Exemplo n.º 1
static struct room *room_load(unsigned room_id) {
	struct room *r;
	char numbuf[22]; /* big enough for a signed 64-bit decimal */
	struct fdb_read_handle *h;
	const char *name, *value;

	assert(room_id > 0);
	if(room_id<=0) return NULL;

	snprintf(numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%u", room_id);

	h=fdb.read_begin("rooms", numbuf);
	if(!h) {
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "could not load room \"%s\"", numbuf);
		return NULL;

	r=calloc(1, sizeof *r);
	if(!r) {
		/* TODO: do perror? */
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "calloc", "not allocate room \"%s\"", numbuf);
		return NULL;

	while(fdb.read_next(h, &name, &value)) {
		if(!room_attr_set(r, name, value)) {
			b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "could not load room \"%s\"", numbuf);
			return NULL;


	/* r->id wasn't set, this is a problem. */
	if(!r->id) {
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "id not set for room \"%u\"", room_id);
		return NULL;

	/* r->id doesn't match the file the room is stored under. */
	if(r->id!=room_id) {
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "id was set to \"%u\" but should be \"%u\"", r->id, room_id);
		return NULL;

	return r;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * write a room structure to disk, if it is not dirty (dirty_fl).
static int room_save(struct room *r) {
	struct attr_entry *curr;
	struct fdb_write_handle *h;
	char numbuf[22]; /* big enough for a signed 64-bit decimal */

	assert(r != NULL);
	if(!r->dirty_fl) return 1; /* already saved - don't do it again. */

	/* refuse to save room 0. */
	if(!r->id) {
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "attempted to save room \"%u\", but it is reserved", r->id);
		return 0;

	snprintf(numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%u", r->id);

	h=fdb.write_begin("rooms", numbuf);
	if(!h) {
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "could not save room \"%s\"", numbuf);
		return 0; /* failure */

	fdb.write_format(h, "id", "%u", r->id);
		fdb.write_pair(h, "name.short", r->name.short_str);
		fdb.write_pair(h, "name.long", r->name.long_str);
		fdb.write_pair(h, "desc.short", r->desc.short_str);
		fdb.write_pair(h, "desc.long", r->desc.long_str);
		fdb.write_pair(h, "owner", r->owner);
		fdb.write_pair(h, "creator", r->creator);

	for(curr=LIST_TOP(r->extra_values);curr;curr=LIST_NEXT(curr, list)) {
		fdb.write_pair(h, curr->name, curr->value);

	if(!fdb.write_end(h)) {
		b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "could not save room \"%s\"", numbuf);
		return 0; /* failure */

	b_log(B_LOG_INFO, "room", "saved room \"%s\"", numbuf);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * load room into cache, if not already loaded, then increase reference count
 * of room.
static struct room *room_get(unsigned room_id) {
	struct room *curr;

	/* refuse to open room 0. */
	if(!room_id) return NULL;

	/* look for room in the cache. */
	for(curr=LIST_TOP(room_cache);curr;curr=LIST_NEXT(curr, room_cache)) {
		if(curr->id==room_id) break;

	if(!curr) {
		/* not in the cache? load the room. */
	if(curr) {
		/* place entry at the top of the cache. */
		LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&room_cache, curr, room_cache);
	if(!curr) {
		b_log(B_LOG_WARN, "room", "could not access room \"%u\"", room_id);
	return curr;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int initialize(void) {
	struct fdb_iterator *it;
	const char *id;

	b_log(B_LOG_INFO, "room", "Room system loaded (" __FILE__ " compiled " __TIME__ " " __DATE__ ")");


	if(!it) {
		b_log(B_LOG_CRIT, "room", "could not load rooms!");
		return 0; /* could not load. */

	/* preflight all of the rooms. */
	while((id=fdb.iterator_next(it))) {
		struct room *r;
		unsigned room_id;
		char *endptr;
		b_log(B_LOG_DEBUG, "room", "Found room: \"%s\"", id);
		room_id=strtoul(id, &endptr, 10);
		if(*endptr) {
			b_log(B_LOG_CRIT, "room", "room id \"%s\" is invalid!", id);
			return 0; /* could not load */
		if(!r) {
			b_log(B_LOG_CRIT, "room", "could not load rooms!");
			return 0; /* could not load */

	service_attach_room(&plugin_class.base_class, &plugin_class.room_interface);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int shutdown(void) {
	struct room *curr;
	b_log(B_LOG_INFO, "room", "Room system shutting down..");

	/* check to make sure no rooms are still in use. */
	for(curr=LIST_TOP(room_cache);curr;curr=LIST_NEXT(curr, room_cache)) {
		if(curr->refcount>0) {
			b_log(B_LOG_ERROR, "room", "cannot shut down, room \"%u\" still in use.", curr->id);
			return 0; /* refuse to unload */

	/* save all dirty objects and free all data. */
	while((curr=LIST_TOP(room_cache))) {
		LIST_REMOVE(curr, room_cache);
	b_log(B_LOG_INFO, "room", "Room system ended.");
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void AGC_stepImpl(const emlrtStack *sp, comm_AGC *obj, const creal_T x[1408],
                  creal_T y[1408])
  real_T g;
  real_T K;
  real_T dv1[1408];
  real_T dv2[1408];
  real_T dv3[99];
  real_T logAbsX2[1408];
  int32_T p;
  emlrtStack st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  g = obj->Gain;
  K = obj->pCastedStepSize;
  b_abs(x, dv1);
  st.site = &kb_emlrtRSI;
  power(&st, dv1, dv2);
  filter(dv2, obj->FilterState, logAbsX2, dv3);
  for (p = 0; p < 99; p++) {
    obj->FilterState[p] = dv3[p];

  st.site = &lb_emlrtRSI;
  b_log(&st, logAbsX2);
  for (p = 0; p < 1408; p++) {
    y[p].re = g;
    y[p].im = 0.0;
    g = muDoubleScalarMin(g + K * (0.0 - (logAbsX2[p] + 2.0 * g)),

  for (p = 0; p < 1408; p++) {
    K = y[p].re;
    y[p].re = x[p].re * y[p].re - x[p].im * y[p].im;
    y[p].im = x[p].re * y[p].im + x[p].im * K;

  obj->Gain = g;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Function Definitions */
void mfcc_bare(const real_T samples_in_window[128], const real_T hamming_coeff
               [128], const real_T mel_filterbank[2016], real_T fftA, real_T
               fftB, const creal_T dct_coeff[32], creal_T mel[13])
  real_T b_samples_in_window[128];
  int32_T i3;
  creal_T samples_in_freq[128];
  int32_T i4;
  int32_T i5;
  int32_T i6;
  int32_T ar;
  int32_T ib;
  creal_T samples_in_freq_data[65];
  int32_T tmp_data[65];
  int32_T ia;
  int32_T loop_ub;
  int32_T samples_in_freq_size[2];
  int32_T tmp_size[2];
  real_T b_tmp_data[65];
  real_T b_data[65];
  real_T melfilter_resps[32];
  real_T b_melfilter_resps[32];
  creal_T dcv0[32];
  int32_T c_tmp_data[65];
  int32_T b_samples_in_freq_size[2];
  creal_T dc0;

  /*  initialization */
  /*  8kHz sampling frequency. */
  /*  128 (size of windows). */
  /*  64 step size for subsequent windows. */
  /*  26 (# of mel frequency pass band filters). */
  /*  overrride this to power of 2. */
  /*  # 12 (# of cepstral coefficients (output features)) */
  /*  compute features for one input window */
  for (i3 = 0; i3 < 128; i3++) {
    b_samples_in_window[i3] = samples_in_window[i3] * hamming_coeff[i3];

  fft(b_samples_in_window, samples_in_freq);
  if (fftA > fftB) {
    i3 = 1;
    i4 = 0;
  } else {
    i3 = (int32_T)fftA;
    i4 = (int32_T)fftB;

  if (fftA > fftB) {
    i5 = 1;
    i6 = 0;
  } else {
    i5 = (int32_T)fftA;
    i6 = (int32_T)fftB;

  if (fftA > fftB) {
    ar = 1;
    ib = 0;
  } else {
    ar = (int32_T)fftA;
    ib = (int32_T)fftB;

  ia = (ib - ar) + 1;
  loop_ub = ib - ar;
  for (ib = 0; ib <= loop_ub; ib++) {
    tmp_data[ib] = ar + ib;

  samples_in_freq_size[0] = 1;
  samples_in_freq_size[1] = ia;
  loop_ub = ia - 1;
  for (ar = 0; ar <= loop_ub; ar++) {
    samples_in_freq_data[ar] = samples_in_freq[tmp_data[ar] - 1];

  d_abs(samples_in_freq_data, samples_in_freq_size, b_tmp_data, tmp_size);
  loop_ub = tmp_size[1] - 1;
  for (ar = 0; ar <= loop_ub; ar++) {
    b_data[ar] = b_tmp_data[ar];

  if (tmp_size[1] == 1) {
    for (ar = 0; ar < 32; ar++) {
      melfilter_resps[ar] = 0.0;
      for (ib = 0; ib < 63; ib++) {
        melfilter_resps[ar] += mel_filterbank[ar + (ib << 5)] * b_data[ib];
  } else {
    memset(&melfilter_resps[0], 0, sizeof(real_T) << 5);
    if (63 == tmp_size[1]) {
      for (ar = 0; ar < 32; ar++) {
        melfilter_resps[ar] = 0.0;
        for (ib = 0; ib < 63; ib++) {
          melfilter_resps[ar] += mel_filterbank[ar + (ib << 5)] * b_data[ib];
    } else {
      memset(&melfilter_resps[0], 0, sizeof(real_T) << 5);
      ar = -1;
      for (ib = 0; ib < 63; ib++) {
        if (b_data[ib] != 0.0) {
          ia = ar;
          for (loop_ub = 0; loop_ub < 32; loop_ub++) {
            melfilter_resps[loop_ub] += b_data[ib] * mel_filterbank[ia];

        ar += 32;


  /*  Compute DCT */
  for (ar = 0; ar < 16; ar++) {
    b_melfilter_resps[ar] = melfilter_resps[ar << 1];

  for (ar = 0; ar < 16; ar++) {
    b_melfilter_resps[ar + 16] = melfilter_resps[31 + -2 * ar];

  b_fft(b_melfilter_resps, dcv0);
  for (ar = 0; ar < 32; ar++) {
    melfilter_resps[ar] = dcv0[ar].re * dct_coeff[ar].re - dcv0[ar].im *

  ia = (i4 - i3) + 1;
  loop_ub = i4 - i3;
  for (i4 = 0; i4 <= loop_ub; i4++) {
    tmp_data[i4] = i3 + i4;

  loop_ub = i6 - i5;
  for (i3 = 0; i3 <= loop_ub; i3++) {
    c_tmp_data[i3] = i5 + i3;

  b_samples_in_freq_size[0] = 1;
  b_samples_in_freq_size[1] = ia;
  loop_ub = ia - 1;
  for (i3 = 0; i3 <= loop_ub; i3++) {
    samples_in_freq_data[i3].re = samples_in_freq[tmp_data[i3] - 1].re *
      samples_in_freq[c_tmp_data[i3] - 1].re - samples_in_freq[tmp_data[i3] - 1]
      .im * -samples_in_freq[c_tmp_data[i3] - 1].im;
    samples_in_freq_data[i3].im = samples_in_freq[tmp_data[i3] - 1].re *
      -samples_in_freq[c_tmp_data[i3] - 1].im + samples_in_freq[tmp_data[i3] - 1]
      .im * samples_in_freq[c_tmp_data[i3] - 1].re;

  dc0 = sum(samples_in_freq_data, b_samples_in_freq_size);
  for (i3 = 0; i3 < 32; i3++) {
    b_melfilter_resps[i3] = melfilter_resps[i3] / 8.0;

  mel[0] = dc0;
  for (i3 = 0; i3 < 12; i3++) {
    mel[i3 + 1].re = b_melfilter_resps[i3 + 1];
    mel[i3 + 1].im = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * function [lp]=gaussmixp(y,m,v,w)
 *  y = cat(1, testSamples(1).mfcc{:});
 *  m = gmm.M;
 *  v = gmm.V;
 *  w = gmm.W;
void gaussmixp(const real_T y[2004], const real_T m[108], const real_T v[108],
               const real_T w[9], real_T lp[167])
  real_T b[108];
  real_T dv0[108];
  real_T b_b[9];
  real_T lvm[9];
  int32_T ix;
  real_T mx[167];
  real_T kk[1503];
  real_T km[1503];
  static real_T b_y[18036];
  int32_T iy;
  real_T dv1[18036];
  real_T x[1503];
  int32_T i;
  int32_T ixstart;
  int32_T ixstop;
  real_T mtmp;
  int32_T b_ix;
  boolean_T exitg1;
  real_T ps[167];

  /* GAUSSMIXP calculate probability densities from a Gaussian mixture model */
  /*  */
  /*  Inputs: n data values, k mixtures, p parameters, q data vector size */
  /*  */
  /*    Y(n,q) = input data */
  /*    M(k,p) = mixture means for x(p) */
  /*    V(k,p) or V(p,p,k) variances (diagonal or full) */
  /*    W(k,1) = weights */
  /*    A(q,p), B(q) = transformation: y=x*a'+b' (where y and x are row vectors) */
  /*             if A is omitted, it is assumed to be the first q rows of the */
  /*             identity matrix. B defaults to zero. */
  /*    Note that most commonly, q=p and A and B are omitted entirely. */
  /*  */
  /*  Outputs */
  /*  */
  /*   LP(n,1) = log probability of each data point */
  /*   RP(n,k) = relative probability of each mixture */
  /*   KH(n,1) = highest probability mixture */
  /*   KP(n,1) = relative probability of highest probability mixture */
  /*       Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2000-2009 */
  /*       Version: $Id: gaussmixp.m,v 1.3 2009/04/08 07:51:21 dmb Exp $ */
  /*  */
  /*    VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing. */
  /*    Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html */
  /*  */
  /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
  /*    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
  /*    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
  /*    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
  /*    (at your option) any later version. */
  /*  */
  /*    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
  /*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
  /*    GNU General Public License for more details. */
  /*  */
  /*    You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from */
  /*    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to */
  /*    Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
  /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
  /* 'gaussmixp:49' [n,q]=size(y); */
  /* 'gaussmixp:50' [k,p]=size(m); */
  /* 'gaussmixp:51' memsize=voicebox('memsize'); */

  /*  set memory size to use */
  /* 'gaussmixp:53' lp=zeros(n,1); */
  memset((void *)&lp[0], 0, 167U * sizeof(real_T));

  /* 'gaussmixp:54' wk=ones(k,1); */
  /* 'gaussmixp:56' vi=-0.5*v.^(-1); */
  power(v, b);

  /*  data-independent scale factor in exponent */
  /* 'gaussmixp:57' lvm=log(w)-0.5*sum(log(v),2); */
  memcpy((void *)&dv0[0], (void *)&v[0], 108U * sizeof(real_T));
  sum(dv0, b_b);
  memcpy((void *)&lvm[0], (void *)&w[0], 9U * sizeof(real_T));
  for (ix = 0; ix < 9; ix++) {
    lvm[ix] -= 0.5 * b_b[ix];

  /*  log of external scale factor (excluding -0.5*q*log(2pi) term) */
  /* 'gaussmixp:58' ii=1:n; */
  /* 'gaussmixp:59' wnj=ones(1,n); */
  /* 'gaussmixp:60' kk=repmat(ii,k,1); */
  for (ix = 0; ix < 167; ix++) {
    mx[ix] = 1.0 + (real_T)ix;

  repmat(mx, kk);

  /* 'gaussmixp:61' km=repmat(1:k,1,n); */
  for (ix = 0; ix < 9; ix++) {
    b_b[ix] = 1.0 + (real_T)ix;

  b_repmat(b_b, km);

  /* 'gaussmixp:62' py=reshape(sum((y(kk(:),:)-m(km(:),:)).^2.*vi(km(:),:),2),k,n)+lvm(:,wnj); */
  for (ix = 0; ix < 12; ix++) {
    for (iy = 0; iy < 1503; iy++) {
      b_y[iy + 1503 * ix] = y[((int32_T)kk[iy] + 167 * ix) - 1] - m[((int32_T)
        km[iy] + 9 * ix) - 1];

  b_power(b_y, dv1);
  for (ix = 0; ix < 12; ix++) {
    for (iy = 0; iy < 1503; iy++) {
      b_y[iy + 1503 * ix] = dv1[iy + 1503 * ix] * (-0.5 * b[((int32_T)km[iy] + 9
        * ix) - 1]);

  b_sum(b_y, x);
  memcpy((void *)&kk[0], (void *)&x[0], 1503U * sizeof(real_T));
  for (ix = 0; ix < 167; ix++) {
    for (iy = 0; iy < 9; iy++) {
      km[iy + 9 * ix] = kk[iy + 9 * ix] + lvm[iy];

  /* 'gaussmixp:63' mx=max(py,[],1); */
  ix = -8;
  iy = -1;
  for (i = 0; i < 167; i++) {
    ix += 9;
    ixstart = ix;
    ixstop = ix + 8;
    mtmp = km[ix - 1];
    if (rtIsNaN(km[ix - 1])) {
      b_ix = ix;
      exitg1 = 0U;
      while ((exitg1 == 0U) && (b_ix + 1 <= ixstop)) {
        ixstart = b_ix + 1;
        if (!rtIsNaN(km[b_ix])) {
          mtmp = km[b_ix];
          exitg1 = 1U;
        } else {

    if (ixstart < ixstop) {
      while (ixstart + 1 <= ixstop) {
        if (km[ixstart] > mtmp) {
          mtmp = km[ixstart];


    mx[iy] = mtmp;

  /*  find normalizing factor for each data point to prevent underflow when using exp() */
  /* 'gaussmixp:64' px=exp(py-mx(wk,:)); */
  for (ix = 0; ix < 167; ix++) {
    for (iy = 0; iy < 9; iy++) {
      kk[iy + 9 * ix] = km[iy + 9 * ix] - mx[ix];


  /*  find normalized probability of each mixture for each datapoint */
  /* 'gaussmixp:65' ps=sum(px,1); */
  c_sum(kk, ps);

  /*  total normalized likelihood of each data point */
  /* 'gaussmixp:66' lp(ii)=log(ps)+mx; */
  for (ix = 0; ix < 167; ix++) {
    /* 'gaussmixp:67' lp=lp-0.5*q*log(2*pi); */
    lp[ix] = (ps[ix] + mx[ix]) - 11.027262398456072;