Exemplo n.º 1
extern  void    DupSeg( instruction *ins, instruction *new_ins ) {

    if( ins->head.opcode == OP_BLOCK ) return;
    if( ins->num_operands <= NumOperands( ins ) ) return;
    if( new_ins->num_operands > NumOperands( new_ins ) ) return;
    new_ins->operands[ new_ins->num_operands++ ] =
            ins->operands[ ins->num_operands-1 ];
    new_ins->t.index_needs = ins->t.index_needs;
Exemplo n.º 2
extern  void    DelSeg( instruction *ins ) {

    if( NumOperands( ins ) < ins->num_operands ) {
Exemplo n.º 3
extern  instruction     *NeedIndex( instruction *ins ) {
    Mark conflicts for any name used in instruction as as segment as
    NEEDS_SEGMENT, or split out the segment if it is marked as
    NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT (move the segment operand to a temp and use the
    temp as the segment override).  Also, if any index conflicts are
    marked as NEEDS_INDEX_SPLIT, split them out into a temp as well.

    name                *temp;
    name                *index;
    conflict_node       *conf;
    name                *name;

    if( ins->num_operands > NumOperands( ins ) ) {
        name = ins->operands[ins->num_operands - 1];
        conf = NameConflict( ins, name );
        if( conf != NULL && _Isnt( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT ) ) {
            _SetTrue( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT );
            MarkSegment( ins, name );
        } else if( name->n.class != N_REGISTER ) {
            if( conf != NULL ) {
                _SetFalse( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT );
                _SetTrue( conf, CST_WAS_SEGMENT );
            temp = AllocTemp( U2 );
            ins->operands[ins->num_operands - 1] = temp;
            PrefixIns( ins, MakeMove( name, temp, U2 ) );
            MarkSegment( ins, temp );
            _SetTrue( NameConflict( ins, temp ), CST_SEGMENT_SPLIT );
            ins = ins->head.prev;
Exemplo n.º 4
static  fp_attr FPAttr( instruction *ins ) {

    if( _OpIsCall( ins->head.opcode ) && ins->result != NULL ) {
        if( ins->result->n.class != N_REGISTER ) return( POPS_ALL );
        if( !HW_COvlap( ins->result->r.reg, HW_FLTS ) ) return( POPS_ALL );
        return( PUSHES+POPS_ALL );
    if( ins->u.gen_table->generate == G_FCHOP ) return( NEEDS_ST0 );
    if( !_GenIs8087( ins->u.gen_table->generate ) ) {
        return( NEEDS_NOTHING );
    switch( ins->u.gen_table->generate ) {
    case G_RRFBINP:
    case G_RNFBINP:
        return( NEEDS_ST0+POPS+SETS_ST1 );
    case G_MFLD:
    case G_FLDZ:
    case G_FLD1:
    case G_RFLD:
        return( PUSHES );
    case G_FRNDINT:
    case G_FCHS:
    case G_MFSTNP:
    case G_RFSTNP:
    case G_FTST:
    case G_FMATH:
    case G_RRFBIN:
    case G_RNFBIN:
    case G_MRFBIN:
    case G_MNFBIN:
        return( NEEDS_ST0 );
    case G_FCOMPP:
        return( NEEDS_ST0_ST1+POPS2 );
    case G_MFST:
    case G_MFSTRND:
    case G_RFST:
    case G_MCOMP:
    case G_RCOMP:
        return( NEEDS_ST0+POPS );
    case G_IFUNC:
        if( NumOperands( ins ) == 2 ) {
            return( NEEDS_ST0_ST1+POPS );
        } else {
            return( NEEDS_ST0 );
    case G_FXCH:
        return( NEEDS_ST0+EXCHANGES );
    case G_FSINCOS:
        Zoiks( ZOIKS_075 );
        return( NEEDS_NOTHING );
Exemplo n.º 5
extern  void    DelSegRes( instruction *ins ) {

    int         i;

    if( ins->num_operands <= NumOperands( ins ) ) return;
    if( !SegMemLoc( ins->result ) ) return;
    i = ins->num_operands;
    while( --i >= 0 ) {
        if( ins->result == ins->operands[ i ] ) return;
    DelSeg( ins );
Exemplo n.º 6
extern  void    DelSegOp( instruction *ins, int i ) {

    int         j;

    if( ins->num_operands <= NumOperands( ins ) ) return;
    if( !SegMemLoc( ins->operands[ i ] ) ) return;
    if( ins->result == ins->operands[ i ] ) return;
    j = ins->num_operands;
    while( --j >= 0 ) {
        if( i != j ) {
            if( ins->operands[ j ] == ins->operands[ i ] ) return;
    DelSeg( ins );
Exemplo n.º 7
static  void    MoveSeg( instruction *ins, instruction *new_ins,
                         name *op, bool save_old ) {

    int         i;

    if( ins->head.opcode == OP_BLOCK ) return;
    if( ins->num_operands <= NumOperands( ins ) ) return;
    if( !SegMemLoc( op ) ) return;
    DupSeg( ins, new_ins );
    if( save_old ) return;
    i = ins->num_operands;
    while( --i >= 0 ) {
        if( op == ins->operands[ i ] ) return;
    if( op == ins->result ) return;
    DelSeg( ins );