Exemplo n.º 1
void QHoneycombWidget::paintGL()
  glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
  displayTexture(imWidth, imHeight);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Main rendering call for the scene
void renderScene(void)
	glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	globalSync = glFenceSync(GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE,0);

	//displayTexture(imWidth, imHeight);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Colormap::computeColors() {
    int left = 0;
    int right = -1;
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < map.size(); i++) {
        if (map[i] != NULLRGB) {
            right = i;
            colors[right] = map[right];
            for (int pos = left + 1; pos < right; pos++) {
                colors[pos] = interpolate(pos, left, right);
            left = right;
            right = -1;
    colors[0] = map[0];
    colors[255] = map[255];

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        float H, S, V;
        rgb2hsv(colors[i].red, colors[i].green, colors[i].blue, H, S, V);
        H = fmod(H + hue, 1.0);
        S = S * saturation;
        hsv2rgb(H, S, V, colors[i].red, colors[i].green, colors[i].blue);

    int step = 256 / numberOfColors;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

        int c = step * (int) floor(i / step);
        if (i >= 128) {
            c = c + step - 1;
        colors[i] = colors[c];

void SoTextureMaskedArea::draw(View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, int /*slice*/)
   // get size of the original image
   dsl->getImageSize(ox, oy, oz);
   // get size of the mask
   inMask.getSize(mx, my, mz);
   // set texture size for build-in textures
   switch (chooseTexture.getValue())
   case 1 :	tx = 2;	ty = 2; tz = 1; tc = 3;
   case 2 :	tx = 3;	ty = 3; tz = 1; tc = 3;
   case 3 :	tx = 3;	ty = 3; tz = 1; tc = 3;
   case 4 :	tx = 1;	ty = 2; tz = 1; tc = 3;
   case 5 :	tx = 2;	ty = 1; tz = 1; tc = 3;
   // if no valid texture at input and choice is 'from file' -> don't do anything
   if ( !inTexture.isValid() && (chooseTexture.getValue()==0) )
      tx=0; ty=0,tz=0;  tc=0;
      textureOK = false;
   // else -> get size of input texture
   else if( inTexture.isValid() && (chooseTexture.getValue()==0)) inTexture.getSize(tx, ty, tz, tc);
   std::cout << "Texture Size is X=" << tx << "   Y=" << ty << "   Z=" << tz << "   C=" << tc << std::endl;
   // allocate memory
   textureData = malloc(tc*tx*ty*MLSizeOf(MLuint8Type));
   textureBigData = malloc(3*ox*oy*MLSizeOf(MLuint8Type));
   maskData = malloc(mx*my*MLSizeOf(MLuint8Type));
   originalData = malloc(ox*oy*MLSizeOf(MLuint8Type));
   imageData = malloc(3*ox*oy*MLSizeOf(MLuint8Type));
   // check masks size -> only draw, if it's equal to original image size
   if ( (mx != ox) || (my != oy) )
      std::cout << "Maske passt nicht zum Originalbild - bitte korrekte Bilder nutzen!" << std::endl;
      // check if memory was allocated
      if ( (textureData == NULL) || (textureBigData == NULL) || (maskData == NULL) || (imageData == NULL) )
         std::cout << "Insufficient memory for allocation available!" << std::endl;
      // if so ->
         // set pointers to image (mask, texture, ...) memory 
         //_ML_UINT8 *tPointer, *tBPointer, *mPointer, *iPointer, *oPointer;
         tPointer	= (_ML_UINT8 *) textureData;
         tBPointer	= (_ML_UINT8 *) textureBigData;
         mPointer	= (_ML_UINT8 *) maskData;
         iPointer	= (_ML_UINT8 *) imageData;
         oPointer	= (_ML_UINT8 *) originalData;
         // get original
         oOk = dsl->getInputImage()->getTile3D(originalData, static_cast<MLDataType>(MLuint8Type), 0, 0, currentSlice.getValue(), ox, oy, 1);
         // compute texture, if not done already
         if (!textureOK) computeTexture();
         // Drawing field enabled, i.e. are we supposed to draw?
         if ( drawingOn.getValue() && textureOK )
            // get pointer to overlay texture
            View2DTexture* overlay = dslice->getOverlayTexture(this, 0);
            if (drawCounter > 0)
               // we share the lut mode of the View2D
               //if (chooseTexture.getValue() == 0) dsl->getOwner()->updateLutData(_lutFunction, _lutData, &inTexture);
               //else dsl->getOwner()->updateLutData(_lutFunction, _lutData, &inMask);
               dsl->getOwner()->updateLutData(_lutFunction, _lutData, &inTexture, View2DLutPrecision::VIEW2D_LUT_AUTO);
               //_lutFunction = new ml::LUTFunction(ml::LUT_RGB, true);
               //_lutFunction->renderRescaled(_lutData, 0x00, 0xFF);
               //_lutData->init(ml::LUT_RGB, 0, 0x00, 0xFF);
               //_lutFunction = dsl->getOwner()->getDefaultLut();
               //					_lutTransform.setInputLUT(_lutFunction);
               //					_lutTransform.setVisualType(ml::LUT_RGB);
               //					_lutData->clear();
               //					_lutFunction->render(_lutData);
               // set lut, so that the overlay texture is not affected by lut-changes in the original image
               //overlay->setLut(_lutData, dsl->getCurrentCacheContext());
               // pass memory area to overlay texture
               overlay->setData(imageData, ox, oy, MLuint8Type, 3);
            SbVec3f v, w;
            float vp1[3], vp2[3], vp3[3];
            // transform overlay image to slice device coords
            v = SbVec3f(0, 0, 0);
            inMask.mapVoxelToWorld(v, w);
            dslice->mapWorldToDevice(w, vp1[0], vp1[1]);
            v = SbVec3f(mx, 0, 0);
            inMask.mapVoxelToWorld(v, w);
            dslice->mapWorldToDevice(w, vp2[0], vp2[1]);
            v = SbVec3f(0, my, 0);
            inMask.mapVoxelToWorld(v, w);
            dslice->mapWorldToDevice(w, vp3[0], vp3[1]);
            vp1[2] = vp2[2] = vp3[2] = 0;
            // compose colour with alpha value
            float colour[4];
            colour[0] = overlayColour.getValue()[0]; colour[1] = overlayColour.getValue()[1]; colour[2] = overlayColour.getValue()[2]; colour[3] = overlayAlpha.getValue();
            // draw texture
            //dslice->drawTexture(overlay, vp1, vp2, vp3, BLEND_BLEND, colour, dsl->getCurrentCacheContext());
         // free memory
      } // else (memory was allocated)
   } // else (mask size equal original)