Exemplo n.º 1
void G15LCDDeviceLGLCD::blitImage(QImage *img, bool alert) {
    int len = G15_MAX_FBMEM_BITS;
    uchar *tmp = img->bits();

    lgLcdBitmap160x43x1 bitmap;
    unsigned char *buf = bitmap.pixels;

    if (engine->llcContext.device == LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE)

    if (! bEnabled)

     * The amount of copying/conversion we're doing is hideous.
     * To draw to the LCD display using Logitech's SDK, we need to pass
     * it a byte array (in which each byte represents a single pixel on
     * the LCD.)
     * Unfortunately, there's no way out, really.  We *could* perhaps draw
     * directly to a monochrome "bytemap" (via Format_Indexed8, and a mono-
     * chrome colormap), but QPainter simply doesn't want to draw to a
     * QImage of Format_Indexed8.
     * (What's even worse is that the byte array passed to the Logitech SDK
     * isn't even the native format of the LCD. It has to convert it once
     * more, when it receives a frame.)
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int idx = i*8;
        buf[idx+7] = tmp[i] & 0x80 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+6] = tmp[i] & 0x40 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+5] = tmp[i] & 0x20 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+4] = tmp[i] & 0x10 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+3] = tmp[i] & 0x08 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+2] = tmp[i] & 0x04 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+1] = tmp[i] & 0x02 ? 0xff : 0x00;
        buf[idx+0] = tmp[i] & 0x01 ? 0xff : 0x00;

    bitmap.hdr.Format = LGLCD_BMP_FORMAT_160x43x1;

    DWORD dwErr = lgLcdUpdateBitmap(engine->llcContext.device, &bitmap.hdr, alert ? LGLCD_SYNC_UPDATE(LGLCD_PRIORITY_ALERT) : LGLCD_SYNC_UPDATE(LGLCD_PRIORITY_NORMAL));
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int dwErr;
	BOOL bDetect = FALSE;
	int i;
	lgLcdConnectContextEx conn;
	lgLcdOpenByTypeContext ctx;
	lgLcdBitmap160x43x1 bitmap;

	if (argc > 1 && (strcmp(argv[1], "/detect") == 0)) {
		warn("Detect mode!");
		bDetect = TRUE;
	} else if (!(argc > 1) || (strcmp(argv[1], "/mumble") != 0)) {
		CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, 0, NULL,  NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Nothing to see here"), CFSTR("This program is run by Mumble, and should not be started separately."), CFSTR("OK"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
		return 0;

	 * Clear and set up initial structures.
	memset(&conn, 0, sizeof(conn));
	memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
	memset(&bitmap, 0, sizeof(bitmap));

	conn.appFriendlyName = G15_WIDGET_NAME;
	conn.isAutostartable = FALSE;
	conn.isPersistent = FALSE;
	conn.dwAppletCapabilitiesSupported =LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_BASIC | LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_BW;
	conn.connection = LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION;

	 * Initialize and connect.
	dwErr = lgLcdInit();
	if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		die(G15_ERR_INIT, "Unable to initialize Logitech LCD library. (Error: %i)", dwErr);

	dwErr = lgLcdConnectEx(&conn);
	if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		die(G15_ERR_CONNECT, "Unable to connect to Logitech LCD manager. (Error: %i)", dwErr);

	ctx.connection = conn.connection;
	ctx.deviceType =LGLCD_DEVICE_BW;

	dwErr = lgLcdOpenByType(&ctx);

	warn("That returned %d %d", dwErr, ERROR_SUCCESS);

	if (bDetect)
		return (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS);
	else if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		die(G15_ERR_OPEN, "Unable to open device. (Error: %i)", dwErr);

	 * Diplay buffer format.
	bitmap.hdr.Format = LGLCD_BMP_FORMAT_160x43x1;

	 * Main drawing loop.
	while (1) {
		int ret;
		int remain = 0;
		BYTE bPriority;

		ret = read(0, &bPriority, 1);
		if (ret == -1 || ret != 1)
			die(G15_ERR_READFILE, "Error while reading priority.");

		do {
			ret = read(0, bitmap.pixels + remain, G15_MAX_FBMEM - remain);
			if (ret < 1)
				die(G15_ERR_READFILE, "Error while reading framebuffer. %d (%s)", ret, strerror(errno));
			remain += ret;
		} while (remain < G15_MAX_FBMEM);

		dwErr = lgLcdUpdateBitmap(ctx.device, (const lgLcdBitmapHeader *) &bitmap, bPriority ? LGLCD_SYNC_UPDATE(LGLCD_PRIORITY_ALERT) : LGLCD_SYNC_UPDATE(LGLCD_PRIORITY_NORMAL));
		if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			warn("Unable to update bitmap for device #%i successfully. (Error: %i)", i, dwErr);

	 * Close device connections.
	dwErr = lgLcdClose(ctx.device);
	if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		die(G15_ERR_CLOSE, "Unable to close LCD device. (Error: %i)", dwErr);

	 * Disconnect from LCD monitor.
	dwErr = lgLcdDisconnect(conn.connection);
	if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		die(G15_ERR_DISCONNECT, "Unable to disconnect from LCD manager. (Error: %i)", dwErr);

	 * Deinitialize G15 library.
	dwErr = lgLcdDeInit();
	if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		die(G15_ERR_DEINIT, "Unable to deinitialize LCD library. (Error: %i)", dwErr);

	warn("Terminated successfully.");

	return 0;