Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: rock.c Projeto: polluks/edgar
static void largeRockFall()
	Entity *e;

	if (self->flags & ON_GROUND)
		playSoundToMap("sound/common/rock_bounce", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

		e->dirX = -3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

		e->dirX = 3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		self->inUse = FALSE;

Exemplo n.º 2
static void punch()
	Entity *e;

	if (self->y > self->targetY)

		if (self->thinkTime <= 0)
			if (self->thinkTime == 0)
				playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", BOSS_CHANNEL, self->x, self->y, 0);

				shakeScreen(MEDIUM, 15);

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = -3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = 3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			self->y -= 12;

			if (self->y <= self->targetY)
				self->y = self->targetY;


				self->thinkTime = self->maxThinkTime > 0 ? 30 : 90;


		if (self->thinkTime < 0)
			self->targetY = self->y + self->h;

			self->action = &punchSink;

Exemplo n.º 3
static void entityWait()
	int i;
	float dirX;
	Entity *e;

	dirX = self->dirX;

	if (dirX != 0)
		for (e=self->target;e!=NULL;e=e->target)
			if (e->x > self->startX)
				e->flags &= ~NO_DRAW;

				e->flags |= NO_DRAW;


	if (self->dirX == 0 && dirX != 0)
		playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

		self->mental = 1;

		self->touch = &pushEntity;

		self->x += TILE_SIZE / 2;

		for (e=self->target;e!=NULL;e=e->target)
			e->x += TILE_SIZE / 2;

			e->dirX = 0;

			e->touch = &pushEntity;

		for (i=0;i<6;i++)
			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = -(prand() % 4 + 1);
			e->dirY = -(prand() % 3 + 3);

		shakeScreen(MEDIUM, 15);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void spikeRise()
	Entity *e;


	if (self->thinkTime <= 0)
		if (self->y > self->startY)
			self->y -= self->speed * 2;

			playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", BOSS_CHANNEL, self->x, self->y, 0);

			shakeScreen(MEDIUM, 15);

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = -3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = 3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			self->y = self->startY;

			self->health = 15;

			self->thinkTime = 120;

			self->action = &spikeWait;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void statueRise()
	Entity *e;

	if (self->y > self->targetY)
		self->y -= 12;

		if (self->y <= self->targetY)
			self->y = self->targetY;

			playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", BOSS_CHANNEL, self->x, self->y, 0);

			shakeScreen(MEDIUM, 15);

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

		e->dirX = -3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

		e->dirX = 3;
		e->dirY = -8;


		self->action = self->resumeNormalFunction;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void stalagmiteRise()
	Entity *e;


	if (self->thinkTime <= 0)
		if (self->y > self->startY)
			self->y -= 12;

			playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

			shakeScreen(MEDIUM, 15);

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = -3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = 1;
			e->dirY = -8;

			self->y = self->startY;

			self->action = &stalagmiteWait;
Exemplo n.º 7
static void cageLightningWait()
	Entity *e;

	self->x = self->head->x + self->head->w / 2 - self->w / 2;

	if (self->head->inUse == FALSE)
		self->inUse = FALSE;

	if (self->mental == 1)

		if (self->thinkTime <= 0)
			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->endY, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y = self->y;

			e->dirX = -3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->endY, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y = self->y;

			e->dirX = 3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			self->thinkTime = 15;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void stalagmiteDie()
	Entity *e;

	playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

	e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

	e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
	e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

	e->dirX = -3;
	e->dirY = -8;

	e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

	e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
	e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

	e->dirX = 1;
	e->dirY = -8;

	self->inUse = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void iceWallMove()
	int i;
	Entity *e;

	if (self->y > self->targetY)
		self->y -= 12;

		if (self->y <= self->targetY)
			self->y = self->targetY;

			playSoundToMap("sound/common/crumble", BOSS_CHANNEL, self->x, self->y, 0);

			shakeScreen(MEDIUM, 15);

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = -3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->y, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y += (self->h - e->h) / 2;

			e->dirX = 3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			self->touch = &iceWallTouch;


		if (self->thinkTime == 0)
			self->dirX = self->face == LEFT ? -self->speed : self->speed;

		else if (self->thinkTime < 0 && self->dirX == 0)
			playSoundToMap("sound/common/shatter", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

			for (i=0;i<8;i++)
				e = addTemporaryItem("misc/ice_wall_piece", self->x, self->y, RIGHT, 0, 0);

				e->x = self->x + self->w / 2;
				e->x -= e->w / 2;

				e->y = self->y + self->h / 2;
				e->y -= e->h / 2;

				e->dirX = (prand() % 4) * (prand() % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1);
				e->dirY = ITEM_JUMP_HEIGHT * 2 + (prand() % ITEM_JUMP_HEIGHT);

				setEntityAnimationByID(e, i);

				e->thinkTime = 60 + (prand() % 60);

				e->touch = NULL;

			self->inUse = FALSE;

Exemplo n.º 10
static void lightningBolt()
	int i, middle;
	Entity *e;

	self->flags |= NO_DRAW;


	middle = -1;

	if (self->thinkTime <= 0)
		playSoundToMap("sound/enemy/thunder_cloud/lightning", -1, self->targetX, self->startY, 0);

		for (i=self->startY;i<self->endY;i+=32)
			e = getFreeEntity();

			if (e == NULL)
				showErrorAndExit("No free slots to add lightning");

			loadProperties("enemy/lightning", e);

			setEntityAnimation(e, "STAND");

			if (i == self->startY)
				middle = self->targetX + self->w / 2 - e->w / 2;

			e->x = middle;
			e->y = i;

			e->action = &lightningWait;

			e->draw = &drawLoopingAnimationToMap;
			e->touch = &entityTouch;

			e->head = self;

			e->currentFrame = prand() % 6;

			e->face = RIGHT;

			e->thinkTime = 15;

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->endY, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y -= e->h;

		e->dirX = -3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->endY, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y -= e->h;

		e->dirX = 3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		self->inUse = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 11
static void createLightningWave()
	int i, top, bottom, valid;
	Entity *e;


	if (self->thinkTime <= 0)
		bottom = getMapFloor(self->x, self->y);
		top    = getMapCeiling(self->x, self->y);

		valid = TRUE;

		playSoundToMap("sound/enemy/thunder_cloud/lightning", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

		for (i=top;i<bottom;i+=32)
			e = getFreeEntity();

			if (e == NULL)
				showErrorAndExit("No free slots to add lightning");

			loadProperties("enemy/lightning", e);

			setEntityAnimation(e, "STAND");

			e->x = self->targetX + self->w / 2 - e->w / 2;
			e->y = i;

			e->action = &lightningWait;

			e->draw = &drawLoopingAnimationToMap;
			e->touch = &entityTouch;

			e->head = self;

			e->currentFrame = prand() % 6;

			e->face = RIGHT;

			e->thinkTime = 15;

			if (isValidOnMap(e) == FALSE)
				valid = FALSE;

				e->inUse = FALSE;


		if (valid == TRUE)
			e = addSmallRock(self->targetX, bottom, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y -= e->h;

			e->dirX = -3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			e = addSmallRock(self->targetX, bottom, "common/small_rock");

			e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
			e->y -= e->h;

			e->dirX = 3;
			e->dirY = -8;

			self->targetX += self->face == RIGHT ? 64 : -64;

			self->thinkTime = 30;

			self->action = &teleportToOtherSide;


Exemplo n.º 12
static void castLightning()
	int i;
	Entity *e;


	if (self->thinkTime <= 0 && player.health > 0)
		playSoundToMap("sound/enemy/thunder_cloud/lightning", -1, self->x, self->y, 0);

		for (i=self->endY-32;i>=self->startY;i-=32)
			e = getFreeEntity();

			if (e == NULL)
				showErrorAndExit("No free slots to add lightning");

			loadProperties("enemy/lightning", e);

			setEntityAnimation(e, "STAND");

			e->x = self->x + self->w / 2 - e->w / 2;
			e->y = i;

			e->action = &lightningWait;

			e->draw = &drawLoopingAnimationToMap;
			e->touch = &entityTouch;

			e->head = self;

			e->currentFrame = prand() % 6;

			e->face = RIGHT;

			e->thinkTime = 15;

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->endY, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y -= e->h;

		e->dirX = -3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		e = addSmallRock(self->x, self->endY, "common/small_rock");

		e->x += (self->w - e->w) / 2;
		e->y -= e->h;

		e->dirX = 3;
		e->dirY = -8;

		self->action = &castLightningFinish;

		self->thinkTime = 30;