Exemplo n.º 1
static void NativeMenuItem_setText (GuiObject me) {
	int acc = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorChar, modifiers = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorModifiers;
	#if win
		static MelderString title = { 0 };
		if (acc == 0) {
			MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name));
		} else {
			static const wchar_t *keyStrings [256] = {
				0, L"<-", L"->", L"Up", L"Down", L"PAUSE", L"Del", L"Ins", L"Backspace", L"Tab", L"LineFeed", L"Home", L"End", L"Enter", L"PageUp", L"PageDown",
				L"Esc", L"F1", L"F2", L"F3", L"F4", L"F5", L"F6", L"F7", L"F8", L"F9", L"F10", L"F11", L"F12", 0, 0, 0,
				L"Space", L"!", L"\"", L"#", L"$", L"%", L"&", L"\'", L"(", L")", L"*", L"+", L",", L"-", L".", L"/",
				L"0", L"1", L"2", L"3", L"4", L"5", L"6", L"7", L"8", L"9", L":", L";", L"<", L"=", L">", L"?",
				L"@", L"A", L"B", L"C", L"D", L"E", L"F", L"G", L"H", L"I", L"J", L"K", L"L", L"M", L"N", L"O",
				L"P", L"Q", L"R", L"S", L"T", L"U", L"V", L"W", L"X", L"Y", L"Z", L"[", L"\\", L"]", L"^", L"_",
				L"`", L"a", L"b", L"c", L"d", L"e", L"f", L"g", L"h", L"i", L"j", L"k", L"l", L"m", L"n", L"o",
				L"p", L"q", L"r", L"s", L"t", L"u", L"v", L"w", L"x", L"y", L"z", L"{", L"|", L"}", L"~", L"Del",
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, L"[", L"]", L",", L"?", L".", L"\\",
				L";", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, L"-", L"`", L"=", L"\'", 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
			const wchar_t *keyString = keyStrings [acc] ? keyStrings [acc] : L"???";
			MelderString_empty (& title);
			MelderString_append (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name), L"\t",
				modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? L"Ctrl-" : NULL,
				modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? L"Alt-" : NULL,
				modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? L"Shift-" : NULL, keyString);
		ModifyMenu (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.id, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING, my nat.entry.id, title.string);
	#elif mac
		static int theGlyphs [1+31] = { 0,
			kMenuLeftArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuRightArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuUpArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuDownwardArrowDashedGlyph, 0,
			kMenuDeleteRightGlyph, 0, kMenuDeleteLeftGlyph, kMenuTabRightGlyph, 0,
			0, 0, kMenuReturnGlyph, kMenuPageUpGlyph, kMenuPageDownGlyph,
			kMenuEscapeGlyph, kMenuF1Glyph, kMenuF2Glyph, kMenuF3Glyph, kMenuF4Glyph,
			kMenuF5Glyph, kMenuF6Glyph, kMenuF7Glyph, kMenuF8Glyph, kMenuF9Glyph,
			kMenuF10Glyph, kMenuF11Glyph, kMenuF12Glyph, 0, 0,
			0 };
		SetMenuItemTextWithCFString (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, (CFStringRef) Melder_peekWcsToCfstring (my name));
		if (acc > 32) {
			SetItemCmd (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, acc);
		} else {
			Melder_assert (acc > 0 && acc < 32);
			SetItemCmd (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, ' ');   /* Funny that this should be needed. */
			SetMenuItemKeyGlyph (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, theGlyphs [acc]);
		SetMenuItemModifiers (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item,
			( modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? kMenuOptionModifier : 0 ) +
			( modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? kMenuShiftModifier : 0 ) +
			( modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? 0 : kMenuNoCommandModifier ));
Exemplo n.º 2
static void NativeMenuItem_setText (GuiObject me) {
	int acc = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorChar, modifiers = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorModifiers;
	#if win
		static MelderString title { 0 };
		if (acc == 0) {
			MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name));
		} else {
			static const char32 *keyStrings [256] = {
				0, U"<-", U"->", U"Up", U"Down", U"PAUSE", U"Del", U"Ins", U"Backspace", U"Tab", U"LineFeed", U"Home", U"End", U"Enter", U"PageUp", U"PageDown",
				U"Esc", U"F1", U"F2", U"F3", U"F4", U"F5", U"F6", U"F7", U"F8", U"F9", U"F10", U"F11", U"F12", 0, 0, 0,
				U"Space", U"!", U"\"", U"#", U"$", U"%", U"&", U"\'", U"(", U")", U"*", U"+", U",", U"-", U".", U"/",
				U"0", U"1", U"2", U"3", U"4", U"5", U"6", U"7", U"8", U"9", U":", U";", U"<", U"=", U">", U"?",
				U"@", U"A", U"B", U"C", U"D", U"E", U"F", U"G", U"H", U"I", U"J", U"K", U"L", U"M", U"N", U"O",
				U"P", U"Q", U"R", U"S", U"T", U"U", U"V", U"W", U"X", U"Y", U"Z", U"[", U"\\", U"]", U"^", U"_",
				U"`", U"a", U"b", U"c", U"d", U"e", U"f", U"g", U"h", U"i", U"j", U"k", U"l", U"m", U"n", U"o",
				U"p", U"q", U"r", U"s", U"t", U"u", U"v", U"w", U"x", U"y", U"z", U"{", U"|", U"}", U"~", U"Del",
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, U"[", U"]", U",", U"?", U".", U"\\",
				U";", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, U"-", U"`", U"=", U"\'", 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
			const char32 *keyString = keyStrings [acc] ? keyStrings [acc] : U"???";
			MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name), U"\t",
				modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? U"Ctrl-" : nullptr,
				modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? U"Alt-" : nullptr,
				modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? U"Shift-" : nullptr, keyString);
		ModifyMenu (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.id, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING, my nat.entry.id, Melder_peek32toW (title.string));
	#elif mac
		static int theGlyphs [1+31] = { 0,
			kMenuLeftArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuRightArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuUpArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuDownwardArrowDashedGlyph, 0,
			kMenuDeleteRightGlyph, 0, kMenuDeleteLeftGlyph, kMenuTabRightGlyph, 0,
			0, 0, kMenuReturnGlyph, kMenuPageUpGlyph, kMenuPageDownGlyph,
			kMenuEscapeGlyph, kMenuF1Glyph, kMenuF2Glyph, kMenuF3Glyph, kMenuF4Glyph,
			kMenuF5Glyph, kMenuF6Glyph, kMenuF7Glyph, kMenuF8Glyph, kMenuF9Glyph,
			kMenuF10Glyph, kMenuF11Glyph, kMenuF12Glyph, 0, 0,
			0 };
		SetMenuItemTextWithCFString (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, (CFStringRef) Melder_peek32toCfstring (my name));
		if (acc > 32) {
			SetItemCmd (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, acc);
		} else {
			Melder_assert (acc > 0 && acc < 32);
			SetItemCmd (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, ' ');   /* Funny that this should be needed. */
			SetMenuItemKeyGlyph (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, theGlyphs [acc]);
		SetMenuItemModifiers (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item,
			( modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? kMenuOptionModifier : 0 ) +
			( modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? kMenuShiftModifier : 0 ) +
			( modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? 0 : kMenuNoCommandModifier ));
EXPORT(sqInt) primitiveSetItemCmd(void) {
	CharParameter  aCharacter;
	MenuHandle menuHandle;
	sqInt menuHandleOop;
	sqInt anInteger;
	sqInt anIntegerCmdChar;
	sqInt _return_value;

	menuHandleOop = interpreterProxy->stackValue(2);
	anInteger = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(1);
	anIntegerCmdChar = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(0);
	if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
		return null;
	menuHandle = ((MenuHandle) (interpreterProxy->positive64BitValueOf(menuHandleOop)));
	if (!(ioCheckMenuHandle(menuHandle))) {
		_return_value = interpreterProxy->success(0);
		if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
			return null;
		interpreterProxy->popthenPush(4, _return_value);
		return null;
	aCharacter = anIntegerCmdChar;
	return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void MenuBarInit(void) {

	Handle		hdl;
	MenuHandle	hmenu;

	hdl = GetNewMBar(IDM_MAINMENU);
	if (hdl == NULL) {
	hmenu = GetMenuHandle(IDM_APPLE);
	if (hmenu) {
		AppendResMenu(hmenu, 'DRVR');
#if !defined(SUPPORT_SCSI)
	hmenu = GetMenuHandle(IDM_HARDDISK);
	if (hmenu) {
		DeleteMenuItem(hmenu, 7);
		DeleteMenuItem(hmenu, 6);
		DeleteMenuItem(hmenu, 5);
		DeleteMenuItem(hmenu, 4);
		DeleteMenuItem(hmenu, 3);
	if (!np2oscfg.I286SAVE) {
		hmenu = GetMenuHandle(IDM_OTHER);
		if (hmenu) {
			DeleteMenuItem(hmenu, 9);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SASI1), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SASI2), -1);
#if defined(SUPPORT_SCSI)
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SCSI0), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SCSI1), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SCSI2), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SCSI3), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_KEYBOARD), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_SOUND), -1);
	InsertMenu(GetMenu(IDM_MEMORY), -1);

	hmenu = GetMenuHandle(IDM_FDD2);
	SetItemCmd(hmenu, LoWord(IDM_FDD2OPEN), 'D');
	SetMenuItemModifiers(hmenu, LoWord(IDM_FDD2OPEN), kMenuShiftModifier);
	SetItemCmd(hmenu, LoWord(IDM_FDD2EJECT), 'E');
	SetMenuItemModifiers(hmenu, LoWord(IDM_FDD2EJECT), kMenuShiftModifier);
	hmenu = GetMenuHandle(IDM_SASI2);
	SetItemCmd(hmenu, LoWord(IDM_SASI2OPEN), 'O');
	SetMenuItemModifiers(hmenu, LoWord(IDM_SASI2OPEN), kMenuShiftModifier);
	EnableItem(GetMenuHandle(IDM_DEVICE), LoWord(IDM_MOUSE));
	EnableItem(GetMenuHandle(IDM_KEYBOARD), LoWord(IDM_F12MOUSE));

	if (!(np2cfg.fddequip & 1)) {
	if (!(np2cfg.fddequip & 2)) {
	if (!(np2cfg.fddequip & 4)) {
	if (!(np2cfg.fddequip & 8)) {

	if (!np2oscfg.statsave) {

Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: uma.cpp Projeto: beanhome/dev
void UMASetMenuItemShortcut( MenuRef menu , MenuItemIndex item , wxAcceleratorEntry *entry )
    if ( !entry )
        SetMenuItemCommandKey(menu, item, false, 0); 
        return ;

    UInt8 modifiers = 0 ;
    SInt16 key = entry->GetKeyCode() ;
    if ( key )
        bool explicitCommandKey = (entry->GetFlags() & wxACCEL_CTRL);

        if (entry->GetFlags() & wxACCEL_ALT)
            modifiers |= kMenuOptionModifier ;

        if (entry->GetFlags() & wxACCEL_SHIFT)
            modifiers |= kMenuShiftModifier ;

        SInt16 glyph = 0 ;
        SInt16 macKey = key ;
        if ( key >= WXK_F1 && key <= WXK_F15 )
            if ( !explicitCommandKey )
                modifiers |= kMenuNoCommandModifier ;

            // for some reasons this must be 0 right now
            // everything else leads to just the first function key item
            // to be selected. Thanks to Ryan Wilcox for finding out.
            macKey = 0 ;
            glyph = kMenuF1Glyph + ( key - WXK_F1 ) ;
            if ( key >= WXK_F13 )
                glyph += 12 ;
            switch ( key )
                case WXK_BACK :
                    macKey = kBackspaceCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuDeleteLeftGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_TAB :
                    macKey = kTabCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuTabRightGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case kEnterCharCode :
                    macKey = kEnterCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuEnterGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_RETURN :
                    macKey = kReturnCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuReturnGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_ESCAPE :
                    macKey = kEscapeCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuEscapeGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_SPACE :
                    macKey = ' ' ;
                    glyph = kMenuSpaceGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_DELETE :
                    macKey = kDeleteCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuDeleteRightGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_CLEAR :
                    macKey = kClearCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuClearGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_PAGEUP :
                    macKey = kPageUpCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuPageUpGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_PAGEDOWN :
                    macKey = kPageDownCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuPageDownGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_LEFT :
                    macKey = kLeftArrowCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuLeftArrowGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_UP :
                    macKey = kUpArrowCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuUpArrowGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_RIGHT :
                    macKey = kRightArrowCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuRightArrowGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_DOWN :
                    macKey = kDownArrowCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuDownArrowGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_HOME :
                    macKey = kHomeCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuNorthwestArrowGlyph ;
                    break ;

                case WXK_END :
                    macKey = kEndCharCode ;
                    glyph = kMenuSoutheastArrowGlyph ;
                    break ;
                default :
                    macKey = toupper( key ) ;
                    break ;

            // we now allow non command key shortcuts
            // remove in case this gives problems
            if ( !explicitCommandKey )
                modifiers |= kMenuNoCommandModifier ;

        // 1d and 1e have special meaning to SetItemCmd, so
        // do not use for these character codes.
        if (key != WXK_UP && key != WXK_RIGHT && key != WXK_DOWN && key != WXK_LEFT)
            SetItemCmd( menu, item , macKey );

        SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item , modifiers ) ;

        if ( glyph )
            SetMenuItemKeyGlyph( menu, item , glyph ) ;
Exemplo n.º 6
// create the Shell menu in Terminal
static void
AddShellItems( MenuRef menu )
	MenuItemIndex	item;
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("New"), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'N' );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Open..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'O' );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Library"), kMenuItemAttrDisabled, 0, &item );
	SetMenuItemHierarchicalID( menu, item, 201 );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, NULL, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0, NULL );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Save"), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'S' );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Save As..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'S' );
	SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item, kMenuShiftModifier );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Save Text As..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'S' );
	SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item, kMenuOptionModifier );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Save Selected Text As..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'S' );
	SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item, kMenuShiftModifier | kMenuOptionModifier );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, NULL, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0, NULL );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Run Command..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'N' );
	SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item, kMenuShiftModifier );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Set Title..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'T' );
	SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item, kMenuShiftModifier );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Inspector..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'I' );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, NULL, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0, NULL );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Page Setup..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'P' );
	SetMenuItemModifiers( menu, item, kMenuShiftModifier );
	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString( menu, CFSTR("Print..."), 0, 0, &item );
	SetItemCmd( menu, item, 'P' );
Exemplo n.º 7
extern pascal OSStatus InsertSystemSubMenu(MenuRef rootMenu,
										MenuRef parentMenu, UInt16 itemInParent, MenuRef childMenu)
	// See comment in interface part.
	long oldA4;
	OSStatus err;
	SubSysMenuEntry newEntry;
	SInt16 newIDForChildMenu;
	oldA4 = SetUpA4();

	assert(ValidateSystemMenuRef(rootMenu  ));
	assert(ValidateSystemMenuRef(childMenu ));
	assert(gMenuSelectState = kMenuSelectStatePre);
	// Validate parameters
	err = noErr;
	if ((rootMenu == NULL) || (parentMenu == NULL) || (childMenu == NULL)) {
		err = paramErr;
	if (err == noErr && ((itemInParent == 0) || (itemInParent > CountMenuItems(parentMenu)))) {
		err = paramErr;

	// Make sure rootMenu references a current system menu.
	// If it does, record the index of the root menu for
	// later use by HandleMenuSelect.  Also fill out the rest
	// of the fields of the sub-menu entry.

	if (err == noErr) {
		newEntry.rootMenuIndex = FindRootMenuByRef(rootMenu);
		newEntry.parentMenu    = parentMenu;
		newEntry.itemInParent  = itemInParent;
		newEntry.childMenu     = childMenu;
		if (newEntry.rootMenuIndex == kRootMenuNotFound) {
			err = paramErr;
	// Add newEntry to the sub-menu list, creating the sub-menu list if necessary.

	if (err == noErr) {
		if (gSubSysMenus == NULL) {
			gSubSysMenus = (SubSysMenuHandle) NewHandleSys(0);
			err = MemError();
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = PtrAndHand(&newEntry, (Handle) gSubSysMenus, sizeof(newEntry));
	// Finally, insert the menu with a unique ID into the menu bar,
	// and set the parent item to reference its ID.
	if (err == noErr) {
		newIDForChildMenu = FindUniqueSubMenuID();
		(**childMenu).menuID = newIDForChildMenu;
		InsertMenu(childMenu, hierMenu);

		SetItemCmd(parentMenu, itemInParent, hMenuCmd);
		SetItemMark(parentMenu, itemInParent, newIDForChildMenu);
		// I added this after testing revealed that adding a sub-menu didn't 
		// force the menu size to be recalculated, so the item text of the
		// hierarchical item in the sub-menu was being truncated.  This
		// only appears to happen on Mac OS 8.5, but the fix is sufficiently
		// benign to be employed on all systems.
	(void) SetA4(oldA4);
	return err;