char *exp_notation(double x, long n1, long n2) { char t[100], s[100], format[100]; char *ptr; sprintf(format, "%%%ld.%ldle", n1, n2); sprintf(s, format, x); if ((ptr = strchr(s, 'e'))) { *ptr++ = 0; if (*ptr=='+') { ptr++; while (*ptr=='0') ptr++; } else { while (*(ptr+1)=='0') strcpy_ss(ptr+1, ptr+2); } sprintf(t, "%sx10$a%s$b", s, ptr); cp_str(&ptr, t); return(ptr); } else { cp_str(&ptr, s); return(ptr); } }
long rpn_create_mem(char *name, short is_string) { long i_mem; int32_t duplicate; MEMORY *newMem; if (is_func(name)!=-1 || find_udf(name)!=-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: attempt to create rpn memory with reserved name \"%s\"\n", name); return -1; } if (Memory==NULL || n_memories>=max_n_memories) { Memory = trealloc(Memory, sizeof(*Memory)*(max_n_memories+=10)); memoryData = trealloc(memoryData, sizeof(*memoryData)*max_n_memories); str_memoryData = trealloc(str_memoryData, sizeof(*str_memoryData)*max_n_memories); } newMem = tmalloc(sizeof(*newMem)); newMem->name = name; /* temporary copy */ i_mem = binaryInsert((void**)Memory, n_memories, (void*)newMem, compare_mem, &duplicate); if (duplicate) { free(newMem); return Memory[i_mem]->index; } cp_str(&newMem->name, name); newMem->index = n_memories; newMem->is_string = is_string; memoryData[n_memories] = 0; str_memoryData[n_memories] = NULL; n_memories++; memory_added = 1; return Memory[i_mem]->index; }
double rpn_internal(char *expression) { double value; long cycle_counter_stop0; char *expressionCopy; /* this is necessary to prevent UDF processing problems */ cycle_counter_stop0 = cycle_counter_stop; cycle_counter_stop = cycle_counter; cp_str(&expressionCopy, expression); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "rpn_internal: executing %s\n", expression); #endif push_code(expressionCopy, STATIC); execute_code(); free(expressionCopy); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "done\n"); #endif value = pop_num(); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "value = %e\n", value); #endif cycle_counter_stop = cycle_counter_stop0; return value; }
void cat_to_str(char *target, char *source){ while(*target) { target++; } cp_str(target, source); }
void load_config(god_t* god){ check_dirs(); char *home_dir = getenv("HOME"); char *conf_file = "/.local/share/crunchball/crunchball.cfg"; char tmp_path[500] = {0}; cp_str(tmp_path, home_dir); cat_to_str(tmp_path, conf_file); long int video_mode; long int audio_level; long int fullscreen; long int high_score; cfg_opt_t opts[] = { CFG_SIMPLE_INT("video_mode", &video_mode), CFG_SIMPLE_INT("audio_level", &audio_level), CFG_SIMPLE_INT("fullscreen", &fullscreen), CFG_SIMPLE_INT("high_score", &high_score), CFG_END() }; cfg_t *cfg; cfg = cfg_init(opts, 0); int rc = cfg_parse(cfg, tmp_path); if ( rc != 0 ){ video_mode = 2; audio_level = 5; fullscreen = 0; high_score = 0; } if (video_mode == 0) video_mode = 2; god->scalar.scale = video_mode; god->state.settings_volume = audio_level; god->state.high_score = high_score; god->scalar.fs = fullscreen; FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_path, "w"); cfg_print(cfg, fp); fclose(fp); cfg_free(cfg); }
char *process_column_definition(char **argv, long argc) { char buffer[SDDS_MAXLINE], *ptr; long i; if (argc<1) return(NULL); sprintf(buffer, "&column name=%s, ", argv[0]); for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (!strchr(argv[i], '=')) return(NULL); strcat(buffer, argv[i]); strcat(buffer, ", "); } if (!strstr(buffer, "type=")) strcat(buffer, "type=character "); strcat(buffer, "&end"); cp_str(&ptr, buffer); return(ptr); }
void get_name_unit_descrip_format(char **name, char **unit, char **descrip, char **format, char *buf) { char *ptr, *ptrn, *ptru, *ptrd, *ptrf; char *blank_string; cp_str(&blank_string, " "); ptr = ptrn = buf; ptru = ptrd = ptrf = NULL; while ((ptr=strchr(ptr, '\\'))) { if (ptr[1]=='\\') ptr += 2; else { if (!ptru) { *ptr = 0; ptru = ++ptr; } else if (!ptrd) { *ptr = 0; ptrd = ++ptr; } else { *ptr = 0; ptrf = ++ptr; break; } } } cp_str(name, ptrn); trim_spaces(*name); if (ptru) { cp_str(unit, ptru); trim_spaces(*unit); } else *unit = blank_string; if (ptrd && !is_blank(ptrd)) { cp_str(descrip, ptrd); trim_spaces(*descrip); } else cp_str(descrip, *name); if (ptrf) { cp_str(format, ptrf); trim_spaces(*format); } else *format = NULL; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_TABLE SDDS_table; SCANNED_ARG *scanned; long i, i_arg, points; char *input, *output, *name, *indep_var, *var_list_format; char *mpl_title, *mpl_topline, *descrip_text, *descrip_contents; FILE *fpi; char buffer[BUFSIZE], buffer0[BUFSIZE], buffer1[BUFSIZE]; char *ptr, *ptr1, *ptr2; char **data_name, *package_name, *data_format; long data_names, data_sets_seen, data_sets_expected, realIndex, imagIndex; double **real_data, **imag_data, *var_list; argc = scanargs(&scanned, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); input = output = package_name = data_format = indep_var = var_list_format = ptr = NULL; mpl_title = mpl_topline = descrip_text = descrip_contents = NULL; data_names = realIndex = imagIndex = 0; data_name = NULL; real_data = imag_data = NULL; var_list = NULL; data_sets_expected = data_sets_seen = 0; points = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (scanned[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(scanned[i_arg].list[0], "_"); /* process options here */ switch (match_string(scanned[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_DESCRIPTION: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -description syntax"); descrip_text = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; descrip_contents = scanned[i_arg].list[2]; break; case SET_MPL_LABELS: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -mpllabels syntax"); mpl_title = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; mpl_topline = scanned[i_arg].list[2]; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid option seen"); break; } } else { if (!input) input = scanned[i_arg].list[0]; else if (!output) output = scanned[i_arg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames"); } } if (!input) SDDS_Bomb("input file not seen"); if (!output) SDDS_Bomb("output file not seen"); fpi = fopen_e(input, "r", 0); if (!fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fpi) || strncmp(buffer, CITIFILE_TAG, strlen(CITIFILE_TAG))!=0 || !(ptr=strchr(buffer, ' '))) SDDS_Bomb("valid CITIFILE version line not found"); *ptr++ = 0; ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = 0; if (strncmp(ptr, CITIFILE_VERSION, strlen(CITIFILE_VERSION))!=0) fprintf(stderr, "warning: the CITIFILE version is %s--this program is only designed for version %s\n", ptr, CITIFILE_VERSION); if (!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&SDDS_table, SDDS_BINARY, 0, descrip_text, descrip_contents, output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); if ((mpl_title && SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "mplTitle", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, mpl_title)<0) || (mpl_topline && SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "mplTopline", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, mpl_topline)<0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fpi)) { #if DEBUG fputs(buffer, stderr); #endif buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = 0; strcpy(buffer0, buffer); ptr1 = NULL; if ((ptr1=strchr(buffer, ' '))) *ptr1++ = 0; switch (match_string(buffer, citi_keyword, N_CITI_KEYWORDS, EXACT_MATCH)) { case CITI_NA_KEYWORD: name = buffer+1; if (!*ptr1 || !(ptr2=strchr(ptr1, ' '))) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains an apparently invalid #NA keyword:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } *(ptr1-1) = '_'; *ptr2++ = 0; if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, ptr2)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating parameter for #NA keyword in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_NAME_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "NAME: %s\n", ptr1); #endif cp_str(&package_name, ptr1); if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "CITIPackageName", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, package_name)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating parameter for NAME keyword in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_VAR_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "VAR: %s\n", ptr1); #endif if (!(indep_var=get_token(ptr1)) || !(var_list_format=get_token(ptr1)) || !get_long(&points, ptr1) || points<=0) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } if (SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, indep_var, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating column for data element in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_CONSTANT_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || !(ptr2=strchr(ptr1, ' '))) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "CONSTANT: %s\n", ptr1); #endif *ptr2++ = 0; if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, ptr1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, ptr2)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating parameter for CONSTANT keyword in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_COMMENT_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "COMMENT: %s\n", ptr1); #endif break; case CITI_DATA_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || !(ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ' '))) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DATA: %s\n", ptr1); #endif *ptr2++ = 0; cp_str(&data_format, ptr2); data_name = trealloc(data_name, sizeof(*data_name)*(data_names+1)); cp_str(data_name+data_names, ptr1); alter_data_name(data_name[data_names]); real_data = trealloc(real_data, sizeof(*real_data)*(data_names+1)); imag_data = trealloc(imag_data, sizeof(*imag_data)*(data_names+1)); sprintf(buffer, "%sReal", data_name[data_names]); sprintf(buffer1, "%sImag", data_name[data_names]); if ((realIndex=SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0))<0 || (imagIndex=SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, buffer1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0))<0 ) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating column for data element in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } data_names++; break; case CITI_VAR_LIST_KEYWORD: if (ptr1 && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "VAR_LIST_BEGIN seen\n"); #endif if (points==0) SDDS_Bomb("VAR_LIST_BEGIN statement seen without prior VAR statement"); var_list = tmalloc(sizeof(*var_list)*points); if (!read_CITI_var_list(fpi, var_list, points)) SDDS_Bomb("unable to read VAR_LIST"); break; case CITI_BEGIN_KEYWORD: if (ptr1 && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN seen\n"); #endif if (points==0) SDDS_Bomb("BEGIN statement seen without prior VAR statement"); real_data[data_sets_seen] = tmalloc(sizeof(**real_data)*points); imag_data[data_sets_seen] = tmalloc(sizeof(**imag_data)*points); if (!read_CITI_data(fpi, real_data[data_sets_seen], imag_data[data_sets_seen], points)) SDDS_Bomb("problem reading data section"); data_sets_seen++; break; case CITI_SEG_LIST_BEGIN: if (ptr1 && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "SEG_LIST_BEGIN seen\n"); #endif if (points==0) SDDS_Bomb("SEG_LIST_BEGIN statement seen without prior SEG statement"); var_list = tmalloc(sizeof(*var_list)*points); if (!read_CITI_seg_list(fpi, var_list, points)) SDDS_Bomb("unable to read SEG_LIST"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unidentifiable line in file--not CITI format:\n\"%s\"\n", buffer0); exit(1); break; } } if (!points) SDDS_Bomb("no data in file"); if (data_sets_seen!=(data_sets_expected=data_names)) SDDS_Bomb("fewer data sets than expected were actually present"); if (!var_list) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: no independent variable data---supplying index\n"); var_list = tmalloc(sizeof(*var_list)*points); for (i=0; i<points; i++) var_list[i] = i; } if (!SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDS_table) || !SDDS_StartTable(&SDDS_table, points)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); if (!SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, (void*)var_list, points, indep_var)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); for (i=0; i<data_sets_expected; i++) { if (!SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX, (void*)real_data[i], points, realIndex) || !SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX, (void*)imag_data[i], points, imagIndex)) { fprintf(stderr, "problem setting data for column(s) %s\n", data_name[i]); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } } if (!SDDS_WriteTable(&SDDS_table) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_table)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); }
long setupOutputFile(SDDS_DATASET *SDDSout, SDDS_DATASET *SDDSin, char *output, char ***yOutputName, char ***yOutputErrorName, char ***yOutputUnits, char *xName, char *xErrorName, char **yName, char **yErrorName, long yNames, char **mainTemplate0, char **errorTemplate0, int32_t interval, long order) { long i; char *xSymbol, *ySymbol; char *mainTemplate[3] = {"%yNameDeriv", "Derivative w.r.t. %xSymbol of %ySymbol", "d[%ySymbol]/d[%xSymbol]"}; char *errorTemplate[3] = {"%yNameDerivSigma", "Sigma of derivative w.r.t. %xSymbol of %ySymbol", "Sigma[d[%ySymbol]/d[%xSymbol]]"}; char buffer[1024]; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { if (!mainTemplate0[i]) { if (order!=1) { switch (i) { case 0: /* name */ sprintf(buffer, "%%yNameDeriv%ld", order); break; case 1: /* description */ sprintf(buffer, "Derivative %ld w.r.t. %%xSymbol of %%ySymbol", order); break; case 2: /* symbol */ sprintf(buffer, "d$a%ld$n[%%ySymbol]/d[%%xSymbol]$a%ld$n", order, order); break; } cp_str(&mainTemplate[i], buffer); } } else mainTemplate[i] = mainTemplate0[i]; if (errorTemplate0[i]) errorTemplate[i] = errorTemplate0[i]; } *yOutputName = tmalloc(sizeof(*yOutputName)*yNames); *yOutputErrorName = tmalloc(sizeof(*yOutputErrorName)*yNames); *yOutputUnits = tmalloc(sizeof(*yOutputUnits)*yNames); if (!SDDS_InitializeOutput(SDDSout, SDDS_BINARY, 0, NULL, "sddsderiv output", output) || SDDS_DefineParameter1(SDDSout, "derivInterval", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_LONG, &interval)<0) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!SDDS_TransferColumnDefinition(SDDSout, SDDSin, xName, NULL) || (xErrorName && !SDDS_TransferColumnDefinition(SDDSout, SDDSin, xErrorName, NULL))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (SDDS_GetColumnInformation(SDDSout, "symbol", &xSymbol, SDDS_GET_BY_NAME, xName)!=SDDS_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem getting symbol for column %s\n", xName); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!xSymbol) SDDS_CopyString(&xSymbol, xName); for (i=0; i<yNames; i++) { if (!SDDS_TransferColumnDefinition(SDDSout, SDDSin, yName[i], NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem transferring definition for column %s\n", yName[i]); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (SDDS_GetColumnInformation(SDDSout, "symbol", &ySymbol, SDDS_GET_BY_NAME, yName[i])!=SDDS_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem getting symbol for column %s\n", yName[i]); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!ySymbol || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ySymbol)) SDDS_CopyString(&ySymbol, yName[i]); (*yOutputUnits)[i] = divideColumnUnits(SDDSout, yName[i], xName); (*yOutputName)[i] = changeInformation(SDDSout, yName[i], yName[i], ySymbol, xName, xSymbol, mainTemplate, (*yOutputUnits)[i]); if (yErrorName || xErrorName) { if (yErrorName && yErrorName[i]) { if (!SDDS_TransferColumnDefinition(SDDSout, SDDSin, yErrorName[i], NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem transferring definition for column %s\n", yErrorName[i]); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } (*yOutputErrorName)[i] = changeInformation(SDDSout, yErrorName[i], yName[i], ySymbol, xName, xSymbol, errorTemplate, (*yOutputUnits)[i]); } else { if (!SDDS_TransferColumnDefinition(SDDSout, SDDSin, yName[i], NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem transferring error definition for column %s\n", yName[i]); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } (*yOutputErrorName)[i] = changeInformation(SDDSout, yName[i], yName[i], ySymbol, xName, xSymbol, errorTemplate, (*yOutputUnits)[i]); } } else (*yOutputErrorName)[i] = NULL; } if (!SDDS_TransferAllParameterDefinitions(SDDSout, SDDSin, SDDS_TRANSFER_KEEPOLD) || !SDDS_WriteLayout(SDDSout)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); return(1); }
void add_element_links(ELEMENT_LINKS *links, NAMELIST_TEXT *nltext, LINE_LIST *beamline) { long n_links, src_position_code=0, n_targets, n_sources, mode_code=0; long targets, iTarget, j; char **targetList; ELEMENT_LIST *t_context, *s_context, **eptr, *eptr1; double dz_min, dz; #if DEBUG long i; #endif log_entry("add_element_links"); /* set namelist variables to defaults */ target = item = source = equation = exclude = NULL; /* must initialize these hear rather than in the .nl file * to avoid problems with str_tolower() and other operations */ cp_str(&source_position, "before"); cp_str(&mode, "dynamic"); /* process namelist text */ if (processNamelist(&link_elements, nltext)==NAMELIST_ERROR) bombElegant(NULL, NULL); if (target) str_toupper(target); if (exclude) str_toupper(exclude); if (item) str_toupper(item); if (source) str_toupper(source); if (source_position) str_tolower(source_position); else cp_str(&source_position, "nearest"); if (mode) str_tolower(mode); else cp_str(&mode, "dynamic"); if (echoNamelists) print_namelist(stdout, &link_elements); /* check for valid input */ if (!target) bombElegant("link target not named", NULL); if (!item) bombElegant("link item not named", NULL); if (!source) bombElegant("link source not named", NULL); if (!equation) bombElegant("link equation not given", NULL); if (!source_position || (src_position_code=match_string(source_position, src_position_name, N_SRC_POSITIONS, 0))<0) bombElegant("source_position not given/unknown", NULL); if (!mode || (mode_code=match_string(mode, link_mode, N_LINK_MODES, 0))<0) bombElegant("link mode not known", NULL); if (minimum>maximum) bombElegant("minimum>maximum", NULL); t_context = s_context = NULL; if (has_wildcards(target) && strchr(target, '-')) target = expand_ranges(target); if (exclude && strlen(exclude) && has_wildcards(exclude) && strchr(exclude, '-')) exclude = expand_ranges(exclude); if (!(t_context=wfind_element(target, &t_context, &(beamline->elem)))) { fprintf(stdout, "error: cannot make link with target element %s--not in beamline\n", target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } if (!(s_context=find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem)))) { fprintf(stdout, "error: cannot make link with source element %s--not in beamline\n", source); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } targets = 0; targetList = NULL; /* make a list of all the unique element names that match this (possibly wildcard) target */ do { int32_t duplic; if (!exclude || !strlen(exclude) || !wild_match(t_context->name, exclude)) { targetList = SDDS_Realloc(targetList, sizeof(*targetList)*(targets+1)); binaryInsert((void**)targetList, targets, t_context->name, strcmp, &duplic); if (!duplic) targets++; } } while ((t_context=wfind_element(target, &t_context, &(beamline->elem)))); if (!targets) bombElegant("cannot make link--no targets found\n", NULL); /* note that targets==1 if all the targets have the same name ! */ for (iTarget=0; iTarget<targets; iTarget++) { n_links = links->n_links; target = targetList[iTarget]; t_context = NULL; t_context = find_element(target, &t_context, &(beamline->elem)); /* expand the arrays */ links->target_name = trealloc(links->target_name, sizeof(*links->target_name)*(n_links+1)); links->target_elem = trealloc(links->target_elem, sizeof(*links->target_elem)*(n_links+1)); links->item = trealloc(links->item, sizeof(*links->item)*(n_links+1)); links->target_param = trealloc(links->target_param, sizeof(*links->target_param)*(n_links+1)); links->source_name = trealloc(links->source_name, sizeof(*links->source_name)*(n_links+1)); links->source_position = trealloc(links->source_position, sizeof(*links->source_position)*(n_links+1)); links->flags = trealloc(links->flags, sizeof(*links->flags)*(n_links+1)); links->source_elem = trealloc(links->source_elem, sizeof(*links->source_elem)*(n_links+1)); links->equation = trealloc(links->equation, sizeof(*links->equation)*(n_links+1)); links->n_targets = trealloc(links->n_targets, sizeof(*links->n_targets)*(n_links+1)); links->initial_value = trealloc(links->initial_value, sizeof(*links->initial_value)*(n_links+1)); links->baseline_value = trealloc(links->baseline_value, sizeof(*links->baseline_value)*(n_links+1)); links->minimum = trealloc(links->minimum, sizeof(*links->minimum)*(n_links+1)); links->maximum = trealloc(links->maximum, sizeof(*links->maximum)*(n_links+1)); /* copy the basic data */ cp_str(links->target_name+n_links, target); cp_str(links->item+n_links, item); cp_str(links->source_name+n_links, source); cp_str(links->equation+n_links, equation); links->source_position[n_links] = src_position_code; links->flags[n_links] = link_mode_flag[mode_code]; links->minimum[n_links] = minimum; links->maximum[n_links] = maximum; /* make the list of pointers to targets */ eptr = tmalloc(sizeof(*eptr)); eptr[0] = t_context; if ((links->target_param[n_links] = confirm_parameter(item, t_context->type))<0) { fprintf(stdout, "error: element %s does not have a parameter %s\n", target, item); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } n_targets = 1; while ((t_context=find_element(target, &t_context, &(beamline->elem)))) { eptr = trealloc(eptr, sizeof(*eptr)*(n_targets+1)); eptr[n_targets] = t_context; n_targets++; } links->baseline_value[n_links] = tmalloc(sizeof(*links->baseline_value[n_links])*n_targets); links->n_targets[n_links] = n_targets; links->target_elem[n_links] = eptr; t_context = links->target_elem[n_links][0]; switch (entity_description[eptr[0]->type].parameter[links->target_param[n_links]].type) { case IS_DOUBLE: links->initial_value[n_links] = *((double*)(eptr[0]->p_elem+entity_description[eptr[0]->type].parameter[links->target_param[n_links]].offset)); break; case IS_LONG: links->initial_value[n_links] = *((long*)(eptr[0]->p_elem+entity_description[eptr[0]->type].parameter[links->target_param[n_links]].offset)); break; default: bombElegant("invalid type of item for target of link", NULL); break; } for (j=0; j<n_targets; j++) links->baseline_value[n_links][j] = links->initial_value[n_links]; /* make the list of pointers to sources */ if (iTarget) { s_context = NULL; if (!(s_context=find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem)))) { fprintf(stdout, "error: cannot make link with source element %s--not in beamline\n", source); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } } eptr = tmalloc(sizeof(*eptr)*(n_targets)); if (src_position_code==SRC_POSITION_SAME_OCCURENCE) { n_sources = 0; while (n_sources<n_targets) { eptr1 = NULL; s_context = NULL; while (find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem))) { if (s_context->occurence==links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->occurence) { eptr1 = s_context; break; } } if (!eptr1) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no %s element is found with the same occurence number as the %ld-th %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, n_sources, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } eptr[n_sources++] = eptr1; } } else if (src_position_code==SRC_POSITION_NEAREST) { n_sources = 0; while (n_sources<n_targets) { dz_min = DBL_MAX; eptr1 = NULL; s_context = NULL; while (find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem))) { if ((dz = fabs(s_context->end_pos-links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->end_pos))<dz_min) { eptr1 = s_context; dz_min = dz; } } if (!eptr1) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no %s element is found near the %ld-th %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, n_sources, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } eptr[n_sources++] = eptr1; } } else if (src_position_code==SRC_POSITION_ADJACENT) { n_sources = 0; while (n_sources<n_targets) { eptr1 = NULL; if ((eptr1=links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->pred)) { if (strcmp(eptr1->name, source)!=0) eptr1 = NULL; } if (!eptr1 && (eptr1=links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->succ)) { if (strcmp(eptr1->name, source)!=0) eptr1 = NULL; } if (!eptr1) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no %s element is found adjacent to the %ld-th %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, n_sources, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } eptr[n_sources++] = eptr1; } } else if (src_position_code==SRC_POSITION_BEFORE) { if (links->target_elem[n_links][0]->end_pos<s_context->end_pos) { fprintf(stdout, "error: there is no %s element before the first %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } eptr[0] = s_context; n_sources = 0; while (n_sources<n_targets) { eptr1 = NULL; do { if (s_context->end_pos<links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->end_pos) eptr1 = s_context; else if (s_context->end_pos==links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->end_pos) { eptr1 = s_context; break; } else break; } while (find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem))); if (!eptr1) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no %s element is found before the %ld-th %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, n_sources, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } eptr[n_sources++] = eptr1; s_context = eptr[n_sources-1]; } } else if (src_position_code==SRC_POSITION_AFTER) { if (links->target_elem[n_links][0]->end_pos>=s_context->end_pos) { /* search for first source element after first target element */ while (find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem))) { if (links->target_elem[n_links][0]->end_pos<s_context->end_pos) break; } if (!s_context) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no %s element after the first %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } } eptr[0] = s_context; n_sources = 1; while (n_sources<n_targets) { s_context = links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources-1]; while (find_element(source, &s_context, &(beamline->elem))) { if (s_context->end_pos>links->target_elem[n_links][n_sources]->end_pos) break; } if (!s_context) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no %s element is found after the %ld-th %s element--can't link as requested\n", source, n_sources, target); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } eptr[n_sources++] = s_context; } } links->source_elem[n_links] = eptr; #if DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "list of targets and sources:\n"); fflush(stdout); for (i=0; i<n_targets; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%s at z=%em linked to %s at z=%em\n", links->target_elem[n_links][i]->name, links->target_elem[n_links][i]->end_pos, links->source_elem[n_links][i]->name, links->source_elem[n_links][i]->end_pos); fflush(stdout); #endif links->n_links += 1; } log_exit("add_element_links"); }
/* Set twiss parameter arrays etc. */ void init_IBS(ELEMENT_LIST *element) { long count, nElements, i, j, isRing = 0, init=1; double startRingPos, finalPos; double s0, s1, dt, delta_s, p0, gamma; ELEMENT_LIST *element0, *elementStartRing, *eptr=NULL; IBSCATTER *IBS=NULL; TWISS *tp; if (!element->twiss) bombElegant("Twiss parameters must be calculated befor IBS tracking.", NULL); /* Find out start point of ring */ element0 = elementStartRing = element; startRingPos = 0; count = 0; while (element) { if (element->type==T_RECIRC) { startRingPos = element->end_pos; elementStartRing = element->succ; count++; break; } count++; element = element->succ; } if (elementStartRing!=element0) { element = elementStartRing; } else { element = element0; count = 0; } nElements =0; s1 = startRingPos; dt = delta_s = 0.; while (element) { s0 = s1; s1 = element->end_pos; if (s1 > s0) { if (element->pred) p0 = (element->Pref_output + element->pred->Pref_output)/2.; else p0 = element->Pref_output; gamma = sqrt(p0*p0+1); dt += (s1-s0)*gamma/p0/c_mks; delta_s += (s1-s0); } if (element->type==T_IBSCATTER) { IBS = (IBSCATTER*)element->p_elem; IBS->revolutionLength = delta_s; if (nElements<2) bombElegant("you need at least 2 other elements between IBSCATTERS, check twiss file for clue", NULL); IBS->dT = dt; dt = delta_s = 0.; IBS->elements = nElements; IBS->offset = count; IBS->output = 1; count = count + nElements +1; isRing = IBS->isRing; if (!(IBS->name = SDDS_Calloc(nElements, sizeof(*(IBS->name)))) || !(IBS->s = SDDS_Calloc(nElements, sizeof(*(IBS->s)))) || !(IBS->pCentral = SDDS_Calloc(nElements, sizeof(*(IBS->pCentral))))) bombElegant("memory allocation failure in init_IBS", NULL); if (!(IBS->etax = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->etax, sizeof(*(IBS->etax))*nElements)) || !(IBS->etaxp = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->etaxp, sizeof(*(IBS->etaxp))*nElements)) || !(IBS->etay = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->etay, sizeof(*(IBS->etay))*nElements)) || !(IBS->etayp = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->etayp, sizeof(*(IBS->etayp))*nElements))) bombElegant("memory allocation failure in init_IBS", NULL); if (!(IBS->icharge = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->icharge, sizeof(*(IBS->icharge))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->emitx0 = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->emitx0, sizeof(*(IBS->emitx0))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->emity0 = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->emity0, sizeof(*(IBS->emity0))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->emitl0 = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->emitl0, sizeof(*(IBS->emitl0))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->sigmaz0 = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->sigmaz0, sizeof(*(IBS->sigmaz0))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->sigmaDelta0 = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->sigmaDelta0, sizeof(*(IBS->sigmaDelta0))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->emitx = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->emitx, sizeof(*(IBS->emitx))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->emity = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->emity, sizeof(*(IBS->emity))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->emitl = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->emitl, sizeof(*(IBS->emitl))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->sigmaz = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->sigmaz, sizeof(*(IBS->sigmaz))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->sigmaDelta = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->sigmaDelta, sizeof(*(IBS->sigmaDelta))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->xGrowthRate = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->xGrowthRate, sizeof(*(IBS->xGrowthRate))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->yGrowthRate = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->yGrowthRate, sizeof(*(IBS->yGrowthRate))*IBS->nslice)) || !(IBS->zGrowthRate = SDDS_Realloc(IBS->zGrowthRate, sizeof(*(IBS->zGrowthRate))*IBS->nslice))) bombElegant("memory allocation failure in init_IBS", NULL); if (!(IBS->betax = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements)) || !(IBS->alphax = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements)) || !(IBS->betay = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements)) || !(IBS->alphay = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements)) || !(IBS->xRateVsS = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements)) || !(IBS->yRateVsS = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements)) || !(IBS->zRateVsS = (double**)czarray_2d(sizeof(double), IBS->nslice, nElements))) bombElegant("memory allocation failure in init_IBS", NULL); for (i=0; i<IBS->elements; i++) { cp_str(&IBS->name[i], elementStartRing->name); IBS->s[i] = elementStartRing->end_pos; IBS->pCentral[i] = elementStartRing->Pref_output; IBS->etax[i] = elementStartRing->twiss->etax; IBS->etaxp[i] = elementStartRing->twiss->etapx; IBS->etay[i] = elementStartRing->twiss->etay; IBS->etayp[i] = elementStartRing->twiss->etapy; if (init) twiss0 = tmalloc(sizeof(*twiss0)*IBS->nslice); /* twiss0 = SDDS_Realloc(twiss0, sizeof(*twiss0)*IBS->nslice); */ for (j=0; j<IBS->nslice; j++) { if (init) { tp = &(twiss0[j]); copy_twiss(tp, elementStartRing->twiss); } IBS->betax[j][i] = elementStartRing->twiss->betax; IBS->alphax[j][i] = elementStartRing->twiss->alphax; IBS->betay[j][i] = elementStartRing->twiss->betay; IBS->alphay[j][i] = elementStartRing->twiss->alphay; } init = 0; elementStartRing = elementStartRing->succ; } IBS->elem = tmalloc(sizeof(*(IBS->elem))); IBS->elem->pred = IBS->elem->succ = NULL; elementStartRing = elementStartRing->pred; for (i=IBS->elements; i>0; i--) { add_element(IBS->elem, elementStartRing); eptr = IBS->elem->succ; /* copy input energy to newly added element. Necessary if beamline contains RF cavity */ eptr->Pref_input = elementStartRing->Pref_input; eptr->Pref_output = elementStartRing->Pref_output; elementStartRing = elementStartRing->pred; } IBS->elem = eptr; eptr->pred = eptr->pred->succ = NULL; nElements = -1; elementStartRing = element->succ; } nElements ++; finalPos = element->end_pos; element = element->succ; } if (isRing) if (finalPos != IBS->s[IBS->elements-1]) bombElegant("You must have IBSCATTER at the end of the RING", NULL); element = element0; return; }
long scan_namelist(NAMELIST_TEXT *nl, char *line) { register char *ptr, *ptr_e; char *ptr_p, *ptr_to_free ; long n_entities, i, j, length_values, length; char *values; static char *buffer = NULL; static long bufsize = 0; #define BIGBUFSIZE 16384 #define INDEX_LIMIT 16380 #if !defined(vxWorks) long k, m, n, len, insideCommand; char psBuffer[16384], tempptr[16384], command[16384]; FILE *fID; #ifdef CONDOR_COMPILE char tmpName[1024]; #endif #endif values = NULL; length_values = 0; if (!buffer) buffer = tmalloc(sizeof(*buffer)*(bufsize = 128)); nl->n_entities = 0; nl->group_name = NULL; nl->entity = NULL; nl->value = NULL; nl->n_values = nl->n_subscripts = NULL; nl->subscript = nl->repeat = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: line = <%s>\n", line); #endif cp_str(&ptr_to_free, line); ptr = ptr_to_free; /* Find group name--it's a token starting with '$' or '&'. */ #if DOLLARSIGN_TOO if (!(ptr_p=next_unquoted_char(ptr, '$', '"')) && !(ptr_p=next_unquoted_char(ptr, '&', '"')) ) { free(ptr_to_free); fprintf(stderr, "error: namelist scanning problem---missing group name:\n%s\n", ptr); return(-1); } #else if (!(ptr_p=next_unquoted_char(ptr, '&', '"'))) { free(ptr_to_free); fprintf(stderr, "error: namelist scanning problem---missing group name:\n%s\n", ptr); return(-1); } #endif ptr_p++; if ((nl->group_name=get_token(ptr_p))==NULL) { free(ptr_to_free); fprintf(stderr, "error: namelist scanning problem---missing group name:\n%s\n", ptr); return(-1); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: nl->group_name = <%s>\n", nl->group_name); #endif /* Count entities--each entity is associated with an equals sign, * since these are all assignments. */ #if DOLLARSIGN_TOO n_entities = count_occurences(ptr_p, '=', "$&"); #else n_entities = count_occurences(ptr_p, '=', "&"); #endif if (n_entities==0) { free(ptr_to_free); return(nl->n_entities=0); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: n_entities = %ld\n", n_entities); #endif /* allocate memory for parallel arrays representing the namelist: * nl->entity is an array of entity names * nl->value is an array of arrays of values assigned * nl->repeat is an array of arrays of repeat factors applied to values * nl->n_values is an array of numbers of values * nl->n_subscripts is an array of numbers of subscripts * nl->subscript is an array of arrays of subscripts */ nl->entity = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->entity ))*n_entities); nl->value = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->value ))*n_entities); nl->repeat = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->repeat ))*n_entities); nl->n_values = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->n_values))*n_entities); nl->n_subscripts = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->n_subscripts))*n_entities); nl->subscript = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->subscript))*n_entities); #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: allocation successful\n"); #endif /* scan individual items--look for entity names and successively extract * strings containing assignments for single entities. For each string, * extract a list of values and repeat factors. */ for (i=0; i<n_entities; i++) { /* Find next entity name, which terminates with '='. ptr_p * points to the section of the string being parsed. I.e., everything * before ptr_p has been parsed already. */ if (!(ptr_e = next_unquoted_char(ptr_p, '=', '"'))) { fprintf(stderr, "scan_namelist: no '=' in string >%s<\n", ptr_p); exit(1); } ptr = ptr_e; while (isspace(*(ptr-1))) ptr--; *ptr = 0; /* end entity name string at '=' or space */ while (isspace(*ptr_p)) /* advance to start of name */ ptr_p++; cp_str(nl->entity+i, ptr_p); /* copy the entity name */ nl->n_subscripts[i] = extract_subscripts(nl->entity[i], nl->subscript+i); #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: nl->entity[%ld] = <%s>\n", i, nl->entity[i]); printf("remainder: <%s>\n", ptr_e+1); #endif /* Set ptr to point to start of values list, which follows the '=' * that was just found and deleted. */ ptr = ptr_e + 1; /* Find next entity name, if there is one, and insert a 0 before it * to mark end of current values list. */ if ((ptr_e = next_unquoted_char(ptr, '=', '"'))) { /* set ptr_e to point to end of values list for current entity, * which is at the comma or space preceeding the next entity name */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: next list is <%s>\n", ptr_e); #endif /* Skip whitespace and get to the entity name. */ ptr_e--; while (isspace(*ptr_e) && ptr_e!=ptr) ptr_e--; /* Skip over the entity name. */ while (*ptr_e==')' || *ptr_e=='}') { ptr_e--; while (*ptr_e!='(' && *ptr_e!='{' && ptr_e!=ptr) ptr_e--; } while (!(isspace(*ptr_e) || *ptr_e==',') && ptr_e!=ptr) ptr_e--; ptr_p = ptr_e+1; /* Save start of next entity. */ /* Skip trailing whitespace and commas in the values list. */ while ((isspace(*ptr_e) || *ptr_e==',') && ptr_e!=ptr) ptr_e--; /* If there's nothing left, there was no value given. */ if (++ptr_e==ptr) bomb("missing value in namelist", NULL); /* Mark end of values with a NUL, and set ptr_p to the point * where processing begins for the next entity. */ *ptr_e = 0; } else { /* There is no following entity, so there should be a '$end' * '&end', or just '$' or '&'. */ /* set ptr_e to $end of string, check for error */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: last item is <%s>\n", ptr); #endif #if DOLLARSIGN_TOO if (!(ptr_e=next_unquoted_char(ptr, '&', '"')) && !(ptr_e=next_unquoted_char(ptr, '$', '"')) ) { fprintf(stderr, "error: namelist improperly terminated\n"); return(-1); } #else if (!(ptr_e=next_unquoted_char(ptr, '&', '"'))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: namelist improperly terminated\n"); return(-1); } #endif *ptr_e = 0; /* Delete the symbol. */ /* If the number of entities doesn't match what was counted before, * something is really goofy. */ if (i!=n_entities-1) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: fatal error: n_entites=%ld, i=%ld\n", n_entities, i); #endif return(-1); } /* Scan backwards to the first token. Make sure there are some * values listed. */ ptr_e--; while ((isspace(*ptr_e) || *ptr_e==',') && ptr_e!=ptr) ptr_e--; if (++ptr_e==ptr) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: fatal error: ptr_e = ptr\n"); printf("scan_namelist: ptr = <%s>\n", ptr); #endif fprintf(stderr, "error: no values listed for namelist field %s\n", nl->entity[i]); return(-1); /* No values listed. */ } *ptr_e = 0; ptr_p = ptr_e; } /* ptr now points to the beginning of the values list, which is * NUL terminated. ptr_p points to the beginning of the rest of * what remains to be parsed. */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: values list = <%s>\n", ptr); printf("scan_namelist: remainder = <%s>\n", ptr_p); #endif #if !defined(vxWorks) length = strlen(ptr); if (length == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: missing values for namelist field %s\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } n = 0; j = 0; k = 0; insideCommand = 0; while (n<length) { if (j>INDEX_LIMIT) { fprintf(stderr, "error: values for namelist field %s is too long\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } if (ptr[n]=='\\') { if (ptr[n+1]!='}' && ptr[n+1]!='{') tempptr[j++] = ptr[n++]; else n++; if (n<length) { if (insideCommand) { command[k] = ptr[n]; k++; n++; } else { tempptr[j] = ptr[n]; j++; n++; } } } else if (ptr[n]=='{') { if (insideCommand) { fprintf(stderr, "error: values for namelist field %s has invalid command brackets\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } insideCommand = 1; k = 0; n++; } else if (ptr[n]=='}') { if (!insideCommand) { fprintf(stderr, "error: values for namelist field %s has invalid command brackets\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } insideCommand = 0; command[k] = 0; n++; #ifndef CONDOR_COMPILE if ((fID = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid command for namelist field %s\n", nl->entity[i]); fprintf(stderr, "command was %s\n", command); return -1; } if (feof(fID)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: command for namelist field %s returns EOF\n", nl->entity[i]); fprintf(stderr, "command was %s\n", command); return -1; } if (fgets(psBuffer, 128, fID) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: command for namelist field %s returns NULL\n", nl->entity[i]); fprintf(stderr, "command was %s\n", command); return -1; } pclose(fID); #else tmpnam(tmpName); sprintf(psBuffer, "%s > %s", command, tmpName); system(psBuffer); if (!(fID = fopen(tmpName, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: command for namelist field %s failed\n", nl->entity[i]); fprintf(stderr, "command was %s\n", command); return -1; } if (fgets(psBuffer, 128, fID) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: command for namelist field %s returns NULL\n", nl->entity[i]); fprintf(stderr, "command was %s\n", command); return -1; } fclose(fID); remove(tmpName); #endif len = strlen(psBuffer)-1; if ((len > 0) && (psBuffer[len] == '\n')) { psBuffer[len] = 0; } m = 0; len = strlen(psBuffer); if (j+len>INDEX_LIMIT) { fprintf(stderr, "error: values for namelist field %s is too long\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } while (m < len) { tempptr[j] = psBuffer[m]; j++; m++; } } else { if (insideCommand) { command[k] = ptr[n]; n++; k++; } else { tempptr[j] = ptr[n]; n++; j++; } } } tempptr[j] = 0; ptr = tempptr; #endif /* Process string of values. Values must be separated by commas. */ length = strlen(ptr)+1; if (length==1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: missing values for namelist field %s\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } if (values==NULL) { values = tmalloc(length*sizeof(*values)); length_values = length; } else if (length>length_values) { tfree(values); values = tmalloc(length*sizeof(*values)); } strcpy_ss(values, ptr); nl->n_values[i] = count_occurences(values, ',', "")+1; nl->value[i] = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->value[i]))*nl->n_values[i]); nl->repeat[i] = tmalloc(sizeof(*(nl->repeat[i]))*nl->n_values[i]); #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: allocation successful--nl->n_values[%ld]=%ld\n", i, nl->n_values[i]); #endif for (j=0; j<nl->n_values[i]; j++) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: scanning tokens from >%s<\n", values); #endif ptr = nl->value[i][j] = get_token_tq(values, ", ", ", ", "\"'", "\"'"); #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: looping over values--j=%ld\n", j); printf("scan_namelist: token is <%s>\n", ptr); #endif if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "error: missing values for namelist field %s\n", nl->entity[i]); return -1; } if (!isdigit(*ptr)) { nl->repeat[i][j] = 1; un_quote(ptr); } else { ptr_e = ptr; while (isdigit(*ptr)) ptr++; if (*ptr!='*') { nl->repeat[i][j] = 1; continue; } *ptr = 0; if ((length=strlen(ptr_e))-1>bufsize) buffer = trealloc(buffer, sizeof(*buffer)*(bufsize=length+1024)); strcpy_ss(buffer, ptr_e); strcpy_ss(nl->value[i][j], ptr+1); un_quote(nl->value[i][j]); #ifdef DEBUG printf("doing repeat scan: ptr_e = <%s> ptr+1 = <%s>\nbuffer = <%s>\n", ptr_e, ptr+1, buffer); #endif if (sscanf(buffer, "%ld", nl->repeat[i]+j)!=1) bomb("bad repeat specifier in namelist", NULL); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("scan_namelist: nl->value[%ld][%ld] = %ld*<%s>\n", i, j, nl->repeat[i][j], nl->value[i][j]); printf("remainder: <%s>\n\n", values); #endif } } free(values); free(ptr_to_free); #ifdef DEBUG nl->n_entities = n_entities; show_namelist(stdout, nl); #endif return(nl->n_entities=n_entities); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_DATASET SDDS_1, SDDS_2, SDDS_output; long i, j, i_arg, rows1, rows2, reuse, reusePage, i1, i2; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; char s[200], *ptr; char **match_column, **equate_column; long match_columns, equate_columns; char *input1, *input2, *output; long tmpfile_used, retval1, retval2; long warnings, invert; unsigned long pipeFlags; KEYED_EQUIVALENT **keyGroup=NULL; long keyGroups=0; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); input1 = input2 = output = NULL; match_column = equate_column = NULL; match_columns = equate_columns = reuse = reusePage = 0; tmpfile_used = invert = 0; warnings = 1; pipeFlags = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_MATCH_COLUMN: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -match syntax"); if (match_columns!=0) SDDS_Bomb("only one -match option may be given"); match_column = tmalloc(sizeof(*match_column)*2); if ((ptr=strchr(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], '='))) *ptr++ = 0; else ptr = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; match_column[0] = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; match_column[1] = ptr; match_columns = 1; break; case SET_EQUATE_COLUMN: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -equate syntax"); if (equate_columns!=0) SDDS_Bomb("only one -equate option may be given"); equate_column = tmalloc(sizeof(*equate_column)*2); if ((ptr=strchr(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], '='))) *ptr++ = 0; else ptr = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; equate_column[0] = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; equate_column[1] = ptr; equate_columns = 1; break; case SET_REUSE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items==1) reuse = 1; else { char *reuseOptions[2] = {"rows", "page"}; for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) { switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], reuseOptions, 2, 0)) { case 0: reuse = 1; break; case 1: reusePage = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("unknown reuse keyword"); break; } } } break; case SET_INVERT: invert = 1; break; case SET_NOWARNINGS: warnings = 0; break; case SET_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(s_arg[i_arg].list+1, s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown switch: %s\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); SDDS_Bomb(NULL); break; } } else { if (input1==NULL) input1 = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else if (input2==NULL) input2 = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else if (output==NULL) output = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames"); } } if (pipeFlags&USE_STDIN && input1) { if (output) SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames (sddsxref)"); output = input2; input2 = input1; input1 = NULL; } processFilenames("sddsselect", &input1, &output, pipeFlags, !warnings, &tmpfile_used); if (!input2) SDDS_Bomb("second input file not specified (sddsxref)"); if (equate_columns && match_columns) SDDS_Bomb("only one of -equate or -match may be given"); if (!equate_columns && !match_columns) SDDS_Bomb("one of -equate or -match must be given"); if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_1, input1)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_2, input2)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (match_columns) { if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_1, match_column[0]))<0 || SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_1, j)!=SDDS_STRING) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not string type in file %s", match_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_2, match_column[1]))<0 || SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_2, j)!=SDDS_STRING) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not string type in file %s", match_column[1], input2); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (equate_columns) { if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_1, equate_column[0]))<0 || !SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_1, j))) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not numeric type in file %s", equate_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_2, equate_column[1]))<0 || !SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_2, j))) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not numeric type in file %s", equate_column[1], input2); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (output && pipeFlags&USE_STDOUT) SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames with -pipe option"); if (!output && !(pipeFlags&USE_STDOUT)) { if (warnings) fprintf(stderr, "warning: existing file %s will be replaced (sddsselect)\n", input1?input1:"stdin"); tmpfile_used = 1; cp_str(&output, tmpname(NULL)); } if (!SDDS_InitializeCopy(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1, output, "w")) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDS_output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); while ((retval1=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_1))>0) { if (!reusePage) { if ((retval2=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_2))<=0) { if (warnings) fprintf(stderr, "warning: <input2> ends before <input1>\n"); if (invert) { /* nothing to match, so everything would normally be thrown out */ if (!SDDS_CopyPage(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1) || !SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); continue; } else /* nothing to match, so everything thrown out */ break; } } else { if (retval1==1 && (retval2=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_2))<=0) SDDS_Bomb("<input2> has no data"); SDDS_SetRowFlags(&SDDS_2, 1); } rows1 = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_1); rows2 = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_2); if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_output, rows1)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem starting output page"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_CopyParameters(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_2) || !SDDS_CopyArrays(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_2)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem copying parameter or array data from second input file"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_CopyParameters(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1) || !SDDS_CopyArrays(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem copying parameter or array data from first input file"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (match_columns) { char **string1, **string2; long matched; string2 = NULL; if (!(string1 = SDDS_GetColumn(&SDDS_1, match_column[0]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", match_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2 && !(string2 = SDDS_GetColumn(&SDDS_2, match_column[1]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", match_column[1], input2); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2) keyGroup = MakeSortedKeyGroups(&keyGroups, SDDS_STRING, string2, rows2); for (i1=0; i1<rows1; i1++) { if (!SDDS_CopyRowDirect(&SDDS_output, i1, &SDDS_1, i1)) { sprintf(s, "Problem copying row %ld of first data set", i1); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } matched = 0; if (rows2 &&(i2 = FindMatchingKeyGroup(keyGroup, keyGroups, SDDS_STRING, string1+i1, reuse))>=0) { matched = 1; } if ((!matched && !invert) || (matched && invert)) { if (!SDDS_AssertRowFlags(&SDDS_output, SDDS_INDEX_LIMITS, i1, i1, 0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (string1) { for (i=0;i<rows1;i++) free(string1[i]); free(string1); string1 = NULL; } if (string2) { for (i=0;i<rows2;i++) free(string2[i]); free(string2); string2 = NULL; } for (i=0;i<keyGroups;i++) { if (keyGroup[i]) { if (keyGroup[i]->equivalent) free(keyGroup[i]->equivalent); free(keyGroup[i]); keyGroup[i] = NULL; } } if (keyGroups) { free(keyGroup); keyGroup = NULL; keyGroups = 0; } } else if (equate_columns) { double *value1, *value2; long equated; value2 = NULL; if (!(value1 = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_1, equate_column[0]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", equate_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2 && !(value2 = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_2, equate_column[1]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", equate_column[1], input2); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2) keyGroup = MakeSortedKeyGroups(&keyGroups, SDDS_DOUBLE, value2, rows2); for (i1=0; i1<rows1; i1++) { if (!SDDS_CopyRowDirect(&SDDS_output, i1, &SDDS_1, i1)) { sprintf(s, "Problem copying row %ld of first data set", i1); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } equated = 0; if (rows2 && (i2 = FindMatchingKeyGroup(keyGroup, keyGroups, SDDS_DOUBLE, value1+i1, reuse))>=0) { equated = 1; } if ((!equated && !invert) || (equated && invert)) { if (!SDDS_AssertRowFlags(&SDDS_output, SDDS_INDEX_LIMITS, i1, i1, 0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (value1) free(value1); value1 = NULL; if (rows2 && value2) free(value2); value2 = NULL; for (i=0;i<keyGroups;i++) { if (keyGroup[i]) { if (keyGroup[i]->equivalent) free(keyGroup[i]->equivalent); free(keyGroup[i]); keyGroup[i] = NULL; } } if (keyGroups) { free(keyGroup); keyGroup = NULL; keyGroups = 0; } } if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_output)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem writing data to output file"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_1) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_2) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_output)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (tmpfile_used && !replaceFileAndBackUp(input1, output)) exit(1); free_scanargs(&s_arg,argc); if (match_columns) free(match_column); return(0); }
double rpn(char *expression) { static long i, return_code; static char *ptr; static char *input, *rpn_defns; static long initial_call = 1; #if defined(LINUX) struct stat sts; #endif if (initial_call) { initial_call = 0; #ifdef VAX_VMS /* initialize collection of computer usage statistics--required by * user-callable function 'rs' */ init_stats(); #endif /* sort the command table for faster access */ qsort(funcRPN, NFUNCS, sizeof(struct FUNCTION), func_compare); /* initialize stack pointers--empty stacks */ stackptr = 0; dstackptr = 0; sstackptr = 0; lstackptr = 0; astackptr = 0; udf_stackptr = 0; max_udf_stackptr = 0; astack = NULL; udf_stack = NULL; udf_id = NULL; udf_unknown = NULL; /* The first item on the command input stack is the standard input. * Input from this source is echoed to the screen. */ istackptr = 1; input_stack[0].fp = stdin; input_stack[0].filemode = ECHO; /* Initialize variables use in keeping track of what 'code' is being * executed. code_ptr is a global pointer to the currently used * code structure. The code is kept track of in a linked list of * code structures. */ code_ptr = &code; input = code_ptr->text = tmalloc(sizeof(*(code_ptr->text))*CODE_LEN); code_ptr->position = 0; code_ptr->token = NULL; code_ptr->storage_mode = STATIC; code_ptr->buffer = tmalloc(sizeof(*(code_ptr->buffer))*LBUFFER); code_ptr->pred = code_ptr->succ = NULL; code_lev = 1; /* Initialize array of IO file structures. Element 0 is for terminal * input, while element 1 is for terminal output. */ for (i=0; i<FILESTACKSIZE; i++) io_file[i].fp = NULL; io_file[0].fp = stdin; cp_str(&(io_file[0].name), "stdin"); io_file[0].mode = INPUT; io_file[1].fp = stdout; cp_str(&(io_file[1].name), "stdout"); io_file[1].mode = OUTPUT; /* initialize variables for UDF storage */ udf_changed = num_udfs = max_udfs = 0; udf_list = NULL; /* Initialize flags for user memories */ n_memories = memory_added = 0; /* If there was an argument (filename), push it onto the input stack * so that it will be run to set up the program. */ if (expression) { if ((input_stack[istackptr].fp = fopen_e(expression, "r", 1))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ensure the RPN_DEFNS environment variable is set\n"); exit(1); } input_stack[istackptr++].filemode = NO_ECHO; } else { /*add default setting for a linux system, G. Shen, Dec 31, 2009 */ rpn_defns=getenv("RPN_DEFNS"); if(!rpn_defns) { #if defined(LINUX) if (!(stat(rpn_default, &sts) == -1 && errno == ENOENT)) { /* check whether default file exists */ rpn_defns = rpn_default; } #endif } if (rpn_defns) { /* check environment variable RPN_DEFNS for setup file */ /*cp_str(&rpn_defns, getenv("RPN_DEFNS"));*/ if (strlen(rpn_defns)) { input_stack[istackptr].fp = fopen_e(rpn_defns, "r", 0); input_stack[istackptr++].filemode = NO_ECHO; } } } expression = NULL; /* end of initialization section */ } else istackptr = 1; /* check the stacks for overflows */ if (stackptr>=STACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: numeric stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } /* if (astackptr>=STACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: array stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } */ if (sstackptr>=STACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: string stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } if (lstackptr>=LOGICSTACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: logic stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } /* This is the main loop. Code is read in and executed here. */ while (istackptr!=0) { /* istackptr-1 gives index of most recently pushed input file. */ /* This loop implements the command input file stacking. */ while (istackptr>0 && (ptr=((istackptr-1)?fgets((code_ptr->text=input), CODE_LEN, input_stack[istackptr-1].fp) :(expression?strcpy(code_ptr->text,expression):NULL) )) ) { /* Loop while there's still data in the (istackptr-1)th file. * * istackptr=1 corresponds to the expression passed. * * The data is put in the code list. */ /* If we are at the terminal input level and a UDF has been changed * or a memory added, relink the udfs to get any references to the * new udf or memory translated into 'pcode'. */ if ((istackptr==1 && udf_changed) || memory_added) { link_udfs(); udf_changed = memory_added = 0; } code_ptr->position = 0; /* Get rid of new-lines in data from files */ if (istackptr!=1 && ptr!=NULL) { chop_nl(ptr); } /* Check for and ignore comment lines. */ if (strncmp(ptr, "/*", 2)==0) continue; /* Finally, push input line onto the code stack & execute it. */ return_code = execute_code(); if (code_lev!=1) { fputs("error: code level on return from execute_code is not 1\n\n", stderr); exit(1); } /* Reset pointers in the current code structure to indicate that the * stuff has been executed. */ *(code_ptr->text) = 0; code_ptr->position = 0; expression = NULL; } /* Close the current input file and go to the one below it on the * * stack. This constitutes popping the command input stack. * */ if (istackptr>1) fclose(input_stack[--istackptr].fp); else istackptr--; } /* check the stacks for overflows */ if (stackptr>=STACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: numeric stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } /* if (astackptr>=STACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: array stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } */ if (sstackptr>=STACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: string stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } if (lstackptr>=LOGICSTACKSIZE-1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: logic stack size overflow (rpn).\n"); abort(); } if (stackptr>0) return(stack[stackptr-1]); return(0.0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_DATASET SDDS_dataset; long i, j, k, i_arg, rows, retval, description; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; char **input; char **column_name, **parameter_name, **array_name; char **parameterFormat, **columnFormat, **arrayFormat; long column_names, parameter_names, array_names, page_number, *type, inputs; char *delimiter; void **data; char *buffer; long filenames, print_rows, print_pages, noQuotes, pipe, ignoreFormats; static char printBuffer[SDDS_MAXLINE*16]; long n_rows, n_rows_bare, n_rows_total, n_pages, n_pages_bare; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); type = NULL; data = NULL; buffer = tmalloc(sizeof(char)*16); /* large enough for any data type */ delimiter = NULL; input = parameter_name = column_name = array_name = NULL; parameterFormat = columnFormat = arrayFormat = NULL; inputs = parameter_names = column_names = array_names = 0; page_number = filenames = ignoreFormats = 0; n_rows = n_rows_bare = n_rows_total = n_pages = n_pages_bare = 0; print_rows = print_pages = noQuotes = pipe = description = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_COLUMNS: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -columns syntax"); if (column_names) SDDS_Bomb("invalid syntax: specify -columns once only"); column_name = tmalloc(sizeof(*column_name)*(s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1)); for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) column_name[i-1] = s_arg[i_arg].list[i]; column_names = s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1; break; case SET_PARAMETERS: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameters syntax"); if (parameter_names) SDDS_Bomb("invalid syntax: specify -parameters once only"); parameter_name = tmalloc(sizeof(*parameter_name)*(s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1)); for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) parameter_name[i-1] = s_arg[i_arg].list[i]; parameter_names = s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1; break; case SET_ARRAYS: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -arrays syntax"); if (array_names) SDDS_Bomb("invalid syntax: specify -arrays once only"); array_name = tmalloc(sizeof(*array_name)*(s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1)); for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) array_name[i-1] = s_arg[i_arg].list[i]; array_names = s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1; break; case SET_TABLE: case SET_PAGE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2 || s_arg[i_arg].n_items>2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -page syntax"); if (page_number!=0) SDDS_Bomb("invalid syntax: specify -page once only"); if (sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], "%ld", &page_number)!=1 || page_number<=0) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -page syntax or value"); break; case SET_DELIMITER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -delimiter syntax"); delimiter = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; break; case SET_FILENAMES: filenames = 1; break; case SET_ROWS: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items>3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -rows syntax"); else { char *rowsOutputMode[2] = {"bare", "total"}; for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) { switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], rowsOutputMode, 2, 0)) { case 0: n_rows_bare = 1; break; case 1: n_rows_total = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("unknown output mode for -rows option"); break; } } } print_rows = 1; break; case SET_SHOW_PAGES: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items>2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pages syntax"); else { char *pagesOutputMode[1] = {"bare"}; for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) { if (strcmp(s_arg[i_arg].list[i],"")!=0) { if (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], pagesOutputMode, 1, 0)==0) n_pages_bare = 1; else SDDS_Bomb("unknown output mode for -npages option"); } else SDDS_Bomb("unknown output mode for -npages option"); } } print_pages = 1; break; case SET_NOQUOTES: noQuotes = 1; break; case SET_PIPE: pipe = 1; break; case SET_IGNOREFORMATS: ignoreFormats = 1; break; case SET_DESCRIPTION: description = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown switch: %s\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); exit(1); break; } } else { input = trealloc(input, sizeof(*input)*(inputs+1)); input[inputs++] = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; } } if (!inputs) { if (!pipe) SDDS_Bomb("too few filenames"); inputs = 1; input = trealloc(input, sizeof(*input)*(inputs+1)); input[0] = NULL; } if (!column_names && !parameter_names && !array_names && !print_rows && !description && !print_pages) SDDS_Bomb("you must specify one of -columns, -parameters, -arrays, -rows or -description"); if (!delimiter) { if (column_names || array_names) cp_str(&delimiter, " "); else cp_str(&delimiter, "\n"); } SDDS_SetTerminateMode(TERMINATE_DONT_FREE_TABLE_STRINGS+ TERMINATE_DONT_FREE_ARRAY_STRINGS); for (k=0; k<inputs; k++) { if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_dataset, input[k])) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } n_pages = 0; if (column_names) { if (k==0) { type = tmalloc(sizeof(*type)*column_names); data = tmalloc(sizeof(*data)*column_names); columnFormat = tmalloc(sizeof(*columnFormat)*column_names); } for (i=0; i<column_names; i++) { if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_dataset, column_name[i]))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: column %s does not exist\n", column_name[i]); exit(1); } if ((type[i]=SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_dataset, j))<=0 || !SDDS_GetColumnInformation(&SDDS_dataset, "format_string", columnFormat+i, SDDS_GET_BY_INDEX, j)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } else if (array_names) { if (k==0) { type = tmalloc(sizeof(*type)*array_names); data = tmalloc(sizeof(*data)*array_names); arrayFormat = tmalloc(sizeof(*arrayFormat)*array_names); } for (i=0; i<array_names; i++) { if ((j=SDDS_GetArrayIndex(&SDDS_dataset, array_name[i]))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: array %s does not exist\n", array_name[i]); exit(1); } if ((type[i]=SDDS_GetArrayType(&SDDS_dataset, j))<=0 || !SDDS_GetArrayInformation(&SDDS_dataset, "format_string", arrayFormat+i, SDDS_BY_INDEX, j)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } else if (parameter_names) { if (k==0) { type = tmalloc(sizeof(*type)*parameter_names); parameterFormat = tmalloc(sizeof(*parameterFormat)*parameter_names); } for (i=0; i<parameter_names; i++) { if ((j=SDDS_GetParameterIndex(&SDDS_dataset, parameter_name[i]))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter %s does not exist\n", parameter_name[i]); exit(1); } if ((type[i]=SDDS_GetParameterType(&SDDS_dataset, j))<=0 || !SDDS_GetParameterInformation(&SDDS_dataset, "format_string", parameterFormat+i, SDDS_BY_INDEX, j)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } if (description) { if (!SDDS_SprintTypedValue2(SDDS_dataset.layout.description, NULL, printBuffer,noQuotes?SDDS_PRINT_NOQUOTES:0)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } fputs(printBuffer, stdout); fprintf(stdout, delimiter); if (!SDDS_SprintTypedValue2(SDDS_dataset.layout.contents, NULL, printBuffer,noQuotes?SDDS_PRINT_NOQUOTES:0)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } fputs(printBuffer, stdout); fprintf(stdout, delimiter); if (!strchr(delimiter, '\n')) fputc('\n', stdout); } retval = -1; while (retval!=page_number && (retval=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_dataset))>0) { if (page_number && retval!=page_number) continue; if (print_rows) { if (n_rows_total && !(page_number)) n_rows += SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset); else { if (n_rows_bare) fprintf(stdout, "%" PRId32 "\n", SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset)); else fprintf(stdout, "%" PRId32 " rows\n", SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset)); } } if (column_names) { if ((rows=SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset))<0) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (rows) { if (filenames) { fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", input[k], delimiter); if (!strchr(delimiter, '\n')) fputc('\n', stdout); } for (i=0; i<column_names; i++) if (!(data[i]=SDDS_GetInternalColumn(&SDDS_dataset, column_name[i]))) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } for (j=0; j<rows; j++) { for (i=0; i<column_names; i++) { if (!SDDS_SprintTypedValue(data[i], j, type[i], ignoreFormats?NULL:columnFormat[i], printBuffer, noQuotes?SDDS_PRINT_NOQUOTES:0)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } fputs(printBuffer, stdout); if (i!=column_names-1) /* must use print here: */ fprintf(stdout, delimiter); } fputc('\n', stdout); } } } else if (array_names) { SDDS_ARRAY *array; if (filenames) { fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", input[k], delimiter); if (!strchr(delimiter, '\n')) fputc('\n', stdout); } for (i=0; i<array_names; i++) { if (!(array=SDDS_GetArray(&SDDS_dataset, array_name[i], NULL))) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } for (j=0; j<array->elements; j++) { if (!SDDS_SprintTypedValue(array->data, j, type[i], ignoreFormats?NULL:arrayFormat[i], printBuffer, noQuotes?SDDS_PRINT_NOQUOTES:0)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } fputs(printBuffer, stdout); fprintf(stdout, delimiter); } } if (!strchr(delimiter, '\n')) fputc('\n', stdout); } else { if (filenames) fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", input[k], delimiter); for (i=0; i<parameter_names; i++) { if (!SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, parameter_name[i], buffer)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_SprintTypedValue(buffer, 0, type[i], ignoreFormats?NULL:parameterFormat[i], printBuffer, noQuotes?SDDS_PRINT_NOQUOTES:0)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } fputs(printBuffer, stdout); /* must use print here: */ fprintf(stdout, delimiter); } if (!strchr(delimiter, '\n')) fputc('\n', stdout); } n_pages++; } if (retval==0) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } else { if (print_rows && (n_rows_total || (retval==-1 && n_pages==0)) && !(page_number)) { if (n_rows_bare) fprintf(stdout, "%ld\n", n_rows); else fprintf(stdout, "%ld rows\n", n_rows); } if (print_pages) { if (n_pages_bare) fprintf(stdout, "%ld\n", n_pages); else fprintf(stdout, "%ld pages\n", n_pages); } } if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_dataset)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fileID; SDDS_LAYOUT *layout=NULL; SDDS_FILEBUFFER *fBuffer=NULL; SDDS_DATASET SDDS_dataset, SDDS_dummy; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; long i, j, i_arg, retval, page_number=0, size, columnOrder=0; int32_t rows=0; char *input, *output; unsigned long pipeFlags=0, flags=0; long noWarnings=0, tmpfile_used=0; long labeled = 0; long *parameterType, *columnType, *parameterIndex, *columnIndex; char **parameterUnits; void **columnData; char *buffer; static char printBuffer[SDDS_MAXLINE*16]; static char formatbuffer[100], formatbuffer2[100]; long binary=0, noRowCount=0; char *separator; char **parameter, **parameterFormat; char **column, **columnFormat, **columnUnits; long parameters=0, columns=0; input = output = NULL; parameter = column = parameterFormat = columnFormat = NULL; separator = NULL; parameterType = columnType = parameterIndex = columnIndex = NULL; columnData = NULL; parameterUnits = columnUnits = NULL; buffer = tmalloc(sizeof(char)*16); SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_OUTPUTMODE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -outputMode syntax"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], mode_name, MODES, 0)) { case ASCII_MODE: binary = 0; break; case BINARY_MODE: binary = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -outputMode syntax"); break; } break; case SET_SEPARATOR: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -separator syntax"); separator = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; break; case SET_NOROWCOUNT: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=1) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -noRowCount syntax"); noRowCount = 1; break; case SET_ORDER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -order syntax"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], order_names, ORDERS, 0)) { case ROW_ORDER: columnOrder = 0; break; case COLUMN_ORDER: columnOrder = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -order syntax"); break; } break; case SET_PARAMETER: if ((s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) && (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=4)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameter syntax"); parameter = trealloc(parameter, sizeof(*parameter)*(++parameters)); parameterFormat = trealloc(parameterFormat, sizeof(*parameterFormat)*(parameters)); parameter[parameters-1] = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; parameterFormat[parameters-1] = NULL; s_arg[i_arg].n_items -= 2; if (!scanItemList(&flags, s_arg[i_arg].list+2, &s_arg[i_arg].n_items, 0, "format", SDDS_STRING, &(parameterFormat[parameters-1]), 1, 0, NULL)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameter syntax"); if (parameterFormat[parameters-1]) { replaceString(formatbuffer, parameterFormat[parameters-1], "ld", PRId32, -1, 0); replaceString(formatbuffer2, formatbuffer, "lu", PRIu32, -1, 0); parameterFormat[parameters-1] = malloc(sizeof(*(parameterFormat[parameters-1])) * (strlen(formatbuffer2) + 1)); sprintf(parameterFormat[parameters-1], "%s", formatbuffer2); } break; case SET_COLUMN: if ((s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -column syntax"); column = trealloc(column, sizeof(*column)*(++columns)); columnFormat = trealloc(columnFormat, sizeof(*columnFormat)*(columns)); column[columns-1] = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; columnFormat[columns-1] = NULL; s_arg[i_arg].n_items -= 2; if (!scanItemList(&flags, s_arg[i_arg].list+2, &s_arg[i_arg].n_items, 0, "format", SDDS_STRING, &(columnFormat[columns-1]), 1, 0, NULL)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -columns syntax"); if (columnFormat[columns-1]) { replaceString(formatbuffer, columnFormat[columns-1], "ld", PRId32, -1, 0); replaceString(formatbuffer2, formatbuffer, "lu", PRIu32, -1, 0); columnFormat[columns-1] = malloc(sizeof(*(columnFormat[columns-1])) * (strlen(formatbuffer2) + 1)); sprintf(columnFormat[columns-1], "%s", formatbuffer2); } break; case SET_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(s_arg[i_arg].list+1, s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; case SET_NOWARNINGS: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=1) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -nowarnings syntax"); noWarnings = 1; break; case SET_LABELED: labeled = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown switch: %s\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); exit(1); break; } } else { if (input == NULL) { input = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; } else if (output == NULL) { output = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "too many filenames"); exit(1); } } } processFilenames("sdds2plaindata", &input, &output, pipeFlags, noWarnings, &tmpfile_used); if (!columns && !parameters) SDDS_Bomb("you must specify one of the -column or the -parameter options"); if (!separator) { cp_str(&separator, ""); } if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_dataset, input)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (parameters) { parameterType = tmalloc(sizeof(*parameterType)*parameters); parameterIndex = tmalloc(sizeof(*parameterIndex)*parameters); parameterUnits = tmalloc(sizeof(*parameterUnits)*parameters); for (i=0; i<parameters; i++) { if ((parameterIndex[i]=SDDS_GetParameterIndex(&SDDS_dataset, parameter[i]))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter %s does not exist\n", parameter[i]); exit(1); } if ((parameterType[i]=SDDS_GetParameterType(&SDDS_dataset, parameterIndex[i]))<=0 || SDDS_GetParameterInformation(&SDDS_dataset, "units", ¶meterUnits[i], SDDS_GET_BY_INDEX, parameterIndex[i])!=SDDS_STRING) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } if (columns) { columnType = tmalloc(sizeof(*columnType)*columns); columnIndex = tmalloc(sizeof(*columnIndex)*columns); columnData = tmalloc(sizeof(*columnData)*columns); columnUnits = tmalloc(sizeof(*columnUnits)*columns); for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { if ((columnIndex[i]=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_dataset, column[i]))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: column %s does not exist\n", column[i]); exit(1); } if ((columnType[i]=SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_dataset, columnIndex[i]))<=0 || SDDS_GetColumnInformation(&SDDS_dataset, "units", &columnUnits[i], SDDS_GET_BY_INDEX, columnIndex[i])!=SDDS_STRING) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } if (!output) { if (binary) { #if defined(_WIN32) if (_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to set stdout to binary mode\n"); exit(1); } #endif } fileID = stdout; } else { if (binary) { fileID = fopen(output, "wb"); } else { fileID = fopen(output, "w"); } } if (fileID == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open output file for writing\n"); exit(1); } if (binary) { layout = &SDDS_dataset.layout; fBuffer = &SDDS_dummy.fBuffer; fBuffer->buffer = NULL; if (!fBuffer->buffer) { if (!(fBuffer->buffer = fBuffer->data = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(char)*SDDS_FILEBUFFER_SIZE))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to do buffered read--allocation failure\n"); exit(1); } fBuffer->bufferSize = SDDS_FILEBUFFER_SIZE; fBuffer->bytesLeft = SDDS_FILEBUFFER_SIZE; } } retval = -1; while (retval!=page_number && (retval=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_dataset))>0) { if (page_number && retval!=page_number) continue; if (columns != 0) { if ((rows=SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset))<0) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } if ((binary) && (!noRowCount)) { if (!SDDS_BufferedWrite(&rows, sizeof(rows), fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write page--failure writing number of rows\n"); exit(1); } } for (i=0; i<parameters; i++) { if (binary) { /* if (layout->parameter_definition[i].fixed_value) continue; */ if (parameterType[i]==SDDS_STRING) { if (!SDDS_WriteBinaryString(*((char**)SDDS_dataset.parameter[parameterIndex[i]]), fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write parameters--failure writing string\n"); exit(1); } } else if (!SDDS_BufferedWrite(SDDS_dataset.parameter[parameterIndex[i]], SDDS_type_size[layout->parameter_definition[parameterIndex[i]].type-1], fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write parameters--failure writing value\n"); exit(1); } } else { if (!SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, parameter[i], buffer)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } SDDS_SprintTypedValue(buffer, 0, parameterType[i], parameterFormat[i], printBuffer, 0); if (labeled) { fputs(parameter[i], fileID); fputs(separator, fileID); if (parameterUnits[i]) fputs(parameterUnits[i], fileID); fputs(separator, fileID); } fputs(printBuffer, fileID); fputc('\n', fileID); } } if (!binary) { if (!noRowCount) fprintf(fileID, "\t%" PRId32 "\n", rows); if (labeled && columns) { for (j=0; j<columns; j++) { fputs(column[j], fileID); if (j!=(columns-1)) fputs(separator, fileID); } fputc('\n', fileID); for (j=0; j<columns; j++) { if (columnUnits[j]) fputs(columnUnits[j], fileID); if (j!=(columns-1)) fputs(separator, fileID); } fputc('\n', fileID); } } if (columns) { if (rows) { if (binary) { if (columnOrder) { for (j=0; j<columns; j++) { if (columnType[j]==SDDS_STRING) { for (i=0; i<rows; i++) { if (!SDDS_WriteBinaryString(*((char**)[columnIndex[j]]+i), fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write rows--failure writing string\n"); exit(1); } } } else { size = SDDS_type_size[columnType[j]-1]; for (i=0; i<rows; i++) { if (!SDDS_BufferedWrite((char*)[columnIndex[j]]+i*size, size, fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write rows--failure writing string\n"); exit(1); } } } } } else { for (i=0; i<rows; i++) { for (j=0; j<columns; j++) { if (columnType[j]==SDDS_STRING) { if (!SDDS_WriteBinaryString(*((char**)[columnIndex[j]]+i), fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write rows--failure writing string\n"); exit(1); } } else { size = SDDS_type_size[columnType[j]-1]; if (!SDDS_BufferedWrite((char*)[columnIndex[j]]+i*size, size, fileID, fBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write rows--failure writing string\n"); exit(1); } } } } } } else { for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { if (!(columnData[i]=SDDS_GetInternalColumn(&SDDS_dataset, column[i]))) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } if (columnOrder) { for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { for (j=0; j<rows; j++) { SDDS_SprintTypedValue(columnData[i], j, columnType[i], columnFormat[i], printBuffer, 0); fputs(printBuffer, fileID); if (j!=rows-1) fprintf(fileID, separator); } fputc('\n', fileID); } } else { for (j=0; j<rows; j++) { for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { SDDS_SprintTypedValue(columnData[i], j, columnType[i], columnFormat[i], printBuffer, 0); fputs(printBuffer, fileID); if (i!=columns-1) fprintf(fileID, separator); } fputc('\n', fileID); } } } } } if (retval==0) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } if (binary) { if (!SDDS_FlushBuffer(fileID, fBuffer)) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to write page--buffer flushing problem (SDDS_WriteBinaryPage)"); return 0; } } else { fflush(fileID); } fclose(fileID); if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_dataset)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } exit(0); }
void check_dirs(){ struct stat st = {0}; char *home_dir = getenv("HOME"); char *local_dir = "/.local"; char *share_dir = "/share"; char *crunchball_dir = "/crunchball"; char *conf_file = "/crunchball.cfg"; char tmp_path[500] = {0}; cp_str(tmp_path, home_dir); cat_to_str(tmp_path, local_dir); if (stat(tmp_path, &st) == -1) { #ifdef _WIN32 mkdir(tmp_path); #else mkdir(tmp_path, 0755); #endif } cat_to_str(tmp_path, share_dir); if (stat(tmp_path, &st) == -1) { #ifdef _WIN32 mkdir(tmp_path); #else mkdir(tmp_path, 0755); #endif } cat_to_str(tmp_path, crunchball_dir); if (stat(tmp_path, &st) == -1) { #ifdef _WIN32 mkdir(tmp_path); #else mkdir(tmp_path, 0755); #endif } cat_to_str(tmp_path, conf_file); if (stat(tmp_path, &st) == -1) { long int video_mode = 2; long int audio_level = 5; long int fullscreen = 0; long int high_score = 0; cfg_opt_t opts[] = { CFG_SIMPLE_INT("video_mode", &video_mode), CFG_SIMPLE_INT("audio_level", &audio_level), CFG_SIMPLE_INT("fullscreen", &fullscreen), CFG_SIMPLE_INT("high_score", &high_score), CFG_END() }; cfg_t *cfg; cfg = cfg_init(opts, 0); FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_path, "w"); cfg_print(cfg, fp); fclose(fp); cfg_free(cfg); } }
long get_mc_table(MC_TABLE *table, char *file, long flags) { FILE *fpi; long i, j, i_col; char *ptr; if (!(fpi = fopen_e(file, "r", 1))) return(0); if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) bomb("unable to read first line of table file", NULL); if (!(get_long(&table->n_cols, buffer))) bomb("unable to scan number of columns in table file", NULL); if (table->n_cols<=0) bomb("number of columns is invalid in table file", NULL); table->n_lines_per_row = 1; table->n_auxiliaries = 0; if (get_long(&table->n_lines_per_row, buffer)) { if (table->n_lines_per_row<=0) bomb("number of lines per row is invalid in table file", NULL); if (get_long(&table->n_auxiliaries, buffer) && table->n_auxiliaries<0) bomb("number of auxiliary quantities is invalid in table file", NULL); } #if DEBUG printf("file %s\nn_cols = %ld n_lines_per_row = %ld n_auxiliaries = %ld\n", file, table->n_cols, table->n_lines_per_row, table->n_auxiliaries); #endif table->name = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_cols); table->unit = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_cols); table->description = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_cols); table->format = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_cols); for (i=0; i<table->n_cols; i++) { if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) bomb("missing quantity name and units line in table file", NULL); get_name_unit_descrip_format(table->name+i, table->unit+i, table->description+i, table->format+i, buffer); if (table->format[i] && !strchr(table->format[i], '%')) table->format[i] = NULL; } #if DEBUG for (i=0; i<table->n_cols; i++) printf("column %ld: %s in %s--%s in format %s\n", i, table->name[i], table->unit[i], table->description[i], (table->format[i]?table->format[i]:"{null}") ); #endif if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) bomb("missing title string in table file", NULL); cp_str(&table->title, buffer); if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) bomb("missing label string in table file", NULL); cp_str(&table->label, buffer); #if DEBUG printf("title: %s\nlabel: %s\n", table->title, table->label); #endif if (table->n_auxiliaries) { #if DEBUG printf("%ld auxuliary quantities are expected\n", table->n_auxiliaries); #endif /* get auxiliary quantity names\units... */ table->aux_name = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_auxiliaries); table->aux_unit = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_auxiliaries); table->aux_description = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_auxiliaries); table->aux_value = tmalloc(sizeof(*(table->aux_value))*table->n_auxiliaries); for (i=0; i<table->n_auxiliaries; i++) { if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) bomb("missing quantity name and units line in table file", NULL); get_name_unit_descrip_format(table->aux_name+i, table->aux_unit+i, table->aux_description+i, &ptr, buffer); if ((!ptr || 1!=sscanf(ptr, "%lf", table->aux_value+i)) && flags&GMCT_WARN_MISSING_AUXVAL) printf("warning: missing value for auxiliary quantity %s---zero assumed\n", table->aux_name[i]); } } #if DEBUG for (i=0; i<table->n_auxiliaries; i++) { printf("auxiliary %ld: %s = %le %s---%s\n", i, table->aux_name[i], table->aux_value[i], table->aux_unit[i], table->aux_description[i]); } #endif if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) bomb("missing number of data rows in table file", NULL); if (!get_long(&table->n_rows, buffer) || table->n_rows<0) bomb("invalid number of data rows specified in table file", NULL); if (table->n_rows==0) return(1); #if DEBUG printf("n_rows = %ld\n", table->n_rows); #endif table->value = (double**)zarray_2d(sizeof(double), table->n_cols, table->n_rows); table->row_label = (char**)tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*table->n_rows); for (i=0; i<table->n_rows; i++) { i_col = 0; table->row_label[i] = NULL; for (j=0; j<table->n_lines_per_row && i_col<table->n_cols; j++) { if (!fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!')) break; strcpy(buffer1, buffer); #if DEBUG printf("row %ld, line %ld:\n%s\n", i, j, buffer); #endif while (i_col<table->n_cols && get_double(table->value[i_col]+i, buffer)) i_col++; } if (!is_blank(buffer)) { cp_str(table->row_label+i, buffer); while (isspace(*table->row_label[i])) table->row_label[i]++; } else cp_str(table->row_label+i, ""); if (i_col==0) { if (flags&GMCT_WARN_WRONG_COUNT) printf("warning: fewer data rows than expected in file %s\n", file); break; } else if (i_col!=table->n_cols) { if (flags&GMCT_WARN_INCOMPLETE_ROW) { printf("warning: incomplete data row in file %s\n", file); printf("line in question is:\n%s\n", buffer1); printf("skipping to next line\n"); } i--; continue; } #if DEBUG printf("%ld: ", i); for (i_col=0; i_col<table->n_cols; i_col++) printf("%.4le ", table->value[i_col][i]); putchar('\n'); #endif } if (i==table->n_rows && fgets_mc_skip(buffer, 1024, fpi, '!') && flags&GMCT_WARN_EXTRA_ROWS) printf("warning: file %s contains extra rows, which are ignored\n", file); table->n_rows = i; return(1); }
void setup_chromaticity_correction(NAMELIST_TEXT *nltext, RUN *run, LINE_LIST *beamline, CHROM_CORRECTION *chrom) { VMATRIX *M; ELEMENT_LIST *eptr, *elast; #include "chrom.h" unsigned long unstable; log_entry("setup_chromaticity_correction"); cp_str(&sextupoles, "sf sd"); /* process namelist input */ set_namelist_processing_flags(STICKY_NAMELIST_DEFAULTS); set_print_namelist_flags(0); if (processNamelist(&chromaticity, nltext)==NAMELIST_ERROR) bombElegant(NULL, NULL); str_toupper(sextupoles); if (echoNamelists) print_namelist(stdout, &chromaticity); if (run->default_order<2) bombElegant("default order must be >= 2 for chromaticity correction", NULL); if (chrom->name) tfree(chrom->name); chrom->name = tmalloc(sizeof(*chrom->name)*(chrom->n_families=1)); while ((chrom->name[chrom->n_families-1]=get_token(sextupoles))) chrom->name = trealloc(chrom->name, sizeof(*chrom->name)*(chrom->n_families+=1)); if ((--chrom->n_families)<1) bombElegant("too few sextupoles given for chromaticity correction", NULL); chrom->chromx = dnux_dp; chrom->chromy = dnuy_dp; chrom->n_iterations = n_iterations; chrom->correction_fraction = correction_fraction; alter_defined_values = change_defined_values; chrom->strengthLimit = strength_limit; chrom->use_perturbed_matrix = use_perturbed_matrix; chrom->sextupole_tweek = sextupole_tweek; chrom->tolerance = tolerance; verbosityLevel = verbosity; chrom->exit_on_failure = exit_on_failure; if (!use_perturbed_matrix) { if (!beamline->twiss0 || !beamline->matrix) { double beta_x, alpha_x, eta_x, etap_x; double beta_y, alpha_y, eta_y, etap_y; fprintf(stdout, "Computing periodic Twiss parameters.\n"); fflush(stdout); if (!beamline->twiss0) beamline->twiss0 = tmalloc(sizeof(*beamline->twiss0)); eptr = beamline->elem_twiss = &(beamline->elem); elast = eptr; while (eptr) { if (eptr->type==T_RECIRC) beamline->elem_twiss = beamline->elem_recirc = eptr; elast = eptr; eptr = eptr->succ; } if (beamline->links) { /* rebaseline_element_links(beamline->links, run, beamline); */ if (assert_element_links(beamline->links, run, beamline, STATIC_LINK+DYNAMIC_LINK)) { beamline->flags &= ~BEAMLINE_CONCAT_CURRENT; beamline->flags &= ~BEAMLINE_TWISS_CURRENT; beamline->flags &= ~BEAMLINE_RADINT_CURRENT; } } M = beamline->matrix = compute_periodic_twiss(&beta_x, &alpha_x, &eta_x, &etap_x, beamline->tune, &beta_y, &alpha_y, &eta_y, &etap_y, beamline->tune+1, beamline->elem_twiss, NULL, run, &unstable, NULL, NULL); beamline->twiss0->betax = beta_x; beamline->twiss0->alphax = alpha_x; beamline->twiss0->phix = 0; beamline->twiss0->etax = eta_x; beamline->twiss0->etapx = etap_x; beamline->twiss0->betay = beta_y; beamline->twiss0->alphay = alpha_y; beamline->twiss0->phiy = 0; beamline->twiss0->etay = eta_y; beamline->twiss0->etapy = etap_y; propagate_twiss_parameters(beamline->twiss0, beamline->tune, beamline->waists, NULL, beamline->elem_twiss, run, NULL, beamline->couplingFactor); } if (!(M=beamline->matrix) || !M->C || !M->R || !M->T) bombElegant("something wrong with transfer map for beamline (setup_chromaticity_correction)", NULL); computeChromCorrectionMatrix(run, beamline, chrom); } #if USE_MPI if (!writePermitted) strength_log = NULL; #endif if (strength_log) { strength_log = compose_filename(strength_log, run->rootname); fp_sl = fopen_e(strength_log, "w", 0); fprintf(fp_sl, "SDDS1\n&column name=Step, type=long, description=\"Simulation step\" &end\n"); fprintf(fp_sl, "&column name=K2, type=double, units=\"1/m$a2$n\" &end\n"); fprintf(fp_sl, "&column name=SextupoleName, type=string &end\n"); fprintf(fp_sl, "&data mode=ascii, no_row_counts=1 &end\n"); fflush(fp_sl); } log_exit("setup_chromaticity_correction"); }
void add_error_element(ERRORVAL *errcon, NAMELIST_TEXT *nltext, LINE_LIST *beamline) { long n_items, n_added, i_start, firstIndexInGroup; ELEMENT_LIST *context; double sMin = -DBL_MAX, sMax = DBL_MAX; log_entry("add_error_element"); if ((n_items = errcon->n_items)==0) { if (errcon->new_data_read) bombElegant("improper sequencing of error specifications and tracking", NULL); errcon->new_data_read = 1; } /* process namelist text */ set_namelist_processing_flags(STICKY_NAMELIST_DEFAULTS); set_print_namelist_flags(0); if (processNamelist(&error, nltext)==NAMELIST_ERROR) bombElegant(NULL, NULL); if (name==NULL) { if (!element_type) bombElegant("element name missing in error namelist", NULL); SDDS_CopyString(&name, "*"); } if (echoNamelists) print_namelist(stdout, &error); /* check for valid input and copy to errcon arrays */ if (item==NULL) bombElegant("item name missing in error namelist", NULL); if (match_string(type, known_error_type, N_ERROR_TYPES, 0)<0) bombElegant("unknown error type specified", NULL); if (bind_number<0) bombElegant("bind_number < 0", NULL); if (!additive && fractional) bombElegant("fractional errors must be additive", NULL); context = NULL; n_added = 0; i_start = n_items; context = NULL; if (after && strlen(after)) { if (!(context=find_element(after, &context, &(beamline->elem)))) { fprintf(stdout, "Element %s not found in beamline.\n", after); exitElegant(1); } sMin = context->end_pos; if (find_element(after, &context, &(beamline->elem))) { fprintf(stdout, "Element %s found in beamline more than once.\n", after); exitElegant(1); } fprintf(stdout, "%s found at s = %le m\n", after, sMin); fflush(stdout); } context = NULL; if (before && strlen(before)) { if (!(context=find_element(before, &context, &(beamline->elem)))) { fprintf(stdout, "Element %s not found in beamline.\n", before); exitElegant(1); } sMax = context->end_pos; if (find_element(before, &context, &(beamline->elem))) { fprintf(stdout, "Element %s found in beamline more than once.\n", after); exitElegant(1); } fprintf(stdout, "%s found at s = %le m\n", before, sMax); fflush(stdout); } if (after && before && sMin>sMax) { fprintf(stdout, "Element %s is not upstream of %s!\n", before, after); exitElegant(1); } if (element_type && has_wildcards(element_type) && strchr(element_type, '-')) element_type = expand_ranges(element_type); if (has_wildcards(name)) { if (strchr(name, '-')) name = expand_ranges(name); str_toupper(name); firstIndexInGroup = -1; while ((context=wfind_element(name, &context, &(beamline->elem)))) { if (element_type && !wild_match(entity_name[context->type], element_type)) continue; if (exclude && wild_match(context->name, exclude)) continue; if (i_start!=n_items && duplicate_name(errcon->name+i_start, n_items-i_start, context->name)) continue; if ((sMin>=0 && context->end_pos<sMin) || (sMax>=0 && context->end_pos>sMax)) continue; errcon->name = trealloc(errcon->name, sizeof(*errcon->name)*(n_items+1)); errcon->item = trealloc(errcon->item, sizeof(*errcon->item)*(n_items+1)); errcon->quan_name = trealloc(errcon->quan_name, sizeof(*errcon->quan_name)*(n_items+1)); errcon->quan_final_index = trealloc(errcon->quan_final_index, sizeof(*errcon->quan_final_index)*(n_items+1)); errcon->quan_unit = trealloc(errcon->quan_unit, sizeof(*errcon->quan_unit)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_level = trealloc(errcon->error_level, sizeof(*errcon->error_level)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_cutoff = trealloc(errcon->error_cutoff, sizeof(*errcon->error_cutoff)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_type = trealloc(errcon->error_type, sizeof(*errcon->error_type)*(n_items+1)); errcon->elem_type = trealloc(errcon->elem_type, sizeof(*errcon->elem_type)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_value = trealloc(errcon->error_value, sizeof(*errcon->error_value)*(n_items+1)); errcon->unperturbed_value = trealloc(errcon->unperturbed_value, sizeof(*errcon->unperturbed_value)*(n_items+1)); errcon->param_number = trealloc(errcon->param_number, sizeof(*errcon->param_number)*(n_items+1)); errcon->bind_number = trealloc(errcon->bind_number, sizeof(*errcon->bind_number)*(n_items+1)); errcon->flags = trealloc(errcon->flags, sizeof(*errcon->flags)*(n_items+1)); errcon->sMin = trealloc(errcon->sMin, sizeof(*errcon->sMin)*(n_items+1)); errcon->sMax = trealloc(errcon->sMax, sizeof(*errcon->sMax)*(n_items+1)); errcon->boundTo = trealloc(errcon->boundTo, sizeof(*errcon->boundTo)*(n_items+1)); cp_str(errcon->item+n_items, str_toupper(item)); cp_str(errcon->name+n_items, context->name); errcon->error_level[n_items] = amplitude*error_factor; errcon->error_cutoff[n_items] = cutoff; errcon->error_type[n_items] = match_string(type, known_error_type, N_ERROR_TYPES, 0); errcon->quan_name[n_items] = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*(strlen(context->name)+strlen(item)+4)); errcon->quan_final_index[n_items] = -1; sprintf(errcon->quan_name[n_items], "d%s.%s", context->name, item); errcon->flags[n_items] = (fractional?FRACTIONAL_ERRORS:0); errcon->flags[n_items] += (bind==0?0:(bind==-1?ANTIBIND_ERRORS:BIND_ERRORS)); errcon->flags[n_items] += (post_correction?POST_CORRECTION:PRE_CORRECTION); errcon->flags[n_items] += (additive?0:NONADDITIVE_ERRORS); errcon->bind_number[n_items] = bind_number; /* boundTo must be -1 when there is no cross-name binding or when this element is the * first of a series */ errcon->boundTo[n_items] = bind_across_names?firstIndexInGroup:-1; /* if (errcon->boundTo[n_items]!=-1) fprintf(stdout, "%s bound to %s\n", errcon->name[n_items], errcon->name[errcon->boundTo[n_items]]); */ errcon->sMin[n_items] = sMin; errcon->sMax[n_items] = sMax; errcon->elem_type[n_items] = context->type; if ((errcon->param_number[n_items] = confirm_parameter(item, context->type))<0) { fprintf(stdout, "error: cannot vary %s--no such parameter for %s (wildcard name: %s)\n",item, context->name, name); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } cp_str(&errcon->quan_unit[n_items], errcon->flags[n_items]&FRACTIONAL_ERRORS?"fr": entity_description[errcon->elem_type[n_items]].parameter[errcon->param_number[n_items]].unit ); errcon->unperturbed_value[n_items] = parameter_value(errcon->name[n_items], errcon->elem_type[n_items], errcon->param_number[n_items], beamline); if (errcon->unperturbed_value[n_items]==0 && errcon->flags[n_items]&FRACTIONAL_ERRORS) fprintf(stdout, "***\7\7\7 warning: you've specified fractional errors for %s.%s, but the unperturbed value is zero.\nThis may be an error.\n", errcon->name[n_items], errcon->item[n_items]); fflush(stdout); if (duplicate_name(errcon->quan_name, n_items, errcon->quan_name[n_items])) fprintf(stdout, "***\7\7\7 warning: you've specified errors for %s.%s more than once!\n", errcon->name[n_items], errcon->item[n_items]); fflush(stdout); errcon->n_items = ++n_items; n_added++; if (firstIndexInGroup==-1) firstIndexInGroup = n_items-1; } } else { str_toupper(name); if (!(context=find_element(name, &context, &(beamline->elem)))) { fprintf(stdout, "error: cannot add errors to element %s--not in beamline\n", name); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } errcon->name = trealloc(errcon->name, sizeof(*errcon->name)*(n_items+1)); errcon->item = trealloc(errcon->item, sizeof(*errcon->item)*(n_items+1)); errcon->quan_name = trealloc(errcon->quan_name, sizeof(*errcon->quan_name)*(n_items+1)); errcon->quan_final_index = trealloc(errcon->quan_final_index, sizeof(*errcon->quan_final_index)*(n_items+1)); errcon->quan_unit = trealloc(errcon->quan_unit, sizeof(*errcon->quan_unit)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_level = trealloc(errcon->error_level, sizeof(*errcon->error_level)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_cutoff = trealloc(errcon->error_cutoff, sizeof(*errcon->error_cutoff)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_type = trealloc(errcon->error_type, sizeof(*errcon->error_type)*(n_items+1)); errcon->elem_type = trealloc(errcon->elem_type, sizeof(*errcon->elem_type)*(n_items+1)); errcon->error_value = trealloc(errcon->error_value, sizeof(*errcon->error_value)*(n_items+1)); errcon->unperturbed_value = trealloc(errcon->unperturbed_value, sizeof(*errcon->unperturbed_value)*(n_items+1)); errcon->param_number = trealloc(errcon->param_number, sizeof(*errcon->param_number)*(n_items+1)); errcon->bind_number = trealloc(errcon->bind_number, sizeof(*errcon->bind_number)*(n_items+1)); errcon->flags = trealloc(errcon->flags, sizeof(*errcon->flags)*(n_items+1)); errcon->sMin = trealloc(errcon->sMin, sizeof(*errcon->sMin)*(n_items+1)); errcon->sMax = trealloc(errcon->sMax, sizeof(*errcon->sMax)*(n_items+1)); errcon->boundTo = trealloc(errcon->boundTo, sizeof(*errcon->boundTo)*(n_items+1)); cp_str(errcon->item+n_items, str_toupper(item)); cp_str(errcon->name+n_items, context->name); errcon->error_level[n_items] = amplitude; errcon->error_cutoff[n_items] = cutoff; errcon->error_type[n_items] = match_string(type, known_error_type, N_ERROR_TYPES, 0); errcon->quan_name[n_items] = tmalloc(sizeof(char*)*(strlen(context->name)+strlen(item)+4)); sprintf(errcon->quan_name[n_items], "d%s.%s", context->name, item); errcon->flags[n_items] = (fractional?FRACTIONAL_ERRORS:0); errcon->flags[n_items] += (bind==0?0:(bind==-1?ANTIBIND_ERRORS:BIND_ERRORS)); errcon->flags[n_items] += (post_correction?POST_CORRECTION:PRE_CORRECTION); errcon->flags[n_items] += (additive?0:NONADDITIVE_ERRORS); errcon->bind_number[n_items] = bind_number; errcon->sMin[n_items] = sMin; errcon->sMax[n_items] = sMax; errcon->boundTo[n_items] = -1; /* not used when there are no wildcards */ errcon->elem_type[n_items] = context->type; if ((errcon->param_number[n_items] = confirm_parameter(item, context->type))<0) { fprintf(stdout, "error: cannot vary %s--no such parameter for %s\n",item, name); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } cp_str(&errcon->quan_unit[n_items], errcon->flags[n_items]&FRACTIONAL_ERRORS?"fr": entity_description[errcon->elem_type[n_items]].parameter[errcon->param_number[n_items]].unit ); errcon->unperturbed_value[n_items] = parameter_value(errcon->name[n_items], errcon->elem_type[n_items], errcon->param_number[n_items], beamline); if (errcon->unperturbed_value[n_items]==0 && errcon->flags[n_items]&FRACTIONAL_ERRORS) fprintf(stdout, "***\7\7\7 warning: you've specified fractional errors for %s.%s, but the unperturbed value is zero.\nThis may be an error.\n", errcon->name[n_items], errcon->item[n_items]); fflush(stdout); if (duplicate_name(errcon->quan_name, n_items, errcon->quan_name[n_items])) fprintf(stdout, "***\7\7\7 warning: you've specified errors for %s.%s more than once!\n", errcon->name[n_items], errcon->item[n_items]); fflush(stdout); errcon->n_items = ++n_items; n_added++; } if (!n_added && !allow_missing_elements) { fprintf(stdout, "error: no match for name %s\n", name); fflush(stdout); exitElegant(1); } log_exit("add_error_element"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fileID; COLUMN_DATA_STRUCTURES *columnValues; PARAMETER_DATA_STRUCTURES *parameterValues; SDDS_DATASET SDDS_dataset; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; long i, j, k, n, i_arg; int32_t rows; int32_t maxRows=10000, initRows=10000, row; long par, col, page, size, readline=1, fillin=0; int32_t ptrSize=0; char *input, *output, s[1024], *ptr, *ptr2, data[10240],temp[10240]; unsigned long pipeFlags=0,majorOrderFlag; long noWarnings=0, tmpfile_used=0, columnOrder=0, whitespace=1; short shortValue; int32_t longValue; float floatValue; double doubleValue; char stringValue[SDDS_MAXLINE]; char characterValue; char buffer[124], buffer2[124]; long *parameterIndex, *columnIndex; long binary=0, noRowCount=0, inputBinary=0, count=0; char separator; char commentCharacters[20]; short checkComment=0; short commentFound; long parameters=0, columns=0; long skiplines=0; short abort=0, recover=1, columnMajorOrder=0; input = output = NULL; separator = ' '; columnValues = NULL; parameterValues = NULL; parameterIndex = columnIndex = NULL; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_MAJOR_ORDER: majorOrderFlag=0; s_arg[i_arg].n_items -=1; if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items>0 && (!scanItemList(&majorOrderFlag, s_arg[i_arg].list+1, &s_arg[i_arg].n_items, 0, "row", -1, NULL, 0, SDDS_ROW_MAJOR_ORDER, "column", -1, NULL, 0, SDDS_COLUMN_MAJOR_ORDER, NULL))) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -majorOrder syntax/values"); if (majorOrderFlag&SDDS_COLUMN_MAJOR_ORDER) columnMajorOrder=1; else if (majorOrderFlag&SDDS_ROW_MAJOR_ORDER) columnMajorOrder=0; break; case SET_OUTPUTMODE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -outputMode syntax"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], mode_name, MODES, 0)) { case ASCII_MODE: binary = 0; break; case BINARY_MODE: binary = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -outputMode syntax"); break; } break; case SET_INPUTMODE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -inputMode syntax"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], mode_name, MODES, 0)) { case ASCII_MODE: inputBinary = 0; break; case BINARY_MODE: inputBinary = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -inputMode syntax"); break; } break; case SET_SEPARATOR: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -separator syntax"); separator = s_arg[i_arg].list[1][0]; whitespace = 0; break; case SET_COMMENT: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -commentCharacters syntax"); sprintf(commentCharacters, "%s", s_arg[i_arg].list[1]); checkComment=1; break; case SET_FILLIN: fillin=1; break; case SET_NOROWCOUNT: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=1) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -noRowCount syntax"); noRowCount = 1; break; case SET_ORDER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -order syntax"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], order_names, ORDERS, 0)) { case ROW_ORDER: columnOrder = 0; break; case COLUMN_ORDER: columnOrder = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -order syntax"); break; } break; case SET_PARAMETER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameter syntax"); count=1; parameters++; parameterValues = trealloc(parameterValues, sizeof(*parameterValues)*(parameters)); SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].name, s_arg[i_arg].list[1]); parameterValues[parameters-1].units = NULL; parameterValues[parameters-1].description = NULL; parameterValues[parameters-1].symbol = NULL; switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[2], type_name, DATATYPES, 0)) { case TYPE_SHORT: parameterValues[parameters-1].type = SDDS_SHORT; break; case TYPE_LONG: parameterValues[parameters-1].type = SDDS_LONG; break; case TYPE_FLOAT: parameterValues[parameters-1].type = SDDS_FLOAT; break; case TYPE_DOUBLE: parameterValues[parameters-1].type = SDDS_DOUBLE; break; case TYPE_STRING: parameterValues[parameters-1].type = SDDS_STRING; break; case TYPE_CHARACTER: parameterValues[parameters-1].type = SDDS_CHARACTER; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameter type"); break; } for (i=3;i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items;i++) { if (!(ptr=strchr(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], '='))) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameter syntax"); *ptr++ = 0; switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], header_elements, HEADERELEMENTS, 0)) { case HEADER_UNITS: SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].units, ptr); break; case HEADER_DESCRIPTION: SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].description, ptr); break; case HEADER_SYMBOL: SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].symbol, ptr); break; case HEADER_COUNT: if (sscanf(ptr, "%ld", &count)!=1 || count<=0) SDDS_Bomb("invalid parameter count value"); sprintf(buffer, "%s", parameterValues[parameters-1].name); sprintf(buffer2, "%s1", buffer); free(parameterValues[parameters-1].name); SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].name, buffer2); break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -parameter syntax"); break; } } for (i=2;i<=count;i++) { parameters++; parameterValues = trealloc(parameterValues, sizeof(*parameterValues)*(parameters)); sprintf(buffer2, "%s%ld", buffer, i); SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].name, buffer2); parameterValues[parameters-1].units = NULL; parameterValues[parameters-1].description = NULL; parameterValues[parameters-1].symbol = NULL; parameterValues[parameters-1].type = parameterValues[parameters-2].type; if (parameterValues[parameters-2].units) SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].units, parameterValues[parameters-2].units); if (parameterValues[parameters-2].description) SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].description, parameterValues[parameters-2].description); if (parameterValues[parameters-2].symbol) SDDS_CopyString(¶meterValues[parameters-1].symbol, parameterValues[parameters-2].symbol); } break; case SET_COLUMN: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -column syntax"); count=1; columns++; columnValues = trealloc(columnValues, sizeof(*columnValues)*(columns)); SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].name, s_arg[i_arg].list[1]); columnValues[columns-1].elements = 0; columnValues[columns-1].values = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].stringValues = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].units = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].description = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].symbol = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].skip = 0; switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[2], type_name, DATATYPES, 0)) { case TYPE_SHORT: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_SHORT; break; case TYPE_LONG: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_LONG; break; case TYPE_FLOAT: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_FLOAT; break; case TYPE_DOUBLE: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_DOUBLE; break; case TYPE_STRING: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_STRING; break; case TYPE_CHARACTER: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_CHARACTER; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -column type"); break; } for (i=3;i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items;i++) { if (!(ptr=strchr(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], '='))) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -column syntax"); *ptr++ = 0; switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], header_elements, HEADERELEMENTS, 0)) { case HEADER_UNITS: SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].units, ptr); break; case HEADER_DESCRIPTION: SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].description, ptr); break; case HEADER_SYMBOL: SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].symbol, ptr); break; case HEADER_COUNT: if (sscanf(ptr, "%ld", &count)!=1 || count<=0) SDDS_Bomb("invalid column count value"); sprintf(buffer, "%s", columnValues[columns-1].name); sprintf(buffer2, "%s1", buffer); free(columnValues[columns-1].name); SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].name, buffer2); break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -column syntax"); break; } } for (i=2;i<=count;i++) { columns++; columnValues = trealloc(columnValues, sizeof(*columnValues)*(columns)); sprintf(buffer2, "%s%ld", buffer, i); SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].name, buffer2); columnValues[columns-1].elements = 0; columnValues[columns-1].values = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].stringValues = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].units = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].description = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].symbol = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].type = columnValues[columns-2].type; if (columnValues[columns-2].units) SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].units, columnValues[columns-2].units); if (columnValues[columns-2].description) SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].description, columnValues[columns-2].description); if (columnValues[columns-2].symbol) SDDS_CopyString(&columnValues[columns-1].symbol, columnValues[columns-2].symbol); } break; case SET_SKIPCOLUMN: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -skipcolumn syntax"); count=1; columns++; columnValues = trealloc(columnValues, sizeof(*columnValues)*(columns)); columnValues[columns-1].name = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].elements = 0; columnValues[columns-1].values = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].stringValues = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].units = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].description = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].symbol = NULL; columnValues[columns-1].skip = 1; switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], type_name, DATATYPES, 0)) { case TYPE_SHORT: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_SHORT; break; case TYPE_LONG: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_LONG; break; case TYPE_FLOAT: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_FLOAT; break; case TYPE_DOUBLE: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_DOUBLE; break; case TYPE_STRING: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_STRING; break; case TYPE_CHARACTER: columnValues[columns-1].type = SDDS_CHARACTER; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid -skipcolumn type"); break; } break; case SET_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(s_arg[i_arg].list+1, s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; case SET_NOWARNINGS: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=1) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -nowarnings syntax"); noWarnings = 1; break; case SET_SKIPLINES: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2 || sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], "%ld", &skiplines)!=1 || skiplines<=0) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -skiplines syntax"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown switch: %s\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); exit(1); break; } } else { if (input == NULL) { input = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; } else if (output == NULL) { output = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "too many filenames"); exit(1); } } } processFilenames("plaindata2sdds", &input, &output, pipeFlags, noWarnings, &tmpfile_used); if (!columns && !parameters) SDDS_Bomb("you must specify one of the -column or the -parameter options"); if (skiplines && inputBinary) SDDS_Bomb("-skiplines does not work with binary input files"); if (!input) { if (inputBinary) { #if defined(_WIN32) if (_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to set stdin to binary mode\n"); exit(1); } #endif } fileID = stdin; } else { if (!fexists(input)) { fprintf(stderr, "input file not found\n"); exit(1); } if (inputBinary) { fileID = fopen(input, "rb"); } else { fileID = fopen(input, "r"); } } if (fileID == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open input file for reading\n"); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&SDDS_dataset, binary?SDDS_BINARY:SDDS_ASCII, 1, NULL, NULL, output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); SDDS_dataset.layout.data_mode.column_major = columnMajorOrder; if (parameters) { parameterIndex = tmalloc(sizeof(*parameterIndex)*parameters); } if (columns) { columnIndex = tmalloc(sizeof(*columnIndex)*columns); } for (i=0; i<parameters; i++) { if ((parameterIndex[i] = SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_dataset, parameterValues[i].name, parameterValues[i].symbol, parameterValues[i].units, parameterValues[i].description, NULL, parameterValues[i].type, 0))<0) { sprintf(s, "Problem defining parameter %s.", parameterValues[i].name); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { if (columnValues[i].skip) continue; if ((columnIndex[i] = SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_dataset, columnValues[i].name, columnValues[i].symbol, \ columnValues[i].units, columnValues[i].description, NULL, columnValues[i].type, 0))<0) { sprintf(s, "Problem defining column %s.", columnValues[i].name); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (!SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDS_dataset)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_dataset, initRows)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); row = par = col = page = 0; while (inputBinary) { row = par = col = 0; if (fread(&rows,sizeof(rows),1,fileID) != 1) { if (page == 0) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read number of rows"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } else { if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_dataset)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); for (k=0;k<columns;k++) { if (columnValues[k].type == SDDS_STRING) { SDDS_FreeStringArray(columnValues[k].stringValues,columnValues[k].elements); } else { free(columnValues[k].values); } } return 0; } } page++; for (par=0;par<parameters;par++) { switch (parameterValues[par].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: if (fread(&shortValue,2,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read short parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,shortValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_LONG: if (fread(&longValue,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read long parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,longValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_FLOAT: if (fread(&floatValue,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read float parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,floatValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_DOUBLE: if (fread(&doubleValue,8,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read double parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,doubleValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_STRING: if (fread(&size,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read string parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (size>SDDS_MAXLINE-1) SDDS_Bomb("String is too long"); if (size > 0) { if (fread(&stringValue,size,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read string parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } stringValue[size] = 0; } else { strcpy(stringValue,""); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,stringValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_CHARACTER: if (fread(&characterValue,1,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read character parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,characterValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; } } for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (rows > columnValues[i].elements) { if (columnValues[i].type == SDDS_STRING) { columnValues[i].stringValues = AllocateColumnStringData(columnValues[i].stringValues, rows, columnValues[i].elements); } else { columnValues[i].values = AllocateColumnData(columnValues[i].type, columnValues[i].values, rows); } columnValues[i].elements = rows; } } if (columnOrder) { for (col=0;col<columns;col++) { switch (columnValues[col].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { if (fread((short*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,2,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read short column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_LONG: for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { if (fread((int32_t*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read long column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_FLOAT: for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { if (fread((float*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read float column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_DOUBLE: for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { if (fread((double*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,8,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read double double"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_STRING: for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { if (fread(&size,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read string column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (size>SDDS_MAXLINE-1) SDDS_Bomb("String is too long"); columnValues[col].stringValues[i] = malloc(size + 1); if (size > 0) { if (fread(columnValues[col].stringValues[i],size,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read string column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } columnValues[col].stringValues[i][size] = 0; } else { strcpy(columnValues[col].stringValues[i],""); } } break; case SDDS_CHARACTER: for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { if (fread((char*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,1,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read character column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; } } } else { for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { for (col=0;col<columns;col++) { switch (columnValues[col].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: if (fread((short*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,2,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read short column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } break; case SDDS_LONG: if (fread((int32_t*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read long column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } break; case SDDS_FLOAT: if (fread((float*)(columnValues[col].values)+i,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read float column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } break; case SDDS_DOUBLE: if (fread(((double*)(columnValues[col].values)+i),8,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read double column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } break; case SDDS_STRING: if (fread(&size,4,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read string column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (size>SDDS_MAXLINE-1) SDDS_Bomb("String is too long"); columnValues[col].stringValues[i] = malloc(size + 1); if (size > 0) { if (fread(columnValues[col].stringValues[i],size,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read string column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } columnValues[col].stringValues[i][size] = 0; } else { strcpy(columnValues[col].stringValues[i],""); } break; case SDDS_CHARACTER: if (fread(((char*)(columnValues[col].values)+i),1,1,fileID) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to read character column"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } break; } } } } if (rows > maxRows) { if (!SDDS_LengthenTable(&SDDS_dataset, rows - maxRows)) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to lengthen table"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = rows; } j=n; for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (columnValues[i].skip) continue; if (columnValues[i].type == SDDS_STRING) { SetColumnData(columnValues[i].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[i].stringValues, rows, n); } else { SetColumnData(columnValues[i].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[i].values, rows, n); } n++; } if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_dataset)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = 10000; if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_dataset, initRows)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } row = par = col = n = 0; rows = -1; ptr = NULL; ptr = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*ptr)*(ptrSize=2048)); /* ptr2 = NULL; ptr2 = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*ptr)*(ptrSize=2048));*/ ptr[0] = 0; while (1) { if (readline) { while (skiplines > 0) { fgets(ptr, ptrSize, fileID); skiplines--; } if (!fgetsSkipCommentsResize(&ptr,&ptrSize,fileID, '!')) break; commentFound=0; if (checkComment) { for (i=0; i<strlen(commentCharacters); i++) { if (ptr[0] == commentCharacters[i]) { commentFound=1; } } } if (commentFound == 1) { continue; } if (ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] == '\n') ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = 0; strcpy(temp,ptr); /*skip empty lines*/ if (getToken(temp,data,10240,separator,whitespace)<0) continue; } else { readline = 1; } if (par < parameters) { switch (parameterValues[par].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: if (sscanf(ptr,"%hd",&shortValue) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid short parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,shortValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_LONG: if (sscanf(ptr,"%" SCNd32 ,&longValue) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid long parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,longValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_FLOAT: ConvertDNotationToENotation(ptr); if (sscanf(ptr,"%f",&floatValue) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid float parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,floatValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_DOUBLE: ConvertDNotationToENotation(ptr); if (sscanf(ptr,"%lf",&doubleValue) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid double parameter"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,doubleValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_STRING: SDDS_GetToken(ptr,stringValue,SDDS_MAXLINE); SDDS_InterpretEscapes(stringValue); if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,stringValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; case SDDS_CHARACTER: SDDS_InterpretEscapes(ptr); characterValue = ptr[0]; if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_dataset,SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE,par,characterValue,-1)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); break; } par++; } else if ((rows == -1) && (!noRowCount)) { if (sscanf(ptr,"%ld",&rows) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid row count"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } else if ((columns > 0) && ((row < rows) || (noRowCount))) { if (columnOrder) { if (noRowCount) { cp_str(&ptr2,ptr); rows = 0; while (getToken(ptr2,data,10240,separator,whitespace) >= 0) { rows++; } free(ptr2); } if (rows > columnValues[col].elements) { if (columnValues[col].type == SDDS_STRING) { columnValues[col].stringValues = AllocateColumnStringData(columnValues[col].stringValues, rows, columnValues[col].elements); } else { columnValues[col].values = AllocateColumnData(columnValues[col].type, columnValues[col].values, rows); } columnValues[col].elements = rows; } switch (columnValues[col].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: for (row=0;row<rows;row++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid short column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (sscanf(data,"%hd",((short*)(columnValues[col].values)+row)) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid short column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_LONG: for (row=0;row<rows;row++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid long column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (sscanf(data,"%" SCNd32,((int32_t*)(columnValues[col].values)+row)) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid long column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_FLOAT: for (row=0;row<rows;row++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid float column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } ConvertDNotationToENotation(data); if (sscanf(data,"%f",((float*)(columnValues[col].values)+row)) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid float column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_DOUBLE: for (row=0;row<rows;row++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid double column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } ConvertDNotationToENotation(data); if (sscanf(data,"%lf",((double*)(columnValues[col].values)+row)) != 1) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid double column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_STRING: for (row=0;row<rows;row++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid string column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } SDDS_InterpretEscapes(data); columnValues[col].stringValues[row] = malloc(strlen(data) + 1); strcpy(columnValues[col].stringValues[row],data); } break; case SDDS_CHARACTER: for (row=0;row<rows;row++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid character column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } SDDS_InterpretEscapes(data); *((char*)(columnValues[col].values)+row) = data[0]; } break; } if (rows > maxRows) { if (!SDDS_LengthenTable(&SDDS_dataset, rows - maxRows)) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to lengthen table"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = rows; } if (columnValues[col].skip == 0) { if (columnValues[col].type == SDDS_STRING) { SetColumnData(columnValues[col].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[col].stringValues, rows, col); } else { SetColumnData(columnValues[col].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[col].values, rows, col); } n++; } col++; row = 0; } else { if (noRowCount) { if (row == 0) { rows = 3; } else if (row == rows - 1) { rows = rows + 3; for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (rows > columnValues[i].elements) { if (columnValues[i].type == SDDS_STRING) { columnValues[i].stringValues = AllocateColumnStringData(columnValues[i].stringValues, rows, columnValues[i].elements); } else { columnValues[i].values = AllocateColumnData(columnValues[i].type, columnValues[i].values, rows); } } columnValues[i].elements = rows; } } } if (row == 0) for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (rows > columnValues[i].elements) { if (columnValues[i].type == SDDS_STRING) { columnValues[i].stringValues = AllocateColumnStringData(columnValues[i].stringValues, rows, columnValues[i].elements); } else { columnValues[i].values = AllocateColumnData(columnValues[i].type, columnValues[i].values, rows); } } columnValues[i].elements = rows; } if (noRowCount) { cp_str(&ptr2,ptr); i = 0; while (getToken(ptr2,data,10240,separator,whitespace) >= 0) i++; free(ptr2); if ((i != columns) && (parameters>0 && i==1)) { if (row > 0) { if (row > maxRows) { if (!SDDS_LengthenTable(&SDDS_dataset, row - maxRows)) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to lengthen table"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = row; } n=0; for (j=0;j<columns;j++) { if (columnValues[j].skip) continue; if (columnValues[j].type == SDDS_STRING) { SetColumnData(columnValues[j].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[j].stringValues, row, n); } else { SetColumnData(columnValues[j].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[j].values, row, n); } n++; } if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_dataset)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); maxRows = 10000; if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_dataset, initRows)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); row = par = col = 0; rows = -1; } readline = 0; continue; } } for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (getToken(ptr,data,10240,separator,whitespace) < 0) { if (!fillin) { SDDS_SetError("Invalid column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } else { switch (columnValues[i].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: case SDDS_LONG: case SDDS_FLOAT: case SDDS_DOUBLE: data[0]='0'; data[1]='\0'; break; case SDDS_STRING: case SDDS_CHARACTER: data[0]='\0'; break; } } } switch (columnValues[i].type) { case SDDS_SHORT: if (sscanf(data,"%hd",((short*)(columnValues[i].values)+row)) != 1) { if (recover) { abort=1; row--; } else { SDDS_SetError("Invalid short column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_LONG: if (sscanf(data,"%" SCNd32,((int32_t*)(columnValues[i].values)+row)) != 1) { if (recover) { abort=1; row--; } else { SDDS_SetError("Invalid long column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_FLOAT: ConvertDNotationToENotation(data); if (sscanf(data,"%f",((float*)(columnValues[i].values)+row)) != 1) { if (recover) { abort=1; row--; } else { SDDS_SetError("Invalid float column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_DOUBLE: ConvertDNotationToENotation(data); if (sscanf(data,"%lf",((double*)(columnValues[i].values)+row)) != 1) { if (recover) { abort=1; row--; } else { SDDS_SetError("Invalid double column element"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } break; case SDDS_STRING: SDDS_InterpretEscapes(data); columnValues[i].stringValues[row] = malloc(strlen(data) + 1); strcpy(columnValues[i].stringValues[row],data); break; case SDDS_CHARACTER: SDDS_InterpretEscapes(data); *((char*)(columnValues[i].values)+row) = data[0]; break; } if (recover && abort) { break; } } row++; if ((row == rows) && (!noRowCount)) { if (rows > maxRows) { if (!SDDS_LengthenTable(&SDDS_dataset, rows - maxRows)) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to lengthen table"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = rows; } n=0; for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (columnValues[i].skip) continue; if (columnValues[i].type == SDDS_STRING) { SetColumnData(columnValues[i].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[i].stringValues, rows, n); } else { SetColumnData(columnValues[i].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[i].values, rows, n); } n++; } } } } if ((par == parameters) && (((!noRowCount) && (rows != -1)) || (noRowCount)) && (((columnOrder) && (col == columns)) || ((columns > 0) && (row == rows)) || (columns == 0))) { if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_dataset)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = 10000; if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_dataset, initRows)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); row = par = col = 0; rows = -1; } ptr[0] = 0; } if (noRowCount) { if (row > 0) { if (row > maxRows) { if (!SDDS_LengthenTable(&SDDS_dataset, row - maxRows)) { SDDS_SetError("Unable to lengthen table"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = row; } n=0; for (j=0;j<columns;j++) { if (columnValues[j].skip) continue; if (columnValues[j].type == SDDS_STRING) { SetColumnData(columnValues[j].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[j].stringValues, row, n); } else { SetColumnData(columnValues[j].type, &SDDS_dataset, columnValues[j].values, row, n); } n++; } if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_dataset)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } maxRows = 10000; } } for (i=0;i<columns;i++) { if (columnValues[i].type == SDDS_STRING) { for (j=0;j<columnValues[i].elements;j++) { free(columnValues[i].stringValues[j]); } free(columnValues[i].stringValues); } else { free(columnValues[i].values); } if (columnValues[i].name) free(columnValues[i].name); if (columnValues[i].units) free(columnValues[i].units); if (columnValues[i].description) free(columnValues[i].description); if (columnValues[i].symbol) free(columnValues[i].symbol); } for (i=0;i<parameters;i++) { free(parameterValues[i].name); if (parameterValues[i].units) free(parameterValues[i].units); if (parameterValues[i].description) free(parameterValues[i].description); if (parameterValues[i].symbol) free(parameterValues[i].symbol); } if (columnValues) free(columnValues); if (parameterValues) free(parameterValues); if (columnIndex) free(columnIndex); if (parameterIndex) free(parameterIndex); if (ptr) free(ptr); if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_dataset)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); free_scanargs(&s_arg,argc); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { long i, return_code; char *ptr; static char *input; static char *rpn_defns; #if defined(LINUX) struct stat sts; #endif #ifdef VAX_VMS /* initialize collection of computer usage statistics--required by * user-callable function 'rs' */ init_stats(); #endif puts("Welcome to rpn version 6, by Michael Borland and Robert Soliday (June 1999)."); /* sort the command table for faster access */ /*qsort(func, NFUNCS, sizeof(struct FUNCTION), func_compare); */ qsort(funcRPN, sizeof(funcRPN)/sizeof(funcRPN[0]), sizeof(struct FUNCTION), func_compare); /* initialize stack pointers--empty stacks */ stackptr = 0; sstackptr = 0; lstackptr = 0; astackptr = 0; dstackptr = 0; astack = NULL; udf_stackptr = 0; max_udf_stackptr = 0; udf_stack = NULL; udf_cond_stackptr = 0; max_udf_cond_stackptr = 0; udf_cond_stack = NULL; udf_id = NULL; udf_unknown = NULL; /* The first item on the command input stack is the standard input. * Input from this source is echoed to the screen. */ istackptr = 1; input_stack[0].fp = stdin; input_stack[0].filemode = ECHO; /* Initialize variables use in keeping track of what 'code' is being * executed. code_ptr is a global pointer to the currently used * code structure. The code is kept track of in a linked list of * code structures. */ code_ptr = &code; input = code_ptr->text = tmalloc(sizeof(*(code_ptr->text))*CODE_LEN); code_ptr->position = 0; code_ptr->token = NULL; code_ptr->storage_mode = STATIC; code_ptr->buffer = tmalloc(sizeof(*(code_ptr->buffer))*LBUFFER); code_ptr->pred = code_ptr->succ = NULL; code_lev = 1; /* Initialize array of IO file structures. Element 0 is for terminal * input, while element 1 is for terminal output. */ for (i=0; i<FILESTACKSIZE; i++) io_file[i].fp = NULL; io_file[0].fp = stdin; cp_str(&(io_file[0].name), "stdin"); io_file[0].mode = INPUT; io_file[1].fp = stdout; cp_str(&(io_file[1].name), "stdout"); io_file[1].mode = OUTPUT; /* initialize variables for UDF storage */ udf_changed = num_udfs = max_udfs = 0; udf_list = NULL; /* Initialize flags for user memories */ n_memories = memory_added = 0; /* If there are arguments push them onto the input stack * so that it will be run to set up the program. */ while (argc-- >= 2) { input_stack[istackptr].fp = fopen_e(argv[argc], "r", 0); input_stack[istackptr++].filemode = NO_ECHO; } /*add default setting for a linux system, G. Shen, Dec 31, 2009 */ rpn_defns=getenv("RPN_DEFNS"); if(!rpn_defns) { #if defined(LINUX) if (!(stat(rpn_default, &sts) == -1 && errno == ENOENT)) { /* check whether default file exists */ rpn_defns = rpn_default; } #endif } if (rpn_defns && (long)strlen(rpn_defns)>0 ) { /* push rpn definitions file onto top of the stack */ input_stack[istackptr].fp = fopen_e(rpn_defns, "r", 0); input_stack[istackptr++].filemode = NO_ECHO; } /* This is the main loop. Code is read in and executed here. */ while (istackptr!=0) { /* istackptr-1 gives index of most recently pushed input file. */ /* This loop implements the command input file stacking. */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "istackptr = %ld\n", istackptr); #endif while (prompt("rpn> ", !(istackptr-1)), ptr=fgets((code_ptr->text=input), CODE_LEN, input_stack[istackptr-1].fp)) { /* Loop while there's still data in the (istackptr-1)th file. * * The data is put in the code list. */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "input string: >%s<\n", ptr); #endif /* If we are at the terminal input level and a UDF has been changed * or a memory added, relink the udfs to get any references to the * new udf or memory translated into 'pcode'. */ if ((udf_changed) || memory_added) { #ifdef DEBUG fputs("re-linking udfs", stderr); #endif link_udfs(); udf_changed = memory_added = 0; } code_ptr->position = 0; /* Get rid of new-lines in data from files, and echo data to * * screen if appropriate. */ if (istackptr!=1 && ptr!=NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG fputs("truncating input line", stderr); #endif chop_nl(ptr); if (input_stack[istackptr-1].filemode==ECHO) puts(ptr); } /* Check for and ignore comment lines. */ #ifdef DEBUG fputs("checking for comment line", stderr); #endif if (strncmp(ptr, "/*", 2)==0) continue; /* Finally, push input line onto the code stack & execute it. */ #ifdef DEBUG fputs("pushing onto stack and executing", stderr); #endif return_code = execute_code(); cycle_counter = 0; if (code_lev!=1) { fputs("error: code level on return from execute_code is not 1\n", stderr); exit(1); } /* Reset pointers in the current code structure to indicate that the * stuff has been executed. */ #ifdef DEBUG fputs("reseting pointers", stderr); #endif *(code_ptr->text) = 0; code_ptr->position = 0; /* If it's appropriate to print the top of the numeric or logical * * stacks, do so here. */ if (stackptr>=1 && return_code==NUMERIC_FUNC ) printf(choose_format(format_flag, stack[stackptr-1]), ' ', stack[stackptr-1], '\n'); if (lstackptr>=1 && return_code==LOGICAL_FUNC) printf("%s\n", (logicstack[lstackptr-1])?"true":"false"); } /* Close the current input file and go to the one below it on the * * stack. This constitutes popping the command input stack. * */ #ifdef DEBUG fputs("closing input file", stderr); #endif fclose(input_stack[--istackptr].fp); } return(0); }