Exemplo n.º 1
static void ndpi_http_subprotocol_conf(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct, 
				char *attr, char *value, int protocol_id) {
  AC_PATTERN_t ac_pattern;
  ndpi_protocol_match *tmp_host_match;

  /* e.g attr = "host" value = ".facebook.com" protocol_id = NDPI_PROTOCOL_FACEBOOK */

  if (strcmp(attr, "finalize") == 0) { /* trick to finalize automa */
    if (ac_automa != NULL)

  if (strcmp(attr, "host") != 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("[NTOP] attribute %s not supported\n", attr);

  if (ac_automa == NULL)
    ac_automa = ac_automata_init(ac_match_handler); 
    /* call ac_automata_release(ac_automa); to free ac_automa */

  ac_pattern.astring = value;
  ac_pattern.rep.number = protocol_id;
  ac_pattern.length = strlen(tmp_patt.astring);
  ac_automata_add(ac_automa, &ac_pattern);
  /* realloc */
  tmp_host_match = ndpi_malloc(sizeof(ndpi_protocol_match) * (host_match_num_items + 1));
  if (tmp_host_match == NULL) {
  if (host_match != NULL) {
    memcpy(tmp_host_match, host_match, sizeof(ndpi_protocol_match) * host_match_num_items);
  host_match = tmp_host_match; 
  host_match[host_match_num_items].string_to_match = ndpi_strdup(value);
  if (host_match[host_match_num_items].string_to_match == NULL) {

  host_match[host_match_num_items].protocol_id = protocol_id;


#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("[NTOP] new http subprotocol: %s = %s -> %d\n", attr, value, protocol_id);
Exemplo n.º 2
static int lahocorasick_new ( lua_State* L ) {
	*(AC_AUTOMATA_t**)lua_newuserdata (L,sizeof(AC_AUTOMATA_t*)) = ac_automata_init(&lahocorasick_cb);
	luaL_getmetatable ( L , AHO_METATABLE_KEY );
	lua_setmetatable ( L , -2 );
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    unsigned int i;

    // 2. Define AC variables
    AC_AUTOMATA_t   *atm;
    AC_PATTERN_t    tmp_patt;
    AC_TEXT_t       tmp_text;

    // 3. Get a new automata
    atm = ac_automata_init ();

    // 4. Add patterns to automata
    for (i=0; i<PATTERN_NUMBER; i++)
        tmp_patt.astring = sample_patterns[i];
        tmp_patt.rep.number = i+1; // optional
        tmp_patt.length = strlen (tmp_patt.astring);
        ac_automata_add (atm, &tmp_patt);

    // 5. Finalize automata.
    ac_automata_finalize (atm);
    // after you have finished with adding patterns you must finalize the automata
    // from now you can not add patterns anymore.

    // 5.1. Display automata
    // ac_automata_display (atm, 'n');
    // the second argument determines the cast type of the pattern representative. 
    // 'n': as number 
    // 's': as string
    // because we use the integer part of union (tmp_patt.rep.number) so we used 'n'
    printf ("Searching: \"%s\"\n", input_text1);

    // 6. Set input text
    tmp_text.astring = input_text1;
    tmp_text.length = strlen (tmp_text.astring);

    // 7. Do search
    ac_automata_search (atm, &tmp_text, 0, match_handler, 0);
    // the 5th option is a (void *), and it will be forwarded to the callback 
    // function. you can pass everything you want to the callback function
    // using this argument.
    // in this example we don't send a parameter to callback function.
    // a typical practice is to define a struct that encloses whatever you want
    // to send the callback function, including input and output variables
    printf ("Searching: \"%s\"\n", input_text2);
    // do another search 

    tmp_text.astring = input_text2;
    tmp_text.length = strlen (tmp_text.astring);

    ac_automata_search (atm, &tmp_text, 0, match_handler, 0);

    printf ("Searching: \"%s\" with \'keep\' enabled\n", input_text3);
    // and another

    tmp_text.astring = input_text3;
    tmp_text.length = strlen (tmp_text.astring);

    ac_automata_search (atm, &tmp_text, 1, match_handler, 0);
    // when the keep option (3rd argument) in set, then the automata
    // considers that the given text is the next chunk of the previous text.
    // to understand the difference try it with 0 and 1 and compare the result

    // 8. Release automata

    ac_automata_release (atm);
    // do not forget to release the automata after you have done with it

    return 0;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    unsigned int i;
    struct parameter my_param;
    // we use this struct to send/receive input/output parameters to/from automata
    my_param.position = 250;    // input: end position; change it to 1000 and see what happens
    my_param.match_count = 0;   // output:

    AC_TEXT_t input_text;
    AC_AUTOMATA_t * atm = ac_automata_init ();

    for (i=0; i<PATTERN_COUNT; i++)
        AC_STATUS_t status;
        sample_patterns[i].length = strlen (sample_patterns[i].astring);
        status = ac_automata_add (atm, &sample_patterns[i]);
        switch (status)
//                printf ("Add pattern failed: ACERR_DUPLICATE_PATTERN: %s\n", sample_patterns[i].astring);
            case ACERR_LONG_PATTERN:
                printf ("Add pattern failed: ACERR_LONG_PATTERN: %s\n", sample_patterns[i].astring);
            case ACERR_ZERO_PATTERN:
                printf ("Add pattern failed: ACERR_ZERO_PATTERN: %s\n", sample_patterns[i].astring);
            case ACERR_AUTOMATA_CLOSED:
                printf ("Add pattern failed: ACERR_AUTOMATA_CLOSED: %s\n", sample_patterns[i].astring);
            case ACERR_SUCCESS:
//                printf ("Pattern Added: %s\n", sample_patterns[i].astring);

    ac_automata_finalize (atm);
    // here we illustrates how to search a big text chunk by chunk.
    // in this example input buffer size is 64 and input file is pretty
    // bigger than that. we want to imitate reading from input file.
    // in such situations searching must be done inside a loop. the loop
    // continues until it consumed all input file.

//    printf ("Automata finalized.\n\nSearching...\n");
	//Added below code by Roja  
	FILE *fp;
	char *line;
	size_t len=0;

        fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	fp1 = fopen(argv[2], "w");
        if(fp == NULL  || fp1 == NULL) printf("File Couldn't Open\n");

        while(getline(&line, &len, fp)!=-1)
           strcpy(input_line+1, line);
         //  printf("%s", input_line);

           //calling function replace_space_with_underscore()
	//Code added by  Roja ended

	char * chunk_start = input_line;
	char * end_of_file = input_line + sizeof(input_line);
	input_text.astring = buffer;

	while (chunk_start<end_of_file)
	        input_text.length = (chunk_start<end_of_file)?sizeof(buffer):(sizeof(input_line)%sizeof(buffer));
        	strncpy (buffer, chunk_start, input_text.length);

	        if (ac_automata_search (atm, &input_text, 0, match_handler, (void *)(&my_param)))
        	    // if the search stopped in the middle (returned 1) we should break the loop

	        chunk_start += sizeof(buffer);

    printf(";~~~~~~~~~~\n"); //Added by Roja
    fprintf(fp1, ";~~~~~~~~~~\n"); //Added by Roja
//    printf ("found %d occurrence in the beginning %d bytes\n", my_param.match_count, my_param.position);

    // TODO: do the same search with settext/findnext interface
    ac_automata_release (atm);

    return 0;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
	//*** 2. Define AC variables
	AC_AUTOMATA_t * acap;

	AC_TEXT_t input_text = {0, 0};

	#define PATTERN_NUMBER (sizeof(allpattern)/sizeof(AC_PATTERN_t))

	unsigned int i;

	/* Sending parameter to call-back function */
	struct sample_param my_param;
	my_param.anum = 1;
	my_param.achar = 'a'; /* 'a': find all, 'f': find first */

	//*** 3. Get a new automata
	acap = ac_automata_init (match_handler);

	//*** 4. add patterns to automata
	for (i=0; i<PATTERN_NUMBER; i++)
		allpattern[i].length = strlen(allpattern[i].astring);
		ac_automata_add (acap, &allpattern[i]);

	//*** 5. Finalize automata.
	ac_automata_finalize (acap);

	//*** 5.1 Display automata
	//ac_automata_display (acap, 's');

	/* This illustrates how to search big text chunk by chunk
	 * in this example input buffer size is 2500 and input file is pretty
	 * bigger than that. in fact it imitate reading from input file.
	 * in such situations searching must be done inside a loop. the loop
	 * continues until it consumes all input file.

	FILE *fp;
	char *line;
        size_t len=0;
	int k=0;
	char tolower_input_line[10000];

	fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        if(fp == NULL) printf("File Couldn't Open\n");

	input_line[0]='_'; tolower_input_line[0]='_';
	while(getline(&line, &len, fp)!=-1)
	   strcpy(input_line+1, line);
	 //  printf("%s", input_line);
	   //calling function replace_space_with_underscore()

	   strcpy(tolower_input_line+1, line); 

	      *(tolower_input_line+k)= tolower(tolower_input_line[k]);

	   /*****appending original line and tolower of the same line
	         *(input_line+strcspn(input_line, "\n"))= '/';
                 strcat(input_line, tolower_input_line);            **********/
	   //calling function replace_space_with_underscore()

	   char * chunk_start = input_line;
           //	char * end_of_file = input_line+sizeof(input_line);
	   char * end_of_file = input_line+strlen(input_line);
	   input_text.astring = buffer;

	/* Search loop */
	 while (chunk_start<end_of_file) { 
		//*** 6. Set input text
		input_text.length = (chunk_start<end_of_file)?
		strncpy(input_text.astring, chunk_start, input_text.length);
		//*** 7. Do search
		if(ac_automata_search (acap, &input_text, (void *)(&my_param)))
		/* according to the return value of ac_automata_search() we decide to
		 * continue or break loop. */

		chunk_start += sizeof(buffer); 
	    //*** 8. Reset

	   //Checking multi words after tolowering the i/p. 
	   chunk_start = input_line;
           end_of_file = input_line+strlen(input_line);
           input_text.astring = buffer;

        /* Search loop */
           while (chunk_start<end_of_file) { 
                //*** 6. Set input text
                input_text.length = (chunk_start<end_of_file)?
                strncpy(input_text.astring, chunk_start, input_text.length);

                //*** 7. Do search
                if(ac_automata_search (acap, &input_text, (void *)(&my_param)))
                /* according to the return value of ac_automata_search() we decide to
                 * continue or break loop. */

                chunk_start += sizeof(buffer);

	//*** 9. Release automata
	ac_automata_release (acap);
	return 0;