Exemplo n.º 1
static void camera_frame_fit_data_init(
        const Scene *scene, const Object *ob,
        CameraParams *params, CameraViewFrameData *data)
	float camera_rotmat_transposed_inversed[4][4];
	unsigned int i;

	/* setup parameters */
	BKE_camera_params_from_object(params, ob);

	/* compute matrix, viewplane, .. */
	if (scene) {
		BKE_camera_params_compute_viewplane(params, scene->r.xsch, scene->r.ysch, scene->r.xasp, scene->r.yasp);
	else {
		BKE_camera_params_compute_viewplane(params, 1, 1, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	/* initialize callback data */
	copy_m3_m4(data->camera_rotmat, (float (*)[4])ob->obmat);
	/* To transform a plane which is in its homogeneous representation (4d vector),
	 * we need the inverse of the transpose of the transform matrix... */
	copy_m4_m3(camera_rotmat_transposed_inversed, data->camera_rotmat);

	/* Extract frustum planes from projection matrix. */
	                    /*   left              right                 top              bottom        near  far */
	                    data->plane_tx[2], data->plane_tx[0], data->plane_tx[3], data->plane_tx[1], NULL, NULL);

	/* Rotate planes and get normals from them */
	for (i = 0; i < CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES; i++) {
		mul_m4_v4(camera_rotmat_transposed_inversed, data->plane_tx[i]);
		normalize_v3_v3(data->normal_tx[i], data->plane_tx[i]);

	copy_v4_fl(data->dist_vals_sq, FLT_MAX);
	data->tot = 0;
	data->is_ortho = params->is_ortho;
	if (params->is_ortho) {
		/* we want (0, 0, -1) transformed by camera_rotmat, this is a quicker shortcut. */
		negate_v3_v3(data->camera_no, data->camera_rotmat[2]);
		data->dist_to_cam = FLT_MAX;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void gizmo_primitive_draw_intern(wmGizmo *gz,
                                        const bool UNUSED(select),
                                        const bool highlight)
  float color_inner[4], color_outer[4];
  float matrix_final[4][4];
  const int draw_style = RNA_enum_get(gz->ptr, "draw_style");

  gizmo_color_get(gz, highlight, color_outer);
  copy_v4_v4(color_inner, color_outer);
  color_inner[3] *= 0.5f;

  WM_gizmo_calc_matrix_final(gz, matrix_final);


  gizmo_primitive_draw_geom(color_inner, color_outer, draw_style);


  if (gz->interaction_data) {
    GizmoInteraction *inter = gz->interaction_data;

    copy_v4_fl(color_inner, 0.5f);
    copy_v3_fl(color_outer, 0.5f);
    color_outer[3] = 0.8f;


    gizmo_primitive_draw_geom(color_inner, color_outer, draw_style);

void VariableSizeBokehBlurOperation::executePixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data)
	VariableSizeBokehBlurTileData *tileData = (VariableSizeBokehBlurTileData *)data;
	MemoryBuffer *inputProgramBuffer = tileData->color;
	MemoryBuffer *inputBokehBuffer = tileData->bokeh;
	MemoryBuffer *inputSizeBuffer = tileData->size;
	float *inputSizeFloatBuffer = inputSizeBuffer->getBuffer();
	float *inputProgramFloatBuffer = inputProgramBuffer->getBuffer();
	float readColor[4];
	float bokeh[4];
	float tempSize[4];
	float multiplier_accum[4];
	float color_accum[4];

	const float max_dim = max(m_width, m_height);
	const float scalar = this->m_do_size_scale ? (max_dim / 100.0f) : 1.0f;
	int maxBlurScalar = tileData->maxBlurScalar;

	BLI_assert(inputBokehBuffer->getWidth()  == COM_BLUR_BOKEH_PIXELS);
	BLI_assert(inputBokehBuffer->getHeight() == COM_BLUR_BOKEH_PIXELS);

	float search[4];
	this->m_inputSearchProgram->read(search, x / InverseSearchRadiusOperation::DIVIDER, y / InverseSearchRadiusOperation::DIVIDER, NULL);
	int minx = search[0];
	int miny = search[1];
	int maxx = search[2];
	int maxy = search[3];
	int minx = max(x - maxBlurScalar, 0);
	int miny = max(y - maxBlurScalar, 0);
	int maxx = min(x + maxBlurScalar, (int)m_width);
	int maxy = min(y + maxBlurScalar, (int)m_height);
		inputSizeBuffer->readNoCheck(tempSize, x, y);
		inputProgramBuffer->readNoCheck(readColor, x, y);

		copy_v4_v4(color_accum, readColor);
		copy_v4_fl(multiplier_accum, 1.0f);
		float size_center = tempSize[0] * scalar;
		const int addXStepValue = QualityStepHelper::getStep();
		const int addYStepValue = addXStepValue;
		const int addXStepColor = addXStepValue * COM_NUM_CHANNELS_COLOR;

		if (size_center > this->m_threshold) {
			for (int ny = miny; ny < maxy; ny += addYStepValue) {
				float dy = ny - y;
				int offsetValueNy = ny * inputSizeBuffer->getWidth();
				int offsetValueNxNy = offsetValueNy + (minx);
				int offsetColorNxNy = offsetValueNxNy * COM_NUM_CHANNELS_COLOR;
				for (int nx = minx; nx < maxx; nx += addXStepValue) {
					if (nx != x || ny != y) {
						float size = min(inputSizeFloatBuffer[offsetValueNxNy] * scalar, size_center);
						if (size > this->m_threshold) {
							float dx = nx - x;
							if (size > fabsf(dx) && size > fabsf(dy)) {
								float uv[2] = {
									(float)(COM_BLUR_BOKEH_PIXELS / 2) + (dx / size) * (float)((COM_BLUR_BOKEH_PIXELS / 2) - 1),
									(float)(COM_BLUR_BOKEH_PIXELS / 2) + (dy / size) * (float)((COM_BLUR_BOKEH_PIXELS / 2) - 1)};
								inputBokehBuffer->read(bokeh, uv[0], uv[1]);
								madd_v4_v4v4(color_accum, bokeh, &inputProgramFloatBuffer[offsetColorNxNy]);
								add_v4_v4(multiplier_accum, bokeh);
					offsetColorNxNy += addXStepColor;
					offsetValueNxNy += addXStepValue;				}

		output[0] = color_accum[0] / multiplier_accum[0];
		output[1] = color_accum[1] / multiplier_accum[1];
		output[2] = color_accum[2] / multiplier_accum[2];
		output[3] = color_accum[3] / multiplier_accum[3];

		/* blend in out values over the threshold, otherwise we get sharp, ugly transitions */
		if ((size_center > this->m_threshold) &&
		    (size_center < this->m_threshold * 2.0f))
			/* factor from 0-1 */
			float fac = (size_center - this->m_threshold) / this->m_threshold;
			interp_v4_v4v4(output, readColor, output, fac);

Exemplo n.º 4
/* only valid for perspective cameras */
bool BKE_camera_view_frame_fit_to_scene(Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, Object *camera_ob, float r_co[3])
	float shift[2];
	float plane_tx[4][3];
	float rot_obmat[3][3];
	const float zero[3] = {0, 0, 0};
	CameraViewFrameData data_cb;

	unsigned int i;

	BKE_camera_view_frame(scene, camera_ob->data, data_cb.frame_tx);

	copy_m3_m4(rot_obmat, camera_ob->obmat);

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		/* normalize so Z is always 1.0f*/
		mul_v3_fl(data_cb.frame_tx[i], 1.0f / data_cb.frame_tx[i][2]);

	/* get the shift back out of the frame */
	shift[0] = (data_cb.frame_tx[0][0] +
	            data_cb.frame_tx[1][0] +
	            data_cb.frame_tx[2][0] +
	            data_cb.frame_tx[3][0]) / 4.0f;
	shift[1] = (data_cb.frame_tx[0][1] +
	            data_cb.frame_tx[1][1] +
	            data_cb.frame_tx[2][1] +
	            data_cb.frame_tx[3][1]) / 4.0f;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		mul_m3_v3(rot_obmat, data_cb.frame_tx[i]);

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		normal_tri_v3(data_cb.normal_tx[i], zero, data_cb.frame_tx[i], data_cb.frame_tx[(i + 1) % 4]);
		plane_from_point_normal_v3(data_cb.plane_tx[i], data_cb.frame_tx[i], data_cb.normal_tx[i]);

	/* initialize callback data */
	copy_v4_fl(data_cb.dist_vals_sq, FLT_MAX);
	data_cb.tot = 0;
	/* run callback on all visible points */
	BKE_scene_foreach_display_point(scene, v3d, BA_SELECT,
	                                camera_to_frame_view_cb, &data_cb);

	if (data_cb.tot <= 1) {
		return false;
	else {
		float plane_isect_1[3], plane_isect_1_no[3], plane_isect_1_other[3];
		float plane_isect_2[3], plane_isect_2_no[3], plane_isect_2_other[3];

		float plane_isect_pt_1[3], plane_isect_pt_2[3];

		/* apply the dist-from-plane's to the transformed plane points */
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			mul_v3_v3fl(plane_tx[i], data_cb.normal_tx[i], sqrtf_signed(data_cb.dist_vals_sq[i]));

		if ((!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no,
		                           plane_tx[0], data_cb.normal_tx[0],
		                           plane_tx[2], data_cb.normal_tx[2])) ||
		    (!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no,
		                           plane_tx[1], data_cb.normal_tx[1],
		                           plane_tx[3], data_cb.normal_tx[3])))
			return false;

		add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_1_other, plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no);
		add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_2_other, plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no);

		if (isect_line_line_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_other,
		                       plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_other,
		                       plane_isect_pt_1, plane_isect_pt_2) == 0)
			return false;
		else {
			float cam_plane_no[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f};
			float plane_isect_delta[3];
			float plane_isect_delta_len;

			mul_m3_v3(rot_obmat, cam_plane_no);

			sub_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, plane_isect_pt_2, plane_isect_pt_1);
			plane_isect_delta_len = len_v3(plane_isect_delta);

			if (dot_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, cam_plane_no) > 0.0f) {
				copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_1);

				/* offset shift */
				madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_1_no, shift[1] * -plane_isect_delta_len);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_2);

				/* offset shift */
				madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_2_no, shift[0] * -plane_isect_delta_len);

			return true;