Exemplo n.º 1
static void
dump_mime_struct (CamelMimePart *mime_part,
                  gint depth)
	CamelDataWrapper *content;
	gchar *mime_type;
	gint i = 0;

	while (i < depth) {
		printf ("   ");

	content = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) mime_part);

	mime_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type (content);
	printf ("Content-Type: %s\n", mime_type);
	g_free (mime_type);

	if (CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (content)) {
		guint num, index = 0;

		num = camel_multipart_get_number ((CamelMultipart *) content);
		while (index < num) {
			mime_part = camel_multipart_get_part ((CamelMultipart *) content, index);
			dump_mime_struct (mime_part, depth + 1);
	} else if (CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (content)) {
		dump_mime_struct ((CamelMimePart *) content, depth + 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
test_message_compare (CamelMimeMessage *msg)
    CamelMimeMessage *msg2;
    CamelStream *stream1;
    CamelStream *stream2;
    GByteArray *byte_array1;
    GByteArray *byte_array2;

    byte_array1 = g_byte_array_new ();
    stream1 = camel_stream_mem_new_with_byte_array (byte_array1);
    check_msg (camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream_sync (
                   CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (msg), stream1, NULL, NULL) != -1,
               "write_to_stream 1 failed", NULL);
    g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (stream1), 0, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, NULL);

    msg2 = camel_mime_message_new ();
    check_msg (camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream_sync (
                   CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (msg2), stream1, NULL, NULL) != -1,
               "construct_from_stream 1 failed");
    g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (stream1), 0, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, NULL);

    byte_array2 = g_byte_array_new ();
    stream2 = camel_stream_mem_new_with_byte_array (byte_array2);
    check_msg (camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream_sync (
                   CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (msg2), stream2, NULL, NULL) != -1,
               "write_to_stream 2 failed");
    g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (stream2), 0, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, NULL);

    if (byte_array1->len != byte_array2->len) {
        CamelDataWrapper *content;

        printf ("stream1 stream:\n%.*s\n", byte_array1->len, byte_array1->data);
        printf ("stream2 stream:\n%.*s\n\n", byte_array2->len, byte_array2->data);

        printf ("msg1:\n");
        test_message_dump_structure (msg);
        printf ("msg2:\n");
        test_message_dump_structure (msg2);

        content = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) msg);

    check_unref (msg2, 1);

    check_msg (
        byte_array1->len == byte_array2->len,
        "byte_array1->len = %d, byte_array2->len = %d",
        byte_array1->len, byte_array2->len);

    check_msg (memcmp (byte_array1->data, byte_array2->data, byte_array1->len) == 0, "msg/stream compare");

    g_object_unref (stream1);
    g_object_unref (stream2);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static gboolean
emfe_error_format (EMailFormatterExtension *extension,
                   EMailFormatter *formatter,
                   EMailFormatterContext *context,
                   EMailPart *part,
                   GOutputStream *stream,
                   GCancellable *cancellable)
	GOutputStream *filtered_stream;
	CamelMimeFilter *filter;
	CamelMimePart *mime_part;
	CamelDataWrapper *dw;
	const gchar *string;
	gchar *html;

	mime_part = e_mail_part_ref_mime_part (part);
	dw = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part));

	html = g_strdup_printf (
		"<div class=\"part-container -e-mail-formatter-frame-color "
		"-e-mail-formatter-body-color -e-web-view-text-color\">"
		"<div class=\"part-container-inner-margin pre\">\n"
		"<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" "
		"cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%%\">\n"
		"<tr valign=\"top\"><td width=50>"
		"<img src=\"gtk-stock://%s/?size=%d\" /></td>\n"
		"<td style=\"color: red;\">",
		"dialog-error", GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);

	g_output_stream_write_all (
		stream, html, strlen (html), NULL, cancellable, NULL);

	g_free (html);

	filter = camel_mime_filter_tohtml_new (
	filtered_stream = camel_filter_output_stream_new (stream, filter);
	g_object_unref (filter);

	camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_output_stream_sync (
		dw, filtered_stream, cancellable, NULL);
	g_output_stream_flush (filtered_stream, cancellable, NULL);

	g_object_unref (filtered_stream);

	string = "</td></tr></table></div></div>";

	g_output_stream_write_all (
		stream, string, strlen (string), NULL, cancellable, NULL);

	g_object_unref (mime_part);

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
message_dump_rec (CamelMimeMessage *msg,
                  CamelMimePart *part,
                  gint depth)
	CamelDataWrapper *containee;
	gint parts, i;
	gchar *s;
	gchar *mime_type;

	s = alloca (depth + 1);
	memset (s, ' ', depth);
	s[depth] = 0;

	mime_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type ((CamelDataWrapper *) part);
	printf ("%sPart <%s>\n", s, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (part));
	printf ("%sContent-Type: %s\n", s, mime_type);
	g_free (mime_type);
	printf ("%s encoding: %s\n", s, camel_transfer_encoding_to_string (((CamelDataWrapper *)part)->encoding));
	printf ("%s part encoding: %s\n", s, camel_transfer_encoding_to_string (camel_mime_part_get_encoding (part)));

	containee = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part));

	if (containee == NULL)

	mime_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type (containee);
	printf ("%sContent <%s>\n", s, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (containee));
	printf ("%sContent-Type: %s\n", s, mime_type);
	g_free (mime_type);
	printf ("%s encoding: %s\n", s, camel_transfer_encoding_to_string (((CamelDataWrapper *)containee)->encoding));

	/* using the object types is more accurate than using the mime/types */
	if (CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (containee)) {
		parts = camel_multipart_get_number (CAMEL_MULTIPART (containee));
		for (i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
			CamelMimePart *part = camel_multipart_get_part (CAMEL_MULTIPART (containee), i);

			message_dump_rec (msg, part, depth + 1);
	} else if (CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (containee)) {
		message_dump_rec (msg, (CamelMimePart *) containee, depth + 1);
static void
mail_attachment_handler_update_actions (EAttachmentView *view,
                                        EAttachmentHandler *handler)
	EAttachment *attachment;
	CamelMimePart *mime_part;
	GtkActionGroup *action_group;
	GList *selected;
	gboolean visible = FALSE;

	selected = e_attachment_view_get_selected_attachments (view);

	if (g_list_length (selected) != 1)
		goto exit;

	attachment = E_ATTACHMENT (selected->data);

	if (e_attachment_get_loading (attachment) ||
	    e_attachment_get_saving (attachment))
		goto exit;

	mime_part = e_attachment_ref_mime_part (attachment);

	if (mime_part != NULL) {
		CamelMedium *medium;
		CamelDataWrapper *content;

		medium = CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part);
		content = camel_medium_get_content (medium);
		visible = CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (content);

		g_object_unref (mime_part);

	action_group = e_attachment_view_get_action_group (view, "mail");
	gtk_action_group_set_visible (action_group, visible);

	g_list_foreach (selected, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
	g_list_free (selected);
/* there is also an identical copy of this in camel-filter-search.c */
camel_search_message_body_contains (CamelDataWrapper *object, regex_t *pattern)
	CamelDataWrapper *containee;
	gint truth = FALSE;
	gint parts, i;

	containee = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (object));

	if (containee == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* using the object types is more accurate than using the mime/types */
	if (CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (containee)) {
		parts = camel_multipart_get_number (CAMEL_MULTIPART (containee));
		for (i = 0; i < parts && truth == FALSE; i++) {
			CamelDataWrapper *part = (CamelDataWrapper *)camel_multipart_get_part (CAMEL_MULTIPART (containee), i);
			if (part)
				truth = camel_search_message_body_contains (part, pattern);
	} else if (CAMEL_IS_MIME_MESSAGE (containee)) {
		/* for messages we only look at its contents */
		truth = camel_search_message_body_contains ((CamelDataWrapper *)containee, pattern);
	} else if (camel_content_type_is(CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (containee)->mime_type, "text", "*")
		|| camel_content_type_is(CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (containee)->mime_type, "x-evolution", "evolution-rss-feed")) {
		/* for all other text parts, we look inside, otherwise we dont care */
		CamelStream *stream;
		GByteArray *byte_array;

		byte_array = g_byte_array_new ();
		stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_byte_array (byte_array);
		camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream_sync (
			containee, stream, NULL, NULL);
		camel_stream_write (stream, "", 1, NULL, NULL);
		truth = regexec (pattern, (gchar *) byte_array->data, 0, NULL, 0) == 0;
		g_object_unref (stream);

	return truth;
Exemplo n.º 7
static void
set_attachments (ECalClient *client,
                 ECalComponent *comp,
                 CamelMimeMessage *message)
	/* XXX Much of this is copied from CompEditor::get_attachment_list().
	 *     Perhaps it should be split off as a separate utility? */

	EAttachmentStore *store;
	CamelDataWrapper *content;
	CamelMultipart *multipart;
	GFile *destination;
	GList *attachment_list = NULL;
	GSList *uri_list = NULL;
	const gchar *comp_uid = NULL;
	const gchar *local_store;
	gchar *filename_prefix, *tmp;
	gint ii, n_parts;
	struct _att_async_cb_data cb_data;

	cb_data.flag = e_flag_new ();
	cb_data.uris = NULL;

	content = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) message);
	if (!content || !CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (content))

	n_parts = camel_multipart_get_number (CAMEL_MULTIPART (content));
	if (n_parts < 1)

	e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &comp_uid);
	g_return_if_fail (comp_uid != NULL);

	tmp = g_strdup (comp_uid);
	e_filename_make_safe (tmp);
	filename_prefix = g_strconcat (tmp, "-", NULL);
	g_free (tmp);

	local_store = e_cal_client_get_local_attachment_store (client);
	destination = g_file_new_for_path (local_store);

	/* Create EAttachments from the MIME parts and add them to the
	 * attachment store. */

	multipart = CAMEL_MULTIPART (content);
	store = E_ATTACHMENT_STORE (e_attachment_store_new ());

	for (ii = 1; ii < n_parts; ii++) {
		EAttachment *attachment;
		CamelMimePart *mime_part;

		attachment = e_attachment_new ();
		mime_part = camel_multipart_get_part (multipart, ii);
		e_attachment_set_mime_part (attachment, mime_part);

		attachment_list = g_list_append (attachment_list, attachment);

	e_flag_clear (cb_data.flag);

	e_attachment_store_load_async (
		store, attachment_list, (GAsyncReadyCallback)
		attachment_load_finished, &cb_data);

	/* Loading should be instantaneous since we already have
	 * the full content, but we need to wait for the callback.
	e_flag_wait (cb_data.flag);

	g_list_foreach (attachment_list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
	g_list_free (attachment_list);

	cb_data.uris = NULL;
	e_flag_clear (cb_data.flag);

	e_attachment_store_save_async (
		store, destination, filename_prefix,
		(GAsyncReadyCallback) attachment_save_finished, &cb_data);

	g_free (filename_prefix);

	/* We can't return until we have results. */
	e_flag_wait (cb_data.flag);

	if (cb_data.uris == NULL) {
		e_flag_free (cb_data.flag);
		g_warning ("No attachment URIs retrieved.");

	/* Transfer the URI strings to the GSList. */
	for (ii = 0; cb_data.uris[ii] != NULL; ii++) {
		uri_list = g_slist_prepend (uri_list, cb_data.uris[ii]);
		cb_data.uris[ii] = NULL;

	e_flag_free (cb_data.flag);
	g_free (cb_data.uris);

	/* XXX Does this take ownership of the list? */
	e_cal_component_set_attachment_list (comp, uri_list);

	e_attachment_store_remove_all (store);
	g_object_unref (destination);
	g_object_unref (store);
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
set_description (ECalComponent *comp,
                 CamelMimeMessage *message)
	CamelDataWrapper *content;
	CamelStream *stream;
	CamelContentType *type;
	CamelMimePart *mime_part = CAMEL_MIME_PART (message);
	ECalComponentText *text = NULL;
	GByteArray *byte_array;
	GSList *sl = NULL;
	gchar *str, *convert_str = NULL;
	gsize bytes_read, bytes_written;
	gint count = 2;

	content = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) message);
	if (!content)

	 * Get non-multipart content from multipart message.
	while (CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (content) && count > 0) {
		mime_part = camel_multipart_get_part (CAMEL_MULTIPART (content), 0);
		content = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part));

	if (!mime_part)

	type = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (mime_part);
	if (!camel_content_type_is (type, "text", "plain"))

	byte_array = g_byte_array_new ();
	stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_byte_array (byte_array);
	camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream_sync (content, stream, NULL, NULL);
	str = g_strndup ((gchar *) byte_array->data, byte_array->len);
	g_object_unref (stream);

	/* convert to UTF-8 string */
	if (str && content->mime_type->params && content->mime_type->params->value) {
		convert_str = g_convert (
			str, strlen (str),
			"UTF-8", content->mime_type->params->value,
			&bytes_read, &bytes_written, NULL);

	text = g_new0 (ECalComponentText, 1);
	if (convert_str)
		text->value = prepend_from (message, &convert_str);
		text->value = prepend_from (message, &str);
	text->altrep = NULL;
	sl = g_slist_append (sl, text);

	e_cal_component_set_description_list (comp, sl);

	g_free (str);
	if (convert_str)
		g_free (convert_str);
	e_cal_component_free_text_list (sl);
Exemplo n.º 9
static gboolean
empe_mp_alternative_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                           EMailParser *parser,
                           CamelMimePart *part,
                           GString *part_id,
                           GCancellable *cancellable,
                           GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	CamelMultipart *mp;
	gint i, nparts, bestid = 0;
	CamelMimePart *best = NULL;
	EMailExtensionRegistry *reg;

	reg = e_mail_parser_get_extension_registry (parser);

	mp = (CamelMultipart *) camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part);

		return e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

	/* as per rfc, find the last part we know how to display */
	nparts = camel_multipart_get_number (mp);
	for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) {
		CamelMimePart *mpart;
		CamelDataWrapper *data_wrapper;
		CamelContentType *type;
		gchar *mime_type;
		gsize content_size;

		if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))
			return TRUE;

		/* is it correct to use the passed in *part here? */
		mpart = camel_multipart_get_part (mp, i);

		if (mpart == NULL)

		/* This may block even though the stream does not.
		 * XXX Pretty inefficient way to test if the MIME part
		 *     is empty.  Surely there's a quicker way? */
		data_wrapper = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mpart));
		content_size = camel_data_wrapper_calculate_decoded_size_sync (data_wrapper, cancellable, NULL);

		if (content_size == 0)

		type = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (mpart);
		mime_type = camel_content_type_simple (type);

		camel_strdown (mime_type);

		if (!e_mail_part_is_attachment (mpart) &&
			 ((camel_content_type_is (type, "multipart", "related") == 0) ||
			  !related_display_part_is_attachment (mpart)) &&
		    (e_mail_extension_registry_get_for_mime_type (reg, mime_type) ||
			((best == NULL) &&
			 (e_mail_extension_registry_get_fallback (reg, mime_type)))))
			best = mpart;
			bestid = i;

		g_free (mime_type);

	if (best) {
		gint len = part_id->len;

		g_string_append_printf (part_id, ".alternative.%d", bestid);

		e_mail_parser_parse_part (
			parser, best, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);
	} else {
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed",
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
empe_inlinepgp_signed_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                             EMailParser *parser,
                             CamelMimePart *part,
                             GString *part_id,
                             GCancellable *cancellable,
                             GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	CamelStream *filtered_stream;
	CamelMimeFilterPgp *pgp_filter;
	CamelContentType *content_type;
	CamelCipherContext *cipher;
	CamelCipherValidity *valid;
	CamelDataWrapper *dw;
	CamelMimePart *opart;
	CamelStream *ostream;
	GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
	GList *head, *link;
	gchar *type;
	gint len;
	GError *local_error = NULL;
	GByteArray *ba;

	if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable) ||
	    /* avoid recursion */
	    (part_id->str && part_id->len > 17 && g_str_has_suffix (part_id->str, ".inlinepgp_signed")))
		return FALSE;

	cipher = camel_gpg_context_new (e_mail_parser_get_session (parser));

	/* Verify the signature of the message */
	valid = camel_cipher_context_verify_sync (
		cipher, part, cancellable, &local_error);

	if (local_error != NULL) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Error verifying signature: %s"),

		g_error_free (local_error);

		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		g_object_unref (cipher);

		return TRUE;

	/* Setup output stream */
	ostream = camel_stream_mem_new ();
	filtered_stream = camel_stream_filter_new (ostream);

	/* Add PGP header / footer filter */
	pgp_filter = (CamelMimeFilterPgp *) camel_mime_filter_pgp_new ();
	camel_stream_filter_add (
		CAMEL_STREAM_FILTER (filtered_stream),
		CAMEL_MIME_FILTER (pgp_filter));
	g_object_unref (pgp_filter);

	/* Pass through the filters that have been setup */
	dw = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part);
	camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream_sync (
		dw, (CamelStream *) filtered_stream, cancellable, NULL);
	camel_stream_flush ((CamelStream *) filtered_stream, cancellable, NULL);
	g_object_unref (filtered_stream);

	/* Create a new text/plain MIME part containing the signed
	 * content preserving the original part's Content-Type params. */
	content_type = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (part);
	type = camel_content_type_format (content_type);
	content_type = camel_content_type_decode (type);
	g_free (type);

	g_free (content_type->type);
	content_type->type = g_strdup ("text");
	g_free (content_type->subtype);
	content_type->subtype = g_strdup ("plain");
	type = camel_content_type_format (content_type);
	camel_content_type_unref (content_type);

	ba = camel_stream_mem_get_byte_array ((CamelStreamMem *) ostream);
	opart = camel_mime_part_new ();
	camel_mime_part_set_content (opart, (gchar *) ba->data, ba->len, type);
	g_free (type);

	len = part_id->len;
	g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_signed");

	e_mail_parser_parse_part (
		parser, opart, part_id, cancellable, &work_queue);

	head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue);

	for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) {
		EMailPart *mail_part = link->data;

		e_mail_part_update_validity (
			mail_part, valid,

	e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

	g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	/* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when
	 * the encrypted isn't itself secured, in that case it has created
	 * the button itself */
	if (!e_mail_part_is_secured (opart)) {
		EMailPart *mail_part;

		g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_signed.button");

		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, &work_queue);

		mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);
		if (mail_part != NULL)
			e_mail_part_update_validity (
				mail_part, valid,

		e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	/* Clean Up */
	camel_cipher_validity_free (valid);
	g_object_unref (opart);
	g_object_unref (ostream);
	g_object_unref (cipher);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
empe_mp_signed_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                      EMailParser *parser,
                      CamelMimePart *part,
                      GString *part_id,
                      GCancellable *cancellable,
                      GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	CamelMimePart *cpart = NULL;
	CamelMultipart *multipart;
	CamelCipherContext *cipher = NULL;
	CamelContentType *content_type;
	CamelSession *session;
	guint32 validity_type;
	CamelCipherValidity *valid;
	const gchar *protocol = NULL;
	GError *local_error = NULL;
	gint i, nparts, len;
	gboolean secured;

	/* If the part is application/pgp-signature sub-part then skip it. */
	if (!CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (part)) {
		content_type = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (part);
		if (camel_content_type_is (
			content_type, "application", "pgp-signature")) {
			return TRUE;

	multipart = (CamelMultipart *) camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part);
	if (CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART_SIGNED (multipart)) {
		cpart = camel_multipart_get_part (

	if (cpart == NULL) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Could not parse MIME message. "
			"Displaying as source."));
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		return TRUE;

	content_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type_field (
		CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (multipart));
	if (content_type != NULL)
		protocol = camel_content_type_param (content_type, "protocol");

	session = e_mail_parser_get_session (parser);
	/* FIXME: Should be done via a plugin interface */
	/* FIXME: duplicated in em-format-html-display.c */
	if (protocol != NULL) {
		if (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("application/x-pkcs7-signature", protocol) == 0
		    || g_ascii_strcasecmp ("application/pkcs7-signature", protocol) == 0) {
			cipher = camel_smime_context_new (session);
			validity_type = E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_SMIME;
		} else {
			if (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("application/pgp-signature", protocol) == 0) {
				cipher = camel_gpg_context_new (session);
				validity_type = E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP;

	if (cipher == NULL) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Unsupported signature format"));
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed",
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		return TRUE;

	valid = camel_cipher_context_verify_sync (
		cipher, part, cancellable, &local_error);

	if (local_error != NULL) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Error verifying signature: %s"),
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed",
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		g_object_unref (cipher);
		g_error_free (local_error);

		return TRUE;

	nparts = camel_multipart_get_number (multipart);
	secured = FALSE;
	len = part_id->len;
	for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) {
		GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
		GList *head, *link;
		CamelMimePart *subpart;

		subpart = camel_multipart_get_part (multipart, i);

		g_string_append_printf (part_id, ".signed.%d", i);

		g_warn_if_fail (e_mail_parser_parse_part (
			parser, subpart, part_id, cancellable, &work_queue));

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

		if (!secured)
			secured = e_mail_part_is_secured (subpart);

		head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue);

		for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) {
			EMailPart *mail_part = link->data;

			e_mail_part_update_validity (
				mail_part, valid,
				validity_type | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_SIGNED);

		e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

	/* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when
	 * the encrypted isn't itself secured, in that case it has created
	 * the button itself. */
	if (!secured) {
		GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
		EMailPart *mail_part;

		g_string_append (part_id, ".signed.button");

		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, &work_queue);

		mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);

		if (mail_part != NULL)
			e_mail_part_update_validity (
				mail_part, valid,
				validity_type | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_SIGNED);

		e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	camel_cipher_validity_free (valid);

	g_object_unref (cipher);

	return TRUE;
static CamelMimeMessage *
mail_attachment_handler_get_selected_message (EAttachmentHandler *handler)
	EAttachment *attachment;
	EAttachmentView *view;
	CamelMimePart *mime_part;
	CamelMimeMessage *message = NULL;
	CamelDataWrapper *outer_wrapper;
	CamelContentType *outer_content_type;
	CamelDataWrapper *inner_wrapper;
	CamelContentType *inner_content_type;
	GList *selected;
	gboolean inner_and_outer_content_types_match;

	view = e_attachment_handler_get_view (handler);

	selected = e_attachment_view_get_selected_attachments (view);
	g_return_val_if_fail (g_list_length (selected) == 1, NULL);

	attachment = E_ATTACHMENT (selected->data);
	mime_part = e_attachment_ref_mime_part (attachment);

	outer_wrapper =
		camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part));
	outer_content_type =
		camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type_field (outer_wrapper);

	if (!camel_content_type_is (outer_content_type, "message", "rfc822"))
		goto exit;

	inner_wrapper =
		camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (outer_wrapper));
	inner_content_type =
		camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type_field (inner_wrapper);

	inner_and_outer_content_types_match =
		camel_content_type_is (

	if (!inner_and_outer_content_types_match) {
		CamelStream *mem;
		gboolean success;

		/* Create a message copy in case the inner content
		 * type doesn't match the mime_part's content type,
		 * which can happen for multipart/digest, where it
		 * confuses the formatter on reply, which skips all
		 * rfc822 subparts. */
		mem = camel_stream_mem_new ();
		camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream_sync (
			CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (outer_wrapper), mem, NULL, NULL);

		g_seekable_seek (
		message = camel_mime_message_new ();
		success = camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream_sync (
			CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (message), mem, NULL, NULL);
		if (!success)
			g_clear_object (&message);

		g_object_unref (mem);

	if (message == NULL)
		message = g_object_ref (outer_wrapper);

	g_clear_object (&mime_part);

	g_list_free_full (selected, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);

	return message;
Exemplo n.º 13
static gpointer
worker (gpointer d)
	struct _threadinfo *info = d;
	gint i, j, id = info->id;
	gchar *sub, *content;
	GPtrArray *res;
	CamelMimeMessage *msg;
	GError *error = NULL;

	/* we add a message, search for it, twiddle some flags, delete it */
	/* and flat out */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_MESSAGES; i++) {
		test_add_message (info->folder, id + i);

		sub = g_strdup_printf ("(match-all (header-contains \"subject\" \"message %08x subject\"))", id + i);

		push ("searching for message %d\n\tusing: %s", id + i, sub);
		res = camel_folder_search_by_expression (info->folder, sub, NULL, &error);
		check_msg (error == NULL, "%s", error->message);
		check_msg (res->len == 1, "res->len = %d", res->len);
		g_clear_error (&error);
		pull ();

		push ("getting message '%s'", res->pdata[0]);
		msg = camel_folder_get_message_sync (
			info->folder, (gchar *) res->pdata[0], NULL, &error);
		check_msg (error == NULL, "%s", error->message);
		g_clear_error (&error);
		pull ();

		content = g_strdup_printf ("Test message %08x contents\n\n", id + i);
		push ("comparing content '%s': '%s'", res->pdata[0], content);
		test_message_compare_content (camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) msg), content, strlen (content));
		test_free (content);
		pull ();

		push ("deleting message, cleanup");
		j = (100.0 * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));
		if (j <= 70) {
			camel_folder_delete_message (info->folder, res->pdata[0]);

		camel_folder_search_free (info->folder, res);
		res = NULL;
		test_free (sub);

		check_unref (msg, 1);
		pull ();

		/* about 1-in 100 calls will expunge */
		j = (200.0 * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));
		if (j <= 2) {
			push ("expunging folder");
			camel_folder_expunge_sync (info->folder, NULL, &error);
			check_msg (error == NULL, "%s", error->message);
			pull ();

	return info;
Exemplo n.º 14
static gboolean
empe_message_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                    EMailParser *parser,
                    CamelMimePart *part,
                    GString *part_id,
                    GCancellable *cancellable,
                    GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
	CamelContentType *ct;
	EMailPart *mail_part;
	gchar *mime_type;

	/* Headers */
	e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
		parser, part, part_id,
		cancellable, out_mail_parts);

	ct = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (part);
	mime_type = camel_content_type_simple (ct);

	if (camel_content_type_is (ct, "message", "*")) {
		/* get mime type of the content of the message,
		 * instead of using a generic message/rfc822 */
		CamelDataWrapper *content;

		content = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part));
		if (content) {
			ct = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type_field (content);

			g_free (mime_type);
			mime_type = camel_content_type_simple (ct);

	/* Actual message body */

	e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
		parser, part, part_id, mime_type,
		cancellable, &work_queue);

	/* If the EMailPart representing the message body is marked as an
	 * attachment, wrap it as such so it gets added to the attachment
	 * bar but also set the "force_inline" flag since it doesn't make
	 * sense to collapse the message body if we can render it. */
	mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);
	if (mail_part != NULL && !E_IS_MAIL_PART_ATTACHMENT (mail_part)) {
		if (e_mail_part_get_is_attachment (mail_part)) {
			e_mail_parser_wrap_as_attachment (
				parser, part, part_id, &work_queue);

			mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);

			if (mail_part != NULL)
				mail_part->force_inline = TRUE;

	e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

	g_free (mime_type);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
empe_mp_digest_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                      EMailParser *parser,
                      CamelMimePart *part,
                      GString *part_id,
                      GCancellable *cancellable,
                      GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	CamelMultipart *mp;
	gint i, nparts, len;

	mp = (CamelMultipart *) camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part);

		return e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

	len = part_id->len;
	nparts = camel_multipart_get_number (mp);
	for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) {
		CamelMimePart *subpart;
		CamelContentType *ct;
		gchar *cts;

		subpart = camel_multipart_get_part (mp, i);

		if (!subpart)

		g_string_append_printf (part_id, ".digest.%d", i);

		ct = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (subpart);

		/* According to RFC this shouldn't happen, but who knows... */
		if (ct && !camel_content_type_is (ct, "message", "rfc822")) {
			cts = camel_content_type_simple (ct);

			e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
				parser, subpart, part_id, cts,
				cancellable, out_mail_parts);

			g_free (cts);
		} else {
			GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
			EMailPart *mail_part;
			gboolean wrap_as_attachment;

			e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
				parser, subpart, part_id, "message/rfc822",
				cancellable, &work_queue);

			mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);

			wrap_as_attachment =
				(mail_part != NULL) &&
				!e_mail_part_get_is_attachment (mail_part);

			/* Force the message to be collapsable */
			if (wrap_as_attachment)
				e_mail_parser_wrap_as_attachment (
					parser, subpart, part_id, &work_queue);

			mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);

			/* Force the message to be expanded */
			if (mail_part != NULL)
				mail_part->force_inline = TRUE;

			e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 16
static gboolean
emfe_image_format (EMailFormatterExtension *extension,
                   EMailFormatter *formatter,
                   EMailFormatterContext *context,
                   EMailPart *part,
                   GOutputStream *stream,
                   GCancellable *cancellable)
	gchar *content;
	CamelMimePart *mime_part;
	CamelDataWrapper *dw;
	GBytes *bytes;
	GOutputStream *raw_content;

	if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))
		return FALSE;

	mime_part = e_mail_part_ref_mime_part (part);
	dw = camel_medium_get_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part));
	g_return_val_if_fail (dw, FALSE);

	raw_content = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable ();
	camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_output_stream_sync (
		dw, raw_content, cancellable, NULL);
	g_output_stream_close (raw_content, NULL, NULL);

	bytes = g_memory_output_stream_steal_as_bytes (
		G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (raw_content));

	if (context->mode == E_MAIL_FORMATTER_MODE_RAW) {

		if (!e_mail_formatter_get_animate_images (formatter)) {

			gchar *buff;
			gsize len;

			e_mail_part_animation_extract_frame (
				bytes, &buff, &len);

			g_output_stream_write_all (
				stream, buff, len, NULL, cancellable, NULL);

			g_free (buff);

		} else {
			gconstpointer data;
			gsize size;

			data = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &size);

			g_output_stream_write_all (
				stream, data, size, NULL, cancellable, NULL);

	} else {
		gchar *buffer;
		const gchar *mime_type;

		if (!e_mail_formatter_get_animate_images (formatter)) {

			gchar *buff;
			gsize len;

			e_mail_part_animation_extract_frame (
				bytes, &buff, &len);

			content = g_base64_encode ((guchar *) buff, len);
			g_free (buff);

		} else {
			gconstpointer data;
			gsize size;

			data = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &size);
			content = g_base64_encode (data, size);

		mime_type = e_mail_part_get_mime_type (part);
		if (mime_type == NULL)
			mime_type = "image/*";

		/* The image is already base64-encrypted so we can directly
		 * paste it to the output */
		buffer = g_strdup_printf (
			"<img src=\"data:%s;base64,%s\" "
			"     style=\"max-width: 100%%;\" />",
			mime_type, content);

		g_output_stream_write_all (
			stream, buffer, strlen (buffer),
			NULL, cancellable, NULL);

		g_free (buffer);
		g_free (content);

	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	g_object_unref (raw_content);

	g_object_unref (mime_part);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
empe_mp_encrypted_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                         EMailParser *parser,
                         CamelMimePart *part,
                         GString *part_id,
                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                         GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	CamelCipherContext *context;
	const gchar *protocol;
	CamelMimePart *opart;
	CamelCipherValidity *valid;
	CamelMultipartEncrypted *mpe;
	GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
	GList *head, *link;
	GError *local_error = NULL;
	gint len;

	mpe = (CamelMultipartEncrypted *) camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part);
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Could not parse MIME message. "
			"Displaying as source."));
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		return TRUE;

	/* Currently we only handle RFC2015-style PGP encryption. */
	protocol = camel_content_type_param (
		((CamelDataWrapper *) mpe)->mime_type, "protocol");
	if (!protocol || g_ascii_strcasecmp (protocol, "application/pgp-encrypted") != 0) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Unsupported encryption type for multipart/encrypted"));
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed",
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		return TRUE;

	context = camel_gpg_context_new (e_mail_parser_get_session (parser));

	opart = camel_mime_part_new ();
	valid = camel_cipher_context_decrypt_sync (
		context, part, opart, cancellable, &local_error);

	e_mail_part_preserve_charset_in_content_type (part, opart);

	if (local_error != NULL) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Could not parse PGP/MIME message: %s"),
		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed",
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		g_object_unref (opart);
		g_object_unref (context);
		g_error_free (local_error);

		return TRUE;

	len = part_id->len;
	g_string_append (part_id, ".encrypted");

	g_warn_if_fail (e_mail_parser_parse_part (
		parser, opart, part_id, cancellable, &work_queue));

	g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue);

	/* Update validity of all encrypted sub-parts */
	for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) {
		EMailPart *mail_part = link->data;

		e_mail_part_update_validity (
			mail_part, valid,

	e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

	/* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when
	 * the decrypted part isn't itself secured, in that case it has
	 * created the button itself. */
	if (!e_mail_part_is_secured (opart)) {
		EMailPart *mail_part;

		g_string_append (part_id, ".encrypted.button");

		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, &work_queue);

		mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);

		if (mail_part != NULL)
			e_mail_part_update_validity (
				mail_part, valid,

		e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	camel_cipher_validity_free (valid);

	/* TODO: Make sure when we finalize this part, it is zero'd out */
	g_object_unref (opart);
	g_object_unref (context);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
empe_inlinepgp_encrypted_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension,
                                EMailParser *parser,
                                CamelMimePart *part,
                                GString *part_id,
                                GCancellable *cancellable,
                                GQueue *out_mail_parts)
	CamelCipherContext *cipher;
	CamelCipherValidity *valid;
	CamelMimePart *opart;
	CamelDataWrapper *dw;
	gchar *mime_type;
	gint len;
	GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT;
	GList *head, *link;
	GError *local_error = NULL;

	if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable))
		return FALSE;

	cipher = camel_gpg_context_new (e_mail_parser_get_session (parser));

	opart = camel_mime_part_new ();

	/* Decrypt the message */
	valid = camel_cipher_context_decrypt_sync (
		cipher, part, opart, cancellable, &local_error);

	if (local_error != NULL) {
		e_mail_parser_error (
			parser, out_mail_parts,
			_("Could not parse PGP message: %s"),
		g_error_free (local_error);

		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			part, part_id,
			cancellable, out_mail_parts);

		g_object_unref (cipher);
		g_object_unref (opart);

		return TRUE;

	dw = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) opart);
	mime_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type (dw);

	/* this ensures to show the 'opart' as inlined, if possible */
	if (mime_type && g_ascii_strcasecmp (mime_type, "application/octet-stream") == 0) {
		const gchar *snoop;

		snoop = e_mail_part_snoop_type (opart);

		if (snoop != NULL) {
			camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (dw, snoop);

			/* Set the MIME type on the 'opart' itself as well.
			 * If it's "text/plain", then we want the TextPlain
			 * parser extension to treat it as "text/plain" and
			 * NOT wrap it as an attachment. */
			camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (
				CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (opart), snoop);

	e_mail_part_preserve_charset_in_content_type (part, opart);
	g_free (mime_type);

	/* Pass it off to the real formatter */
	len = part_id->len;
	g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_encrypted");

	g_warn_if_fail (e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
		parser, opart, part_id,
		camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type (dw),
		cancellable, &work_queue));

	g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue);

	for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) {
		EMailPart *mail_part = link->data;

		e_mail_part_update_validity (
			mail_part, valid,

	e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

	/* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when
	 * the encrypted isn't itself secured, in that case it has created
	 * the button itself */
	if (!e_mail_part_is_secured (opart)) {
		EMailPart *mail_part;

		g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_encrypted.button");

		e_mail_parser_parse_part_as (
			parser, part, part_id,
			cancellable, &work_queue);

		mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue);
		if (mail_part != NULL)
			e_mail_part_update_validity (
				mail_part, valid,

		e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts);

		g_string_truncate (part_id, len);

	/* Clean Up */
	camel_cipher_validity_free (valid);
	g_object_unref (opart);
	g_object_unref (cipher);

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 19
static void
attachment_button_expand_drag_data_get_cb (EAttachmentButton *button,
                                           GdkDragContext *context,
                                           GtkSelectionData *selection,
                                           guint info,
                                           guint time)
	EAttachmentView *view;
	EAttachment *attachment;
	gchar *mime_type = NULL;

	attachment = e_attachment_button_get_attachment (button);

	if (attachment != NULL)
		mime_type = e_attachment_dup_mime_type (attachment);

	if (mime_type != NULL) {
		gboolean processed = FALSE;
		GdkAtom atom;
		gchar *atom_name;

		atom = gtk_selection_data_get_target (selection);
		atom_name = gdk_atom_name (atom);

		if (g_strcmp0 (atom_name, mime_type) == 0) {
			CamelMimePart *mime_part;

			mime_part = e_attachment_ref_mime_part (attachment);

			if (mime_part != NULL) {
				CamelDataWrapper *wrapper;
				CamelStream *stream;
				GByteArray *buffer;

				buffer = g_byte_array_new ();
				stream = camel_stream_mem_new ();
				camel_stream_mem_set_byte_array (
					CAMEL_STREAM_MEM (stream),
				wrapper = camel_medium_get_content (
					CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part));
				camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream_sync (
					wrapper, stream, NULL, NULL);
				g_object_unref (stream);

				gtk_selection_data_set (
					selection, atom, 8,
					buffer->data, buffer->len);
				processed = TRUE;

				g_byte_array_free (buffer, TRUE);

				g_object_unref (mime_part);

		g_free (atom_name);
		g_free (mime_type);

		if (processed)

	view = e_attachment_button_get_view (button);

	e_attachment_view_drag_data_get (
		view, context, selection, info, time);