Exemplo n.º 1
FString LoadShaderSourceFile(const TCHAR* Filename)
	FString strFileContent;

	FString strShaderFilename = FStringUtil::Sprintf(TEXT("%s%s%s"), appBaseDir(), appShaderDir(), Filename);

	if( !FStringUtil::EndWith( strShaderFilename, FString(TEXT(".vsf")) ) )
		strShaderFilename += TEXT(".vsf");

	map<FString, FString>::iterator it = GShaderFileCache.find(strShaderFilename.c_str());
	if( it == GShaderFileCache.end() )
		appLoadFileToString(strFileContent, strShaderFilename.c_str());

		GShaderFileCache[strShaderFilename] = strFileContent;
		strFileContent = it->second;

	return strFileContent;
INT FFileManagerWindows::UncompressedFileSize( const TCHAR* Filename )
	// default to not using the uncompressed file size
	INT Result = -1;	
	// check for the presence of a .uncompressed_size manifest file which mirrors the Filename
	// if it exists, then the file was fully compressed, so we get the original uncompressed size for it
	FString UnCompressedSizeFilename = FString(Filename) + FString(TEXT(".uncompressed_size"));
	if( FileSize(*UnCompressedSizeFilename) != -1 )
		FString SizeString;
		appLoadFileToString(SizeString, *UnCompressedSizeFilename);
		// get the uncompressed size from the file
		Result = appAtoi(*SizeString);
	return Result;
void FFileManagerWindows::Init(UBOOL Startup)
	// a shipped PC game will always run as if installed
	// shipping PC game 
	bIsRunningInstalled = TRUE;
	// for development, use a commandline param (-installed)
	bIsRunningInstalled = ParseParam(appCmdLine(),TEXT("installed"));

	// Allow overriding use of My Documents folder with -NOHOMEDIR
	if( ParseParam(appCmdLine(),TEXT("NOHOMEDIR") ) )
		bIsRunningInstalled = FALSE;

	if (bIsRunningInstalled)
		debugf( TEXT( " ... running in INSTALLED mode" ) );

		// get the My Documents directory

		// get the per-game directory name to use inside the My Documents directory 
		FString DefaultIniContents;
		// load the DefaultEngine.ini config file into a string for later parsing (ConvertAbsolutePathToUserPath will use
		// original location since WindowsUserDir hasn't been set yet)
		// can't use GDefaultEngineIni, because that may be something that doesn't have the tag
		if (!appLoadFileToString(DefaultIniContents, *(appGameConfigDir() + TEXT("DefaultEngine.ini")), this))
			// appMsgf won't write to a log if GWarn is NULL, which it should be at this point
			appMsgf(AMT_OK, TEXT("Failed to find default engine .ini file to retrieve My Documents subdirectory to use. Force quitting."));

		#define MYDOC_KEY_NAME TEXT("MyDocumentsSubDirName=")

		// find special key in the .ini file (can't use GConfig because it can't be used yet until after filemanager is made)
		INT KeyLocation = DefaultIniContents.InStr(MYDOC_KEY_NAME, FALSE, TRUE);
		if (KeyLocation == INDEX_NONE)
			// appMsgf won't write to a log if GWarn is NULL, which it should be at this point
			appMsgf(AMT_OK, TEXT("Failed to find %s key in DefaultEngine.ini. Force quitting."), MYDOC_KEY_NAME);

		// skip over the key to get the value (skip key and = sign) and everything after it
		FString ValueAndLeftover = DefaultIniContents.Mid(KeyLocation + appStrlen(MYDOC_KEY_NAME));
		// now chop off this string at an end of line
		TArray<FString> Tokens;
		ValueAndLeftover.ParseIntoArray(&Tokens, TEXT("\r\n"), TRUE);

		// make the base user dir path
		WindowsUserDir = FString(UserPath) 
							+ TEXT("\\My Games\\") 
							+ Tokens(0) 
							+ TEXT(" Demo")
							+ TEXT("\\");

		// find out our executable path
		WindowsRootDir = appBaseDir();
		// strip off the Binaries directory
		WindowsRootDir = WindowsRootDir.Left(WindowsRootDir.InStr(TEXT("\\Binaries\\"), TRUE, TRUE) + 1);

		// Now that the root directory has been set, create directories at startup.
		// Note this must come after the above because MakeDirectory calls
		// ConvertAbsolutePathToUserPath which uses WindowsRootDir and WindowsUserDir.
		INT FindStartPos = INDEX_NONE;
		while ( TRUE )
			// find special key in the .ini file (can't use GConfig because it can't be used yet until after filemanager is made)
			const INT KeyLocation = DefaultIniContents.InStr(DIRSTOCREATATSTARTUP_KEY_NAME, FALSE, TRUE, FindStartPos);
			if (KeyLocation == INDEX_NONE)
			// Advance the find pos because we're doing a multi find.
			FindStartPos = KeyLocation + appStrlen(DIRSTOCREATATSTARTUP_KEY_NAME);

			// skip over the key to get the value (skip key and = sign) and everything after it
			FString ValueAndLeftover = DefaultIniContents.Mid(KeyLocation + appStrlen(DIRSTOCREATATSTARTUP_KEY_NAME));
			// now chop off this string at an end of line
			TArray<FString> Tokens;
			ValueAndLeftover.ParseIntoArray(&Tokens, TEXT("\r\n"), TRUE);

			// Create the directory.
			MakeDirectory( *Tokens(0), TRUE );
