Exemplo n.º 1
int DoSignature(TCHAR *homepath) {

  TCHAR fullsrcfile[MAX_PATH],fulldstfile[MAX_PATH];

  StartupStore(_T(".... DoSignature start, homepath=<%s>\n"),homepath);


  // Force removal of anything existing.
  // We should have checked already that this file does not exist, and rename it eventually.
  // If it is here, we remove it, we are in the hurry and cannot loose time on previous files.
  FILE *ft;
  if ( (ft=_wfopen(fulldstfile,TEXT("r")))!=NULL ) {
	StartupStore(_T("... DoSignature: ERROR existing destination file <%S>!%s"),fulldstfile,NEWLINE);
	return 12;

  if (ReadInputFile(Linelist, fullsrcfile)) {
	StartupStore(_T("... DoSignature: ERROR source file <%S> disappeared%s"),fullsrcfile,NEWLINE);
	return 1;
  GenerateMD5(Linelist, &md5gen);
  AddGRecordToBuffer(Linelist, &md5gen);
  WriteOutputFile(Linelist, fulldstfile);	

  StartupStore(_T("... DoSignature: signature OK%s"),NEWLINE);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
   /* History:
   03/2007     NW        Implementation
int ExecuteDelaunay3DProcess(char* infilepath, char* outfilepath)
    int ireturnCode = 0;
    int node = 0;
    double* x = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (NODE_MAX + 4));
    double* y = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (NODE_MAX + 4));
    double* z = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (NODE_MAX + 4));
    int nelm = 0;
    int* mtj = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (ELEM_MAX * 4));
    int* jac = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (ELEM_MAX * 4));
    int maxelm = ELEM_MAX;
    int maxnode = NODE_MAX;
    //printf("\n[AVAILABLE MEMORY]\n");
    //printf("X: %x\nY: %x\nZ: %x\n", x, y, z);
    //printf("MTJ: %x\nJAC: %x\n\n", mtj, jac);
    if (x == NULL || y == NULL || z == NULL || mtj == NULL || jac == NULL)
        //MyOutputDebugString("ERROR: Fail to malloc()");
        return 999;
    if(ReadInputFile(infilepath, &node, x, y, z))

        if (ireturnCode == 0)
            WriteOutputFile(outfilepath, &node,x,y,z,&nelm,mtj,jac,&maxelm);
        //MyOutputDebugString("ERROR: input()\n");
        return 999;

    return ireturnCode;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Dmap( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
	int			i;
	int			start, end;
	char		path[1024];
	idStr		passedName;
	bool		leaked = false;
	bool		noCM = false;
	bool		noAAS = false;


	if ( args.Argc() < 2 ) {

	common->Printf("---- dmap ----\n");

	dmapGlobals.fullCarve = true;
	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_MERGE_SURFACES;		// create shadows by merging all surfaces, but no super optimization
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_CLIP_OCCLUDERS;		// remove occluders that are completely covered
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_SIL_OPTIMIZE;
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_CULL_OCCLUDED;

	dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;

	for ( i = 1 ; i < args.Argc() ; i++ ) {
		const char *s;

		s = args.Argv(i);
		if ( s[0] == '-' ) {
			if ( s[0] == '\0' ) {

		if ( !idStr::Icmp( s,"glview" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.glview = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "v" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "verbose = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.verbose = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "draw" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "drawflag = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.drawflag = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noFlood" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noFlood = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noFlood = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noLightCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noLightCarve = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "lightCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noLightCarve = false\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = false;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noOpt" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noOptimize = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "verboseentities" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "verboseentities = true\n");
			dmapGlobals.verboseentities = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCurves" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noCurves = true\n");
			dmapGlobals.noCurves = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noModels" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noModels = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noModelBrushes = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noClipSides" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noClipSides = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noClipSides = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noCarve = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.fullCarve = false;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "shadowOpt" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = (shadowOptLevel_t)atoi( args.Argv( i+1 ) );
			common->Printf( "shadowOpt = %i\n",dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel );
			i += 1;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noTjunc" ) ) {
			// triangle optimization won't work properly without tjunction fixing
			common->Printf ("noTJunc = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noTJunc = true;
			dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
			common->Printf ("forcing noOptimize = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCM" ) ) {
			noCM = true;
			common->Printf( "noCM = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noAAS" ) ) {
			noAAS = true;
			common->Printf( "noAAS = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "editorOutput" ) ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
			com_outputMsg = true;
		} else {

	if ( i >= args.Argc() ) {
		common->Error( "usage: dmap [options] mapfile" );

	passedName = args.Argv(i);		// may have an extension
	if ( passedName.Icmpn( "maps/", 4 ) != 0 ) {
		passedName = "maps/" + passedName;

	idStr stripped = passedName;
	idStr::Copynz( dmapGlobals.mapFileBase, stripped, sizeof(dmapGlobals.mapFileBase) );

	bool region = false;
	// if this isn't a regioned map, delete the last saved region map
	if ( passedName.Right( 4 ) != ".reg" ) {
		sprintf( path, "%s.reg", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
		fileSystem->RemoveFile( path );
	} else {
		region = true;

	passedName = stripped;

	// delete any old line leak files
	sprintf( path, "%s.lin", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
	fileSystem->RemoveFile( path );

	// start from scratch
	start = Sys_Milliseconds();

	if ( !LoadDMapFile( passedName ) ) {

	if ( ProcessModels() ) {
	} else {
		leaked = true;


	common->Printf( "%i total shadow triangles\n", dmapGlobals.totalShadowTriangles );
	common->Printf( "%i total shadow verts\n", dmapGlobals.totalShadowVerts );

	end = Sys_Milliseconds();
	common->Printf( "-----------------------\n" );
	common->Printf( "%5.0f seconds for dmap\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );

	if ( !leaked ) {

		if ( !noCM ) {

			// make sure the collision model manager is not used by the game
			cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "disconnect" );

			// create the collision map
			start = Sys_Milliseconds();

			collisionModelManager->LoadMap( dmapGlobals.dmapFile );

			end = Sys_Milliseconds();
			common->Printf( "-------------------------------------\n" );
			common->Printf( "%5.0f seconds to create collision map\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );

		if ( !noAAS && !region ) {
			// create AAS files
			RunAAS_f( args );

	// free the common .map representation
	delete dmapGlobals.dmapFile;

	// clear the map plane list

#ifdef _WIN32
	if ( com_outputMsg && com_hwndMsg != NULL ) {
		unsigned int msg = ::RegisterWindowMessage( DMAP_DONE );
		::PostMessage( com_hwndMsg, msg, 0, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 4
// ==============================================================
// Extract License & Notes files
// These are stored as 4-bytes length, followed by length-bytes of compressed data
int	ExtractTextFile(BLOCK_DATA *Blk, ULONG FileType)
		ULONG n, m;
		BYTE *zSrcBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf;
		BYTE *zDstBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->DstBuf;

		const char *FileExt;
		if (FileType == FLAGS_License)
			FileExt = LicenseExt;
		else if (FileType == FLAGS_Notes)
			FileExt = NotesExt;
			return 0;

		// NB:Can't use BioReadBuf... aligment problems? Yet it works for ProcessNextBlock() !!??
		// Ok, can use ReadInputFile here cause everythjing is whole no. of bytes...

		//BioReadBuf((BYTE *)&n, sizeof(n));					// Read length of block from file
	  ReadInputFile((BYTE *)&n, sizeof(n));					// Read length of block from file
	  FixEndian(&n, sizeof(n));										// Fix endian

		if (n <= 0  ||  n > ZBUF_SIZE)								// Check for valid block length
			sprintf(MsgTxt, "ERROR - Invalid length for %s file (apparently %ld bytes) %s", FileExt, n, CorruptedMsg);
			msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
			GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_CORRUPT;
			return 0;

		//BioReadBuf(zSrcBuf, n);																					// Read the block
	  ReadInputFile((BYTE *)zSrcBuf, n);																// Read the block
		m = UnMemcomp(zSrcBuf, n, zDstBuf, ZBUF_SIZE);										// Uncompress
		Blk->FileCheck = adler32(Blk->FileCheck, zDstBuf, m);	   					// Accumulate checksum
		if (GlobalErrorFlag  ||  m > ZBUF_SIZE)														// Uncompressed ok & size is valid?
			return 0;

		// Write file - Use original file name plus specified extension for OutFileName...
		char OutFileName[MAX_FILENAME];
		strncpy(OutFileName, Blk->FileHeader.FileName, sizeof(OutFileName));	// copy output filename
		ChangeFileExt(OutFileName, FileExt, sizeof(OutFileName));
		OpenOutputFile(OutFileName);	// Create notes / license file
		WriteOutputFile(zDstBuf, m);																			// and write to output file
		if (FileType == FLAGS_License)
                    sprintf(MsgTxt, "Created license file: %s", OutFileName);
                    msg(MsgTxt, 0);
			if (GetLicenseAgreement((const char *)zDstBuf, OutFileName) == 0)
				GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_LICENSE;
				return EndProcess(0);
		else if (FileType == FLAGS_Notes)
                    sprintf(MsgTxt, "Created notes file: %s", OutFileName);
                    msg(MsgTxt, 0);
                    DisplayNotes((const char *)zDstBuf, OutFileName);

		return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
// ==============================================================
int ProcessNextBlock(BLOCK_DATA *Blk)
    //int	TotBytesRead = 0;						// Total bytes read in file
    int	NumWords;							//

    uint32_t	n, m;							// NB: Must be 32-bit integer

    #define	AWBYTES	(sizeof(AWORD))
    BYTE *zSrcBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf;
    BYTE *zDstBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->DstBuf;

    switch (Blk->FileSection)
      case AUDIO:
	NumWords = Blk->ReadSize;					// Number of words we will read in this block
	n = NumWords * AWBYTES;						// ... and number of bytes

	if (Blk->TotBytesWritten + n >= Blk->FileHeader.PostAudioStart)			// Short block? (near end of file)
	    n = Blk->FileHeader.PostAudioStart - Blk->TotBytesWritten;				// Get exact length in bytes
	    NumWords = n / AWBYTES;																						// ... and words
	    Blk->FileSection = POST_AUDIO;		// End of Audio -- PostAudio section is next
	//printf("AUDIO, read %ld bytes\n", n);

	if (Blk->FileHeader.CompMethod == COMPRESSION_v2Turbo)						// If using Turbo compression
	  DecompressTurbo(Blk, NumWords);									// Decompress
	else																															// For all other methods
	  DecompressFast(Blk, NumWords);										// Decompress

	//printf("B4 WriteOutputFile: %ld\n", adler32(0, (const BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf, n) & 0xffff);
	/*#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	#define	WFIX(I)		s = bp[I+0]; bp[I+0] = bp[I+1]; bp[I+1] = s;
	BYTE *bp = (BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf; BYTE *ep = bp + n;
	do {						
	  BYTE s;					
	  WFIX(0); WFIX(2); WFIX(4); WFIX(6);		
	  WFIX(8); WFIX(10); WFIX(12); WFIX(14);	
	  bp += 16;					
	} while (bp < ep);				
	#undef WFIX
	WriteOutputFile((const BYTE *)Blk->SrcBuf, n);										// Write to output file
	Blk->TotBytesWritten += n;																				// Accumulate total bytes written
      case PRE_AUDIO: case POST_AUDIO: case NON_AUDIO:
	BioReadBuf((BYTE *) &n, sizeof(n));	
	FixEndian(&n, sizeof(n));
	//printf("Reading PRE/POST AUDIO block, compressed %ld bytes\n", n);
	if (n > ZBUF_SIZE)	// Check for valid block length
	  sprintf(MsgTxt, "ERROR - Invalid length for Non-audio Block (apparently %d bytes) %s", n, CorruptedMsg);
	  msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
	  return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_CORRUPT);

	BioReadBuf(zSrcBuf, n);		// Read the block
	m = UnMemcomp(zSrcBuf, n, zDstBuf, ZBUF_SIZE);											//printf("PRE/POST AUDIO block, compressed %ld bytes, uncompressed %ld bytes\n", n, m);

	// Uncompress
	if (GlobalErrorFlag != SFARKLIB_SUCCESS)  return(GlobalErrorFlag);
	if (m <= ZBUF_SIZE)														// Uncompressed ok & size is valid?
	  //printf("writing uncompressed block %ld bytes\n", m);
	  Blk->FileCheck = adler32(Blk->FileCheck, zDstBuf, m);	// Accumulate checksum
	  WriteOutputFile(zDstBuf, m);				// and write to output file
	  Blk->TotBytesWritten += m;				// Accumulate byte count

	#if	DB_BLOCKCHECK					// If debug mode block check enabled
	ULONG BlockCheck = BioRead(16);				// Read block check bits
	FixEndian(&BlockCheck, sizeof(Blockcheck));
	ULONG CalcBlockCheck = adler32(0, zDstBuf, m) & 0xFFFF;
	printf("NonAudio Block Checks Read: %ld, Calc %ld Length=%d\n", BlockCheck, CalcBlockCheck, m);
	if (BlockCheck != CalcBlockCheck)			// Compare to calculated cheksum
	  printf("*** NonAudio Block check FAIL\n");
	  printf("NonAudio Block check Ok\n");

	//printf("PRE/POST AUDIO, read %ld bytes, writing %ld bytes...", n, m);

        if (Blk->TotBytesWritten >= Blk->FileHeader.OriginalSize)	// Have we finished the file?
	  Blk->FileSection = FINISHED;
	else if (Blk->FileSection == PRE_AUDIO && Blk->TotBytesWritten >= Blk->FileHeader.AudioStart)	// finished Pre-Audio?
	  Blk->FileSection = AUDIO;					// .. then next section is Audio

      } // case
    } //switch

    //sprintf(MsgTxt, "BytesWritten: %ld of %ld", Blk->TotBytesWritten, Blk->FileHeader.OriginalSize);
    //msg(MsgTxt, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) 
	if (argc == 1) {
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usageStr);
	char* filePath = 0;
	bool shouldPlay = false;
	bool shouldSetBank = false;
    bool shouldUseMIDIEndpoint = false;
	bool shouldPrint = true;
	bool waitAtEnd = false;
	bool diskStream = false;
	OSType dataFormat = 0;
	Float64 srate = 0;
	const char* outputFilePath = 0;
	MusicSequenceLoadFlags	loadFlags = 0;
	char* bankPath = 0;
	Float32 startTime = 0;
	UInt32 numFrames = 512;
	std::set<int> trackSet;
	for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
		if (!strcmp ("-p", argv[i]))
			shouldPlay = true;
		else if (!strcmp ("-w", argv[i]))
			waitAtEnd = true;
		else if (!strcmp ("-d", argv[i]))
			diskStream = true;
		else if (!strcmp ("-b", argv[i])) 
			shouldSetBank = true;
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			bankPath = const_cast<char*>(argv[i]);
		else if (!strcmp ("-n", argv[i]))
			shouldPrint = false;
		else if ((filePath == 0) && (argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '~'))
			filePath = const_cast<char*>(argv[i]);
		else if (!strcmp ("-s", argv[i])) 
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			sscanf (argv[i], "%f", &startTime);
		else if (!strcmp ("-t", argv[i])) 
			int index;
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			sscanf (argv[i], "%d", &index);
		else if (!strcmp("-e", argv[i]))
            shouldUseMIDIEndpoint = true;
		else if (!strcmp("-c", argv[i]))
            loadFlags = kMusicSequenceLoadSMF_ChannelsToTracks;
        else if (!strcmp ("-i", argv[i])) 
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			sscanf (argv[i], "%lu", (unsigned long*)(&numFrames));
        else if (!strcmp ("-f", argv[i])) 
			if (i + 3 >= argc) goto malformedInput;
			outputFilePath = argv[++i];
			StrToOSType (argv[++i], dataFormat);
			sscanf (argv[++i], "%lf", &srate);
			fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usageStr);
			exit (1);
	if (filePath == 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "You have to specify a MIDI file to print or play\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usageStr);
		exit (1);
	if (shouldUseMIDIEndpoint && outputFilePath) {
		printf ("can't write a file when you try to play out to a MIDI Endpoint\n");
		exit (1);
	MusicSequence sequence;
	OSStatus result;
	FailIf ((result = LoadSMF (filePath, sequence, loadFlags)), fail, "LoadSMF");
	if (shouldPrint) 
		CAShow (sequence);
	if (shouldPlay)
        AUGraph graph = 0;
        AudioUnit theSynth = 0;
		FailIf ((result = MusicSequenceGetAUGraph (sequence, &graph)), fail, "MusicSequenceGetAUGraph");
		FailIf ((result = AUGraphOpen (graph)), fail, "AUGraphOpen");     
		FailIf ((result = GetSynthFromGraph (graph, theSynth)), fail, "GetSynthFromGraph");
		FailIf ((result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
										kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
										&maxCPULoad, sizeof(maxCPULoad))), fail, "AudioUnitSetProperty: kAudioUnitProperty_CPULoad");

        if (shouldUseMIDIEndpoint) 
			MIDIClientRef	theMidiClient;
			MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("Play Sequence"), NULL, NULL, &theMidiClient);		
			ItemCount destCount = MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations();
            if (destCount == 0) {
                fprintf (stderr, "No MIDI Endpoints to play to.\n");
            FailIf ((result = MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint (sequence, MIDIGetDestination(0))), fail, "MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint");
			if (shouldSetBank) {
				CFURLRef soundBankURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)bankPath, strlen(bankPath), false);
				printf ("Setting Sound Bank:%s\n", bankPath);
				result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
                                               kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
                                               &soundBankURL, sizeof(soundBankURL));
                if (soundBankURL) CFRelease(soundBankURL);
                FailIf (result, fail, "AudioUnitSetProperty: kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankURL");								
			if (diskStream) {
				UInt32 value = diskStream;
				FailIf ((result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
											kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
											&value, sizeof(value))), fail, "AudioUnitSetProperty: kMusicDeviceProperty_StreamFromDisk");

			if (outputFilePath) {
				// need to tell synth that is going to render a file.
				UInt32 value = 1;
				FailIf ((result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
												kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
												&value, sizeof(value))), fail, "AudioUnitSetProperty: kAudioUnitProperty_OfflineRender");
			FailIf ((result = SetUpGraph (graph, numFrames, srate, (outputFilePath != NULL))), fail, "SetUpGraph");
			if (shouldPrint) {
				printf ("Sample Rate: %.1f \n", srate);
				printf ("Disk Streaming is enabled: %c\n", (diskStream ? 'T' : 'F'));
			FailIf ((result = AUGraphInitialize (graph)), fail, "AUGraphInitialize");

            if (shouldPrint)
				CAShow (graph);
		MusicPlayer player;
		FailIf ((result = NewMusicPlayer (&player)), fail, "NewMusicPlayer");

		FailIf ((result = MusicPlayerSetSequence (player, sequence)), fail, "MusicPlayerSetSequence");

		// figure out sequence length
		UInt32 ntracks;
		FailIf ((MusicSequenceGetTrackCount (sequence, &ntracks)), fail, "MusicSequenceGetTrackCount");
		MusicTimeStamp sequenceLength = 0;
		bool shouldPrintTracks = shouldPrint && !trackSet.empty();
		if (shouldPrintTracks)
			printf ("Only playing specified tracks:\n\t");
		for (UInt32 i = 0; i < ntracks; ++i) {
			MusicTrack track;
			MusicTimeStamp trackLength;
			UInt32 propsize = sizeof(MusicTimeStamp);
			FailIf ((result = MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(sequence, i, &track)), fail, "MusicSequenceGetIndTrack");
			FailIf ((result = MusicTrackGetProperty(track, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength,
							&trackLength, &propsize)), fail, "MusicTrackGetProperty: kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength");
			if (trackLength > sequenceLength)
				sequenceLength = trackLength;
			if (!trackSet.empty() && (trackSet.find(i) == trackSet.end()))
				Boolean mute = true;
				FailIf ((result = MusicTrackSetProperty(track, kSequenceTrackProperty_MuteStatus, &mute, sizeof(mute))), fail, "MusicTrackSetProperty: kSequenceTrackProperty_MuteStatus");
			else if (shouldPrintTracks) {
				printf ("%d, ", int(i+1));
		if (shouldPrintTracks) 
			printf ("\n");
	// now I'm going to add 8 beats on the end for the reverb/long releases to tail off...
		sequenceLength += 8;
		FailIf ((result = MusicPlayerSetTime (player, startTime)), fail, "MusicPlayerSetTime");
		FailIf ((result = MusicPlayerPreroll (player)), fail, "MusicPlayerPreroll");
		if (shouldPrint) {
			printf ("Ready to play: %s, %.2f beats long\n\t<Enter> to continue: ", filePath, sequenceLength); 

        startRunningTime = CAHostTimeBase::GetTheCurrentTime();
/*		if (waitAtEnd && graph)
		FailIf ((result = MusicPlayerStart (player)), fail, "MusicPlayerStart");
		if (outputFilePath) 
			WriteOutputFile (outputFilePath, dataFormat, srate, sequenceLength, shouldPrint, graph, numFrames, player);
			PlayLoop (player, graph, sequenceLength, shouldPrint, waitAtEnd);
		FailIf ((result = MusicPlayerStop (player)), fail, "MusicPlayerStop");
		if (shouldPrint) printf ("finished playing\n");

/*		if (waitAtEnd) {
			CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 10, false);
			if (graph)
			if (shouldPrint) printf ("disposing\n");
// this shows you how you should dispose of everything
		FailIf ((result = DisposeMusicPlayer (player)), fail, "DisposeMusicPlayer");
		FailIf ((result = DisposeMusicSequence(sequence)), fail, "DisposeMusicSequence");
		// don't own the graph so don't dispose it (the seq owns it as we never set it ourselves, we just got it....)
	else {
		FailIf ((result = DisposeMusicSequence(sequence)), fail, "DisposeMusicSequence");
	while (waitAtEnd)
		CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.25, false);
    return 0;
	if (shouldPrint) printf ("Error = %ld\n", (long)result);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
char *p;
char *Switch, *Value;
char InputFileName[200];
int i;
XTL_FileStatus XTLFileStat;

/* initialize trace to off */
TraceInit(  );
SetTraceOutput( stdout );  /* defaults to stderr if not set, we want stdout */
TraceOn( FALSE );

DL_CL_ProcessArgs( argc, argv );
p = DL_CL_GetProgName( );

printf( "%s", p );
for( i = 0; Copyright[i] != NULL; ++i )
	puts( Copyright[i] );
if ( getcwd(CurrentDirectory, sizeof(CurrentDirectory) - 1) == NULL )
	CurrentDirectory[0] = 0;
	puts( "Failed to get current working directory" );

if (  DL_CL_GetArgCount() != 1 )
	for( i = 0; Instructions[i] != NULL; ++i )
		puts( Instructions[i] );
	ErrorExit( "\n" );
strcpy( InputFileName, DL_CL_GetArg( 0 ) );

for ( i = 0; DL_CL_GetSwitch( i, &Switch, &Value ); i++ )
	ProcessCommandLineSwitch( Switch, Value );

	/* Process and envirnmant variables */	

/* initialize the XronosIO library */

	/* init stuff from Conf file */
	puts( "Processing Conf file" );
	printf( "Conf File: %s\n", ConfFileName );
	if ( DL_ReadIniFile(ConfFileName) != 0 )
		ErrorExit( "Failed to read conf file" );

	p = DL_GetIniValue( "XF_MaxQuestions", NULL );
	if ( p != NULL )
		SetMaxQuestions( atoi(p) );
	QuestionsOnly = DL_GetIniBOOLValue( "XF_QuestionsOnly", QuestionsOnly );
	TagsRequired = DL_GetIniBOOLValue( "XF_TagsRequired", TagsRequired );
	SB_Texttt_removal = DL_GetIniBOOLValue( "SageBug_Texttt_removal", SB_Texttt_removal );

	InitUserDefinedSubstitution( );
	p = DL_GetIniStringValue( "XF_OutputFileHeader", NULL );
	if ( p != NULL )
	strcpy( FileForOutputHeader, p );
	p = DL_GetIniStringValue( "XF_OutputFileFooter", NULL );
	if ( p != NULL )
	strcpy( FileForOutputFooter, p );
	p = DL_GetIniStringValue( "XF_InputFileHeader", NULL );
	if ( p != NULL )
	if ( XronosIO_SetHeaderFile( p ) != 0 )
		ErrorExit( "failed to set XF_InputFileHeader value" );
	printf( "Set Input HeaderFile: %s\n", p );
	p = DL_GetIniStringValue( "XF_InputFileFooter", NULL );
	if ( p != NULL )
	if ( XronosIO_SetFooterFile( p ) != 0 )
		ErrorExit( "failed to set XF_InputFileFooter value" );
	printf( "Set Input FooterFile: %s\n", p );
	puts( "Done Processing Conf file" );
	/* end ini stuff */

strcpy( OutputFileName, InputFileName );

/* Load file into memory */
printf( "*** Reading input file: %s\n", InputFileName );
ReadInputFile( InputFileName );

/* kill dups */
puts( "*** Killing Dups" );
KillDups( );

/* deal with braces */
RecycleBuffers( );  /* recycle the previous pass output to the new pass input */
puts( "*** Braces processing" );
Braces( );

/* deal with question limit on file size */
RecycleBuffers( );  /* recycle the previous pass output to the new pass input */
puts( "*** Question Limit processing" );
QuestionLimit( );

if ( SB_Texttt_removal )
	/* deal with \text{\texttt{}} sage bug */
	RecycleBuffers( );  /* recycle the previous pass output to the new pass input */
	puts( "*** Texttt Removal processing" );
	TextttRemoval( );

/* deal with substitution processing - should be JUST before WriteOutputFile() */
RecycleBuffers( );  /* recycle the previous pass output to the new pass input */
puts( "*** Internal variable substitution processing" );
HandleSubstitution( );

/* write output file */
RecycleBuffers( );  /* recycle the previous pass output to the new pass input */
printf( "*** Writing Output file; %s\n", OutputFileName );
WriteOutputFile( OutputFileName );

puts( "*** Program Complete\n" );
return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) 
	if (argc == 1) {
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usageStr);
	char* filePath = 0;
	bool shouldPlay = false;
	bool shouldSetBank = false;
    bool shouldUseMIDIEndpoint = false;
	bool shouldPrint = true;
	bool waitAtEnd = false;
	bool diskStream = false;
	OSType dataFormat = 0;
	Float64 srate = 0;
	const char* outputFilePath = 0;
	MusicSequenceLoadFlags	loadFlags = 0;
	char* bankPath = 0;
	Float32 startTime = 0;
	UInt32 numFrames = 512;
	for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
		if (!strcmp ("-p", argv[i]))
			shouldPlay = true;
		else if (!strcmp ("-w", argv[i]))
			waitAtEnd = true;
		else if (!strcmp ("-d", argv[i]))
			diskStream = true;
		else if (!strcmp ("-b", argv[i])) 
			shouldSetBank = true;
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			bankPath = const_cast<char*>(argv[i]);
		else if (!strcmp ("-n", argv[i]))
			shouldPrint = false;
		else if ((filePath == 0) && (argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '~'))
			filePath = const_cast<char*>(argv[i]);
		else if (!strcmp ("-t", argv[i])) 
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			sscanf (argv[i], "%f", &startTime);
		else if (!strcmp("-e", argv[i]))
            shouldUseMIDIEndpoint = true;
		else if (!strcmp("-c", argv[i]))
            loadFlags = kMusicSequenceLoadSMF_ChannelsToTracks;
        else if (!strcmp ("-i", argv[i])) 
			if (++i == argc) goto malformedInput;
			sscanf (argv[i], "%ld", &numFrames);
        else if (!strcmp ("-f", argv[i])) 
			if (i + 3 >= argc) goto malformedInput;
			outputFilePath = argv[++i];
			str2OSType (argv[++i], dataFormat);
			sscanf (argv[++i], "%lf", &srate);
			fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usageStr);
			exit (1);
	if (filePath == 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "You have to specify a MIDI file to print or play\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usageStr);
		exit (1);
	if (shouldUseMIDIEndpoint && outputFilePath) {
		printf ("can't write a file when you try to play out to a MIDI Endpoint\n");
		exit (1);
	MusicSequence sequence;
	OSStatus result;
	require_noerr (result = LoadSMF (filePath, sequence, loadFlags), fail);
	if (shouldPrint) 
		CAShow (sequence);
	if (shouldPlay)
        AUGraph graph = 0;
        AudioUnit theSynth = 0;
		require_noerr (result = MusicSequenceGetAUGraph (sequence, &graph), fail);
		require_noerr (result = AUGraphOpen (graph), fail);     
		require_noerr (result = GetSynthFromGraph (graph, theSynth), fail);
		require_noerr (result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
										kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
										&maxCPULoad, sizeof(maxCPULoad)), fail);

        if (shouldUseMIDIEndpoint) 
			MIDIClientRef	theMidiClient;
			MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("Play Sequence"), NULL, NULL, &theMidiClient);		
			ItemCount destCount = MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations();
            if (destCount == 0) {
                fprintf (stderr, "No MIDI Endpoints to play to.\n");
            require_noerr (result = MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint (sequence, MIDIGetDestination(0)), fail);
			if (shouldSetBank) {                
				FSRef soundBankRef;
				require_noerr (result = FSPathMakeRef ((const UInt8*)bankPath, &soundBankRef, 0), fail);
				printf ("Setting Sound Bank:%s\n", bankPath);
				require_noerr (result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
												kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
												&soundBankRef, sizeof(soundBankRef)), fail);
			if (diskStream) {
				UInt32 value = diskStream;
				require_noerr (result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
											kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
											&value, sizeof(value)), fail);

			if (outputFilePath) {
				// need to tell synth that is going to render a file.
				UInt32 value = 1;
				require_noerr (result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theSynth,
												kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
												&value, sizeof(value)), fail);
			require_noerr (result = SetUpGraph (graph, numFrames, srate, (outputFilePath != NULL)), fail);
			if (shouldPrint) {
				printf ("Sample Rate: %.1f \n", srate);
				printf ("Disk Streaming is enabled: %c\n", (diskStream ? 'T' : 'F'));
			require_noerr (result = AUGraphInitialize (graph), fail);

            if (shouldPrint)
				CAShow (graph);
		MusicPlayer player;
		require_noerr (result = NewMusicPlayer (&player), fail);

		require_noerr (result = MusicPlayerSetSequence (player, sequence), fail);

	// figure out sequence length
		UInt32 ntracks;
		require_noerr(MusicSequenceGetTrackCount (sequence, &ntracks), fail);
		MusicTimeStamp sequenceLength = 0;
		for (UInt32 i = 0; i < ntracks; ++i) {
			MusicTrack track;
			MusicTimeStamp trackLength;
			UInt32 propsize = sizeof(MusicTimeStamp);
			require_noerr (result = MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(sequence, i, &track), fail);
			require_noerr (result = MusicTrackGetProperty(track, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength,
							&trackLength, &propsize), fail);
			if (trackLength > sequenceLength)
				sequenceLength = trackLength;
	// now I'm going to add 8 beats on the end for the reverb/long releases to tail off...
		sequenceLength += 8;
		require_noerr (result = MusicPlayerSetTime (player, startTime), fail);
		require_noerr (result = MusicPlayerPreroll (player), fail);
		if (shouldPrint) {
			printf ("Ready to play: %s, %.2f beats long\n\t<Enter> to continue: ", filePath, sequenceLength); 

		startRunningTime = AudioGetCurrentHostTime ();
		require_noerr (result = MusicPlayerStart (player), fail);
		if (outputFilePath) 
			WriteOutputFile (outputFilePath, dataFormat, srate, sequenceLength, shouldPrint, graph, numFrames, player);
			PlayLoop (player, graph, sequenceLength, shouldPrint, waitAtEnd);
		require_noerr (result = MusicPlayerStop (player), fail);
		if (shouldPrint) printf ("finished playing\n");
// this shows you how you should dispose of everything
		require_noerr (result = DisposeMusicPlayer (player), fail);
		require_noerr (result = DisposeMusicSequence(sequence), fail);
		// don't own the graph so don't dispose it (the seq owns it as we never set it ourselves, we just got it....)
	else {
		require_noerr (result = DisposeMusicSequence(sequence), fail);
	while (waitAtEnd)
		CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.25, false);
    return 0;
	if (shouldPrint) printf ("Error = %ld\n", result);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
void TR()
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
    _CrtSetDbgFlag(0);	// too expensive

    const char *HitFileName = RequiredValueOpt("tr");
    const char *OutFileName = RequiredValueOpt("out");
    const char *CandFileName = ValueOpt("cand");

    const char *strMinTrSpacing = ValueOpt("mintrspacing");
    const char *strMaxTrSpacing = ValueOpt("maxtrspacing");
    const char *strMinTrLength = ValueOpt("mintrlength");
    const char *strMaxTrLength = ValueOpt("minspacingratio");
    const char *strMinFam = ValueOpt("minfam");
    const char *strMinHitRatio = ValueOpt("minhitratio");
    const char *strMinDistPairs = ValueOpt("mindistpairs");

    if (0 != strMinTrSpacing)
        MIN_LENGTH_LINE = atoi(strMinTrSpacing);
    if (0 != strMaxTrSpacing)
        MAX_LENGTH_LINE = atoi(strMaxTrSpacing);
    if (0 != strMinTrLength)
        MIN_LENGTH_LTR = atoi(strMinTrLength);
    if (0 != strMaxTrLength)
        MAX_LENGTH_LTR = atoi(strMaxTrLength);
    if (0 != strMinFam)
        MIN_FAM_SIZE = atoi(strMinFam);
    if (0 != strMinHitRatio)
        MIN_HIT_LENGTH_RATIO = atoi(strMinHitRatio);
    if (0 != strMinDistPairs)
        MIN_DIST_EDGE = atoi(strMinDistPairs);

    FILE *fHit = OpenStdioFile(HitFileName, FILEIO_MODE_ReadOnly);

    ProgressStart("Index hits");
    GLIX HitGlix;

    const int GlobalLength = HitGlix.GetGlobalLength();
    IIX IntervalIndex;

    ProgressStart("Find candidate TRs");
    GFFRecord Rec;
    while (GetNextGFFRecord(fHit, Rec))
        HitData Hit;
        GFFRecordToHit(HitGlix, Rec, Hit);
        if (IsCandLTR(Hit))
            AddCand(Hit, IntervalIndex);

    Progress("%d candidates", CandCount);

    if (0 != CandFileName)
        ProgressStart("Write candidates");
        FILE *fCand = OpenStdioFile(CandFileName, FILEIO_MODE_WriteOnly);
        WriteCands(fCand, HitGlix);

    ProgressStart("Make graph");
    while (GetNextGFFRecord(fHit, Rec))
        HitData Hit;
        GFFRecordToHit(HitGlix, Rec, Hit);
        FindEdges(Hit, HitGlix, IntervalIndex);
    fHit = 0;


    Progress("%d edges", (int) Edges.size());

    ProgressStart("Find families");
    FamList Fams;
    FindConnectedComponents(Edges, Fams, MIN_FAM_SIZE);

    Progress("%d families", (int) Fams.size());

    FILE *fOut = OpenStdioFile(OutFileName, FILEIO_MODE_WriteOnly);
    WriteOutputFile(fOut, HitGlix, Fams);
Exemplo n.º 10
ezApplication::ApplicationExecution ezTexConv2::Run()
  if (ParseCommandLine().Failed())
    return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;

  if (m_Processor.Process().Failed())
    return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;

  if (m_Processor.m_Descriptor.m_OutputType == ezTexConvOutputType::Atlas)
    ezDeferredFileWriter file;

    ezAssetFileHeader header;
    header.SetFileHashAndVersion(m_Processor.m_Descriptor.m_uiAssetHash, m_Processor.m_Descriptor.m_uiAssetVersion);


    file.WriteBytes(m_Processor.m_TextureAtlas.GetData(), m_Processor.m_TextureAtlas.GetStorageSize());

    return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;

  if (!m_sOutputFile.IsEmpty() && m_Processor.m_OutputImage.IsValid())
    if (WriteOutputFile(m_sOutputFile, m_Processor.m_OutputImage).Failed())
      ezLog::Error("Failed to write main result to '{}'", m_sOutputFile);
      return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;

    ezLog::Success("Wrote main result to '{}'", m_sOutputFile);

  if (!m_sOutputThumbnailFile.IsEmpty() && m_Processor.m_ThumbnailOutputImage.IsValid())
    if (m_Processor.m_ThumbnailOutputImage.SaveTo(m_sOutputThumbnailFile).Failed())
      ezLog::Error("Failed to write thumbnail result to '{}'", m_sOutputThumbnailFile);
      return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;

    ezLog::Success("Wrote thumbnail to '{}'", m_sOutputThumbnailFile);

  if (!m_sOutputLowResFile.IsEmpty())
    // the image may not exist, if we do not have enough mips, so make sure any old low-res file is cleaned up

    if (m_Processor.m_LowResOutputImage.IsValid())
      if (WriteOutputFile(m_sOutputLowResFile, m_Processor.m_LowResOutputImage).Failed())
        ezLog::Error("Failed to write low-res result to '{}'", m_sOutputLowResFile);
        return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;

      ezLog::Success("Wrote low-res result to '{}'", m_sOutputLowResFile);

  return ezApplication::ApplicationExecution::Quit;
Exemplo n.º 11
void Dmap( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
	int			i;
	int			start, end;
	char		path[1024];
	idStr		passedName;
	bool		leaked = false;
	bool		noCM = false;
	bool		noAAS = false;


	if ( args.Argc() < 2 ) {

	common->Printf("---- World Builder ----\n");
	common->Printf("Processing compile options\n");

	//dmapGlobals.fullCarve = true;
	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_MERGE_SURFACES;		// create shadows by merging all surfaces, but no super optimization
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_CLIP_OCCLUDERS;		// remove occluders that are completely covered
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_SIL_OPTIMIZE;
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_CULL_OCCLUDED;
	dmapGlobals.mapCompileError = "";
	dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;

	for ( i = 1 ; i < args.Argc() ; i++ ) {
		const char *s;

		s = args.Argv(i);
		if ( s[0] == '-' ) {
			if ( s[0] == '\0' ) {

		if ( !idStr::Icmp( s,"glview" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.glview = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "v" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "verbose = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.verbose = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "draw" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "drawflag = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.drawflag = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noFlood" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noFlood = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noFlood = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noLightCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noLightCarve = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "lightCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noLightCarve = false\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = false;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noOpt" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noOptimize = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "verboseentities" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "verboseentities = true\n");
			dmapGlobals.verboseentities = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCurves" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noCurves = true\n");
			dmapGlobals.noCurves = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noModels" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noModels = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noModelBrushes = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noClipSides" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noClipSides = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noClipSides = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noCarve = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.fullCarve = false;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "shadowOpt" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = (shadowOptLevel_t)atoi( args.Argv( i+1 ) );
			common->Printf( "shadowOpt = %i\n",dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel );
			i += 1;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noTjunc" ) ) {
			// triangle optimization won't work properly without tjunction fixing
			common->Printf ("noTJunc = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noTJunc = true;
			dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
			common->Printf ("forcing noOptimize = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCM" ) ) {
			noCM = true;
			common->Printf( "noCM = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noAAS" ) ) {
			noAAS = true;
			common->Printf( "noAAS = true\n" );
// jmarshall
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "novtupdate" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.novtupdate = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "updateents" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.onlyEntities = true;
// jmarshall end
		else {
	dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
	if ( i >= args.Argc() ) {
		common->Error( "usage: dmap [options] mapfile" );
// jmarshall - ensure bsp_inlinemesh_maxfacespertri cvar has good to go values.
	if(bsp_inlinemesh_maxfacespertri.GetInteger() > 0 && (bsp_inlinemesh_maxfacespertri.GetInteger() % 3) != 0) {
		common->Warning( "CVar bsp_inlinemesh_maxfacespertri has a invalid value, must be multiples of 3!\n");

	if(bsp_inlinemesh_maxfacespertri.GetInteger() <= 0) {
		common->Warning( "InlineMesh face seperation is disabled! This will affect the quality of the UV map generation\n");
	dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
	//dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;

	passedName = args.Argv(i);		// may have an extension
	if ( passedName.Icmpn( "maps/", 4 ) != 0 ) {
		passedName = "maps/" + passedName;

	idStr stripped = passedName;
	idStr::Copynz( dmapGlobals.mapFileBase, stripped, sizeof(dmapGlobals.mapFileBase) );

	bool region = false;
	// if this isn't a regioned map, delete the last saved region map
	if ( passedName.Right( 4 ) != ".reg" ) {
		sprintf( path, "%s.reg", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
		fileSystem->RemoveFile( path );
	} else {
		region = true;

	passedName = stripped;

	// delete any old line leak files
	sprintf( path, "%s.lin", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
	fileSystem->RemoveFile( path );

	// start from scratch
	start = sys->Milliseconds();

	if ( !LoadDMapFile( passedName ) ) {

	if(dmapGlobals.onlyEntities) {
		dmapGlobals.dmapFile->WriteGameEntities( dmapGlobals.mapFileBase, WORLD_ENTITIES_FILE_EXT );
		noCM = true;
		if ( ProcessModels() ) {
		} else {
			leaked = true;
// jmarshall end

	common->Printf("Cleaning up temporary memory...\n");

	end = sys->Milliseconds();
	common->Printf( "-----------------------\n" );
	common->Printf( "%5.0f seconds for dmap\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );

	if ( !leaked ) {

		if ( !noCM ) {

			// make sure the collision model manager is not used by the game
			cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "disconnect" );

			// create the collision map
			start = sys->Milliseconds();

			collisionModelManager->LoadMap( dmapGlobals.dmapFile );

			end = sys->Milliseconds();
			common->Printf( "-------------------------------------\n" );
			common->Printf( "%5.0f seconds to create collision map\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );

		if ( !noAAS && !region ) {
			// create AAS files
			RunAAS_f( args );

	// free the common .map representation
	delete dmapGlobals.dmapFile;

	// clear the map plane list
// jmarshall
	if(dmapGlobals.mapCompileError.Length() > 0) {
		common->Warning("There was a problem building the world! The build process completed but it may not be complete/accurate\n");
		dmapGlobals.mapCompileError = "";
// jmarshall end

	// jmarshall
#ifdef _WIN32
	if ( com_outputMsg && com_hwndMsg != NULL ) {
		unsigned int msg = ::RegisterWindowMessage( DMAP_DONE );
		::PostMessage( com_hwndMsg, msg, 0, 0 );
	// jmarshall end