Exemplo n.º 1
	Move the window by the pixel offsets specified in 'offset'.	
void FrameWindow::offsetPixelPosition(const Vector2& offset)
    UVector2 uOffset(cegui_absdim(PixelAligned(offset.d_x)),

    setPosition(d_area.getPosition() + uOffset);
Exemplo n.º 2
void OpenGLGeometryBuffer::setClippingRegion(const Rect& region)
    d_clipRect.d_top    = ceguimax(0.0f, PixelAligned(region.d_top));
    d_clipRect.d_bottom = ceguimax(0.0f, PixelAligned(region.d_bottom));
    d_clipRect.d_left   = ceguimax(0.0f, PixelAligned(region.d_left));
    d_clipRect.d_right  = ceguimax(0.0f, PixelAligned(region.d_right));
void Direct3D8GeometryBuffer::setClippingRegion(const Rect& region)
    d_clipRect.d_top    = PixelAligned(region.d_top);
    d_clipRect.d_bottom = PixelAligned(region.d_bottom);
    d_clipRect.d_left   = PixelAligned(region.d_left);
    d_clipRect.d_right  = PixelAligned(region.d_right);
Exemplo n.º 4
	Sets up sizes and positions for attached ItemEntry children.
void Menubar::layoutItemWidgets()
	Rect render_rect = getItemRenderArea();
	float x0 = PixelAligned(render_rect.d_left+d_borderWidth);
	Rect rect;

	ItemEntryList::iterator item = d_listItems.begin();
	while ( item != d_listItems.end() )
		Size optimal = (*item)->getItemPixelSize();
		optimal.d_width += 2*d_horzPadding;
		optimal.d_height += 2*d_vertPadding;

		rect.setPosition( Point(x0,0) );
		rect.setSize( Size( PixelAligned(optimal.d_width), PixelAligned(optimal.d_height) ) );

		x0 += optimal.d_width + d_itemSpacing;


Exemplo n.º 5
	Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen.
	Low-level routine not normally used!
void Imageset::draw(const Rect& source_rect, const Rect& dest_rect, float z, const Rect& clip_rect,const ColourRect& colours, QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode, const Image* image ) const
	// get the rect area that we will actually draw to (i.e. perform clipping)
	Rect final_rect(dest_rect.getIntersection(clip_rect));

	// check if rect was totally clipped
	if (final_rect.getWidth() != 0)
		float x_scale = 1.0f / (float)d_texture->getWidth();
		float y_scale = 1.0f / (float)d_texture->getHeight();

		float tex_per_pix_x = source_rect.getWidth() / dest_rect.getWidth();
		float tex_per_pix_y = source_rect.getHeight() / dest_rect.getHeight();

		// calculate final, clipped, texture co-ordinates
		Rect  tex_rect((source_rect.d_left + ((final_rect.d_left - dest_rect.d_left) * tex_per_pix_x)) * x_scale,
			(source_rect.d_top + ((final_rect.d_top - dest_rect.d_top) * tex_per_pix_y)) * y_scale,
			(source_rect.d_right + ((final_rect.d_right - dest_rect.d_right) * tex_per_pix_x)) * x_scale,
			(source_rect.d_bottom + ((final_rect.d_bottom - dest_rect.d_bottom) * tex_per_pix_y)) * y_scale);

		final_rect.d_left	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_left);
		final_rect.d_right	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_right);
		final_rect.d_top	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_top);
		final_rect.d_bottom	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_bottom);

		// queue a quad to be rendered
		d_texture->getRenderer()->addQuad(final_rect, z, d_texture, tex_rect, colours, quad_split_mode,image);

Exemplo n.º 6
	Sets up sizes and positions for attached ItemEntry children.
void PopupMenu::layoutItemWidgets()
	// get render area
	Rect render_rect = getItemRenderArea();

	// get starting position
	const float x0 = PixelAligned(render_rect.d_left);
	float y0 = PixelAligned(render_rect.d_top);

	URect rect;
	UVector2 sz(cegui_absdim(PixelAligned(render_rect.getWidth())), cegui_absdim(0)); // set item width

	// iterate through all items attached to this window
	ItemEntryList::iterator item = d_listItems.begin();
	while ( item != d_listItems.end() )
		// get the "optimal" height of the item and use that!
		sz.d_y.d_offset = PixelAligned((*item)->getItemPixelSize().d_height); // rounding errors ?

		// set destination rect
		rect.setPosition(UVector2(cegui_absdim(x0), cegui_absdim(y0)) );
		rect.setSize( sz );

		// next position
		y0 += PixelAligned(sz.d_y.d_offset + d_itemSpacing);

		item++; // next item
    Return the rendered pixel size of this list box item.
    Size ListboxWrappedTextItem::getPixelSize(void) const
        Size size(0,0);

        if (d_owner != NULL)
            size.d_width = d_owner->getPixelSize().d_width - 25.0f;

        Font* font = const_cast<Font*>(getFont());

        if (font != NULL)
            size.d_height = PixelAligned(font->getLineSpacing());
            if(size.d_width == 0)
                size.d_width = PixelAligned(font->getTextExtent(d_itemText));

            Rect formatRect;

            if (d_draw_bullet)
                formatRect.d_left = font->getTextExtent(ds_bullet);
            uint lines = font->getFormattedLineCount(d_itemText, formatRect, d_textFormatting);
            size.d_height *= lines;
            size.d_height += d_padding;

        return size;
void RenderingWindow::setSize(const Size& size)
    d_size.d_width = PixelAligned(size.d_width);
    d_size.d_height = PixelAligned(size.d_height);
    d_geometryValid = false;

    void FalagardProgressBarEx::render()
        const StateImagery* imagery;

        // get WidgetLookFeel for the assigned look.
        const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = getLookNFeel();
        // try and get imagery for our current state
        imagery = &wlf.getStateImagery(d_window->isDisabled() ? "Disabled" : "Enabled");
        // peform the rendering operation.

        // get imagery for actual progress rendering
        imagery = &wlf.getStateImagery(d_window->isDisabled() ? "DisabledProgress" : "EnabledProgress");

        // get target rect for this imagery
        Rect progressRect(wlf.getNamedArea("ProgressArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*d_window));

        // calculate a clipper according to the current progress.
        Rect progressClipper(progressRect);

        ProgressBar* w = (ProgressBar*)d_window;
        if (d_vertical)
            float height = PixelAligned(progressClipper.getHeight() * w->getProgress());

            if (d_reversed)
                progressClipper.d_top = progressClipper.d_bottom - height;
            float width = PixelAligned(progressClipper.getWidth() * w->getProgress());

            if (d_reversed)
                progressClipper.d_left = progressClipper.d_right - width;

        // peform the rendering operation.
        imagery->render(*d_window, progressRect, 0, &progressClipper);

        // perform the text rendering operation
        imagery = &wlf.getStateImagery("Label");
Exemplo n.º 10
	Return the rendered pixel size of this list box item.
Size ListboxNumberItem::getPixelSize(void) const
	Size tmp(0,0);

	const Font* fnt = getFont();

	if (fnt != NULL)
		tmp.d_height	= PixelAligned(fnt->getLineSpacing());
		tmp.d_width		= PixelAligned(fnt->getTextExtent(d_itemText));

	return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 11
	Processing for drag-sizing the segment
void ListHeaderSegment::doDragSizing(const Point& local_mouse)
    float delta = local_mouse.d_x - d_dragPoint.d_x;

    // store this so we can work out how much size actually changed
    float orgWidth = d_pixelSize.d_width;

    // ensure that we only size to the set constraints.
    // NB: We are required to do this here due to our virtually unique sizing nature; the
    // normal system for limiting the window size is unable to supply the information we
    // require for updating our internal state used to manage the dragging, etc.
    float maxWidth(d_maxSize.d_x.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getDisplaySize().d_width));
    float minWidth(d_minSize.d_x.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getDisplaySize().d_width));
    float newWidth = orgWidth + delta;

    if (newWidth > maxWidth)
        delta = maxWidth - orgWidth;
    else if (newWidth < minWidth)
        delta = minWidth - orgWidth;
    // update segment area rect
    URect area(d_area.d_min.d_x, d_area.d_min.d_y, d_area.d_max.d_x + UDim(0,PixelAligned(delta)), d_area.d_max.d_y);
    setArea_impl(area.d_min, area.getSize());

    // move the dragging point so mouse remains 'attached' to edge of segment
    d_dragPoint.d_x += d_pixelSize.d_width - orgWidth;

    WindowEventArgs args(this);
Exemplo n.º 12
	Draw the list box item in its current state.
void ListboxTextItem::draw(GeometryBuffer& buffer, const Rect& targetRect,
                           float alpha, const Rect* clipper) const
    if (d_selected && d_selectBrush != 0)
        d_selectBrush->draw(buffer, targetRect, clipper,
                            getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha));

    Font* font = getFont();

    if (!font)

    Vector2 draw_pos(targetRect.getPosition());

    draw_pos.d_y += PixelAligned(
        (font->getLineSpacing() - font->getFontHeight()) * 0.5f);

    if (!d_renderedStringValid)

    const ColourRect final_colours(
        getModulateAlphaColourRect(ColourRect(0xFFFFFFFF), alpha));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < d_renderedString.getLineCount(); ++i)
        d_renderedString.draw(i, buffer, draw_pos, &final_colours, clipper, 0.0f);
        draw_pos.d_y += d_renderedString.getPixelSize(i).d_height;
    Draw the list box item in its current state.
    void ListboxWrappedTextItem::draw(const Vector3& position, float alpha, const Rect& clipper) const
        if (d_selected && (d_selectBrush != 0))
            d_selectBrush->draw(clipper, position.d_z, clipper,
                getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha));

        Font* font = const_cast<Font*>(getFont());

        if (font)
            float left_offset = 0;
            if (d_draw_bullet)
                left_offset = font->getTextExtent(ds_bullet);

            Vector3 finalPos = position;
            finalPos.d_y -= PixelAligned((font->getLineSpacing() - font->getBaseline()) * 0.5f);
            Rect draw_area = Rect(finalPos.d_x, finalPos.d_y,
                clipper.d_right, finalPos.d_y);
            font->drawText(ds_bullet, draw_area, finalPos.d_z, clipper, d_textFormatting,
                getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_textCols, alpha));
            draw_area.d_left += left_offset;
            font->drawText(d_itemText, draw_area, finalPos.d_z, clipper, d_textFormatting,
                getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_textCols, alpha));

Exemplo n.º 14
void PushButton::resizeWithText()
	Size size = getRenderSize();
	setSize( Absolute, size );

	Point newPos;
	newPos.d_x = m_ptHookPosition.d_x;
	newPos.d_y = m_ptHookPosition.d_y;
	switch( m_HookMode )
	case Hook_Left:
		newPos.d_y -= d_pixelSize.d_height / 2;
	case Hook_Right:
		newPos.d_x -= d_pixelSize.d_width;
		newPos.d_y -= d_pixelSize.d_height / 2;
	case Hook_Top:
		newPos.d_x -= d_pixelSize.d_width / 2;
	case Hook_Bottom:
		newPos.d_x -= d_pixelSize.d_width / 2;
		newPos.d_y -= d_pixelSize.d_height;
	case Hook_LeftTop:
	case Hook_LeftBottom:
		newPos.d_y -= d_pixelSize.d_height;
	case Hook_RightTop:
		newPos.d_x -= d_pixelSize.d_width;
	case Hook_RightBottom:
		newPos.d_x -= d_pixelSize.d_width;
		newPos.d_y -= d_pixelSize.d_height;
	case Hook_Center:
		newPos.d_x -= d_pixelSize.d_width / 2;
		newPos.d_y -= d_pixelSize.d_height / 2;
	UVector2  relativePos;
	d_area.setPosition( UVector2(cegui_absdim(PixelAligned(newPos.d_x)), cegui_absdim(PixelAligned( newPos.d_y) ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 15
	Return the rendered pixel size of this list box item.
Size ListboxImageItem::getPixelSize(void)
    if ( !d_bSizeChanged )
        return d_savedPixelSize;

	Size tmp(0,0);

	if (d_image != NULL)
		tmp.d_height	= PixelAligned(d_image->getHeight());
		tmp.d_width		= PixelAligned(d_image->getWidth());

    d_bSizeChanged = false; 
    d_savedPixelSize = tmp;
	return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 16
	Return the rendered pixel size of this list box item.
Size ListboxTextItem::getPixelSize(void)
    if ( !d_bSizeChanged )
        return d_savedPixelSize;

	Size tmp(0,0);

	const Font* fnt = getFont();

	if (fnt != NULL)
		tmp.d_height	= PixelAligned(fnt->getLineSpacing());
		tmp.d_width		= PixelAligned(fnt->getTextExtent(d_itemText));

    d_bSizeChanged = false; 
    d_savedPixelSize = tmp;
	return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 17
	Sets up sizes and positions for attached ItemEntry children.
void Menubar::layoutItemWidgets()
	Rect render_rect = getItemRenderArea();
	float x0 = PixelAligned(render_rect.d_left);

	URect rect;

	ItemEntryList::iterator item = d_listItems.begin();
	while ( item != d_listItems.end() )
		const Size optimal = (*item)->getItemPixelSize();

		rect.setPosition(UVector2(cegui_absdim(x0), cegui_absdim(0)) );
		rect.setSize( UVector2( cegui_absdim(PixelAligned(optimal.d_width)),


		x0 += optimal.d_width + d_itemSpacing;

Exemplo n.º 18
void ListboxTextItem::draw(RenderCache& cache,const Rect& targetRect, float zBase, float alpha, const Rect* clipper) const
    if (d_selected && d_selectBrush != 0)
        cache.cacheImage(*d_selectBrush, targetRect, zBase, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha), clipper);

    Font* font = getFont();

    if (font)
        Rect finalPos(targetRect);
        finalPos.d_top += PixelAligned((font->getLineSpacing() - font->getFontHeight()) * 0.5f);
        cache.cacheText(d_itemText, font, LeftAligned, finalPos, zBase, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_textCols, alpha), clipper);
Exemplo n.º 19
void ListboxTextItem::draw(RenderCache& cache,const Rect& targetRect, float zBase, float alpha, const Rect* clipper) const
    if (d_selected && d_selectBrush != 0)
        cache.cacheImage(*d_selectBrush, targetRect, zBase, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha), clipper);

    const FontBase* font = getFont();

    if (font)
        Rect finalPos(targetRect);
		finalPos.d_top += PixelAligned( FontBase::LineSpace * 0.5f);
		cache.cacheText( getOwnerWindow(), d_itemText, font, d_horzFormateing, finalPos, zBase, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_textCols, alpha), clipper);
Exemplo n.º 20
	Draw the list box item in its current state.
void ListboxNumberItem::draw(const Vector3& position, float alpha, const Rect& clipper) const
	if (d_selected && (d_selectBrush != NULL))
		d_selectBrush->draw(clipper, position.d_z, clipper, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha));

	const Font* fnt = getFont();

	if (fnt != NULL)
        Vector3 finalPos(position);
        finalPos.d_y -= PixelAligned((fnt->getLineSpacing() - fnt->getBaseline()) * 0.5f);
		fnt->drawText(d_itemText, finalPos, clipper, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_textCols, alpha));

Exemplo n.º 21
	move the window's bottom edge by 'delta'.  The rest of the window
	does not move, thus this changes the size of the Window.	
void FrameWindow::moveBottomEdge(float delta)
    // store this so we can work out how much size actually changed
    float orgHeight = d_pixelSize.d_height;
    URect area(d_area);

    // ensure that we only size to the set constraints.
    // NB: We are required to do this here due to our virtually unique sizing nature; the
    // normal system for limiting the window size is unable to supply the information we
    // require for updating our internal state used to manage the dragging, etc.
    float maxHeight(d_maxSize.d_y.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getHeight()));
    float minHeight(d_minSize.d_y.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getHeight()));
    float newHeight = orgHeight + delta;

    if (newHeight > maxHeight)
        delta = maxHeight - orgHeight;
    else if (newHeight < minHeight)
        delta = minHeight - orgHeight;

    // ensure adjustment will be whole pixel
    float adjustment = PixelAligned(delta);

    area.d_max.d_y.d_offset += adjustment;

    if (d_vertAlign == VA_BOTTOM)
        area.d_max.d_y.d_offset += adjustment;
        area.d_min.d_y.d_offset += adjustment;
    else if (d_vertAlign == VA_CENTRE)
        area.d_max.d_y.d_offset += adjustment * 0.5f;
        area.d_min.d_y.d_offset += adjustment * 0.5f;

    setArea_impl(area.d_min, area.getSize(), d_vertAlign == VA_BOTTOM);

    // move the dragging point so mouse remains 'attached' to edge of window
    d_dragPoint.d_y += d_pixelSize.d_height - orgHeight;
Exemplo n.º 22
	move the window's top edge by 'delta'.  The rest of the window
	does not move, thus this changes the size of the Window.
void FrameWindow::moveTopEdge(float delta)
    float orgHeight = d_pixelSize.d_height;
    URect area(d_area);

    // ensure that we only size to the set constraints.
    // NB: We are required to do this here due to our virtually unique sizing nature; the
    // normal system for limiting the window size is unable to supply the information we
    // require for updating our internal state used to manage the dragging, etc.
    float maxHeight(d_maxSize.d_y.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getHeight()));
    float minHeight(d_minSize.d_y.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getHeight()));
    float newHeight = orgHeight - delta;

    if (newHeight > maxHeight)
        delta = orgHeight - maxHeight;
    else if (newHeight < minHeight)
        delta = orgHeight - minHeight;

    // ensure adjustment will be whole pixel
    float adjustment = PixelAligned(delta);

    if (d_vertAlign == VA_BOTTOM)
        area.d_max.d_y.d_offset -= adjustment;
    else if (d_vertAlign == VA_CENTRE)
        area.d_max.d_y.d_offset -= adjustment * 0.5f;
        area.d_min.d_y.d_offset += adjustment * 0.5f;
        area.d_min.d_y.d_offset += adjustment;

    setArea_impl(area.d_min, area.getSize(), d_vertAlign == VA_TOP);
Exemplo n.º 23
	move the window's left edge by 'delta'.  The rest of the window
	does not move, thus this changes the size of the Window.	
void FrameWindow::moveLeftEdge(float delta)
    float orgWidth = d_pixelSize.d_width;
    URect area(d_area);

    // ensure that we only size to the set constraints.
    // NB: We are required to do this here due to our virtually unique sizing nature; the
    // normal system for limiting the window size is unable to supply the information we
    // require for updating our internal state used to manage the dragging, etc.
    float maxWidth(d_maxSize.d_x.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getWidth()));
    float minWidth(d_minSize.d_x.asAbsolute(System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getWidth()));
    float newWidth = orgWidth - delta;

    if (newWidth > maxWidth)
        delta = orgWidth - maxWidth;
    else if (newWidth < minWidth)
        delta = orgWidth - minWidth;

    // ensure adjustment will be whole pixel
    float adjustment = PixelAligned(delta);

    if (d_horzAlign == HA_RIGHT)
        area.d_max.d_x.d_offset -= adjustment;
    else if (d_horzAlign == HA_CENTRE)
        area.d_max.d_x.d_offset -= adjustment * 0.5f;
        area.d_min.d_x.d_offset += adjustment * 0.5f;
        area.d_min.d_x.d_offset += adjustment;

    setArea_impl(area.d_min, area.getSize(), d_horzAlign == HA_LEFT);
Exemplo n.º 24
	set the vertical scaling factor to be applied to this Image
void Image::setVertScaling(float factor)
	d_scaledHeight		= PixelAligned(d_area.getHeight() * factor);
	d_scaledOffset.d_y	= PixelAligned(d_offset.d_y * factor);
Exemplo n.º 25
	set the horizontal scaling factor to be applied to this Image
void Image::setHorzScaling(float factor)
	d_scaledWidth		= PixelAligned(d_area.getWidth() * factor);
	d_scaledOffset.d_x	= PixelAligned(d_offset.d_x * factor);
Exemplo n.º 26
	void CPFRotatingText::renderRotatingText()
		Font* font = d_window->getFont();
		// can't render text without a font :)
		if( font==NULL){

		// get destination area for the text.
		Rect absarea(getTextRenderArea());
		Rect clipper(absarea);

		float textHeight = font->getFormattedLineCount(d_window->getText(), absarea, (TextFormatting)d_horzFormatting) * font->getLineSpacing();

		Scrollbar* vertScrollbar = getVertScrollbar();
		Scrollbar* horzScrollbar = getHorzScrollbar();

		// calculate X offset
		static float xOffset = horzScrollbar->getPageSize();
		if( xOffset<-(horzScrollbar->getDocumentSize()+horzScrollbar->getPageSize()) ){
			xOffset = horzScrollbar->getPageSize();
		static boost::system_time previous_time = boost::get_system_time();
		boost::system_time time = boost::get_system_time();
		boost::system_time::time_duration_type time_step = (time-previous_time);
		xOffset -= (static_cast<float>(time_step.total_milliseconds())*d_textSpeed);
		previous_time = time;
		absarea.offset(Point(xOffset, 0));

		// see if we may need to adjust horizontal position
		if( horzScrollbar->isVisible() ){
			case LeftAligned:
			case WordWrapLeftAligned:
			case Justified:
			case WordWrapJustified:
				absarea.offset(Point(-horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition(), 0));

			case Centred:
			case WordWrapCentred:
				absarea.offset(Point(-horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition(), 0));

			case RightAligned:
			case WordWrapRightAligned:
				absarea.offset(Point(horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition(), 0));

		// adjust y positioning according to formatting option
		case TopAligned:
			absarea.d_top -= vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();

		case VertCentred:
			// if scroll bar is in use, act like TopAligned
			if( vertScrollbar->isVisible() ){
				absarea.d_top -= vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
			// no scroll bar, so centre text instead.
				absarea.d_top += PixelAligned((absarea.getHeight() - textHeight) * 0.5f);

		case BottomAligned:
			absarea.d_top = absarea.d_bottom - textHeight;
			absarea.d_top += vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();

		// offset the font little down so that it's centered within its own spacing
		absarea.d_top += (font->getLineSpacing() - font->getFontHeight()) * 0.5f;
		// calculate final colours
		ColourRect final_cols(d_textCols);
		// cache the text for rendering.
		d_window->getRenderCache().cacheText(d_window->getText(), font, (TextFormatting)d_horzFormatting, absarea, 0, final_cols, &clipper);
Exemplo n.º 27
    Renders text on the display.  Return number of lines output.
size_t Font::drawText(const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, TextFormatting fmt, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale, float y_scale)
    size_t thisCount;
    size_t lineCount = 0;

    float	y_base = draw_area.d_top + getBaseline(y_scale);

    Rect tmpDrawArea(

    size_t lineStart = 0, lineEnd = 0;
    String	currLine;

    while (lineEnd < text.length())
        if ((lineEnd = text.find_first_of('\n', lineStart)) == String::npos)
            lineEnd = text.length();

        currLine = text.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
        lineStart = lineEnd + 1;	// +1 to skip \n char

        case LeftAligned:
            drawTextLine(currLine, Vector3(tmpDrawArea.d_left, y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case RightAligned:
            drawTextLine(currLine, Vector3(tmpDrawArea.d_right - getTextExtent(currLine, x_scale), y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case Centred:
            drawTextLine(currLine, Vector3(PixelAligned(tmpDrawArea.d_left + ((tmpDrawArea.getWidth() - getTextExtent(currLine, x_scale)) / 2.0f)), y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case Justified:
            // new function in order to keep drawTextLine's signature unchanged
            drawTextLineJustified(currLine, draw_area, Vector3(tmpDrawArea.d_left, y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapLeftAligned:
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, LeftAligned, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapRightAligned:
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, RightAligned, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapCentred:
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, Centred, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapJustified:
            // no change needed
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, Justified, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

            throw InvalidRequestException("Font::drawText - Unknown or unsupported TextFormatting value specified.");

        lineCount += thisCount;


    // should not return 0
    return ceguimax(lineCount, (size_t)1);
Exemplo n.º 28
    void ImageryComponent::render_impl(Window& srcWindow, Rect& destRect, float base_z, const CEGUI::ColourRect* modColours, const Rect* clipper, bool clipToDisplay) const
        // get final image to use.
        const Image* img = isImageFetchedFromProperty() ?
            PropertyHelper::stringToImage(srcWindow.getProperty(d_imagePropertyName)) :

        // do not draw anything if image is not set.
        if (!img)

        HorizontalFormatting horzFormatting = d_horzFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_horzFormatting :

        VerticalFormatting vertFormatting = d_vertFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_vertFormatting :

        uint horzTiles, vertTiles;
        float xpos, ypos;

        Size imgSz(img->getSize());

        // calculate final colours to be used
        ColourRect finalColours;
        initColoursRect(srcWindow, modColours, finalColours);

        // calculate initial x co-ordinate and horizontal tile count according to formatting options
        switch (horzFormatting)
            case HF_STRETCHED:
                imgSz.d_width = destRect.getWidth();
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_TILED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = (uint)((destRect.getWidth() + (imgSz.d_width - 1)) / imgSz.d_width);

            case HF_LEFT_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left + PixelAligned((destRect.getWidth() - imgSz.d_width) * 0.5f);
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_RIGHT_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_right - imgSz.d_width;
                horzTiles = 1;

                throw InvalidRequestException("ImageryComponent::render - An unknown HorizontalFormatting value was specified.");

        // calculate initial y co-ordinate and vertical tile count according to formatting options
        switch (vertFormatting)
            case VF_STRETCHED:
                imgSz.d_height = destRect.getHeight();
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_TILED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = (uint)((destRect.getHeight() + (imgSz.d_height - 1)) / imgSz.d_height);

            case VF_TOP_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top + PixelAligned((destRect.getHeight() - imgSz.d_height) * 0.5f);
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_BOTTOM_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_bottom - imgSz.d_height;
                vertTiles = 1;

                throw InvalidRequestException("ImageryComponent::render - An unknown VerticalFormatting value was specified.");

        // perform final rendering (actually is now a caching of the images which will be drawn)
        Rect finalRect;
        Rect finalClipper;
        const Rect* clippingRect;
        finalRect.d_top = ypos;
        finalRect.d_bottom = ypos + imgSz.d_height;

        for (uint row = 0; row < vertTiles; ++row)
            finalRect.d_left = xpos;
            finalRect.d_right = xpos + imgSz.d_width;

            for (uint col = 0; col < horzTiles; ++col)
                // use custom clipping for right and bottom edges when tiling the imagery
                if (((vertFormatting == VF_TILED) && row == vertTiles - 1) ||
                    ((horzFormatting == HF_TILED) && col == horzTiles - 1))
                    finalClipper = clipper ? clipper->getIntersection(destRect) : destRect;
                    clippingRect = &finalClipper;
                // not tiliing, or not on far edges, just used passed in clipper (if any).
                    clippingRect = clipper;

                // add image to the rendering cache for the target window.
                srcWindow.getRenderCache().cacheImage(*img, finalRect, base_z, finalColours, clippingRect, clipToDisplay);

                finalRect.d_left += imgSz.d_width;
                finalRect.d_right += imgSz.d_width;

            finalRect.d_top += imgSz.d_height;
            finalRect.d_bottom += imgSz.d_height;
Exemplo n.º 29
    Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen.
    Low-level routine not normally used!
void Imageset::draw(GeometryBuffer& buffer, const Rect& source_rect,
    const Rect& dest_rect, const Rect* clip_rect,const ColourRect& colours,
    QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode) const
    // get the rect area that we will actually draw to (i.e. perform clipping)
    Rect final_rect(clip_rect ? dest_rect.getIntersection(*clip_rect) : dest_rect );

    // check if rect was totally clipped
    if ((final_rect.getWidth() == 0) || (final_rect.getHeight() == 0))

    // Fix bug #45
    // Obtain correct scale values from the texture
    const float x_scale = d_texture->getTexelScaling().d_x;
    const float y_scale = d_texture->getTexelScaling().d_y;

    float tex_per_pix_x = source_rect.getWidth() / dest_rect.getWidth();
    float tex_per_pix_y = source_rect.getHeight() / dest_rect.getHeight();

    // calculate final, clipped, texture co-ordinates
    Rect  tex_rect((source_rect.d_left + ((final_rect.d_left - dest_rect.d_left) * tex_per_pix_x)) * x_scale,
        (source_rect.d_top + ((final_rect.d_top - dest_rect.d_top) * tex_per_pix_y)) * y_scale,
        (source_rect.d_right + ((final_rect.d_right - dest_rect.d_right) * tex_per_pix_x)) * x_scale,
        (source_rect.d_bottom + ((final_rect.d_bottom - dest_rect.d_bottom) * tex_per_pix_y)) * y_scale);

    final_rect.d_left	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_left);
    final_rect.d_right	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_right);
    final_rect.d_top	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_top);
    final_rect.d_bottom	= PixelAligned(final_rect.d_bottom);

    Vertex vbuffer[6];

    // vertex 0
    vbuffer[0].position   = Vector3(final_rect.d_left, final_rect.d_top, 0.0f);
    vbuffer[0].colour_val = colours.d_top_left;
    vbuffer[0].tex_coords = Vector2(tex_rect.d_left, tex_rect.d_top);

    // vertex 1
    vbuffer[1].position   = Vector3(final_rect.d_left, final_rect.d_bottom, 0.0f);
    vbuffer[1].colour_val = colours.d_bottom_left;
    vbuffer[1].tex_coords = Vector2(tex_rect.d_left, tex_rect.d_bottom);

    // vertex 2
    vbuffer[2].position.d_x   = final_rect.d_right;
    vbuffer[2].position.d_z   = 0.0f;
    vbuffer[2].colour_val     = colours.d_bottom_right;
    vbuffer[2].tex_coords.d_x = tex_rect.d_right;

    // top-left to bottom-right diagonal
    if (quad_split_mode == TopLeftToBottomRight)
        vbuffer[2].position.d_y   = final_rect.d_bottom;
        vbuffer[2].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_bottom;
    // bottom-left to top-right diagonal
        vbuffer[2].position.d_y   = final_rect.d_top;
        vbuffer[2].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_top;

    // vertex 3
    vbuffer[3].position   = Vector3(final_rect.d_right, final_rect.d_top, 0.0f);
    vbuffer[3].colour_val = colours.d_top_right;
    vbuffer[3].tex_coords = Vector2(tex_rect.d_right, tex_rect.d_top);

    // vertex 4
    vbuffer[4].position.d_x   = final_rect.d_left;
    vbuffer[4].position.d_z   = 0.0f;
    vbuffer[4].colour_val     = colours.d_top_left;
    vbuffer[4].tex_coords.d_x = tex_rect.d_left;

    // top-left to bottom-right diagonal
    if (quad_split_mode == TopLeftToBottomRight)
        vbuffer[4].position.d_y   = final_rect.d_top;
        vbuffer[4].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_top;
    // bottom-left to top-right diagonal
        vbuffer[4].position.d_y   = final_rect.d_bottom;
        vbuffer[4].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_bottom;

    // vertex 5
    vbuffer[5].position = Vector3(final_rect.d_right, final_rect.d_bottom, 0.0f);
    vbuffer[5].colour_val= colours.d_bottom_right;
    vbuffer[5].tex_coords = Vector2(tex_rect.d_right, tex_rect.d_bottom);

    // TODO: Remove cast when GeometryBuffer gets it's APIs fixed!
    buffer.appendGeometry(vbuffer, 6);
    void FrameComponent::doBackgroundRender(Window& srcWindow, Rect& destRect, const ColourRect& colours, const Rect* clipper, bool /*clipToDisplay*/) const
        HorizontalFormatting horzFormatting = d_horzFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_horzFormatting :

        VerticalFormatting vertFormatting = d_vertFormatPropertyName.empty() ? d_vertFormatting :

        uint horzTiles, vertTiles;
        float xpos, ypos;

        Size imgSz(d_frameImages[FIC_BACKGROUND]->getSize());

        // calculate initial x co-ordinate and horizontal tile count according to formatting options
        switch (horzFormatting)
            case HF_STRETCHED:
                imgSz.d_width = destRect.getWidth();
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_TILED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = std::abs(static_cast<int>(
                    (destRect.getWidth() + (imgSz.d_width - 1)) / imgSz.d_width));

            case HF_LEFT_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left;
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_left + PixelAligned((destRect.getWidth() - imgSz.d_width) * 0.5f);
                horzTiles = 1;

            case HF_RIGHT_ALIGNED:
                xpos = destRect.d_right - imgSz.d_width;
                horzTiles = 1;

                CEGUI_THROW(InvalidRequestException("FrameComponent::doBackgroundRender - An unknown HorizontalFormatting value was specified."));

        // calculate initial y co-ordinate and vertical tile count according to formatting options
        switch (vertFormatting)
            case VF_STRETCHED:
                imgSz.d_height = destRect.getHeight();
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_TILED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = std::abs(static_cast<int>(
                    (destRect.getHeight() + (imgSz.d_height - 1)) / imgSz.d_height));

            case VF_TOP_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top;
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_CENTRE_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_top + PixelAligned((destRect.getHeight() - imgSz.d_height) * 0.5f);
                vertTiles = 1;

            case VF_BOTTOM_ALIGNED:
                ypos = destRect.d_bottom - imgSz.d_height;
                vertTiles = 1;

                CEGUI_THROW(InvalidRequestException("FrameComponent::doBackgroundRender - An unknown VerticalFormatting value was specified."));

        // perform final rendering (actually is now a caching of the images which will be drawn)
        Rect finalRect;
        Rect finalClipper;
        const Rect* clippingRect;
        finalRect.d_top = ypos;
        finalRect.d_bottom = ypos + imgSz.d_height;

        for (uint row = 0; row < vertTiles; ++row)
            finalRect.d_left = xpos;
            finalRect.d_right = xpos + imgSz.d_width;

            for (uint col = 0; col < horzTiles; ++col)
                // use custom clipping for right and bottom edges when tiling the imagery
                if (((vertFormatting == VF_TILED) && row == vertTiles - 1) ||
                    ((horzFormatting == HF_TILED) && col == horzTiles - 1))
                    finalClipper = clipper ? clipper->getIntersection(destRect) : destRect;
                    clippingRect = &finalClipper;
                // not tiliing, or not on far edges, just used passed in clipper (if any).
                    clippingRect = clipper;

                // add image to the rendering cache for the target window.
                d_frameImages[FIC_BACKGROUND]->draw(srcWindow.getGeometryBuffer(), finalRect, clippingRect, colours);

                finalRect.d_left += imgSz.d_width;
                finalRect.d_right += imgSz.d_width;

            finalRect.d_top += imgSz.d_height;
            finalRect.d_bottom += imgSz.d_height;