Exemplo n.º 1
    void assemble_cortical(const Geometry& geo, Matrix& mat, const Head2EEGMat& M, const std::string& domain_name, const unsigned gauss_order, double alpha, double beta, const std::string &filename)
        // Following the article: M. Clerc, J. Kybic "Cortical mapping by Laplace–Cauchy transmission using a boundary element method".
        // Assumptions:
        // - domain_name: the domain containing the sources is an innermost domain (defined as the interior of only one interface (called Cortex))
        // - Cortex interface is composed of one mesh only (no shared vertices)

        const Domain& SourceDomain  = geo.domain(domain_name);
        const Interface& Cortex     = SourceDomain.begin()->interface();
        const Mesh& cortex          = Cortex.begin()->mesh();

        // shape of the new matrix:
        unsigned Nl = geo.size()-geo.nb_current_barrier_triangles()-Cortex.nb_vertices()-Cortex.nb_triangles();
        unsigned Nc = geo.size()-geo.nb_current_barrier_triangles();
        std::fstream f(filename.c_str());
        Matrix P;
        if ( !f ) {
            // build the HeadMat:
            // The following is the same as assemble_HM except N_11, D_11 and S_11 are not computed.
            SymMatrix mat_temp(Nc);
            double K = 1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI);
            // We iterate over the meshes (or pair of domains) to fill the lower half of the HeadMat (since its symmetry)
            for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit1 = geo.begin(); mit1 != geo.end(); ++mit1) {
                for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit2 = geo.begin(); (mit2 != (mit1+1)); ++mit2) {
                    // if mit1 and mit2 communicate, i.e they are used for the definition of a common domain
                    const int orientation = geo.oriented(*mit1, *mit2); // equals  0, if they don't have any domains in common
                    // equals  1, if they are both oriented toward the same domain
                    // equals -1, if they are not
                    if ( orientation != 0) {
                        double Scoeff =   orientation * geo.sigma_inv(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        double Dcoeff = - orientation * geo.indicator(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        double Ncoeff;
                        if ( !(mit1->current_barrier() || mit2->current_barrier()) && ( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) ) ) {
                            // Computing S block first because it's needed for the corresponding N block
                            operatorS(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Scoeff, gauss_order);
                            Ncoeff = geo.sigma(*mit1, *mit2)/geo.sigma_inv(*mit1, *mit2);
                        } else {
                            Ncoeff = orientation * geo.sigma(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        if ( !mit1->current_barrier() && (( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) )) ) {
                            // Computing D block
                            operatorD(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Dcoeff, gauss_order,false);
                        if ( ( *mit1 != *mit2 ) && ( !mit2->current_barrier() ) ) {
                            // Computing D* block
                            operatorD(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Dcoeff, gauss_order, true);
                        // Computing N block
                        if ( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) ) {
                            operatorN(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Ncoeff, gauss_order);
            // Deflate all current barriers as one

            mat = Matrix(Nl, Nc);
            // copy mat_temp into mat except the lines for cortex vertices [i_vb_c, i_ve_c] and cortex triangles [i_tb_c, i_te_c].
            unsigned iNl = 0;
            for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
                if ( *mit != cortex ) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_vertex_iterator vit = mit->vertex_begin(); vit != mit->vertex_end(); ++vit) {
                        mat.setlin(iNl, mat_temp.getlin((*vit)->index()));
                    if ( !mit->current_barrier() ) {
                        for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit = mit->begin(); tit != mit->end(); ++tit) {
                            mat.setlin(iNl, mat_temp.getlin(tit->index()));
            // ** Construct P: the null-space projector **
            Matrix W;
                Matrix U, s;
                mat.svd(U, s, W);

            SparseMatrix S(Nc,Nc);
            // we set S to 0 everywhere, except in the last part of the diag:
            for ( unsigned i = Nl; i < Nc; ++i) {
                S(i, i) = 1.0;
            P = (W * S) * W.transpose(); // P is a projector: P^2 = P and mat*P*X = 0
            if ( filename.length() != 0 ) {
                std::cout << "Saving projector P (" << filename << ")." << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Loading projector P (" << filename << ")." << std::endl;

        // ** Get the gradient of P1&P0 elements on the meshes **
        Matrix MM(M.transpose() * M);
        SymMatrix RR(Nc, Nc); RR.set(0.);
        for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {

        // ** Choose Regularization parameter **
        SparseMatrix alphas(Nc,Nc); // diagonal matrix
        Matrix Z;
        if ( alpha < 0 ) { // try an automatic method... TODO find better estimation
            double nRR_v = RR.submat(0, geo.nb_vertices(), 0, geo.nb_vertices()).frobenius_norm();
            alpha = MM.frobenius_norm() / (1.e3*nRR_v);
            beta  = alpha * 50000.;
            for ( Vertices::const_iterator vit = geo.vertex_begin(); vit != geo.vertex_end(); ++vit) {
                alphas(vit->index(), vit->index()) = alpha;
            for ( Meshes::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
                if ( !mit->current_barrier() ) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit = mit->begin(); tit != mit->end(); ++tit) {
                        alphas(tit->index(), tit->index()) = beta;
            std::cout << "AUTOMATIC alphas = " << alpha << "\tbeta = " << beta << std::endl;
        } else {
            for ( Vertices::const_iterator vit = geo.vertex_begin(); vit != geo.vertex_end(); ++vit) {
                alphas(vit->index(), vit->index()) = alpha;
            for ( Meshes::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
                if ( !mit->current_barrier() ) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit = mit->begin(); tit != mit->end(); ++tit) {
                        alphas(tit->index(), tit->index()) = beta;
            std::cout << "alphas = " << alpha << "\tbeta = " << beta << std::endl;
        Z = P.transpose() * (MM + alphas*RR) * P;

        // ** PseudoInverse and return **
        // X = P * { (M*P)' * (M*P) + (R*P)' * (R*P) }¡(-1) * (M*P)'m
        // X = P * { P'*M'*M*P + P'*R'*R*P }¡(-1) * P'*M'm
        // X = P * { P'*(MM + a*RR)*P }¡(-1) * P'*M'm
        // X = P * Z¡(-1) * P' * M'm
        Matrix rhs = P.transpose() * M.transpose();
        mat = P * Z.pinverse() * rhs;
Exemplo n.º 2
MeshData * JSONDataParser::_parseMesh(const rapidjson::Value & rawData)
    const auto mesh = BaseObject::borrowObject<MeshData>();

    const auto rawVertices = rawData[VERTICES].GetArray();
    const auto rawUVs = rawData[UVS].GetArray();
    const auto rawTriangles = rawData[TRIANGLES].GetArray();

    const auto numVertices = (unsigned)(rawVertices.Size() / 2);
    const auto numTriangles = (unsigned)(rawTriangles.Size() / 3);

    std::vector<Matrix> inverseBindPose(this->_armature->getSortedBones().size(), Matrix());

    mesh->skinned = rawData.HasMember(WEIGHTS) && !rawData[WEIGHTS].GetArray().Empty();
    mesh->uvs.resize(numVertices * 2);
    mesh->vertices.resize(numVertices * 2);
    mesh->vertexIndices.resize(numTriangles * 3);

    if (mesh->skinned)

        if (rawData.HasMember(SLOT_POSE))
            const auto& rawSlotPose = rawData[SLOT_POSE].GetArray();
            mesh->slotPose.a = rawSlotPose[0].GetFloat();
            mesh->slotPose.b = rawSlotPose[1].GetFloat();
            mesh->slotPose.c = rawSlotPose[2].GetFloat();
            mesh->slotPose.d = rawSlotPose[3].GetFloat();
            mesh->slotPose.tx = rawSlotPose[4].GetFloat();
            mesh->slotPose.ty = rawSlotPose[5].GetFloat();

        if (rawData.HasMember(BONE_POSE))
            const auto& rawBonePose = rawData[BONE_POSE].GetArray();
            for (std::size_t i = 0, l = rawBonePose.Size(); i < l; i += 7)
                const auto rawBoneIndex = rawBonePose[i].GetUint();
                auto& boneMatrix = inverseBindPose[rawBoneIndex];
                boneMatrix.a = rawBonePose[i + 1].GetFloat();
                boneMatrix.b = rawBonePose[i + 2].GetFloat();
                boneMatrix.c = rawBonePose[i + 3].GetFloat();
                boneMatrix.d = rawBonePose[i + 4].GetFloat();
                boneMatrix.tx = rawBonePose[i + 5].GetFloat();
                boneMatrix.ty = rawBonePose[i + 6].GetFloat();

    for (std::size_t i = 0, iW = 0, l = rawVertices.Size(); i < l; i += 2)
        const auto iN = i + 1;
        const auto vertexIndex = i / 2;

        auto x = mesh->vertices[i] = rawVertices[i].GetFloat() * this->_armatureScale;
        auto y = mesh->vertices[iN] = rawVertices[iN].GetFloat() * this->_armatureScale;
        mesh->uvs[i] = rawUVs[i].GetFloat();
        mesh->uvs[iN] = rawUVs[iN].GetFloat();

        if (mesh->skinned)
            const auto rawWeights = rawData[WEIGHTS].GetArray();
            const auto numBones = rawWeights[iW].GetUint();
            auto& indices = mesh->boneIndices[vertexIndex];
            auto& weights = mesh->weights[vertexIndex];
            auto& boneVertices = mesh->boneVertices[vertexIndex];
            mesh->slotPose.transformPoint(x, y, _helpPoint);
            x = mesh->vertices[i] = _helpPoint.x;
            y = mesh->vertices[iN] = _helpPoint.y;

            for (std::size_t iB = 0; iB < numBones; ++iB)
                const auto iI = iW + 1 + iB * 2;
                const auto rawBoneIndex = rawWeights[iI].GetUint();
                const auto boneData = this->_rawBones[rawBoneIndex];

                const auto iderator = std::find(mesh->bones.cbegin(), mesh->bones.cend(), boneData);
                std::size_t boneIndex = 0;
                if (iderator == mesh->bones.cend())
                    boneIndex = mesh->bones.size();
                    mesh->inverseBindPose.push_back(inverseBindPose[rawBoneIndex]); // copy
                    boneIndex = std::distance(mesh->bones.cbegin(), iderator);

                mesh->inverseBindPose[boneIndex].transformPoint(x, y, _helpPoint);

                weights.push_back(rawWeights[iI + 1].GetFloat());

            iW += numBones * 2 + 1;

    for (std::size_t i = 0, l = rawTriangles.Size(); i < l; ++i)
        mesh->vertexIndices[i] = rawTriangles[i].GetUint();

    return mesh;
Exemplo n.º 3
MeshComponent::MeshComponent(Mesh* mesh, float scale) {
	this->mesh = mesh;
	this->scale = Matrix();
	this->scale *= scale;
Exemplo n.º 4
MeshComponent::MeshComponent() {
	this->type = EActorComponent::MESH;
	this->scale = Matrix();
Exemplo n.º 5
    void assemble_cortical2(const Geometry& geo, Matrix& mat, const Head2EEGMat& M, const std::string& domain_name, const unsigned gauss_order, double gamma, const std::string &filename)
        // Re-writting of the optimization problem in M. Clerc, J. Kybic "Cortical mapping by Laplace–Cauchy transmission using a boundary element method".
        // with a Lagrangian formulation as in see http://www.math.uh.edu/~rohop/fall_06/Chapter3.pdf eq3.3
        // find argmin(norm(gradient(X)) under constraints: 
        // H * X = 0 and M * X = m
        // let G be the gradient norm matrix, l1, l2 the lagrange parameters
        // [ G  H' M'] [   X    ]   [ 0 ]
        // | H  0    | |   l1   | = | 0 |
        // [ M     0 ] [   l2   ]   [ m ]
        // {----,----}
        //      K
        // we want a submat of the inverse of K (using blockwise inversion, (TODO maybe iterative solution better ?)).
        // Assumptions:
        // - domain_name: the domain containing the sources is an innermost domain (defined as the interior of only one interface (called Cortex)
        // - Cortex interface is composed of one mesh only (no shared vertices)

        const Domain& SourceDomain = geo.domain(domain_name);
        const Interface& Cortex    = SourceDomain.begin()->interface();
        const Mesh& cortex         = Cortex.begin()->mesh();

        // shape of the new matrix:
        unsigned Nl = geo.size()-geo.nb_current_barrier_triangles()-Cortex.nb_vertices()-Cortex.nb_triangles();
        unsigned Nc = geo.size()-geo.nb_current_barrier_triangles();
        std::fstream f(filename.c_str());
        Matrix H;
        if ( !f ) {
            // build the HeadMat:
            // The following is the same as assemble_HM except N_11, D_11 and S_11 are not computed.
            SymMatrix mat_temp(Nc);
            double K = 1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI);
            // We iterate over the meshes (or pair of domains) to fill the lower half of the HeadMat (since its symmetry)
            for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit1 = geo.begin(); mit1 != geo.end(); ++mit1) {
                for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit2 = geo.begin(); (mit2 != (mit1+1)); ++mit2) {
                    // if mit1 and mit2 communicate, i.e they are used for the definition of a common domain
                    const int orientation = geo.oriented(*mit1, *mit2); // equals  0, if they don't have any domains in common
                    // equals  1, if they are both oriented toward the same domain
                    // equals -1, if they are not
                    if ( orientation != 0) {
                        double Scoeff =   orientation * geo.sigma_inv(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        double Dcoeff = - orientation * geo.indicator(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        double Ncoeff;
                        if ( !(mit1->current_barrier() || mit2->current_barrier()) && ( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) ) ) {
                            // Computing S block first because it's needed for the corresponding N block
                            operatorS(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Scoeff, gauss_order);
                            Ncoeff = geo.sigma(*mit1, *mit2)/geo.sigma_inv(*mit1, *mit2);
                        } else {
                            Ncoeff = orientation * geo.sigma(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        if ( !mit1->current_barrier() && (( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) )) ) {
                            // Computing D block
                            operatorD(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Dcoeff, gauss_order);
                        if ( ( *mit1 != *mit2 ) && ( !mit2->current_barrier() ) ) {
                            // Computing D* block
                            operatorD(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Dcoeff, gauss_order, true);
                        // Computing N block
                        if ( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) ) {
                            operatorN(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Ncoeff, gauss_order);
            // Deflate all current barriers as one

            H = Matrix(Nl + M.nlin(), Nc);
            // copy mat_temp into H except the lines for cortex vertices [i_vb_c, i_ve_c] and cortex triangles [i_tb_c, i_te_c].
            unsigned iNl = 0;
            for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
                if ( *mit != cortex ) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_vertex_iterator vit = mit->vertex_begin(); vit != mit->vertex_end(); ++vit) {
                        H.setlin(iNl, mat_temp.getlin((*vit)->index()));
                    if ( !mit->current_barrier() ) {
                        for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit = mit->begin(); tit != mit->end(); ++tit) {
                            H.setlin(iNl, mat_temp.getlin(tit->index()));
            if ( filename.length() != 0 ) {
                std::cout << "Saving matrix H (" << filename << ")." << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Loading matrix H (" << filename << ")." << std::endl;

        // concat M to H
        for ( unsigned i = Nl; i < Nl + M.nlin(); ++i) {
            for ( unsigned j = 0; j < Nc; ++j) {
                H(i, j) = M(i-Nl, j);

        // ** Get the gradient of P1&P0 elements on the meshes **
        SymMatrix G(Nc);
        for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
        // multiply by gamma the submat of current gradient norm2
        for ( Meshes::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
            if ( !mit->current_barrier() ) {
                for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit1 = mit->begin(); tit1 != mit->end(); ++tit1) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit2 = mit->begin(); tit2 != mit->end(); ++tit2) {
                        G(tit1->index(), tit2->index()) *= gamma;
        std::cout << "gamma = " << gamma << std::endl;
        mat = (G * H.transpose() * (H * G * H.transpose()).inverse()).submat(0, Nc, Nl, M.nlin());
Exemplo n.º 6
ElasticForceBeamColumn2d::setResponse(const char **argv, int argc, OPS_Stream &output)
  Response *theResponse = 0;


  // global force - 
  if (strcmp(argv[0],"forces") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0],"force") == 0
      || strcmp(argv[0],"globalForce") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0],"globalForces") == 0) {


    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 1, theVector);
  // local force -
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"localForce") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0],"localForces") == 0) {


    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 2, theVector);

  // basic force -
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"basicForce") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0],"basicForces") == 0) {


    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 7, Vector(3));

  // chord rotation -
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"chordRotation") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0],"chordDeformation") == 0 
	     || strcmp(argv[0],"basicDeformation") == 0) {


    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 3, Vector(3));
  // plastic rotation -
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"plasticRotation") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0],"plasticDeformation") == 0) {


    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 4, Vector(3));

  // point of inflection
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"inflectionPoint") == 0) {

    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 5, 0.0);
  // tangent drift
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"tangentDrift") == 0) {
    theResponse =  new ElementResponse(this, 6, Vector(2));

  // basic forces
  } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"basicForce") == 0)
    theResponse = new ElementResponse(this, 7, Vector(3));

  else if (strcmp(argv[0],"integrationPoints") == 0)
    theResponse = new ElementResponse(this, 10, Vector(numSections));

  else if (strcmp(argv[0],"integrationWeights") == 0)
    theResponse = new ElementResponse(this, 11, Vector(numSections));

  else if (strcmp(argv[0],"basicStiffness") == 0)
    theResponse = new ElementResponse(this, 12, Matrix(3,3));

  // section response -
  else if (strstr(argv[0],"sectionX") != 0) {
    if (argc > 2) {
      double sectionLoc = atof(argv[1]);

      double xi[maxNumSections];
      double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
      beamIntegr->getSectionLocations(numSections, L, xi);
      sectionLoc /= L;

      double minDistance = fabs(xi[0]-sectionLoc);
      int sectionNum = 0;
      for (int i = 1; i < numSections; i++) {
	if (fabs(xi[i]-sectionLoc) < minDistance) {
	  minDistance = fabs(xi[i]-sectionLoc);
	  sectionNum = i;


      theResponse = sections[sectionNum]->setResponse(&argv[2], argc-2, output);

  // section response -
  else if (strstr(argv[0],"section") != 0) {
    if (argc > 2) {
      int sectionNum = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (sectionNum > 0 && sectionNum <= numSections) {

	double xi[maxNumSections];
	double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
	beamIntegr->getSectionLocations(numSections, L, xi);

	theResponse = sections[sectionNum-1]->setResponse(&argv[2], argc-2, output);
  output.endTag(); // ElementOutput

  return theResponse;
Exemplo n.º 7
Matrix Matrix::operator/(float f) const
    return Matrix(m_Matrix / f);
Exemplo n.º 8
int main (int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  // define some Epetra objects

  int n = Comm.NumProc() * 4;
  Epetra_Map Map(n, 0, Comm);
  Epetra_MultiVector x(Map, 2); x.Random();
  Epetra_MultiVector b(Map, 2); x.Random();
  Epetra_CrsMatrix Matrix(Copy, Map, 0);
  // diagonal matrix
  for (int i = 0; i < Map.NumMyElements(); ++i)
    int ii = Map.GID(i);
    double one = 1.0;
    Matrix.InsertGlobalValues(ii, 1, &one, &ii);

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("int parameter", 10);
  List.set("double parameter", 10.0);
  List.set("std::string parameter", "std::string");

  // ========================= //
  // Part I: generate XML file //
  // ========================= //
  EpetraExt::XMLWriter XMLWriter(Comm, "data.xml");

  std::vector<std::string> Content;
  Content.push_back("This is an example of description");
  Content.push_back("The description is as long as desired,");
  Content.push_back("just put it in a std::vector of strings.");

  XMLWriter.Write("Author", "myself and others");
  XMLWriter.Write("Date", "May 2006");
  XMLWriter.Write("MyMap", Map);
  XMLWriter.Write("MyMatrix", Matrix);
  XMLWriter.Write("MyLHS", x);
  XMLWriter.Write("MyRHS", b);
  XMLWriter.Write("MyContent", Content);
  XMLWriter.Write("MyParameters", List);

  // ================== //
  // Part II: read data //
  // ================== //
  EpetraExt::XMLReader XMLReader(Comm, "data.xml");

  Epetra_Map* MyMap;
  Epetra_CrsMatrix* MyMatrix;
  Epetra_MultiVector* MyLHS;
  Epetra_MultiVector* MyRHS;
  Teuchos::ParameterList MyParameters;
  std::vector<std::string> Author;
  std::vector<std::string> Date;
  std::vector<std::string> MyContent;

  XMLReader.Read("Author", Author);
  XMLReader.Read("Date", Date);
  XMLReader.Read("MyMap", MyMap);
  XMLReader.Read("MyMatrix", MyMatrix);
  XMLReader.Read("MyLHS", MyLHS);
  XMLReader.Read("MyRHS", MyRHS);
  XMLReader.Read("MyContent", MyContent);
  XMLReader.Read("MyParameters", MyParameters);

  std::cout << *MyMap;
  std::cout << *MyMatrix;
  std::cout << *MyLHS;
  std::cout << *MyRHS;
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
    int Msize = (int) MyContent.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < Msize; ++i)
      std::cout << MyContent[i] << std::endl;

    std::cout << MyParameters;
    std::cout << "Author = " << Author[0] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Date   = " << Date[0] << std::endl;

  delete MyMap;
  delete MyMatrix;
  delete MyLHS;
  delete MyRHS;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

Exemplo n.º 9
void Filter::Kalman(Joint joint, double &dx, double &dy)
	Kalmans[Kalman_count++] = joint;
	Kalman_count = Kalman_count % Kalman_limit;
	if (Kalman_num > Kalman_limit)
		Kalman_num = Kalman_limit;
	if (Kalman_num < Kalman_limit)
		dx = joint.Position.X;
		dy = joint.Position.Y;
		//X, Y
		int haha;
		haha = 1;
		double x[5], y[5];
		int pos = Kalman_count;
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			x[i] = Kalmans[pos].Position.X;
			y[i] = Kalmans[pos].Position.Y;
			pos = pos%Kalman_limit;
		//求系数Ax, Ay
		double Ax[5] = {
			/*a0*/ x[0],
			/*a1*/ 4 * (x[1] - x[0]) - 3 * x[2] + 4 * x[3] / 3 - x[4] / 4,
			/*a2*/ 11 * x[4] / 24 - 7 * x[3] / 3 + 19 * x[2] / 4 - 13 * (x[1] - x[0]) / 3,
			/*a3*/ x[4] / 3 - 7 * x[3] / 6 + x[2] - (x[1] - x[0]) / 2,
			/*a4*/ (x[4] - 4 * x[3] + 6 * x[2] + 4 * (x[1] - x[0])) / 24
		double Ay[5] = {
			/*a0*/ y[0],
			/*a1*/ 4 * (y[1] - y[0]) - 3 * y[2] + 4 * y[3] / 3 - y[4] / 4,
			/*a2*/ 11 * y[4] / 24 - 7 * y[3] / 3 + 19 * y[2] / 4 - 13 * (y[1] - y[0]) / 3,
			/*a3*/ y[4] / 3 - 7 * y[3] / 6 + y[2] - (y[1] - y[0]) / 2,
			/*a4*/ (y[4] - 4 * y[3] + 6 * y[2] + 4 * (y[1] - y[0])) / 24

		//求转换矩阵Fx, Fy
		Matrix Fx(4, 4,
							 new double[16]{
			  1, 1, -0.5, (Ax[1] + 6 * Ax[3] - 4 * Ax[4]) / (24 * Ax[4]),
				0, 1, 1, 0.5,
				0, 0, 1, 1,
				0, 0, 0, 1});
		Matrix Fy(4, 4,
							 new double[16]{
			1, 1, -0.5, (Ay[1] + 6 * Ay[3] - 4 * Ay[4]) / (24 * Ay[4]),
				0, 1, 1, 0.5,
				0, 0, 1, 1,
				0, 0, 0, 1});
		Matrix ex(4, 4), ey(4, 4);
		ex = Fx*Kalman_ex*(!Fx);
		ey = Fy*Kalman_ey*(!Fy);
		//cout << "ex" << endl; ex.print();
		//cout << "ey" << endl; ey.print();

		Matrix Bx(4, 1), By(4, 1);
		//cout << "!Kalman_C" << endl; (!Kalman_C).print();
		//cout << "Kalman_vx" << endl; Kalman_vx.print();
		//cout << "Kalman_C" << endl; Kalman_C.print();
		//cout << "!Kalman_C" << endl; (!Kalman_C).print();
		//cout << "Kalman_C*ex" << endl; (Kalman_C*ex).print();
		//cout << "Kalman_C*ex*(!Kalman_C)" << endl; (Kalman_C*ex*(!Kalman_C)).print();
		//cout << "(~(Kalman_vx + Kalman_C*ex*(!Kalman_C)))" << endl;
		//(~(Kalman_vx + Kalman_C*ex*(!Kalman_C))).print();
		Bx = ex*(!Kalman_C)*(~(Kalman_vx + Kalman_C*ex*(!Kalman_C)));
		//cout << "Bx" << endl; Bx.print();
		By = ey*(!Kalman_C)*(~(Kalman_vy + Kalman_C*ey*(!Kalman_C)));
		Matrix I4(4, 4);
		Kalman_Sx = (I4 - Bx*Kalman_C)*(Fx*Kalman_Sx + Kalman_Gx) +
			Bx*Matrix(1, 1, new double[1] {joint.Position.X});
		//cout << "Kalman_Sx" << endl; Kalman_Sx.print();
		Kalman_Sy = (I4 - By*Kalman_C)*(Fy*Kalman_Sy + Kalman_Gy) +
			By*Matrix(1, 1, new double[1] {joint.Position.Y});

		Kalman_ex = ex - Bx*Kalman_C*ex;
		Kalman_ey = ey - By*Kalman_C*ey;

		dx = Kalman_Sx.at(0, 0);
		dy = Kalman_Sy.at(0, 0);
inline void  GraphicsSystem::MatrixPush()
    MatrixStack << Matrix(MatrixStack[curMatrix]);
Exemplo n.º 11
int Ifpack_ICT::Compute() 
  if (!IsInitialized()) 

  IsComputed_ = false;

  NumMyRows_ = A_.NumMyRows();
  int Length = A_.MaxNumEntries();
  vector<int>    RowIndices(Length);
  vector<double> RowValues(Length);

  bool distributed = (Comm().NumProc() > 1)?true:false;

  if (distributed)
    SerialComm_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_SerialComm);
    SerialMap_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Map(NumMyRows_, 0, *SerialComm_));
    assert (SerialComm_.get() != 0);
    assert (SerialMap_.get() != 0);
    SerialMap_ = Teuchos::rcp(const_cast<Epetra_Map*>(&A_.RowMatrixRowMap()), false);

  int RowNnz;
  double flops = 0.0;

  H_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy,*SerialMap_,0));
  if (H_.get() == 0)
    IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-5); // memory allocation error

  // get A(0,0) element and insert it (after sqrt)

  // skip off-processor elements
  if (distributed)
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ;i < RowNnz ; ++i) 
      if (RowIndices[i] < NumMyRows_){
        RowIndices[count] = RowIndices[i];
        RowValues[count] = RowValues[i];
    RowNnz = count;

  // modify diagonal
  double diag_val = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0 ;i < RowNnz ; ++i) {
    if (RowIndices[i] == 0) {
      double& v = RowValues[i];
      diag_val = AbsoluteThreshold() * EPETRA_SGN(v) +
        RelativeThreshold() * v;

  diag_val = sqrt(diag_val);
  int diag_idx = 0;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(H_->InsertGlobalValues(0,1,&diag_val, &diag_idx));

  int oldSize = RowNnz;

  // The 10 is just a small constant to limit collisons as the actual keys
  // we store are the indices and not integers
  // [0..A_.MaxNumEntries()*LevelofFill()].
  Ifpack_HashTable Hash( 10 * A_.MaxNumEntries() * LevelOfFill(), 1);

  // start factorization for line 1
  for (int row_i = 1 ; row_i < NumMyRows_ ; ++row_i) {

    // get row `row_i' of the matrix

    // skip off-processor elements
    if (distributed)
      int count = 0;
      for (int i = 0 ;i < RowNnz ; ++i) 
        if (RowIndices[i] < NumMyRows_){
          RowIndices[count] = RowIndices[i];
          RowValues[count] = RowValues[i];
      RowNnz = count;

    // number of nonzeros in this row are defined as the nonzeros
    // of the matrix, plus the level of fill 
    int LOF = (int)(LevelOfFill() * RowNnz);
    if (LOF == 0) LOF = 1;

    // convert line `row_i' into hash for fast access

    double h_ii = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < RowNnz ; ++i) {
      if (RowIndices[i] == row_i) {
        double& v = RowValues[i];
        h_ii = AbsoluteThreshold() * EPETRA_SGN(v) + RelativeThreshold() * v;
      else if (RowIndices[i] < row_i)
        Hash.set(RowIndices[i], RowValues[i], true);
    // form element (row_i, col_j)
    // I start from the first row that has a nonzero column
    // index in row_i.
    for (int col_j = RowIndices[0] ; col_j < row_i ; ++col_j) {

      double h_ij = 0.0, h_jj = 0.0;
      // note: get() returns 0.0 if col_j is not found
      h_ij = Hash.get(col_j);

      // get pointers to row `col_j'
      int* ColIndices;
      double* ColValues;
      int ColNnz;
      H_->ExtractGlobalRowView(col_j, ColNnz, ColValues, ColIndices);

      for (int k = 0 ; k < ColNnz ; ++k) {
        int col_k = ColIndices[k];

        if (col_k == col_j)
          h_jj = ColValues[k];
        else {
          double xxx = Hash.get(col_k);
          if (xxx != 0.0)
            h_ij -= ColValues[k] * xxx;
            flops += 2.0;

      h_ij /= h_jj;

      if (IFPACK_ABS(h_ij) > DropTolerance_)
        Hash.set(col_j, h_ij);
      // only approx
      ComputeFlops_ += 2.0 * flops + 1.0;

    int size = Hash.getNumEntries();

    vector<double> AbsRow(size);
    int count = 0;
    // +1 because I use the extra position for diagonal in insert
    vector<int> keys(size + 1);
    vector<double> values(size + 1);

    Hash.arrayify(&keys[0], &values[0]);

    for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)
      AbsRow[i] = IFPACK_ABS(values[i]);
    count = size;

    double cutoff = 0.0;
    if (count > LOF) {
      nth_element(AbsRow.begin(), AbsRow.begin() + LOF, AbsRow.begin() + count, 
      cutoff = AbsRow[LOF];

    for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)
      h_ii -= values[i] * values[i];

    if (h_ii < 0.0) h_ii = 1e-12;;

    h_ii = sqrt(h_ii);

    // only approx, + 1 == sqrt
    ComputeFlops_ += 2 * size + 1;

    double DiscardedElements = 0.0;

    count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)    
      if (IFPACK_ABS(values[i]) > cutoff)
        values[count] = values[i];
        keys[count] = keys[i];
        DiscardedElements += values[i];

    if (RelaxValue() != 0.0) {
      DiscardedElements *= RelaxValue();
      h_ii += DiscardedElements;

    values[count] = h_ii;
    keys[count] = row_i;

    H_->InsertGlobalValues(row_i, count, &(values[0]), (int*)&(keys[0]));

    oldSize = size;


#if 0
  // to check the complete factorization
  Epetra_Vector LHS(Matrix().RowMatrixRowMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS1(Matrix().RowMatrixRowMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS2(Matrix().RowMatrixRowMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS3(Matrix().RowMatrixRowMap());


  RHS1.Update(-1.0, RHS3, 1.0);
  cout << endl;
  cout << RHS1;
  int MyNonzeros = H_->NumGlobalNonzeros();
  Comm().SumAll(&MyNonzeros, &GlobalNonzeros_, 1);

  IsComputed_ = true;
  double TotalFlops; // sum across all the processors
  A_.Comm().SumAll(&flops, &TotalFlops, 1);
  ComputeFlops_ += TotalFlops;
  ComputeTime_ += Time_.ElapsedTime();


Exemplo n.º 12
    return *this;
Matrix& Matrix::operator=(const NxMat34& mat)
    return *this;
Matrix& Matrix::operator=(const D3DXMATRIX& mat)
    m_Matrix = mat;
    return *this;

const Matrix Matrix::Identity = Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0,
                                       0, 1, 0, 0,
                                       0, 0, 1, 0,
                                       0, 0, 0, 1);


// casting operators
Matrix::operator float*()
    return (float*)m_Matrix;
Matrix::operator const float*() const
    return (const float*)m_Matrix;
Exemplo n.º 13
Matrix Matrix::operator*(float f) const
    return Matrix(m_Matrix * f);
Exemplo n.º 14
int Ifpack_PointRelaxation::
ApplyInverseSGS_RowMatrix(const Epetra_MultiVector& X, Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const
  int NumVectors = X.NumVectors();
  int Length = Matrix().MaxNumEntries();
  vector<int> Indices(Length);
  vector<double> Values(Length);

  Teuchos::RefCountPtr< Epetra_MultiVector > Y2;
  if (IsParallel_) {
    Y2 = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(Importer_->TargetMap(), NumVectors) );
    Y2 = Teuchos::rcp( &Y, false );

  double** y_ptr, ** y2_ptr, ** x_ptr, *d_ptr;
  for (int iter = 0 ; iter < NumSweeps_ ; ++iter) {
    // only one data exchange per sweep
    if (IsParallel_)

    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i) {

      int NumEntries;
      int col;
      double diag = d_ptr[i];

      IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length,NumEntries,
                                               &Values[0], &Indices[0]));

      for (int m = 0 ; m < NumVectors ; ++m) {

        double dtemp = 0.0;

        for (int k = 0 ; k < NumEntries ; ++k) {

          col = Indices[k];
          dtemp += Values[k] * y2_ptr[m][col];

        y2_ptr[m][i] += DampingFactor_ * (x_ptr[m][i] - dtemp) * diag;

    for (int i = NumMyRows_  - 1 ; i > -1 ; --i) {

      int NumEntries;
      int col;
      double diag = d_ptr[i];

      IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length,NumEntries,
                                               &Values[0], &Indices[0]));

      for (int m = 0 ; m < NumVectors ; ++m) {

        double dtemp = 0.0;
        for (int k = 0 ; k < NumEntries ; ++k) {

          col = Indices[k];
          dtemp += Values[k] * y2_ptr[m][col];

        y2_ptr[m][i] += DampingFactor_ * (x_ptr[m][i] - dtemp) * diag;


    if (IsParallel_)
      for (int m = 0 ; m < NumVectors ; ++m) 
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i)
          y_ptr[m][i] = y2_ptr[m][i];

  ApplyInverseFlops_ += NumVectors * (8 * NumGlobalRows_ + 4 * NumGlobalNonzeros_);
Exemplo n.º 15
returnValue CondensingExport::setupEvaluation( )
	x.setup( "x",        (getN()+1), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
	u.setup( "u",        getN(), getNU(),     REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
	p.setup( "p",        1, getNP(),          REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );

	state.setup   ( "state",    1,getNX()*(getNX()+getNU()+1) + getNU() +getNP(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
		x0Ref.setup ( "x0Ref",  1, getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
		x0Ref2.setup( "x0Ref2", 1, getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );

	E.setup  ( "E",   getN()*getNX(), getN()*getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	lbA.setup( "lbA", getNumStateBounds(), 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	ubA.setup( "ubA", getNumStateBounds(), 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	Matrix zeroXU = zeros( getNX(),getNU() );
	Matrix idX    = eye( getNX() );

	// setupQP
	setupQP.setup( "setupQP" );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		setupQP.addStatement( state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) == x.getRow(0) );

	// TODO: this part should be preinitialized. More specifically, E & QE matrices should be preinitializes to 0.
	uint run1, run2;
	for( run1 = 0; run1 < getN()-1; run1++ )
		for( run2 = 1+run1; run2 < getN(); run2++ )
			setupQP.addStatement( E.getSubMatrix( run1*getNX(),(run1+1)*getNX(), run2*getNU(),(run2+1)*getNU() ) == zeroXU );

    // Write state bounds to the file
	// TODO: Since the bounds are fixed in this case, they should be preinitialized
	if( getNumStateBounds( ) > 0 )
		Vector xLowerBounds(nxBounds), xUpperBounds(nxBounds);
		for( run1 = 0; run1 < nxBounds; run1++ )
			xLowerBounds(run1) = xBounds.getLowerBound( xBoundsIdx[run1]/getNX(),xBoundsIdx[run1]%getNX() );
			xUpperBounds(run1) = xBounds.getUpperBound( xBoundsIdx[run1]/getNX(),xBoundsIdx[run1]%getNX() );
		setupQP.addStatement( lbA == xLowerBounds );
		setupQP.addStatement( ubA == xUpperBounds );
	setupQP.addLinebreak( );

	if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
		setupQP.addStatement( Dx0  == x.getRow(0) - x0Ref );
		setupQP.addStatement( Dx0b == x.getRow(0) - x0Ref2 );
		setupQP.addLinebreak( );
	// compute QQF if necessary
	if ( QQF.isGiven( ) == BT_FALSE )
		setupQP.addStatement( QQF == Q + QF );

	ExportIndex reset( String("reset") );
	setupQP.addIndex( reset );
	setupQP.addStatement( reset == 1 );

	ExportIndex run( String("run1") );
	ExportForLoop loop( run, 0,getN() );
	setupQP.addIndex( run );

	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE ) {
		loop.addStatement( reset == 1 );
		loop.addStatement( state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) == x.getRow( run ) );
	// no free parameters implemented yet!
	uint uIdx = getNX() * ( 1+getNX() );
	uint pIdx = getNX() * ( 1+getNX()+getNU() );
	uIdx = pIdx;
	pIdx = pIdx + getNU();
	loop.addStatement( state.getCols( uIdx,pIdx ) == u.getRow( run ) );
	loop.addStatement( state.getCols( pIdx,pIdx+getNP() ) == p );
	loop.addLinebreak( );
	if ( integrator->equidistantControlGrid() )
		loop.addFunctionCall( "integrate", state, reset.makeArgument() );
		loop.addFunctionCall( "integrate", state, reset.makeArgument(), run.makeArgument() );
	if( performsSingleShooting() ) loop.addStatement( reset == 0 );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		loop.addStatement( x.getRow( run+1 ) == state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) );
		// Multiple shooting
		// TODO: Check the sign here
		loop.addStatement( residuum.getRow( run ) == state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) - x.getRow( run+1 ) );
	loop.addLinebreak( );
	loop.addFunctionCall( condense1, run.makeArgument(),state );

    setupQP.addStatement( loop );
	setupQP.addLinebreak( );
	setupQP.addFunctionCall( condense2 );

	// Get objective value

	ExportVariable tmp("tmp", 1, 1, REAL, ACADO_LOCAL, BT_TRUE);
	ExportVariable tmpDx("tmpDx", 1, getNX(), REAL, ACADO_LOCAL );
	ExportVariable tmpDu("tmpDu", 1, getNU(), REAL, ACADO_LOCAL );

	getObjectiveValue.setup( "getObjectiveValue" );
	getObjectiveValue.setReturnValue( tmp );

	getObjectiveValue.addVariable( tmpDx );
	getObjectiveValue.addVariable( tmpDu );

	getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp == 0.0 );
	getObjectiveValue.addLinebreak( );

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < getN(); ++i)
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmpDx == Dx.getRow( i ) * Q );
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp += Dx.getRow( i ) * tmpDx.getTranspose() );
	getObjectiveValue.addLinebreak( );

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < getN(); ++i)
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmpDu == Du.getRow( i ) * R );
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp += Du.getRow( i ) * tmpDu.getTranspose() );
	getObjectiveValue.addLinebreak( );

	getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp == tmp * Matrix( 0.5 ) );

Exemplo n.º 16
int Ifpack_PointRelaxation::Compute()
  int ierr = 0;
  if (!IsInitialized())


  // reset values
  IsComputed_ = false;
  Condest_ = -1.0;

  if (NumSweeps_ == 0) ierr = 1; // Warning: no sweeps performed.
  if (NumSweeps_ < 0)
    IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-2); // at least one application
  Diagonal_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Vector(Matrix().RowMatrixRowMap()) );

  if (Diagonal_ == Teuchos::null)


  // check diagonal elements, store the inverses, and verify that
  // no zeros are around. If an element is zero, then by default
  // its inverse is zero as well (that is, the row is ignored).
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i) {
    double& diag = (*Diagonal_)[i];
    if (IFPACK_ABS(diag) < MinDiagonalValue_)
      diag = MinDiagonalValue_;
    if (diag != 0.0)
      diag = 1.0 / diag;
  ComputeFlops_ += NumMyRows_;

#if 0
  // some methods require the inverse of the diagonal, compute it
  // now and store it in `Diagonal_'
  if ((PrecType_ == IFPACK_JACOBI) || (PrecType_ == IFPACK_GS)) {
    // update flops
    ComputeFlops_ += NumMyRows_;

  // We need to import data from external processors. Here I create an
  // Epetra_Import object because I cannot assume that Matrix_ has one.
  // This is a bit of waste of resources (but the code is more robust).
  // Note that I am doing some strange stuff to set the components of Y
  // from Y2 (to save some time).
  if (IsParallel_ && ((PrecType_ == IFPACK_GS) || (PrecType_ == IFPACK_SGS))) {
    Importer_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Import(Matrix().RowMatrixColMap(),
                                  Matrix().RowMatrixRowMap()) );
    if (Importer_ == Teuchos::null) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-5);

  ComputeTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  IsComputed_ = true;

Exemplo n.º 17
int Ifpack_PointRelaxation::
ApplyInverseGS_RowMatrix(const Epetra_MultiVector& X, Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const
  int NumVectors = X.NumVectors();

  int Length = Matrix().MaxNumEntries();
  vector<int> Indices(Length);
  vector<double> Values(Length);

  Teuchos::RefCountPtr< Epetra_MultiVector > Y2;
  if (IsParallel_)
    Y2 = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(Importer_->TargetMap(), NumVectors) );
    Y2 = Teuchos::rcp( &Y, false );

  // extract views (for nicer and faster code)
  double** y_ptr, ** y2_ptr, ** x_ptr, *d_ptr;

  for (int j = 0; j < NumSweeps_ ; j++) {

    // data exchange is here, once per sweep
    if (IsParallel_)

    // FIXME: do I really need this code below?
    if (NumVectors == 1) {

      double* y0_ptr = y_ptr[0];
      double* y20_ptr = y2_ptr[0];
      double* x0_ptr = x_ptr[0];

        /* Forward Mode */
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i) {

          int NumEntries;
          int col;
          IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length,NumEntries,
                                                   &Values[0], &Indices[0]));
          double dtemp = 0.0;
          for (int k = 0 ; k < NumEntries ; ++k) {
            col = Indices[k];
            dtemp += Values[k] * y20_ptr[col];
          y20_ptr[i] += DampingFactor_ * d_ptr[i] * (x0_ptr[i] - dtemp);
      else {
        /* Backward Mode */
        for (int i = NumMyRows_  - 1 ; i > -1 ; --i) {

          int NumEntries;
          int col;
          IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length,NumEntries,
                                                   &Values[0], &Indices[0]));
          double dtemp = 0.0;
          for (int k = 0 ; k < NumEntries ; ++k) {

            col = Indices[k];
            dtemp += Values[k] * y20_ptr[i];
          y20_ptr[i] += DampingFactor_ * d_ptr[i] * (x0_ptr[i] - dtemp);
      // using Export() sounded quite expensive
      if (IsParallel_)
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i)
          y0_ptr[i] = y20_ptr[i];

    else {
        /* Forward Mode */
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i) {
          int NumEntries;
          int col;
          IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length,NumEntries,
                                                   &Values[0], &Indices[0]));
          for (int m = 0 ; m < NumVectors ; ++m) {
            double dtemp = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0 ; k < NumEntries ; ++k) {
              col = Indices[k];
              dtemp += Values[k] * y2_ptr[m][col];
            y2_ptr[m][i] += DampingFactor_ * d_ptr[i] * (x_ptr[m][i] - dtemp);
      else {
        /* Backward Mode */
        for (int i = NumMyRows_  - 1 ; i > -1 ; --i) {
          int NumEntries;
          int col;
          IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length,NumEntries,
                                                   &Values[0], &Indices[0]));

          for (int m = 0 ; m < NumVectors ; ++m) {
            double dtemp = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0 ; k < NumEntries ; ++k) {

              col = Indices[k];
              dtemp += Values[k] * y2_ptr[m][col];

            y2_ptr[m][i] += DampingFactor_ * d_ptr[i] * (x_ptr[m][i] - dtemp);


      // using Export() sounded quite expensive   
      if (IsParallel_)
        for (int m = 0 ; m < NumVectors ; ++m) 
          for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i)
            y_ptr[m][i] = y2_ptr[m][i];

  ApplyInverseFlops_ += NumVectors * (4 * NumGlobalRows_ + 2 * NumGlobalNonzeros_);

} //ApplyInverseGS_RowMatrix()
Exemplo n.º 18
int Ifpack_SPARSKIT::Compute() 
  if (!IsInitialized()) 

  IsComputed_ = false;

  // convert the matrix into SPARSKIT format. The matrix is then
  // free'd after method Compute() returns.

  // convert the matrix into CSR format. Note that nnz is an over-estimate,
  // since it contains the nonzeros corresponding to external nodes as well.
  int n   = Matrix().NumMyRows();
  int nnz = Matrix().NumMyNonzeros();

  vector<double> a(nnz);
  vector<int>    ja(nnz);
  vector<int>    ia(n + 1);

  const int MaxNumEntries = Matrix().MaxNumEntries();

  vector<double> Values(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<int>    Indices(MaxNumEntries);

  int count = 0;

  ia[0] = 1;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
    int NumEntries;
    int NumMyEntries = 0;
    Matrix().ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries, NumEntries, &Values[0], 

    // NOTE: There might be some issues here with the ILU(0) if the column indices aren't sorted.
    // The other factorizations are probably OK.

    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; ++j)
      if (Indices[j] < n) // skip non-local columns
        a[count]  = Values[j];
        ja[count] = Indices[j] + 1; // SPARSKIT is FORTRAN
    ia[i + 1] = ia[i] + NumMyEntries;

  if (mbloc_ == -1) mbloc_ = n;

  int iwk;

  if (Type_ == "ILUT" || Type_ == "ILUTP" || Type_ == "ILUD" ||
      Type_ == "ILUDP")
    iwk = nnz + 2 * lfil_ * n;
  else if (Type_ == "ILUK")
    iwk = (2 * lfil_ + 1) * nnz + 1;
  else if (Type_ == "ILU0")
    iwk = nnz+2;

  int ierr = 0;

  ju_.resize(n + 1);

  vector<int>    jw(n + 1);
  vector<double> w(n + 1);

  if (Type_ == "ILUT")
    jw.resize(2 * n);
    F77_ILUT(&n, &a[0], &ja[0], &ia[0], &lfil_, &droptol_,
             &alu_[0], &jlu_[0], &ju_[0], &iwk, &w[0], &jw[0], &ierr);
  else if (Type_ == "ILUD")
    jw.resize(2 * n);
    F77_ILUD(&n, &a[0], &ja[0], &ia[0], &alph_, &tol_,
             &alu_[0], &jlu_[0], &ju_[0], &iwk, &w[0], &jw[0], &ierr);
  else if (Type_ == "ILUTP")
    jw.resize(2 * n);
    iperm_.resize(2 * n);
    F77_ILUTP(&n, &a[0], &ja[0], &ia[0], &lfil_, &droptol_, &permtol_, 
              &mbloc_, &alu_[0], &jlu_[0], &ju_[0], &iwk, &w[0], &jw[0],
              &iperm_[0], &ierr);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
  else if (Type_ == "ILUDP")
    jw.resize(2 * n);
    iperm_.resize(2 * n);
    F77_ILUDP(&n, &a[0], &ja[0], &ia[0], &alph_, &droptol_, &permtol_, 
              &mbloc_, &alu_[0], &jlu_[0], &ju_[0], &n, &w[0], &jw[0],
              &iperm_[0], &ierr);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
  else if (Type_ == "ILUK")
    vector<int> levs(iwk);
    jw.resize(3 * n);
    F77_ILUK(&n, &a[0], &ja[0], &ia[0], &lfil_, 
             &alu_[0], &jlu_[0], &ju_[0], &levs[0], &iwk, &w[0], &jw[0], &ierr);
  else if (Type_ == "ILU0")
    // here w is only of size n
    jw.resize(2 * n);
    F77_ILU0(&n, &a[0], &ja[0], &ia[0], 
             &alu_[0], &jlu_[0], &ju_[0], &jw[0], &ierr);

  IsComputed_ = true;
Exemplo n.º 19
                               const ext::shared_ptr<MarketModel>& largeModel,
                               Size period,
                               Size offset,
                               const std::vector<Spread>& newDisplacements)
          numberOfRates_((largeModel->numberOfRates()-offset) / (period > 0 ? period : 1) ),
      pseudoRoots_(numberOfSteps_, Matrix(numberOfRates_,
        QL_REQUIRE( period >0, "period must  be greater than zero in fwdperiodadapter");
        QL_REQUIRE(period > offset, "period must be greater than offset in fwdperiodadapter");

        const std::vector<Spread>& largeDisplacements_ =

        if (displacements_.size() == 1)
            Real dis = displacements_[0];
            std::fill(displacements_.begin(), displacements_.end(), dis);

        if (displacements_.size() ==0) // if not specified use average across rate
            Size m=0;
            Real sum=0.0;
            for (Size k=0; k < numberOfRates_; ++k)
                for (Size l=0; l < period; ++l, ++m)
                    sum+= largeDisplacements_[m];

        QL_REQUIRE( displacements_.size() == numberOfRates_,"newDisplacements should be empty,1, or number of new rates in fwdperiodadapter");

        LMMCurveState largeCS(largeModel->evolution().rateTimes());

        LMMCurveState smallCS(
                                    period, offset

        initialRates_ =smallCS.forwardRates();

        Real finalReset = smallCS.rateTimes()[smallCS.numberOfRates()-1];
        std::vector<Time> oldEvolutionTimes(largeModel->evolution().evolutionTimes());
        std::vector<Time> newEvolutionTimes;
        for (Size i =0; i < oldEvolutionTimes.size() && oldEvolutionTimes[i]<= finalReset; ++i)


        numberOfSteps_ = newEvolutionTimes.size();

        const std::vector<Time>& rateTimes =
        // we must ensure we step through all rateTimes
        const std::vector<Time>& evolutionTimes =

        std::set<Time> setTimes(evolutionTimes.begin(),evolutionTimes.end());

        for (Size i=0; i < rateTimes.size()-1; ++i)
            QL_REQUIRE(setTimes.find(rateTimes[i]) != setTimes.end(),
                        "every new rate time except last must be an evolution time in fwdperiod adapter");

        Matrix YMatrix =
            ForwardForwardMappings::YMatrix( largeCS,

        const std::vector<Size>& alive =

        for (Size k = 0; k<numberOfSteps_; ++k) {
            for (Size i=0; i<alive[k]; ++i)
Exemplo n.º 20
std::vector<double> NNTrainer::gradient( const double lambda)
    int numExamples = trainingSet->size();
    //-- Create n matrices with the dimensions of the weight matrices:
    std::vector<Matrix> Delta;

    for (int i = 0; i < (int) nn->getWeights().size(); i++)
	Delta.push_back( Matrix( nn->getWeights().at(i)->getNumRows(), nn->getWeights().at(i)->getNumCols() ));

    //-- Iterate over all training examples
    for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; i++)
	//-- Forward-propagate the network:
	nn->setInput( trainingSet->at(i).x );

	//-- Create vector to store the increments:
	//-- Increments will be stored in reverse order (i.e. the last increment first)
	std::vector<Matrix> inc;

	//-- Increment for output layer
	Matrix output = Matrix(nn->getOutput(), nn->getOutput().size(), 1);
	Matrix y = Matrix(trainingSet->at(i).y , trainingSet->at(i).y.size(), 1);

	inc.push_back( output - y);

	//-- Increment for hidden layers
	for (int l = nn->getL() - 2; l > 0; l--)

	    Matrix aux1 = nn->getWeights().at(l)->transpose() * inc.back();
	    Matrix aux2( aux1.getNumRows()-1, aux1.getNumCols());

	    for (int j = 0; j < aux2.getNumCols(); j++)
		for (int k = 0; k < aux2.getNumRows(); k++)
		    aux2.set( k, j, aux1.get(k+1, j) * sigmoidGradient( nn->getActivation(l).at(k)) );

	    inc.push_back( aux2 );

	//-- Input layer has no error associated (has no weights associated)

	//-- Accumulate error:
	for (int l = 0; l < (int) Delta.size(); l++)
	    Matrix aux1( Delta.at(l).getNumRows(), Delta.at(l).getNumCols() );

	    for (int j = 0; j < aux1.getNumRows(); j++)
		aux1.set( j, 0, inc.at( inc.size()- l -1).get( j, 0) );

	    for (int j = 0; j < aux1.getNumRows(); j++)
		for (int k = 1; k < aux1.getNumCols(); k++)
		    aux1.set( j, k, inc.at( inc.size()- l -1).get( j, 0) * nn->getActivation(l).at(k-1));

	    Delta.at(l) += aux1;


    //-- Divide by number of training examples:
    for (int l = 0; l < (int) Delta.size(); l++)
	Delta.at(l) /= numExamples;

    //-- Regularization
    if (lambda != 0)
	for (int l = 0; l < (int) Delta.size(); l++)
	    Matrix aux(nn->getWeights().at(l)->getNumRows(), nn->getWeights().at(l)->getNumCols() );

	    for (int j = 0; j < aux.getNumRows(); j++)
		for (int k = 1; k < aux.getNumCols(); k++)
		    aux.set( j, k, nn->getWeights().at(l)->get(j, k) * lambda / numExamples);

	    Delta.at(l) += aux;

    //-- Unroll gradient:
    std::vector<double> unrolled = Delta.front().unroll();

    for (int l = 1; l < (int) Delta.size(); l++)
	for (int j = 0; j < Delta.at(l).getNumRows(); j++)
	    for (int k = 0; k < Delta.at(l).getNumCols(); k++)
		unrolled.push_back( Delta.at(l).get(j, k));

    return unrolled;
Exemplo n.º 21
	VOID Sphere::build()

		// clear the old keys

		#define SPHERE_SEGMENTS	20
		#define SPHERE_ROWS		10


		F32 l_delta = PI/(F32)SPHERE_ROWS;
		F32 v_delta = 1.0f/(F32)SPHERE_ROWS;

		F32 angle_delta = PI*2.0f/(F32)SPHERE_SEGMENTS;
		F32 texcoord_horz_delta = 1.0f/(F32)SPHERE_SEGMENTS;

		F32 l_base=-PI*0.5f;
		F32 r_base=0.0f;
		F32 z_base=-mRadius;
		F32 v_base=0.0f;
		F32 n_z_base=-1.0f;
		F32 n_ratio_base=0.0f;

		for(U32 rowi=0; rowi<SPHERE_ROWS; ++rowi)
			F32 l_top = l_base+l_delta;
			F32 r_top = GMath::cos(l_top)*mRadius;
			F32 z_top = GMath::sin(l_top)*mRadius;
			F32 v_top = v_base+v_delta;
			F32 n_z_top= GMath::sin(l_top);
			F32 n_ratio_top= GMath::cos(l_top);

			F32 angle = 0.0f;
			F32 texcoord = 0.0f;

			for(U32 topi=0; topi<SPHERE_SEGMENTS;++topi,angle+=angle_delta,texcoord+=texcoord_horz_delta)
				F32 c = GMath::cos(angle);
				F32 s = GMath::sin(angle);

				DVTN v;
				v.normal[0]		= c*n_ratio_top;
				v.normal[1]		= s*n_ratio_top;
				v.normal[2]		= n_z_top;
				v.texcoord[0]	= texcoord;
				v.texcoord[1]	= v_top;
				v.point[0]		= c*r_top;
				v.point[1]		= s*r_top;
				v.point[2]		= z_top;

				v.normal[0]		= c*n_ratio_base;
				v.normal[1]		= s*n_ratio_base;
				v.normal[2]		= n_z_base;
				v.texcoord[0]	= texcoord;
				v.texcoord[1]	= v_base;
				v.point[0]		= c*r_base;
				v.point[1]		= s*r_base;
				v.point[2]		= z_base;

			// do last point by hand to ensure no round off errors.
			DVTN v;
			v.normal[0]		= n_ratio_top;
			v.normal[1]		= 0.0f;
			v.normal[2]		= n_z_top;
			v.texcoord[0]	= 1.0f;
			v.texcoord[1]	= v_top;
			v.point[0]		= r_top;
			v.point[1]		= 0.0f;
			v.point[2]		= z_top;

			v.normal[0]		= n_ratio_base;
			v.normal[1]		= 0.0f;
			v.normal[2]		= n_z_base;
			v.texcoord[0]	= 1.0f;
			v.texcoord[1]	= v_base;
			v.point[0]		= r_base;
			v.point[1]		= 0.0f;
			v.point[2]		= z_base;


		U32 first = 0;
		U32 count = vertexes.size();
		for(U32 i=3, pos=first;i<count;i+=2,pos+=2)

		// build the primitive
		mPrimitivePtr = GNEW(Primitive); CHECK(mPrimitivePtr);

		// set the wvp
		Constant* wvp_constant_ptr = GNEW(Constant); CHECK(wvp_constant_ptr);

		// set the color
		Constant* color_constant_ptr = GNEW(Constant); CHECK(color_constant_ptr);

		// set the shader
		Str key_name = "shader/color.xml";
		KeyPtr key_ptr = Key::Find(key_name.c_str());
		if(key_ptr == NULL)
			Shader*shader = GNEW(Shader); CHECK(shader);
			key_ptr = GNEW(Key(key_name.c_str(), shader)); CHECK(key_ptr);
		mPrimitivePtr->SetShader(dynamic_cast<Shader*>(key_ptr->Ptr()), "p0");

		// build the vertex buffer
		VertexBufferPtr vb_ptr = GNEW(VertexBuffer); CHECK(vb_ptr);
			GDataPtr vd_ptr = GNEW(GData); CHECK(vd_ptr);
			vd_ptr->Size(3*sizeof(U32) + 4*sizeof(U8) + vertexes.size()*sizeof(DVTN));
			U8*data_ptr = (U8*)vd_ptr->Ptr();
			*(U32*)data_ptr = MAKEFOURCC('G','V','B','O');
			data_ptr += sizeof(U32);
			*(U32*)data_ptr = vertexes.size();
			data_ptr += sizeof(U32);
			*(U32*)data_ptr = sizeof(DVTN); 
			data_ptr += sizeof(U32);
			*(U8*)data_ptr = 3;
			data_ptr += sizeof(U8);
			*(U8*)data_ptr = VertexBuffer::VT_3F;
			data_ptr += sizeof(U8);
			*(U8*)data_ptr = VertexBuffer::VT_2F;
			data_ptr += sizeof(U8);
			*(U8*)data_ptr = VertexBuffer::VT_3F;
			data_ptr += sizeof(U8);
			::memcpy(data_ptr, &vertexes[0], vertexes.size()*sizeof(DVTN));
			data_ptr += vertexes.size()*sizeof(DVTN);

		// build the index
		IndexBufferPtr ib_ptr = GNEW(IndexBuffer); CHECK(ib_ptr);
			GDataPtr id_ptr = GNEW(GData); CHECK(id_ptr);
			id_ptr->Size(3*sizeof(U32) + indexes.size()*sizeof(U32));
			U8*data_ptr = (U8*)id_ptr->Ptr();
			*(U32*)data_ptr = MAKEFOURCC('G','I','B','O');
			data_ptr += sizeof(U32);
			*(U32*)data_ptr = indexes.size(); 
			data_ptr += sizeof(U32);
			*(U32*)data_ptr = sizeof(U32); 
			data_ptr += sizeof(U32);
			::memcpy(data_ptr, &indexes[0], indexes.size()*sizeof(U32));
			data_ptr += indexes.size()*sizeof(U32);

		// build the bounding box
		for(U32 i = 0; i < vertexes.size(); i++)mBox.expand(vertexes[i].point);

Exemplo n.º 22
IO::BinaryStream& operator << (IO::BinaryStream& Stream, CONST MatrixN<N,T>& Matrix)
	Stream.Write( &Matrix(0,0), sizeof(T)*N*N );
	return Stream;
Exemplo n.º 23
ImagemapRenderRegion::ImagemapRenderRegion(ImagemapFilterOptions ifoOptions) :
RenderRegion(ImagemapFilterOptions::GetSizeOfExportArea(ifoOptions.m_stExportArea), Matrix(), 1)
Exemplo n.º 24
int XC::Concrete01::commitSensitivity(const double &strainGradient, int gradNumber, int numGrads)
    // Initialize unconditaional stress sensitivity
    UniaxialStateVars trialStateSensitivity;
    trialStateSensitivity.Strain()= strainGradient;
    double dktdh= 0.0;

    // Assign values to parameter derivatives (depending on what's random)
    double fpcSensitivity= 0.0;
    double epsc0Sensitivity= 0.0;
    double fpcuSensitivity= 0.0;
    double epscuSensitivity= 0.0;

    if(parameterID == 1)
      { fpcSensitivity= 1.0; }
    else if(parameterID == 2)
      { epsc0Sensitivity= 1.0; }
    else if(parameterID == 3)
      { fpcuSensitivity= 1.0; }
    else if(parameterID == 4)
      { epscuSensitivity= 1.0; }

    // Pick up sensitivity history variables
    UniaxialHistoryVars convergedHistorySensitivity;
    UniaxialStateVars convergedStateSensitivity;

        SHVs= Matrix(5,numGrads);
        convergedHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope()= (2.0*fpcSensitivity*epsc0-2.0*fpc*epsc0Sensitivity) / (epsc0*epsc0);
        convergedHistorySensitivity.MinStrain()= SHVs(0,(gradNumber-1));
        convergedHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope()= SHVs(1,(gradNumber-1));
        convergedHistorySensitivity.EndStrain()= SHVs(2,(gradNumber-1));
        convergedStateSensitivity.Stress()= SHVs(3,(gradNumber-1));
        convergedStateSensitivity.Strain()= SHVs(4,(gradNumber-1));

    // Strain increment
    const double dStrain= trialState.getStrain() - convergedState.getStrain();

    // Evaluate stress sensitivity
    if(dStrain < 0.0)
      { // applying more compression to the material
        if(trialState.getStrain() < convergedHistory.MinStrain())
          { // loading along the backbone curve
            if(trialState.getStrain() > epsc0)
              { //on the parabola
                trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= fpcSensitivity*(2.0*trialState.getStrain() /epsc0-(trialState.getStrain() /epsc0)*(trialState.getStrain() /epsc0))
                                     + fpc*( (2.0*trialStateSensitivity.Strain()*epsc0-2.0*trialState.getStrain() *epsc0Sensitivity)/(epsc0*epsc0)
                                     - 2.0*(trialState.getStrain() /epsc0)*(trialStateSensitivity.Strain()*epsc0-trialState.getStrain() *epsc0Sensitivity)/(epsc0*epsc0));

                dktdh= 2.0*((fpcSensitivity*epsc0-fpc*epsc0Sensitivity)/(epsc0*epsc0))
                           * (1.0-trialState.getStrain() /epsc0)
                      - 2.0*(fpc/epsc0)*(trialStateSensitivity.Strain()*epsc0-trialState.getStrain() *epsc0Sensitivity)
                        / (epsc0*epsc0);
            else if(trialState.getStrain() > epscu)
              { // on the straight inclined line

                dktdh= ( (fpcSensitivity-fpcuSensitivity) * (epsc0-epscu)
                        - (fpc-fpcu)
                        * (epsc0Sensitivity-epscuSensitivity) )
                        / ((epsc0-epscu)*(epsc0-epscu));
                const double kt= (fpc-fpcu)/(epsc0-epscu);
                trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= fpcSensitivity
                                     + dktdh*(trialState.getStrain() -epsc0)
                                     + kt*(trialStateSensitivity.Strain()-epsc0Sensitivity);
              { // on the horizontal line
                trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= fpcuSensitivity;
                dktdh= 0.0;
        else if(trialState.getStrain() < convergedHistory.getEndStrain())
          { // reloading after an unloading that didn't go all the way to zero stress
            trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= convergedHistorySensitivity.getUnloadSlope() * (trialState.getStrain() -convergedHistory.getEndStrain())
                                 + convergedHistory.getUnloadSlope() * (trialStateSensitivity.Strain()-convergedHistorySensitivity.EndStrain());
            dktdh= convergedHistorySensitivity.getUnloadSlope();
            trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= 0.0;
            dktdh= 0.0;
    else if(convergedState.getStress()+convergedHistory.getUnloadSlope()*dStrain<0.0)
      {// unloading, but not all the way down to zero stress
	trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= convergedStateSensitivity.getStress()
	  + convergedHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope()*dStrain
	  + convergedHistory.getUnloadSlope()*(trialStateSensitivity.getStrain()-convergedState.getStrain());
	dktdh= convergedHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope();
      {// unloading all the way down to zero stress
        trialStateSensitivity.Stress()= 0.0;
        dktdh= 0.0;

    // Commit some history variables
    SHVs(3,(gradNumber-1))= trialStateSensitivity.getStress();
    SHVs(4,(gradNumber-1))= trialStateSensitivity.getStrain();

    // Possibly update history variables for the three ordinary history variable derivatives
    double epsTemp, epsTempSensitivity;
    double eta, etaSensitivity;
    double ratio, ratioSensitivity;
    double temp1, temp1Sensitivity;
    double temp2, temp2Sensitivity;
    UniaxialHistoryVars trialHistorySensitivity;

    if(dStrain<0.0 && trialState.getStrain() <convergedHistory.MinStrain())
        trialHistorySensitivity.MinStrain()= trialStateSensitivity.Strain();
        if(trialState.getStrain() < epscu)
            epsTemp= epscu;
            epsTempSensitivity= epscuSensitivity;
            epsTemp= trialState.getStrain() ;
            epsTempSensitivity= trialStateSensitivity.Strain();
        eta= epsTemp/epsc0;
        etaSensitivity= (epsTempSensitivity*epsc0-epsTemp*epsc0Sensitivity) / (epsc0*epsc0);
        if(eta < 2.0)
            ratio= 0.145 * eta*eta + 0.13*eta;
            ratioSensitivity= 0.29 * eta * etaSensitivity + 0.13 * etaSensitivity;
            ratio= 0.707*(eta-2.0) + 0.834;
            ratioSensitivity= 0.707 * etaSensitivity;
        temp1= trialState.getStrain() - ratio * epsc0;
        temp1Sensitivity= trialStateSensitivity.Strain() - ratioSensitivity * epsc0 - ratio * epsc0Sensitivity;
        temp2= trialState.getStress()  * epsc0 / (2.0*fpc);
        temp2Sensitivity= (2.0*fpc*(trialStateSensitivity.Stress()*epsc0+trialState.getStress() *epsc0Sensitivity)
                        -2.0*trialState.getStress() *epsc0*fpcSensitivity) / (4.0*fpc*fpc);
        if(temp1 == 0.0)
            trialHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope()= (2.0*fpcSensitivity*epsc0-2.0*fpc*epsc0Sensitivity) / (epsc0*epsc0);
        else if(temp1 < temp2)
            trialHistorySensitivity.EndStrain()= trialStateSensitivity.Strain() - temp1Sensitivity;
            trialHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope()= (trialStateSensitivity.Stress()*temp1-trialState.getStress()*temp1Sensitivity) / (temp1*temp1);
            trialHistorySensitivity.EndStrain()= trialStateSensitivity.Strain() - temp2Sensitivity;
            trialHistorySensitivity.UnloadSlope()= (2.0*fpcSensitivity*epsc0-2.0*fpc*epsc0Sensitivity) / (epsc0*epsc0);
      { trialHistorySensitivity= convergedHistorySensitivity; }
    SHVs(0,(gradNumber-1))= trialHistorySensitivity.getMinStrain();
    SHVs(1,(gradNumber-1))= trialHistorySensitivity.getUnloadSlope();
    SHVs(2,(gradNumber-1))= trialHistorySensitivity.getEndStrain();
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
Property::Value::Value( Type type )
  switch (type)
    case Property::BOOLEAN:
      mImpl = new Impl( false );
    case Property::FLOAT:
      mImpl = new Impl( 0.f );
    case Property::INTEGER:
      mImpl = new Impl( 0 );
    case Property::VECTOR2:
      mImpl = new Impl( Vector2::ZERO );
    case Property::VECTOR3:
      mImpl = new Impl( Vector3::ZERO );
    case Property::VECTOR4:
      mImpl = new Impl( Vector4::ZERO );
    case Property::RECTANGLE:
      mImpl = new Impl( Rect<int>(0,0,0,0) );
    case Property::ROTATION:
      mImpl = new Impl( Quaternion() );
    case Property::STRING:
      mImpl = new Impl( std::string() );
    case Property::MATRIX:
      mImpl = new Impl( Matrix() );
    case Property::MATRIX3:
      mImpl = new Impl( Matrix3() );
    case Property::ARRAY:
      mImpl = new Impl( Property::Array() );
    case Property::MAP:
      mImpl = new Impl( Property::Map() );
    case Property::NONE:
      mImpl = new Impl();
Exemplo n.º 26
returnValue VariablesGrid::addVector(	const Vector& newVector,
										double newTime
	return MatrixVariablesGrid::addMatrix( Matrix(newVector),newTime );
Exemplo n.º 27
Matrix Matrix::operator-(const Matrix& mat) const
    return Matrix(m_Matrix - mat.m_Matrix);
Exemplo n.º 28
VariablesGrid::VariablesGrid(	const Vector& arg,
								const Grid& _grid,
								VariableType _type
								) : MatrixVariablesGrid( Matrix(arg),_grid,_type )
Exemplo n.º 29
  for (SIZE_T i=0; i<N; i++)
template<SIZE_T N, class T>
IO::BinaryStream& operator << (IO::BinaryStream& Stream, CONST MatrixN<N,T>& Matrix)
	Stream.Write( &Matrix(0,0), sizeof(T)*N*N );
	return Stream;
template<SIZE_T N, class T>
IO::BinaryStream& operator >> (IO::BinaryStream& Stream, MatrixN<N,T>& Matrix)
	Stream.Read( &Matrix(0,0), sizeof(T)*N*N );
	return Stream;
template<SIZE_T N, class T>
MatrixN<N,T> MatrixN<N,T>::Read( LPCTSTR Filename )
  MatrixN<N,T> M;
  Ptr<IO::File> F = IO::File::Open(Filename, IO::FileMode::OPEN, IO::FileAccess::READ);
  F->Read( &M(0,0), sizeof(T)*N*N );
  return M;
template<SIZE_T N, class T>
VOID MatrixN<N,T>::Write( LPCTSTR Filename )
:   curMatrix(0)
    MatrixStack << Matrix().SetIdentity();