Exemplo n.º 1
static inline bool decryptMessage(struct Wrapper* wrapper,
                                  uint32_t nonce,
                                  struct Message* content,
                                  uint8_t secret[32])
    if (wrapper->authenticatePackets) {
        // Decrypt with authentication and replay prevention.
        int ret = decrypt(nonce, content, secret, wrapper->isInitiator, true);
        if (ret) {
                       "Authenticated decryption failed returning %u\n",
            return false;
        ret = !ReplayProtector_checkNonce(nonce, &wrapper->replayProtector);
        if (ret) {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Nonce checking failed.\n");
            return false;
    } else {
        decrypt(nonce, content, secret, wrapper->isInitiator, false);
    int ret = callReceivedMessage(wrapper, content);
    if (ret) {
                   "Call received message failed returning %u\n",
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
static uint8_t sendMessage(struct Message* message, struct Interface* iface)
    struct UDPInterface* context = (struct UDPInterface*) iface->senderContext;
    assert(context->defaultInterface != iface
        || !"Error: can't send traffic to the default interface");

    struct Endpoint* ep =
        (struct Endpoint*) (((char*)iface) - offsetof(struct Endpoint, interface));

    if (sendto(context->socket,
               (struct sockaddr*) &ep->addr,
               context->addrLen) < 0)
        switch (errno) {
            case EMSGSIZE:
                return Error_OVERSIZE_MESSAGE;

            case ENOBUFS:
            case EAGAIN:
            #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN
                case EWOULDBLOCK:
                return Error_LINK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

                Log_debug1(context->logger, "Got error sending to socket errno=%d", errno);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Called by the TUN device.
static inline uint8_t ip6FromTun(struct Message* message,
                                 struct Interface* interface)
    struct Context* context = (struct Context*) interface->receiverContext;

    if (!validIP6(message)) {
        Log_debug(context->logger, "dropped message from TUN because it was not valid IPv6.\n");
        return Error_INVALID;

    struct Headers_IP6Header* header = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message->bytes;

    if (memcmp(header->sourceAddr, context->myAddr.ip6.bytes, 16)) {
        Log_warn(context->logger, "dropped message because only one address is allowed to be used "
                                  "and the source address was different.\n");
        return Error_INVALID;

    context->switchHeader = NULL;

    struct Node* bestNext = RouterModule_getBest(header->destinationAddr, context->routerModule);
    if (bestNext) {
        context->forwardTo = &bestNext->address;
        if (!memcmp(header->destinationAddr, bestNext->address.ip6.bytes, 16)) {
            // Direct send, skip the innermost layer of encryption.
            header->hopLimit = 0;
            #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                uint8_t nhAddr[60];
                Address_print(nhAddr, &bestNext->address);
                Log_debug1(context->logger, "Forwarding data to %s (last hop)\n", nhAddr);
            return sendToRouter(&bestNext->address, message, context);

    // Grab out the header so it doesn't get clobbered.
    struct Headers_IP6Header headerStore;
    memcpy(&headerStore, header, Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
    context->ip6Header = &headerStore;

    // Shift over the content.
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);

    struct Interface* session =
        SessionManager_getSession(headerStore.destinationAddr, NULL, context->sm);

    // This comes out at outgoingFromMe()
    context->layer = INNER_LAYER;
    return session->sendMessage(message, session);
Exemplo n.º 4
static uint8_t receiveMessage(struct Message* received, struct Interface* interface)
    struct Wrapper* wrapper = (struct Wrapper*) interface->receiverContext;
    union Headers_CryptoAuth* header = (union Headers_CryptoAuth*) received->bytes;

    if (received->length < (wrapper->requireAuth ? 20 : 4)) {
        Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Dropped runt");
        return Error_UNDERSIZE_MESSAGE;
    assert(received->padding >= 12 || "need at least 12 bytes of padding in incoming message");
    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        assert(!((uintptr_t)received->bytes % 4) || !"alignment fault");
    Message_shift(received, -4);

    uint32_t nonce = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(header->nonce);

    if (wrapper->nextNonce < 5) {
        if (nonce > 3 && nonce != UINT32_MAX && knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
            Log_debug1(wrapper->context->logger, "Trying final handshake step, nonce=%u\n", nonce);
            uint8_t secret[32];
            if (decryptMessage(wrapper, nonce, received, secret)) {
                Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Final handshake step succeeded.\n");
                wrapper->nextNonce += 3;
                memcpy(wrapper->secret, secret, 32);
                return Error_NONE;
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Final handshake step failed.\n");
    } else if (nonce > 2 && decryptMessage(wrapper, nonce, received, wrapper->secret)) {
        // If decryptMessage returns false then we will try the packet as a handshake.
        return Error_NONE;
    } else {
        Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Decryption failed, trying message as a handshake.\n");
    Message_shift(received, 4);
    return decryptHandshake(wrapper, nonce, received, header);
Exemplo n.º 5
static uint8_t decryptHandshake(struct Wrapper* wrapper,
                                const uint32_t nonce,
                                struct Message* message,
                                union Headers_CryptoAuth* header)
    if (message->length < sizeof(union Headers_CryptoAuth)) {
        Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Dropped runt packet\n");
        return Error_UNDERSIZE_MESSAGE;

    // handshake
    // nextNonce 0: recieving hello.
    // nextNonce 1: recieving key, we sent hello.
    // nextNonce 2: recieving first data packet or duplicate hello.
    // nextNonce 3: recieving first data packet.
    // nextNonce >3: handshake complete

    if (wrapper->nextNonce < 2 && nonce == UINT32_MAX && !wrapper->requireAuth) {
        // Reset without knowing key is allowed until state reaches 2.
        // this is because we don't know that the other end knows our key until we
        // have received a valid packet from them.
        // We can't allow the upper layer to see this message because it's not authenticated.
        if (!knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
            memcpy(wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, header->handshake.publicKey, 32);
        Message_shift(message, -Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE);
        message->length = 0;
        wrapper->nextNonce = 0;
        wrapper->user = NULL;
        // Send an empty response (to initiate the connection).
        encryptHandshake(message, wrapper);
        return Error_NONE;

    void* user = NULL;
    uint8_t passwordHashStore[32];
    uint8_t* passwordHash = tryAuth(header, passwordHashStore, wrapper, &user);
    if (wrapper->requireAuth && !user) {
                  "Dropping message because auth was not given and is required.\n");
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
    if (passwordHash == NULL && header->handshake.auth.challenge.type != 0) {
                  "Dropping message because it contans an authenticator which is unrecognized.\n");
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    // What the nextNonce will become if this packet is valid.
    uint32_t nextNonce;

    // The secret for decrypting this message.
    uint8_t sharedSecret[32];

    uint8_t* herPermKey = NULL;
    if (nonce < 2) {
        if (nonce == 0) {
                       "Received a hello packet, using auth: %d\n",
                       (passwordHash != NULL));
        } else {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Received a repeat hello packet\n");

        // Decrypt message with perminent keys.
        if (!knowHerKey(wrapper) || wrapper->nextNonce == 0) {
            herPermKey = header->handshake.publicKey;
            #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                if (Bits_isZero(header->handshake.publicKey, 32)) {
                    Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Node sent public key of ZERO!\n");
        } else {
            herPermKey = wrapper->herPerminentPubKey;
            if (memcmp(header->handshake.publicKey, herPermKey, 32)) {
                Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Packet contains different perminent key.\n");
                return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

        nextNonce = 2;
    } else {
        if (nonce == 2) {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Received a key packet\n");
        } else if (nonce == 3) {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Received a repeat key packet\n");
        } else {
                       "Received a packet of unknown type! nonce=%u\n", nonce);
        if (memcmp(header->handshake.publicKey, wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, 32)) {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Packet contains different perminent key.\n");
            return Error_AUTHENTICATION;
        // We sent the hello, this is a key
        nextNonce = 4;

    // Shift it on top of the authenticator before the encrypted public key
    Message_shift(message, 48 - Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE);

    Log_debug1(wrapper->context->logger, "Message length: %u\n", message->length);
    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t sharedSecretHex[65];
        printHexKey(sharedSecretHex, sharedSecret);
        uint8_t nonceHex[49];
        Hex_encode(nonceHex, 49, header->handshake.nonce, 24);
        uint8_t cipherHex[65];
        printHexKey(cipherHex, message->bytes);
                  "Decrypting message with:\n"
                  "    nonce: %s\n"
                  "   secret: %s\n"
                  "   cipher: %s\n",
                  nonceHex, sharedSecretHex, cipherHex);

    // Decrypt her temp public key and the message.
    if (decryptRndNonce(header->handshake.nonce, message, sharedSecret) != 0) {
        // just in case
        memset(header, 0, Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE);
                  "Dropped message because authenticated decryption failed.\n");
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    wrapper->user = user;
    memcpy(wrapper->tempKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);

    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        assert(!Bits_isZero(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32));
    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
        Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, wrapper->tempKey, 32);
                  "Unwrapping temp public key:\n"
                  "    %s\n",

    Message_shift(message, -32);
    wrapper->nextNonce = nextNonce;
    if (nextNonce == 2) {
        wrapper->isInitiator = false;
    if (herPermKey && herPermKey != wrapper->herPerminentPubKey) {
        memcpy(wrapper->herPerminentPubKey, herPermKey, 32);

    // If this is a handshake which was initiated in reverse because we
    // didn't know the other node's key, now send what we were going to send.
    if (wrapper->hasBufferedMessage && message->length == 0) {
        Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Sending buffered message.\n");
        sendMessage(wrapper->bufferedMessage, &wrapper->externalInterface);
        wrapper->hasBufferedMessage = false;
        return Error_NONE;
    } else if (wrapper->hasBufferedMessage) {
        Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "There is a buffered message.\n");

    memset(&wrapper->replayProtector, 0, sizeof(struct ReplayProtector));

    return callReceivedMessage(wrapper, message);
Exemplo n.º 6
static uint8_t encryptHandshake(struct Message* message, struct Wrapper* wrapper)
    assert(message->padding >= sizeof(union Headers_CryptoAuth) || !"not enough padding");

    Message_shift(message, sizeof(union Headers_CryptoAuth));

    union Headers_CryptoAuth* header = (union Headers_CryptoAuth*) message->bytes;

    // garbage the auth field to frustrate DPI and set the nonce (next 24 bytes after the auth)
    randombytes((uint8_t*) &header->handshake.auth, sizeof(union Headers_AuthChallenge) + 24);
    memcpy(&header->handshake.publicKey, wrapper->context->publicKey, 32);

    if (!knowHerKey(wrapper)) {
        return genReverseHandshake(message, wrapper, header);

    // Password auth
    uint8_t* passwordHash = NULL;
    if (wrapper->password != NULL) {
        struct Auth auth;
        passwordHash = hashPassword(&auth, wrapper->password, wrapper->authType);
        memcpy(header->handshake.auth.bytes, &auth.challenge, sizeof(union Headers_AuthChallenge));
    header->handshake.auth.challenge.type = wrapper->authType;

    Headers_setPacketAuthRequired(&header->handshake.auth, wrapper->authenticatePackets);

    // set the session state
    uint32_t sessionState_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(wrapper->nextNonce);
    header->nonce = sessionState_be;

    if (wrapper->nextNonce == 0 || wrapper->nextNonce == 2) {
        // If we're sending a hello or a key
        if (wrapper->nextNonce == 0) {
            memcpy(wrapper->tempKey, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
        #ifdef Log_DEBUG
            assert(!Bits_isZero(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32));
            assert(!Bits_isZero(wrapper->secret, 32));
    } else if (wrapper->nextNonce == 3) {
        // Dupe key
        // If nextNonce is 1 then we have our pubkey stored in wrapper->tempKey,
        // If nextNonce is 3 we need to recalculate it each time
        // because tempKey the final secret.
    } else {
        // Dupe hello
        // wrapper->nextNonce == 1
        // Our public key is cached in wrapper->tempKey so lets copy it out.
        memcpy(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, wrapper->tempKey, 32);

    uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
    if (wrapper->nextNonce < 2) {
        if (wrapper->nextNonce == 0) {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Sending hello packet\n");
        } else {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Sending repeat hello packet\n");
        wrapper->isInitiator = true;
        wrapper->nextNonce = 1;
        #ifdef Log_DEBUG
            assert(!Bits_isZero(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32));
            uint8_t myTempPubKey[32];
            crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(myTempPubKey, wrapper->secret);
            assert(!memcmp(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, myTempPubKey, 32));
        #ifdef Log_KEYS
            uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32);
                      "Wrapping temp public key:\n"
                      "    %s\n",
    } else {
        if (wrapper->nextNonce == 2) {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Sending key packet\n");
        } else {
            Log_debug(wrapper->context->logger, "Sending repeat key packet\n");
        // Handshake2 wrapper->tempKey holds her public temp key.
        // it was put there by receiveMessage()
        wrapper->nextNonce = 3;

        #ifdef Log_KEYS
            uint8_t tempKeyHex[65];
            Hex_encode(tempKeyHex, 65, wrapper->tempKey, 32);
                      "Using their temp public key:\n"
                      "    %s\n",

    // Shift message over the encryptedTempKey field.
    Message_shift(message, 32 - Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE);

    encryptRndNonce(header->handshake.nonce, message, sharedSecret);

    Log_debug1(wrapper->context->logger, "Message length: %u\n", message->length);
    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t sharedSecretHex[65];
        printHexKey(sharedSecretHex, sharedSecret);
        uint8_t nonceHex[49];
        Hex_encode(nonceHex, 49, header->handshake.nonce, 24);
        uint8_t cipherHex[65];
        printHexKey(cipherHex, message->bytes);
                  "Encrypting message with:\n"
                  "    nonce: %s\n"
                  "   secret: %s\n"
                  "   cipher: %s\n",
                  nonceHex, sharedSecretHex, cipherHex);
    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        assert(!Bits_isZero(header->handshake.encryptedTempKey, 32));

    // Shift it back -- encryptRndNonce adds 16 bytes of authenticator.
    Message_shift(message, Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE - 32 - 16);

    return wrapper->wrappedInterface->sendMessage(message, wrapper->wrappedInterface);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Ducttape* context = switchIf->senderContext;
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
        uint8_t labelStr[20];
        uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStr, label);
        if (message->length < Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
            Log_info1(context->logger, "dropped runt ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
            return Error_NONE;
        } else {
            Log_debug1(context->logger, "ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
        struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) message->bytes;
        bool pong = false;
        if (ctrl->type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
            if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE) {
                Log_info1(context->logger, "dropped runt error packet from [%s]", labelStr);
                return Error_NONE;
                      "error packet from [%s], error type [%d]",


            uint8_t causeType = Headers_getMessageType(&ctrl->content.error.cause);
            if (causeType == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
                if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE + Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
                              "error packet from [%s] containing runt cause packet",
                    return Error_NONE;
                struct Control* causeCtrl = (struct Control*) &(&ctrl->content.error.cause)[1];
                if (causeCtrl->type_be != Control_PING_be) {
                              "error packet from [%s] caused by [%s] packet ([%d])",
                } else {
                               "error packet from [%s] in response to ping, length: [%d].",
                    // errors resulting from pings are forwarded back to the pinger.
                    pong = true;
            } else if (causeType != Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_DATA) {
                          "error packet from [%s] containing cause of unknown type [%d]",
        } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PONG_be) {
            pong = true;
        } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PING_be) {
            ctrl->type_be = Control_PONG_be;
            Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            switchIf->receiveMessage(message, switchIf);
        } else {
                      "control packet of unknown type from [%s], type [%d]",
                      labelStr, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ctrl->type_be));

        if (pong) {
            // Shift back over the header
            Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            context->switchPingerIf->receiveMessage(message, context->switchPingerIf);
        return Error_NONE;

    uint8_t* herKey = extractPublicKey(message, switchHeader->label_be, context->logger);
    int herAddrIndex;
    if (herKey) {
        uint8_t herAddrStore[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(herAddrStore, herKey);
        if (herAddrStore[0] != 0xFC) {
                      "Got message from peer whose address is not in fc00::/8 range.\n");
            return 0;
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be, herAddrStore, &context->addrMap);
    } else {
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_indexOf(switchHeader->label_be, &context->addrMap);
        if (herAddrIndex == -1) {
            uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
            struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(label, context->routerModule);
            if (n) {
                herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be,
            } else {
                #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                    uint8_t switchAddr[20];
                    AddrTools_printPath(switchAddr, Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be));
                               "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. (%s)\n",
                return 0;

    // If the source address is the same as the router address, no third layer of crypto.
    context->routerAddress = context->addrMap.entries[herAddrIndex].address;

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    context->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    context->session = SessionManager_getSession(context->routerAddress, herKey, context->sm);

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    context->layer = OUTER_LAYER;
    context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Messages with content encrypted and header decrypted are sent here to be forwarded.
 * they may come from us, or from another node and may be to us or to any other node.
 * Message is aligned on the beginning of the ipv6 header.
static inline int core(struct Message* message, struct Ducttape* context)
    context->ip6Header = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message->bytes;

    if (isForMe(message, context)) {
        Message_shift(message, -Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);

        if (memcmp(context->routerAddress, context->ip6Header->sourceAddr, 16)) {
            // triple encrypted
            // This call goes to incomingForMe()
            context->layer = INNER_LAYER;
            context->session =
                SessionManager_getSession(context->ip6Header->sourceAddr, NULL, context->sm);
            return context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);
        } else {
            // double encrypted, inner layer plaintext.
            // The session is still set from the router-to-router traffic and that is the one we use
            // to determine the node's id.
            return incomingForMe(message, context, CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(context->session));

    if (context->ip6Header->hopLimit == 0) {
        Log_debug(context->logger, "dropped message because hop limit has been exceeded.\n");
        // TODO: send back an error message in response.
        return Error_UNDELIVERABLE;

    struct Address* ft = context->forwardTo;
    context->forwardTo = NULL;
    if (!ft) {
        struct Node* bestNext =
            RouterModule_lookup(context->ip6Header->destinationAddr, context->routerModule);
        if (bestNext) {
            ft = &bestNext->address;

    if (ft) {
        #ifdef Log_DEBUG
            uint8_t nhAddr[60];
            Address_print(nhAddr, ft);
            if (memcmp(context->ip6Header->destinationAddr, ft->ip6.bytes, 16)) {
                // Potentially forwarding for ourselves.
                struct Address destination;
                Bits_memcpyConst(destination.ip6.bytes, context->ip6Header->destinationAddr, 16);
                uint8_t ipAddr[40];
                Address_printIp(ipAddr, &destination);
                Log_debug2(context->logger, "Forwarding data to %s via %s\n", ipAddr, nhAddr);
            } else {
                // Definitely forwarding on behalf of someone else.
                Log_debug1(context->logger, "Forwarding data to %s (last hop)\n", nhAddr);
        return sendToRouter(ft, message, context);
    Log_debug(context->logger, "Dropped message because this node is the closest known "
                               "node to the destination.\n");
    return Error_UNDELIVERABLE;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Context* context = switchIf->senderContext;
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == MessageType_CONTROL) {
        struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) (switchHeader + 1);
        if (ctrl->type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
            if (memcmp(&ctrl->content.error.cause.label_be, &switchHeader->label_be, 8)) {
                         "Different label for cause than return packet, this shouldn't happen. "
                         "Perhaps a packet was corrupted.\n");
                return 0;
            uint32_t errType_be = ctrl->content.error.errorType_be;
            if (errType_be == Endian_bigEndianToHost32(Error_MALFORMED_ADDRESS)) {
                Log_info(context->logger, "Got malformed-address error, removing route.\n");
                RouterModule_brokenPath(switchHeader->label_be, context->routerModule);
                return 0;
                      "Got error packet, error type: %d",
        return 0;

    uint8_t* herKey = extractPublicKey(message, switchHeader->label_be, context->logger);
    int herAddrIndex;
    if (herKey) {
        uint8_t herAddrStore[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(herAddrStore, herKey);
        if (herAddrStore[0] != 0xFC) {
                      "Got message from peer whose address is not in fc00::/8 range.\n");
            return 0;
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be, herAddrStore, &context->addrMap);
    } else {
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_indexOf(switchHeader->label_be, &context->addrMap);
        if (herAddrIndex == -1) {
            struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(switchHeader->label_be, context->routerModule);
            if (n) {
                herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be,
            } else {
                #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                    uint8_t switchAddr[20];
                    struct Address addr;
                    addr.networkAddress_be = switchHeader->label_be;
                    Address_printNetworkAddress(switchAddr, &addr);
                               "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. (%s)\n",
                return 0;
    uint8_t* herAddr = context->addrMap.addresses[herAddrIndex];

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    context->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    context->session = SessionManager_getSession(herAddr, herKey, context->sm);

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    context->layer = OUTER_LAYER;
    context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Messages with content encrypted and header decrypted are sent here to be forwarded.
 * they may come from us, or from another node and may be to us or to any other node.
 * Message is aligned on the beginning of the ipv6 header.
static inline int core(struct Message* message, struct Context* context)
    context->ip6Header = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) message->bytes;

    if (!validIP6(message)) {
        Log_debug(context->logger, "Dropping message because of invalid ipv6 header.\n");
        return Error_INVALID;
    // Do this here and check for 1 hop, not 0 because we want to differentiate between single
    // hop traffic and routed traffic as single hop traffic doesn't need 2 layers of crypto.
    if (context->ip6Header->hopLimit == 1) {
        Log_debug(context->logger, "dropped message because hop limit has been exceeded.\n");
        // TODO: send back an error message in response.
        return Error_UNDELIVERABLE;

    if (isForMe(message, context)) {
        Message_shift(message, -Headers_IP6Header_SIZE);
        if (context->ip6Header->hopLimit != 0) {
            // triple encrypted
            // This call goes to incomingForMe()
            context->layer = INNER_LAYER;
            context->session =
                SessionManager_getSession(context->ip6Header->sourceAddr, NULL, context->sm);
            return context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);
        } else {
            // double encrypted, inner layer plaintext.
            // The session is still set from the router-to-router traffic and that is the one we use
            // to determine the node's id.
            return incomingForMe(message, context);

    if (context->ip6Header->hopLimit == 0) {
        Log_debug(context->logger, "0 hop message not addressed to us, broken route.\n");
        return 0;

    struct Address* ft = context->forwardTo;
    context->forwardTo = NULL;
    if (!ft) {
        struct Node* bestNext =
            RouterModule_getBest(context->ip6Header->destinationAddr, context->routerModule);
        if (bestNext) {
            ft = &bestNext->address;

    if (ft) {
        #ifdef Log_DEBUG
            uint8_t nhAddr[60];
            Address_print(nhAddr, ft);
            if (memcmp(context->ip6Header->destinationAddr, ft->ip6.bytes, 16)) {
                // Potentially forwarding for ourselves.
                struct Address destination;
                memcpy(destination.ip6.bytes, context->ip6Header->destinationAddr, 16);
                uint8_t ipAddr[40];
                Address_printIp(ipAddr, &destination);
                Log_debug2(context->logger, "Forwarding data to %s via %s\n", ipAddr, nhAddr);
            } else {
                // Definitely forwarding on behalf of someone else.
                Log_debug1(context->logger, "Forwarding data to %s (last hop)\n", nhAddr);
        return sendToRouter(ft, message, context);
    Log_debug(context->logger, "Dropped message because this node is the closest known "
                               "node to the destination.\n");
    return Error_UNDELIVERABLE;
Exemplo n.º 11
struct Node* NodeStore_getBest(struct Address* targetAddress, struct NodeStore* store)
    struct NodeCollector_Element element = {
        .value = 0,
        .distance = UINT32_MAX,
        .node = NULL

    struct NodeCollector collector = {
        .capacity = 1,
        .targetPrefix = Address_getPrefix(targetAddress),
        .targetAddress = targetAddress,
        .nodes = &element,
        .logger = store->logger

    collector.thisNodeDistance =
        Address_getPrefix(store->thisNodeAddress) ^ collector.targetPrefix;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < store->size; i++) {
        NodeCollector_addNode(store->headers + i, store->nodes + i, &collector);

    return element.node ? nodeForHeader(element.node, store) : NULL;

struct NodeList* NodeStore_getNodesByAddr(struct Address* address,
                                          const uint32_t max,
                                          const struct Allocator* allocator,
                                          struct NodeStore* store)
    struct NodeCollector* collector = NodeCollector_new(address,

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < store->size; i++) {
        DistanceNodeCollector_addNode(store->headers + i, store->nodes + i, collector);

    struct NodeList* out = allocator->malloc(sizeof(struct NodeList), allocator);
    out->nodes = allocator->malloc(max * sizeof(char*), allocator);

    uint32_t outIndex = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        if (collector->nodes[i].node != NULL
            && !memcmp(collector->nodes[i].body->address.ip6.bytes, address->ip6.bytes, 16))
            out->nodes[outIndex] = collector->nodes[i].body;
    out->size = outIndex;

    return out;

/** See: NodeStore.h */
struct NodeList* NodeStore_getClosestNodes(struct NodeStore* store,
                                           struct Address* targetAddress,
                                           struct Address* requestorsAddress,
                                           const uint32_t count,
                                           const bool allowNodesFartherThanUs,
                                           const struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct NodeCollector* collector = NodeCollector_new(targetAddress,

    // Don't send nodes which route back to the node which asked us.
    uint32_t index = (requestorsAddress) ? getSwitchIndex(requestorsAddress) : 0;

    // naive implementation, todo make this faster
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < store->size; i++) {
        if (requestorsAddress && store->headers[i].switchIndex == index) {
        NodeCollector_addNode(store->headers + i, store->nodes + i, collector);

    struct NodeList* out = allocator->malloc(sizeof(struct NodeList), allocator);
    out->nodes = allocator->malloc(count * sizeof(char*), allocator);

    uint32_t outIndex = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (collector->nodes[i].node != NULL) {
            out->nodes[outIndex] = nodeForHeader(collector->nodes[i].node, store);
    out->size = outIndex;

    return out;

/** See: NodeStore.h */
void NodeStore_updateReach(const struct Node* const node,
                           const struct NodeStore* const store)
    store->headers[node - store->nodes].reach = node->reach;

uint32_t NodeStore_size(const struct NodeStore* const store)
    return store->size;

struct Node* NodeStore_getNodeByNetworkAddr(uint64_t networkAddress_be, struct NodeStore* store)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < store->size; i++) {
        if (networkAddress_be == store->nodes[i].address.networkAddress_be) {
            return &store->nodes[i];
    return NULL;

void NodeStore_dumpTables(struct Writer* writer, struct NodeStore* store)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < store->size; i++) {
        uint8_t out[60];
        Address_print(out, &store->nodes[i].address);
        writer->write(out, 60, writer);
        snprintf((char*)out, 60, " link quality = %u\n", store->headers[i].reach);
        writer->write(out, strlen((char*)out), writer);

void NodeStore_remove(struct Node* node, struct NodeStore* store)
    assert(node >= store->nodes && node < store->nodes + store->size);

    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        uint8_t addr[60];
        Address_print(addr, &node->address);
        Log_debug1(store->logger, "Removing route to %s\n", addr);

    memcpy(node, &store->nodes[store->size], sizeof(struct Node));
    struct NodeHeader* header = &store->headers[node - store->nodes];
    memcpy(header, &store->headers[store->size], sizeof(struct NodeHeader));

static void sendEntries(struct NodeStore* store, struct List_Item* last, String* txid, bool isMore)
    struct Dict_Entry txidEntry = {
        .next = NULL,
        .key = CJDHTConstants_TXID,
        .val = &(Object) { .type = Object_STRING, .as.string = txid }
    struct Dict_Entry tableEntry = {
        .next = &txidEntry,
        .key = &(String) { .len = 12, .bytes = "routingTable" },
        .val = &(Object) { .type = Object_LIST, .as.list = &last }
    Dict d;
    if (isMore) {
        struct Dict_Entry more = {
            .next = &tableEntry,
            .key = &(String) { .len = 4, .bytes = "more" },
            .val = &(Object) { .type = Object_INTEGER, .as.number = 1 }
        d = &more;
    } else {