// Given an actor and desired velocity, calculate a corresponding torque
vec3 Behavior::CalculateTorque(Actor &actor, const vec3& dvel)
	// 1. Get current rotation matrix
	mat3 currentRotation(actor.globalOrientation);

	// 2. Construct desired rotation matrix 
    // (This corresponds to facing in the direction of our desired velocity)
	// Note: Z points forwards; Y Points UP; and X points left
	vec3 y(0,1,0), z(dvel);
	vec3 x = y.Cross(z);

	mat3 desiredRotatioon = mat3(x, y, z).Transpose();
	// 3. Compute the change in rotation matrix that will
	// rotate the actor towards our desired rotation
	mat3 deltaMatrixRot =  desiredRotatioon * currentRotation.Transpose();

	// 4. Construct quaternion to get axis and angle from dr
	Quaternion deltaQuadRot = deltaMatrixRot.ToQuaternion();

	vec3 axis; 

	//Dont need rad angle?
	float radAngle;
	deltaQuadRot.ToAxisAngle(axis, radAngle);

	// find torque

	vec3 w = actor.angularVelocity;
	mat3 I = actor.globalInertialTensor;

	return w.Cross(I * w) + (I * ( g_fOriKp * (radAngle * axis) - g_fOriKv * w));
Exemplo n.º 2
void DefaultsWidget::applySettings( KuickData& data )
    data.isModsEnabled = cbEnableMods->isChecked();

    data.downScale  = cbDownScale->isChecked();
    data.upScale    = cbUpScale->isChecked();
    data.maxUpScale = sbMaxUpScaleFactor->value();

    data.flipVertically   = cbFlipVertically->isChecked();
    data.flipHorizontally = cbFlipHorizontally->isChecked();

    data.rotation = currentRotation();

    ImData *id = data.idata;

    id->brightness = sbBrightness->value();
    id->contrast   = sbContrast->value();
    id->gamma      = sbGamma->value();
Exemplo n.º 3
void DefaultsWidget::updatePreview()
    if ( !imFiltered )

    imFiltered->setAutoRender( false );

    int flipMode = cbFlipHorizontally->isChecked() ? FlipHorizontal : FlipNone;
    flipMode |= cbFlipVertically->isChecked() ? FlipVertical : FlipNone;
    imFiltered->setFlipMode( flipMode );

    Rotation rotation = cbEnableMods->isChecked() ? currentRotation() : ROT_0;
    imFiltered->setRotation( rotation );

    imFiltered->setBrightness( sbBrightness->value() );
    imFiltered->setContrast( sbContrast->value() );
    imFiltered->setGamma( sbGamma->value() );

    imFiltered->setAutoRender( true );
Exemplo n.º 4
// calculates the node transformations for the scene
// returns false of the animation is completed or if there is no animation
bool Animator::UpdateAnimation(float time, bool loop)
    if (currentAnimation && currentAnimation->mDuration > 0.0 && CurAnimation != NULL)
        // map into animation's duration
        double timeInTicks = 0.0f;
        float dur = (CurAnimation->endFrame - CurAnimation->startFrame)/FPS;
        if(time == 0)
            timeInTicks = 0;
        else if (dur > 0.0)
            timeInTicks = (CurAnimation->startFrame/FPS) + fmod(time-(1/FPS), dur);
            timeInTicks = CurAnimation->startFrame/FPS;
        if (boneTransforms.size() != currentAnimation->mNumChannels)
        //calculate the transformations for each animation channel
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentAnimation->mNumChannels; i++)
            const aiNodeAnim* channel = currentAnimation->mChannels[i];
            //******** Position *****
            aiVector3D currentPosition(0, 0, 0);
            if (channel->mNumPositionKeys > 0)
                // Look for present frame number. Search from last position if time is after the last time, else from beginning
                unsigned int frame = (timeInTicks >= lastTime) ? lastFramePosition[i].x : 0;
                while (frame < channel->mNumPositionKeys - 1)
                    if (timeInTicks < channel->mPositionKeys[frame + 1].mTime)
                // interpolate between this frame's value and next frame's value
                unsigned int nextFrame = (frame + 1) % channel->mNumPositionKeys;
                const aiVectorKey& key = channel->mPositionKeys[frame];
                const aiVectorKey& nextKey = channel->mPositionKeys[nextFrame];
                double dt = nextKey.mTime - key.mTime;
                if (dt < 0.0)
                    dt += dur;
                if (dt > 0)
                    float interpolationFactor = (float) ((timeInTicks - key.mTime) / dt);
                    currentPosition = key.mValue + (nextKey.mValue - key.mValue) * interpolationFactor;
                    currentPosition = key.mValue;
                lastFramePosition[i].x = frame;
            //******** Rotation *********
            aiQuaternion currentRotation(1, 0, 0, 0);
            if (channel->mNumRotationKeys > 0)
                unsigned int frame = (timeInTicks >= lastTime) ? lastFramePosition[i].y : 0;
                while (frame < channel->mNumRotationKeys - 1)
                    if (timeInTicks < channel->mRotationKeys[frame + 1].mTime)
                // interpolate between this frame's value and next frame's value
                unsigned int nextFrame = (frame + 1) % channel->mNumRotationKeys;
                const aiQuatKey& key = channel->mRotationKeys[frame];
                const aiQuatKey& nextKey = channel->mRotationKeys[nextFrame];
                double dt = nextKey.mTime - key.mTime;
                if (dt < 0.0)
                    dt += dur;
                if (dt > 0)
                    float interpolationFactor = (float) ((timeInTicks - key.mTime) / dt);
                    aiQuaternion::Interpolate(currentRotation, key.mValue, nextKey.mValue, interpolationFactor);
                    currentRotation = key.mValue;
                lastFramePosition[i].y = frame;
            //******** Scaling **********
            aiVector3D currentScaling(1, 1, 1);
            if (channel->mNumScalingKeys > 0)
                unsigned int frame = (timeInTicks >= lastTime) ? lastFramePosition[i].z : 0;
                while (frame < channel->mNumScalingKeys - 1)
                    if (timeInTicks < channel->mScalingKeys[frame + 1].mTime)
                currentScaling = channel->mScalingKeys[frame].mValue;
                lastFramePosition[i].z = frame;
            // build a transformation matrix from the current position, rotation, and scale
            aiMatrix4x4& transformation = boneTransforms[i];
            transformation = aiMatrix4x4(currentRotation.GetMatrix());
            transformation.a1 *= currentScaling.x;
            transformation.b1 *= currentScaling.x;
            transformation.c1 *= currentScaling.x;
            transformation.a2 *= currentScaling.y;
            transformation.b2 *= currentScaling.y;
            transformation.c2 *= currentScaling.y;
            transformation.a3 *= currentScaling.z;
            transformation.b3 *= currentScaling.z;
            transformation.c3 *= currentScaling.z;
            transformation.a4 = currentPosition.x;
            transformation.b4 = currentPosition.y;
            transformation.c4 = currentPosition.z;
        lastTime = timeInTicks;
        // update all node transformations with the results
        UpdateTransforms(rootNode, boneTransforms);
        if(time <= dur || loop)
            if(CurAnimation != NULL) CurAnimation->isPlaying = true;
            return true;
    if(CurAnimation != NULL) CurAnimation->isPlaying = false;
    return false;