Exemplo n.º 1
void rawDisplayMatrixStream(const Matrix *inputMatrix)
  const Ring *R = inputMatrix->get_ring();
  const PolyRing *P = R->cast_to_PolyRing();
  if (P == 0) 
      ERROR("expected a polynomial ring");
  int charac = P->charac();
  int nvars = P->n_vars();
#if defined(HAVE_MATHICGB)
  mgb::GroebnerConfiguration configuration(charac, nvars);
  mgb::GroebnerInputIdealStream input(configuration);

  std::ostringstream computedStr;
  mgb::IdealStreamLog<> computed(computedStr, charac, nvars);
  mgb::IdealStreamChecker<decltype(computed)> checked(computed);

  matrixToStream(inputMatrix, checked); 

  std::cout << "result: " << std::endl;
  std::cout << computedStr.str() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
void    MetaDataManager::launchComputing( Media *media )
    m_computeInProgress = true;
    m_mediaPlayer = new LibVLCpp::MediaPlayer;
    MetaDataWorker* worker = new MetaDataWorker( m_mediaPlayer, media );
    connect( worker, SIGNAL( computed() ),
             this, SLOT( computingCompleted() ),
             Qt::DirectConnection );
    connect( worker, SIGNAL( failed( Media* ) ),
             this, SLOT( computingFailed( Media* ) ),
             Qt::DirectConnection );
Exemplo n.º 3
// From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.1.1:
// "The hash shall be calculated over the value (excluding tag and length) of
// the subject public key field in the issuer's certificate."
// From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#appendix-B.1:
// KeyHash ::= OCTET STRING -- SHA-1 hash of responder's public key
//                          -- (i.e., the SHA-1 hash of the value of the
//                          -- BIT STRING subjectPublicKey [excluding
//                          -- the tag, length, and number of unused
//                          -- bits] in the responder's certificate)
static Result
MatchKeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, Input keyHash,
             const Input subjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ bool& match)
  if (keyHash.GetLength() != TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH)  {
  static uint8_t hashBuf[TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH];
  Result rv = KeyHash(trustDomain, subjectPublicKeyInfo, hashBuf,
                      sizeof hashBuf);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  Input computed(hashBuf);
  match = InputsAreEqual(computed, keyHash);
  return Success;
Exemplo n.º 4
compile_for_plim( const mig_graph& mig,
                  const properties::ptr& settings,
                  const properties::ptr& statistics )
  /* settings */
  const auto verbose              = get( settings, "verbose", false );
  const auto progress             = get( settings, "progress", false );
  const auto enable_cost_function = get( settings, "enable_cost_function", true );
  const auto generator_strategy   = get( settings, "generator_strategy", 0u ); /* 0u: LIFO, 1u: FIFO */

  /* timing */
  properties_timer t( statistics );

  plim_program program;

  const auto& info = mig_info( mig );

  boost::dynamic_bitset<>                 computed( num_vertices( mig ) );
  std::unordered_map<mig_function, memristor_index> func_to_rram;
  auto_index_generator<memristor_index> memristor_generator(
      generator_strategy == 0u
          ? auto_index_generator<memristor_index>::request_strategy::lifo
          : auto_index_generator<memristor_index>::request_strategy::fifo );

  /* constant and all PIs are computed */
  computed.set( info.constant );
  for ( const auto& input : info.inputs )
    computed.set( input );
    func_to_rram.insert( {{input, false}, memristor_generator.request()} );

  /* keep a priority queue for candidates
     invariant: candidates elements' children are all computed */
  compilation_compare cmp( mig, enable_cost_function );
  std::priority_queue<mig_node, std::vector<mig_node>, compilation_compare> candidates( cmp );

  /* find initial candidates */
  for ( const auto& node : boost::make_iterator_range( vertices( mig ) ) )
    /* PI and constant cannot be candidate */
    if ( out_degree( node, mig ) == 0 ) { continue; }

    if ( all_children_computed( node, mig, computed ) )
      candidates.push( node );

  const auto parent_edges = precompute_ingoing_edges( mig );

  null_stream ns;
  std::ostream null_out( &ns );
  boost::progress_display show_progress( num_vertices( mig ), progress ? std::cout : null_out );

  /* synthesis loop */
  while ( !candidates.empty() )

    /* pick the best candidate */
    auto candidate = candidates.top();

    L( "[i] compute node " << candidate );

    /* perform computation (e.g. mark which RRAM is used for this node) */
    const auto children = get_children( mig, candidate );
    boost::dynamic_bitset<> children_compl( 3u );
    for ( const auto& f : index( children ) )
      children_compl.set( f.index, f.value.complemented );

    /* indexes and registers */
    auto i_src_pos = 3u, i_src_neg = 3u, i_dst = 3u;
    plim_program::operand_t src_pos;
    plim_program::operand_t src_neg;
    memristor_index         dst;

    /* find the inverter */
    /* if there is one inverter */
    if ( children_compl.count() == 1u )
      i_src_neg = children_compl.find_first();

      if ( children[i_src_neg].node == 0u )
        src_neg = false;
        src_neg = func_to_rram.at( {children[i_src_neg].node, false} );
    /* if there are more than one inverters, but one of them is a constant */
    else if ( children_compl.count() > 1u && children[children_compl.find_first()].node == 0u )
      i_src_neg = children_compl.find_next( children_compl.find_first() );
      src_neg = func_to_rram.at( {children[i_src_neg].node, false} );
    /* if there is no inverter but a constant */
    else if ( children_compl.count() == 0u && children[0u].node == 0u )
      i_src_neg = 0u;
      src_neg = !children[0u].complemented;
    /* if there are more than one inverters */
    else if ( children_compl.count() > 1u )
      do /* in order to escape early */
        /* pick an input that has multiple fanout */
        for ( auto i = 0u; i < 3u; ++i )
          if ( !children_compl[i] ) continue;

          if ( cmp.fanout_count( children[i].node ) > 1u )
            i_src_neg = i;
            src_neg = func_to_rram.at( {children[i_src_neg].node, false} );

        if ( i_src_neg < 3u ) { break; }

        i_src_neg = children_compl.find_first();
        src_neg = func_to_rram.at( {children[i_src_neg].node, false} );
      } while ( false );
    /* if there is no inverter */
      do /* in order to escape early */
        /* pick an input that has multiple fanout */
        for ( auto i = 0u; i < 3u; ++i )
          const auto it_reg = func_to_rram.find( {children[i].node, true} );
          if ( it_reg != func_to_rram.end() )
            i_src_neg = i;
            src_neg = it_reg->second;

        if ( i_src_neg < 3u ) { break; }

        /* pick an input that has multiple fanout */
        for ( auto i = 0u; i < 3u; ++i )
          if ( cmp.fanout_count( children[i].node ) > 1u )
            i_src_neg = i;

        /* or pick the first one */
        if ( i_src_neg == 3u ) { i_src_neg = 0u; }

        /* create new register for inversion */
        const auto inv_result = memristor_generator.request();

        program.invert( inv_result, func_to_rram.at( {children[i_src_neg].node, false} ) );
        func_to_rram.insert( {{children[i_src_neg].node, true}, inv_result} );
        src_neg = inv_result;
      } while ( false );
    children_compl.reset( i_src_neg );

    /* find the destination */
    unsigned oa, ob;
    std::tie( oa, ob ) = three_without( i_src_neg );

    /* if there is a child with one fan-out */
    /* check whether they fulfill the requirements (non-constant and one fan-out) */
    const auto oa_c = children[oa].node != 0u && cmp.fanout_count( children[oa].node ) == 1u;
    const auto ob_c = children[ob].node != 0u && cmp.fanout_count( children[ob].node ) == 1u;

    if ( oa_c || ob_c )
      /* first check for complemented cases (to avoid them for last operand) */
      std::unordered_map<mig_function, memristor_index>::const_iterator it;
      if ( oa_c && children[oa].complemented && ( it = func_to_rram.find( {children[oa].node, true} ) ) != func_to_rram.end() )
        i_dst = oa;
        dst   = it->second;
      else if ( ob_c && children[ob].complemented && ( it = func_to_rram.find( {children[ob].node, true} ) ) != func_to_rram.end() )
        i_dst = ob;
        dst   = it->second;
      else if ( oa_c && !children[oa].complemented )
        i_dst = oa;
        dst   = func_to_rram.at( {children[oa].node, false} );
      else if ( ob_c && !children[ob].complemented )
        i_dst = ob;
        dst   = func_to_rram.at( {children[ob].node, false} );

    /* no destination found yet? */
    if ( i_dst == 3u )
      /* create new work RRAM */
      dst = memristor_generator.request();

      /* is there a constant (if, then it's the first one) */
      if ( children[oa].node == 0u )
        i_dst = oa;
        program.read_constant( dst, children[oa].complemented );
      /* is there another inverter, then load it with that one? */
      else if ( children_compl.count() > 0u )
        i_dst = children_compl.find_first();
        program.invert( dst, func_to_rram.at( {children[i_dst].node, false} ) );
      /* otherwise, pick first one */
        i_dst = oa;
        program.assign( dst, func_to_rram.at( {children[i_dst].node, false} ) );

    /* positive operand */
    i_src_pos = 3u - i_src_neg - i_dst;
    const auto node = children[i_src_pos].node;

    if ( node == 0u )
      src_pos = children[i_src_pos].complemented;
    else if ( children[i_src_pos].complemented )
      const auto it_reg = func_to_rram.find( {node, true} );
      if ( it_reg == func_to_rram.end() )
        /* create new register for inversion */
        const auto inv_result = memristor_generator.request();

        program.invert( inv_result, func_to_rram.at( {node, false} ) );
        func_to_rram.insert( {{node, true}, inv_result} );
        src_pos = inv_result;
        src_pos = it_reg->second;
      src_pos = func_to_rram.at( {node, false} );

    program.compute( dst, src_pos, src_neg );
    func_to_rram.insert( {{candidate, false}, dst} );

    /* free free registers */
    for ( const auto& c : children )
      if ( cmp.remove_fanout( c.node ) == 0u && c.node != 0u )
        const auto reg = func_to_rram.at( {c.node, false} );
        if ( reg != dst )
          memristor_generator.release( reg );

        const auto it_reg = func_to_rram.find( {c.node, true} );
        if ( it_reg != func_to_rram.end() && it_reg->second != dst )
          memristor_generator.release( it_reg->second );

    /* update computed and find new candidates */
    computed.set( candidate );
    const auto it = parent_edges.find( candidate );
    if ( it != parent_edges.end() ) /* if it has parents */
      for ( const auto& e : it->second )
        const auto parent = boost::source( e, mig );

        if ( !computed[parent] && all_children_computed( parent, mig, computed ) )
          candidates.push( parent );

    L( "    - src_pos: " << i_src_pos << std::endl <<
       "    - src_neg: " << i_src_neg << std::endl <<
       "    - dst:     " << i_dst << std::endl );

  set( statistics, "step_count", (int)program.step_count() );
  set( statistics, "rram_count", (int)program.rram_count() );

  std::vector<int> write_counts( program.write_counts().begin(), program.write_counts().end() );
  set( statistics, "write_counts", write_counts );

  return program;
Exemplo n.º 5
// CertID          ::=     SEQUENCE {
//        hashAlgorithm       AlgorithmIdentifier,
//        issuerNameHash      OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's DN
//        issuerKeyHash       OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's public key
//        serialNumber        CertificateSerialNumber }
static inline Result
CertID(Reader& input, const Context& context, /*out*/ bool& match)
  match = false;

  DigestAlgorithm hashAlgorithm;
  Result rv = der::DigestAlgorithmIdentifier(input, hashAlgorithm);
  if (rv != Success) {
    if (rv == Result::ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM) {
      // Skip entries that are hashed with algorithms we don't support.
      return Success;
    return rv;

  Input issuerNameHash;
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, issuerNameHash);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Input issuerKeyHash;
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, issuerKeyHash);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Input serialNumber;
  rv = der::CertificateSerialNumber(input, serialNumber);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  if (!InputsAreEqual(serialNumber, context.certID.serialNumber)) {
    // This does not reference the certificate we're interested in.
    // Consume the rest of the input and return successfully to
    // potentially continue processing other responses.
    return Success;

  // TODO: support SHA-2 hashes.

  if (hashAlgorithm != DigestAlgorithm::sha1) {
    // Again, not interested in this response. Consume input, return success.
    return Success;

  if (issuerNameHash.GetLength() != TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH) {

  // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.1.1:
  // "The hash shall be calculated over the DER encoding of the
  // issuer's name field in the certificate being checked."
  uint8_t hashBuf[TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH];
  rv = context.trustDomain.DigestBuf(context.certID.issuer, hashBuf,
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  Input computed(hashBuf);
  if (!InputsAreEqual(computed, issuerNameHash)) {
    // Again, not interested in this response. Consume input, return success.
    return Success;

  return MatchKeyHash(context.trustDomain, issuerKeyHash,
                      context.certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, match);
void ObscuranceMainThread::run()

    m_stopped = false;

    vtkVolumeRayCastMapper *mapper = vtkVolumeRayCastMapper::SafeDownCast(m_volume->GetMapper());
    vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *gradientEstimator = mapper->GetGradientEstimator();
    /// \TODO fent això aquí crec que va més ràpid, però s'hauria de comprovar i provar també amb l'Update()

    // Creem els threads
    /// \todo QThread::idealThreadCount() amb Qt >= 4.3
    int numberOfThreads = vtkMultiThreader::GetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads();
    QVector<ObscuranceThread*> threads(numberOfThreads);

    // Variables necessàries
    vtkImageData *image = mapper->GetInput();
    unsigned short *data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(image->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetVoidPointer(0));
    int dataSize = image->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetSize();
    int dimensions[3];
    vtkIdType vtkIncrements[3];

    int increments[3];
    increments[0] = vtkIncrements[0];
    increments[1] = vtkIncrements[1];
    increments[2] = vtkIncrements[2];

    m_obscurance = new Obscurance(dataSize, hasColor(), m_doublePrecision);

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++)
        ObscuranceThread * thread = new ObscuranceThread(i, numberOfThreads, m_transferFunction);
        thread->setData(data, dataSize, dimensions, increments);
        thread->setObscuranceParameters(m_maximumDistance, m_function, m_variant, m_obscurance);
        thread->setSaliency(m_saliency, m_fxSaliencyA, m_fxSaliencyB, m_fxSaliencyLow, m_fxSaliencyHigh);
        threads[i] = thread;

    // Estructures de dades reaprofitables
    QVector<Vector3> lineStarts;

    const QVector<Vector3> directions = getDirections();
    int nDirections = directions.size();

    // Iterem per les direccions
    for (int i = 0; i < nDirections && !m_stopped; i++)
        const Vector3 &direction = directions.at(i);

        DEBUG_LOG(QString("Direcció %1: %2").arg(i).arg(direction.toString()));

        // Direcció dominant (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z)
        int dominant;
        Vector3 absDirection(qAbs(direction.x), qAbs(direction.y), qAbs(direction.z));
        if (absDirection.x >= absDirection.y)
            if (absDirection.x >= absDirection.z)
                dominant = 0;
                dominant = 2;
            if (absDirection.y >= absDirection.z)
                dominant = 1;
                dominant = 2;

        // Vector per avançar
        Vector3 forward;
        switch (dominant)
            case 0:
                forward = Vector3(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z);
            case 1:
                forward = Vector3(direction.y, direction.z, direction.x);
            case 2: 
                forward = Vector3(direction.z, direction.x, direction.y);
        // La direcció x passa a ser 1 o -1
        forward /= qAbs(forward.x);
        DEBUG_LOG(QString("forward = ") + forward.toString());

        // Dimensions i increments segons la direcció dominant
        int x = dominant, y = (dominant + 1) % 3, z = (dominant + 2) % 3;
        int dimX = dimensions[x], dimY = dimensions[y], dimZ = dimensions[z];
        int incX = increments[x], incY = increments[y], incZ = increments[z];
        int sX = 1, sY = 1, sZ = 1;
        qptrdiff startDelta = 0;
        if (forward.x < 0.0)
            startDelta += incX * (dimX - 1);
//             incX = -incX;
            forward.x = -forward.x;
            sX = -1;
        if (forward.y < 0.0)
            startDelta += incY * (dimY - 1);
//             incY = -incY;
            forward.y = -forward.y;
            sY = -1;
        if (forward.z < 0.0)
            startDelta += incZ * (dimZ - 1);
//             incZ = -incZ;
            forward.z = -forward.z;
            sZ = -1;
        DEBUG_LOG(QString("forward = ") + forward.toString());
        // Ara els 3 components són positius

        // Llista dels vòxels que són començament de línia
        getLineStarts(lineStarts, dimX, dimY, dimZ, forward);

//         int incXYZ[3] = { incX, incY, incZ };
        int xyz[3] = { x, y, z };
        int sXYZ[3] = { sX, sY, sZ };

        // Iniciem els threads
        for (int j = 0; j < numberOfThreads; j++)
            ObscuranceThread * thread = threads[j];
            thread->setPerDirectionParameters(direction, forward, xyz, sXYZ, lineStarts, startDelta);

        // Esperem que acabin els threads
        for (int j = 0; j < numberOfThreads; j++)

        emit progress(100 * (i + 1) / nDirections);

    // Destruïm els threads
    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfThreads; j++)
        delete threads[j];
    // Si han cancel·lat el procés ja podem plegar
    if (m_stopped)
        emit progress(0);
        delete m_obscurance; m_obscurance = 0;


    emit computed();
Exemplo n.º 7
const Matrix * rawMGB(const Matrix *inputMatrix, 
                      int reducer,
                      int spairGroupSize, // a value of 0 means let the algorithm choose
                      int nthreads,
                      M2_string logging)
  const Ring *R = inputMatrix->get_ring();
  const PolyRing *P = R->cast_to_PolyRing();
  if (P == 0) 
      ERROR("expected a polynomial ring");
      return 0;
  if (nthreads < 0)
      ERROR("mgb: expected a non-negative number of threads");
      return 0;
  int charac = P->charac();
  int nvars = P->n_vars();
#if defined(HAVE_MATHICGB)
  mgb::GroebnerConfiguration configuration(charac, nvars);

  const auto reducerType = reducer == 0 ?
    mgb::GroebnerConfiguration::ClassicReducer :
  std::string log(logging->array, logging->len);

  std::vector<int> mat;
  bool base_is_revlex = true;
  // Now set the monomial ordering info
  if (!monomialOrderingToMatrix(* P->getMonoid()->getMonomialOrdering(), mat, base_is_revlex))
      ERROR("monomial ordering is not appropriate for Groebner basis computation");
      return 0;
  configuration.setMonomialOrder((base_is_revlex ? 
                                  : mgb::GroebnerConfiguration::BaseOrder::LexicographicBaseOrder),

#if 0
  // Debug information
  printf("Setting monomial order:");
  for (size_t i=0; i<mat.size(); i++) printf("%d ", mat[i]);
  printf("  Base=%d\n", base_is_revlex);

  mgb::GroebnerInputIdealStream input(configuration);

  std::ostringstream computedStr;
  mgb::IdealStreamLog<> computed(computedStr, charac, nvars);
  mgb::IdealStreamChecker<decltype(computed)> checkedOut(computed);

  matrixToStream(inputMatrix, input); 
  MatrixStream matStream(P);
  //  mgb::computeGroebnerBasis(input, checked);
  mgb::computeGroebnerBasis(input, matStream);
  const Matrix* result = matStream.value();
  //  rawDisplayMatrixStream(result);
  return result;
  return inputMatrix;