void cd_do_select_prev_next_entry_in_listing (gboolean bNext)
	CDEntry *pEntry;
	myData.pListing->fPreviousOffset = myData.pListing->fCurrentOffset;
	GList *e = myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry;
	if (bNext)
			e = cairo_dock_get_next_element (e, myData.pListing->pEntries);
			pEntry = e->data;
		} while (e != myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry && pEntry->bHidden);
			e = cairo_dock_get_previous_element (e, myData.pListing->pEntries);
			pEntry = e->data;
		} while (e != myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry && pEntry->bHidden);
	myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry = e;
	myData.pListing->fAimedOffset += (bNext ? 1:-1) * (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2);
	myData.pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_CURRENT_ENTRY;
	myData.pListing->iScrollAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_SCROLL;
	myData.pListing->iTitleOffset = 0;
	myData.pListing->sens = 1;
	cairo_dock_launch_animation (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
void cd_do_set_status (const gchar *cStatus)
	g_free (myData.cStatus);
	myData.cStatus = g_strdup (cStatus);
	if (myData.pListing)
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
static gboolean _update_fade_out_dock (G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer pUserData, CairoDock *pDock, gboolean *bContinueAnimation)
	pDock->iFadeCounter += (pDock->bFadeInOut ? 1 : -1);  // fade out, puis fade in.
	if (pDock->iFadeCounter >= myBackendsParam.iHideNbSteps)
		pDock->bFadeInOut = FALSE;
		//g_print ("set below\n");
		gtk_window_set_keep_below (GTK_WINDOW (pDock->container.pWidget), TRUE);
		// si fenetre maximisee, on met direct iFadeCounter a 0.
		// malheureusement X met du temps a faire passer le dock derriere, et ca donne un "sursaut" :-/
	//g_print ("pDock->iFadeCounter : %d\n", pDock->iFadeCounter);
	if (pDock->iFadeCounter > 0)
		*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		gldi_object_remove_notification (pDock,
			(GldiNotificationFunc) _update_fade_out_dock,
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
void cd_do_select_last_first_entry_in_listing (gboolean bLast)
	myData.pListing->fPreviousOffset = myData.pListing->fCurrentOffset;
	GList *e = myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry;
	int i;
	if (bLast)
		e = g_list_last (myData.pListing->pEntries);
		i = myData.pListing->iNbEntries - 1;
		while (e->prev != NULL && ((CDEntry *)(e->data))->bHidden)
			e = e->prev;
			i --;
		e = myData.pListing->pEntries;
		i = 0;
		while (e->next != NULL && ((CDEntry *)(e->data))->bHidden)
			e = e->next;
			i ++;
	myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry = e;
	myData.pListing->fAimedOffset = i * (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2);
	myData.pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_CURRENT_ENTRY;
	myData.pListing->iScrollAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_SCROLL;
	myData.pListing->iTitleOffset = 0;
	myData.pListing->sens = 1;
	cairo_dock_launch_animation (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
static void _update_desklet_icons (CairoDesklet *pDesklet)
	// compute icons size
	if (pDesklet->pRenderer && pDesklet->pRenderer->calculate_icons != NULL)
		pDesklet->pRenderer->calculate_icons (pDesklet);
	// trigger load if changed
	Icon* pIcon = pDesklet->pIcon;
	if (pIcon)
		if (cairo_dock_icon_get_allocated_width (pIcon) != pIcon->image.iWidth || cairo_dock_icon_get_allocated_height (pIcon) != pIcon->image.iHeight)
			cairo_dock_trigger_load_icon_buffers (pIcon);
	GList* ic;
	for (ic = pDesklet->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
		if (cairo_dock_icon_get_allocated_width (pIcon) != pIcon->image.iWidth || cairo_dock_icon_get_allocated_height (pIcon) != pIcon->image.iHeight)
			cairo_dock_trigger_load_icon_buffers (pIcon);
	// redraw
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDesklet));
void cd_illusion_update_black_hole (Icon *pIcon, CairoDock *pDock, CDIllusionData *pData)
	_calculate_grid (pData);
	_update_coords (pData);
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
Exemplo n.º 7
void cd_tomboy_reload_desklet_renderer (void)
	cd_tomboy_draw_content_on_all_icons ();
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (myContainer);
void cd_do_search_matching_icons (void)
	if (myData.sCurrentText->len == 0)
	g_print ("%s (%s)\n", __func__, myData.sCurrentText->str);
	gchar *str = strchr (myData.sCurrentText->str, ' ');  // on ne compte pas les arguments d'une eventuelle commande deja tapee.
	int length = myData.sCurrentText->len;
	if (str != NULL)
		g_string_set_size (myData.sCurrentText, str - myData.sCurrentText->str + 1);
		g_print (" on ne cherchera que '%s' (len=%d)\n", myData.sCurrentText->str, myData.sCurrentText->len);
	if (myData.pMatchingIcons == NULL)
		if (myData.bSessionStartedAutomatically)  // on cherche dans le dock courant.
			g_print ("on cherche dans le dock\n");
			_cd_do_search_matching_icons_in_dock (myData.pCurrentDock);
			myData.pMatchingIcons = g_list_reverse (myData.pMatchingIcons);
			g_print ("on cherche tout\n");
			// on parcours tous les docks.
			cairo_dock_foreach_icons_in_docks ((CairoDockForeachIconFunc) _cd_do_search_in_one_dock, NULL);
			myData.pMatchingIcons = g_list_reverse (myData.pMatchingIcons);
			// on rajoute les icones ne venant pas du dock.
			cd_do_find_matching_applications ();
	else  // optimisation : on peut se contenter de chercher parmi les icones deja trouvees.
		g_print ("on se contente d'enlever celles en trop\n");
		GList *ic, *next_ic;
		Icon *pIcon;
		ic = myData.pMatchingIcons;
		while (ic != NULL)
			pIcon = ic->data;
			next_ic = ic->next;
			if (! _cd_do_icon_match (pIcon, myData.sCurrentText->str, myData.sCurrentText->len))
				myData.pMatchingIcons = g_list_delete_link (myData.pMatchingIcons, ic);
			ic = next_ic;
	myData.pCurrentMatchingElement = NULL;
	myData.iMatchingGlideCount = 0;
	myData.iPreviousMatchingOffset = 0;
	myData.iCurrentMatchingOffset = 0;
	if (myData.pCurrentApplicationToLoad != NULL)  // on va continuer le chargement sur la sous-liste.
		myData.pCurrentApplicationToLoad = myData.pMatchingIcons;  // comme l'ordre de la liste n'a pas ete altere, on n'est sur de ne pas sauter d'icone.
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pCurrentDock));
	//g_print ("%d / %d\n", length , myData.sCurrentText->len);
	if (length != myData.sCurrentText->len)
		g_string_set_size (myData.sCurrentText, length);
void cd_do_show_listing (void)
	if (myData.pListing == NULL)
		myData.pListing = cd_do_create_listing ();
		cairo_dock_register_notification_on_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing),
			(CairoDockNotificationFunc) cd_do_update_listing_notification,
		cairo_dock_register_notification_on_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing),
			(CairoDockNotificationFunc) cd_do_render_listing_notification,
		if (myData.pScoobySurface == NULL)
			cairo_t* pSourceContext = cairo_dock_create_context_from_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock));
			myData.pScoobySurface = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_image_simple (MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/"MY_APPLET_ICON_FILE,
				2 * (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2),
				2 * (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2));
			cairo_destroy (pSourceContext);
		if (myData.pActiveButtonSurface == NULL)
			g_print ("load button : %dx%d\n", myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2, myData.pListing->container.iWidth);
			cairo_t* pSourceContext = cairo_dock_create_context_from_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock));
			myData.pActiveButtonSurface = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_image_simple (MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/active-button.svg",
				(myData.pListing->container.iWidth - (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2) * 3) / 3,
				myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2);
			myData.pInactiveButtonSurface = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_image_simple (MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/inactive-button.svg",
				(myData.pListing->container.iWidth - (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2) * 3) / 3,
				myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2);
			cairo_destroy (pSourceContext);
		gtk_widget_show (myData.pListing->container.pWidget);
		int iWidth = _listing_compute_width (pListing);
		int iHeight = _listing_compute_height (pListing);
		if (myData.pListing->container.iWidth != iWidth || myData.pListing->container.iHeight != iHeight)
			gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (myData.pListing->container.pWidget),
		_place_listing (myData.pListing);
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
Exemplo n.º 10
void gldi_icon_request_animation (Icon *pIcon, const gchar *cAnimation, int iNbRounds)
	CairoDock *pDock = CAIRO_DOCK (cairo_dock_get_icon_container(pIcon));
	g_return_if_fail (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_DOCK (pDock));  // currently only animate icons that are inside a dock
	if (pIcon->iAnimationState != CAIRO_DOCK_STATE_REST)  // on le fait avant de changer d'animation, pour le cas ou l'icone ne serait plus placee au meme endroit (rebond).
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
	gldi_icon_stop_animation (pIcon);
	if (cAnimation == NULL || iNbRounds == 0 || pIcon->iAnimationState != CAIRO_DOCK_STATE_REST)
		return ;
	gldi_object_notify (pIcon, NOTIFICATION_REQUEST_ICON_ANIMATION, pIcon, pDock, cAnimation, iNbRounds);
	gldi_icon_start_animation (pIcon);
Exemplo n.º 11
void cd_tomboy_show_results (GList *pIconsList)
	//\_______________ On marque les icones du resultat.
	cd_tomboy_reset_icon_marks (FALSE);
	int iNbResults = 0;
	Icon *icon;
	GList *ic;
	for (ic = pIconsList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		icon = ic->data;
		icon->bHasIndicator = TRUE;
		iNbResults ++;
	//\_______________ On les montre.
	if (myDock)
		cairo_dock_show_subdock (myIcon, myDock, FALSE);
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myIcon->pSubDock));
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (myContainer);
	//\_______________ On affiche le resultat.
	if (myDock)
		CD_APPLET_SET_QUICK_INFO_ON_MY_ICON_PRINTF ("%d %s", iNbResults, iNbResults > 1 ? D_("results") : D_("result"));
		if (myData.iSidResetQuickInfo != 0)
			g_source_remove (myData.iSidResetQuickInfo);
		myData.iSidResetQuickInfo = g_timeout_add_seconds (5, _cd_tomboy_reset_quick_info, NULL);
		cairo_dock_show_temporary_dialog_with_icon ("%d %s", pIconsList ? pIconsList->data : myDesklet->icons->data, myContainer, 3000, MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/"MY_APPLET_ICON_FILE, iNbResults, iNbResults > 1 ? D_("results") : D_("result"));
gboolean cd_do_update_container (gpointer pUserData, GldiContainer *pContainer, gboolean *bContinueAnimation)
	g_return_val_if_fail (!cd_do_session_is_off (), GLDI_NOTIFICATION_LET_PASS);
	if (myData.iMotionCount != 0)
		myData.iMotionCount --;
		double f = (double) myData.iMotionCount / 10;
		cairo_dock_emit_motion_signal (CAIRO_DOCK (pContainer),
			f * myData.iPrevMouseX + (1-f) * myData.iMouseX,
			f * myData.iPrevMouseY + (1-f) * myData.iMouseY);
		*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
	int iDeltaT = cairo_dock_get_animation_delta_t (pContainer);
	if (cd_do_session_is_closing ())
		//\___________________ animation de fermeture de la session (disparition des lettres ou du prompt).
		myData.iCloseTime -= iDeltaT;
		if (myData.iCloseTime <= 0)
			cd_do_exit_session ();
			*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (pContainer);
	else if (cd_do_session_is_running ())
		//\___________________ animation du prompt.
		myData.iPromptAnimationCount ++;
		*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (pContainer);
Exemplo n.º 13
void cairo_dock_pop_up (CairoDock *pDock)
	//g_print ("%s (%d)\n", __func__, pDock->bIsBelow);
	if (pDock->bIsBelow)
		gldi_object_remove_notification (pDock,
			(GldiNotificationFunc) _update_fade_out_dock,
		pDock->iFadeCounter = 0;
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
		//g_print ("set above\n");
		gtk_window_set_keep_below (GTK_WINDOW (pDock->container.pWidget), FALSE);  // keep above
		pDock->bIsBelow = FALSE;
void cd_do_select_nth_entry_in_listing (int iNumEntry)
	myData.pListing->fPreviousOffset = myData.pListing->fCurrentOffset;
	int i = MIN (iNumEntry, myData.pListing->iNbEntries - 1);
	myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry = g_list_nth (myData.pListing->pEntries, i);
	myData.pListing->fAimedOffset = i * (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2);
	myData.pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_CURRENT_ENTRY;
	myData.pListing->iScrollAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_SCROLL;
	myData.pListing->iTitleOffset = 0;
	myData.pListing->sens = 1;
	cairo_dock_launch_animation (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
void cd_do_select_previous_next_matching_icon (gboolean bNext)
	GList *pMatchingElement = myData.pCurrentMatchingElement;
		if (!bNext)
			myData.pCurrentMatchingElement = cairo_dock_get_previous_element (myData.pCurrentMatchingElement, myData.pMatchingIcons);
			myData.pCurrentMatchingElement = cairo_dock_get_next_element (myData.pCurrentMatchingElement, myData.pMatchingIcons);
	} while (myData.pCurrentMatchingElement != pMatchingElement && ((Icon*)myData.pCurrentMatchingElement->data)->image.pSurface == NULL);
	if (myData.pCurrentMatchingElement != pMatchingElement)  // on complete le texte et on redessine.
		Icon *pIcon = myData.pCurrentMatchingElement->data;
		if (pIcon->cCommand && *pIcon->cCommand != *myData.sCurrentText->str)  // cas d'une commande avec un tiret.
			myData.iNbValidCaracters = 0;
		cd_do_delete_invalid_caracters ();
		if (pIcon->cBaseURI != NULL)
			gchar *cFile = g_path_get_basename (pIcon->cCommand);
			g_string_assign (myData.sCurrentText, cFile);
			g_free (cFile);
			g_string_assign (myData.sCurrentText, pIcon->cCommand);
		cd_do_load_pending_caracters ();
		// on arme l'animation de decalage.
		myData.iMatchingGlideCount = 10;  // on rembobine l'animation.
		myData.iPreviousMatchingOffset = myData.iCurrentMatchingOffset;  // on part du point courant.
		int iWidth, iHeight;
		cairo_dock_get_icon_extent (pIcon, &iWidth, &iHeight);
		if (iHeight != 0)
			double fZoom = (double) g_pMainDock->container.iHeight/2 / iHeight;
			myData.iMatchingAimPoint += (bNext ? 1 : -1) * iWidth * fZoom;  // on cherche a atteindre le nouveau point.
		// on repositionne les caracteres et on anime tout ca.
		cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock));
void cd_do_select_prev_next_page_in_listing (gboolean bNext)
	myData.pListing->fPreviousOffset = myData.pListing->fCurrentOffset;
	GList *e = myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry, *f = e;
	CDEntry *pEntry;
	int k = 0;
	if (bNext)
			if (e->next == NULL)
			e = e->next;
			pEntry = e->data;
			if (! pEntry->bHidden)
				f = e;
				k ++;
		} while (k < myConfig.iNbLinesInListing);
			if (e->prev == NULL)
			e = e->prev;
			pEntry = e->data;
			if (! pEntry->bHidden)
				f = e;
				k ++;
		} while (k < myConfig.iNbLinesInListing);
	myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry = f;
	myData.pListing->fAimedOffset = g_list_position (myData.pListing->pEntries, f) * (myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize + 2);
	myData.pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_CURRENT_ENTRY;
	myData.pListing->iScrollAnimationCount = NB_STEPS_FOR_SCROLL;
	myData.pListing->iTitleOffset = 0;
	myData.pListing->sens = 1;
	cairo_dock_launch_animation (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
gboolean cd_do_update_listing_notification (gpointer pUserData, CDListing *pListing, gboolean *bContinueAnimation)
	//g_print ("%s ()\n", __func__);
	if (pListing->iAppearanceAnimationCount > 0)
		pListing->iAppearanceAnimationCount --;
		if (pListing->iAppearanceAnimationCount != 0)
			*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
	if (pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount > 0)
		pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount --;
		if (pListing->iCurrentEntryAnimationCount != 0)
			*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		/// optimisation : ne retracer que la zone concernee...
	if (pListing->iScrollAnimationCount > 0)
		pListing->iScrollAnimationCount --;
		if (pListing->iScrollAnimationCount != 0)
			*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		double f = (double) pListing->iScrollAnimationCount / NB_STEPS_FOR_SCROLL;
		pListing->fCurrentOffset = pListing->fPreviousOffset * f + pListing->fAimedOffset * (1 - f);
	double fRadius = MIN (6, myDialogs.dialogTextDescription.iSize/2+1);
	if (myData.pListing->iTitleWidth > myData.pListing->container.iWidth - 2*fRadius + 10)  // 10 pixels de rab
		myData.pListing->iTitleOffset += 2 * myData.pListing->sens;
		if (myData.pListing->container.iWidth - 2*fRadius + myData.pListing->iTitleOffset > myData.pListing->iTitleWidth)
			myData.pListing->iTitleOffset = myData.pListing->iTitleWidth - (myData.pListing->container.iWidth - 2*fRadius);
			myData.pListing->sens = -1;
		else if (myData.pListing->iTitleOffset < 0)
			myData.pListing->iTitleOffset = 0;
			myData.pListing->sens = 1;
		*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		/// optimisation : ne retracer que la zone concernee...
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pListing));
static gboolean _animation_loop (GldiContainer *pContainer)
	CairoDialog *pDialog = CAIRO_DIALOG (pContainer);
	gboolean bContinue = FALSE;
	gboolean bUpdateSlowAnimation = FALSE;
	pContainer->iAnimationStep ++;
	if (pContainer->iAnimationStep * pContainer->iAnimationDeltaT >= CAIRO_DOCK_MIN_SLOW_DELTA_T)
		bUpdateSlowAnimation = TRUE;
		pContainer->iAnimationStep = 0;
		pContainer->bKeepSlowAnimation = FALSE;
	if (pDialog->fAppearanceCounter < 1)
		pDialog->fAppearanceCounter += .08;
		if (pDialog->fAppearanceCounter > .99)
			pDialog->fAppearanceCounter = 1.;
			bContinue = TRUE;
	if (bUpdateSlowAnimation)
		gldi_object_notify (pDialog, NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SLOW, pDialog, &pContainer->bKeepSlowAnimation);
	gldi_object_notify (pDialog, NOTIFICATION_UPDATE, pDialog, &bContinue);
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDialog));
	if (! bContinue && ! pContainer->bKeepSlowAnimation)
		pContainer->iSidGLAnimation = 0;
		return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 19
void cd_tomboy_reset_icon_marks (gboolean bForceRedraw)
	Icon *icon;
	GList *ic;
	for (ic = pIconsList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		icon = ic->data;
		icon->bHasIndicator = FALSE;
	if (bForceRedraw)
		if (myDock)
			CD_APPLET_SET_QUICK_INFO_ON_MY_ICON_PRINTF ("%d", g_hash_table_size (myData.hNoteTable));
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CD_APPLET_MY_ICONS_LIST_CONTAINER);
static gboolean _fill_entry_icon_idle (CDListing *pListing)
	g_print ("%s (%x)", __func__, pListing->pEntryToFill);
	CDEntry *pEntry;
	gboolean bHasBeenFilled = FALSE;
	while (pListing->pEntryToFill != NULL && ! bHasBeenFilled)
		pEntry = pListing->pEntryToFill->data;
		if (! pEntry->bHidden && pEntry->fill)
			bHasBeenFilled = pEntry->fill (pEntry);
		pListing->pEntryToFill = pListing->pEntryToFill->next;
	if (pListing->pEntryToFill == NULL)  // on a tout rempli. ajouter || bHasBeenFilled pour redessiner au fur et a mesure.
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
		pListing->iSidFillEntries = 0;
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
static gboolean on_style_changed (G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data)
	cd_debug ("Desklets: style change to %s", myDeskletsParam.cDeskletDecorationsName);
	gboolean bUseDefaultColors = (!myDeskletsParam.cDeskletDecorationsName || strcmp (myDeskletsParam.cDeskletDecorationsName, "automatic") == 0);
	CairoDeskletDecoration * pDecoration = cairo_dock_get_desklet_decoration ("automatic");
	if (pDecoration)
		pDecoration->iLeftMargin = pDecoration->iTopMargin = pDecoration->iRightMargin = pDecoration->iBottomMargin = myStyleParam.iLineWidth;
	CairoDesklet *pDesklet;
	GList *dl;
	for (dl = s_pDeskletList; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next)
		pDesklet = dl->data;
		if ( ((pDesklet->cDecorationTheme == NULL || strcmp (pDesklet->cDecorationTheme, "default") == 0) && bUseDefaultColors)
		|| strcmp (pDesklet->cDecorationTheme, "automatic") == 0)
			cd_debug ("Reload desklet's bg...");
			gldi_desklet_load_desklet_decorations (pDesklet);
			cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDesklet));
Exemplo n.º 22
gboolean cd_animations_update_wobbly (CairoDock *pDock, CDAnimationData *pData, double dt, gboolean bWillContinue)
	const int n = 10;
	double k = myConfig.fSpringConstant;
	double f = myConfig.fFriction;
	dt /= 1e3 * n;
	CDAnimationGridNode *pNode, *pNode2;
	gboolean bContinue = FALSE;
	double dx, dy, l;
	int i,j,m;
	for (m=0; m<n; m++)
		for (i=0; i<4; i++)
			for (j=0; j<4; j++)
				pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
				pNode->fx = 0.;
				pNode->fy = 0.;
				if (i > 0)
					_pulled_by (i-1, j);
				if (i < 3)
					_pulled_by (i+1, j);
				if (j > 0)
					_pulled_by (i, j-1);
				if (j < 3)
					_pulled_by (i, j+1);
		double _vx, _vy;
		for (i=0; i<4; i++)
			for (j=0; j<4; j++)
				pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
				pNode->fx -= f * pNode->vx;
				pNode->fy -= f * pNode->vy;
				_vx = pNode->vx;
				_vy = pNode->vy;
				pNode->vx += pNode->fx * dt;  // Runge-Kutta d'ordre 1.
				pNode->vy += pNode->fy * dt;
				pNode->x += (pNode->vx + _vx)/2 * dt;
				pNode->y += (pNode->vy + _vy)/2 * dt;
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			pData->pCtrlPts[j][i][0] = pNode->x;
			pData->pCtrlPts[j][i][1] = pNode->y;
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
	return bContinue;
gboolean cd_do_update_container (gpointer pUserData, GldiContainer *pContainer, gboolean *bContinueAnimation)
	g_return_val_if_fail (!cd_do_session_is_off (), GLDI_NOTIFICATION_LET_PASS);
	int iDeltaT = cairo_dock_get_animation_delta_t (pContainer);
	if (cd_do_session_is_closing ())
		//\___________________ animation de fermeture de la session (disparition des lettres ou du prompt).
		myData.iCloseTime -= iDeltaT;
		if (myData.iCloseTime <= 0)
			cd_do_exit_session ();
			*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (pContainer);
	else if (cd_do_session_is_running ())
		if (myData.pCharList == NULL)
			//\___________________ animation du prompt.
			if (myData.iPromptAnimationCount > -1)
				myData.iPromptAnimationCount ++;
				*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
			//\___________________ animation des caracteres : deplacement vers la gauche/droite et apparition.
			myData.iAppearanceTime -= iDeltaT;
			if (myData.iAppearanceTime < 0)
				myData.iAppearanceTime = 0;
				*bContinueAnimation = TRUE;
			double f = (double) myData.iAppearanceTime / myConfig.iAppearanceDuration;
			CDChar *pChar;
			GList *c;
			for (c = myData.pCharList; c != NULL; c = c->next)
				pChar = c->data;
				pChar->iCurrentX = f * pChar->iInitialX + (1-f) * pChar->iFinalX;
				pChar->iCurrentY = f * pChar->iInitialY + (1-f) * pChar->iFinalY;
				if (pChar->fRotationAngle != 0)
					pChar->fRotationAngle -= 10.;  // 360. * iDeltaT / myConfig.iAppearanceDuration;
					if (pChar->fRotationAngle < 0)
						pChar->fRotationAngle = 0;
		//\___________________ animation du decalage des icones d'appli correspondantes.
		if (myData.iMatchingGlideCount != 0)
			myData.iMatchingGlideCount --;
			double f = (double) myData.iMatchingGlideCount / 10;
			myData.iCurrentMatchingOffset = myData.iPreviousMatchingOffset * f + myData.iMatchingAimPoint * (1 - f);
		cairo_dock_redraw_container (pContainer);
gboolean cd_do_key_pressed (gpointer pUserData, GldiContainer *pContainer, guint iKeyVal, guint iModifierType, const gchar *string)
	g_return_val_if_fail (cd_do_session_is_running (), GLDI_NOTIFICATION_LET_PASS);

	if (myData.sCurrentText == NULL)
	const gchar *cKeyName = gdk_keyval_name (iKeyVal);
	guint32 iUnicodeChar = gdk_keyval_to_unicode (iKeyVal);
	cd_debug ("+ cKeyName : %s (%c, %s)", cKeyName, iUnicodeChar, string);

	if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Escape)  // on clot la session.
		cd_do_close_session ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_space && myData.iNbValidCaracters == 0)  // pas d'espace en debut de chaine.
		// on rejette.
	else if (iKeyVal >= GDK_KEY_Shift_L && iKeyVal <= GDK_KEY_Hyper_R)  // on n'ecrit pas les modificateurs.
		// on rejette.
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_BackSpace)  // on efface la derniere lettre.
		if (myData.iNbValidCaracters > 0)
			cd_debug ("on efface la derniere lettre de %s %d/%d", myData.sCurrentText->str, myData.iNbValidCaracters, myData.sCurrentText->len);
			if (myData.iNbValidCaracters == myData.sCurrentText->len)  // pas de completion en cours => on efface la derniere lettre tapee.
				myData.iNbValidCaracters --;
			// on efface les lettres precedentes jusqu'a la derniere position validee.
			cd_do_delete_invalid_caracters ();
			// on relance la recherche.
			if (myData.pListingHistory == NULL)  // recherche principale.
				g_list_free (myData.pMatchingIcons);
				myData.pMatchingIcons = NULL;
				cd_do_search_matching_icons ();
				if (myData.pMatchingIcons == NULL && myData.sCurrentText->len > 0)  // on n'a trouve aucun programme, on cherche des entrees.
					if (myData.iSidLoadExternAppliIdle != 0)
						g_source_remove (myData.iSidLoadExternAppliIdle);
						myData.iSidLoadExternAppliIdle = 0;
					cd_do_launch_all_backends ();
				else  // on a trouve au moins un programme, on cache le listing des fichiers.
					cd_do_hide_listing ();
			else  // sous-recherche => on filtre.
				cd_do_filter_current_listing ();
			// on repositionne les caracteres et on anime tout ca.
			cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Tab)  // completion.
		if (myData.iNbValidCaracters > 0)
			gboolean bPrevious = iModifierType & GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
			if (myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)
				cd_do_select_previous_next_matching_icon (!bPrevious);
				// faire un truc ?...
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Return)
		cd_debug ("Enter (%s)", myData.cSearchText);
		if (myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)  // on a une appli a lancer.
			Icon *pIcon = (myData.pCurrentMatchingElement ? myData.pCurrentMatchingElement->data : myData.pMatchingIcons->data);
			cairo_dock_launch_command (pIcon->cCommand);
		else if (myData.pListing && myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry)  // pas d'appli mais une entree => on l'execute.
			CDEntry *pEntry = myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry->data;
			cd_debug ("on valide l'entree '%s ; %s'", pEntry->cName, pEntry->cPath);
			if (pEntry->execute)
				pEntry->execute (pEntry);
		else if (myData.iNbValidCaracters > 0)  // pas d'entree mais du texte => on l'execute tel quel.
			cd_debug ("on execute '%s'", myData.sCurrentText->str);
			cairo_dock_launch_command (myData.sCurrentText->str);
		if (!(iModifierType & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) && !(iModifierType & GDK_MOD1_MASK) && !(iModifierType & GDK_SHIFT_MASK))
			cd_do_close_session ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Left || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Right || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Up || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Down)
		if (myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)
			cd_do_select_previous_next_matching_icon (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Right || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Down);
		else if (myData.pListing != NULL && myData.pListing->pEntries != NULL)
			if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Down)
				cd_do_select_prev_next_entry_in_listing (TRUE);  // next
			else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Up)
				cd_do_select_prev_next_entry_in_listing (FALSE);  // previous
			else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Right)
				cd_do_show_current_sub_listing ();
			else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Left)
				cd_do_show_previous_listing ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Down || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Up || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Home || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_End)
		if (myData.pListing != NULL)
			if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Down || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Up)
				cd_do_select_prev_next_page_in_listing (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Down);  // TRUE <=> next page
				cd_do_select_last_first_entry_in_listing (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_End);  // TRUE <=> last entry.
	else if (iKeyVal >= GDK_KEY_F1 && iKeyVal <= GDK_KEY_F9)
		if (myData.pListing != NULL && gldi_container_is_visible (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing)))
			cd_debug ("modification du filtre : option n°%d", iKeyVal - GDK_KEY_F1);
			cd_do_activate_filter_option (iKeyVal - GDK_KEY_F1);
			cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
	else if (string)  /// utiliser l'unichar ...
		cd_debug ("string:'%s'", string);
		guint iNbNewChar = 0;
		if ((iModifierType & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) && iUnicodeChar == 'v')  // CTRL+v
			cd_debug ("CTRL+v\n");
			GtkClipboard *pClipBoard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
			gchar *cText = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text (pClipBoard);  // la main loop s'execute pendant ce temps.
			if (cText != NULL)
				cd_debug ("clipboard : '%s'", cText);
				iNbNewChar = strlen (cText);  /// penser a l'UTF-8 ...
				gchar *str = strchr (cText, '\r');
				if (str)
					*str = '\0';
				str = strchr (cText, '\n');
				if (str)
					*str = '\0';
				g_string_append (myData.sCurrentText, cText);
				cd_do_load_pending_caracters ();
				cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
				myData.iNbValidCaracters = myData.sCurrentText->len;  // cela valide le texte colle ainsi que les lettres precedemment ajoutee par completion.
		else  // on rajoute la lettre au mot
			iNbNewChar = 1;
			g_string_append_c (myData.sCurrentText, *string);
			myData.iNbValidCaracters = myData.sCurrentText->len;  // l'utilisateur valide la nouvelle lettre ainsi que celles precedemment ajoutee par completion.

		// on cherche la liste des icones qui correspondent.
		if (myData.pListingHistory == NULL)
			//if (! (myData.bFoundNothing || (myData.pListing && myData.pListing->pEntries)))  // on n'est pas deja dans une recherche de fichiers
			if (myData.iNbValidCaracters == iNbNewChar || myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)  // 1er ajout de lettre ou precedente recherche d'icones fructueuse => on remet ca.
				cd_do_search_matching_icons ();
			// si on n'a trouve aucun lanceur, on lance la recherche dans les backends.
			if (myData.pMatchingIcons == NULL)
				cd_do_launch_all_backends ();
			cd_do_filter_current_listing ();
		// on rajoute une surface/texture pour la/les nouvelle(s) lettre(s).
		myData.iNbValidCaracters -= iNbNewChar;  // le nouveau caractere n'est pas encore charge.
		cd_do_load_pending_caracters ();
		myData.iNbValidCaracters += iNbNewChar;
		// on repositionne les caracteres et on anime tout ca.
		cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
Exemplo n.º 25
gboolean cd_animations_update_wobbly2 (CairoDock *pDock, CDAnimationData *pData, double dt, gboolean bWillContinue)
	const int n = 20;
	double k = myConfig.fSpringConstant;
	double f = myConfig.fFriction;
	CDAnimationGridNode *pNode, *pNode2;
	gboolean bContinue = FALSE;
	int i,j;
	// k_1 = f ( t_n, y_n ) = f(Xn)
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			bContinue |= _calculate_forces (pNode, 0, pData);
			pNode->rk[1][0] = pNode->fx * dt/2;
			pNode->rk[1][1] = pNode->fy * dt/2;
			pNode->rk[1][2] = pNode->vx * dt/2;
			pNode->rk[1][3] = pNode->vy * dt/2;
	// k_2 = f ( t_n + {h / 2}, y_n + {h / 2} k_1 ) = f(Xn + dt/2*k_1)
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			_calculate_forces (pNode, 1, pData);
			pNode->rk[2][0] = pNode->fx * dt/2;
			pNode->rk[2][1] = pNode->fy * dt/2;
			pNode->rk[2][2] = pNode->vx * dt/2;
			pNode->rk[2][3] = pNode->vy * dt/2;
	// k_3 = f ( t_n + {h / 2}, y_n + {h / 2} k_2 ) = f(Xn + dt/2*k_2)
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			_calculate_forces (pNode, 2, pData);
			pNode->rk[3][0] = pNode->fx * dt;
			pNode->rk[3][1] = pNode->fy * dt;
			pNode->rk[3][2] = pNode->vx * dt;
			pNode->rk[3][3] = pNode->vy * dt;
	// k_4 = f ( t_n + h, y_n + h k_3) = f(Xn + dt*k_3)
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			_calculate_forces (pNode, 3, pData);
			pNode->rk[4][0] = pNode->fx * dt;
			pNode->rk[4][1] = pNode->fy * dt;
			pNode->rk[4][2] = pNode->vx * dt;
			pNode->rk[4][3] = pNode->vy * dt;
	// y_{n+1} = y_n + {h / 6} (k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4)
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			pNode->vx = _sum_rk (0);
			pNode->vy = _sum_rk (1);
			pNode->x = _sum_rk (2);
			pNode->y = _sum_rk (3);
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		for (j=0; j<4; j++)
			pNode = &pData->gridNodes[i][j];
			pData->pCtrlPts[j][i][0] = pNode->x;
			pData->pCtrlPts[j][i][1] = pNode->y;
	cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
	return bContinue;