Exemplo n.º 1
static value stat_aux(/*int use_64,*/ struct stat *buf)
  CAMLlocal5(atime, mtime, ctime, offset, v);

  atime = caml_copy_double((double) buf->st_atime);
  mtime = caml_copy_double((double) buf->st_mtime);
  ctime = caml_copy_double((double) buf->st_ctime);
  offset = /*use_64 ? Val_file_offset(buf->st_size) :*/ Val_int (buf->st_size);
  v = caml_alloc_small(12, 0);
  Field (v, 0) = Val_int (buf->st_dev);
  Field (v, 1) = Val_int (buf->st_ino);
  Field (v, 2) = cst_to_constr(buf->st_mode & S_IFMT, file_kind_table,
                               sizeof(file_kind_table) / sizeof(int), 0);
  Field (v, 3) = Val_int (buf->st_mode & 07777);
  Field (v, 4) = Val_int (buf->st_nlink);
  Field (v, 5) = Val_int (buf->st_uid);
  Field (v, 6) = Val_int (buf->st_gid);
  Field (v, 7) = Val_int (buf->st_rdev);
  Field (v, 8) = offset;
  Field (v, 9) = atime;
  Field (v, 10) = mtime;
  Field (v, 11) = ctime;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ns_unix_error(int errcode, char *cmdname, value cmdarg)

  name = err = arg = Val_unit;

  Begin_roots3 (name, err, arg);
    arg = cmdarg == Nothing ? copy_string("") : cmdarg;
    name = copy_string(cmdname);
    err =
      cst_to_constr(errcode, ns_error_table, sizeof(ns_error_table)/sizeof(int));
    if (unix_error_exn == NULL) {
      unix_error_exn = caml_named_value("Ocamllib.Unix_error");
      if (unix_error_exn == NULL)
        invalid_argument("Exception Ocamllib.Unix_error not initialized, please link Ocamllib.cma");
    res = alloc_small(4, 0);
    Field(res, 0) = *unix_error_exn;
    Field(res, 1) = err;
    Field(res, 2) = name;
    Field(res, 3) = arg;
Exemplo n.º 3
static value stat_aux(int use_64, struct stat *buf)
  CAMLlocal5(atime, mtime, ctime, offset, v);

  #include "nanosecond_stat.h"
  atime = caml_copy_double((double) buf->st_atime + (NSEC(buf, a) / 1000000000.0));
  mtime = caml_copy_double((double) buf->st_mtime + (NSEC(buf, m) / 1000000000.0));
  ctime = caml_copy_double((double) buf->st_ctime + (NSEC(buf, c) / 1000000000.0));
  #undef NSEC
  offset = use_64 ? Val_file_offset(buf->st_size) : Val_int (buf->st_size);
  v = alloc_small(12, 0);
  Init_field(v, 0, Val_int (buf->st_dev));
  Init_field(v, 1, Val_int (buf->st_ino));
  Init_field(v, 2, cst_to_constr(buf->st_mode & S_IFMT, file_kind_table,
                                  sizeof(file_kind_table) / sizeof(int), 0));
  Init_field(v, 3, Val_int (buf->st_mode & 07777));
  Init_field(v, 4, Val_int (buf->st_nlink));
  Init_field(v, 5, Val_int (buf->st_uid));
  Init_field(v, 6, Val_int (buf->st_gid));
  Init_field(v, 7, Val_int (buf->st_rdev));
  Init_field(v, 8, offset);
  Init_field(v, 9, atime);
  Init_field(v, 10, mtime);
  Init_field(v, 11, ctime);
Exemplo n.º 4
static value convert_addrinfo(struct addrinfo * a)
  union sock_addr_union sa;
  socklen_param_type len;

  len = a->ai_addrlen;
  if (len > sizeof(sa)) len = sizeof(sa);
  memcpy(&sa.s_gen, a->ai_addr, len);
  vaddr = alloc_sockaddr(&sa, len, -1);
  vcanonname = copy_string(a->ai_canonname == NULL ? "" : a->ai_canonname);
  vres = alloc_small(5, 0);
  Field(vres, 0) = cst_to_constr(a->ai_family, socket_domain_table, 3, 0);
  Field(vres, 1) = cst_to_constr(a->ai_socktype, socket_type_table, 4, 0);
  Field(vres, 2) = Val_int(a->ai_protocol);
  Field(vres, 3) = vaddr;
  Field(vres, 4) = vcanonname;
Exemplo n.º 5
value unix_error_of_code (int errcode)
  int errconstr;
  value err;

  errconstr =
      cst_to_constr(errcode, error_table, sizeof(error_table)/sizeof(int), -1);
  if (errconstr == Val_int(-1)) {
    err = alloc_small(1, 0);
    Field(err, 0) = Val_int(errcode);
  } else {
    err = errconstr;
  return err;
Exemplo n.º 6
static value stat_aux(int use_64, struct _stati64 *buf)
  CAMLparam0 ();
  CAMLlocal1 (v);

  v = caml_alloc (12, 0);
  Store_field (v, 0, Val_int (buf->st_dev));
  Store_field (v, 1, Val_int (buf->st_ino));
  Store_field (v, 2, cst_to_constr (buf->st_mode & S_IFMT, file_kind_table,
                                    sizeof(file_kind_table) / sizeof(int), 0));
  Store_field (v, 3, Val_int(buf->st_mode & 07777));
  Store_field (v, 4, Val_int (buf->st_nlink));
  Store_field (v, 5, Val_int (buf->st_uid));
  Store_field (v, 6, Val_int (buf->st_gid));
  Store_field (v, 7, Val_int (buf->st_rdev));
  Store_field (v, 8,
               use_64 ? copy_int64(buf->st_size) : Val_int (buf->st_size));
  Store_field (v, 9, copy_double((double) buf->st_atime));
  Store_field (v, 10, copy_double((double) buf->st_mtime));
  Store_field (v, 11, copy_double((double) buf->st_ctime));
  CAMLreturn (v);
Exemplo n.º 7
CAMLprim value netcgi2_apache_request_finfo (value rv)
    CAMLparam1 (rv);
    request_rec *r = Request_rec_val (rv);
    CAMLlocal5 (v, sb, atime, mtime, ctime);

    if (r->finfo.filetype != APR_NOFILE) /* Some statbuf */
        atime = (r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_ATIME) ?
                copy_double ((double) apr_time_sec (r->finfo.atime)) :
                copy_double (0.);
        mtime = (r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_MTIME) ?
                copy_double ((double) apr_time_sec (r->finfo.mtime)) :
                copy_double (0.);
        ctime = (r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_CTIME) ?
                copy_double ((double) apr_time_sec (r->finfo.ctime)) :
                copy_double (0.);

        sb = alloc_small (12, 0);
        Field (sb, 0) = Val_int (r->finfo.device);
        Field (sb, 1) = Val_int (r->finfo.inode);
        Field (sb, 2) =
            cst_to_constr (r->finfo.filetype, file_kind_table,
                           sizeof (file_kind_table) / sizeof (int), 0);
        Field (sb, 3) = Val_int (r->finfo.protection);
        Field (sb, 4) = Val_int (r->finfo.nlink);
        Field (sb, 5) = Val_int (r->finfo.user);
        Field (sb, 6) = Val_int (r->finfo.group);
        Field (sb, 7) = Val_int (0); /* FIXME rdev? */
        Field (sb, 8) = Val_int (r->finfo.size); /* FIXME 64 bit file offsets */

        Field (sb, 9) = atime;
        Field (sb, 10) = mtime;
        Field (sb, 11) = ctime;

        v = alloc (1, 0);		/* The "Some" block. */
        Field (v, 0) = sb;
        v = Val_int (0);		/* None. */

#else /* not APACHE2 */

    if (r->finfo.st_mode)		/* Some statbuf */
        /* This code copied and modified from otherlibs/unix/stat.c. */
        atime = copy_double ((double) r->finfo.st_atime);
        mtime = copy_double ((double) r->finfo.st_mtime);
        ctime = copy_double ((double) r->finfo.st_ctime);

        sb = alloc_small (12, 0);
        Field (sb, 0) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_dev);
        Field (sb, 1) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_ino);
        Field (sb, 2) =
            cst_to_constr (r->finfo.st_mode & S_IFMT, file_kind_table,
                           sizeof (file_kind_table) / sizeof (int), 0);
        Field (sb, 3) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_mode & 07777);
        Field (sb, 4) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_nlink);
        Field (sb, 5) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_uid);
        Field (sb, 6) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_gid);
        Field (sb, 7) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_rdev);
        Field (sb, 8) = Val_int (r->finfo.st_size); /* FIXME: 64 bit file offsets */
        Field (sb, 9) = atime;
        Field (sb, 10) = mtime;
        Field (sb, 11) = ctime;

        v = alloc (1, 0);		/* The "Some" block. */
        Field (v, 0) = sb;
        v = Val_int (0);		/* None. */
#endif /* not APACHE2 */

    CAMLreturn (v);