void CollisionD2Q9BGK::dataToFile(string path){
    if(rho == NULL) rho = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
    if(ux == NULL) ux = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
    if(uy == NULL) uy = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
    cout<<"mem allocated"<<endl;
    double *rhoUTemp = new double[3];
    for(int j = 0; j < lm->n.y; j++){
        for(int i = 0; i < lm->n.x; i++){
            rho[j][i] = get0moment(i, j);
            get1moment(i, j, rhoUTemp);
            ux[j][i] = rhoUTemp[X]/rho[j][i];
            uy[j][i] = rhoUTemp[Y]/rho[j][i];
    cout<<"vals calced"<<endl;
    stringstream ss, ssTemp;
    struct stat sb;
    if (!stat(ss.str().c_str(), &sb) == 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)){
        cout<<"creating directory: "<<ss.str()<<endl;
        mkdir(ss.str().c_str(), 0775);

//    stringstream ss, ssTemp;
//    struct stat sb;
//    for(int i = 0; ; i++){
//        ss.str("");
//        ss<<"vis_scripts/data";
//        ss<<""<<i<<"/";
//        if (!stat(ss.str().c_str(), &sb) == 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)){
//            cout<<"creating directory: "<<ss.str()<<endl;
//            mkdir(ss.str().c_str(), 0775);
//            break;
//        }
//    }
    cout<<"bgk base..."<<endl;
    ssTemp << ss.str();
    ssTemp << "ux.csv";
    write2DArray(ux, NULL, ssTemp.str(), lm->n.x, lm->n.y);
    ssTemp << ss.str();
    ssTemp << "uy.csv";
    write2DArray(uy, NULL, ssTemp.str(), lm->n.x, lm->n.y);
    ssTemp << ss.str();
    ssTemp << "rho.csv";
    write2DArray(rho, NULL, ssTemp.str(), lm->n.x, lm->n.y);
void CollisionD2Q9LNPSource::init(){
    cout<<"init LNP with source..."<<endl;
    double initConc = 0.0;
    ni = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
    rhs = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
    for(int j = 0; j < lm->n.y; j++){
        for(int i = 0; i < lm->n.x; i++){
            for(int d = 0; d < lm->UDIRS; d++){
                f[0][j][i][d] = fEq(d, 0, 0, j*j);

    double colPrefactor = ( 1 - 0.5 * w );

void CollisionD2Q9LPMWang::init() {
    psi = allocate2DArray(n.y, n.x);
    for(int j = 0; j < n.y; j++) {
        for(int i = 0; i < n.x; i++) {
            psi[j][i] = 0.0;
            for(int d = 0; d < 9; d++) f[0][j][i][d] = fEq(d, psi[j][i]);
Exemplo n.º 4
double runAlgorithmCholesky(double **inputMatrix, double *b, int size, double *x) {
	double **factorizedMatrix = allocate2DArray(size, size);
	double **factorizedMatrixTrans = allocate2DArray(size, size);
	double *y = allocade1DArray(size);
	double timeConsumed = 0;

	time_t start = time(NULL);//POMIAR CZASU START

	cholesky(size, inputMatrix, factorizedMatrix);

    //printf("Sfaktoryzowana  macierz Choleskiego (U): \n");
    //print2DArray(factorizedMatrix, size, size);

    matrixTransposition(size, factorizedMatrix, factorizedMatrixTrans);

    //printf("Sfaktoryzowana transponowana macierz Choleskiego (U): \n");
    //print2DArray(factorizedMatrixTrans, size, size);

    forwardSolutionPhase(size, factorizedMatrixTrans, b, y);
    //printf("\nWynik po forwardSolutionPhase: \n");
    //print1DArray(y, size);

    backwardSolutionPhase(size, factorizedMatrix, y, x);
    //printf("\nWynik po backwardSolutionPhase: \n");
    //print1DArray(x, size);

    timeConsumed = (double)(time(NULL) - start);//POMIAR CZASU END

    //printf("\nSprawdzenie rozwiązania: \n");
    //checkSolution(inputMatrix, x, b, size);


    return timeConsumed;
Exemplo n.º 5
void CollisionD2Q9AD::init() {
  cout << "Initializing AD collision model...";

  rho = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
  cout << "initC: " << initC << endl;
  for (int j = 0; j < lm->n.y; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < lm->n.x; i++) {
      rho[j][i] = initC;
      for (int d = 0; d < lm->UDIRS; d++) {
        f[0][j][i][d] = fEq(d, initC, 0, 0);

  cout << " done." << endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
void CollisionD2Q9LNP::init() {
  cout << "Initializing  Nernst-Planck Collision model... ";

  ni = allocate2DArray(lm->n.y, lm->n.x);
  for (int j = 0; j < lm->n.y; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < lm->n.x; i++) {
      ni[j][i] = initC;
      for (int d = 0; d < lm->UDIRS; d++) {
        f[0][j][i][d] = fEq(d, 0, 0, initC);

  colPrefactor = ((1 - 0.5 * w) * PHYS_E_CHARGE * z) / (PHYS_KB * T * Pe);

  //updateNi(); //superfluous
  cout << "done" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
int subsetHasSum(int *set, int n, int sum)
  int **subset;
  allocate2DArray(&subset, sum + 1, n + 1);
  int i, j ;
  for(i = 0 ; i < sum + 1; i++)
    for(j = 0 ; j < n + 1; j++)
      printf("%d ",subset[i][j]);
  for(i = 0 ; i < n + 1; i++)
    subset[0][i] = 1;
  for(j = 1 ; j < sum + 1; j++)
    subset[j][0] = 0;

  for(i = 0 ; i < sum + 1; i++)
    for(j = 0 ; j < n + 1; j++)
      printf("%d ",subset[i][j]);
 for(i = 1 ; i < sum+1 ; i++)
    for(j = 1 ; j < n+1; j++)
      subset[i][j] = subset[i][j-1];
      if( i - set[j] >= 0)
        subset[i][j] = subset[i][j] || subset[i - set[j]][j-1];
 return subset[sum][n]; 
Exemplo n.º 8
/* allocate mem for psi  */
void CollisionD2Q9LPMChai::init() {
    cout << "Initializing Chai collision...";
    psi = allocate2DArray(n.y, n.x);
    cout << " done" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Computes Gram matrix of a specified kernel. Given two sets of vectors
 * A (n1 vectors) and B (n2 vectors), it returns Gram matrix K (n1 x n2).
 * @param kernelType 'linear' | 'poly' | 'rbf' | 'cosine'
 * @param kernelParam   --    | degree | sigma |    --
 * @param A a 1D {@code Vector} array
 * @param B a 1D {@code Vector} array
 * @return Gram matrix (n1 x n2)
Matrix& calcKernel(std::string kernelType,
		double kernelParam, Vector** A, int nA, Vector** B, int nB) {

	Matrix* K = null;
	if (kernelType == "linear") {
		double** resData = allocate2DArray(nA, nB, 0);
		double* resRow = null;
		Vector* V = null;
		for (int i = 0; i < nA; i++) {
			resRow = resData[i];
			V = A[i];
			for (int j = 0; j < nB; j++) {
				resRow[j] = innerProduct(*V, *B[j]);
		K = new DenseMatrix(resData, nA, nB);
		// K = A.transpose().mtimes(B);
	} else if (kernelType == "cosine") {
		double* AA = new double[nA];
		Vector* V = null;
		for (int i = 0; i < nA; i++) {
			V = A[i];
			// AA[i] = sum(V->times(*V));
			AA[i] = innerProduct(*V, *V);
		double* BB = new double[nB];
		for (int i = 0; i < nB; i++) {
			V = B[i];
			// BB[i] = sum(V->times(*V));
			BB[i] = innerProduct(*V, *V);
		double** resData = allocate2DArray(nA, nB, 0);
		double* resRow = null;
		for (int i = 0; i < nA; i++) {
			resRow = resData[i];
			V = A[i];
			for (int j = 0; j < nB; j++) {
				resRow[j] = innerProduct(*V, *B[j]) / sqrt(AA[i] * BB[j]);
		K = new DenseMatrix(resData, nA, nB);
		delete[] AA;
		delete[] BB;
		// K = dotMultiply(scalarDivide(1, sqrt(kron(AA.transpose(), BB))), AB);
	} else if (kernelType == "poly") {
		double** resData = allocate2DArray(nA, nB, 0);
		double* resRow = null;
		Vector* V = null;
		for (int i = 0; i < nA; i++) {
			resRow = resData[i];
			V = A[i];
			for (int j = 0; j < nB; j++) {
				resRow[j] = pow(innerProduct(*V, *B[j]), kernelParam);
		K = new DenseMatrix(resData, nA, nB);
		// K = pow(A.transpose().mtimes(B), kernelParam);
	} else if (kernelType == "rbf") {
		K = &l2DistanceSquare(A, nA, B, nB);
		timesAssign(*K, -1 / (2 * pow(kernelParam, 2)));
		// K = exp(l2DistanceSquare(X1, X2).times(-1 / (2 * Math.pow(kernelParam, 2))));
	return *K;

Exemplo n.º 10
 * Predict the single best label sequence given the features for an
 * observation sequence by Viterbi algorithm.
 * @param Fs a 2D {@code Matrix} array, where F[i][j] is the sparse
 * 			 feature matrix for the j-th feature of the observation sequence
 *	 	 	 at position i, i.e., f_{j}^{{\bf x}, i}
 * @return the single best label sequence for an observation sequence
int* CRF::predict(Matrix*** Fs, int length) {

	Matrix** Ms = computeTransitionMatrix(Fs, length);

	 * Alternative backward recursion with scaling for the Viterbi
	 * algorithm
	int n_x = length;
	double* b = allocateVector(n_x);
	// Matrix Beta_tilta = new BlockRealMatrix(numStates, n_x);
	Vector** Beta_tilta = new Vector*[n_x];

	for (int i = n_x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		if ( i == n_x - 1) {
			// Beta_tilta.setColumnMatrix(i, ones(numStates, 1));
			Beta_tilta[i] = new DenseVector(numStates, 1);
		} else {
			// Beta_tilta.setColumnMatrix(i, mtimes(Ms[i + 1], Beta_tilta.getColumnMatrix(i + 1)));
			Beta_tilta[i] = &Ms[i + 1]->operate(*Beta_tilta[i + 1]);
		b[i] = 1.0 / sum(*Beta_tilta[i]);
		// Beta_tilta.setColumnMatrix(i, times(b[i], Beta_tilta.getColumnMatrix(i)));
		timesAssign(*Beta_tilta[i], b[i]);


	 * Gammas[i](y_{i-1}, y_[i]) is P(y_i|y_{i-1}, Lambda), thus each row of
	 * Gammas[i] should be sum to one.

	double** Gamma_i = allocate2DArray(numStates, numStates, 0);
	double** Phi =  allocate2DArray(n_x, numStates, 0);
	double** Psi =  allocate2DArray(n_x, numStates, 0);
	double** M_i = null;
	double* M_i_Row = null;
	double* Gamma_i_Row = null;
	double* Beta_tilta_i = null;
	double* Phi_i = null;
	double* Phi_im1 = null;
	double** maxResult = null;
	for (int i = 0; i < n_x; i++) {
		M_i = ((DenseMatrix*) Ms[i])->getData();
		Beta_tilta_i = ((DenseVector*) Beta_tilta[i])->getPr();
		for (int y_im1 = 0; y_im1 < numStates; y_im1++) {
			M_i_Row = M_i[y_im1];
			Gamma_i_Row = Gamma_i[y_im1];
			assign(Gamma_i_Row, M_i_Row, numStates);
			timesAssign(Gamma_i_Row, Beta_tilta_i, numStates);
			sum2one(Gamma_i_Row, numStates);
		Phi_i = Phi[i];
		if (i == 0) { // Initialization
			log(Phi_i, Gamma_i[startIdx], numStates);
		} else {
			Phi_im1 = Phi[i - 1];
			for (int y_im1 = 0; y_im1 < numStates; y_im1++) {
				Gamma_i_Row = Gamma_i[y_im1];
				logAssign(Gamma_i_Row, numStates);
				plusAssign(Gamma_i_Row, Phi_im1[y_im1], numStates);
			maxResult = max(Gamma_i, numStates, numStates, 1);
			Phi[i] = maxResult[0];
			Psi[i] = maxResult[1];


	 *  Predict the single best label sequence.
	// double[] phi_n_x = Phi.getRow(n_x - 1);
	double* phi_n_x = Phi[n_x - 1];
	int* YPred = allocateIntegerVector(n_x);
	for (int i = n_x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		if (i == n_x - 1) {
			YPred[i] = argmax(phi_n_x, numStates);
		} else {
			// YPred[i] = (int)Psi.getEntry(i + 1, YPred[i + 1]);
			YPred[i] = (int) Psi[i + 1][YPred[i + 1]];


	 *  Predict the optimal conditional probability: P*(y|x)
	double p = exp(phi_n_x[YPred[n_x - 1]]);
	fprintf("P*(YPred|x) = %g\n", p);

	return YPred;
