Exemplo n.º 1
void game_display::new_turn()
	const time_of_day& tod = tod_manager_.get_time_of_day();

	if( !first_turn_) {
		const time_of_day& old_tod = tod_manager_.get_previous_time_of_day();

		if(old_tod.image_mask != tod.image_mask) {
			const surface old_mask(image::get_image(old_tod.image_mask,image::SCALED_TO_HEX));
			const surface new_mask(image::get_image(tod.image_mask,image::SCALED_TO_HEX));

			const int niterations = static_cast<int>(10/turbo_speed());
			const int frame_time = 30;
			const int starting_ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
			for(int i = 0; i != niterations; ++i) {

				if(old_mask != NULL) {
					const fixed_t proportion = ftofxp(1.0) - fxpdiv(i,niterations);

				if(new_mask != NULL) {
					const fixed_t proportion = fxpdiv(i,niterations);


				const int cur_ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
				const int wanted_ticks = starting_ticks + i*frame_time;
				if(cur_ticks < wanted_ticks) {
					SDL_Delay(wanted_ticks - cur_ticks);


	first_turn_ = false;


Exemplo n.º 2
void mouse_action_starting_position::set_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp)
	surface image = image::get_image("editor/tool-overlay-starting-position.png");
	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
Exemplo n.º 3
void mouse_action::set_terrain_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp, const t_translation::t_terrain & fg,
		const t_translation::t_terrain & bg)
	surface image_fg(image::get_image(disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(fg).editor_image()));
	surface image_bg(image::get_image(disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(bg).editor_image()));

	if (image_fg == nullptr || image_bg == nullptr) {
		ERR_ED << "Missing terrain icon" << std::endl;

	// Create a transparent surface of the right size.
	surface image = create_neutral_surface(image_fg->w, image_fg->h);

	// For efficiency the size of the tile is cached.
	// We assume all tiles are of the same size.
	// The zoom factor can change, so it's not cached.
	// NOTE: when zooming and not moving the mouse, there are glitches.
	// Since the optimal alpha factor is unknown, it has to be calculated
	// on the fly, and caching the surfaces makes no sense yet.
	static const fixed_t alpha = 196;
	static const int size = image_fg->w;
	static const int half_size = size / 2;
	static const int quarter_size = size / 4;
	static const int offset = 2;
	static const int new_size = half_size - 2;

	// Blit left side
	image_fg = scale_surface(image_fg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestLeft = sdl::create_rect(offset, quarter_size, 0, 0);
	blit_surface ( image_fg, nullptr, image, &rcDestLeft );

	// Blit right side
	image_bg = scale_surface(image_bg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestRight = sdl::create_rect(half_size, quarter_size, 0, 0);
	blit_surface ( image_bg, nullptr, image, &rcDestRight );

	//apply mask so the overlay is contained within the mouseover hex
	image = mask_surface(image, image::get_hexmask());

	// Add the alpha factor
	image = adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha);

	// scale the image
	const int zoom = disp.hex_size();
	if (zoom != game_config::tile_size) {
		image = scale_surface(image, zoom, zoom);

	// Set as mouseover
Exemplo n.º 4
void mouse_action::set_terrain_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp, t_translation::t_terrain fg,
		t_translation::t_terrain bg)
	surface image_fg(image::get_image("terrain/"
		+ disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(fg).editor_image() + ".png"));
	surface image_bg(image::get_image("terrain/"
		+ disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(bg).editor_image() + ".png"));

	if (image_fg == NULL || image_bg == NULL) {
		ERR_ED << "Missing terrain icon\n";

	// Create a transparent surface of the right size.
	surface image = create_compatible_surface(image_fg, image_fg->w, image_fg->h);
	SDL_FillRect(image,NULL,SDL_MapRGBA(image->format,0,0,0, 0));

	// For efficiency the size of the tile is cached.
	// We assume all tiles are of the same size.
	// The zoom factor can change, so it's not cached.
	// NOTE: when zooming and not moving the mouse, there are glitches.
	// Since the optimal alpha factor is unknown, it has to be calculated
	// on the fly, and caching the surfaces makes no sense yet.
	static const Uint8 alpha = 196;
	static const int size = image_fg->w;
	static const int half_size = size / 2;
	static const int quarter_size = size / 4;
	static const int offset = 2;
	static const int new_size = half_size - 2;
	const int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Blit left side
	image_fg = scale_surface(image_fg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestLeft = { offset, quarter_size, 0, 0 };
	SDL_BlitSurface ( image_fg, NULL, image, &rcDestLeft );

	// Blit left side
	image_bg = scale_surface(image_bg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestRight = { half_size, quarter_size, 0, 0 };
	SDL_BlitSurface ( image_bg, NULL, image, &rcDestRight );

	//apply mask so the overlay is contained within the mouseover hex
	surface mask(image::get_image("terrain/alphamask.png"));
	image = mask_surface(image, mask);

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);

	// Set as mouseover
Exemplo n.º 5
void mouse_action_select::set_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp)
	surface image;
	if (has_shift_modifier()) {
		image = image::get_image("editor/tool-overlay-select-wand.png");
	} else {
		image = image::get_image("editor/tool-overlay-select-brush.png");
	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
void mouse_action_village::set_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp)
	surface image60 = image::get_image("icons/action/editor-tool-village_60.png");

	//TODO avoid hardcoded hex field size
	surface image = create_neutral_surface(72,72);

	SDL_Rect r = sdl::create_rect(6, 6, 0, 0);
	blit_surface(image60, NULL, image, &r);

	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
void mouse_action_unit::set_unit_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp, const unit_type& u)

	std::stringstream filename;
	filename << u.image() << "~RC(" << u.flag_rgb() << '>'
			<< team::get_side_color_index(disp.viewing_side()) << ')';

	surface image(image::get_image(filename.str()));
	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	//TODO don't hardcode
	int size = 72;
	//int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
Exemplo n.º 8
surface o_modification::operator()(const surface& src) const
	return adjust_surface_alpha(src, ftofxp(opacity_));
Exemplo n.º 9
surface floating_label::create_surface()
	if(surf_.null()) {
		font::pango_text text;
		text.set_maximum_width(width_ < 0 ? clip_rect_.w : width_);
		text.set_maximum_height(height_ < 0 ? clip_rect_.h : height_, true);

		// ignore last '\n'
		if(!text_.empty() && *(text_.rbegin()) == '\n') {
			text.set_text(std::string(text_.begin(), text_.end() - 1), use_markup_);
		} else {
			text.set_text(text_, use_markup_);

		surface foreground = text.render();

		if(foreground == nullptr) {
			ERR_FT << "could not create floating label's text" << std::endl;
			return nullptr;

		// combine foreground text with its background
		if(bgalpha_ != 0) {
			// background is a dark tooltip box
			surface background = create_neutral_surface(foreground->w + border_ * 2, foreground->h + border_ * 2);

			if(background == nullptr) {
				ERR_FT << "could not create tooltip box" << std::endl;
				return surf_ = foreground;

			uint32_t color = SDL_MapRGBA(foreground->format, bgcolor_.r, bgcolor_.g, bgcolor_.b, bgalpha_);
			sdl::fill_surface_rect(background, nullptr, color);

			// we make the text less transparent, because the blitting on the
			// dark background will darken the anti-aliased part.
			// This 1.13 value seems to restore the brightness of version 1.4
			// (where the text was blitted directly on screen)
			adjust_surface_alpha(foreground, ftofxp(1.13));

			SDL_Rect r{border_, border_, 0, 0};
			adjust_surface_alpha(foreground, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
			sdl_blit(foreground, nullptr, background, &r);

			surf_ = background;
		} else {
			// background is blurred shadow of the text
			surface background = create_neutral_surface(foreground->w + 4, foreground->h + 4);
			sdl::fill_surface_rect(background, nullptr, 0);
			SDL_Rect r{2, 2, 0, 0};
			sdl_blit(foreground, nullptr, background, &r);
			background = shadow_image(background);

			if(background == nullptr) {
				ERR_FT << "could not create floating label's shadow" << std::endl;
				return surf_ = foreground;
			sdl_blit(foreground, nullptr, background, &r);
			surf_ = background;

	return surf_;
Exemplo n.º 10
surface adjust_alpha_modification::operator()(const surface & src) const
	return adjust_surface_alpha(src, amount_);
Exemplo n.º 11
void textbox::draw_contents()
	SDL_Rect const &loc = inner_location();

	surface surf = video().getSurface();
				    focus(NULL) ? alpha_focus_ : alpha_, surf);

	SDL_Rect src;

	if(text_image_ == NULL) {

	if(text_image_ != NULL) {
		src.y = yscroll_;
		src.w = std::min<size_t>(loc.w,text_image_->w);
		src.h = std::min<size_t>(loc.h,text_image_->h);
		src.x = text_pos_;
		SDL_Rect dest = screen_area();
		dest.x = loc.x;
		dest.y = loc.y;

		// Fills the selected area
		if(enabled() && is_selection()) {
			const int start = std::min<int>(selstart_,selend_);
			const int end = std::max<int>(selstart_,selend_);
			int startx = char_x_[start];
			int starty = char_y_[start];
			const int endx = char_x_[end];
			const int endy = char_y_[end];

			while(starty <= endy) {
				const size_t right = starty == endy ? endx : text_image_->w;
				if(right <= size_t(startx)) {

				SDL_Rect rect = create_rect(loc.x + startx
						, loc.y + starty - src.y
						, right - startx
						, line_height_);

				const clip_rect_setter clipper(surf, &loc);

				Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0, 0, 160);
				fill_rect_alpha(rect, color, 140, surf);

				starty += int(line_height_);
				startx = 0;

		if(enabled()) {
			sdl_blit(text_image_, &src, surf, &dest);
		} else {
			// HACK: using 30% opacity allows white text to look as though it is grayed out,
			// while not changing any applicable non-grayscale AA. Actual colored text will
			// not look as good, but this is not currently a concern since GUI1 textboxes
			// are not used much nowadays, and they will eventually all go away.
			sdl_blit(adjust_surface_alpha(text_image_, ftofxp(0.3)), &src, surf, &dest);

	draw_cursor((cursor_pos_ == 0 ? 0 : cursor_pos_ - 1), video());
