Exemplo n.º 1
ULONG ListCtrl::expand(ULONG nRow, BOOL bexpand /*= TRUE*/, BOOL bAdjust /*= FALSE*/)
	ULONG nTotalItems = __super::expand(nRow, bexpand);
	if (1/*bAdjust*/)
	return nTotalItems;
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL ListCtrl::calcPos(int nBar)
	if (nBar == SB_HORZ)
		return calcCol();
		return calcRow();
void QgsRasterProjector::insertRows()
  for ( int r = 0; r < mCPRows - 1; r++ )
    QList<QgsPoint> myRow;
    for ( int c = 0; c < mCPCols; c++ )
      myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "insert new row at %1" ).arg( 1 + r*2 ), 3 );
    mCPMatrix.insert( 1 + r*2,  myRow );
  mCPRows += mCPRows - 1;
  for ( int r = 1; r < mCPRows - 1; r += 2 )
    calcRow( r );
Exemplo n.º 4
void QgsRasterProjector::insertRows( const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct )
    for ( int r = 0; r < mCPRows - 1; r++ )
        QList<QgsPoint> myRow;
        QList<bool> myLegalRow;
        for ( int c = 0; c < mCPCols; c++ )
            myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
            myLegalRow.append( false );
        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "insert new row at %1" ).arg( 1 + r*2 ), 3 );
        mCPMatrix.insert( 1 + r*2,  myRow );
        mCPLegalMatrix.insert( 1 + r*2,  myLegalRow );
    mCPRows += mCPRows - 1;
    for ( int r = 1; r < mCPRows - 1; r += 2 )
        calcRow( r, ct );
Exemplo n.º 5
LRESULT ListCtrl::onSize( UINT uMsg, 
						 WPARAM wParam, 
						 LPARAM lParam, 
						 BOOL& bHandled )
	Rect rc = getClientRect();
	rc.bottom = rc.top + m_nHeadHeight;
	rc.left += 1;
	rc.right -= 1;
	rc.top += 1;
	if (!rc.isValid())
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void ProjectorData::insertRows( const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct )
  for ( int r = 0; r < mCPRows - 1; r++ )
    QList<QgsPointXY> myRow;
    QList<bool> myLegalRow;
    myRow.reserve( mCPCols );
    myLegalRow.reserve( mCPCols );
    for ( int c = 0; c < mCPCols; ++c )
      myRow.append( QgsPointXY() );
      myLegalRow.append( false );
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "insert new row at %1" ).arg( 1 + r * 2 ), 3 );
    mCPMatrix.insert( 1 + r * 2, myRow );
    mCPLegalMatrix.insert( 1 + r * 2, myLegalRow );
  mCPRows += mCPRows - 1;
  for ( int r = 1; r < mCPRows - 1; r += 2 )
    calcRow( r, ct );
Exemplo n.º 7
ProjectorData::ProjectorData( const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height, QgsRasterInterface *input, const QgsCoordinateTransform &inverseCt, QgsRasterProjector::Precision precision )
  : mApproximate( false )
  , mInverseCt( inverseCt )
  , mDestExtent( extent )
  , mDestRows( height )
  , mDestCols( width )
  , mDestXRes( 0.0 )
  , mDestYRes( 0.0 )
  , mSrcRows( 0 )
  , mSrcCols( 0 )
  , mSrcXRes( 0.0 )
  , mSrcYRes( 0.0 )
  , mDestRowsPerMatrixRow( 0.0 )
  , mDestColsPerMatrixCol( 0.0 )
  , mHelperTopRow( 0 )
  , mCPCols( 0 )
  , mCPRows( 0 )
  , mSqrTolerance( 0.0 )
  , mMaxSrcXRes( 0 )
  , mMaxSrcYRes( 0 )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Entered" ), 4 );

  // Get max source resolution and extent if possible
  if ( input )
    QgsRasterDataProvider *provider = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterDataProvider *>( input->sourceInput() );
    if ( provider )
      if ( provider->capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::Size )
        mMaxSrcXRes = provider->extent().width() / provider->xSize();
        mMaxSrcYRes = provider->extent().height() / provider->ySize();
      // Get source extent
      if ( mExtent.isEmpty() )
        mExtent = provider->extent();

  mDestXRes = mDestExtent.width() / ( mDestCols );
  mDestYRes = mDestExtent.height() / ( mDestRows );

  // Calculate tolerance
  // TODO: Think it over better
  // Note: we are checking on matrix each even point, that means that the real error
  // in that moment is approximately half size
  double myDestRes = mDestXRes < mDestYRes ? mDestXRes : mDestYRes;
  mSqrTolerance = myDestRes * myDestRes;

  if ( precision == QgsRasterProjector::Approximate )
    mApproximate = true;
    mApproximate = false;

  // Always try to calculate mCPMatrix, it is used in calcSrcExtent() for both Approximate and Exact
  // Initialize the matrix by corners and middle points
  mCPCols = mCPRows = 3;
  for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
    QList<QgsPointXY> myRow;
    myRow.append( QgsPointXY() );
    myRow.append( QgsPointXY() );
    myRow.append( QgsPointXY() );
    mCPMatrix.insert( i, myRow );
    // And the legal points
    QList<bool> myLegalRow;
    myLegalRow.append( bool( false ) );
    myLegalRow.append( bool( false ) );
    myLegalRow.append( bool( false ) );
    mCPLegalMatrix.insert( i, myLegalRow );
  for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
    calcRow( i, inverseCt );

  while ( true )
    bool myColsOK = checkCols( inverseCt );
    if ( !myColsOK )
      insertRows( inverseCt );
    bool myRowsOK = checkRows( inverseCt );
    if ( !myRowsOK )
      insertCols( inverseCt );
    if ( myColsOK && myRowsOK )
      QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "CP matrix within tolerance" ), 4 );
    // What is the maximum reasonable size of transformatio matrix?
    // TODO: consider better when to break - ratio
    if ( mCPRows * mCPCols > 0.25 * mDestRows * mDestCols )
      //if ( mCPRows * mCPCols > mDestRows * mDestCols )
      QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Too large CP matrix" ), 4 );
      mApproximate = false;
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "CPMatrix size: mCPRows = %1 mCPCols = %2" ).arg( mCPRows ).arg( mCPCols ), 4 );
  mDestRowsPerMatrixRow = static_cast< float >( mDestRows ) / ( mCPRows - 1 );
  mDestColsPerMatrixCol = static_cast< float >( mDestCols ) / ( mCPCols - 1 );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "CPMatrix:" ), 5 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( cpToString(), 5 );

  // init helper points
  pHelperTop = new QgsPointXY[mDestCols];
  pHelperBottom = new QgsPointXY[mDestCols];
  calcHelper( 0, pHelperTop );
  calcHelper( 1, pHelperBottom );
  mHelperTopRow = 0;

  // Calculate source dimensions
  mSrcYRes = mSrcExtent.height() / mSrcRows;
  mSrcXRes = mSrcExtent.width() / mSrcCols;
Exemplo n.º 8
void QgsRasterProjector::calc()
    QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
    delete[] pHelperTop;
    pHelperTop = 0;
    delete[] pHelperBottom;
    pHelperBottom = 0;

    // Get max source resolution and extent if possible
    mMaxSrcXRes = 0;
    mMaxSrcYRes = 0;
    if ( mInput )
        QgsRasterDataProvider *provider = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterDataProvider*>( mInput->srcInput() );
        if ( provider && ( provider->capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::Size ) )
            mMaxSrcXRes = provider->extent().width() / provider->xSize();
            mMaxSrcYRes = provider->extent().height() / provider->ySize();
        // Get source extent
        if ( mExtent.isEmpty() )
            mExtent = provider->extent();

    mDestXRes = mDestExtent.width() / ( mDestCols );
    mDestYRes = mDestExtent.height() / ( mDestRows );

    // Calculate tolerance
    // TODO: Think it over better
    // Note: we are checking on matrix each even point, that means that the real error
    // in that moment is approximately half size
    double myDestRes = mDestXRes < mDestYRes ? mDestXRes : mDestYRes;
    mSqrTolerance = myDestRes * myDestRes;

    const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( mDestCRS.authid(), mSrcCRS.authid(), mDestDatumTransform, mSrcDatumTransform );

    // Initialize the matrix by corners and middle points
    mCPCols = mCPRows = 3;
    for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
        QList<QgsPoint> myRow;
        myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
        myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
        myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
        mCPMatrix.insert( i,  myRow );
        // And the legal points
        QList<bool> myLegalRow;
        myLegalRow.append( bool( false ) );
        myLegalRow.append( bool( false ) );
        myLegalRow.append( bool( false ) );
        mCPLegalMatrix.insert( i,  myLegalRow );
    for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
        calcRow( i, ct );

    while ( true )
        bool myColsOK = checkCols( ct );
        if ( !myColsOK )
            insertRows( ct );
        bool myRowsOK = checkRows( ct );
        if ( !myRowsOK )
            insertCols( ct );
        if ( myColsOK && myRowsOK )
            QgsDebugMsg( "CP matrix within tolerance" );
            mApproximate = true;
        // What is the maximum reasonable size of transformatio matrix?
        // TODO: consider better when to break - ratio
        if ( mCPRows * mCPCols > 0.25 * mDestRows * mDestCols )
            QgsDebugMsg( "Too large CP matrix" );
            mApproximate = false;
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "CPMatrix size: mCPRows = %1 mCPCols = %2" ).arg( mCPRows ).arg( mCPCols ) );
    mDestRowsPerMatrixRow = ( float )mDestRows / ( mCPRows - 1 );
    mDestColsPerMatrixCol = ( float )mDestCols / ( mCPCols - 1 );

    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "CPMatrix:", 5 );
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( cpToString(), 5 );

    // Calculate source dimensions
    mSrcYRes = mSrcExtent.height() / mSrcRows;
    mSrcXRes = mSrcExtent.width() / mSrcCols;

    // init helper points
    pHelperTop = new QgsPoint[mDestCols];
    pHelperBottom = new QgsPoint[mDestCols];
    calcHelper( 0, pHelperTop );
    calcHelper( 1, pHelperBottom );
    mHelperTopRow = 0;
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem theSrcCRS,
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem theDestCRS,
  QgsRectangle theDestExtent,
  int theDestRows, int theDestCols,
  double theMaxSrcXRes, double theMaxSrcYRes,
  QgsRectangle theExtent )
    : mSrcCRS( theSrcCRS )
    , mDestCRS( theDestCRS )
    , mCoordinateTransform( theDestCRS, theSrcCRS )
    , mDestExtent( theDestExtent )
    , mExtent( theExtent )
    , mDestRows( theDestRows ), mDestCols( theDestCols )
    , mMaxSrcXRes( theMaxSrcXRes ), mMaxSrcYRes( theMaxSrcYRes )
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
  QgsDebugMsg( "theDestExtent = " + theDestExtent.toString() );

  mDestXRes = mDestExtent.width() / ( mDestCols );
  mDestYRes = mDestExtent.height() / ( mDestRows );

  // Calculate tolerance
  // TODO: Think it over better
  // Note: we are checking on matrix each even point, that means taht the real error
  // in that moment is approximately half size
  double myDestRes = mDestXRes < mDestYRes ? mDestXRes : mDestYRes;
  mSqrTolerance = myDestRes * myDestRes;

  // Initialize the matrix by corners and middle points
  mCPCols = mCPRows = 3;
  for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
    QList<QgsPoint> myRow;
    myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
    myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
    myRow.append( QgsPoint() );
    mCPMatrix.insert( i,  myRow );
  for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
    calcRow( i );

  while ( true )
    bool myColsOK = checkCols();
    if ( !myColsOK )
    bool myRowsOK = checkRows();
    if ( !myRowsOK )
    if ( myColsOK && myRowsOK )
      QgsDebugMsg( "CP matrix within tolerance" );
      mApproximate = true;
    // What is the maximum reasonable size of transformatio matrix?
    // TODO: consider better when to break - ratio
    if ( mCPRows * mCPCols > 0.0625 * mDestRows * mDestCols )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Too large CP matrix" );
      mApproximate = false;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "CPMatrix size: mCPRows = %1 mCPCols = %2" ).arg( mCPRows ).arg( mCPCols ) );
  mDestRowsPerMatrixRow = ( float )mDestRows / ( mCPRows - 1 );
  mDestColsPerMatrixCol = ( float )mDestCols / ( mCPCols - 1 );

  //QgsDebugMsg( "CPMatrix:\n" + cpToString() );

  // Calculate source dimensions
  mSrcYRes = mSrcExtent.height() / mSrcRows;
  mSrcXRes = mSrcExtent.width() / mSrcCols;

  // init helper points
  pHelperTop = new QgsPoint[mDestCols];
  pHelperBottom = new QgsPoint[mDestCols];
  calcHelper( 0, pHelperTop );
  calcHelper( 1, pHelperBottom );
  mHelperTopRow = 0;