Exemplo n.º 1
Receiver SessionImpl::getReceiver(const std::string& name) const
    qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock);
    Receivers::const_iterator i = receivers.find(name);
    if (i == receivers.end()) {
        throw KeyError(name);
    } else {
        return i->second;
Exemplo n.º 2
Value const &DictionaryValue::element(Value const &index) const
    Elements::const_iterator i = _elements.find(ValueRef(&index));
    if (i == _elements.end())
        throw KeyError("DictionaryValue::element",
            "Key '" + index.asText() + "' does not exist in the dictionary");
    return *i->second;
Exemplo n.º 3
void DictionaryValue::subtract(Value const &subtrahend)
    Elements::iterator i = _elements.find(ValueRef(&subtrahend));
    if (i == _elements.end())
        throw KeyError("DictionaryValue::subtract",
            "Key '" + subtrahend.asText() + "' does not exist in the dictionary");
    delete i->second;
Exemplo n.º 4
Real EnergyTracker::getItem_py(const std::string& name){
	int id=-1; findId(name,id,/*flags*/0,/*newIfNotFound*/false); 
	if (id<0) KeyError("Unknown energy name '"+name+"'.");
	return energies.get(id);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // enable -constant ... if someone really wants it
  // enable -zeroTime to prevent accidentally trashing the initial fields
  Foam::timeSelector::addOptions(false, false);
  Foam::argList::validOptions.set("format", "outputFormat");

#   include "setRootCase.H"
#   include "createTime.H"
  // select a subset based on the command-line options
  instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select
  if (timeDirs.empty())
	<< "No times selected"
	<< exit(FatalError);
  const string& format = args.optionFound("format") ? args.option("format") : "ascii";

  // Loop over all times
  forAll (timeDirs, timeI)
      // Set time for global database
      runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
      Info << "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl << endl;

      // Get list of objects from processor0 database
      fileNameList objNames = readDir(runTime.timePath(), fileName::FILE);
      fileNameList systemNames;
      for (label objI = 0, sysI = 0; objI < objNames.size(); ++objI)
	  if (objNames[objI].ext() == "system")
	      systemNames.setSize(systemNames.size() + 1);
	      systemNames[sysI] = objNames[objI];
      forAll (systemNames, sysI)
	  fileName systemFile = systemNames[sysI];
	  Info << "Convert object " << systemNames[sysI] << endl;
	  Foam::IFstream infile(runTime.timePath()/systemNames[sysI]);
	  const Foam::dictionary sysDict(infile);
	  // Read the source vector
	  Foam::scalarField source;
	  if (!sysDict.readIfPresent("source", source, false, false))
	    KeyError(systemFile, "source");
	  // Get the matrix sub dictionary
	  if (!sysDict.isDict("matrix"))
	    KeyError(systemFile, "matrix");
	  const Foam::dictionary& matDict = sysDict.subDict("matrix");
	  // Read the diagonal array - always present
	  Foam::scalarField diag;
	  if (!matDict.readIfPresent("diag", diag, false, false))
	    KeyError(systemFile, "diag");
	  // Upper and lower are optional
	  Foam::scalarField upper;
	  bool hasUpper = matDict.readIfPresent("upper", upper, false, false);
	  Foam::scalarField lower;
	  bool hasLower = matDict.readIfPresent("lower", lower, false, false);
	  // Non-diagonal matrices must have the addressing arrays.
	  Foam::labelList upperAddr;
	  Foam::labelList lowerAddr;
	  if (hasLower || hasUpper)
	      if (!matDict.readIfPresent("upperAddr", upperAddr, false, false))
		KeyError(systemFile, "upperAddr");
	      if (!matDict.readIfPresent("lowerAddr", lowerAddr, false, false))
		KeyError(systemFile, "lowerAddr");
	  // Write the vector
	    Foam::fileName fileName = runTime.timePath() / systemFile.lessExt() + ".vec";
	    if (format == "ascii")
		std::ofstream file(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc);
		for (Foam::scalarField::const_iterator ptr = source.begin();
		     ptr != source.end();
		     ++ptr) {
		  file << *ptr << std::endl;
	    else if (format == "binary")
		std::ofstream file(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary);
		WriteVecBinary(source, file);
	    else if (format == "numpy")
		std::ofstream file(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary);
		std::string header = MakeNumpyHeader(numpy_traits<flt>::dtype(), source.size());
		file.write(header.c_str(), header.size());
		WriteVecBinary(source, file);
		// ERROR
		  << "Unknown format: " << format
		  << exit(FatalError);
	  // Write the matrix as "row col val" triples
	    Foam::fileName fileName = runTime.timePath() / systemFile.lessExt() + ".coo";

	    if (format == "ascii")
		//Open the file.
		Foam::OFstream file(fileName);
		file << "# row col val" << Foam::endl;
		// Diagonal first
		Foam::scalarField::const_iterator ptr = diag.cbegin(), end = diag.cend();
		for (int i = 0; ptr != end; ++ptr, ++i) {
		  file << i << " " << i << " " << *ptr << Foam::endl;
		// Only do more output if non-diagonal
		if (hasUpper || hasLower)
		    Foam::scalarField::const_iterator upPtr, upEnd;
		    if (hasUpper)
			upPtr = upper.cbegin();
			upEnd = upper.cend();
		      } else {
		      upPtr = lower.cbegin();
		      upEnd = lower.cend();
		    Foam::scalarField::const_iterator loPtr, loEnd;
		    if (hasLower)
			loPtr = lower.cbegin();
			loEnd = lower.cend();
		      } else {
		      loPtr = upper.cbegin();
		      loEnd = upper.cend();
		    // Get the indexing arrays
		    Foam::labelList::const_iterator upAddrPtr = upperAddr.begin();
		    Foam::labelList::const_iterator loAddrPtr = lowerAddr.begin();
		    // Send to the file
		    for(; loPtr != loEnd; ++loPtr, ++upPtr, ++upAddrPtr, ++loAddrPtr)
			file << *upAddrPtr << " " << *loAddrPtr << " " << *loPtr << Foam::endl;
			file << *loAddrPtr << " " << *upAddrPtr << " " << *upPtr << Foam::endl;
	    else if (format == "binary")
		std::ofstream file(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary);
		WriteCooBinary(diag, upper, lower, upperAddr, lowerAddr, file);
	    else if (format == "numpy")
		size_t nRecords = diag.size();
		if (hasUpper || hasLower)
		  nRecords += 2 * upperAddr.size();
		std::ostringstream dtype;
		dtype << "["
		      << "('row', " << numpy_traits<idx>::dtype() << "), "
		      << "('col', " << numpy_traits<idx>::dtype() << "), "
		      << "('val', " << numpy_traits<flt>::dtype() << ")"
		      << "]";
		std::string header = MakeNumpyHeader(dtype.str(), nRecords);
		std::ofstream file(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary);
		file.write(header.c_str(), header.size());
		WriteCooBinary(diag, upper, lower, upperAddr, lowerAddr, file);
		// ERROR
		  << "Unknown format: " << format
		  << exit(FatalError);
	  } // End write COO
	} // End for args