Exemplo n.º 1
void DarkGDK()


	//Lines to sketch vehicle
	dbLine(120, 400, 180, 400);
	dbLine(240, 400, 340, 400);
	dbLine(400, 400, 500, 400);
	dbLine(120, 400, 120, 200);
	dbLine(500, 400, 500, 300);
	dbLine(500, 300, 450, 200);
	dbLine(450, 200, 120, 200);

	//Circle to sketch wheels
	dbCircle(210, 410, 30);
	dbCircle(370, 410, 30);

	//Ice cream cone on top
	dbLine(290, 200, 305, 150);
	dbLine(290, 200, 275, 150);

	//Circle for ice cream
	dbCircle(290, 145, 16);

	dbText(200, 270, "Ice Cream");

	//Wait for user to press key

Exemplo n.º 2
void drawSquare(int centerX, int centerY)


	//Square variables
	int x1 = centerX - WIDTH  / 2;
	int y1 = centerY - HEIGHT / 2;
	int x2 = centerX + WIDTH  / 2;
	int y2 = centerY + HEIGHT / 2;

	//Draw square
	dbLine(x1, y1, x2, y1);
	dbLine(x2, y1, x2, y2);
	dbLine(x2, y2, x1, y2);
	dbLine(x1, y2, x1, y1);

Exemplo n.º 3
void DarkGDK()


	//Set variables
	int X;
	int Y;

	//Window title
	dbSetWindowTitle("Treasure Map");

	//Set key color
	dbSetImageColorKey(0, 255, 0);

	//Load image
	dbLoadImage("treasure map.bmp", 1);

	//Display image
	dbPasteImage(1, 0, 0);

	//Enter X coordinate
	dbPrint("Please enter the X coordinate for treasure!");
	X = atoi( dbInput() );

	//Enter Y coordinate
	dbPrint("Please enter the Y coordinate for treasure!");
	Y = atoi( dbInput() );

	DWORD red = dbRGB(255, 0, 0);
	DWORD black = dbRGB(0, 0, 0);

	dbInk(red, black);

	//Draw the X
	dbLine(X-10, Y-10, X+10, Y+10);
	dbLine(X-10, Y+10, X+10, Y-10);

	//Wait for user to press a key

Exemplo n.º 4
void drawScanlines(int linesBetween ) {
	int screenHeight = dbScreenHeight();
	int screenWidth = dbScreenWidth();

	dbInk( RGB(0,0,0), RGB(0,0,0) );
	int currentLine = 0;
	while( currentLine < screenHeight ) {
		currentLine += linesBetween;
		dbLine( 0, currentLine, screenWidth, currentLine );
Exemplo n.º 5
void drawOctagon(int x, int y)
	//Set variables
	int left = x - HALF;	
	int top = y - HALF;		
	int right = x + HALF;	
	int bottom = y + HALF;	

	//Draw Octagon line segments clockwise from the top
	dbLine(left + QUARTER, top, right - QUARTER, top);		
	dbLine(right - QUARTER, top, right, y - QUARTER);			
	dbLine(right, y - QUARTER, right, y + QUARTER);				
	dbLine(right, y + QUARTER, right - QUARTER, bottom);		
	dbLine(right - QUARTER, bottom, left + QUARTER, bottom);	
	dbLine(left + QUARTER, bottom, left, y + QUARTER);			
	dbLine(left, y + QUARTER, left, y - QUARTER);				
	dbLine(left, y - QUARTER,left + QUARTER, top);				
Exemplo n.º 6
void DarkGDK()


	//Lines to sketch house
	dbLine(200, 250, 200, 450);
		dbLine(200, 450, 450, 450);
		dbLine(450, 450, 450, 250);
		dbLine(450, 250, 200, 250);
		dbLine(200, 250, 325, 100);
		dbLine(325, 100, 450, 250);

		//Lines to sketch door
		dbLine(240, 450, 240, 365);
		dbLine(240, 365, 300, 365);
		dbLine(300, 365, 300, 450);
		dbLine(300, 450, 240, 450);
		//Circle for door knob
		dbCircle(290, 408, 3);

		//Lines to sketch window 1
		dbLine(250, 275, 250, 325);
		dbLine(250, 325, 290, 325);
		dbLine(290, 325, 290, 275);
		dbLine(290, 275, 250, 275);

		//Lines to sketch window 2
		dbLine(370, 275, 370, 325);
		dbLine(370, 325, 410, 325);
		dbLine(410, 325, 410, 275);
		dbLine(410, 275, 370, 275);

		//Lines to sketch window 3
		dbLine(350, 425, 420, 425);
		dbLine(420, 425, 420, 380);
		dbLine(420, 380, 350, 380);
		dbLine(350, 380, 350, 425);
		//Middle line
		dbLine(385, 425, 385, 380);

//Wait for user to press key

Exemplo n.º 7
void DrawTarget(Vector2D target) {
	int targetSize = 20;
	dbInk( RGB(0,0,255), RGB(0,0,255) );
	dbLine(target.x-20, target.y, target.x+20, target.y);
	dbLine(target.x, target.y-targetSize, target.x, target.y+20 ); 