Exemplo n.º 1
void EuclidGetDimensions(void *A, HYPRE_Int *beg_row, HYPRE_Int *rowsLocal, HYPRE_Int *rowsGlobal)
  HYPRE_Int ierr, m, n;
  HYPRE_Int row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end;
  HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix mat = (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A;

  ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetDims(mat, &m, &n);
  if (ierr) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetDims() returned %i", ierr);

  ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetLocalRange(mat, &row_start, &row_end, 
                                       &col_start, &col_end);
  if (ierr) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetLocalRange() returned %i", ierr);

/* hypre_fprintf(stderr, "\n##### [%i] EuclidGetDimensions: m= %i  n= %i  beg_row= %i row_end= %i  col_start= %i  col_end= %i\n",
                             myid_dh, m,n,row_start,row_end,col_start,col_end);

  *beg_row = row_start;
  *rowsLocal = (row_end - row_start + 1);
  *rowsGlobal = n;
Exemplo n.º 2
void EuclidGetDimensions(void *Ain, HYPRE_Int *beg_row, HYPRE_Int *rowsLocal, HYPRE_Int *rowsGlobal)
  Mat A = (Mat)Ain;
  HYPRE_Int first, ierr, last;
  HYPRE_Int rows, cols;

  ierr = MatGetOwnershipRange(A, &first, &last);
  if (ierr) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "PETSc's MatGetOwnershipRange failed");
  ierr = MatGetSize(A, &rows, &cols); 
  if (ierr) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "PETSc'MatGetSize failed");
  if (rows != cols) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "matrix is not square; global dimensions: rows = %i, cols = %i", rows, cols);

  *beg_row = first;
  *rowsLocal = last - first;
  *rowsGlobal = rows;
Exemplo n.º 3
void mat_dh_read_csr_private(HYPRE_Int *mOUT, HYPRE_Int **rpOUT, HYPRE_Int **cvalOUT, 
                                            double **avalOUT, FILE* fp)
  HYPRE_Int i, m, nz, items;
  HYPRE_Int *rp, *cval;
  double *aval;

  /* read header line */
  items = hypre_fscanf(fp,"%d %d",&m, &nz);
  if (items != 2) {
    SET_V_ERROR("failed to read header");
  } else {
    hypre_printf("mat_dh_read_csr_private:: m= %i  nz= %i\n", m, nz);

  *mOUT = m;
  rp = *rpOUT = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  cval = *cvalOUT = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  aval = *avalOUT = (double*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(double)); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  /* read rp[] block */
  for (i=0; i<=m; ++i) {
    items = hypre_fscanf(fp,"%d", &(rp[i]));
    if (items != 1) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "failed item %i of %i in rp block", i, m+1);

  /* read cval[] block */
  for (i=0; i<nz; ++i) {
    items = hypre_fscanf(fp,"%d", &(cval[i]));
    if (items != 1) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "failed item %i of %i in cval block", i, m+1);

  /* read aval[] block */
  for (i=0; i<nz; ++i) {
    items = hypre_fscanf(fp,"%lg", &(aval[i]));
    if (items != 1) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "failed item %i of %i in aval block", i, m+1);
Exemplo n.º 4
void ExternalRows_dhCreate(ExternalRows_dh *er)
  struct _extrows_dh* tmp = (struct _extrows_dh*)MALLOC_DH(sizeof(struct _extrows_dh)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  *er = tmp;

  if (MAX_MPI_TASKS < np_dh) {
    SET_V_ERROR("MAX_MPI_TASKS is too small; change, then recompile!");

  { HYPRE_Int i;
    for (i=0; i<MAX_MPI_TASKS; ++i) {
      tmp->rcv_row_lengths[i] = NULL;
      tmp->rcv_row_numbers[i] = NULL;

  tmp->cvalExt = NULL;
  tmp->fillExt = NULL;
  tmp->avalExt = NULL;
  tmp->my_row_counts = NULL;
  tmp->my_row_numbers = NULL;
  tmp->cvalSend = NULL;
  tmp->fillSend = NULL;
  tmp->avalSend = NULL;
  tmp->rowLookup = NULL;
  tmp->sg = NULL;
  tmp->F = NULL;
  tmp->debug = Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-debug_ExtRows");
Exemplo n.º 5
void matvec_euclid_seq(HYPRE_Int n, HYPRE_Int *rp, HYPRE_Int *cval, double *aval, double *x, double *y)
  HYPRE_Int i, j;
  HYPRE_Int from, to, col;
  double sum;
  if (np_dh > 1) SET_V_ERROR("only for sequential case!\n");

#pragma omp parallel private(j, col, sum, from, to) \
                default(shared) \
                firstprivate(n, rp, cval, aval, x, y) 
#pragma omp for schedule(static)       
      for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        sum = 0.0;
        from = rp[i]; 
        to = rp[i+1];
        for (j=from; j<to; ++j) {
          col = cval[j];
          sum += (aval[j]*x[col]);
        y[i] = sum;
Exemplo n.º 6
void mat_dh_print_graph_private(HYPRE_Int m, HYPRE_Int beg_row, HYPRE_Int *rp, HYPRE_Int *cval, 
                    double *aval, HYPRE_Int *n2o, HYPRE_Int *o2n, Hash_i_dh hash, FILE* fp)
  HYPRE_Int i, j, row, col;
  double val;
  bool private_n2o = false;
  bool private_hash = false;

  if (n2o == NULL) {
    private_n2o = true;
    create_nat_ordering_private(m, &n2o); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    create_nat_ordering_private(m, &o2n); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  if (hash == NULL) {
    private_hash = true;
    Hash_i_dhCreate(&hash, -1); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) {
    row = n2o[i];
    for (j=rp[row]; j<rp[row+1]; ++j) {
      col = cval[j];
      if (col < beg_row || col >= beg_row+m) {
        HYPRE_Int tmp = col;

        /* nonlocal column: get permutation from hash table */
        tmp = Hash_i_dhLookup(hash, col); CHECK_V_ERROR;
        if (tmp == -1) { 
          hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "beg_row= %i  m= %i; nonlocal column= %i not in hash table",
                                beg_row, m, col); 
        } else {
          col = tmp;
      } else {
        col = o2n[col];

      if (aval == NULL) { 
        val = _MATLAB_ZERO_;
      } else {
        val = aval[j];
      hypre_fprintf(fp, "%i %i %g\n", 1+row+beg_row, 1+col, val);

  if (private_n2o) {
    destroy_nat_ordering_private(n2o); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    destroy_nat_ordering_private(o2n); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  if (private_hash) {
    Hash_i_dhDestroy(hash); CHECK_V_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 7
void PrintMatUsingGetRow(void* A, HYPRE_Int beg_row, HYPRE_Int m,
                          HYPRE_Int *n2o_row, HYPRE_Int *n2o_col, char *filename)
  FILE *fp;
  HYPRE_Int *o2n_col = NULL, pe, i, j, *cval, len;
  HYPRE_Int newCol, newRow;
  double *aval;

  /* form inverse column permutation */
  if (n2o_col != NULL) {
    o2n_col = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    for (i=0; i<m; ++i) o2n_col[n2o_col[i]] = i;

  for (pe=0; pe<np_dh; ++pe) {


    if (myid_dh == pe) {
      if (pe == 0) {
        fp=fopen(filename, "w");
      } else {
        fp=fopen(filename, "a");
      if (fp == NULL) {
        hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "can't open %s for writing\n", filename);

      for (i=0; i<m; ++i) {

        if (n2o_row == NULL) {
          EuclidGetRow(A, i+beg_row, &len, &cval, &aval); CHECK_V_ERROR;
          for (j=0; j<len; ++j) {
            hypre_fprintf(fp, "%i %i %g\n", i+1, cval[j], aval[j]);
          EuclidRestoreRow(A, i, &len, &cval, &aval); CHECK_V_ERROR;
        } else {
          newRow = n2o_row[i] + beg_row;
          EuclidGetRow(A, newRow, &len, &cval, &aval); CHECK_V_ERROR;
          for (j=0; j<len; ++j) {
            newCol = o2n_col[cval[j]-beg_row] + beg_row; 
            hypre_fprintf(fp, "%i %i %g\n", i+1, newCol, aval[j]);
          EuclidRestoreRow(A, i, &len, &cval, &aval); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  if (n2o_col != NULL) {
    FREE_DH(o2n_col); CHECK_V_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 8
void readVec(Vec_dh *bout, char *ft, char *fn, HYPRE_Int ignore)
  *bout = NULL;

  if (fn == NULL) {
    SET_V_ERROR("passed NULL filename; can't open for reading!");

  if (!strcmp(ft, "csr")  ||  !strcmp(ft, "trip")) 
    Vec_dhRead(bout, ignore, fn); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  else if (!strcmp(ft, "ebin"))
    Vec_dhReadBIN(bout, fn); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  else if (!strcmp(ft, "petsc")) {
    Viewer_DH viewer;
    HYPRE_Int ierr;
    Vec bb;

    ierr = ViewerBinaryOpen_DH(comm_dh, fn, BINARY_WRONLY_DH, &viewer);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("ViewerBinaryOpen failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
    ierr = VecLoad(viewer, &bb);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("VecLoad failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
    ierr = ViewerDestroy_DH(viewer);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("ViewerDestroy failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
    ierr = convertPetscToEuclidVec(bb, bout);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("convertPetscToEuclidVec failed!"); }
    ierr = VecDestroy(bb);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("VecDestroy failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
  else if (!strcmp(ft, "petsc")) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "must recompile Euclid using petsc mode!");

    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "unknown filetype: -ftin %s", ft);
Exemplo n.º 9
void EuclidRestoreRow(void *A, HYPRE_Int row, HYPRE_Int *len, HYPRE_Int **ind, double **val) 
  HYPRE_Int ierr;
  HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix mat = (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A;
  ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixRestoreRow(mat, row, len, ind, val); 
  if (ierr) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixRestoreRow(row= %i) returned %i", row+1, ierr);
Exemplo n.º 10
void EuclidRestoreRow(void *Ain, HYPRE_Int row, HYPRE_Int *len, HYPRE_Int **ind, double **val) 
  Mat A = (Mat)Ain;
  HYPRE_Int ierr;

  ierr = MatRestoreRow(A, row, len, ind, val);
  if (ierr) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "PETSc's MatRestoreRow bombed for row= %i", row);
Exemplo n.º 11
void EuclidGetRow(void *A, HYPRE_Int globalRow, HYPRE_Int *len, HYPRE_Int **ind, double **val) 
  Mat_dh B = (Mat_dh)A;  
  HYPRE_Int row = globalRow - B->beg_row;
  if (row > B->m) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "requested globalRow= %i, which is local row= %i, but only have %i rows!",
                                globalRow, row, B->m);
  *len = B->rp[row+1] - B->rp[row];
  if (ind != NULL) *ind = B->cval + B->rp[row]; 
  if (val != NULL) *val = B->aval + B->rp[row]; 
Exemplo n.º 12
Factor_dhCreate (Factor_dh * mat)
  START_FUNC_DH struct _factor_dh *tmp;

  if (np_dh > MAX_MPI_TASKS)
      SET_V_ERROR ("you must change MAX_MPI_TASKS and recompile!");

  tmp = (struct _factor_dh *) MALLOC_DH (sizeof (struct _factor_dh));
  *mat = tmp;

  tmp->m = 0;
  tmp->n = 0;
  tmp->id = myid_dh;
  tmp->beg_row = 0;
  tmp->first_bdry = 0;
  tmp->bdry_count = 0;
  tmp->blockJacobi = false;

  tmp->rp = NULL;
  tmp->cval = NULL;
  tmp->aval = NULL;
  tmp->fill = NULL;
  tmp->diag = NULL;
  tmp->alloc = 0;

  tmp->work_y_lo = tmp->work_x_hi = NULL;
  tmp->sendbufLo = tmp->sendbufHi = NULL;
  tmp->sendindLo = tmp->sendindHi = NULL;
  tmp->num_recvLo = tmp->num_recvHi = 0;
  tmp->num_sendLo = tmp->num_sendHi = 0;
  tmp->sendlenLo = tmp->sendlenHi = 0;

  tmp->solveIsSetup = false;
  tmp->numbSolve = NULL;

  tmp->debug = Parser_dhHasSwitch (parser_dh, "-debug_Factor");

/*  Factor_dhZeroTiming(tmp); CHECK_V_ERROR; */
Exemplo n.º 13
void Euclid_dhInputHypreMat(Euclid_dh ctx, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A)
  HYPRE_Int M, N;
  HYPRE_Int beg_row, end_row, junk;

  /* get dimension and ownership information */
  HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetDims(A, &M , &N);
  if (M != N) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "Global matrix is not square: M= %i, N= %i", M, N);
  HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetLocalRange(A, &beg_row, &end_row, &junk, &junk);

  ctx->m = end_row - beg_row + 1;
  ctx->n = M;
  ctx->A = (void*)A;

Exemplo n.º 14
void iluk_seq_block(Euclid_dh ctx)
  HYPRE_Int      *rp, *cval, *diag;
  HYPRE_Int      *CVAL;
  HYPRE_Int      h, i, j, len, count, col, idx = 0;
  HYPRE_Int      *list, *marker, *fill, *tmpFill;
  HYPRE_Int      temp, m;
  HYPRE_Int      *n2o_row, *o2n_col, *beg_rowP, *n2o_sub, blocks;
  HYPRE_Int      *row_count, *dummy = NULL, dummy2[1];
  double   *AVAL;
  REAL_DH  *work, *aval;
  Factor_dh F = ctx->F;
  SubdomainGraph_dh sg = ctx->sg;
  bool bj = false, constrained = false;
  HYPRE_Int discard = 0;
  HYPRE_Int gr = -1;  /* globalRow */
  bool debug = false;

  if (logFile != NULL  &&  Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-debug_ilu")) debug = true;

/*hypre_fprintf(stderr, "====================== starting iluk_seq_block; level= %i\n\n", ctx->level); 

  if (!strcmp(ctx->algo_par, "bj")) bj = true;
  constrained = ! Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-unconstrained");

  m    = F->m;
  rp   = F->rp;
  cval = F->cval;
  fill = F->fill;
  diag = F->diag;
  aval = F->aval;
  work = ctx->work;

  if (sg != NULL) {
    n2o_row   = sg->n2o_row;
    o2n_col   = sg->o2n_col;
    row_count = sg->row_count;
    /* beg_row   = sg->beg_row ; */
    beg_rowP  = sg->beg_rowP;
    n2o_sub   = sg->n2o_sub;
    blocks    = sg->blocks;

  else {
    dummy = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    for (i=0; i<m; ++i) dummy[i] = i;
    n2o_row   = dummy;
    o2n_col   = dummy;
    dummy2[0] = m; row_count = dummy2;
    /* beg_row   = 0; */
    beg_rowP  = dummy;
    n2o_sub   = dummy;
    blocks    = 1;

  /* allocate and initialize working space */
  list   = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  marker = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  tmpFill = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) marker[i] = -1;

  /* working space for values */
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) work[i] = 0.0; 

  /*---------- main loop ----------*/

 for (h=0; h<blocks; ++h) {
  /* 1st and last row in current block, with respect to A */
  HYPRE_Int curBlock = n2o_sub[h];
  HYPRE_Int first_row = beg_rowP[curBlock];
  HYPRE_Int end_row   = first_row + row_count[curBlock];

    if (debug) {
        hypre_fprintf(logFile, "\n\nILU_seq BLOCK: %i @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \n", curBlock);

  for (i=first_row; i<end_row; ++i) {
    HYPRE_Int row = n2o_row[i];  

    if (debug) {
      hypre_fprintf(logFile, "ILU_seq  global: %i  local: %i =================================\n", 1+gr, 1+i-first_row);

/*prinft("first_row= %i  end_row= %i\n", first_row, end_row);

    EuclidGetRow(ctx->A, row, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* compute scaling value for row(i) */
    if (ctx->isScaled) { 
      compute_scaling_private(i, len, AVAL, ctx); CHECK_V_ERROR; 

    /* Compute symbolic factor for row(i);
       this also performs sparsification
    count = symbolic_row_private(i, list, marker, tmpFill, 
                                 len, CVAL, AVAL,
                                 o2n_col, ctx, debug); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Ensure adequate storage; reallocate, if necessary. */
    if (idx + count > F->alloc) {
      Factor_dhReallocate(F, idx, count); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      SET_INFO("REALLOCATED from ilu_seq");
      cval = F->cval;
      fill = F->fill;
      aval = F->aval;

    /* Copy factored symbolic row to permanent storage */
    col = list[m];
    while (count--) {

      /* constrained pilu */
      if (constrained && !bj) {
        if (col >= first_row && col < end_row) {
          cval[idx] = col;  
          fill[idx] = tmpFill[col];
        } else { 
          if (check_constraint_private(ctx, curBlock, col)) {
            cval[idx] = col;  
            fill[idx] = tmpFill[col];
          } else {
        col = list[col];

      /* block jacobi case */
      else if (bj) {
        if (col >= first_row && col < end_row) {
          cval[idx] = col;  
          fill[idx] = tmpFill[col];
        } else { 
        col = list[col];

      /* general case */
      else {
        cval[idx] = col;  
        fill[idx] = tmpFill[col];
        col = list[col];

    /* add row-pointer to start of next row. */
    rp[i+1] = idx;

    /* Insert pointer to diagonal */
    temp = rp[i]; 
    while (cval[temp] != i) ++temp; 
    diag[i] = temp;

    /* compute numeric factor for current row */
    numeric_row_private(i, len, CVAL, AVAL, 
                          work, o2n_col, ctx, debug); CHECK_V_ERROR
    EuclidRestoreRow(ctx->A, row, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Copy factored numeric row to permanent storage,
       and re-zero work vector
    if (debug) {
      hypre_fprintf(logFile, "ILU_seq: ");
      for (j=rp[i]; j<rp[i+1]; ++j) {
        col = cval[j];  
        aval[j] = work[col];  
        work[col] = 0.0;
        hypre_fprintf(logFile, "%i,%i,%g ; ", 1+cval[j], fill[j], aval[j]);
      hypre_fprintf(logFile, "\n");

     /* normal operation */
     else {
      for (j=rp[i]; j<rp[i+1]; ++j) {
        col = cval[j];  
        aval[j] = work[col];  
        work[col] = 0.0;

    /* check for zero diagonal */
    if (! aval[diag[i]]) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "zero diagonal in local row %i", i+1);

/*  hypre_printf("bj= %i  constrained= %i  discarded= %i\n", bj, constrained, discard); */

  if (dummy != NULL) { FREE_DH(dummy); CHECK_V_ERROR; }

Exemplo n.º 15
void iluk_mpi_bj(Euclid_dh ctx)
  HYPRE_Int      *rp, *cval, *diag;
  HYPRE_Int      *CVAL;
  HYPRE_Int      i, j, len, count, col, idx = 0;
  HYPRE_Int      *list, *marker, *fill, *tmpFill;
  HYPRE_Int      temp, m, from = ctx->from, to = ctx->to;
  HYPRE_Int      *n2o_row, *o2n_col;
  HYPRE_Int      first_row, last_row;
  double   *AVAL;
  REAL_DH  *work, *aval;
  Factor_dh F = ctx->F;
  SubdomainGraph_dh sg = ctx->sg;

if (ctx->F == NULL) {
  SET_V_ERROR("ctx->F is NULL");
if (ctx->F->rp == NULL) {
  SET_V_ERROR("ctx->F->rp is NULL");

/*  printf_dh("====================== starting iluk_mpi_bj; level= %i\n\n", ctx->level);

  m    = F->m;
  rp   = F->rp;
  cval = F->cval;
  fill = F->fill;
  diag = F->diag;
  aval = F->aval;
  work = ctx->work;

  n2o_row = sg->n2o_row;
  o2n_col = sg->o2n_col;

  /* allocate and initialize working space */
  list   = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  marker = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  tmpFill = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) {
    marker[i] = -1;
    work[i] = 0.0; 

  /*---------- main loop ----------*/

  /* global numbers of first and last locally owned rows,
     with respect to A 
  first_row = sg->beg_row[myid_dh];
  last_row  = first_row + sg->row_count[myid_dh];
  for (i=from; i<to; ++i) {

    HYPRE_Int row = n2o_row[i];            /* local row number */
    HYPRE_Int globalRow = row + first_row; /* global row number */

    EuclidGetRow(ctx->A, globalRow, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* compute scaling value for row(i) */
    if (ctx->isScaled) { 
      compute_scaling_private(i, len, AVAL, ctx); CHECK_V_ERROR; 

    /* Compute symbolic factor for row(i);
       this also performs sparsification
    count = symbolic_row_private(i, first_row, last_row,
                                 list, marker, tmpFill, 
                                 len, CVAL, AVAL,
                                 o2n_col, ctx); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Ensure adequate storage; reallocate, if necessary. */
    if (idx + count > F->alloc) {
      Factor_dhReallocate(F, idx, count); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      SET_INFO("REALLOCATED from lu_mpi_bj");
      cval = F->cval;
      fill = F->fill;
      aval = F->aval;

    /* Copy factored symbolic row to permanent storage */
    col = list[m];
    while (count--) {
      cval[idx] = col;  
      fill[idx] = tmpFill[col];
      col = list[col];

    /* add row-pointer to start of next row. */
    rp[i+1] = idx;

    /* Insert pointer to diagonal */
    temp = rp[i]; 
    while (cval[temp] != i) ++temp; 
    diag[i] = temp;

    /* compute numeric factor for current row */
     numeric_row_private(i, first_row, last_row,
                          len, CVAL, AVAL, 
                          work, o2n_col, ctx); CHECK_V_ERROR
    EuclidRestoreRow(ctx->A, globalRow, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Copy factored numeric row to permanent storage,
       and re-zero work vector
    for (j=rp[i]; j<rp[i+1]; ++j) {
      col = cval[j];  
      aval[j] = work[col];  
      work[col] = 0.0;

    /* check for zero diagonal */
    if (! aval[diag[i]]) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "zero diagonal in local row %i", i+1);


Exemplo n.º 16
void bicgstab_euclid(Mat_dh A, Euclid_dh ctx, double *x, double *b, HYPRE_Int *itsOUT)
  HYPRE_Int its, m = ctx->m;
  bool monitor;
  HYPRE_Int maxIts = ctx->maxIts;
  double atol = ctx->atol, rtol = ctx->rtol;

  /* scalars */
  double alpha, alpha_1,
         widget, widget_1,
         rho_1, rho_2,
         s_norm, eps,
         exit_a, b_iprod, r_iprod;

  /* vectors */
  double *t, *s, *s_hat, *v, *p, *p_hat, *r, *r_hat;

  monitor = Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-monitor");

  /* allocate working space */
  t = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  s = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  s_hat = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  v = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  p = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  p_hat = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  r = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  r_hat = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));

  /* r = b - Ax */
  Mat_dhMatVec(A, x, s); /* s = Ax */
  CopyVec(m, b, r);      /* r = b */
  Axpy(m, -1.0, s, r);   /* r = b-Ax */
  CopyVec(m, r, r_hat); /* r_hat = r */

  /* compute stopping criteria */
  b_iprod = InnerProd(m, b, b); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  exit_a = atol*atol*b_iprod;  CHECK_V_ERROR; /* absolute stopping criteria */
  eps = rtol*rtol*b_iprod;       /* relative stoping criteria (residual reduction) */

  its = 0;
  while(1) {
    rho_1 = InnerProd(m, r_hat, r);
    if (rho_1 == 0) {
      SET_V_ERROR("(r_hat . r) = 0; method fails");

    if (its == 1) {
      CopyVec(m, r, p);   /* p = r_0 */ CHECK_V_ERROR;
    } else {
      beta_1 = (rho_1/rho_2)*(alpha_1/widget_1);
      /* p_i = r_(i-1) + beta_(i-1)*( p_(i-1) - w_(i-1)*v_(i-1) ) */
      Axpy(m, -widget_1, v, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      ScaleVec(m, beta_1, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      Axpy(m, 1.0, r, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* solve M*p_hat = p_i */
    Euclid_dhApply(ctx, p, p_hat); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* v_i = A*p_hat */
    Mat_dhMatVec(A, p_hat, v); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* alpha_i = rho_(i-1) / (r_hat^T . v_i ) */
    { double tmp = InnerProd(m, r_hat, v); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      alpha = rho_1/tmp;

    /* s = r_(i-1) - alpha_i*v_i */
    CopyVec(m, r, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, -alpha, v, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* check norm of s; if small enough:
     * set x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i*p_i and stop.
     * (Actually, we use the square of the norm)
    s_norm = InnerProd(m, s, s);
    if (s_norm < exit_a) {
      SET_INFO("reached absolute stopping criteria");

    /* solve M*s_hat = s */
    Euclid_dhApply(ctx, s, s_hat); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* t = A*s_hat */
    Mat_dhMatVec(A, s_hat, t); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* w_i = (t . s)/(t . t) */
    { double tmp1, tmp2;
      tmp1 = InnerProd(m, t, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      tmp2 = InnerProd(m, t, t); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      widget = tmp1/tmp2;

    /* x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i*p_hat + w_i*s_hat */
    Axpy(m, alpha, p_hat, x); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, widget, s_hat, x); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* r_i = s - w_i*t */
    CopyVec(m, s, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, -widget, t, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* check convergence; continue if necessary;
     * for continuation it is necessary thea w != 0.
    r_iprod = InnerProd(m, r, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    if (r_iprod < eps) {
      SET_INFO("stipulated residual reduction achieved");

    /* monitor convergence */
    if (monitor && myid_dh == 0) {
      hypre_fprintf(stderr, "[it = %i] %e\n", its, sqrt(r_iprod/b_iprod));

    /* prepare for next iteration */
    rho_2 = rho_1;
    widget_1 = widget;
    alpha_1 = alpha;

    if (its >= maxIts) {
      its = -its;

  *itsOUT = its;

Exemplo n.º 17
void MatGenFD_Run(MatGenFD mg, HYPRE_Int id, HYPRE_Int np, Mat_dh *AOut, Vec_dh *rhsOut)
/* What this function does:
 *   0. creates return objects (A and rhs)
 *   1. computes "nice to have" values;
 *   2. allocates storage, if required;
 *   3. calls generateBlocked() or generateStriped().
 *   4. initializes variable in A and rhs.

  Mat_dh A;
  Vec_dh rhs;
  bool threeD = mg->threeD;
  HYPRE_Int nnz;
  HYPRE_Int m = mg->m; /* local unknowns */
  bool debug = false, striped;

  if (mg->debug && logFile != NULL) debug = true;
  striped = Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh,"-striped");

  /* 0. create objects */
  Mat_dhCreate(AOut); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  Vec_dhCreate(rhsOut); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  A = *AOut;
  rhs = *rhsOut;

  /* ensure that processor grid contains the same number of
     nodes as there are processors.
  if (! Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-noChecks")) {
    if (!striped) {
      HYPRE_Int npTest = mg->px*mg->py;
      if (threeD) npTest *= mg->pz;
      if (npTest != np) {
        hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "numbers don't match: np_dh = %i, px*py*pz = %i", np, npTest);

  /* 1. compute "nice to have" values */
  /* each proc's subgrid dimension */
  mg->cc = m;
  if (threeD) { 
    m = mg->m = m*m*m;
  } else {
    m = mg->m = m*m;

  mg->first = id*m;
  mg->hh = 1.0/(mg->px*mg->cc - 1);
  if (debug) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "cc (local grid dimension) = %i", mg->cc);
    if (threeD) { hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "threeD = true"); }
    else            { hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "threeD = false"); }
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "np= %i  id= %i", np, id);

  mg->id = id;
  mg->np = np;
  nnz = threeD ? m*7 : m*5;

  /* 2. allocate storage */
  if (mg->allocateMem) {
    A->rp = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    A->rp[0] = 0;  
    A->cval = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(nnz*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR
    A->aval = (double*)MALLOC_DH(nnz*sizeof(double)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    /* rhs->vals = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double)); CHECK_V_ERROR; */

  /* 4. initialize variables in A and rhs */
  rhs->n = m;
  A->m = m;
  A->n = m*mg->np;
  A->beg_row = mg->first;

  /* 3. generate matrix */
  isThreeD = threeD; /* yuck!  used in box_XX() */
  if (Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh,"-striped")) {
    generateStriped(mg, A->rp, A->cval, A->aval, A, rhs); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  } else {
    generateBlocked(mg, A->rp, A->cval, A->aval, A, rhs); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  /* add in bdry conditions */
  /* only implemented for 2D mats! */
  if (! threeD) {
/*  fdaddbc(nx, ny, nz, rp, cval, diag, aval, rhs, h, mg); */

Exemplo n.º 18
void mat_dh_print_graph_private(HYPRE_Int m, HYPRE_Int beg_row, HYPRE_Int *rp, HYPRE_Int *cval, 
                    double *aval, HYPRE_Int *n2o, HYPRE_Int *o2n, Hash_i_dh hash, FILE* fp)
  HYPRE_Int i, j, row, col;
  bool private_n2o = false;
  bool private_hash = false;
  HYPRE_Int *work = NULL;

  work = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  if (n2o == NULL) {
    private_n2o = true;
    create_nat_ordering_private(m, &n2o); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    create_nat_ordering_private(m, &o2n); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  if (hash == NULL) {
    private_hash = true;
    Hash_i_dhCreate(&hash, -1); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<m; ++j) work[j] = 0;
    row = n2o[i];
    for (j=rp[row]; j<rp[row+1]; ++j) {
      col = cval[j];

      /* local column */
      if (col >= beg_row || col < beg_row+m) {
        col = o2n[col];

      /* nonlocal column: get permutation from hash table */
      else {
        HYPRE_Int tmp = col;

        tmp = Hash_i_dhLookup(hash, col); CHECK_V_ERROR;
        if (tmp == -1) { 
          hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "beg_row= %i  m= %i; nonlocal column= %i not in hash table",
                                beg_row, m, col); 
        } else {
          col = tmp;

      work[col] = 1;

    for (j=0; j<m; ++j) {
      if (work[j]) {
        hypre_fprintf(fp, " x ");
      } else {
        hypre_fprintf(fp, "   ");
    hypre_fprintf(fp, "\n");

  if (private_n2o) {
    destroy_nat_ordering_private(n2o); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    destroy_nat_ordering_private(o2n); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  if (private_hash) {
    Hash_i_dhDestroy(hash); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  if (work != NULL) { FREE_DH(work); CHECK_V_ERROR; }
Exemplo n.º 19
void readMat(Mat_dh *Aout, char *ft, char *fn, HYPRE_Int ignore)
  bool makeStructurallySymmetric;
  bool fixDiags;
  *Aout = NULL;

  makeStructurallySymmetric = 
      Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-makeSymmetric");
  fixDiags = 
      Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-fixDiags");

  if (fn == NULL) {
    SET_V_ERROR("passed NULL filename; can't open for reading!");

  if (!strcmp(ft, "csr")) 
    Mat_dhReadCSR(Aout, fn); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  else if (!strcmp(ft, "trip")) 
    Mat_dhReadTriples(Aout, ignore, fn); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  else if (!strcmp(ft, "ebin"))
    Mat_dhReadBIN(Aout, fn); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  else if (!strcmp(ft, "petsc")) {
    Viewer_DH viewer;
    Mat Apetsc;
    HYPRE_Int ierr;

    ierr = ViewerBinaryOpen_DH(comm_dh, fn, BINARY_RDONLY_DH, &viewer);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("ViewerBinaryOpen failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
    ierr = MatLoad(viewer, MATSEQAIJ, &Apetsc);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("MatLoad failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
    ierr = ViewerDestroy_DH(viewer);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("ViewerDestroy failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
    ierr = convertPetscToEuclidMat(Apetsc, Aout);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("convertPetscToEuclidMat failed!"); }
    ierr = MatDestroy(Apetsc);
    if (ierr) { SET_V_ERROR("MatDestroy failed! [PETSc lib]"); }
  else if (!strcmp(ft, "petsc")) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "must recompile Euclid using petsc mode!");

    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "unknown filetype: -ftin %s", ft);

  if (makeStructurallySymmetric) {
    hypre_printf("\npadding with zeros to make structurally symmetric\n");
    Mat_dhMakeStructurallySymmetric(*Aout); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  if ( (*Aout)->m == 0) {
    SET_V_ERROR("row count = 0; something's wrong!");

  if (fixDiags) {
    fix_diags_private(*Aout); CHECK_V_ERROR;

Exemplo n.º 20
void ilut_seq(Euclid_dh ctx)
  HYPRE_Int      *rp, *cval, *diag, *CVAL;
  HYPRE_Int      i, len, count, col, idx = 0;
  HYPRE_Int      *list, *marker;
  HYPRE_Int      temp, m, from, to;
  HYPRE_Int      *n2o_row, *o2n_col, beg_row, beg_rowP;
  double   *AVAL, droptol; 
  REAL_DH *work, *aval, val;
  Factor_dh F = ctx->F;
  SubdomainGraph_dh sg = ctx->sg;
  bool debug = false;

  if (logFile != NULL  &&  Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-debug_ilu")) debug = true;

  m = F->m;
  rp = F->rp;
  cval = F->cval;
  diag = F->diag;
  aval = F->aval;
  work = ctx->work;
  from = ctx->from;
  to = ctx->to;
  count = rp[from];
  droptol = ctx->droptol;

  if (sg == NULL) {
    SET_V_ERROR("subdomain graph is NULL");

  n2o_row = ctx->sg->n2o_row;
  o2n_col = ctx->sg->o2n_col;
  beg_row  = ctx->sg->beg_row[myid_dh];
  beg_rowP  = ctx->sg->beg_rowP[myid_dh];

  /* allocate and initialize working space */
  list   = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  marker = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) marker[i] = -1;
  rp[0] = 0;

  /* working space for values */
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) work[i] = 0.0; 

  /* ----- main loop start ----- */
  for (i=from; i<to; ++i) {
    HYPRE_Int row = n2o_row[i];             /* local row number */
    HYPRE_Int globalRow = row + beg_row;    /* global row number */
    EuclidGetRow(ctx->A, globalRow, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* compute scaling value for row(i) */
    compute_scaling_private(i, len, AVAL, ctx); CHECK_V_ERROR; 

    /* compute factor for row i */
    count = ilut_row_private(i, list, o2n_col, marker,
                         len, CVAL, AVAL, work, ctx, debug); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    EuclidRestoreRow(ctx->A, globalRow, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Ensure adequate storage; reallocate, if necessary. */
    if (idx + count > F->alloc) {
      Factor_dhReallocate(F, idx, count); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      SET_INFO("REALLOCATED from ilu_seq");
      cval = F->cval;
      aval = F->aval;

    /* Copy factored row to permanent storage,
       apply 2nd drop test,
       and re-zero work vector
    col = list[m];
    while (count--) {
      val = work[col];
      if (col == i || fabs(val) > droptol) {
        cval[idx] = col;   
        aval[idx++] = val;
        work[col] = 0.0;
      col = list[col];

    /* add row-pointer to start of next row. */
    rp[i+1] = idx;

    /* Insert pointer to diagonal */
    temp = rp[i]; 
    while (cval[temp] != i) ++temp;
    diag[i] = temp;

    /* check for zero diagonal */
    if (! aval[diag[i]]) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "zero diagonal in local row %i", i+1);
  } /* --------- main loop end --------- */

  /* adjust column indices back to global */
  if (beg_rowP) {
    HYPRE_Int start = rp[from];
    HYPRE_Int stop = rp[to];
    for (i=start; i<stop; ++i) cval[i] += beg_rowP;

Exemplo n.º 21
void iluk_seq(Euclid_dh ctx)
  HYPRE_Int      *rp, *cval, *diag;
  HYPRE_Int      *CVAL;
  HYPRE_Int      i, j, len, count, col, idx = 0;
  HYPRE_Int      *list, *marker, *fill, *tmpFill;
  HYPRE_Int      temp, m, from = ctx->from, to = ctx->to;
  HYPRE_Int      *n2o_row, *o2n_col, beg_row, beg_rowP;
  double   *AVAL;
  REAL_DH  *work, *aval;
  Factor_dh F = ctx->F;
  SubdomainGraph_dh sg = ctx->sg;
  bool debug = false;

  if (logFile != NULL  &&  Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-debug_ilu")) debug = true;

  m = F->m;
  rp = F->rp;
  cval = F->cval;
  fill = F->fill;
  diag = F->diag;
  aval = F->aval;
  work = ctx->work;
  count = rp[from];

  if (sg == NULL) {
    SET_V_ERROR("subdomain graph is NULL");

  n2o_row = ctx->sg->n2o_row;
  o2n_col = ctx->sg->o2n_col;
  beg_row  = ctx->sg->beg_row[myid_dh];
  beg_rowP  = ctx->sg->beg_rowP[myid_dh];

  /* allocate and initialize working space */
  list   = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  marker = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  tmpFill = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) marker[i] = -1;

  /* working space for values */
  for (i=0; i<m; ++i) work[i] = 0.0; 

/*    printf_dh("====================== starting iluk_seq; level= %i\n\n", ctx->level); 

  /*---------- main loop ----------*/

  for (i=from; i<to; ++i) {
    HYPRE_Int row = n2o_row[i];             /* local row number */
    HYPRE_Int globalRow = row+beg_row;      /* global row number */

/*hypre_fprintf(logFile, "--------------------------------- localRow= %i\n", 1+i);

    if (debug) {
	hypre_fprintf(logFile, "ILU_seq ================================= starting local row: %i, (global= %i) level= %i\n", i+1, i+1+sg->beg_rowP[myid_dh], ctx->level);

    EuclidGetRow(ctx->A, globalRow, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* compute scaling value for row(i) */
    if (ctx->isScaled) { 
      compute_scaling_private(i, len, AVAL, ctx); CHECK_V_ERROR; 

    /* Compute symbolic factor for row(i);
       this also performs sparsification
    count = symbolic_row_private(i, list, marker, tmpFill, 
                                 len, CVAL, AVAL,
                                 o2n_col, ctx, debug); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Ensure adequate storage; reallocate, if necessary. */
    if (idx + count > F->alloc) {
      Factor_dhReallocate(F, idx, count); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      SET_INFO("REALLOCATED from ilu_seq");
      cval = F->cval;
      fill = F->fill;
      aval = F->aval;

    /* Copy factored symbolic row to permanent storage */
    col = list[m];
    while (count--) {
      cval[idx] = col;  
      fill[idx] = tmpFill[col];
/*hypre_fprintf(logFile, "  col= %i\n", 1+col);
      col = list[col];

    /* add row-pointer to start of next row. */
    rp[i+1] = idx;

    /* Insert pointer to diagonal */
    temp = rp[i]; 
    while (cval[temp] != i) ++temp; 
    diag[i] = temp;

/*hypre_fprintf(logFile, "  diag[i]= %i\n", diag);

    /* compute numeric factor for current row */
     numeric_row_private(i, len, CVAL, AVAL, 
                          work, o2n_col, ctx, debug); CHECK_V_ERROR
    EuclidRestoreRow(ctx->A, globalRow, &len, &CVAL, &AVAL); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* Copy factored numeric row to permanent storage,
       and re-zero work vector
    if (debug) {
      hypre_fprintf(logFile, "ILU_seq:  ");
      for (j=rp[i]; j<rp[i+1]; ++j) {
        col = cval[j];  
        aval[j] = work[col];  
        work[col] = 0.0;
        hypre_fprintf(logFile, "%i,%i,%g ; ", 1+cval[j], fill[j], aval[j]);
      hypre_fprintf(logFile, "\n");
    } else {
      for (j=rp[i]; j<rp[i+1]; ++j) {
        col = cval[j];  
        aval[j] = work[col];  
        work[col] = 0.0;

    /* check for zero diagonal */
    if (! aval[diag[i]]) {
      hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "zero diagonal in local row %i", i+1);


  /* adjust column indices back to global */
  if (beg_rowP) {
    HYPRE_Int start = rp[from];
    HYPRE_Int stop = rp[to];
    for (i=start; i<stop; ++i) cval[i] += beg_rowP;

  /* for debugging: this is so the Print methods will work, even if
     F hasn't been fully factored
  for (i=to+1; i<m; ++i) rp[i] = 0;

Exemplo n.º 22
void mat_dh_read_triples_private(HYPRE_Int ignore, HYPRE_Int *mOUT, HYPRE_Int **rpOUT, 
                                   HYPRE_Int **cvalOUT, double **avalOUT, FILE* fp)
  HYPRE_Int m, n, nz, items, i, j;
  HYPRE_Int idx = 0;
  HYPRE_Int *cval, *rp, *I, *J;
  double *aval, *A, v;
  char junk[MAX_JUNK];
  fpos_t fpos;

  /* skip over header */
  if (ignore && myid_dh == 0) {
    hypre_printf("mat_dh_read_triples_private:: ignoring following header lines:\n");
    for (i=0; i<ignore; ++i) {
      fgets(junk, MAX_JUNK, fp);
      hypre_printf("%s", junk);
    if (fgetpos(fp, &fpos)) SET_V_ERROR("fgetpos failed!");
    hypre_printf("\nmat_dh_read_triples_private::1st two non-ignored lines:\n");
    for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
      fgets(junk, MAX_JUNK, fp);
      hypre_printf("%s", junk);
    if (fsetpos(fp, &fpos)) SET_V_ERROR("fsetpos failed!");

if (feof(fp)) hypre_printf("trouble!");

  /* determine matrix dimensions */
  while (!feof(fp)) {
    items = hypre_fscanf(fp,"%d %d %lg",&i,&j,&v);
    if (items != 3) {
    if (i > m) m = i;
    if (j > n) n = j;

  if (myid_dh == 0) {
    hypre_printf("mat_dh_read_triples_private: m= %i  nz= %i\n", m, nz);

  /* reset file, and skip over header again */
  for (i=0; i<ignore; ++i) {
    fgets(junk, MAX_JUNK, fp);

  /* error check for squareness */
  if (m != n) {
    hypre_sprintf(msgBuf_dh, "matrix is not square; row= %i, cols= %i", m, n);

  *mOUT = m;

  /* allocate storage */
  rp = *rpOUT = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH((m+1)*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  cval = *cvalOUT = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  aval = *avalOUT = (double*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(double)); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  I = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  J = (HYPRE_Int*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(HYPRE_Int)); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  A = (double*)MALLOC_DH(nz*sizeof(double)); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  /* read <row, col, value> triples into arrays */
  while (!feof(fp)) {
    items = hypre_fscanf(fp,"%d %d %lg",&i,&j,&v);
    if (items < 3) break;
    I[idx] = i;
    J[idx] = j;
    A[idx] = v;

  /* convert from triples to sparse-compressed-row storage */
  convert_triples_to_scr_private(m, nz, I, J, A, rp, cval, aval); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  /* if matrix is triangular */
  { HYPRE_Int type;
    type = isTriangular(m, rp, cval); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    if (type == IS_UPPER_TRI) {
      hypre_printf("CAUTION: matrix is upper triangular; converting to full\n");
    } else if (type == IS_LOWER_TRI) {
      hypre_printf("CAUTION: matrix is lower triangular; converting to full\n");

    if (type == IS_UPPER_TRI || type == IS_LOWER_TRI) {
      make_full_private(m, &rp, &cval, &aval); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  *rpOUT = rp;
  *cvalOUT = cval;
  *avalOUT = aval;

