Exemplo n.º 1
int File_GetStripeByPath( const char *entry_path, stripe_info_t * p_stripe_info,
                          stripe_items_t * p_stripe_items )
    /* buffer used for llapi_get_stripe.
     * oversize it to 4kB because there can be many stripe entries
     * in the case of join'ed files.
    int            rc;
    struct lov_user_md *p_lum;
    struct lov_user_md_v3 *p_lum3;
    unsigned int   i;

    if ( !entry_path || !entry_path[0] )
        return -EFAULT;

    p_lum = (struct lov_user_md *)MemAlloc(LUM_SIZE_MAX);
    if (!p_lum)
        return -ENOMEM;

    memset(p_lum, 0, LUM_SIZE_MAX);
    rc = llapi_file_get_stripe( entry_path, p_lum );

    if ( rc != 0 )
        if ( rc == -ENODATA )
            DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, TAG_STRIPE,
                        "File %s has no stripe information",
                        entry_path );
        else if ( ( rc != -ENOENT ) && ( rc != -ESTALE ) )
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, TAG_STRIPE,
                        "Error %d getting stripe info for %s", rc,
                        entry_path );
        goto out_free;

    /* Check protocol version number */
    if ( p_lum->lmm_magic == LOV_USER_MAGIC_V1 )

        if ( p_stripe_info )
            p_stripe_info->stripe_size = p_lum->lmm_stripe_size;
            p_stripe_info->stripe_count = p_lum->lmm_stripe_count;
            p_stripe_info->pool_name[0] = '\0';

        if ( p_stripe_items )
            p_stripe_items->count = p_lum->lmm_stripe_count;

            if ( p_lum->lmm_stripe_count > 0 )
                p_stripe_items->stripe_units =
                    ( storage_unit_id_t * ) MemCalloc( p_lum->lmm_stripe_count,
                                                       sizeof( storage_unit_id_t ) );
                if (p_stripe_items->stripe_units == NULL)
                    rc = -ENOMEM;
                    goto out_free;

                /* fill OST ids */
                for ( i = 0; i < p_lum->lmm_stripe_count; i++ )
                    p_stripe_items->stripe_units[i] = p_lum->lmm_objects[i].l_ost_idx;
                p_stripe_items->stripe_units = NULL;

        rc = 0;
        goto out_free;
    else if ( p_lum->lmm_magic == LOV_USER_MAGIC_V3 )
        p_lum3 = ( struct lov_user_md_v3 * ) p_lum;

        if ( p_stripe_info )
            p_stripe_info->stripe_size = p_lum3->lmm_stripe_size;
            p_stripe_info->stripe_count = p_lum3->lmm_stripe_count;
            strncpy( p_stripe_info->pool_name, p_lum3->lmm_pool_name, LOV_MAXPOOLNAME );
            p_stripe_info->pool_name[MAX_POOL_LEN-1] = 0;

        if ( p_stripe_items )
            p_stripe_items->count = p_lum3->lmm_stripe_count;

            if ( p_lum3->lmm_stripe_count > 0 )
                p_stripe_items->stripe_units =
                    ( storage_unit_id_t * ) MemCalloc( p_lum3->lmm_stripe_count,
                                                       sizeof( storage_unit_id_t ) );
                if (p_stripe_items->stripe_units == NULL)
                    rc = -ENOMEM;
                    goto out_free;

                /* fill OST ids */
                for ( i = 0; i < p_lum3->lmm_stripe_count; i++ )
                    p_stripe_items->stripe_units[i] = p_lum3->lmm_objects[i].l_ost_idx;
                p_stripe_items->stripe_units = NULL;

        rc = 0;
        goto out_free;
        DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, TAG_STRIPE, "Unsupported Luster magic number for %s: %#X",
                    entry_path, p_lum->lmm_magic );
        rc = -EINVAL;
        goto out_free;
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Get the list of children of a given parent (or list of parents).
 * \param parent_list       [in]  list of parents to get the child of
 * \param parent_count      [in]  number of ids in parent list
 * \param attr_mask         [in]  required attributes for children
 * \param child_id_list     [out] ptr to array of child ids
 * \param child_attr_list   [out] ptr to array of child attrs
 * \param child_count       [out] number of returned children
int ListMgr_GetChild( lmgr_t * p_mgr, const lmgr_filter_t * p_filter,
                      const wagon_t * parent_list, unsigned int parent_count,
                      int attr_mask,
                      wagon_t ** child_id_list, attr_set_t ** child_attr_list,
                      unsigned int * child_count)
    result_handle_t result;
    char *curr;
    int  filter_main = 0;
    int  filter_annex = 0;
    int main_attrs = 0;
    int dnames_attrs = 0;
    int annex_attrs = 0;
    char query[4096];
    char fieldlist_main[1024] = "";
    char fieldlist_dnames[1024] = "";
    char fieldlist_annex[1024] = "";
    char filter_str_main[1024] = "";
    char filter_str_annex[1024] = "";
    char tmp[2048];
    char *path = NULL;
    int path_len;
    char * pc;
    int rc, i;

    /* TODO: querying children from several parent cannot work, since
     * we need to get the paths of the children. Or we could do a
     * lookup into parent_list to find the right one. In the meantime,
     * try not to mess up the code. */
    if (parent_count != 1)
        RBH_BUG("cannot get children for several parent simultaneously");

    /* always request for name to build fullpath in wagon */
    attr_mask |= ATTR_MASK_name;

    /* request is always on the MAIN table (which contains [parent_id, id] relationship */

    /* /!\ possible cases:
     * - simplest: the fields of the filter and the attributes to be retrieved are in the MAIN table
     * - harder: the fields of the filter and attributes are in a different table

    /* 1) location of filters */
    if ( p_filter )
        char           dummy_str[1024];
        unsigned int   dummy_uint;
        if (dir_filter(p_mgr, dummy_str, p_filter, &dummy_uint, NULL) != FILTERDIR_NONE)
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, LISTMGR_TAG, "Directory filter not supported in %s()", __func__ );
            return DB_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        else if (func_filter(p_mgr, dummy_str, p_filter, T_MAIN, FALSE, FALSE))
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, LISTMGR_TAG, "Function filter not supported in %s()", __func__ );
            return DB_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        /* There is always a filter on T_DNAMES, which is the parent condition.
         * Look for optional filters:
        filter_main = filter2str( p_mgr, filter_str_main, p_filter, T_MAIN,
                                  FALSE, TRUE );

        if ( annex_table )
            filter_annex = filter2str( p_mgr, filter_str_annex, p_filter,
                                       T_ANNEX, FALSE, TRUE );
            filter_annex = 0;

        /* @TODO to be implemented */
#if 0
        filter_stripe_info =
            filter2str( p_mgr, filter_str_stripe_info, p_filter, T_STRIPE_INFO,
                        ( filter_main > 0 ) || ( filter_annex > 0 ), TRUE );

        filter_stripe_items =
            filter2str( p_mgr, filter_str_stripe_items, p_filter, T_STRIPE_ITEMS,
                        ( filter_main > 0 ) || ( filter_annex > 0 )
                        || ( filter_stripe_info > 0 ), TRUE );

    /* 2) location of requested attributes */
    if (attr_mask)
        /* retrieve source info for generated fields */
        add_source_fields_for_gen( &attr_mask );

        main_attrs = attrmask2fieldlist( fieldlist_main, attr_mask, T_MAIN,
                                         /* leading comma */ TRUE, /* for update */ FALSE,
                                         /* prefix */ MAIN_TABLE".", /* postfix */ "" );

        dnames_attrs += attrmask2fieldlist( fieldlist_dnames, attr_mask, T_DNAMES,
                                            /* leading comma */ TRUE, /* for update */ FALSE,
                                            /* prefix */ DNAMES_TABLE".", /* postfix */ "" );

        if ( annex_table )
            annex_attrs = attrmask2fieldlist( fieldlist_annex, attr_mask, T_ANNEX,
                                             /* leading comma */ TRUE, /* for update */ FALSE,
                                             /* prefix */ ANNEX_TABLE".", /* postfix */ "" );
            annex_attrs = 0;
        /* no returned attrs */
        if (child_attr_list)
            *child_attr_list = NULL;
    pc = parent_cond(p_mgr, tmp, sizeof(tmp), parent_list, parent_count, DNAMES_TABLE".");
    if (!pc)
        return DB_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

    curr = query;

    /* SELECT clause */
    /* id + dname fields */
    curr += sprintf(curr, "SELECT "DNAMES_TABLE".id%s", fieldlist_dnames);
    /* main attrs */
    if (main_attrs)
        curr += sprintf(curr, "%s", fieldlist_main);
    /* annex attrs */
    if (annex_attrs)
        curr += sprintf(curr, "%s", fieldlist_annex);

    /* FROM clause */
    curr += sprintf(curr, " FROM "DNAMES_TABLE);
    if (main_attrs || filter_main)
        curr += sprintf(curr, " LEFT JOIN "MAIN_TABLE
                              " ON "DNAMES_TABLE".id="MAIN_TABLE".id");
    if (annex_attrs || filter_annex)
        curr += sprintf(curr, " LEFT JOIN "ANNEX_TABLE
                              " ON "DNAMES_TABLE".id="ANNEX_TABLE".id");

    /* WHERE clause */
    curr += sprintf(curr, " WHERE %s", pc);
    if (filter_main)
        curr += sprintf(curr, " AND %s", filter_str_main);
    if (filter_annex)
        curr += sprintf(curr, " AND %s", filter_str_annex);

    rc = db_exec_sql(&p_mgr->conn, query, &result);
    if (lmgr_delayed_retry(p_mgr, rc))
        goto retry;
    else if (rc)
        return rc;

    /* copy result to output structures */
    *child_count = db_result_nb_records(&p_mgr->conn, &result);

    /* allocate entry_id array */
    *child_id_list = MemCalloc(*child_count, sizeof(wagon_t));
    if (*child_id_list == NULL)
        return DB_NO_MEMORY;

    if (child_attr_list)
        *child_attr_list = MemCalloc(*child_count, sizeof(attr_set_t));
        if (*child_attr_list == NULL)
            rc = DB_NO_MEMORY;
            goto array_free;

    /* Allocate a string long enough to contain the parent path and a
     * child name. */
    path_len = strlen(parent_list[0].fullname) + RBH_NAME_MAX + 2;
    path = malloc(path_len);
    if (!path) {
        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, LISTMGR_TAG, "Can't alloc enough memory (%d bytes)",
                    path_len );
        rc = DB_NO_MEMORY;
        goto array_free;

    for (i = 0; i < *child_count; i++)
        char *res[128]; /* 128 fields per row is large enough */
        rc = db_next_record(&p_mgr->conn, &result, res, 128);
        if ( rc )
            goto array_free;

        /* copy id to array */
        pk2entry_id(p_mgr, res[0], &((*child_id_list)[i].id));

        /* copy attributes to array */
        if (child_attr_list)
            (*child_attr_list)[i].attr_mask = attr_mask;

            /* first id, then dnames attrs, then main attrs, then annex attrs */
            if (dnames_attrs)
                /* shift of 1 for id */
                rc = result2attrset( T_DNAMES, res + 1, dnames_attrs, &((*child_attr_list)[i]) );
                if ( rc )
                    goto array_free;

            if (main_attrs)
                /* first id, then main attrs, then annex attrs */
                /* shift of 1 for id */
                rc = result2attrset( T_MAIN, res + dnames_attrs + 1, main_attrs, &((*child_attr_list)[i]) );
                if ( rc )
                    goto array_free;

            if (annex_attrs)
                /* shift of main_attrs count */
                rc = result2attrset( T_ANNEX, res + dnames_attrs + main_attrs + 1, annex_attrs,
                                     &((*child_attr_list)[i]) );
                if ( rc )
                    goto array_free;

#ifdef _LUSTRE
            if (stripe_fields(attr_mask))
                if (get_stripe_info( p_mgr, res[0], &ATTR(&(*child_attr_list)[i], stripe_info),
                                     &ATTR(&(*child_attr_list)[i], stripe_items) ))
                    ATTR_MASK_UNSET(&(*child_attr_list)[i], stripe_info);
                    ATTR_MASK_UNSET(&(*child_attr_list)[i], stripe_items);


            /* Note: path is properly sized already to not overflow. */
            sprintf(path, "%s/%s", parent_list[0].fullname,
            (*child_id_list)[i].fullname = strdup(path);

    if (path)
    db_result_free( &p_mgr->conn, &result );
    return 0;

    if (path)
    if (child_attr_list && *child_attr_list)
        *child_attr_list = NULL;
    *child_id_list = NULL;
    return rc;