Exemplo n.º 1
_gmx_sel_lexer_process_pending(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc,
                               gmx_sel_lexer_t *state)
    if (state->nextparam)
        gmx_ana_selparam_t *param   = state->nextparam;
        bool                bBoolNo = state->bBoolNo;

        if (state->neom > 0)
            _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, nullptr, 0, state);
            return END_OF_METHOD;
        state->nextparam = nullptr;
        state->bBoolNo   = false;
        _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, param->name, -1, state);
        return init_param_token(yylval, param, bBoolNo);
    if (state->prev_pos_kw > 0)
    if (state->nextMethodSymbol)
        const gmx::SelectionParserSymbol *symbol = state->nextMethodSymbol;
        state->nextMethodSymbol = nullptr;
        return init_method_token(yylval, yylloc, symbol, true, state);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
_gmx_sel_lexer_process_pending(YYSTYPE *yylval, gmx_sel_lexer_t *state)
    if (state->nextparam)
        gmx_ana_selparam_t *param   = state->nextparam;
        bool                bBoolNo = state->bBoolNo;

        if (state->neom > 0)
            return END_OF_METHOD;
        state->nextparam = NULL;
        state->bBoolNo   = false;
        _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(param->name, -1, state);
        return init_param_token(yylval, param, bBoolNo);
    if (state->prev_pos_kw > 0)
    if (state->nextmethod)
        gmx_ana_selmethod_t *method = state->nextmethod;

        state->nextmethod = NULL;
        return init_method_token(yylval, method, true, state);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
_gmx_sel_lexer_process_identifier(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc,
                                  char *yytext, size_t yyleng,
                                  gmx_sel_lexer_t *state)
    /* Check if the identifier matches with a parameter name */
    if (state->msp >= 0)
        gmx_ana_selparam_t *param   = nullptr;
        bool                bBoolNo = false;
        int                 sp      = state->msp;
        while (!param && sp >= 0)
            int             i;
            for (i = 0; i < state->mstack[sp]->nparams; ++i)
                /* Skip NULL parameters and too long parameters */
                if (state->mstack[sp]->param[i].name == nullptr
                    || strlen(state->mstack[sp]->param[i].name) > yyleng)
                if (!strncmp(state->mstack[sp]->param[i].name, yytext, yyleng))
                    param = &state->mstack[sp]->param[i];
                /* Check separately for a 'no' prefix on boolean parameters */
                if (state->mstack[sp]->param[i].val.type == NO_VALUE
                    && yyleng > 2 && yytext[0] == 'n' && yytext[1] == 'o'
                    && !strncmp(state->mstack[sp]->param[i].name, yytext+2, yyleng-2))
                    param   = &state->mstack[sp]->param[i];
                    bBoolNo = true;
            if (!param)
        if (param)
            if (param->val.type == NO_VALUE && !bBoolNo)
                state->bMatchBool = true;
            if (sp < state->msp)
                state->neom      = state->msp - sp - 1;
                state->nextparam = param;
                state->bBoolNo   = bBoolNo;
                return END_OF_METHOD;
            _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, param->name, -1, state);
            return init_param_token(yylval, param, bBoolNo);

    /* Check if the identifier matches with a symbol */
    const gmx::SelectionParserSymbol *symbol
        = state->sc->symtab->findSymbol(std::string(yytext, yyleng));
    /* If there is no match, return the token as a string */
    if (!symbol)
        yylval->str = gmx_strndup(yytext, yyleng);
        _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, yytext, yyleng, state);
        return IDENTIFIER;
    gmx::SelectionParserSymbol::SymbolType symtype = symbol->type();
    /* For method symbols, we need some extra processing. */
    if (symtype == gmx::SelectionParserSymbol::MethodSymbol)
        return init_method_token(yylval, yylloc, symbol, state->prev_pos_kw > 0, state);
    _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, symbol->name().c_str(), -1, state);
    /* Reserved symbols should have been caught earlier */
    if (symtype == gmx::SelectionParserSymbol::ReservedSymbol)
                                             "Mismatch between tokenizer and reserved symbol table (for '%s')",
    /* For variable symbols, return the type of the variable value */
    if (symtype == gmx::SelectionParserSymbol::VariableSymbol)
        const gmx::SelectionTreeElementPointer &var = symbol->variableValue();
        /* Return simple tokens for constant variables */
        if (var->type == SEL_CONST)
            switch (var->v.type)
                case INT_VALUE:
                    yylval->i = var->v.u.i[0];
                    return TOK_INT;
                case REAL_VALUE:
                    yylval->r = var->v.u.r[0];
                    return TOK_REAL;
                case POS_VALUE:
                    GMX_THROW(gmx::InternalError("Unsupported variable type"));
        yylval->sel = new gmx::SelectionTreeElementPointer(var);
        switch (var->v.type)
            case INT_VALUE:   return VARIABLE_NUMERIC;
            case REAL_VALUE:  return VARIABLE_NUMERIC;
            case POS_VALUE:   return VARIABLE_POS;
            case GROUP_VALUE: return VARIABLE_GROUP;
                delete yylval->sel;
                GMX_THROW(gmx::InternalError("Unsupported variable type"));
        /* This position should not be reached. */
    /* For position symbols, we need to return KEYWORD_POS, but we also need
     * some additional handling. */
    if (symtype == gmx::SelectionParserSymbol::PositionSymbol)
        state->bMatchOf    = true;
        yylval->str        = gmx_strdup(symbol->name().c_str());
        state->prev_pos_kw = 2;
        return KEYWORD_POS;
    /* Should not be reached */
    return INVALID;
Exemplo n.º 4
/*! \brief
 * Processes a selection method token.
static int
init_method_token(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc,
                  const gmx::SelectionParserSymbol *symbol,
                  bool bPosMod, gmx_sel_lexer_t *state)
    gmx_ana_selmethod_t *method = symbol->methodValue();
    /* If the previous token was not KEYWORD_POS, return EMPTY_POSMOD
     * before the actual method to work around a limitation in Bison. */
    if (!bPosMod && method->type != POS_VALUE)
        state->nextMethodSymbol = symbol;
        _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, nullptr, 0, state);
        return EMPTY_POSMOD;
    _gmx_sel_lexer_add_token(yylloc, symbol->name().c_str(), -1, state);
    yylval->meth = method;
    if (!(method->flags & SMETH_MODIFIER) && method->nparams == 0)
        /* Keyword */
        switch (method->type)
            case INT_VALUE:
            case REAL_VALUE:
                state->bMatchOf = true;
                return KEYWORD_NUMERIC;
            case STR_VALUE:   return KEYWORD_STR;
            case GROUP_VALUE: return KEYWORD_GROUP;
                GMX_THROW(gmx::InternalError("Unsupported keyword type"));
        /* Method with parameters or a modifier */
        if (method->flags & SMETH_MODIFIER)
            /* Remove all methods from the stack */
            state->msp = -1;
            if (method->param[1].name == nullptr)
                state->nextparam = &method->param[1];
            if (method->param[0].name == nullptr)
                state->nextparam = &method->param[0];
        if (state->msp >= state->mstack_alloc)
            state->mstack_alloc += 10;
            srenew(state->mstack, state->mstack_alloc);
        state->mstack[state->msp] = method;
        if (method->flags & SMETH_MODIFIER)
            return MODIFIER;
        switch (method->type)
            case INT_VALUE:   return METHOD_NUMERIC;
            case REAL_VALUE:  return METHOD_NUMERIC;
            case POS_VALUE:   return METHOD_POS;
            case GROUP_VALUE: return METHOD_GROUP;
                GMX_THROW(gmx::InternalError("Unsupported method type"));