Exemplo n.º 1
 Vector2f operator-() const
   return Vector2f(-x, -y);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Menu.cpp Projeto: 3dik/MPong
bool Menu::InitMenuSettings ()
    Err fErr (m_Err, L"InitMenuSettings");

    wstring sMenuSettings, sFullscreen, sVerticalSync, sFramelimit, sOk,
            sLanguage, sResolution, sColorDepth, sMouseSensitivity,
            sAntialiasing, sAccept, sHelp;
    bool bFullscreen, bVerticalSync, bHelp;
    int nFramelimit, nMouseSensitivity, nAntialiasing;
    if (!m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsTitle", &sMenuSettings) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsResolution", &sResolution) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsColorDepth", &sColorDepth) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsFullscreen", &sFullscreen) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsAntialiasing", &sAntialiasing) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsVerticalSync", &sVerticalSync) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsFrameLimit", &sFramelimit) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsLanguage", &sLanguage) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsHelp", &sHelp) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsMouseSensitivity", &sMouseSensitivity) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsOk", &sOk) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsAccept", &sAccept) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetBool (sCONF_FULLSCREEN, &bFullscreen) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetBool (s_sVerticalSync, &bVerticalSync) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetBool (sCONF_HELP, &bHelp) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sFramelimit, &nFramelimit) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sMouseSensitivity, &nMouseSensitivity) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sAntialiasing, &nAntialiasing))
        return false;

    std::vector<wstring> lsLanguages;
    if (!ListFiles (m_sLanguageDir, &lsLanguages))
        return fErr.Set (L"Could not list the language files");
    unsigned int nLanguageId = 0;
    for (; nLanguageId != lsLanguages.size (); nLanguageId++)
        if (lsLanguages.at (nLanguageId) == m_pLanguage->GetFileName ())

    std::vector<wstring> lsResolutions, lsDepths;
    unsigned int nOldColorDepth = 0, nCurResId = 0,
                 nCurDepthId = 0, nCurDepth = 0;
    bool bNextDepth = false;
    wstring sCurResolution;
    if (!m_pConfig->Get (s_sResolution, &sCurResolution) ||
        !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sColorDepth, &nCurDepth))
        return false;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i != sf::VideoMode::GetModesCount (); i++)
        sf::VideoMode Mode = sf::VideoMode::GetMode (i);

        if (Mode.BitsPerPixel != nOldColorDepth)
            if (nOldColorDepth != 0)
                bNextDepth = true;
            nOldColorDepth = Mode.BitsPerPixel;
            if (nCurDepth == nOldColorDepth)
                nCurDepthId = lsDepths.size ();
            lsDepths.push_back (NumToStr (nOldColorDepth));
        //Because all resolutions are mutliply saved for every color depth
        if (bNextDepth)

        wstring sEntry (NumToStr (Mode.Width) + s_sResDelim +
                        NumToStr (Mode.Height));
        if (sEntry == sCurResolution)
            nCurResId = lsResolutions.size ();
        lsResolutions.push_back (sEntry);

    if (!m_ScreenSettings.Init (&m_Err, m_pProfiles, m_pWindow,
                                sMenuSettings) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddList (sResolution, Vector2f (50, 150),
                                   lsResolutions, nCurResId,
                                   eSettingsListResolution) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddList (sColorDepth, Vector2f (500, 150), lsDepths,
                                   nCurDepthId, eSettingsListColorDepth) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddCheckbox (sFullscreen, Vector2f (50, 250),
                                       eSettingsCheckFullscreen, bFullscreen) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddEditbox (sAntialiasing, Vector2f (500, 250), 50,
                                      NumToStr (nAntialiasing)) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddCheckbox (sVerticalSync, Vector2f (50, 350),
                                       bVerticalSync) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddEditbox (sFramelimit, Vector2f (600, 350), 100,
                                      NumToStr (nFramelimit)) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddList (sLanguage, Vector2f (50, 450),
                                   lsLanguages, nLanguageId,
                                   eSettingsListLanguage) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddCheckbox (sHelp, Vector2f (400, 450),
                                       eSettingsCheckHelp, bHelp) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddEditbox (sMouseSensitivity, Vector2f (50, 550),
                                      150, eSettingsEditMouseSensitivity,
                                      NumToStr (nMouseSensitivity)) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddButton (sOk, Vector2f (300, 650),
                                     eSettingsButtonOk) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddButton (m_sAbort, Vector2f (525, 650),
                                     eSettingsButtonAbort) ||
        !m_ScreenSettings.AddButton (sAccept, Vector2f (750, 650),
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void KrecikApp::createCar()
    Vector2f ltPos(320.0f, B2toSF(l.getB2Vertexes()[3].y) - 250.0f); // pozycja left-top autka

    // koła
    float whRad = 10.0f;
    float whFr = cc.wheelFriction;
    b2CircleShape wh;
    wh.m_radius = SFtoB2(whRad);

    wh.m_p = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(20.0f, 60.0f));
    Body* lwheel = this->addDynamicBody("left wheel", wh, &whTex);

    wh.m_p = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(90.0f, 60.0f));
    Body* rwheel = this->addDynamicBody("right wheel", wh, &whTex);

    // karoseria
    b2PolygonShape sh1; // budka kierownicza
    b2PolygonShape sh2; // reszta autka
    const unsigned vxNum = 4;
    b2Vec2 vx[vxNum];
    vx[0] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(80.0f, 20.0f));
    vx[1] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(60.0f, 0.0f));
    vx[2] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(30.0f, 0.0f));
    vx[3] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(30.0f, 20.0f));
    sh1.Set(vx, vxNum);
    vx[0] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(0.0f, 20.0f));
    vx[1] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(0.0f, 40.0f));
    vx[2] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(100.0f, 40.0f));
    vx[3] = SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(100.0f, 20.0f));
    sh2.Set(vx, vxNum);
    Body* car = this->addDynamicBody("car", sh1, &bodyTex, false);
    car->addFixture(sh2, 1.0f, &chassTex, Vector2f(50.0f, 30.0f));

    // amortyzatory
    b2WheelJointDef spr;
    spr.collideConnected = false;
    spr.enableMotor = true;
    spr.motorSpeed = 0.0f;
    spr.dampingRatio = cc.springDamp;
    spr.frequencyHz = cc.springHz;
    spr.maxMotorTorque = 1000.0f;

    spr.Initialize(car->b, lwheel->b, SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(20.0f, 60.0f)), b2Vec2(0.0f, 0.4f));

    spr.Initialize(car->b, rwheel->b, SFtoB2(ltPos + Vector2f(90.0f, 60.0f)), b2Vec2(0.0f, 0.4f));
		m_mode= eParticleModeGravity;

		// Gravity Mode: gravity
		m_modeA.gravity = Vector2f(0,0);

		// Gravity Mode: speed of particles
		m_modeA.speed = 10;
		m_modeA.speedVar = 1;

		// Gravity Mode: radial
		m_modeA.radialAccel = 0;
		m_modeA.radialAccelVar = 1;

		// Gravity mode: tagential
		m_modeA.tangentialAccel = 0;
		m_modeA.tangentialAccelVar = 1;

		// emitter position
		//CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
		//this->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height + 10));
		//m_tPosVar = ccp( winSize.width/2, 0 );

		// angle
		m_angle = 90;
		m_angleVar = 5;

		// life of particles
		m_life = 60;
		m_lifeVar = 10;
		m_startFrame = 0;
		m_endFrame = 50;
		m_sourcePos.x = 480;
		m_sourcePos.y = 320;
		m_sourcePosVar.x = 480;

		// size, in pixels
		m_startSize = 0.8f;
		m_startSizeVar = 0.2f;
		//m_fEndSize = kCCParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize;

		// emits per second
		m_emissionRate = 30;

		// color of particles
		m_startColor.r = 1.0f;
		m_startColor.g = 1.0f;
		m_startColor.b = 1.0f;
		m_startColor.a = 1.0f;
		m_startColorVar.r = 0.0f;
		m_startColorVar.g = 0.0f;
		m_startColorVar.b = 0.0f;
		m_startColorVar.a = 0.0f;
		m_endColor.r = 0.5f;
		m_endColor.g = 0.5f;
		m_endColor.b = 0.5f;
		m_endColor.a = 1.0f;
		m_endColorVar.r = 0.0f;
		m_endColorVar.g = 0.0f;
		m_endColorVar.b = 0.0f;
		m_endColorVar.a = 0.0f;


Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Menu.cpp Projeto: 3dik/MPong
bool Menu::InitProfilesScreen (Screen *pScreen)
    Err fErr (m_Err, L"InitProfilesScreen");
    if (pScreen == NULL)
        return fErr.Set (sERR_ARGUMENTS);

    wstring sMenuProfiles, sList, sEdit, sDelete,
            sCreate, sCreateName, sStandard;
    if (!m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfilesTitle", &sMenuProfiles) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfilesList", &sList) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfilesEdit", &sEdit) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfilesDelete", &sDelete) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfilesCreate", &sCreate) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfilesCreateName", &sCreateName) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileStandard", &sStandard))
        return false;

    if (!pScreen->Init (&m_Err, m_pProfiles, m_pWindow, sMenuProfiles))
        return false;
    std::vector<Profile> *plProfiles;
    if (!m_pProfiles->GetList (&plProfiles))
        return false;
    if (plProfiles->size () == 0 && !AddProfile (sStandard))
        return false;
    std::vector<wstring> lsProfileList;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i != plProfiles->size (); i++)
        wstring sName;
        if (!m_pProfiles->GetName (i, &sName))
            return false;
        lsProfileList.push_back (sName);
    if (!pScreen->AddButton (sEdit, Vector2f (100, 190), eProfilesButtonEdit) ||
        !pScreen->AddList (sList, Vector2f (350, 220), lsProfileList, 0,
                           eProfilesListChoice) ||
        !pScreen->AddButton (sDelete, Vector2f (100, 250),
                             eProfilesButtonDelete) ||
        !pScreen->AddButton (sCreate, Vector2f (100, 400),
                             eProfilesButtonCreate) ||
        !pScreen->AddEditbox (sCreateName, Vector2f (350, 400), 300,
                              eProfilesEditCreateName) ||
        !pScreen->AddButton (m_sAbort, Vector2f (700, 600),
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
void Player::update(Uint32 ticks) {
	int rangeY =worldHeight-frameHeight;
    int rangeX =worldWidth-frameWidth;
	if (!flagStop){
	  if (up && count>0)
	 { velocityY(velocityY()-95);
		 physics = true;

	if (physics) {
		float deltaT =  0.05;
		Vector2f accel = Vector2f(0,60);
		Vector2f vnew = getVelocity() + accel* deltaT;
         setPosition(getPosition() + vnew * deltaT);
			if (forward) {
		 X(X()+8.0); flag=true;
	       if (back) {
		 X(X()-8.0); flag=false;
		score = 0;

   // Collision Check with edge
	if (  Y() < 0) {
    velocityY( 0);

     if ( Y() > rangeY) {
     //std::cout<<"hit the ground"<<std::endl;
     physics = false;
  //else std::cout << "height = " << Y() << std::endl;
  if (  X() < 0) {
     velocityX( 0 );
  if (  X() > rangeX) {
     velocityX( 0 );
	 X( rangeX);

	forward = back = up = down = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
void Player::Update(float elapsed)
    //Add friction into the acceleration.

    //If the player isn't accelerating, slow down his velocity completely.
    if (Acceleration.x == 0.0f && Acceleration.y == 0.0f)
        if (Velocity.x != 0.0f || Velocity.y != 0.0f)
            Acceleration = -Velocity * LevelConstants::Instance.PlayerFriction;
        //Split the acceleration and velocity into "forward" and "side" components.
        Vector2f forward = LookDir.XY().Normalized(),
                 side = Vector2f(forward.y, forward.x),
                 forwardA = forward * forward.Dot(Acceleration),
                 forwardV = forward * forward.Dot(Velocity),
                 sideA = side * side.Dot(Acceleration),
                 sideV = side * side.Dot(Velocity);

        //Add friction to any velocity components that go against the acceleration.
        if (forwardA.Dot(forwardV) < 0.0f && (abs(forwardV.x) > 0.00001f || abs(forwardV.y) > 0.00001f))
            Acceleration -= forwardV.Normalized() * LevelConstants::Instance.PlayerFriction;
        if (sideA.Dot(sideV) < 0.0f && (abs(sideV.x) > 0.00001f || abs(sideV.y) > 0.00001f))
            Acceleration -= sideV.Normalized() * LevelConstants::Instance.PlayerFriction;

    //Update velocity and acceleration.
    Velocity += Acceleration * elapsed;
    Acceleration = Vector2f();

    //Constrain the velocity.
    float speedSqr = Velocity.LengthSquared();
    if (speedSqr > LevelConstants::Instance.PlayerMaxSpeed * LevelConstants::Instance.PlayerMaxSpeed)
        Velocity = (Velocity / sqrtf(speedSqr)) * LevelConstants::Instance.PlayerMaxSpeed;

    //Update position.

    //Handle weapons.
    if (Fire)
        if (!firedLastFrame)
            firedLastFrame = true;
        Fire = false;
    else if (firedLastFrame)
        firedLastFrame = false;
// Called on a decorator to generate any required per-element data for a newly decorated element.
DecoratorDataHandle DecoratorTiledHorizontal::GenerateElementData(Element* element)
	// Initialise the tiles for this element.
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		tiles[i].CalculateDimensions(element, *(GetTexture(tiles[i].texture_index)));

	DecoratorTiledHorizontalData* data = new DecoratorTiledHorizontalData(element);

	Vector2f padded_size = element->GetBox().GetSize(Box::PADDING);

	Vector2f left_dimensions = tiles[LEFT].GetDimensions(element);
	Vector2f right_dimensions = tiles[RIGHT].GetDimensions(element);
	Vector2f centre_dimensions = tiles[CENTRE].GetDimensions(element);

	// Scale the tile sizes by the height scale.
	ScaleTileDimensions(left_dimensions, padded_size.y, 1);
	ScaleTileDimensions(right_dimensions, padded_size.y, 1);
	ScaleTileDimensions(centre_dimensions, padded_size.y, 1);

	// Shrink the x-sizes on the left and right tiles if necessary.
	if (padded_size.x < left_dimensions.x + right_dimensions.x)
		float minimum_width = left_dimensions.x + right_dimensions.x;
		left_dimensions.x = padded_size.x * (left_dimensions.x / minimum_width);
		right_dimensions.x = padded_size.x * (right_dimensions.x / minimum_width);

    int num_indices;

	// Generate the geometry for the left tile.
	num_indices = tiles[LEFT].GenerateGeometry(data->geometry[tiles[LEFT].texture_index]->GetVertices(), element, Vector2f(0, 0), left_dimensions, left_dimensions, color_multiplier);

    // Generate the geometry for the centre tiles.
	num_indices = tiles[CENTRE].GenerateGeometry(data->geometry[tiles[CENTRE].texture_index]->GetVertices(), element, Vector2f(left_dimensions.x, 0), Vector2f(padded_size.x - (left_dimensions.x + right_dimensions.x), centre_dimensions.y), centre_dimensions, color_multiplier);
    // Generate the geometry for the right tile.
	num_indices = tiles[RIGHT].GenerateGeometry(data->geometry[tiles[RIGHT].texture_index]->GetVertices(), element, Vector2f(padded_size.x - right_dimensions.x, 0), right_dimensions, right_dimensions, color_multiplier);

	// Set the textures on the geometry.
	const Texture* texture = NULL;
	int texture_index = 0;
	while ((texture = GetTexture(texture_index)) != NULL)

	return reinterpret_cast<DecoratorDataHandle>(data);
Exemplo n.º 9
void Model::MakeRaft(GCodeState &state, float &z)
  vector<InFillHit> HitsBuffer;

  uint LayerNr = 0;
  float size = settings.Raft.Size;

  Vector2f raftMin =  Vector2f(Min.x - size + printOffset.x, Min.y - size + printOffset.y);
  Vector2f raftMax =  Vector2f(Max.x + size + printOffset.x, Max.y + size + printOffset.y);

  Vector2f Center = (Vector2f(Max.x + size, Max.y + size)-Vector2f(Min.x + size, Min.y + size))/2+Vector2f(printOffset.x, printOffset.y);

  float Length = sqrtf(2)*(   ((raftMax.x)>(raftMax.y)? (raftMax.x):(raftMax.y))  -  ((raftMin.x)<(raftMin.y)? (raftMin.x):(raftMin.y))  )/2.0f;	// bbox of object

  float E = 0.0f;
  float rot;

  while(LayerNr < settings.Raft.Phase[0].LayerCount + settings.Raft.Phase[1].LayerCount)
      Settings::RaftSettings::PhasePropertiesType *props;
      props = LayerNr < settings.Raft.Phase[0].LayerCount ?
	&settings.Raft.Phase[0] : &settings.Raft.Phase[1];
      rot = (props->Rotation+(float)LayerNr * props->RotationPrLayer)/180.0f*M_PI;
      Vector2f InfillDirX(cosf(rot), sinf(rot));
      Vector2f InfillDirY(-InfillDirX.y, InfillDirX.x);

      Vector3f LastPosition;
      bool reverseLines = false;

      Vector2f P1, P2;
      for(float x = -Length ; x < Length ; x+=props->Distance)
	  P1 = (InfillDirX *  Length)+(InfillDirY*x) + Center;
	  P2 = (InfillDirX * -Length)+(InfillDirY*x) + Center;

	      Vector2f tmp = P1;
	      P1 = P2;
	      P2 = tmp;

	  //			glBegin(GL_LINES);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P1.x);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P2.x);

	  // Crop lines to bbox*size
	  Vector3f point;
	  InFillHit hit;
	  Vector2f P3(raftMin.x, raftMin.y);
	  Vector2f P4(raftMin.x, raftMax.y);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P3.x);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P4.x);
	  if(IntersectXY(P1,P2,P3,P4,hit))	//Intersect edges of bbox
	  P3 = Vector2f(raftMax.x,raftMax.y);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P3.x);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P4.x);
	  P4 = Vector2f(raftMax.x,raftMin.y);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P3.x);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P4.x);
	  P3 = Vector2f(raftMin.x,raftMin.y);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P3.x);
	  //			glVertex2fv(&P4.x);
	  //			glEnd();

	  if(HitsBuffer.size() == 0)	// it can only be 2 or zero
	  if(HitsBuffer.size() != 2)

	  std::sort(HitsBuffer.begin(), HitsBuffer.end(), InFillHitCompareFunc);

	  P1 = HitsBuffer[0].p;
	  P2 = HitsBuffer[1].p;

	  state.MakeAcceleratedGCodeLine (Vector3f(P1.x,P1.y,z), Vector3f(P2.x,P2.y,z),
					  E, z, settings.Slicing, settings.Hardware);
	  reverseLines = !reverseLines;
      // Set startspeed for Z-move
      Command g;
      g.Code = SETSPEED;
      g.where = Vector3f(P2.x, P2.y, z);
      g.comment = "Move Z";
      g.e = E;
      z += props->Thickness * settings.Hardware.LayerThickness;

      // Move Z
      g.Code = ZMOVE;
      g.where = Vector3f(P2.x, P2.y, z);
      g.f = settings.Hardware.MinPrintSpeedZ;
      g.comment = "Move Z";
      g.e = E;


  // restore the E state
  Command gotoE;
  gotoE.Code = GOTO;
  gotoE.e = 0;
  gotoE.comment = _("Reset E for the remaining print");
Exemplo n.º 10
Vector2f Vector2f::operator-(const Vector2f& other) const {
	return Vector2f(v[0] - other.v[0], v[1] - other.v[1]);
Exemplo n.º 11
Vector2f Vector2f::operator-() const {
	return Vector2f(-v[0], -v[1]);
Exemplo n.º 12
Vector2f Vector2f::operator/(float scale) const {
	if (scale < 0.001 && scale > -0.001)
		throw std::string("scale too small in /");

	return Vector2f(v[0] / scale, v[1] / scale);
Exemplo n.º 13
Vector2f Vector2f::operator*(float scale) const {
	return Vector2f(v[0] * scale, v[1] * scale);
Exemplo n.º 14
Vector2f Transform::TransformPoint(float x, float y) const
    return Vector2f(myMatrix[0] * x + myMatrix[4] * y + myMatrix[12],
                    myMatrix[1] * x + myMatrix[5] * y + myMatrix[13]);
Exemplo n.º 15
  return the distance in meters in North/East plane as a N/E vector
  from loc1 to loc2
Vector2f location_diff(const struct Location &loc1, const struct Location &loc2)
    return Vector2f((loc2.lat - loc1.lat) * LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR,
                    (loc2.lng - loc1.lng) * LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR * longitude_scale(loc1));
Exemplo n.º 16
// update L1 control for waypoint navigation
void AP_L1_Control::update_waypoint(const struct Location &prev_WP, const struct Location &next_WP, float dist_min)

    struct Location _current_loc;
    float Nu;
    float xtrackVel;
    float ltrackVel;

    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::micros();
    float dt = (now - _last_update_waypoint_us) * 1.0e-6f;
    if (dt > 0.1) {
        dt = 0.1;
        _L1_xtrack_i = 0.0f;
    _last_update_waypoint_us = now;

    // Calculate L1 gain required for specified damping
    float K_L1 = 4.0f * _L1_damping * _L1_damping;

    // Get current position and velocity
    if (_ahrs.get_position(_current_loc) == false) {
        // if no GPS loc available, maintain last nav/target_bearing
        _data_is_stale = true;

    Vector2f _groundspeed_vector = _ahrs.groundspeed_vector();

    // update _target_bearing_cd
    _target_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(_current_loc, next_WP);

    //Calculate groundspeed
    float groundSpeed = _groundspeed_vector.length();
    if (groundSpeed < 0.1f) {
        // use a small ground speed vector in the right direction,
        // allowing us to use the compass heading at zero GPS velocity
        groundSpeed = 0.1f;
        _groundspeed_vector = Vector2f(cosf(get_yaw()), sinf(get_yaw())) * groundSpeed;

    // Calculate time varying control parameters
    // Calculate the L1 length required for specified period
    // 0.3183099 = 1/1/pipi
    _L1_dist = MAX(0.3183099f * _L1_damping * _L1_period * groundSpeed, dist_min);

    // Calculate the NE position of WP B relative to WP A
    Vector2f AB = location_diff(prev_WP, next_WP);
    float AB_length = AB.length();

    // Check for AB zero length and track directly to the destination
    // if too small
    if (AB.length() < 1.0e-6f) {
        AB = location_diff(_current_loc, next_WP);
        if (AB.length() < 1.0e-6f) {
            AB = Vector2f(cosf(get_yaw()), sinf(get_yaw()));

    // Calculate the NE position of the aircraft relative to WP A
    Vector2f A_air = location_diff(prev_WP, _current_loc);

    // calculate distance to target track, for reporting
    _crosstrack_error = A_air % AB;

    //Determine if the aircraft is behind a +-135 degree degree arc centred on WP A
    //and further than L1 distance from WP A. Then use WP A as the L1 reference point
    //Otherwise do normal L1 guidance
    float WP_A_dist = A_air.length();
    float alongTrackDist = A_air * AB;
    if (WP_A_dist > _L1_dist && alongTrackDist/MAX(WP_A_dist, 1.0f) < -0.7071f)
        //Calc Nu to fly To WP A
        Vector2f A_air_unit = (A_air).normalized(); // Unit vector from WP A to aircraft
        xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % (-A_air_unit); // Velocity across line
        ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * (-A_air_unit); // Velocity along line
        Nu = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);
        _nav_bearing = atan2f(-A_air_unit.y , -A_air_unit.x); // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point
    } else if (alongTrackDist > AB_length + groundSpeed*3) {
        // we have passed point B by 3 seconds. Head towards B
        // Calc Nu to fly To WP B
        Vector2f B_air = location_diff(next_WP, _current_loc);
        Vector2f B_air_unit = (B_air).normalized(); // Unit vector from WP B to aircraft
        xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % (-B_air_unit); // Velocity across line
        ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * (-B_air_unit); // Velocity along line
        Nu = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);
        _nav_bearing = atan2f(-B_air_unit.y , -B_air_unit.x); // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point
    } else { //Calc Nu to fly along AB line

        //Calculate Nu2 angle (angle of velocity vector relative to line connecting waypoints)
        xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % AB; // Velocity cross track
        ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * AB; // Velocity along track
        float Nu2 = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);
        //Calculate Nu1 angle (Angle to L1 reference point)
        float sine_Nu1 = _crosstrack_error/MAX(_L1_dist, 0.1f);
        //Limit sine of Nu1 to provide a controlled track capture angle of 45 deg
        sine_Nu1 = constrain_float(sine_Nu1, -0.7071f, 0.7071f);
        float Nu1 = asinf(sine_Nu1);

        // compute integral error component to converge to a crosstrack of zero when traveling
        // straight but reset it when disabled or if it changes. That allows for much easier
        // tuning by having it re-converge each time it changes.
        if (_L1_xtrack_i_gain <= 0 || !is_equal(_L1_xtrack_i_gain.get(), _L1_xtrack_i_gain_prev)) {
            _L1_xtrack_i = 0;
            _L1_xtrack_i_gain_prev = _L1_xtrack_i_gain;
        } else if (fabsf(Nu1) < radians(5)) {
            _L1_xtrack_i += Nu1 * _L1_xtrack_i_gain * dt;

            // an AHRS_TRIM_X=0.1 will drift to about 0.08 so 0.1 is a good worst-case to clip at
            _L1_xtrack_i = constrain_float(_L1_xtrack_i, -0.1f, 0.1f);

        // to converge to zero we must push Nu1 harder
        Nu1 += _L1_xtrack_i;

        Nu = Nu1 + Nu2;
        _nav_bearing = atan2f(AB.y, AB.x) + Nu1; // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point

    _last_Nu = Nu;

    //Limit Nu to +-(pi/2)
    Nu = constrain_float(Nu, -1.5708f, +1.5708f);
    _latAccDem = K_L1 * groundSpeed * groundSpeed / _L1_dist * sinf(Nu);

    // Waypoint capture status is always false during waypoint following
    _WPcircle = false;

    _bearing_error = Nu; // bearing error angle (radians), +ve to left of track

    _data_is_stale = false; // status are correctly updated with current waypoint data
Exemplo n.º 17
void RendererHUDClassic::Compute()
		FastVertex thrustBuffer[6 * 32];
		memset( thrustBuffer, 0, sizeof( thrustBuffer ) );
		for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
			float height = std::exp( i * 0.05f );
			int ofsy = height * 10.0f;
			float x = 50 + i * ( 5 + 1 );
			float y = 720 - 75 - ofsy;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 0].x = x;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 0].y = y;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 1].x = x+5;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 1].y = y+ofsy;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 2].x = x+5;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 2].y = y;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 3].x = x;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 3].y = y;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 4].x = x;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 4].y = y+ofsy;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 5].x = x+5;
			thrustBuffer[i*6 + 5].y = y+ofsy;

			for ( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) {
				Vector2f vec = VR_Distort( Vector2f( thrustBuffer[i*6 + j].x, thrustBuffer[i*6 + j].y ) );
				thrustBuffer[i*6 + j].x = vec.x;
				thrustBuffer[i*6 + j].y = vec.y;
		glGenBuffers( 1, &mThrustVBO );
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mThrustVBO );
		glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(FastVertex) * 6 * 32, thrustBuffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW );

		FastVertexColor linkBuffer[6 * 16];
		memset( linkBuffer, 0, sizeof( linkBuffer ) );
		for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
			float height = std::exp( i * 0.1f );
			int ofsy = height * 12.0f;
			float x = 1280.0f * 0.03f + i * ( 13 + 1 );
			float y = 145.0f;

			linkBuffer[i*6 + 0].x = x;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 0].y = y-ofsy;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 1].x = x+13;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 1].y = y;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 2].x = x+13;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 2].y = y-ofsy;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 3].x = x;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 3].y = y-ofsy;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 4].x = x;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 4].y = y;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 5].x = x+13;
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 5].y = y;
			Vector4f fcolor = Vector4f( 0.5f + 0.5f * 0.0625f * ( 15 - i ), 0.5f + 0.5f * 0.0625f * i, 0.5f, 1.0f );
			uint32_t color = 0xFF7F0000 | ( (uint32_t)( fcolor.y * 255.0f ) << 8 ) | ( (uint32_t)( fcolor.x * 255.0f ) );
			linkBuffer[i*6 + 0].color = linkBuffer[i*6 + 1].color = linkBuffer[i*6 + 2].color = linkBuffer[i*6 + 3].color = linkBuffer[i*6 + 4].color = linkBuffer[i*6 + 5].color = color;

			for ( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) {
				Vector2f vec = VR_Distort( Vector2f( linkBuffer[i*6 + j].x, linkBuffer[i*6 + j].y ) );
				linkBuffer[i*6 + j].x = vec.x;
				linkBuffer[i*6 + j].y = vec.y;
		glGenBuffers( 1, &mLinkVBO );
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mLinkVBO );
		glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(FastVertexColor) * 6 * 16, linkBuffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW );

		glGenBuffers( 1, &mBatteryVBO );
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mBatteryVBO );
		glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(FastVertex) * 6, nullptr, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW );

		glGenBuffers( 1, &mLineVBO );
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mLineVBO );
		glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(FastVertexColor) * 2 * 128, nullptr, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW );
Exemplo n.º 18
// update L1 control for loitering
void AP_L1_Control::update_loiter(const struct Location &center_WP, float radius, int8_t loiter_direction)
    struct Location _current_loc;

    // scale loiter radius with square of EAS2TAS to allow us to stay
    // stable at high altitude
    radius = loiter_radius(radius);

    // Calculate guidance gains used by PD loop (used during circle tracking)
    float omega = (6.2832f / _L1_period);
    float Kx = omega * omega;
    float Kv = 2.0f * _L1_damping * omega;

    // Calculate L1 gain required for specified damping (used during waypoint capture)
    float K_L1 = 4.0f * _L1_damping * _L1_damping;

    //Get current position and velocity
    if (_ahrs.get_position(_current_loc) == false) {
        // if no GPS loc available, maintain last nav/target_bearing
        _data_is_stale = true;

    Vector2f _groundspeed_vector = _ahrs.groundspeed_vector();

    //Calculate groundspeed
    float groundSpeed = MAX(_groundspeed_vector.length() , 1.0f);

    // update _target_bearing_cd
    _target_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(_current_loc, center_WP);

    // Calculate time varying control parameters
    // Calculate the L1 length required for specified period
    // 0.3183099 = 1/pi
    _L1_dist = 0.3183099f * _L1_damping * _L1_period * groundSpeed;

    //Calculate the NE position of the aircraft relative to WP A
    Vector2f A_air = location_diff(center_WP, _current_loc);

    // Calculate the unit vector from WP A to aircraft
    // protect against being on the waypoint and having zero velocity
    // if too close to the waypoint, use the velocity vector
    // if the velocity vector is too small, use the heading vector
    Vector2f A_air_unit;
    if (A_air.length() > 0.1f) {
        A_air_unit = A_air.normalized();
    } else {
        if (_groundspeed_vector.length() < 0.1f) {
            A_air_unit = Vector2f(cosf(_ahrs.yaw), sinf(_ahrs.yaw));
        } else {
            A_air_unit = _groundspeed_vector.normalized();

    //Calculate Nu to capture center_WP
    float xtrackVelCap = A_air_unit % _groundspeed_vector; // Velocity across line - perpendicular to radial inbound to WP
    float ltrackVelCap = - (_groundspeed_vector * A_air_unit); // Velocity along line - radial inbound to WP
    float Nu = atan2f(xtrackVelCap,ltrackVelCap);

    _last_Nu = Nu;

    Nu = constrain_float(Nu, -M_PI_2, M_PI_2); //Limit Nu to +- Pi/2

    //Calculate lat accln demand to capture center_WP (use L1 guidance law)
    float latAccDemCap = K_L1 * groundSpeed * groundSpeed / _L1_dist * sinf(Nu);

    //Calculate radial position and velocity errors
    float xtrackVelCirc = -ltrackVelCap; // Radial outbound velocity - reuse previous radial inbound velocity
    float xtrackErrCirc = A_air.length() - radius; // Radial distance from the loiter circle

    // keep crosstrack error for reporting
    _crosstrack_error = xtrackErrCirc;

    //Calculate PD control correction to circle waypoint_ahrs.roll
    float latAccDemCircPD = (xtrackErrCirc * Kx + xtrackVelCirc * Kv);

    //Calculate tangential velocity
    float velTangent = xtrackVelCap * float(loiter_direction);

    //Prevent PD demand from turning the wrong way by limiting the command when flying the wrong way
    if (ltrackVelCap < 0.0f && velTangent < 0.0f) {
        latAccDemCircPD =  MAX(latAccDemCircPD, 0.0f);

    // Calculate centripetal acceleration demand
    float latAccDemCircCtr = velTangent * velTangent / MAX((0.5f * radius), (radius + xtrackErrCirc));

    //Sum PD control and centripetal acceleration to calculate lateral manoeuvre demand
    float latAccDemCirc = loiter_direction * (latAccDemCircPD + latAccDemCircCtr);

    // Perform switchover between 'capture' and 'circle' modes at the
    // point where the commands cross over to achieve a seamless transfer
    // Only fly 'capture' mode if outside the circle
    if (xtrackErrCirc > 0.0f && loiter_direction * latAccDemCap < loiter_direction * latAccDemCirc) {
        _latAccDem = latAccDemCap;
        _WPcircle = false;
        _bearing_error = Nu; // angle between demanded and achieved velocity vector, +ve to left of track
        _nav_bearing = atan2f(-A_air_unit.y , -A_air_unit.x); // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point
    } else {
        _latAccDem = latAccDemCirc;
        _WPcircle = true;
        _bearing_error = 0.0f; // bearing error (radians), +ve to left of track
        _nav_bearing = atan2f(-A_air_unit.y , -A_air_unit.x); // bearing (radians)from AC to L1 point

    _data_is_stale = false; // status are correctly updated with current waypoint data
Exemplo n.º 19
void Ball::Start()
	mVelocity = Vector2f(0, (float)INITIAL_SPEED);
Exemplo n.º 20
// Generates a quad from a position, size and colour.
void GeometryUtilities::GenerateQuad(Vertex* vertices, int* indices, const Vector2f& origin, const Vector2f& dimensions, const Colourb& colour, int index_offset)
	GenerateQuad(vertices, indices, origin, dimensions, colour, Vector2f(0, 0), Vector2f(1, 1), index_offset);
Exemplo n.º 21
void ScanGridProvider::update(ScanGrid& scanGrid)

    return; // Cannot compute grid without camera matrix

  // Compute the furthest point away that could be part of the field given an unknown own position.
  Vector2f pointInImage;
  const float fieldDiagional = Vector2f(theFieldDimensions.boundary.x.getSize(), theFieldDimensions.boundary.y.getSize()).norm();
  if(!Transformation::robotWithCameraRotationToImage(Vector2f(fieldDiagional, 0), theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, pointInImage))
    return; // Cannot project furthest possible point to image -> no grid in image

  scanGrid.fieldLimit = std::max(static_cast<int>(pointInImage.y()), -1);
  if(scanGrid.fieldLimit >= theCameraInfo.height)
    return; // Image is above field limit -> no grid in image

  // Determine the maximum distance between scanlines at the bottom of the image not to miss the ball.
  Vector2f leftOnField;
  Vector2f rightOnField;
  if(!Transformation::imageToRobotWithCameraRotation(Vector2i(0, theCameraInfo.height - 1), theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, leftOnField) ||
     !Transformation::imageToRobotWithCameraRotation(Vector2i(theCameraInfo.width, theCameraInfo.height - 1), theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, rightOnField))
    return; // Cannot project lower image border to field -> no grid

  const int xStepUpperBound = theCameraInfo.width / minNumOfLowResScanlines;
  const int maxXStep = std::min(xStepUpperBound,
                                static_cast<int>(theCameraInfo.width * theFieldDimensions.ballRadius * 2.f *
                                                 ballWidthRatio / (leftOnField - rightOnField).norm()));
  Vector2f pointOnField = (leftOnField + rightOnField) / 2.f;

  // Determine vertical sampling points of the grid
  const float fieldStep = theFieldDimensions.fieldLinesWidth * lineWidthRatio;
  bool singleSteps = false;
  for(int y = theCameraInfo.height - 1; y > scanGrid.fieldLimit;)
    // Calc next vertical position for all scanlines.
      pointOnField.x() += fieldStep;
      if(!Transformation::robotWithCameraRotationToImage(pointOnField, theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, pointInImage))
      const int y2 = y;
      y = std::min(y2 - 1, static_cast<int>(pointInImage.y() + 0.5));
      singleSteps = y2 - 1 == y;

  // Determine the maximum distance between scanlines at the top of the image not to miss the ball. Do not go below minStepSize.
  int minXStep = minStepSize;
  if(Transformation::imageToRobotWithCameraRotation(Vector2i(0, 0), theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, leftOnField) &&
     Transformation::imageToRobotWithCameraRotation(Vector2i(theCameraInfo.width, 0), theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, rightOnField))
    minXStep = std::max(minXStep, static_cast<int>(theCameraInfo.width * theFieldDimensions.ballRadius *
                                                   2.f * ballWidthRatio / (leftOnField - rightOnField).norm()));
  minXStep = std::min(xStepUpperBound, minXStep);

  // Determine a max step size that fulfills maxXStep2 = minXStep * 2^n, maxXStep2 <= maxXStep.
  // Also compute lower y coordinates for the different lengths of scanlines.
  int maxXStep2 = minXStep;
  std::vector<int> yStarts;
  while(maxXStep2 * 2 <= maxXStep)
    float distance = Geometry::getDistanceBySize(theCameraInfo, theFieldDimensions.ballRadius * ballWidthRatio, static_cast<float>(maxXStep2));
    VERIFY(Transformation::robotWithCameraRotationToImage(Vector2f(distance, 0), theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, pointInImage));
    yStarts.push_back(static_cast<int>(pointInImage.y() + 0.5f));
    maxXStep2 *= 2;

  // Determine a pattern with the different lengths of scan lines, in which the longest appears once,
  // the second longest twice, etc. The pattern starts with the longest.
  std::vector<int> yStarts2(maxXStep2 / minXStep);
  for(size_t i = 0, step = 1; i < yStarts.size(); ++i, step *= 2)
    for(size_t j = 0; j < yStarts2.size(); j += step)
      yStarts2[j] = yStarts[i];

  // Initialize the scan states and the regions.
  const int xStart = theCameraInfo.width % (theCameraInfo.width / minXStep - 1) / 2;
  scanGrid.lines.reserve((theCameraInfo.width - xStart) / minXStep);
  size_t i = yStarts2.size() / 2; // Start with the second longest scanline.
  for(int x = xStart; x < theCameraInfo.width; x += minXStep)
    int yMax = std::min(yStarts2[i++], theCameraInfo.height);
    i %= yStarts2.size();
    theBodyContour.clipBottom(x, yMax);
    const size_t yMaxIndex = std::upper_bound(scanGrid.y.begin(), scanGrid.y.end(), yMax + 1, std::greater<int>()) - scanGrid.y.begin();
    scanGrid.lines.emplace_back(x, yMax, static_cast<unsigned>(yMaxIndex));

  // Set low resolution scanline info
  scanGrid.lowResStep = maxXStep2 / minXStep;
  scanGrid.lowResStart = scanGrid.lowResStep / 2;
Exemplo n.º 22
float Map_Manager::GetZ(Vector3f pos, bool ignoreFlat) {
	//FIXME: support for slopes
	return GetZ(Vector2f(pos.x,pos.y),ignoreFlat);
Exemplo n.º 23
	std::shared_ptr<ILoadableObject> ObjLoader::load(AssetManager *assetMgr, AssetInfo &asset)
		shared_ptr<Node> node(new Node());

		std::string currentDir = std::string(asset.getFilePath());
		std::string nodeFileName = currentDir.substr(currentDir.find_last_of("\\/")+1);
		nodeFileName = nodeFileName.substr(0, nodeFileName.find_first_of(".")); // trim extension


		std::string line;
		while (std::getline(*asset.getStream(), line))
			vector<string> tokens = split(line, ' ');
			tokens = removeEmptyStrings(tokens);

			if (tokens.size() == 0 || strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "#") == 0)
			else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "v") == 0)
				float x = parse<float>(tokens[1]);
				float y = parse<float>(tokens[2]);
				float z = parse<float>(tokens[3]);
				Vector3f vec(x, y, z);
			else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "vn") == 0)
				float x = parse<float>(tokens[1]);
				float y = parse<float>(tokens[2]);
				float z = parse<float>(tokens[3]);
				Vector3f vec(x, y, z);
			else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "vt") == 0)
				float x = parse<float>(tokens[1]);
				float y = parse<float>(tokens[2]);
				Vector2f vec(x, y);
			else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "f") == 0)
				vector<ObjIndex> *c_idx = currentList();
				for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size() - 3; i++)
					c_idx->push_back(parseObjIndex(tokens[2 + i]));
					c_idx->push_back(parseObjIndex(tokens[3 + i]));
			else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "mtllib") == 0)
				string libLoc = tokens[1];

				std::string currentDir = std::string(asset.getFilePath());
				currentDir = currentDir.substr(0, currentDir.find_last_of("\\/"));

				if (!contains(currentDir, "/") && !contains(currentDir, "\\"))	// the file path is just current file name,															   
				{																// so just make the string empty
					currentDir = "";

				currentDir += "/" + libLoc;

				std::shared_ptr<MaterialList> mtlList = assetMgr->loadAs<MaterialList>(currentDir.c_str());
				this->mtlList = *mtlList.get();
			else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "usemtl") == 0)
				string matname = tokens[1];

		for (int i = 0; i < objIndices.size(); i++)
			vector<ObjIndex> *c_idx = objIndices[i];
			vector<Vertex> vertices;

			for (int j = 0; j < c_idx->size(); j++)
				Vertex vert(positions[(*c_idx)[j].vertex_idx],
						   (hasTexCoords ? texCoords[(*c_idx)[j].texcoord_idx] : Vector2f()),
						   (hasNormals ? normals[(*c_idx)[j].normal_idx] : Vector3f()));


			shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh(new Mesh());

			if (hasNormals)
			if (hasTexCoords)

			shared_ptr<Geometry> geom(new Geometry());

			delete c_idx;

		return std::static_pointer_cast<ILoadableObject>(node);
Exemplo n.º 24
void CWireFrame::AddLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) {
	mVertices.push_back(Vector2f(x0, y0));
	mVertices.push_back(Vector2f(x1, y1));
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: Menu.cpp Projeto: 3dik/MPong
bool Menu::RunEditProfile (wstring sName, bool *pbModified)
    Err fErr (m_Err, L"RunEditProfile");
    if (sName.empty () || pbModified == NULL)
        return fErr.Set (sERR_ARGUMENTS);

    *pbModified = false;

    Config *pProfile;
    bool bCreated;
    if (!m_pProfiles->GetByName (sName, &pProfile, &bCreated))
        return false;

    wstring sMenuEdit, sLeft, sRight, sSpecial, sSet, sOk, sUndefined;
    if (!m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditTitle", &sMenuEdit) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditLeft", &sLeft) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditRight", &sRight) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditSpecial", &sSpecial) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditSet", &sSet) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditOk", &sOk) ||
        !m_pLanguage->Get (L"ProfileEditUndefined", &sUndefined))
        return false;
    sLeft += L": ";
    sRight += L": ";
    sSpecial += L": ";

    wstring sLeftVal, sRightVal, sSpecialVal;
    if (!pProfile->Get (sKEY_LEFT, &sLeftVal) ||
        !pProfile->Get (sKEY_RIGHT, &sRightVal) ||
        !pProfile->Get (sKEY_SPECIAL, &sSpecialVal))
        return false;

    unsigned int nAction;
        if (sLeftVal.empty ())
            sLeftVal = sUndefined;
        if (sRightVal.empty ())
            sRightVal = sUndefined;
        if (sSpecialVal.empty ())
            sSpecialVal = sUndefined;
        Screen EditScreen;
        if (!EditScreen.Init (&m_Err, m_pProfiles, m_pWindow, sMenuEdit + sName) ||
            !EditScreen.AddLabel (sLeft + sLeftVal, Vector2f (300, 150)) ||
            !EditScreen.AddButton (sSet, Vector2f (50, 140),
                                   eProfileEditButtonLeft) ||
            !EditScreen.AddLabel (sRight + sRightVal, Vector2f (300, 250)) ||
            !EditScreen.AddButton (sSet, Vector2f (50, 240),
                                   eProfileEditButtonRight) ||
            !EditScreen.AddLabel (sSpecial + sSpecialVal,
                                  Vector2f (300, 350)) ||
            !EditScreen.AddButton (sSet, Vector2f (50, 340),
                                   eProfileEditButtonSpecial) ||
            !EditScreen.AddButton (m_sAbort, Vector2f (700, 540),
                                   eProfileEditButtonAbort) ||
            !EditScreen.AddButton (sOk, Vector2f (700, 600),
            return false;
        if (!EditScreen.Run ())
            return false;
        if (EditScreen.IsQuit ())
            m_bClose = true;
        if (!EditScreen.GetSelectId (&nAction))
            return false;

        wstring *psCurKey = NULL;
        switch (nAction)
            case (eProfileEditButtonLeft):
                psCurKey = &sLeftVal;
            case (eProfileEditButtonRight):
                psCurKey = &sRightVal;
            case (eProfileEditButtonSpecial):
                psCurKey = &sSpecialVal;
            case (eProfileEditButtonOk):
                pProfile->Set (sKEY_LEFT, sLeftVal);
                pProfile->Set (sKEY_RIGHT, sRightVal);
                pProfile->Set (sKEY_SPECIAL, sSpecialVal);
                if (!pProfile->Save ())
                    return false;
                *pbModified = true;
                nAction = eProfileEditButtonAbort;

        if (psCurKey != NULL)
            wstring sCode;
            if (!AwaitInput (&sCode))
                return false;
            if (!sCode.empty ())
                *psCurKey = sCode;
    } while (!m_bClose && nAction != eProfileEditButtonAbort);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
Vector2f IRenderer::map_2d(const int x, const int y)
	float aspect = (float)viewport_width() / (float)viewport_height();
	return Vector2f(((float)x / (float)viewport_width()  * 2.0f - 1.0f) * aspect / aspect_modifier_2d(), 
			-((float)y / (float)viewport_height()  * 2.0f - 1.0f));
Exemplo n.º 27
GuiMetaDataEd::GuiMetaDataEd(Window* window, MetaDataList* md, const std::vector<MetaDataDecl>& mdd, ScraperSearchParams scraperParams,
	const std::string& /*header*/, std::function<void()> saveCallback, std::function<void()> deleteFunc) : GuiComponent(window),

	mBackground(window, ":/frame.png"),
	mGrid(window, Vector2i(1, 3)),

	mSavedCallback(saveCallback), mDeleteFunc(deleteFunc)

	mHeaderGrid = std::make_shared<ComponentGrid>(mWindow, Vector2i(1, 5));

	mTitle = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(mWindow, "EDIT METADATA", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE), 0x555555FF, ALIGN_CENTER);
	mSubtitle = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(mWindow, Utils::String::toUpper(Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(scraperParams.game->getPath())),
		Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x777777FF, ALIGN_CENTER);
	mHeaderGrid->setEntry(mTitle, Vector2i(0, 1), false, true);
	mHeaderGrid->setEntry(mSubtitle, Vector2i(0, 3), false, true);

	mGrid.setEntry(mHeaderGrid, Vector2i(0, 0), false, true);

	mList = std::make_shared<ComponentList>(mWindow);
	mGrid.setEntry(mList, Vector2i(0, 1), true, true);

	// populate list
	for(auto iter = mdd.cbegin(); iter != mdd.cend(); iter++)
		std::shared_ptr<GuiComponent> ed;

		// don't add statistics

		// create ed and add it (and any related components) to mMenu
		// ed's value will be set below
		ComponentListRow row;
		auto lbl = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(mWindow, Utils::String::toUpper(iter->displayName), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x777777FF);
		row.addElement(lbl, true); // label

		case MD_BOOL:
				ed = std::make_shared<SwitchComponent>(window);
				row.addElement(ed, false, true);
		case MD_RATING:
				ed = std::make_shared<RatingComponent>(window);
				const float height = lbl->getSize().y() * 0.71f;
				ed->setSize(0, height);
				row.addElement(ed, false, true);

				auto spacer = std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow);
				spacer->setSize(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.0025f, 0);
				row.addElement(spacer, false);

				// pass input to the actual RatingComponent instead of the spacer
				row.input_handler = std::bind(&GuiComponent::input, ed.get(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);

		case MD_DATE:
				ed = std::make_shared<DateTimeEditComponent>(window);
				row.addElement(ed, false);

				auto spacer = std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow);
				spacer->setSize(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.0025f, 0);
				row.addElement(spacer, false);

				// pass input to the actual DateTimeEditComponent instead of the spacer
				row.input_handler = std::bind(&GuiComponent::input, ed.get(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);

		case MD_TIME:
				ed = std::make_shared<DateTimeEditComponent>(window, DateTimeEditComponent::DISP_RELATIVE_TO_NOW);
				row.addElement(ed, false);
				// MD_STRING
				ed = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(window, "", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL, FONT_PATH_LIGHT), 0x777777FF, ALIGN_RIGHT);
				row.addElement(ed, true);

				auto spacer = std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow);
				spacer->setSize(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.005f, 0);
				row.addElement(spacer, false);

				auto bracket = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(mWindow);
				bracket->setResize(Vector2f(0, lbl->getFont()->getLetterHeight()));
				row.addElement(bracket, false);

				bool multiLine = iter->type == MD_MULTILINE_STRING;
				const std::string title = iter->displayPrompt;
				auto updateVal = [ed](const std::string& newVal) { ed->setValue(newVal); }; // ok callback (apply new value to ed)
				row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, title, ed, updateVal, multiLine] {
					mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditPopup(mWindow, title, ed->getValue(), updateVal, multiLine));


	std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent> > buttons;

		buttons.push_back(std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(mWindow, "SCRAPE", "scrape", std::bind(&GuiMetaDataEd::fetch, this)));

	buttons.push_back(std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(mWindow, "SAVE", "save", [&] { save(); delete this; }));
	buttons.push_back(std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(mWindow, "CANCEL", "cancel", [&] { delete this; }));

		auto deleteFileAndSelf = [&] { mDeleteFunc(); delete this; };
		auto deleteBtnFunc = [this, deleteFileAndSelf] { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(mWindow, "THIS WILL DELETE A FILE!\nARE YOU SURE?", "YES", deleteFileAndSelf, "NO", nullptr)); };
		buttons.push_back(std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(mWindow, "DELETE", "delete", deleteBtnFunc));

	mButtons = makeButtonGrid(mWindow, buttons);
	mGrid.setEntry(mButtons, Vector2i(0, 2), true, false);

	// resize + center	
	float width = (float)Math::min(Renderer::getScreenHeight(), (int)(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.90f));
	setSize(width, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.82f);
	setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mSize.x()) / 2, (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - mSize.y()) / 2);
Exemplo n.º 28
	Vector2f Graphics2D::getScale()
		return Vector2f(ScaleX,ScaleY);
void OculusWorldDemoApp::RenderGrid(ovrEyeType eye)
    Recti renderViewport = EyeTexture[eye].Header.RenderViewport;    

    // Draw actual pixel grid on the RT.
    // 1:1 mapping to screen pixels, origin in top-left.
    Matrix4f ortho;
    ortho.M[0][0] = 2.0f / (renderViewport.w);       // X scale
    ortho.M[0][3] = -1.0f;                           // X offset
    ortho.M[1][1] = -2.0f / (renderViewport.h);      // Y scale (for Y=down)
    ortho.M[1][3] = 1.0f;                            // Y offset (Y=down)
    ortho.M[2][2] = 0;

    pRender->SetDepthMode(false, false);
    Color cNormal ( 255, 0, 0 );
    Color cSpacer ( 255, 255, 0 );
    Color cMid ( 0, 128, 255 );

    int lineStep = 1;
    int midX = 0;
    int midY = 0;
    int limitX = 0;
    int limitY = 0;

    switch ( GridMode )
    case Grid_Rendertarget4:
        lineStep = 4;
        midX    = renderViewport.w / 2;
        midY    = renderViewport.h / 2;
        limitX  = renderViewport.w / 2;
        limitY  = renderViewport.h / 2;
    case Grid_Rendertarget16:
        lineStep = 16;
        midX    = renderViewport.w / 2;
        midY    = renderViewport.h / 2;
        limitX  = renderViewport.w / 2;
        limitY  = renderViewport.h / 2;
    case Grid_Lens:
            lineStep = 48;
            Vector2f rendertargetNDC = FovPort(EyeRenderDesc[eye].Fov).TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(Vector2f(0.0f));
            midX    = (int)( ( rendertargetNDC.x * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * (float)renderViewport.w + 0.5f );
            midY    = (int)( ( rendertargetNDC.y * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * (float)renderViewport.h + 0.5f );
            limitX  = Alg::Max ( renderViewport.w - midX, midX );
            limitY  = Alg::Max ( renderViewport.h - midY, midY );
    default: OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break;

    int spacerMask = (lineStep<<2)-1;

    for ( int xp = 0; xp < limitX; xp += lineStep )
        float x[4];
        float y[4];
        x[0] = (float)( midX + xp );
        y[0] = (float)0;
        x[1] = (float)( midX + xp );
        y[1] = (float)renderViewport.h;
        x[2] = (float)( midX - xp );
        y[2] = (float)0;
        x[3] = (float)( midX - xp );
        y[3] = (float)renderViewport.h;
        if ( xp == 0 )
            pRender->RenderLines ( 1, cMid, x, y );
        else if ( ( xp & spacerMask ) == 0 )
            pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cSpacer, x, y );
            pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cNormal, x, y );
    for ( int yp = 0; yp < limitY; yp += lineStep )
        float x[4];
        float y[4];
        x[0] = (float)0;
        y[0] = (float)( midY + yp );
        x[1] = (float)renderViewport.w;
        y[1] = (float)( midY + yp );
        x[2] = (float)0;
        y[2] = (float)( midY - yp );
        x[3] = (float)renderViewport.w;
        y[3] = (float)( midY - yp );
        if ( yp == 0 )
            pRender->RenderLines ( 1, cMid, x, y );
        else if ( ( yp & spacerMask ) == 0 )
            pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cSpacer, x, y );
            pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cNormal, x, y );
Exemplo n.º 30
 Vector2f operator/(float s) const
   return Vector2f(x / s, y / s);