Exemplo n.º 1
// ##############################################################################################################
void jevois::Gadget::streamOff()
  // Note: we allow for several streamOff() without complaining, this happens, e.g., when destroying a Gadget that is
  // not currently streaming.

  LDEBUG("Turning off gadget stream");

  // Abort stream in case it was not already done, which will introduce some sleeping in our run() thread, thereby
  // helping us acquire our needed double lock:


  // Stop streaming over the USB link:
  int type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT;
  try { XIOCTL_QUIET(itsFd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type); } catch (...) { }
  // Nuke all our buffers:
  if (itsBuffers) { delete itsBuffers; itsBuffers = nullptr; }

  LDEBUG("Gadget stream is off");
Exemplo n.º 2
int w_check_rtcp_ipport(msg_t *msg)

	int i = 0;
	miprtcp_t *mp = NULL;
	char ipptmp[256];
	char callid[256];

	snprintf(callid, sizeof(callid), "%.*s", msg->sip.callId.len, msg->sip.callId.s);

	for (i = 0; i < msg->sip.mrp_size; i++) {
		mp = &msg->sip.mrp[i];

		if (mp->rtcp_ip.len > 0 && mp->rtcp_ip.s) {
			snprintf(ipptmp, sizeof(ipptmp), "%.*s:%d", mp->rtcp_ip.len, mp->rtcp_ip.s, mp->rtcp_port);			
			LDEBUG("RTCP CALLID: %.*s", msg->sip.callId.len, msg->sip.callId.s);
			LDEBUG("RTCP IP PORT: %s", ipptmp);

			/* one pair = one timer */
			if(!find_and_update(ipptmp, callid))			
                               add_ipport(ipptmp, callid);

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// ##############################################################################################################
void jevois::Gadget::processEvents()
  // Get the event from the driver:
  struct v4l2_event v4l2ev = { };
  struct uvc_event * uvcev = reinterpret_cast<struct uvc_event *>(&v4l2ev.u.data);
  // Prepare our response, if any will be sent:
  struct uvc_request_data resp = { };
  resp.length = -EL2HLT;

  // Act according to the event type:
    switch (v4l2ev.type)
    case UVC_EVENT_CONNECT: return;
    case UVC_EVENT_DISCONNECT: LDEBUG("EVENT DISCONNECT"); itsEngine->streamOff(); return;
    case UVC_EVENT_SETUP: LDEBUG("EVENT SETUP"); processEventSetup(uvcev->req, resp); return;
    case UVC_EVENT_DATA: LDEBUG("EVENT DATA"); processEventData(uvcev->data); return;
    case UVC_EVENT_STREAMON: LDEBUG("EVENT STREAMON"); itsEngine->streamOn(); return;
    case UVC_EVENT_STREAMOFF: LDEBUG("EVENT STREAMOFF"); itsEngine->streamOff(); return;
  } catch (...) { }
Exemplo n.º 4
void VolumeSeriesSource::openSeries() {
        delete volumeHandle_;
    volumeHandle_ = 0;

    try {
        TextFileReader reader(filename_.get());
        if (!reader)
            throw tgt::FileNotFoundException("Reading sdat file failed", filename_.get());

        std::string type;
        std::istringstream args;
        std::string format, model;
        tgt::ivec3 resolution(0);
        tgt::vec3 sliceThickness(1.f);
        spreadMin_ = 0.f;
        spreadMax_ = 0.f;

        std::string blockfile;

        while (reader.getNextLine(type, args, false)) {
            if (type == "ObjectFileName:") {
                std::string s;
                args >> s;
                LDEBUG(type << " " << s);
                files_.push_back(tgt::FileSystem::dirName(filename_.get()) + "/" + s);
            } else if (type == "Resolution:") {
                args >> resolution[0];
                args >> resolution[1];
                args >> resolution[2];
                LDEBUG(type << " " << resolution[0] << " x " <<
                       resolution[1] << " x " << resolution[2]);
            } else if (type == "SliceThickness:") {
Exemplo n.º 5
static uint8_t *extract_from_m2pa(msg_t *msg, size_t *len)
	uint8_t *data;
	uint32_t data_len;

	if (msg->len < 8) {
		LERR("M2PA hdr too short %u", msg->len);
		return NULL;
	data = msg->data;

	/* check the header */
	if (data[0] != 0x01) {
		LERR("M2PA unknown version number %d", data[0]);
		return NULL;
	if (data[1] != 0x00) {
		LERR("M2PA unknown reserved fields %d", data[1]);
		return NULL;
	if (data[2] != M2PA_CLASS) {
		LDEBUG("M2PA unhandled message class %d", data[2]);
		return NULL;
	if (data[3] != M2PA_DATA) {
		LDEBUG("M2PA not data msg but %d", data[3]);
		return NULL;

	/* check the length */
	memcpy(&data_len, &data[4], sizeof(data_len));
	data_len = ntohl(data_len);
	if (msg->len < data_len) {
		LERR("M2PA data can't fit %u vs. %u", msg->len, data_len);
		return NULL;

	/* skip the header */
	data += 8;
	data_len -= 8;

	/* BSN, FSN and then priority */
	if (data_len < 8) {
		LERR("M2PA no space for BSN/FSN %u\n", data_len);
		return NULL;
	data += 8;
	data_len -= 8;
	if (data_len == 0)
		return NULL;
	else if (data_len < 1) {
		LERR("M2PA no space for prio %u\n", data_len);
		return NULL;
	data += 1;
	data_len -= 1;

	*len = data_len;
	return data;
 void instantiatePatternsHash ( Data& d ) {
   LINFO ( "maxspan_=" << maxspan_ << ",gapmaxspan=" << gapmaxspan_ );
   std::vector<std::string> ss;
   boost::algorithm::split ( ss, d.sentence, boost::algorithm::is_any_of ( " " ) );
   const std::unordered_set<std::string>& patterns = d.grammar->patterns;
   for ( std::unordered_set<std::string>::const_iterator itx = patterns.begin();
         itx != patterns.end(); ++itx ) { /// for each grammar-specific pattern.
     LDEBUG ( "pattern:" << *itx );
     std::vector<std::string> spattern;
     boost::algorithm::split ( spattern, *itx, boost::algorithm::is_any_of ( "_" ) );
     for ( unsigned j = 0; j < ss.size(); ++j ) { // for each word in the sentence
       std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > pinstances;
       LDEBUG ( "starting word:" << ss[j] );
       //Map each pattern into words.
       //If there are gaps, then expand them from 1 to given threshold gapmaxspan
       if ( spattern.size() <= maxspan_ && j + spattern.size() - 1 < ss.size() ) {
         std::vector<std::string> empty;
         pinstances.push_back ( empty ); //add empty one.
         //Create all instances that apply to this particular pattern.
         buildNextElementFromPattern ( spattern, ss, pinstances, j, 0 );
       for ( unsigned k = 0; k < pinstances.size(); ++k )  {
         LDEBUG ( "pattern:" << *itx << ":" << "Inserting in " <<
                  boost::algorithm::join ( pinstances[k],
                                           "_" ) << "values=(" << j << "," << spattern.size() - 1 );
         d.hpinstances[boost::algorithm::join ( pinstances[k],
                                                "_" )].push_back ( std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> ( j, spattern.size() - 1 ) );
Exemplo n.º 7
   * \brief Method inherited from ucam::util::TaskInterface. Loads the language model and stores in lm data structure.
   * \param &d: data structure in which the null filter is to be stored.
   * \returns false (does not break the chain of tasks)
  bool run ( Data& d ) {
    if ( !USER_CHECK ( d.klm.size() ,
                       "No language models available" ) ) return true;
    if ( !USER_CHECK ( d.klm.find ( lmkey_ ) != d.klm.end() ,
                       "No language models available (key not initialized) " ) ) return true;
    if ( !USER_CHECK ( d.fsts.find ( latticeloadkey_ ) != d.fsts.end() ,
                       " Input fst not available!" ) ) return true;
    mylmfst_ = * (static_cast<fst::VectorFst<Arc> * > ( d.fsts[latticeloadkey_] ) );
    if (deletelmscores_) {
      LINFO ( "Delete old LM scores first" );
      //Deletes LM scores if using lexstdarc. Note -- will copy through on stdarc!
      fst::MakeWeight2<Arc> mwcopy;
      fst::Map<Arc> ( &mylmfst_,
                      fst::GenericWeightAutoMapper<Arc, fst::MakeWeight2<Arc> > ( mwcopy ) );
    LINFO ( "Input lattice loaded with key=" << latticeloadkey_ << ", NS=" <<
            mylmfst_.NumStates() );
    fst::MakeWeight<Arc> mw;
    for ( uint k = 0; k < d.klm[lmkey_].size(); ++k ) {
      if ( !USER_CHECK ( d.klm[lmkey_][k]->model != NULL,
                         "Language model " << k << " not available!" ) ) return true;
      KenLMModelT& model = *d.klm[lmkey_][k]->model;
      unordered_set<Label> epsilons;
      google::dense_hash_set<Label> epsilons;
      epsilons.set_empty_key ( numeric_limits<Label>::max() );
      ///We want the language model to ignore these guys:
      epsilons.insert ( DR );
      epsilons.insert ( OOV );
      epsilons.insert ( EPSILON );
      epsilons.insert ( SEP );
      LINFO ( "Applying language model " << k
              << " with lmkey=" << lmkey_
              << ", using lmscale=" << d.klm[lmkey_][k]->lmscale );
      LDEBUG ( "lattice NS=" << mylmfst_.NumStates() );
      fst::ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly<Arc, fst::MakeWeight<Arc>, KenLMModelT> *f
        = new fst::ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly<Arc, fst::MakeWeight<Arc>, KenLMModelT >
      ( mylmfst_
        , model
        , epsilons
        , natlog_
        , d.klm[lmkey_][k]->lmscale
        , d.klm[lmkey_][k]->lmwp
        , d.klm[lmkey_][k]->idb);
      f->setMakeWeight ( mw );
      d.stats->setTimeStart ( "on-the-fly-composition " +  ucam::util::toString (
                                k ) );
      mylmfst_ = * ( ( *f ) () );
      delete f;
      d.stats->setTimeEnd ( "on-the-fly-composition " + ucam::util::toString ( k ) );
      LDEBUG ( mylmfst_.NumStates() );
    d.fsts[latticestorekey_] = &mylmfst_;
    LINFO ( "Done!" );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
int w_parse_rtcp_to_json(msg_t *_m)
	  int json_len;
	  char *json_rtcp_buffer;

	  _m->mfree = 0;
	  json_rtcp_buffer = malloc(JSON_BUFFER_LEN);	  
	  json_rtcp_buffer[0] = '\0';
	  if((json_len = capt_parse_rtcp((char *)_m->data, _m->len, json_rtcp_buffer, JSON_BUFFER_LEN)) > 0) {
	      _m->rcinfo.proto_type = rtcp_proto_type;
	      _m->data = json_rtcp_buffer;
	      _m->len = json_len;
	      _m->mfree = 1;
	  else {
	    	LDEBUG("GOODBYE or APP MESSAGE. Ignore!\n");
	    	if(json_rtcp_buffer) free(json_rtcp_buffer);
	    	      _m->corrdata = NULL;
	      	return -1;

	  LDEBUG("JSON RTCP %s\n", json_rtcp_buffer);

	  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int maxsock,sockfd,sock_auth;
	unsigned int myport,listnum;
	fd_set fdsr;
	struct timeval tv;
	char *url = "OK OK";
	int ret;
	myport = DEF_LISTEN_PORT;
	// listnum = 10;
	listnum = SOMAXCONN;
	if(argc > 1)
		myport = atoi(argv[1]);
	if(myport <= 0 )
		printf("%s invalid paramters!\n",argv[0]);
		return 0;
	sockfd = create_server_socket(myport,listnum);
	if(sockfd == -1)
		return 0;
	maxsock = sockfd;

	LDEBUG("%s start to listen\n",argv[0]);

		//init file desc set
		FD_SET(sockfd, &fdsr);
		// timeout setting
		tv.tv_sec = 30;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		ret = select(maxsock + 1, &fdsr, NULL, NULL, &tv);
		if(ret < 0)
			printf("select error");
		else if(ret == 0) 

 		if(FD_ISSET(sockfd, &fdsr))
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
	Json::Value DotNetClient::sendRequest(std::string url) {

		//TODO remove log lines
		LDEBUG("Camera") << "sendRequest: " << url << LE;

		std::string sendUrl = params.query + url;

		LDEBUG("Camera") << "sendRequest full: " << sendUrl << LE;

		std::cout << "query " << sendUrl << std::endl;

		Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, sendUrl);
		request.set("charsets:", "utf-8");
		request.setContentLength(0); //(int) message.length()
		Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response;
		std::istream& rs = client->receiveResponse(response);
		std::stringstream outstr;
		Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, outstr);
		std::string rawOutput = outstr.str();
		std::cout << "response " << rawOutput << std::endl;
		LDEBUG("Camera") << "resposne raw: " << rawOutput << LE;
		Json::Value ov;
		Json::Reader r;
		r.parse(rawOutput, ov);

		//LDEBUG("Camera") << "parsed: " << ov << LE;

		return ov;
Exemplo n.º 11
void CacheManager::cleanDirectory(const Directory& dir) const {
    LDEBUG("Cleaning directory '" << dir << "'");
    // First search for all subdirectories and call this function recursively on them
	std::vector<std::string> contents = dir.readDirectories();
	for (const auto& content : contents) {
        if (FileSys.directoryExists(content)) {
    // We get to this point in the recursion if either all subdirectories have been
    // deleted or there exists a file somewhere in the directory tree

	contents = dir.read();
    bool isEmpty = contents.empty();
#ifdef __APPLE__
    // Apple stores the .DS_Store directory in the directory which can be removed
    std::string dsStore = FileSys.pathByAppendingComponent(dir, ".DS_Store");
    isEmpty |= ((contents.size() == 1) && contents[0] == dsStore);
    // If this directory is empty, we can delete it
    if (isEmpty) {
        LDEBUG("Deleting directory '" << dir << "'");
Exemplo n.º 12
VideoFileInfo getVideoFileInfoFromFilename(const std::string& fname)
    VideoFileInfo result;

    std::string base;
    std::string ext = nodotExtension(fname, &base);

    LDEBUG("ext is %s", ext.c_str());

    if (ext.compare("gz") == 0)
        ext = nodotExtension(base, &base);
        LDEBUG("new ext is %s", ext.c_str());
        result.ctype = COMP_GZIP;
    else if (ext.compare("bz2") == 0)
        ext = nodotExtension(base, &base);
        LDEBUG("new ext is %s", ext.c_str());
        result.ctype = COMP_BZIP2;
        result.ctype = COMP_NONE;

    const std::string dimsstr = nodotExtension(base);

    LDEBUG("dimsstr is '%s'", dimsstr.c_str());

    if (dimsstr.size() == 0)
        LERROR("no <width>x<height> specification found in '%s'; "
               "assuming default dims of %dx%d instead",
               fname.c_str(), defaultDims.w(), defaultDims.h());
        result.dims = defaultDims;

        // we didn't get explicit dims, so let's be picky about the
        // file size matching the defaultDims (--yuv-dims), unless the
        // user also requests loose matching (--yuv-dims-loose)
        result.beStrict = strictLength;
        result.dims = fromStr<Dims>(dimsstr);
        LDEBUG("parsed dims as %dx%d",
               result.dims.w(), result.dims.h());

        // OK, the user gave us some explicit dims, so let's not be
        // picky about whether the file size matches the
        // dims+pixformat
        result.beStrict = false;

    result.format = fromStr<VideoFormat>(ext);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 13
	void BioRadar::GoRelBase(const double & speed) {
		if (speed == 0) {
			LDEBUG("HAL")<< "BioRadar antena stop" << LE;
			} else {
				LDEBUG("HAL")<< "BioRadar antena goRel: " << speed << " by " << maxRelDurationTimeInMs << LE;
				baseExecution.addTask(baseMotorModule.taskGoRel(speed, maxRelDurationTimeInMs));
Exemplo n.º 14
static void internalGoRel(TBS::Task::OneActiveTaskExectution & execution,
		MBot::CameraMotorModule & module, double speed, int maxDuration) {
	if (speed == 0) {
		LDEBUG("HAL")<< "Camera motor stop" << LE;
		} else {
			LDEBUG("HAL")<< "Camera motor goRel: " << speed << " by " << maxDuration << LE;
			execution.addTask(module.taskGoRel(speed, maxDuration));
DWORD GpuCapabilitiesWindows::readVRAMSizeFromReg() {
    DWORD memSize = 0;
    char* devicesKey = findPrimaryDevicesKey();
    if ( devicesKey == 0 ) {
        LERROR("Failed to determine primary graphics adapter by calling findPrimaryDevicesKey()!");
        return 0;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < strlen(devicesKey); i++ )
        devicesKey[i] = tolower(devicesKey[i]);

    char* substr = strstr(devicesKey, "\\registry\\machine\\");
    if ( substr != 0 )
        substr += strlen("\\registry\\machine\\");
        substr = devicesKey;
    LDEBUG("registry key: " << substr);

    HKEY hKey = NULL;
    LONG stat = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, substr, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
    if ( stat == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
        DWORD type = 0;
        DWORD bufferSize = 4;
        char* data = new char[bufferSize + 1];
        memset(data, 0, bufferSize + 1);
        stat = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "HardwareInformation.MemorySize",
            NULL, &type, (BYTE*) data, &bufferSize);
        if ((stat == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ((type == REG_BINARY) ||
            (getOSVersion() == GpuCapabilities::OS_WIN_VISTA && type == REG_DWORD)))
            LDEBUG("read " << bufferSize << " BYTES from key 'HardwareInformation.MemorySize'...");
            for ( DWORD i = (bufferSize - 1); ; i-- ) {
                LDEBUG("data[" << i << "]: " << static_cast<DWORD>(data[i]));
                memSize |= (data[i] << (i * 8));

                // As DWORD is unsigned, the loop would never exit if
                // it would not be broken...
                if ( i == 0 )
             LDEBUG("data converted to " << memSize << " (means " << (memSize / (1024 * 1024)) << " MByte)\n");
        hKey = NULL;
        delete [] data;
        data = 0;
        LERROR("Error opening key " << substr << ". Reason: " << stat);

    delete [] devicesKey;
    devicesKey = 0;
    return memSize;
Exemplo n.º 16
	void Parameters::resetParameters(const int argc, char * argv[])
		std::vector<std::string> m_temp;
		LDEBUG("Parsing parameters...");
		LDEBUG("Number of parameters: "<<argc);
		for (int i(0); i < argc; ++i) {
			LDEBUG("Parameter: " << argv[i]);
Exemplo n.º 17
bool loadDictionaryFromString(
    const std::string& script,
    ghoul::Dictionary& dictionary,
    lua_State* state
    const static std::string _loggerCat = "lua_loadDictionaryFromString";

    if (state == nullptr) {
        if (_state == nullptr) {
            LDEBUG("Creating Lua state");
            _state = luaL_newstate();
            if (_state == nullptr) {
                LFATAL("Error creating new Lua state: Memory allocation error");
                return false;
            LDEBUG("Open libraries");
        state = _state;

    LDEBUG("Loading dictionary script '" << script.substr(0, 12) << "[...]'");
    int status = luaL_loadstring(state, script.c_str());
    if (status != LUA_OK) {
        LERROR("Error loading script: '" << lua_tostring(state, -1) << "'");
        return false;

    LDEBUG("Executing script");
    if (lua_pcall(state, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) {
        LERROR("Error executing script: " << lua_tostring(state, -1));
        return false;

    if (lua_isnil(state, -1)) {
        LERROR("Error in script: '" << script.substr(0, 12)
                                    << "[...]'. Script did not return anything.");
        return false;

    if (!lua_istable(state, -1)) {
        LERROR("Error in script: '" << script.substr(0, 12)
                                    << "[...]'. Script did not return a table.");
        return false;

    luaDictionaryFromState(state, dictionary);

    // Clean up after ourselves by cleaning the stack
    lua_settop(state, 0);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
// ##############################################################################################################
void jevois::Gadget::streamOn()
  LDEBUG("Turning on UVC stream");

  if (itsStreaming.load() || itsBuffers) { LERROR("Stream is already on -- IGNORED"); return; }

  // If number of buffers is zero, adjust it depending on frame size:
  unsigned int nbuf = itsNbufs;
  if (nbuf == 0)
    unsigned int framesize = jevois::v4l2ImageSize(itsFormat.fmt.pix.pixelformat, itsFormat.fmt.pix.width,

    // Aim for about 4 mbyte when using small images, and no more than 4 buffers in any case:
    nbuf = (4U * 1024U * 1024U) / framesize;
    if (nbuf > 4) nbuf = 4;

  // Force number of buffers to a sane value:
  if (nbuf < 3) nbuf = 3; else if (nbuf > 16) nbuf = 16;

  // Allocate our buffers for the currently selected resolution, format, etc:
  itsBuffers = new jevois::VideoBuffers("gadget", itsFd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT, nbuf);
  LINFO(itsBuffers->size() << " buffers of " << itsBuffers->get(0)->length() << " bytes allocated");
  // Fill itsImageQueue with blank frames that can be given off to application code:
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i)
    jevois::RawImage img;
    img.width = itsFormat.fmt.pix.width;
    img.height = itsFormat.fmt.pix.height;
    img.fmt = itsFormat.fmt.pix.pixelformat;
    img.fps = itsFps;
    img.buf = itsBuffers->get(i);
    img.bufindex = i;

    // Push the RawImage to outside consumers:
    LDEBUG("Empty image " << img.bufindex << " ready for filling in by application code");

  // Start streaming over the USB link:
  int type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT;
  LDEBUG("Device stream on");

  LDEBUG("Stream is on");
Exemplo n.º 19
// ##############################################################################################################
jevois::Camera::Camera(std::string const & devname, unsigned int const nbufs) :
    jevois::VideoInput(devname, nbufs), itsFd(-1), itsBuffers(nullptr), itsFormat(), itsStreaming(false), itsFps(0.0F)

  // Get our run() thread going and wait until it is cranking, it will flip itsRunning to true as it starts:
  itsRunFuture = std::async(std::launch::async, &jevois::Camera::run, this);
  while (itsRunning.load() == false) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5));

  // Open the device:
  itsFd = open(devname.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
  if (itsFd == -1) PLFATAL("Camera device open failed on " << devname);

  // See what kinds of inputs we have and select the first one that is a camera:
  int camidx = -1;
  struct v4l2_input inp = { };
  while (true)
    try { XIOCTL_QUIET(itsFd, VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT, &inp); } catch (...) { break; }
    if (inp.type == V4L2_INPUT_TYPE_CAMERA)
      if (camidx == -1) camidx = inp.index;
      LDEBUG("Input " << inp.index << " [" << inp.name << "] is a camera sensor");
    } else LDEBUG("Input " << inp.index << " [" << inp.name << "] is a NOT camera sensor");

  if (camidx == -1) LFATAL("No valid camera input found on device " << devname);
  // Select the camera input, this seems to be required by VFE for the camera to power on:
  XIOCTL(itsFd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, &camidx);

  // Find out what camera can do:
  struct v4l2_capability cap = { };
  LINFO('[' << itsFd << "] V4L2 camera " << devname << " card " << cap.card << " bus " << cap.bus_info);
  if ((cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) == 0) LFATAL(devname << " is not a video capture device");
  if ((cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING) == 0) LFATAL(devname << " does not support streaming");
  // List the supported formats:
  struct v4l2_fmtdesc fmtdesc = { };
  fmtdesc.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
  while (true)
    try { XIOCTL_QUIET(itsFd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fmtdesc); } catch (...) { break; }
    LDEBUG("Format " << fmtdesc.index << " is [" << fmtdesc.description << "] fcc " << std::showbase <<
           std::hex << fmtdesc.pixelformat << " [" << jevois::fccstr(fmtdesc.pixelformat) << ']');
Exemplo n.º 20
void set_new_offset(unsigned long long size)
    unsigned long long offset = 0;

    LDEBUG("oldoffset is %llu : add size %llu", nextoffset, size);
    offset = round_512(size);
    nextoffset = nextoffset + offset;
    LDEBUG("nextoffset is now %llu", nextoffset);
Exemplo n.º 21
std::future<DownloadManager::MemoryFile> ScreenSpaceImage::downloadImageToMemory(
    std::string url)
    return std::move(OsEng.downloadManager().fetchFile(
        [url](const DownloadManager::MemoryFile& file) {
            LDEBUG("Download to memory finished for screen space image");
        [url](const std::string& err) {
            LDEBUG("Download to memory failer for screen space image: " +err);
Exemplo n.º 22
void ModelManager::registerReader(ModelReader* mr) {
    LDEBUG("ModuleManager: Registering reader: " << mr->getName());

    std::string formats = "";
    std::vector<std::string> knownEndings = mr->getEndings();
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
    for ( i = knownEndings.begin(); i != knownEndings.end(); ++i ) {
        readers_[*i] = mr;
        formats += *i + " ";
    LDEBUG("Known formats: " << formats);
Exemplo n.º 23
lua_State* createNewLuaState() {
    const std::string _loggerCat = "createNewLuaState";
    lua_State* s;
    LDEBUG("Creating Lua state");
    s = luaL_newstate();
    if (s == nullptr) {
        LFATAL("Error creating new Lua state: Memory allocation error");
        return nullptr;
    LDEBUG("Open libraries");
    return s;
Exemplo n.º 24
// ##############################################################################################################
void jevois::Camera::done(jevois::RawImage & img)

  if (itsStreaming.load() == false)
  { LDEBUG("Not streaming"); throw std::runtime_error("Camera done() rejected while not streaming"); }

  // To avoid blocking for a long time here, we do not try to lock itsMtx and to qbuf() the buffer right now, instead we
  // just make a note that this buffer is available and it will be requeued by our run() thread:
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _(itsOutputMtx);

  LDEBUG("Image " << img.bufindex << " freed by processing");
Exemplo n.º 25
// ##############################################################################################################
void jevois::Camera::get(jevois::RawImage & img)

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ulck(itsOutputMtx);
    itsOutputCondVar.wait(ulck, [&]() { return itsOutputImage.valid() || itsStreaming.load() == false; });
    if (itsStreaming.load() == false) { LDEBUG("Not streaming"); throw std::runtime_error("Camera not streaming"); }
    img = itsOutputImage;
  LDEBUG("Camera image " << img.bufindex << " handed over to processing");
Exemplo n.º 26
void handleRequest(int sockfd, char *url)
	int new_fd;
	unsigned int sin_size;
	struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
	char *p;
	char sock_buf[1024];
	char cmd[1024];
	int rval=0;
	int header_len;
	char headerBuf[MAX_SENDBUF]={0};
	//int body_len;
	//char sendBuf[MAX_SENDBUF]={0};

	header_len = snprintf(headerBuf,MAX_SENDBUF,"get request %s",url);

	bzero(sock_buf, 1024);
	p = sock_buf;
	sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
	if((new_fd = accept(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&their_addr,&sin_size)) == -1)
		printf("%s accept is error\n",__FUNCTION__);

	LDEBUG("%s server:got connection from %s\n",__FUNCTION__,inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr));
	sprintf(cmd,"echo `date -Iseconds` %s connection push to %s >> %s",inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr),url,LOG_FILE);
	if ((rval = recv(new_fd, p, 1024, 0)) < 0)
		printf("%s recv errror\n",__FUNCTION__);
		LDEBUG("%s recv %s\n",__FUNCTION__,p);
	if(send(new_fd,headerBuf,header_len,0) == -1)
		printf("%s send is error\n",__FUNCTION__);
Exemplo n.º 27
Ident Pool::alloc() {
	ID_TYPE id;

	if (_last > _max) {
		id = -1;
		for (ID_TYPE i=_first; i<_max; i++) {
			ListOfID::const_iterator it=std::find_if(
				IDFinder( i )
			if (it == _ids.end()) {
				id = i;

		if (id == -1) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Cannot allocate identifier, no more identifiers available");
	else {
		id = _last;

	_ids.push_back( id );


	LDEBUG("id::Pool", "Pool(%s), Alloc id: id=%ld", _name.c_str(), id);
	return Ident( new IdentType( (Pool *)this, id ) );
Exemplo n.º 28
int main() {
	concat( print , hello )();	
	fprintf(stdout, concat_str("hello", "world!\n"));
	fprintf(stdout, concat_str1(hello, world!\n));
	LDEBUG("hello world: %s", "hmeng\n");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
void recv_command(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *io, int rev) {
    ADEBUG(!(rev & EV_ERROR));
    void *sock = SHIFT(io, config_zmqsocket_t, _watch)->_sock;
    while(TRUE) {
        Z_SEQ_INIT(msg, sock);
        Z_RECV_START(msg, break);
        size_t len;
        while(TRUE) {
            len = zmq_msg_size(&msg);
            REPLY_COMMAND(sock, msg, TRUE);
            if(!len) break;
        len = zmq_msg_size(&msg);
        char *data = zmq_msg_data(&msg);
        LDEBUG("Got command `%.*s`", len, data);
        if COMMAND(list_commands) {
            // Keep alphabetically sorted
            REPLY_SHORT(sock, msg, "list_commands", TRUE);
            REPLY_SHORT(sock, msg, "pause_websockets", TRUE);
            REPLY_SHORT(sock, msg, "resume_websockets", TRUE);
            REPLY_SHORT(sock, msg, "sync_now", TRUE);
            REPLY_SHORT(sock, msg, "reopen_logs", FALSE);
        } else if COMMAND(pause_websockets) {
            LWARN("Pausing websockets because of command");
            REPLY_SHORT(sock, msg, "paused", FALSE);
        } else if COMMAND(resume_websockets) {
Exemplo n.º 30
// ######################################################################
void ND_Navigation_Algorithm::setMinimumDistances()
  for(uint i = 0; i < itsRegions.size(); i++)
      float minDist = itsDistances[itsRegions[i].start];
      uint  minIndex = itsRegions[i].start;
      for(uint j = itsRegions[i].start +1; j <= itsRegions[i].end; j++)
          // ignore invalid -1.0 distances
          if(itsDistances[j] == -1.0) continue;

          // ignore regions occupied by the killswitches
          if(j >=  25 && j <=  36) continue;
          if(j >= 243 && j <= 253) continue;

          if(minDist > itsDistances[j])
              minDist  = itsDistances[j];
              minIndex = j;

      itsRegions[i].minDistance = minDist;
      itsRegions[i].minIndex    = minIndex;
      LDEBUG("[%4d]{%4d, %4d}  minDist: %f",
             itsRegions[i].start, itsRegions[i].end,