Exemplo n.º 1
RouteLink::CalcSpeedups(const TaskProjection& proj)
  const fixed scale = proj.GetApproximateScale();
  const fixed dx = fixed(first.longitude - second.longitude);
  const fixed dy = fixed(first.latitude - second.latitude);
  if (!positive(fabs(dx)) && !positive(fabs(dy))) {
    d = fixed(0);
    inv_d = fixed(0);
    polar_index = 0;
  mag_rmag(dx, dy, d, inv_d);
  polar_index = XYToIndex(dx, dy);
  d *= scale;
  inv_d /= scale;
Exemplo n.º 2
std::pair<bool, DirectionFlags> canChangeMap(const Ndk::EntityHandle& p)
    TealAssert(isMapUtilityInitialized(), "Map Utility hasn't been initialized !");
    TealAssert(hasComponentsToChangeMap(p), "Entity doesn't have the required components to change map !");

    Nz::Vector2i mapPos = m_currentMap->getCurrentMap()->getPosition();
    auto& pos = p->GetComponent<PositionComponent>();

    TealAssert(isPositionValid(pos.xy), "Position isn't valid");

    // Where is the entity in the map ? At the right, left, top, or bottom ?
    DirectionFlags entExt = 0; // Entity Extremity

    if (pos.xy.x == 0u && isLineEven(pos.xy.y) && MapDataLibrary::Has(mapXYToString(mapPos.x - 1, mapPos.y))) // Left
        entExt = Dir::Left;

    else if (pos.xy.x == Def::MapX && MapDataLibrary::Has(mapXYToString(mapPos.x + 1, mapPos.y))) // Right
        entExt = Dir::Right;

    else if (pos.xy.y == 0u && MapDataLibrary::Has(mapXYToString(mapPos.x, mapPos.y - 1))) // Top
        entExt = Dir::Up;

    else if (pos.xy.y == Def::ArrayMapY && MapDataLibrary::Has(mapXYToString(mapPos.x, mapPos.y + 1))) // Bottom
        entExt = Dir::Down;

    if (!entExt)
        return std::make_pair(false, entExt); // Entity isn't even at an extremity

    // Okay, now, let's check if the position where the entity
    // will move to is valid (no obstacle)

    MapDataRef map; // Map the entity will move to
    unsigned x {}, y {}; // New position of the entity after changing map

    if (entExt & Dir::Left)
        map = MapDataLibrary::Get(mapXYToString(mapPos.x - 1, mapPos.y));

        x = Def::MapX;
        y = pos.xy.y;

    else if (entExt & Dir::Right)
        map = MapDataLibrary::Get(mapXYToString(mapPos.x + 1, mapPos.y));

        x = 0u;
        y = pos.xy.y;

    else if (entExt & Dir::Up)
        map = MapDataLibrary::Get(mapXYToString(mapPos.x, mapPos.y - 1));

        x = pos.xy.x;
        y = Def::MapY;

    else if (entExt & Dir::Down)
        map = MapDataLibrary::Get(mapXYToString(mapPos.x, mapPos.y + 1));

        x = pos.xy.x;
        y = 1u;

        NazaraError("Bad direction value");
        return std::make_pair(false, entExt);

    TealAssert(map, "new map null !");
    if (!map->getTile(XYToIndex(x, y)).isWalkable())
        return std::make_pair(false, entExt); // It's an obstacle.

    return std::make_pair(true, entExt);