Exemplo n.º 1
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Create a command given the specified MI command name. The command data object
//			contains the options for the command.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vMiCmd		- (R) Command's name, the MI command.
//			vCmdData	- (RW) Command's metadata status/information/result object.		
//			vpNewCmd	- (W) New command instance.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functionality succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functionality failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdFactory::CmdCreate( const CMIUtilString & vMiCmd, const SMICmdData & vCmdData, CMICmdBase *& vpNewCmd )
	bool bOk = MIstatus::success;

	vpNewCmd = nullptr;

	if( !IsValid( vMiCmd ) )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMDFACTORY_ERR_INVALID_CMD_NAME ), vMiCmd.c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;
	if( !HaveAlready( vMiCmd ) )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMDFACTORY_ERR_CMD_NOT_REGISTERED ), vMiCmd.c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;

	const MapMiCmdToCmdCreatorFn_t::const_iterator it = m_mapMiCmdToCmdCreatorFn.find( vMiCmd );
	const CMIUtilString & rMiCmd( (*it).first ); MIunused( rMiCmd );
	CmdCreatorFnPtr pFn = (*it).second;
	CMICmdBase * pCmd = (*pFn)();

	SMICmdData cmdData( vCmdData );
	cmdData.id = pCmd->GetGUID();
	bOk = pCmd->SetCmdData( cmdData );
	if( bOk )
		vpNewCmd = pCmd;

	return bOk;
Exemplo n.º 2
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Called when a command has finished its Execution() work either synchronously
//			because the command executed was the type a non event type or asynchronoulsy
//			via the command's callback (because of an SB Listener event). Needs to be called
//			so that *this invoker call do some house keeping and then proceed to call 
//			the command's Acknowledge() function.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vCmd	- (R) Command object.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functionality succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functionality failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdInvoker::CmdExecuteFinished( CMICmdBase & vCmd )
	// Command finished now get the command to gather it's information and form the MI
	// Result record
	if( !vCmd.Acknowledge() )
		// Report command acknowledge functionality failed
		const SMICmdData cmdData( vCmd.GetCmdData() );
		CmdStdout( cmdData );
		CmdDelete( cmdData.id );

		// Proceed to wait or execute next command
		return MIstatus::success;
	// Retrieve the command's latest data/information. Needed for commands of the event type so have 
	// a record of commands pending finishing execution.
	const CMIUtilString & rMIResultRecord( vCmd.GetMIResultRecord() );
	SMICmdData cmdData( vCmd.GetCmdData() );		// Make a copy as the command will be deleted soon
	cmdData.strMiCmdResultRecord = rMIResultRecord;	// Precautionary copy as the command might forget to do this
	if( vCmd.HasMIResultRecordExtra() )
		cmdData.bHasResultRecordExtra = true;
		const CMIUtilString & rMIExtra( vCmd.GetMIResultRecordExtra() );
		cmdData.strMiCmdResultRecordExtra = rMIExtra;	// Precautionary copy as the command might forget to do this
	// Send command's MI response to the client
	bool bOk = CmdStdout( cmdData );
	// Delete the command object as do not require anymore
	bOk = bOk && CmdDelete( vCmd.GetCmdData().id );
	return bOk;
VsbRawConfig VsbDevice::getRawConfig()
    ByteString data = doQuery(VSB_CMD_GETCFG);
    VsbRawConfig rawConfig =
        .mode = data[0],
        .mods = data[1],
        .keycodes = ByteString(data, 2, getInfo().singlekeyNumKeys),
        .keyseqLen = data[8]
    return rawConfig;

void VsbDevice::setRawConfig(const VsbRawConfig& rawCfg)
    ByteString cmdData(3+info->singlekeyNumKeys, 0);
    cmdData[0] = rawCfg.mode;
    cmdData[1] = rawCfg.mods;
    cmdData[cmdData.size()-1] = rawCfg.keyseqLen;
    for(int i=0; (i<rawCfg.keycodes.size()) && (i < cmdData.size()-1); ++i)
        cmdData[i+2] = rawCfg.keycodes[i];
    doQuery(VSB_CMD_SETCFG, cmdData);
Exemplo n.º 4
bool TSmtpMailer::send()
    QMutexLocker locker(&sendMutex); // Lock for load reduction of mail server

    if (pop) {
        // POP before SMTP

        Tf::msleep(100); // sleep

    if (smtpHostName.isEmpty() || smtpPort <= 0) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: Bad Argument: hostname:%s port:%d", qPrintable(smtpHostName), smtpPort);
        return false;

    if (mailMessage.fromAddress().trimmed().isEmpty()) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: Bad Argument: From-address empty");
        return false;

    if (mailMessage.recipients().isEmpty()) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: Bad Argument: Recipients empty");
        return false;

    if (!connectToHost(smtpHostName, smtpPort)) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: Connect Error: hostname:%s port:%d", qPrintable(smtpHostName), smtpPort);
        return false;

    if (mailMessage.date().isEmpty()) {

    if (!cmdEhlo()) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: EHLO Command Failed");
        return false;

    if (tlsEnable && tlsAvailable) {
        if (!cmdStartTls()) {
            return false;

    if (authEnable) {
        if (!cmdAuth()) {
            tSystemError("SMTP: User Authentication Failed: username:%s : [%s]", userName.data(), qPrintable(lastServerResponse()));
            return false;

    if (!cmdRset()) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: RSET Command Failed: [%s]", qPrintable(lastServerResponse()));
        return false;

    if (!cmdMail(mailMessage.fromAddress())) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: MAIL Command Failed: [%s]", qPrintable(lastServerResponse()));
        return false;

    if (!cmdRcpt(mailMessage.recipients())) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: RCPT Command Failed: [%s]", qPrintable(lastServerResponse()));
        return false;

    if (!cmdData(mailMessage.toByteArray())) {
        tSystemError("SMTP: DATA Command Failed: [%s]", qPrintable(lastServerResponse()));
        return false;

    return true;