Exemplo n.º 1
/* part <bot> <nick> <sock> [etc..]
static void bot_part(int idx, char *par)
  char *bot = NULL, *nick = NULL, *etc = NULL;
  struct userrec *u = NULL;
  int sock, partyidx;
  int silent = 0;

  bot = newsplit(&par);
  if (bot[0] == '!') {
    silent = 1;
  nick = newsplit(&par);
  etc = newsplit(&par);
  sock = base64_to_int(etc);

  u = get_user_by_handle(userlist, nick);
  if (u) {
    simple_snprintf(TBUF, sizeof(TBUF), "@%s", bot);
    touch_laston(u, TBUF, now);
  if ((partyidx = getparty(bot, sock)) != -1) {
    if (!silent) {
      register int chan = party[partyidx].chan;

      if (par[0])
	chanout_but(-1, chan, "*** (%s) %s %s %s (%s).\n", conf.bot->hub ? bot : "[botnet]", nick,
		    "has left the",
		    chan ? "channel" : "party line", par);
	chanout_but(-1, chan, "*** (%s) %s %s %s.\n", conf.bot->hub ? bot : "[botnet]", nick,
		    "has left the",
		    chan ? "channel" : "party line");
    botnet_send_part_party(idx, partyidx, par, silent);
    remparty(bot, sock);

  /* check if we have a remote idx for them */
  int i = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) {
    /* This will potentially close all simul-idxs with matching nick, even though they may be connected multiple times
       but, it won't matter as a new will just be made as needed. */
    if (dcc[i].type && dcc[i].simul >= 0 && !strcasecmp(dcc[i].nick, nick)) {
        dcc[i].simul = -1;

Exemplo n.º 2
/* part <bot> <nick> <sock> [etc..]
static void bot_part(int idx, char *par)
  char *bot, *nick, *etc;
  struct userrec *u;
  int sock, partyidx;
  int silent = 0;

  if (bot_flags(dcc[idx].user) & BOT_ISOLATE)
  bot = newsplit(&par);
  if (bot[0] == '!') {
    silent = 1;
  nick = newsplit(&par);
  etc = newsplit(&par);
  if (dcc[idx].u.bot->numver < NEAT_BOTNET) {
    sock = atoi(etc);
    silent = 1;
  } else
    sock = base64_to_int(etc);
  if (sock == 0)
    sock = partysock(bot, nick);
  u = get_user_by_handle(userlist, nick);
  if (u) {
    sprintf(TBUF, "@%s", bot);
    touch_laston(u, TBUF, now);
  if ((partyidx = getparty(bot, sock)) != -1) {
    if (party[partyidx].chan >= 0)
      check_tcl_chpt(bot, nick, sock, party[partyidx].chan);
    if ((dcc[idx].u.bot->numver >= NEAT_BOTNET) && !silent) {
      register int chan = party[partyidx].chan;

      if (par[0])
        chanout_but(-1, chan, "*** (%s) %s %s %s (%s).\n", bot, nick,
                    NET_LEFTTHE, chan ? "channel" : "party line", par);
        chanout_but(-1, chan, "*** (%s) %s %s %s.\n", bot, nick,
                    NET_LEFTTHE, chan ? "channel" : "party line");
    botnet_send_part_party(idx, partyidx, par, silent);
    remparty(bot, sock);