bool BattleWalkFighter::PreGetObject() { if(!_target || !_target->getHP()) { if(!_count) _target = GetField()->GetTargetForRide(!GetSideInBS(), getPosX(),getPosY(), 2); else { if(_target) { //COUT << "战将编号" << static_cast<UInt32>(_target->GetBSNumber()) << "死亡。 "; _target = GetField()->GetTarget(!GetSideInBS(),getPosX(),getPosY()); } if(_target) { //COUT << "战将编号" << static_cast<UInt32>(GetBSNumber()) << "锁定目标" << static_cast<UInt32>(_target->GetBSNumber()) << std::endl; } } SetMove(true); ++_count; BuildLocalStream(e_run); } if(_target) SetBattleTargetPos(_target->getPosX(),_target->getPosY()); return true; }
drape_ptr<SequenceAnimation> GetPrettyMoveAnimation(ScreenBase const & screen, double startScale, double endScale, m2::PointD const & startPt, m2::PointD const & endPt) { double const moveDuration = PositionInterpolator::GetMoveDuration(startPt, endPt, screen.PixelRectIn3d(), startScale); ASSERT_GREATER(moveDuration, 0.0, ()); double const scaleFactor = moveDuration / kMaxAnimationTimeSec * 2.0; auto sequenceAnim = make_unique_dp<SequenceAnimation>(); sequenceAnim->SetCustomType(kPrettyMoveAnim); auto zoomOutAnim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); zoomOutAnim->SetScale(startScale, startScale * scaleFactor); zoomOutAnim->SetMaxDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec * 0.5); //TODO (in future): Pass fixed duration instead of screen. auto moveAnim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); moveAnim->SetMove(startPt, endPt, screen); moveAnim->SetMaxDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec); auto zoomInAnim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); zoomInAnim->SetScale(startScale * scaleFactor, endScale); zoomInAnim->SetMaxDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec * 0.5); sequenceAnim->AddAnimation(move(zoomOutAnim)); sequenceAnim->AddAnimation(move(moveAnim)); sequenceAnim->AddAnimation(move(zoomInAnim)); return sequenceAnim; }
/* ARGSUSED1 */ void agvHandleKeys(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if (MoveMode != FLYING) return; if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') SetMove(SPEEDFUNCTION((key-'0'))); else switch(key) { case '+': if (EyeMove == 0) SetMove(MINMOVE); else SetMove(EyeMove *= (1 + MOVEFRACTION)); break; case '-': SetMove(EyeMove *= (1 - MOVEFRACTION)); break; } }
void ShooterScene::RegisterMove(const wstring& instance, const Millisec delay, const Millisec dur, const Vec2<int> from, const Vec2<int> to, const Animation::TransitType ttype) { //移動タスクを登録 auto newTask = new MoveTask(instance); newTask->SetDeployTiming(delay); newTask->SetTimer(m_activeSceneTimer); newTask->SetMove(dur, from, to, ttype); m_taskList.push_back(newTask); }
drape_ptr<MapLinearAnimation> GetRectAnimation(ScreenBase const & startScreen, ScreenBase const & endScreen) { auto anim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); anim->SetRotate(startScreen.GetAngle(), endScreen.GetAngle()); anim->SetMove(startScreen.GetOrg(), endScreen.GetOrg(), startScreen.PixelRectIn3d(), (startScreen.GetScale() + endScreen.GetScale()) / 2.0); anim->SetScale(startScreen.GetScale(), endScreen.GetScale()); anim->SetMaxScaleDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec); return anim; }
drape_ptr<MapLinearAnimation> GetSetRectAnimation(ScreenBase const & screen, m2::AnyRectD const & startRect, m2::AnyRectD const & endRect) { auto anim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); double const startScale = CalculateScale(screen.PixelRect(), startRect.GetLocalRect()); double const endScale = CalculateScale(screen.PixelRect(), endRect.GetLocalRect()); anim->SetRotate(startRect.Angle().val(), endRect.Angle().val()); anim->SetMove(startRect.GlobalCenter(), endRect.GlobalCenter(), screen); anim->SetScale(startScale, endScale); anim->SetMaxScaleDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec); return anim; }
CObject_Appletree::CObject_Appletree(int GHandle, double x, double y, int Width, int Height, unsigned int Type) : CObject_Enemy(GHandle, x, y, Width, Height, Type) { GraphHandle = ResourceManager::getResourceManager()->GetRes(GHandle); Stand = new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLETREE_STAND), 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 358, 482, 100, TRUE); Hit = new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLETREE_HIT), 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 358, 482, 100, TRUE); Death = new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLETREE_DEAD), 7, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2506, 482, 65, TRUE); Poison = new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLETREE_POISON), 8, 0, 0, 8, 1, 3200, 480, 120, TRUE); Apple[0]= new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLE_BREAK), 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 696, 108, 50, TRUE); Apple[1]= new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLE_BREAK), 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 696, 108, 50, TRUE); Break[0]= new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLE_BREAK), 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 696, 108, 64, TRUE); Break[1]= new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLE_BREAK), 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 696, 108, 64, TRUE); Boom[0] = new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLE_BOOM), 7, 0, 0, 7, 1, 1610, 230, 128, TRUE); Boom[1] = new CSprite(GetResourceWithKey(IMAGE_OBJECT_APPLE_BOOM), 7, 0, 0, 7, 1, 1610, 230, 128, TRUE); b_left = true; b_right = false; Center = WorldX + 133; RecognizeRange = 550; AttackRange = 225; //PatrolRange = -1; SetMove(false); SetAttack(false); SetHit(false); AttackDelay = 270; AttackCount = -1; HeroKnockbackCount = -1; KnockbackCount = -1; HitCount = -1; Stat_ST = 40; Damage = Stat_ST * 0.5f; Stat_HP = 8; MaxHP = Stat_HP * 3; HP = MaxHP; Speed = 0; Exp = 0; tempY[0] = (int)fDrawY; tempY[1] = (int)fDrawY; b_apple[0] = false; b_apple[1] = false; }
drape_ptr<SequenceAnimation> GetPrettyFollowAnimation(ScreenBase const & startScreen, m2::PointD const & userPos, double targetScale, double targetAngle, m2::PointD const & endPixelPos) { auto sequenceAnim = make_unique_dp<SequenceAnimation>(); sequenceAnim->SetCustomType(kPrettyFollowAnim); m2::RectD const viewportRect = startScreen.PixelRectIn3d(); ScreenBase tmp = startScreen; tmp.SetAngle(targetAngle); tmp.MatchGandP3d(userPos, viewportRect.Center()); double const moveDuration = PositionInterpolator::GetMoveDuration(startScreen.GetOrg(), tmp.GetOrg(), startScreen); ASSERT_GREATER(moveDuration, 0.0, ()); double const scaleFactor = moveDuration / kMaxAnimationTimeSec * 2.0; tmp = startScreen; if (moveDuration > 0.0) { tmp.SetScale(startScreen.GetScale() * scaleFactor); auto zoomOutAnim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); zoomOutAnim->SetScale(startScreen.GetScale(), tmp.GetScale()); zoomOutAnim->SetMaxDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec * 0.5); sequenceAnim->AddAnimation(move(zoomOutAnim)); tmp.MatchGandP3d(userPos, viewportRect.Center()); auto moveAnim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); moveAnim->SetMove(startScreen.GetOrg(), tmp.GetOrg(), viewportRect, tmp.GetScale()); moveAnim->SetMaxDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec); sequenceAnim->AddAnimation(move(moveAnim)); } auto followAnim = make_unique_dp<MapFollowAnimation>(tmp, userPos, endPixelPos, tmp.GetScale(), targetScale, tmp.GetAngle(), targetAngle, false /* isAutoZoom */); followAnim->SetMaxDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec * 0.5); sequenceAnim->AddAnimation(move(followAnim)); return sequenceAnim; }
bool Heroes::Move(bool fast) { if(Modes(ACTION)) ResetModes(ACTION); // move hero if(path.isValid() && (isEnableMove() || (GetSpriteIndex() < 45 && GetSpriteIndex() % 9) || GetSpriteIndex() >= 45)) { // fast move for hide AI if(fast) { direction = path.GetFrontDirection(); MoveStep(true); return true; } else { // if need change through the circle if(GetDirection() != path.GetFrontDirection()) { AngleStep(path.GetFrontDirection()); } else // move if(MoveStep()) { if(isFreeman()) return false; return true; } } } else { SetMove(false); } return false; }
// パワーアーツ bool Thief::PowerArts(void) { if ( !initflag ) { artsTimer = 0; sound->PlaySE( SE::KAITO_POWER ); initflag = true; } SetMotion(THIEF::MOTION_DATA::POWERARTS); //if (obj->GetFrame() >= 277) obj->SetFrame(277); // 行列から情報取得 Vector3 front = GetFront(); Vector3 p_pos = GetPos(); SetMove(Vector3(0.0f, move.y, 0.0f)); // 情報設定 p_pos.y += 1.0f; Vector3 vec = front * 1.0f; float bulletSpeed = 0.8f; int playerNum = GetPlayerNum(); if (artsTimer == 0/* obj->GetFrame() == ○○ */) { m_BulletManager->Set(BULLET_TYPE::THIEF_02, new ThiefBullet02, p_pos, vec, bulletSpeed, playerNum); } artsTimer++; if (obj->GetFrame() == THIEF::MOTION_FRAME::POWERARTS_END) { artsTimer = 0; initflag = false; return true; } return false; }
// ハイパーアーツ bool Thief::HyperArts(void) { //空中で発動しても停止する move = Vector3(0, -GRAVITY, 0); if ( !initflag ) { sound->PlaySE( SE::HYPER_ATTACK ); sound->PlaySE( SE::KAITO_HYPER ); initflag = true; } attackInfo.power = OFFENSIVE_POWER::HYPER; attackInfo.dropPower = DROP_POWER::HYPER; attackInfo.coinDropType = DROP_TYPE::SUCTION; SetParameterState(PARAMETER_STATE::UNRIVALED); move = Vector3(0, 0 - GRAVITY, 0); //撃ってる間は静止させる SetMotion(THIEF::MOTION_DATA::HYPERARTS); // 行列から情報取得 Vector3 front = GetFront(); Vector3 right = GetRight(); Vector3 p_pos = GetPos(); SetMove(Vector3(0.0f, move.y, 0.0f)); if (obj->GetFrame() >= THIEF::MOTION_FRAME::HYPERARTS_ATTACKSTART/* && obj->GetFrame() < THIEF::MOTION_FRAME::HYPERARTS_ATTACKEND*/) { float t = GetBezier(ePrm_t::eRapid_Lv5, ePrm_t::eSlow_Lv1, attackInfo.t); Vector3 f = front * (2.0f * sinf(D3DX_PI * t)); Vector3 r = -right * (2.0f * cosf(D3DX_PI * t)); attackInfo.bottom = p_pos + f + r; switch (HyperStep) { case 0: // あたり判定のパラメータを与える = attackInfo.bottom + r * HyperRate; attackInfo.r = 2.5f; HyperRate += 1.0; if (HyperRate > 20.0f) HyperStep++; break; case 1: // パラメータ加算 = attackInfo.bottom + f * HyperRate + r * HyperRate; attackInfo.t += 0.03f; if (attackInfo.t >= 1.0f) { HyperStep++; } break; case 2: // = attackInfo.bottom + r * rate; attackInfo.t = 0.0f; HyperRate -= 1.0f; break; } armRenderflag = true; } Vector3 v1, v2; v1 = front; v2 = - attackInfo.bottom; v1.Normalize(); v2.Normalize(); float armAngle = GetAngle(v1, v2); Vector3 cross; Vector3Cross(cross, v1, v2); if (cross.y < 0) armAngle = -armAngle; arm->SetPos(pos); arm->SetAngle(angle.y + armAngle); arm->SetScale(Vector3(0.03f, 0.03f, HyperRate * 0.01f)); arm->Update(); if (HyperRate < 0) { HyperStep = 0; HyperRate = 0; armRenderflag = false; initflag = false; return true; } return false; }
// クイックアーツ bool Thief::QuickArts(void) { static int time = 0; if ( !initflag ) { sound->PlaySE( SE::KAITO_QUICK ); initflag = true; } Move(); // 行列から情報取得 Vector3 up = GetUp(); Vector3 right = GetRight(); Vector3 p_pos = GetPos(); SetMove(Vector3(0.0f, move.y, 0.0f)); SetMotion(THIEF::MOTION_DATA::QUICKARTS); //if (obj->GetFrame() >= 237) obj->SetMotion(237); // 情報設定 Vector3 vec[3] = { up * 5.0f + right * 3.0f, up * 5.0f, up * 5.0f + right * -3.0f }; p_pos.y += 3.0f; float bulletSpeed = 0.5f; int playerNum = GetPlayerNum(); { //撃った時に動きが一度止まるパターン // //モーションアトデナオス(ちょうどいい感じのフレームが来たら弾発射) //if (time == 0 /* obj->GetFrame() == ○○ */ ) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // { // m_BulletManager->Set(BULLET_TYPE::THIEF_01 , new ThiefBullet01, p_pos, vec[i], bulletSpeed, playerNum); // } //} //time++; ////モーションアトデナオス(終わりのモーションが来たら終了) //if (obj->GetFrame() == 237) //{ // time = 0; // return true; //} } { //撃った時に動きが止まらないパターン for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_BulletManager->Set(BULLET_TYPE::THIEF_01 , new ThiefBullet01, p_pos, vec[i], bulletSpeed, playerNum); } attackInfo.Interval = 60; initflag = false; return true; } return false; }