Exemplo n.º 1
struct ast_channel *stasis_app_control_snoop(struct ast_channel *chan,
	enum stasis_app_snoop_direction spy, enum stasis_app_snoop_direction whisper,
	const char *app, const char *app_args, const char *snoop_id)
	RAII_VAR(struct stasis_app_snoop *, snoop, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
	struct ast_format_cap *caps;
	pthread_t thread;
	struct ast_assigned_ids assignedids = {
		.uniqueid = snoop_id,

		return NULL;

	snoop = ao2_alloc_options(sizeof(*snoop), snoop_destroy, AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_NOLOCK);
	if (!snoop) {
		return NULL;

	/* Allocate a buffer to store the Stasis application and arguments in */
	snoop->app = ast_str_create(64);
	if (!snoop->app) {
		return NULL;

	ast_str_set(&snoop->app, 0, "%s", app);
	if (!ast_strlen_zero(app_args)) {
		ast_str_append(&snoop->app, 0, ",%s", app_args);

	/* Set up a timer for the Snoop channel so it wakes up at a specific interval */
	snoop->timer = ast_timer_open();
	if (!snoop->timer) {
		return NULL;
	ast_timer_set_rate(snoop->timer, 1000 / SNOOP_INTERVAL);

	/* Determine which signed linear format should be used */
	snoop_determine_format(chan, snoop);

	/* Allocate a Snoop channel and set up various parameters */
	snoop->chan = ast_channel_alloc(1, AST_STATE_UP, "", "", "", "", "", &assignedids, NULL, 0, "Snoop/%s-%08x", ast_channel_uniqueid(chan),
		(unsigned)ast_atomic_fetchadd_int((int *)&chan_idx, +1));
	if (!snoop->chan) {
		return NULL;

	ast_copy_string(snoop->uniqueid, ast_channel_uniqueid(chan), sizeof(snoop->uniqueid));

	/* To keep the channel valid on the Snoop structure until it is destroyed we bump the ref up here */

	ast_channel_tech_set(snoop->chan, &snoop_tech);
	ao2_ref(snoop, +1);
	ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(snoop->chan, snoop);
	ast_channel_set_fd(snoop->chan, 0, ast_timer_fd(snoop->timer));

	/* The format on the Snoop channel will be this signed linear format, and it will never change */
	caps = ast_format_cap_alloc(AST_FORMAT_CAP_FLAG_DEFAULT);
	if (!caps) {
		return NULL;
	ast_format_cap_append(caps, snoop->spy_format, 0);
	ast_channel_nativeformats_set(snoop->chan, caps);
	ao2_ref(caps, -1);

	ast_channel_set_writeformat(snoop->chan, snoop->spy_format);
	ast_channel_set_rawwriteformat(snoop->chan, snoop->spy_format);
	ast_channel_set_readformat(snoop->chan, snoop->spy_format);
	ast_channel_set_rawreadformat(snoop->chan, snoop->spy_format);


		if (snoop_setup_audiohook(chan, AST_AUDIOHOOK_TYPE_SPY, spy, &snoop->spy_direction, &snoop->spy)) {
			return NULL;

		snoop->spy_samples = ast_format_get_sample_rate(snoop->spy_format) / (1000 / SNOOP_INTERVAL);
		snoop->spy_active = 1;

	/* If whispering is enabled set up the audiohook */
		if (snoop_setup_audiohook(chan, AST_AUDIOHOOK_TYPE_WHISPER, whisper, &snoop->whisper_direction, &snoop->whisper)) {
			return NULL;

		snoop->whisper_active = 1;

	/* Create the thread which services the Snoop channel */
	ao2_ref(snoop, +1);
	if (ast_pthread_create_detached_background(&thread, NULL, snoop_stasis_thread, snoop)) {

		/* No other thread is servicing this channel so we can immediately hang it up */
		return NULL;

	publish_chanspy_message(snoop, 1);

	/* The caller of this has a reference as well */
	return ast_channel_ref(snoop->chan);
Exemplo n.º 2
struct ast_unreal_pvt *ast_unreal_alloc(size_t size, ao2_destructor_fn destructor, struct ast_format_cap *cap)
	struct ast_unreal_pvt *unreal;

	static const struct ast_jb_conf jb_conf = {
		.flags = 0,
		.max_size = -1,
		.resync_threshold = -1,
		.impl = "",
		.target_extra = -1,

	unreal = ao2_alloc(size, destructor);
	if (!unreal) {
		return NULL;

	unreal->reqcap = ast_format_cap_alloc(AST_FORMAT_CAP_FLAG_DEFAULT);
	if (!unreal->reqcap) {
		ao2_ref(unreal, -1);
		return NULL;
	ast_format_cap_append_from_cap(unreal->reqcap, cap, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN);

	memcpy(&unreal->jb_conf, &jb_conf, sizeof(unreal->jb_conf));

	return unreal;

struct ast_channel *ast_unreal_new_channels(struct ast_unreal_pvt *p,
	const struct ast_channel_tech *tech, int semi1_state, int semi2_state,
	const char *exten, const char *context, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids,
	const struct ast_channel *requestor, struct ast_callid *callid)
	struct ast_channel *owner;
	struct ast_channel *chan;
	RAII_VAR(struct ast_format *, fmt, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
	struct ast_assigned_ids id1 = {NULL, NULL};
	struct ast_assigned_ids id2 = {NULL, NULL};
	int generated_seqno = ast_atomic_fetchadd_int((int *) &name_sequence, +1);

	/* set unique ids for the two channels */
	if (assignedids && !ast_strlen_zero(assignedids->uniqueid)) {
		id1.uniqueid = assignedids->uniqueid;
		id2.uniqueid = assignedids->uniqueid2;

	/* if id1 given but not id2, use default of id1;2 */
	if (id1.uniqueid && ast_strlen_zero(id2.uniqueid)) {
		char *uniqueid2;

		uniqueid2 = ast_alloca(strlen(id1.uniqueid) + 3);
		strcpy(uniqueid2, id1.uniqueid);/* Safe */
		strcat(uniqueid2, ";2");/* Safe */
		id2.uniqueid = uniqueid2;

	 * Allocate two new Asterisk channels
	 * Make sure that the ;2 channel gets the same linkedid as ;1.
	 * You can't pass linkedid to both allocations since if linkedid
	 * isn't set, then each channel will generate its own linkedid.
	owner = ast_channel_alloc(1, semi1_state, NULL, NULL, NULL,
		exten, context, &id1, requestor, 0,
		"%s/%s-%08x;1", tech->type, p->name, (unsigned)generated_seqno);
	if (!owner) {
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate owner channel structure\n");
		return NULL;

	if (callid) {
		ast_channel_callid_set(owner, callid);

	ast_channel_tech_set(owner, tech);
	ao2_ref(p, +1);
	ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(owner, p);

	ast_channel_nativeformats_set(owner, p->reqcap);

	/* Determine our read/write format and set it on each channel */
	fmt = ast_format_cap_get_format(p->reqcap, 0);
	if (!fmt) {
		ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(owner, NULL);
		ao2_ref(p, -1);
		return NULL;

	ast_channel_set_writeformat(owner, fmt);
	ast_channel_set_rawwriteformat(owner, fmt);
	ast_channel_set_readformat(owner, fmt);
	ast_channel_set_rawreadformat(owner, fmt);

	ast_set_flag(ast_channel_flags(owner), AST_FLAG_DISABLE_DEVSTATE_CACHE);

	ast_jb_configure(owner, &p->jb_conf);

	if (ast_channel_cc_params_init(owner, requestor
		? ast_channel_get_cc_config_params((struct ast_channel *) requestor) : NULL)) {
		ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(owner, NULL);
		ao2_ref(p, -1);
		ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(owner, NULL);
		return NULL;

	p->owner = owner;

	chan = ast_channel_alloc(1, semi2_state, NULL, NULL, NULL,
		exten, context, &id2, owner, 0,
		"%s/%s-%08x;2", tech->type, p->name, (unsigned)generated_seqno);
	if (!chan) {
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate chan channel structure\n");
		ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(owner, NULL);
		ao2_ref(p, -1);
		ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(owner, NULL);
		return NULL;

	if (callid) {
		ast_channel_callid_set(chan, callid);

	ast_channel_tech_set(chan, tech);
	ao2_ref(p, +1);
	ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(chan, p);

	ast_channel_nativeformats_set(chan, p->reqcap);

	/* Format was already determined when setting up owner */
	ast_channel_set_writeformat(chan, fmt);
	ast_channel_set_rawwriteformat(chan, fmt);
	ast_channel_set_readformat(chan, fmt);
	ast_channel_set_rawreadformat(chan, fmt);

	ast_set_flag(ast_channel_flags(chan), AST_FLAG_DISABLE_DEVSTATE_CACHE);

	p->chan = chan;

	return owner;