Exemplo n.º 1
    void open_client(std::string const & input_file_name, std::string const & output_file_name,
                     float samplerate, int format, uint32_t output_channel_count, size_t block_size)
        output_channels = output_channel_count;
        max_peaks.assign(output_channels, 0);
        samplerate_ = samplerate = std::floor(samplerate);
        block_size_ = block_size;

        if (!input_file_name.empty()) {
            input_file = SndfileHandle(input_file_name.c_str(), SFM_READ);
            if (!input_file)
                throw std::runtime_error("cannot open input file");

            if (input_file.samplerate() != samplerate)
                throw std::runtime_error("input file: samplerate mismatch");

            input_channels = input_file.channels();
            input_channels = 0;
        read_position = 0;

        output_file = SndfileHandle(output_file_name.c_str(), SFM_WRITE, format, output_channel_count, samplerate);
        if (!output_file)
            throw std::runtime_error("cannot open output file");

        output_file.command(SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);


        temp_buffer.reset(calloc_aligned<float>(std::max(input_channels, output_channels) * block_size));

Exemplo n.º 2
static void
create_file (const char * fname, int format)
{	static short buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;

	SndfileHandle file ;
	int channels = 2 ;
	int srate = 48000 ;

	printf ("Creating file named '%s'\n", fname) ;

	file = SndfileHandle (fname, SFM_WRITE, format, channels, srate) ;

	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer)) ;
	const int size = srate*3;
	float sample[size];
	float current =0;
	for(int i =0; i<size;i++) sample[i] = sin(float(i)/size*M_PI*1500);
	file.write (&sample[0], size) ;

	puts ("") ;
	**	The SndfileHandle object will automatically close the file and
	**	release all allocated memory when the object goes out of scope.
	**	This is the Resource Acquisition Is Initailization idom.
	**	See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Acquisition_Is_Initialization
} /* create_file */
Exemplo n.º 3
void ofApp::setup() {
	string filename = "Serato/Serato_CD.aif";// "TraktorMK2/Traktor_MK2_Scribble.wav";
	string absoluteFilename = ofToDataPath(filename, true);
	SndfileHandle myf = SndfileHandle(absoluteFilename.c_str());
	bufferFrames = myf.frames();
	int n = bufferFrames * myf.channels();
	myf.read(&floatBuffer[0], n);
	bufferPosition = 0;
	ttmPosition = 0;
	relativePosition = 0;
	string timecode = "serato_cd"; // "serato_cd" "serato_a" "traktor_a"
	float speed = 1.0; // 1.0 is 33 1/3, 1.35 is 45 rpm
	int sampleRate = 44100; // myf.samplerate()
	timecoder_init(&timecoder, timecode.c_str(), speed, sampleRate);
	//timecoder_monitor_init(&timecoder, MIXXX_VINYL_SCOPE_SIZE);
	bufferSize = 256;
	exporting = true;
	soundStream.setup(this, 2, 0, sampleRate, bufferSize, 4);
Exemplo n.º 4
LibSoundFile::LibSoundFile(const std::string filename) : PCMConverter() {
	_filename = filename;
	_handle = SndfileHandle(_filename, SFM_READ, SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, 1, 44100);
	_format.sampleRate = _handle.samplerate();
	_format.alFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;

Exemplo n.º 5
void testApp::guiEvent(nativeWidget & widget){
    if (widget.name == "newColor"){
        float hue = ofRandom(0,255);
        float sat = ofRandom(190,230);
        float bri = ofRandom(220,238);
        color.setHsb(hue, sat, bri);
    if (widget.name == "repeatSound"){
        if (audioSamples.size() > 0){
            counter = 0;
            bPlaying = true;
    if (widget.name == "textBox" || widget.name == "textBox2" || widget.name == "textBox3"
        string time = ofGetTimestampString();
        string fileName = time + ".aiff";
        string fileNameMp3 = time + ".mp3";
        string toSay = *((string *)widget.variablePtr);
        string command = "say -o " + ofToDataPath(fileName) + " " + "\"" + toSay + "\"" + " --data-format=BEI32@44100";
        // big endian int 32 bit samples 44100 sample rate
        ofSleepMillis(100);         // sometimes really long files need time to save out. 
        SndfileHandle myf = SndfileHandle(ofToDataPath(fileName).c_str());
        float * data = new float[int(myf.frames())];
        myf.read (data, int(myf.frames()));                          
        for (int i = 0; i < int(myf.frames()); i++){
        delete [] data;
        bPlaying = true;
        counter = 0;
void app::test_wav_read()
	wav_filename = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\WAV Files\\BornToRun.wav";
	sndfilehandle = SndfileHandle(wav_filename.c_str());
	//Print info
	cout << "Sample rate: " << sndfilehandle.samplerate() << endl;
	cout << "Channels: " << sndfilehandle.channels() << endl;
	cout << "Error: " << sndfilehandle.error() << endl;
	cout << "Frames: " << sndfilehandle.frames() << endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
void LibSoundFile::setOutFormat(const PCMFormat& format) {
	_format = format;
	switch (_format.alFormat) {
		_handle = SndfileHandle(_filename, SFM_READ, SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, 1, _format.sampleRate);
		_handle = SndfileHandle(_filename, SFM_READ, SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, 1, _format.sampleRate);
		_handle = SndfileHandle(_filename, SFM_READ, SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, 2, _format.sampleRate);
		_handle = SndfileHandle(_filename, SFM_READ, SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, 2, _format.sampleRate);

Exemplo n.º 8
void ofxAudioSample::load(string tmpPath, float _hSampleRate) {
	myPath = ofToDataPath(tmpPath,true).c_str();
    SndfileHandle sndFile = SndfileHandle(myPath);
    myFormat        = sndFile.format();
    myChannels      = sndFile.channels();
    mySampleRate    = sndFile.samplerate();
    resampligFactor = _hSampleRate/mySampleRate;
    speed           = mainSpeed/resampligFactor;
    bufferSize = 4096 * myChannels;
    readBuffer = new float[bufferSize];
    ofVec2f _wF;
    int     readcount;
    int     readpointer;
    // convert all multichannel files to mono by averaging the channels
    float monoAverage;
    while(readcount = sndFile.readf(readBuffer, 4096)){
        readpointer = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < readcount; i++) {
            // for each frame...
            monoAverage = 0;
            for(int j = 0; j < myChannels; j++) {
                monoAverage += readBuffer[readpointer + j];
            monoAverage /= myChannels;
            readpointer += myChannels;
            // add the averaged sample to our vector of samples
            // add to the waveform data
            _wF.x = MIN(_wF.x, monoAverage);
            _wF.y = MAX(_wF.y, monoAverage);
    position = 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void
read_file (const char * fname)
{	static short buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;

	SndfileHandle file ;

	file = SndfileHandle (fname) ;

	printf ("Opened file '%s'\n", fname) ;
	printf ("    Sample rate : %d\n", file.samplerate ()) ;
	printf ("    Channels    : %d\n", file.channels ()) ;

	file.read (buffer, BUFFER_LEN) ;

	puts ("") ;

	/* RAII takes care of destroying SndfileHandle object. */
} /* read_file */
Exemplo n.º 10
void LauraLogger::init(){
    if(flags & TDOA){
        TDOA_logfile.open( (pathToDir+fileNames[0]+".log").c_str() );
    if(flags & ITD){
        ITD_logfile.open( (pathToDir+fileNames[1]+".log").c_str() );
    if(flags & ILD){
        ILD_logfile.open( (pathToDir+fileNames[2]+".log").c_str() );
    if(flags & CORRELATION){
        CORR_logfile.open( (pathToDir+fileNames[3]+".log").c_str() );
    if(flags & SPECTRUM){
        SPECTRUM_RIGHT_logfile.open( (pathToDir+fileNames[4]+"_1.log").c_str() );
        SPECTRUM_LEFT_logfile.open( (pathToDir+fileNames[4]+"_2.log").c_str() );
    if(flags & STREAM){
        STREAM_wavfile = SndfileHandle( (pathToDir+fileNames[5]+".wav").c_str(),SFM_WRITE,SF_FORMAT_WAV|SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, 2, SAMPLING_RATE);
int main () {
  // Damit das Programm funktioniert, muss eine 16Bit PCM Wave-Datei im
  // gleichen Ordner liegen !
	const char * fname = "test.flac" ;

  // Soundfile-Handle aus der libsndfile-Bibliothek
	SndfileHandle file = SndfileHandle (fname) ;

  // Alle möglichen Infos über die Audio-Datei ausgeben !
  std::cout << "Reading file: " << fname << std::endl;
  std::cout << "File format: " << file.format() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "PCM 16 BIT: " << (SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Samples in file: " << file.frames() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Samplerate " << file.samplerate() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Channels: " << file.channels() << std::endl;

  // Die RtAudio-Klasse ist gleichermassen dac und adc, wird hier aber nur als dac verwendet !
	RtAudio dac;
  if ( dac.getDeviceCount() < 1 ) {
    std::cout << "\nNo audio devices found!\n";
    return 0;

  // Output params ...
  RtAudio::StreamParameters parameters;
  parameters.deviceId = dac.getDefaultOutputDevice();
  parameters.nChannels = 2;
  parameters.firstChannel = 0;
  unsigned int sampleRate = 44100;

  // ACHTUNG! Frames != Samples
  // ein Frame = Samples für alle Kanäle
  // d.h. |Samples| = Kanäle*Frames !
  unsigned int bufferFrames = 1024;

  // Da wir 16 Bit PCM-Daten lesen, sollte als Datenformat RTAUDIO_SINT16 genutzt
  // werden.
  // Als Daten wird der Callback-Struktur hier das Soundfile-Handle übergeben.
  // Sollte man in einer "ernsthaften" Lösung anders machen !
  // Inkompatible Formate können übrigens "interessante" Effekte ergeben !
  try {
    dac.openStream( &parameters, NULL, RTAUDIO_SINT16,
                    sampleRate, &bufferFrames, &fplay, (void *)&file);
  catch ( RtAudioError& e ) {
    return 0;

  char input;
  std::cout << "\nPlaying ... press <enter> to quit.\n";
  std::cin.get( input );
  try {
    // Stop the stream
  catch (RtAudioError& e) {
  if ( dac.isStreamOpen() ) dac.closeStream();

  return 0 ;

Exemplo n.º 12
 void close_client(void)
     input_file = output_file = SndfileHandle();
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: bms1B.c Projeto: xmagam00/BMS
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

       if (argc != 2) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    SndfileHandle inputFile;
    inputFile = SndfileHandle(argv[1]);
    int framesCount = inputFile.frames();
    int *buffer;
    buffer = new int[framesCount];
    inputFile.read(buffer, inputFile.frames());

    #ifdef DEBUG
    cerr<<"Samples size: "<<framesCount<<endl;

    double firstAngle;
    double deltaAngle;
    string decoded = "";

    /* finding angle of a sin between two samples in the input signal */
    firstAngle = asin(((double)buffer[0]) / AMPLITUDE);
    deltaAngle = asin(((double)buffer[1]) / AMPLITUDE) - firstAngle;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    cerr<<"deltaAngle: "<<deltaAngle<<" = "<<deltaAngle*180/PI<<"°"<<endl;
    double actAngle = firstAngle;
    double deltaX1 = deltaAngle;
    double deltaX4 = deltaAngle;

    /* QPSK bauds mapping values */
    double expectedAngle1 = addAngle(0, 3*PI/4.0);
    double expectedAngle2 = addAngle(0, PI/4.0);
    double expectedAngle3 = addAngle(0, 5*PI/4.0);
    double expectedAngle4 = addAngle(0, 7*PI/4.0);

    int changes = 0;
    int firstChange = 0;
    int secondChange = 0;
    int thirdChange = 0;
    double expectedAngle1b = addNormalize(0, expectedAngle1);
    double expectedAngle4b = addNormalize(0, expectedAngle4);
    double *expectedAngle = &expectedAngle1b;
    /* while 3 changes in sync part of the signal signal */
    while (changes < 3) {
        #ifdef DEBUG
        cerr<<"loop: "<<thirdChange<<endl;
        cerr<<"actAngle: "<<actAngle<<" = "<<actAngle*180/PI<<"° "<<sin(actAngle)<<endl;
        cerr<<"expected: "<<*expectedAngle<<" = "<<*expectedAngle*180/PI<<"° "<<sin(*expectedAngle)<<endl;
        /* we have a change in a baud */
        if (!((actAngle > *expectedAngle - (PI/20))&&(actAngle < *expectedAngle + (PI/20)))) {
            if (changes == 0) {
                expectedAngle = &expectedAngle4b;
            } else if (changes == 1) {
                expectedAngle = &expectedAngle1b;
        /* counting samples till first change */
        if (changes < 1) {
        /* counting samples till second change */
        if (changes < 2) {
        /* counting samples till third change */
        if (changes < 3) {
        /* thirdChange is also a counter for this loop */
        actAngle = asin(((double)buffer[thirdChange]) / AMPLITUDE);
        expectedAngle1b = addNormalizeChangeDelta(expectedAngle1b, &deltaX1);
        expectedAngle4b = addNormalizeChangeDelta(expectedAngle4b, &deltaX4);
    /* preparing values for voting */
    secondChange /= 2;
    thirdChange /=3;
    int samplesPerBaud = 0;
    /* voting for samles per baud... we should have at least 2 same
     * values to claim it as a samples per baud */
    if (firstChange == secondChange) {
        samplesPerBaud = firstChange;
    } else if (secondChange == thirdChange) {
        samplesPerBaud = secondChange;
    } else if (firstChange == thirdChange) {
        samplesPerBaud = firstChange;

    #ifdef DEBUG
    cerr<<"SPB: "<<samplesPerBaud<< " 1st: "<<firstChange<<" 2nd: "<<secondChange<<" 3rd: "<<thirdChange<<endl;
    double res1 = 0;
    double res2 = 0;
    double res3 = 0;
    double res4 = 0;

    /* Iteraes through the all samples. For each baud we are looking
     * for the sin values that differs the least from actual baud */
    for (int i = 0, s = samplesPerBaud; i < framesCount; i++, s--) {

        /* counting differences for each sin */
        res1 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle1));
        res2 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle2));
        res3 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle3));
        res4 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle4));

        /* we have processed a baud and we are looking for the
         * least change */
        if (s == 0 || i == framesCount-1) {
            s = samplesPerBaud;
            double res12;
            double res34;
            int resId12 = 0;
            int resId34 = 0;
            if (res1 < res2) {
                res12 = res1;
                resId12 = 1;
            } else {
                res12 = res2;
                resId12 = 2;
            if (res3 < res4) {
                res34 = res3;
                resId34 = 3;
            } else {
                res34 = res4;
                resId34 = 4;
            int resId;
            if (res12 < res34) {
                resId = resId12;
            } else {
                resId = resId34;
            switch(resId) {
                case 1: decoded += "00"; break;
                case 2: decoded += "01"; break;
                case 3: decoded += "10"; break;
                case 4: decoded += "11"; break;
                default: break;

            res1 = 0;
            res2 = 0;
            res3 = 0;
            res4 = 0;
        expectedAngle1 = addAngle(expectedAngle1, -deltaAngle);
        expectedAngle2 = addAngle(expectedAngle2, -deltaAngle);
        expectedAngle3 = addAngle(expectedAngle3, -deltaAngle);
        expectedAngle4 = addAngle(expectedAngle4, -deltaAngle);
    #ifdef DEBUG

    /* writting to an output file */
    string outName = string(argv[1]);
    outName = outName.replace(outName.end()-3, outName.end(), "txt");
    ofstream outFile(outName);
    if (!outFile.is_open()) {
        cerr<<"Can not open output file\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    delete [] buffer;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;