KLock * tLock;

    RCt = 0;
    tLock = NULL;

    if ( _IsSidStorageGood () ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcInvalid );

    RCt = KLockMake ( & tLock );
    if ( RCt == 0 ) {
        BSTreeInit ( & _sSidStorage );

    if ( RCt == 0 ) {
        _sMutabor = tLock;
    else {
        if ( tLock != NULL ) {
            KLockRelease ( tLock );

    return RCt;
}   /* _SidStorageInit () */
Exemplo n.º 4
rc_t SRAFastqFile_Open(const KFile** cself, const SRAListNode* sra, const FileOptions* opt)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    SRAFastqFile* self;
    CALLOC( self, 1, sizeof( *self ) );
    if( self == NULL )
        rc = RC( rcExe, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        if ( ( rc = KFileInit( &self->dad, (const KFile_vt*)&SRAFastqFile_vtbl, "SRAFastqFile", "no-name", true, false ) ) == 0 )
            if ( ( rc = SRAListNode_TableOpen( sra, &self->stbl ) ) == 0 )
                if ( ( rc = SRATableGetKTableRead( self->stbl, &self->ktbl ) ) == 0 )
                    if ( ( rc = KTableOpenIndexRead( self->ktbl, &self->kidx, opt->index ) ) == 0 )
                        if ( ( rc = KLockMake( &self->lock ) ) == 0 )
                            MALLOC( self->buf, opt->buffer_sz * ( opt->f.fastq.gzip ? 2 : 1 ) );
                            if ( self->buf == NULL )
                                rc = RC( rcExe, rcFile, rcOpening, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                                self->file_sz = opt->file_sz;
                                self->buffer_sz = opt->buffer_sz;
                                if ( opt->f.fastq.gzip )
                                    self->gzipped = &self->buf[ opt->buffer_sz ];
                                self->from = ~0; /* reset position beyond file end */
                                rc = FastqReaderMake( &self->reader, self->stbl,
                                                      opt->f.fastq.accession, opt->f.fastq.colorSpace,
                                                      opt->f.fastq.origFormat, false, opt->f.fastq.printLabel,
                                                      opt->f.fastq.printReadId, !opt->f.fastq.clipQuality, false,
                                                      opt->f.fastq.minReadLen, opt->f.fastq.qualityOffset,
                                                      opt->f.fastq.minSpotId, opt->f.fastq.maxSpotId );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                *cself = &self->dad;
                KFileRelease( &self->dad );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 5
rc_t VTableCreateCursorWriteInt ( VTable *self, VCursor **cursp, KCreateMode mode, bool create_thread )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( cursp == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcCreating, rcParam, rcNull );
        if ( self == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcTable, rcAccessing, rcSelf, rcNull );
        else if ( self -> read_only )
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcCreating, rcTable, rcReadonly );
#error "expecting kcmInsert mode only"
        else if ( mode != kcmInsert )
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcCreating, rcMode, rcUnsupported );
            VCursor *curs;

            if ( self -> col_node == NULL )
                KMetadataOpenNodeUpdate ( self -> meta, & self -> col_node, "col" );
            rc = VCursorMake ( & curs, self );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = VCursorSupplementSchema ( curs );
                if ( rc == 0 && create_thread )
                    rc = KLockMake ( & curs -> flush_lock );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = KConditionMake ( & curs -> flush_cond );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = KThreadMake ( & curs -> flush_thread, run_flush_thread, curs );
		if(rc == 0)
			rc = VCursorLaunchPagemapThread(curs);
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    * cursp = curs;
                    return 0;

                VCursorRelease ( curs );

        * cursp = NULL;

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 6
rc_t KCipherManagerInit (KCipherManager * self)
    rc_t rc;

    rc = KLockMake (&self->lock);
    if (rc == 0)
        KRefcountInit (&self->refcount, 1, kciphermanager_classname, "init",

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 7
rc_t BAMReaderMake( const BAMReader **result,
                    char const headerText[],
                    char const path[] )
    rc_t rc;
    BAMReader *self = malloc(sizeof(BAMReader));
    if ( self == NULL )
        *result = NULL;
        return RC(rcAlign, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
        atomic32_set( & self->refcount, 1 );
        rc = BAMFileMakeWithHeader( & self->file, headerText, "%s", path);
        if ( rc != 0 )
            *result = 0;
            *result = self;
    self->nque = 0;
    self->rc = 0;
    self->eof = false;
    rc = KLockMake(&self->lock);
    if (rc == 0) 
        rc = KConditionMake(&self->have_data);
        if (rc == 0) 
            rc = KConditionMake(&self->need_data);
            if (rc == 0) 
                rc = KThreadMake(&self->th, BAMReaderThreadMain, self);
                if (rc == 0) 
                    return 0;
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 8
rc_t make_temp_registry( temp_registry ** registry, struct KFastDumpCleanupTask * cleanup_task )
    KLock * lock;
    rc_t rc = KLockMake ( &lock );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        temp_registry * p = calloc( 1, sizeof * p );
        if ( p == 0 )
            rc = RC( rcVDB, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            ErrMsg( "make_temp_registry().calloc( %d ) -> %R", ( sizeof * p ), rc );
            KLockRelease ( lock );
            VectorInit ( &p -> lists, 0, 4 );
            p -> lock = lock;
            p -> cleanup_task = cleanup_task;
            *registry = p;
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 9
rc_t CC
XStatsMake ( const struct XStats ** Stats )
    rc_t RCt;
    struct XStats * Ret;

    RCt = 0;
    Ret = NULL;

    if ( Stats != NULL ) {
        * Stats = NULL;

    Ret = calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct XStats ) );
    if ( Ret == NULL ) {
        return RC ( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcProcessing, rcParam, rcExhausted );
    else {
        RCt = KLockMake ( & ( Ret -> mutabor ) );
        if ( RCt == 0 ) {
            RCt = XStatsReset ( Ret );
            if ( RCt == 0 ) {
                * Stats = ( const struct XStats * ) Ret;

    if ( RCt != 0 ) {
        * Stats = NULL;

        if ( Ret != NULL ) {
            XStatsDispose ( Ret );

    return RCt;
}   /* XStatMake () */
Exemplo n.º 10
rc_t CC
XFSTreeDepotMake ( const struct XFSTreeDepot ** Depot )
    rc_t RCt;
    struct XFSTreeDepot * TheDepot;

    RCt = 0;
    TheDepot = NULL;

    if ( Depot == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcNull );

    * Depot = NULL;

    TheDepot = calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct XFSTreeDepot ) );
    if ( TheDepot == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcExhausted );

    RCt = KLockMake ( & ( TheDepot -> mutabor ) );
    if ( RCt == 0 ) {
        * Depot = TheDepot;
    else {
        free ( TheDepot );

        * Depot = NULL;

pLogMsg ( klogDebug, " |<- TreeDepotMake ( $(tree) )", "tree=%p", ( void * ) * Depot );

    return RCt;
}   /* XFSTreeDepotMake () */