static char * get_exc_trace() { char *tbstr = NULL; PyObject *iostrmod = NULL; PyObject *tbmod = NULL; PyObject *iostr = NULL; PyObject *obstr = NULL; PyObject *args = NULL; PyObject *newstr = NULL; PyObject *func = NULL; char* rv = NULL; PyObject *type, *value, *traceback; TARGET_THREAD_BEGIN_BLOCK; PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback); debug("** type %p, value %p, traceback %p", type, value, traceback); PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); PyErr_NormalizeException(&type, &value, &traceback); debug("** type %p, value %p, traceback %p", type, value, traceback); iostrmod = PyImport_ImportModule("StringIO"); if (iostrmod==NULL) TB_ERROR("can't import StringIO"); iostr = PyObject_CallMethod(iostrmod, "StringIO", NULL); if (iostr==NULL) TB_ERROR("cStringIO.StringIO() failed"); tbmod = PyImport_ImportModule("traceback"); if (tbmod==NULL) TB_ERROR("can't import traceback"); obstr = PyObject_CallMethod(tbmod, "print_exception", "(OOOOO)", type ? type : Py_None, value ? value : Py_None, traceback ? traceback : Py_None, Py_None, iostr); if (obstr==NULL) { PyErr_Print(); TB_ERROR("traceback.print_exception() failed"); } Py_DecRef(obstr); obstr = PyObject_CallMethod(iostr, "getvalue", NULL); if (obstr==NULL) TB_ERROR("getvalue() failed."); if (!PyString_Check(obstr)) TB_ERROR("getvalue() did not return a string"); debug("%s", PyString_AsString(obstr)); args = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, string2target("\n")); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 1, string2target("<br>")); func = PyObject_GetAttrString(obstr, "replace"); //newstr = PyObject_CallMethod(obstr, "replace", args); newstr = PyObject_CallObject(func, args); tbstr = PyString_AsString(newstr); rv = fmtstr("plugin:%s", tbstr); cleanup: PyErr_Restore(type, value, traceback); if (rv == NULL) { rv = tbstr ? tbstr : ""; } Py_DecRef(func); Py_DecRef(args); Py_DecRef(newstr); Py_DecRef(iostr); Py_DecRef(obstr); Py_DecRef(iostrmod); Py_DecRef(tbmod); TARGET_THREAD_END_BLOCK; return rv; }
static int TargetCall(WsXmlDocH doc, PyObject* instance, const char* opname, int nargs, ...) { va_list vargs; PyObject *pyargs = NULL; PyObject *pyfunc = NULL; PyObject *result = NULL; WsmanStatus status; wsman_status_init(&status); pyargs = PyTuple_New(nargs); pyfunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(instance, opname); if (pyfunc == NULL) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); char* str = fmtstr("Python module does not contain \"%s\"", opname); debug("%s", str); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; free(str); goto cleanup; } if (! PyCallable_Check(pyfunc)) { char* str = fmtstr("Python module attribute \"%s\" is not callable", opname); debug("%s", str); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; free(str); goto cleanup; } va_start(vargs, nargs); int i; for (i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) { PyObject* arg = va_arg(vargs, PyObject*); if (arg == NULL) { arg = Py_None; Py_IncRef(arg); } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(pyargs, i, arg); } va_end(vargs); result = PyObject_CallObject(pyfunc, pyargs); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { status.fault_code = WSMAN_INTERNAL_ERROR; status.fault_detail_code = 0; PyErr_Clear(); goto cleanup; } if (! PyTuple_Check(result) || (PyTuple_Size(result) != 2 && PyTuple_Size(result) != 1)) { TARGET_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW; status.fault_msg = fmtstr("Python function \"%s\" didn't return a two-tuple", opname); status.fault_code = WSMAN_INTERNAL_ERROR; status.fault_detail_code = 0; TARGET_THREAD_END_ALLOW; goto cleanup; } PyObject* code = PyTuple_GetItem(result, 0); PyObject* detail = Py_None; if (PyTuple_Size(result) == 2) { detail = PyTuple_GetItem(result, 1); } if (! PyInt_Check(code) || (! PyInt_Check(detail) && detail != Py_None)) { TARGET_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW; status.fault_msg = fmtstr("Python function \"%s\" didn't return a {<int>, <int>) two-tuple", opname); status.fault_code = WSMAN_INTERNAL_ERROR; status.fault_detail_code = 0; TARGET_THREAD_END_ALLOW; goto cleanup; } status.fault_code = PyInt_AsLong(code); if (detail == Py_None) { status.fault_code = WSMAN_INTERNAL_ERROR; status.fault_detail_code = 0; } else { status.fault_detail_code = PyInt_AsLong(detail); } cleanup: if (status.fault_code != WSMAN_RC_OK) wsman_generate_fault( doc, status.fault_code, status.fault_detail_code, status.fault_msg ); Py_DecRef(pyargs); Py_DecRef(pyfunc); Py_DecRef(result); return status.fault_code != WSMAN_RC_OK; }
static list_t * TargetEndpoints( void *self, void *data ) { int len, i; PyObject *instance = (PyObject *)data; PyObject *pyfunc, *pynamespaces = NULL; WsmanStatus status; wsman_status_init(&status); debug("TargetEndpoints(Python), data %p, instance %p", data, instance); /* * Get namespaces */ list_t *namespaces = list_create(LISTCOUNT_T_MAX); pyfunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(instance, "namespaces"); if (pyfunc == NULL) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); debug("Python module does not contain \"namespaces\""); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; goto cleanup; } if (! PyCallable_Check(pyfunc)) { debug("Python module attribute \"namespaces\" is not callable"); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; goto cleanup; } pynamespaces = PyObject_CallObject(pyfunc, NULL); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; PyErr_Clear(); goto cleanup; } if (! PyTuple_Check(pynamespaces)) { TARGET_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW; debug("Python function \"namespaces\" didn't return a two-tuple"); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; TARGET_THREAD_END_ALLOW; goto cleanup; } len = PyTuple_Size(pynamespaces); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { lnode_t *node; PyObject *ns, *prefix; PyObject* elem = PyTuple_GetItem(pynamespaces, i); if (! PyTuple_Check(elem) || ! (PyTuple_Size(elem) == 2)) { TARGET_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW; debug("Python function \"namespaces\" didn't return a list of two-tuple"); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; TARGET_THREAD_END_ALLOW; goto cleanup; } ns = PyTuple_GetItem(elem, 0); prefix = PyTuple_GetItem(elem, 1); if (!PyString_Check(ns) || !PyString_Check(prefix)) { TARGET_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW; debug("Python function \"namespaces\" didn't return a list of [<string>,<string>] tuples"); status.fault_code = WSA_ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE; status.fault_detail_code = 0; TARGET_THREAD_END_ALLOW; goto cleanup; } WsSupportedNamespaces *sup_ns = (WsSupportedNamespaces *)u_malloc(sizeof(WsSupportedNamespaces)); sup_ns->ns = PyString_AsString(ns); sup_ns->class_prefix = PyString_AsString(prefix); node = lnode_create(ns); list_append(namespaces, node); } cleanup: if (pyfunc) Py_DecRef(pyfunc); if (pynamespaces) Py_DecRef(pynamespaces); return namespaces; }
/* Frees a key protector object */ void pybde_key_protector_free( pybde_key_protector_t *pybde_key_protector ) { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; static char *function = "pybde_key_protector_free"; if( pybde_key_protector == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid key protector.", function ); return; } if( pybde_key_protector->ob_type == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid key protector - missing ob_type.", function ); return; } if( pybde_key_protector->ob_type->tp_free == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid key protector - invalid ob_type - missing tp_free.", function ); return; } if( pybde_key_protector->key_protector == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid key protector - missing libbde key protector.", function ); return; } if( libbde_key_protector_free( &( pybde_key_protector->key_protector ), &error ) != 1 ) { pybde_error_raise( error, PyExc_IOError, "%s: unable to free libbde key protector.", function ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( pybde_key_protector->volume_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pybde_key_protector->volume_object ); } pybde_key_protector->ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject*) pybde_key_protector ); }
/* Creates a new records object * Returns a Python object if successful or NULL on error */ PyObject *pyevt_records_new( pyevt_file_t *file_object, PyObject* (*get_record_by_index)( pyevt_file_t *file_object, int record_index ), int number_of_records ) { pyevt_records_t *pyevt_records = NULL; static char *function = "pyevt_records_new"; if( file_object == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid file object.", function ); return( NULL ); } if( get_record_by_index == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid get record by index function.", function ); return( NULL ); } /* Make sure the records values are initialized */ pyevt_records = PyObject_New( struct pyevt_records, &pyevt_records_type_object ); if( pyevt_records == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize records.", function ); goto on_error; } if( pyevt_records_init( pyevt_records ) != 0 ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize records.", function ); goto on_error; } pyevt_records->file_object = file_object; pyevt_records->get_record_by_index = get_record_by_index; pyevt_records->number_of_records = number_of_records; Py_IncRef( (PyObject *) pyevt_records->file_object ); return( (PyObject *) pyevt_records ); on_error: if( pyevt_records != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyevt_records ); } return( NULL ); }
/* Creates a new logical volumes object * Returns a Python object if successful or NULL on error */ PyObject *pyvslvm_logical_volumes_new( pyvslvm_volume_group_t *volume_group_object, PyObject* (*get_logical_volume_by_index)( pyvslvm_volume_group_t *volume_group_object, int logical_volume_index ), int number_of_logical_volumes ) { pyvslvm_logical_volumes_t *pyvslvm_logical_volumes = NULL; static char *function = "pyvslvm_logical_volumes_new"; if( volume_group_object == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid volume group object.", function ); return( NULL ); } if( get_logical_volume_by_index == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid get logical volume by index function.", function ); return( NULL ); } /* Make sure the logical volumes values are initialized */ pyvslvm_logical_volumes = PyObject_New( struct pyvslvm_logical_volumes, &pyvslvm_logical_volumes_type_object ); if( pyvslvm_logical_volumes == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize logical volumes.", function ); goto on_error; } if( pyvslvm_logical_volumes_init( pyvslvm_logical_volumes ) != 0 ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize logical volumes.", function ); goto on_error; } pyvslvm_logical_volumes->volume_group_object = volume_group_object; pyvslvm_logical_volumes->get_logical_volume_by_index = get_logical_volume_by_index; pyvslvm_logical_volumes->number_of_logical_volumes = number_of_logical_volumes; Py_IncRef( (PyObject *) pyvslvm_logical_volumes->volume_group_object ); return( (PyObject *) pyvslvm_logical_volumes ); on_error: if( pyvslvm_logical_volumes != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyvslvm_logical_volumes ); } return( NULL ); }
/* Initializes the type object * Returns 1 if successful or -1 on error */ int pylnk_data_flags_init_type( PyTypeObject *type_object ) { PyObject *value_object = NULL; if( type_object == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } type_object->tp_dict = PyDict_New(); if( type_object->tp_dict == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_LINK_TARGET_IDENTIFIER ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_LINK_TARGET_IDENTIFIER ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_LINK_TARGET_IDENTIFIER", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_LOCATION_INFORMATION ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_LOCATION_INFORMATION ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_LOCATION_INFORMATION", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_DESCRIPTION_STRING ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_DESCRIPTION_STRING ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_DESCRIPTION_STRING", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_RELATIVE_PATH_STRING ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_RELATIVE_PATH_STRING ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_RELATIVE_PATH_STRING", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_STRING ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_STRING ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_WORKING_DIRECTORY_STRING", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS_STRING ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS_STRING ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS_STRING", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_ICON_LOCATION_STRING ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_ICON_LOCATION_STRING ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_ICON_LOCATION_STRING", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_IS_UNICODE ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_IS_UNICODE ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "IS_UNICODE", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_FORCE_NO_LOCATION_INFORMATION ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_FORCE_NO_LOCATION_INFORMATION ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "FORCE_NO_LOCATION_INFORMATION", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_LOCATION_BLOCK ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_LOCATION_BLOCK ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_LOCATION_BLOCK", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_RUN_IN_SEPARATE_PROCESS ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_RUN_IN_SEPARATE_PROCESS ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "RUN_IN_SEPARATE_PROCESS", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_DARWIN_IDENTIFIER ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_DARWIN_IDENTIFIER ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_DARWIN_IDENTIFIER", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_RUN_AS_USER ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_RUN_AS_USER ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "RUN_AS_USER", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_ICON_LOCATION_BLOCK ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_ICON_LOCATION_BLOCK ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_ICON_LOCATION_BLOCK", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_NO_PIDL_ALIAS ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_NO_PIDL_ALIAS ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "NO_PIDL_ALIAS", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_RUN_WITH_SHIM_LAYER ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_RUN_WITH_SHIM_LAYER ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "RUN_WITH_SHIM_LAYER", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_NO_DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKING_DATA_BLOCK ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_NO_DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKING_DATA_BLOCK ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "NO_DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKING_DATA_BLOCK", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value_object = PyLong_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_METADATA_PROPERTY_STORE_DATA_BLOCK ); #else value_object = PyInt_FromLong( LIBLNK_DATA_FLAG_HAS_METADATA_PROPERTY_STORE_DATA_BLOCK ); #endif if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "HAS_METADATA_PROPERTY_STORE_DATA_BLOCK", value_object ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } return( 1 ); on_error: if( type_object->tp_dict != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( type_object->tp_dict ); type_object->tp_dict = NULL; } return( -1 ); }
PythonContext::PythonContext(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { if(!initialised()) return; // acquire the GIL and make sure this thread is init'd PyGILState_STATE gil = PyGILState_Ensure(); // clone our own local context context_namespace = PyDict_Copy(main_dict); PyObject *rlcompleter = PyDict_GetItemString(main_dict, "rlcompleter"); // for compatibility with earlier versions of python that took a char * instead of const char * char noparams[1] = ""; // set global output that point to this context. It is responsible for deleting the context when // it goes out of scope PyObject *redirector = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)&OutputRedirectorType, noparams); if(redirector) { PyDict_SetItemString(context_namespace, "_renderdoc_internal", redirector); OutputRedirector *output = (OutputRedirector *)redirector; output->context = this; Py_DECREF(redirector); } if(rlcompleter) { PyObject *Completer = PyObject_GetAttrString(rlcompleter, "Completer"); if(Completer) { // create a completer for our context's namespace m_Completer = PyObject_CallFunction(Completer, "O", context_namespace); if(m_Completer) { PyDict_SetItemString(context_namespace, "_renderdoc_completer", m_Completer); } else { QString typeStr; QString valueStr; int finalLine = -1; QList<QString> frames; FetchException(typeStr, valueStr, finalLine, frames); // failure is not fatal qWarning() << "Couldn't create completion object. " << typeStr << ": " << valueStr; PyErr_Clear(); } } Py_DecRef(Completer); } else { m_Completer = NULL; } // release the GIL again PyGILState_Release(gil); // every 100ms while running, check for new output outputTicker = new QTimer(this); outputTicker->setInterval(100); QObject::connect(outputTicker, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PythonContext::outputTick); // we have to start it here, because we can't start on another thread. outputTicker->start(); }
void PythonContext::executeString(const QString &filename, const QString &source) { if(!initialised()) { emit exception( lit("SystemError"), tr("Python integration failed to initialise, see diagnostic log for more information."), -1, {}); return; } location.file = filename; location.line = 1; PyGILState_STATE gil = PyGILState_Ensure(); PyObject *compiled = Py_CompileString(source.toUtf8().data(), filename.toUtf8().data(), source.count(QLatin1Char('\n')) == 0 ? Py_single_input : Py_file_input); PyObject *ret = NULL; if(compiled) { PyObject *traceContext = PyDict_New(); uintptr_t thisint = (uintptr_t) this; uint64_t thisuint64 = (uint64_t)thisint; PyObject *thisobj = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(thisuint64); PyDict_SetItemString(traceContext, "thisobj", thisobj); PyDict_SetItemString(traceContext, "compiled", compiled); PyEval_SetTrace(&PythonContext::traceEvent, traceContext); m_Abort = false; m_State = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState(); ret = PyEval_EvalCode(compiled, context_namespace, context_namespace); m_State = NULL; // catch any output outputTick(); PyEval_SetTrace(NULL, NULL); Py_XDECREF(thisobj); Py_XDECREF(traceContext); } Py_DecRef(compiled); QString typeStr; QString valueStr; int finalLine = -1; QList<QString> frames; bool caughtException = (ret == NULL); if(caughtException) FetchException(typeStr, valueStr, finalLine, frames); Py_XDECREF(ret); PyGILState_Release(gil); if(caughtException) emit exception(typeStr, valueStr, finalLine, frames); }
void FetchException(QString &typeStr, QString &valueStr, int &finalLine, QList<QString> &frames) { PyObject *exObj = NULL, *valueObj = NULL, *tracebackObj = NULL; PyErr_Fetch(&exObj, &valueObj, &tracebackObj); PyErr_NormalizeException(&exObj, &valueObj, &tracebackObj); if(exObj && PyType_Check(exObj)) { PyTypeObject *type = (PyTypeObject *)exObj; typeStr = QString::fromUtf8(type->tp_name); } else { typeStr = QString(); } if(valueObj) valueStr = ToQStr(valueObj); if(tracebackObj) { PyObject *tracebackModule = PyImport_ImportModule("traceback"); if(tracebackModule) { PyObject *func = PyObject_GetAttrString(tracebackModule, "format_tb"); if(func && PyCallable_Check(func)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(N)", tracebackObj); PyObject *formattedTB = PyObject_CallObject(func, args); PyTracebackObject *tb = (PyTracebackObject *)tracebackObj; while(tb->tb_next) tb = tb->tb_next; finalLine = tb->tb_lineno; if(formattedTB) { Py_ssize_t size = PyList_Size(formattedTB); for(Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { PyObject *el = PyList_GetItem(formattedTB, i); frames << ToQStr(el).trimmed(); } Py_DecRef(formattedTB); } Py_DecRef(args); } } } Py_DecRef(exObj); Py_DecRef(valueObj); Py_DecRef(tracebackObj); }
void PythonContext::GlobalInit() { // must happen on the UI thread if(qApp->thread() != QThread::currentThread()) { qFatal("PythonContext::GlobalInit MUST be called from the UI thread"); return; } // for the exception signal qRegisterMetaType<QList<QString>>("QList<QString>"); PyImport_AppendInittab("_renderdoc", &PyInit_renderdoc); PyImport_AppendInittab("_qrenderdoc", &PyInit_qrenderdoc); #if defined(STATIC_QRENDERDOC) // add the location where our libs will be for statically-linked python installs { QDir bin = QFileInfo(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath()).absoluteDir(); QString pylibs = QDir::cleanPath(bin.absoluteFilePath(lit("../share/renderdoc/pylibs"))); pylibs.toWCharArray(python_home); Py_SetPythonHome(python_home); } #endif Py_SetProgramName(program_name); Py_Initialize(); PyEval_InitThreads(); OutputRedirectorType.tp_name = "renderdoc_output_redirector"; OutputRedirectorType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(OutputRedirector); OutputRedirectorType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT; OutputRedirectorType.tp_doc = "Output redirector, to be able to catch output to stdout and stderr"; OutputRedirectorType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew; OutputRedirectorType.tp_dealloc = &PythonContext::outstream_del; OutputRedirectorType.tp_methods = OutputRedirector_methods; OutputRedirector_methods[0].ml_meth = &PythonContext::outstream_write; OutputRedirector_methods[1].ml_meth = &PythonContext::outstream_flush; PyObject *main_module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); PyModule_AddObject(main_module, "renderdoc", PyImport_ImportModule("_renderdoc")); PyModule_AddObject(main_module, "qrenderdoc", PyImport_ImportModule("_qrenderdoc")); main_dict = PyModule_GetDict(main_module); // replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr with our own objects. These have a 'this' pointer of NULL, // which then indicates they need to forward to a global object // import sys PyDict_SetItemString(main_dict, "sys", PyImport_ImportModule("sys")); PyObject *rlcompleter = PyImport_ImportModule("rlcompleter"); if(rlcompleter) { PyDict_SetItemString(main_dict, "rlcompleter", rlcompleter); } else { // ignore a failed import PyErr_Clear(); } // sysobj = sys PyObject *sysobj = PyDict_GetItemString(main_dict, "sys"); // sysobj.stdout = renderdoc_output_redirector() // sysobj.stderr = renderdoc_output_redirector() if(PyType_Ready(&OutputRedirectorType) >= 0) { // for compatibility with earlier versions of python that took a char * instead of const char * char noparams[1] = ""; PyObject *redirector = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)&OutputRedirectorType, noparams); PyObject_SetAttrString(sysobj, "stdout", redirector); OutputRedirector *output = (OutputRedirector *)redirector; output->isStdError = 0; output->context = NULL; redirector = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)&OutputRedirectorType, noparams); PyObject_SetAttrString(sysobj, "stderr", redirector); output = (OutputRedirector *)redirector; output->isStdError = 1; output->context = NULL; } // if we need to append to sys.path to locate PySide2, do that now #if defined(PYSIDE2_SYS_PATH) { PyObject *syspath = PyObject_GetAttrString(sysobj, "path"); #ifndef STRINGIZE #define STRINGIZE2(a) #a #define STRINGIZE(a) STRINGIZE2(a) #endif PyObject *str = PyUnicode_FromString(STRINGIZE(PYSIDE2_SYS_PATH)); PyList_Append(syspath, str); Py_DecRef(str); Py_DecRef(syspath); } #endif // set up PySide #if PYSIDE2_ENABLED { Shiboken::AutoDecRef core(Shiboken::Module::import("PySide2.QtCore")); if(!core.isNull()) SbkPySide2_QtCoreTypes = Shiboken::Module::getTypes(core); else qCritical() << "Failed to load PySide2.QtCore"; Shiboken::AutoDecRef gui(Shiboken::Module::import("PySide2.QtGui")); if(!gui.isNull()) SbkPySide2_QtGuiTypes = Shiboken::Module::getTypes(gui); else qCritical() << "Failed to load PySide2.QtGui"; Shiboken::AutoDecRef widgets(Shiboken::Module::import("PySide2.QtWidgets")); if(!widgets.isNull()) SbkPySide2_QtWidgetsTypes = Shiboken::Module::getTypes(widgets); else qCritical() << "Failed to load PySide2.QtWidgets"; } #endif // release GIL so that python work can now happen on any thread PyEval_SaveThread(); }
/* Frees an block object */ void pyvshadow_block_free( pyvshadow_block_t *pyvshadow_block ) { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL; static char *function = "pyvshadow_block_free"; if( pyvshadow_block == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid block.", function ); return; } if( pyvshadow_block->block == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid block - missing libvshadow block.", function ); return; } ob_type = Py_TYPE( pyvshadow_block ); if( ob_type == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: missing ob_type.", function ); return; } if( ob_type->tp_free == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid ob_type - missing tp_free.", function ); return; } if( libvshadow_block_free( &( pyvshadow_block->block ), &error ) != 1 ) { pyvshadow_error_raise( error, PyExc_IOError, "%s: unable to free libvshadow block.", function ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( pyvshadow_block->store_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyvshadow_block->store_object ); } ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject*) pyvshadow_block ); }
/* Initializes the type object * Returns 1 if successful or -1 on error */ int pyewf_media_types_init_type( PyTypeObject *type_object ) { if( type_object == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } type_object->tp_dict = PyDict_New(); if( type_object->tp_dict == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "REMOVABLE", PyInt_FromLong( LIBEWF_MEDIA_TYPE_REMOVABLE ) ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "FIXED", PyInt_FromLong( LIBEWF_MEDIA_TYPE_FIXED ) ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "OPTICAL", PyInt_FromLong( LIBEWF_MEDIA_TYPE_OPTICAL ) ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "SINGLE_FILES", PyInt_FromLong( LIBEWF_MEDIA_TYPE_SINGLE_FILES ) ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } if( PyDict_SetItemString( type_object->tp_dict, "MEMORY", PyInt_FromLong( LIBEWF_MEDIA_TYPE_MEMORY ) ) != 0 ) { goto on_error; } return( 1 ); on_error: if( type_object->tp_dict != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( type_object->tp_dict ); type_object->tp_dict = NULL; } return( -1 ); }
/********************* *** Plugin object *** ********************/ Plugin::Plugin(const QString &moduleName) { //load module module = PyImport_ImportModule(moduleName.toUtf8().constData()); if (module == NULL) { PyErr_Print(); exit(-1); } name = moduleName.mid(7); //get search() and parse() searchFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "search"); parseFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "parse"); if (searchFunc == NULL || parseFunc == NULL) { PyErr_Print(); exit(-1); } searchAlbumFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "search_album"); if (searchAlbumFunc == NULL) PyErr_Clear(); //get hosts PyObject *hosts = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "hosts"); if (hosts) { int size = PyTuple_Size(hosts); if (size < 0) { PyErr_Print(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { const char *str = PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(hosts, i)); host2plugin[QString::fromUtf8(str)] = this; } } else PyErr_Clear(); //get resources library libraryFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "library"); if (libraryFunc == NULL) PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *types = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "movie_types"); if (types) { for (int i = 0; i < PyList_Size(types); i++) { const char *str = PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(types, i)); mvTypes << QString::fromUtf8(str); } Py_DecRef(types); } else PyErr_Clear(); types = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "tv_types"); if (types) { for (int i = 0; i < PyList_Size(types); i++) { const char *str = PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(types, i)); tvTypes << QString::fromUtf8(str); } Py_DecRef(types); } else PyErr_Clear(); }
/* Creates a new records sequence and iterator object * Returns a Python object if successful or NULL on error */ PyObject *pyevtx_records_new( PyObject *parent_object, PyObject* (*get_item_by_index)( PyObject *parent_object, int index ), int number_of_items ) { pyevtx_records_t *sequence_object = NULL; static char *function = "pyevtx_records_new"; if( parent_object == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid parent object.", function ); return( NULL ); } if( get_item_by_index == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid get item by index function.", function ); return( NULL ); } /* Make sure the records values are initialized */ sequence_object = PyObject_New( struct pyevtx_records, &pyevtx_records_type_object ); if( sequence_object == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to create sequence object.", function ); goto on_error; } sequence_object->parent_object = parent_object; sequence_object->get_item_by_index = get_item_by_index; sequence_object->current_index = 0; sequence_object->number_of_items = number_of_items; Py_IncRef( (PyObject *) sequence_object->parent_object ); return( (PyObject *) sequence_object ); on_error: if( sequence_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) sequence_object ); } return( NULL ); }
QStringList PythonContext::completionOptions(QString base) { QStringList ret; if(!m_Completer) return ret; QByteArray bytes = base.toUtf8(); const char *input = (const char *); PyGILState_STATE gil = PyGILState_Ensure(); PyObject *completeFunction = PyObject_GetAttrString(m_Completer, "complete"); int idx = 0; PyObject *opt = NULL; do { opt = PyObject_CallFunction(completeFunction, "si", input, idx); if(opt && opt != Py_None) { QString optstr = ToQStr(opt); bool add = true; // little hack, remove some of the ugly swig template instantiations that we can't avoid. if(optstr.contains(lit("renderdoc.rdcarray")) || optstr.contains(lit("renderdoc.rdcstr")) || optstr.contains(lit("renderdoc.bytebuf"))) add = false; if(add) ret << optstr; } idx++; } while(opt && opt != Py_None); // extra hack, remove the swig object functions/data but ONLY if we find a sure-fire identifier // (thisown) since otherwise we could remove append from a list object bool containsSwigInternals = false; for(const QString &optstr : ret) { if(optstr.contains(lit(".thisown"))) { containsSwigInternals = true; break; } } if(containsSwigInternals) { for(int i = 0; i < ret.count();) { if(ret[i].endsWith(lit(".acquire(")) || ret[i].endsWith(lit(".append(")) || ret[i].endsWith(lit(".disown(")) || ret[i].endsWith(lit(".next(")) || ret[i].endsWith(lit(".own(")) || ret[i].endsWith(lit(".this")) || ret[i].endsWith(lit(".thisown"))) ret.removeAt(i); else i++; } } Py_DecRef(completeFunction); PyGILState_Release(gil); return ret; }
/* Creates a new cache directories object * Returns a Python object if successful or NULL on error */ PyObject *pymsiecf_cache_directories_new( PyObject *parent_object, PyObject* (*get_cache_directory_by_index)( PyObject *parent_object, int cache_directory_index ), int number_of_cache_directories ) { pymsiecf_cache_directories_t *pymsiecf_cache_directories = NULL; static char *function = "pymsiecf_cache_directories_new"; if( parent_object == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid parent object.", function ); return( NULL ); } if( get_cache_directory_by_index == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid get cache directory by index function.", function ); return( NULL ); } /* Make sure the cache directories values are initialized */ pymsiecf_cache_directories = PyObject_New( struct pymsiecf_cache_directories, &pymsiecf_cache_directories_type_object ); if( pymsiecf_cache_directories == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize cache directories.", function ); goto on_error; } if( pymsiecf_cache_directories_init( pymsiecf_cache_directories ) != 0 ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize cache directories.", function ); goto on_error; } pymsiecf_cache_directories->parent_object = parent_object; pymsiecf_cache_directories->get_cache_directory_by_index = get_cache_directory_by_index; pymsiecf_cache_directories->number_of_cache_directories = number_of_cache_directories; Py_IncRef( (PyObject *) pymsiecf_cache_directories->parent_object ); return( (PyObject *) pymsiecf_cache_directories ); on_error: if( pymsiecf_cache_directories != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pymsiecf_cache_directories ); } return( NULL ); }
/* Fetches an error */ void VARARGS( pyqcow_error_fetch, libcerror_error_t **error, int error_domain, int error_code, const char *, format_string ) { va_list argument_list; char error_string[ PYQCOW_ERROR_STRING_SIZE ]; PyObject *exception_traceback = NULL; PyObject *exception_type = NULL; PyObject *exception_value = NULL; PyObject *string_object = NULL; static char *function = "pyqcow_error_fetch"; char *exception_string = NULL; size_t error_string_length = 0; int print_count = 0; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyObject *utf8_string_object = NULL; #endif if( format_string == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: missing format string.", function ); return; } VASTART( argument_list, const char *, format_string ); print_count = PyOS_vsnprintf( error_string, PYQCOW_ERROR_STRING_SIZE, format_string, argument_list ); VAEND( argument_list ); if( print_count < 0 ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: unable to format error string.", function ); return; } error_string_length = libcstring_narrow_string_length( error_string ); if( ( error_string_length >= 1 ) && ( error_string[ error_string_length - 1 ] == '.' ) ) { error_string[ error_string_length - 1 ] = 0; } PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_traceback ); string_object = PyObject_Repr( exception_value ); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 utf8_string_object = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String( string_object ); if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) { exception_string = PyBytes_AsString( utf8_string_object ); } #else exception_string = PyString_AsString( string_object ); #endif if( exception_string != NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, error_domain, error_code, "%s with error: %s.", error_string, exception_string ); } else { libcerror_error_set( error, error_domain, error_code, "%s.", error_string ); } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( utf8_string_object ); } #endif Py_DecRef( string_object ); return; }
/* Creates a new segments object * Returns a Python object if successful or NULL on error */ PyObject *pyvslvm_segments_new( pyvslvm_logical_volume_t *logical_volume_object, PyObject* (*get_segment_by_index)( pyvslvm_logical_volume_t *logical_volume_object, int segment_index ), int number_of_segments ) { pyvslvm_segments_t *pyvslvm_segments = NULL; static char *function = "pyvslvm_segments_new"; if( logical_volume_object == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid logical volume object.", function ); return( NULL ); } if( get_segment_by_index == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid get segment by index function.", function ); return( NULL ); } /* Make sure the segments values are initialized */ pyvslvm_segments = PyObject_New( struct pyvslvm_segments, &pyvslvm_segments_type_object ); if( pyvslvm_segments == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize segments.", function ); goto on_error; } if( pyvslvm_segments_init( pyvslvm_segments ) != 0 ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to initialize segments.", function ); goto on_error; } pyvslvm_segments->logical_volume_object = logical_volume_object; pyvslvm_segments->get_segment_by_index = get_segment_by_index; pyvslvm_segments->number_of_segments = number_of_segments; Py_IncRef( (PyObject *) pyvslvm_segments->logical_volume_object ); return( (PyObject *) pyvslvm_segments ); on_error: if( pyvslvm_segments != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyvslvm_segments ); } return( NULL ); }
/* Frees a file_entry object */ void pyewf_file_entry_free( pyewf_file_entry_t *pyewf_file_entry ) { char error_string[ PYEWF_ERROR_STRING_SIZE ]; libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; static char *function = "pyewf_file_entry_free"; int result = 0; if( pyewf_file_entry == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid file_entry.", function ); return; } if( pyewf_file_entry->ob_type == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid file_entry - missing ob_type.", function ); return; } if( pyewf_file_entry->ob_type->tp_free == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid file_entry - invalid ob_type - missing tp_free.", function ); return; } if( pyewf_file_entry->file_entry == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid file_entry - missing libewf file_entry.", function ); return; } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS result = libewf_file_entry_free( &( pyewf_file_entry->file_entry ), &error ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if( result != 1 ) { if( libcerror_error_backtrace_sprint( error, error_string, PYEWF_ERROR_STRING_SIZE ) == -1 ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to free file_entry.", function ); } else { PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "%s: unable to free file_entry.\n%s", function, error_string ); } libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( pyewf_file_entry->handle_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyewf_file_entry->handle_object ); } pyewf_file_entry->ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject*) pyewf_file_entry ); }
/** * Replace the current condition list with the new one. * * @param self TODO. Must not be NULL. * @param args TODO. Must not be NULL. * * @retval SRD_OK The new condition list was set successfully. * @retval SRD_ERR There was an error setting the new condition list. * The contents of di->condition_list are undefined. * @retval 9999 TODO. */ static int set_new_condition_list(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct srd_decoder_inst *di; GSList *term_list; PyObject *py_conditionlist, *py_conds, *py_dict; int i, num_conditions, ret; if (!self || !args) return SRD_ERR_ARG; /* Get the decoder instance. */ if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "decoder instance not found"); return SRD_ERR; } /* * Return an error condition from .wait() when termination is * requested, such that decode() will terminate. */ if (di->want_wait_terminate) { srd_dbg("%s: %s: Skip (want_term).", di->inst_id, __func__); return SRD_ERR; } /* Parse the argument of self.wait() into 'py_conds'. */ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &py_conds)) { /* Let Python raise this exception. */ return SRD_ERR; } /* Check whether 'py_conds' is a dict or a list. */ if (PyList_Check(py_conds)) { /* 'py_conds' is a list. */ py_conditionlist = py_conds; num_conditions = PyList_Size(py_conditionlist); if (num_conditions == 0) return 9999; /* The PD invoked self.wait([]). */ Py_IncRef(py_conditionlist); } else if (PyDict_Check(py_conds)) { /* 'py_conds' is a dict. */ if (PyDict_Size(py_conds) == 0) return 9999; /* The PD invoked self.wait({}). */ /* Make a list and put the dict in there for convenience. */ py_conditionlist = PyList_New(1); Py_IncRef(py_conds); PyList_SetItem(py_conditionlist, 0, py_conds); num_conditions = 1; } else { srd_err("Condition list is neither a list nor a dict."); return SRD_ERR; } /* Free the old condition list. */ condition_list_free(di); ret = SRD_OK; /* Iterate over the conditions, set di->condition_list accordingly. */ for (i = 0; i < num_conditions; i++) { /* Get a condition (dict) from the condition list. */ py_dict = PyList_GetItem(py_conditionlist, i); if (!PyDict_Check(py_dict)) { srd_err("Condition is not a dict."); ret = SRD_ERR; break; } /* Create the list of terms in this condition. */ if ((ret = create_term_list(py_dict, &term_list)) < 0) break; /* Add the new condition to the PD instance's condition list. */ di->condition_list = g_slist_append(di->condition_list, term_list); } Py_DecRef(py_conditionlist); return ret; }
/* Frees a file metrics object */ void pyscca_file_metrics_free( pyscca_file_metrics_t *pyscca_file_metrics ) { struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL; libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; static char *function = "pyscca_file_metrics_free"; int result = 0; if( pyscca_file_metrics == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid file metrics.", function ); return; } if( pyscca_file_metrics->file_metrics == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid file metrics - missing libscca file metrics.", function ); return; } ob_type = Py_TYPE( pyscca_file_metrics ); if( ob_type == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: missing ob_type.", function ); return; } if( ob_type->tp_free == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid ob_type - missing tp_free.", function ); return; } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS result = libscca_file_metrics_free( &( pyscca_file_metrics->file_metrics ), &error ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if( result != 1 ) { pyscca_error_raise( error, PyExc_IOError, "%s: unable to free libscca file metrics.", function ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( pyscca_file_metrics->parent_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyscca_file_metrics->parent_object ); } ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject*) pyscca_file_metrics ); }
/* Frees an item object */ void pyolecf_item_free( pyolecf_item_t *pyolecf_item ) { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; static char *function = "pyolecf_item_free"; if( pyolecf_item == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid item.", function ); return; } if( pyolecf_item->ob_type == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid item - missing ob_type.", function ); return; } if( pyolecf_item->ob_type->tp_free == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid item - invalid ob_type - missing tp_free.", function ); return; } if( pyolecf_item->item == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid item - missing libolecf item.", function ); return; } if( libolecf_item_free( &( pyolecf_item->item ), &error ) != 1 ) { pyolecf_error_raise( error, PyExc_IOError, "%s: unable to free libolecf item.", function ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( pyolecf_item->file_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyolecf_item->file_object ); } pyolecf_item->ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject*) pyolecf_item ); }
/* Frees a multi value object */ void pyesedb_multi_value_free( pyesedb_multi_value_t *pyesedb_multi_value ) { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL; static char *function = "pyesedb_multi_value_free"; if( pyesedb_multi_value == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid multi value.", function ); return; } if( pyesedb_multi_value->multi_value == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "%s: invalid multi value - missing libesedb multi value.", function ); return; } ob_type = Py_TYPE( pyesedb_multi_value ); if( ob_type == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: missing ob_type.", function ); return; } if( ob_type->tp_free == NULL ) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "%s: invalid ob_type - missing tp_free.", function ); return; } if( libesedb_multi_value_free( &( pyesedb_multi_value->multi_value ), &error ) != 1 ) { pyesedb_error_raise( error, PyExc_IOError, "%s: unable to free libesedb multi value.", function ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( pyesedb_multi_value->record_object != NULL ) { Py_DecRef( (PyObject *) pyesedb_multi_value->record_object ); } ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject*) pyesedb_multi_value ); }