Exemplo n.º 1
* Function Name: Timer_SaveConfig
* Summary:
*     Save the current user configuration
* Parameters:
*  void
* Return:
*  void
* Global variables:
*  Timer_backup:  Variables of this global structure are modified to
*  store the values of non retention configuration registers when Sleep() API is
*  called.
void Timer_SaveConfig(void) 
    #if (!Timer_UsingFixedFunction)
        /* Backup the UDB non-rentention registers for PSoC5A*/
        #if (CY_PSOC5A)
            Timer_backup.TimerUdb = Timer_ReadCounter();
            Timer_backup.TimerPeriod = Timer_ReadPeriod();
            Timer_backup.InterruptMaskValue = Timer_STATUS_MASK;
            #if (Timer_UsingHWCaptureCounter)
                Timer_backup.TimerCaptureCounter = Timer_ReadCaptureCount();
            #endif /* Backup the UDB non-rentention register capture counter for PSoC5A */
        #endif /* Backup the UDB non-rentention registers for PSoC5A */

        #if (CY_PSOC3 || CY_PSOC5LP)
            Timer_backup.TimerUdb = Timer_ReadCounter();
            Timer_backup.InterruptMaskValue = Timer_STATUS_MASK;
            #if (Timer_UsingHWCaptureCounter)
                Timer_backup.TimerCaptureCounter = Timer_ReadCaptureCount();
            #endif /* Back Up capture counter register  */
        #endif /* Backup non retention registers, interrupt mask and capture counter for PSoC3 or PSoC5LP */

            Timer_backup.TimerControlRegister = Timer_ReadControlRegister();
        #endif /* Backup the enable state of the Timer component */
    #endif /* Backup non retention registers in UDB implementation. All fixed function registers are retention */
Exemplo n.º 2
* Function Name: Timer_SaveConfig
* Summary:
*     Save the current user configuration
* Parameters:
*  void
* Return:
*  void
* Global variables:
*  Timer_backup:  Variables of this global structure are modified to
*  store the values of non retention configuration registers when Sleep() API is
*  called.
void Timer_SaveConfig(void) 
    #if (!Timer_UsingFixedFunction)
        Timer_backup.TimerUdb = Timer_ReadCounter();
        Timer_backup.InterruptMaskValue = Timer_STATUS_MASK;
        #if (Timer_UsingHWCaptureCounter)
            Timer_backup.TimerCaptureCounter = Timer_ReadCaptureCount();
        #endif /* Back Up capture counter register  */

            Timer_backup.TimerControlRegister = Timer_ReadControlRegister();
        #endif /* Backup the enable state of the Timer component */
    #endif /* Backup non retention registers in UDB implementation. All fixed function registers are retention */