Exemplo n.º 1
	void configure() {
		SphericalCoordinates sun(m_sun);
		sun.elevation *= m_stretch;
		m_sunDir = toSphere(sun);

		/* Solid angle covered by the sun */
		m_theta = degToRad(SUN_APP_RADIUS * 0.5f);
		m_solidAngle = 2 * M_PI * (1 - std::cos(m_theta));
		m_radiance = computeSunRadiance(m_sun.elevation, m_turbidity) * m_scale;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * +ve angles are anticlockwise, angle in degrees
void Turn(float a)
  int i = (a < 0) ? -1 : 1;
  setMotorSpeeds(-i*TURN_SPEED, i*TURN_SPEED);
  writeDebugStreamLine("TURN: %f", a);

  // Correction for motor bias
  setMotorSpeeds(0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
void leftOneWheelDegree(PidMotion* pidMotion, float angleDegree, float a, float speed, OutputStream* notificationOutputStream) {
    // We multiply by 2, because, only one wheel rotates
    float angleRadius = degToRad(angleDegree) * 2.0f;
    RobotKinematics* robotKinematics = getRobotKinematics();
    float leftWheelLengthForOnePulse = getCoderLeftWheelLengthForOnePulse(robotKinematics);
    float wheelsDistanceFromCenter = getCoderWheelsDistanceFromCenter(robotKinematics);

    float realDistanceRight = (wheelsDistanceFromCenter * angleRadius) / leftWheelLengthForOnePulse;
    gotoSimplePosition(pidMotion, 0.0f, realDistanceRight, a, speed, notificationOutputStream);
Exemplo n.º 4
void idle() {
  //player1->angle = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) / 1000.0 * 45;  // 45° per second
	timeClock = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
	timeDiff = timeClock - timePrev;
	timePrev = timeClock;

	if(WeaTimer < 5000){
		weapon->pos[0] = weapon->pos[0]+(timeDiff*0.02 * sin(degToRad(weapon->angle)));
		weapon->pos[2] = weapon->pos[2]+(timeDiff*0.02 * cos(degToRad(weapon->angle)));
  		WeaTimer ++;
	if(WeaTimer2 < 5000){
		weapon2->pos[0] = weapon2->pos[0]+(timeDiff*0.02 * sin(degToRad(weapon2->angle)));
		weapon2->pos[2] = weapon2->pos[2]+(timeDiff*0.02 * cos(degToRad(weapon2->angle)));
  		WeaTimer2 ++;

void draw_separator(t_meter *x,  t_object *view, t_rect *rect)
    t_jgraphics *g = jbox_start_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_separator_layer, rect->width, rect->height);
	if (g)
        double rotateAngle, channelWidth;
        t_jmatrix transform;
        t_jrgba black = rgba_addContrast(x->f_color_mbg, -0.12);
		jgraphics_matrix_init(&transform, 1, 0, 0, -1, x->f_center, x->f_center);
		jgraphics_set_matrix(g, &transform);
		// skelton separators and leds bg:
		for(int i=0; i < x->f_meter->getNumberOfPlanewaves(); i++)
			channelWidth = radToDeg(x->f_meter->getPlanewaveWidth(i));
            rotateAngle = radToDeg(x->f_meter->getPlanewaveAzimuthMapped(i) + x->f_meter->getPlanewavesRotationX()) - (channelWidth*0.5);
			if (!x->f_rotation)
				rotateAngle += channelWidth;
				rotateAngle *= -1;
			jgraphics_rotate(g, degToRad(rotateAngle));

            // separator
			if (x->f_meter->getNumberOfPlanewaves() > 1)
                jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &black);
				jgraphics_move_to(g, 0., x->f_rayonInt);
				jgraphics_line_to(g, 0, x->f_rayonExt);
			jgraphics_rotate(g, degToRad(-rotateAngle));
		jbox_end_layer((t_object*)x, view, hoa_sym_separator_layer);
	jbox_paint_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_separator_layer, 0., 0.);
// Checks for collision between avatar and room objects
bool hasObjCollision(const Mesh* a, ComplexObj *cobj[], int sizee){
	VECTOR3D personMin, personMax;
	float rad = degToRad(a->angles.y);
	float xabs = fabs(0.25 * cos(rad) + 0.1 * sin(rad));
	float zabs = fabs(0.25 * sin(rad) + 0.1 * cos(rad));
	personMin.x = a->translation.x - xabs;
	personMin.y = 0.0;
	personMin.z = a->translation.z - zabs;
	personMax.x = a->translation.x + xabs;
	personMax.y = 2.17;
	personMax.z = a->translation.z + zabs;

	for (int i = 0; i < sizee; i++){
		float radobj = degToRad(cobj[i]->angles.y);
		float xabsobj = fabs(cobj[i]->dim.x / 2 * cos(radobj) + cobj[i]->dim.z / 2 * sin(radobj));
		float yabsobj = cobj[i]->dim.y;
		float zabsobj = fabs(cobj[i]->dim.x / 2 * sin(radobj) + cobj[i]->dim.z / 2 * cos(radobj));
		VECTOR3D objMin, objMax;
		objMin.x = cobj[i]->translation.x - xabsobj;
		objMin.y = cobj[i]->translation.y;
		objMin.z = cobj[i]->translation.z - zabsobj;
		objMax.x = cobj[i]->translation.x + xabsobj;
		objMax.y = cobj[i]->translation.y + yabsobj;
		objMax.z = cobj[i]->translation.z + zabsobj;

		if ( (personMin.x < objMax.x && objMin.x < personMax.x) && 
			 (personMin.z < objMax.z && objMin.z < personMax.z) && 
			 (personMin.y < objMax.y && objMin.z < personMax.z) ) 
			return true;

		if (fabs(a->translation.x - cobj[i]->translation.x) < a->scaleFactor.x + cobj[i]->dim.x / 2){ //check the X-axis
			if (fabs(a->translation.y - cobj[i]->translation.y) < a->scaleFactor.y + cobj[i]->dim.y / 2){ //check the X-axis
				if (fabs(a->translation.z - cobj[i]->translation.z) < a->scaleFactor.z + cobj[i]->dim.z / 2){ //check the X-axis
					return true;
	return false;
void moveThroughDoor()
	// common variables
	Ped playerPed = PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID();

	if (PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(playerPed, 0))

	Vector3 curLocation = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(playerPed, 0);
	float curHeading = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_HEADING(playerPed);

	float forwardPush = 0.6;

	float xVect = forwardPush * sin(degToRad(curHeading)) * -1.0f;
	float yVect = forwardPush * cos(degToRad(curHeading));

	ENTITY::SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET(playerPed, curLocation.x + xVect, curLocation.y + yVect, curLocation.z, 1, 1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
* @internal
* @brief Initializes the class so it becomes valid.
* @param viewport				viewport in which this camera will render (used to set the right aspect ratio)
* @param[in] pOgreSceneManager	Ogre Scene Manager. It allows the creation of the ogre camera
* @param[in] cameraName			Optional parameter to specify a name for the camera
* @param coordinateSystem		Coordinate system to setup in this camera (PROCESSING OR OPENGL3D)
* @return true if the initialization was ok | false otherwise
bool Camera3D::init( Ogre::Viewport* viewport, Ogre::SceneManager* pOgreSceneManager, const std::string& cameraName /*= DEFAULT_NAME*/, Cing::GraphicsType coordinateSystem /*= PROCESSING*/ )
    // Check if the class is already initialized
    if ( isValid() )
        return true;

    // Check application correctly initialized (could not be if the user didn't call size function)

    // Check scene manager
    if ( !pOgreSceneManager )
        THROW_EXCEPTION( "Internal Error: NULL Scene Manager received" );

    // Viewport dimmensions
    int viewportWidth	= width;
    int viewportHeight	= height;

    // Check viewport
    if ( viewport )
        viewportWidth = viewport->getActualWidth();
        viewportHeight= viewport->getActualHeight();

    // Store scene manager pointer
    m_pOgreSceneManager = pOgreSceneManager;

    // Create the camera scene and sets its initial properties
    m_pOgreCamera = pOgreSceneManager->createCamera( cameraName );

    // Create camera scene node and add it to the scene manager
    m_cameraSceneNode = pOgreSceneManager->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
    m_cameraSceneNode->attachObject( m_pOgreCamera );

    // Set initial properties:
    m_aspectRatio = (float)viewportWidth / (float)viewportHeight;
    m_pOgreCamera->setAspectRatio( m_aspectRatio );
    m_cameraSceneNode->setPosition( 0, 0, 2000 );
    m_cameraSceneNode->lookAt( Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 0), Ogre::Node::TS_WORLD );

    // Set Frustum
    m_pOgreCamera->setNearClipDistance( 5 );
    m_pOgreCamera->setFarClipDistance( 5000 );

    // Shadow far distance (in case there are shadows)
    m_pOgreSceneManager->setShadowFarDistance( m_pOgreCamera->getFarClipDistance() );

    // The class is now initialized
    m_bIsValid = true;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
double calcSunEqOfCenter(double t)
    double m = calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(t);

    double mrad = degToRad(m);
    double sinm = sin(mrad);
    double sin2m = sin(mrad+mrad);
    double sin3m = sin(mrad+mrad+mrad);

    double C = sinm * (1.914602 - t * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * t)) + sin2m * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) + sin3m * 0.000289;
    return C;		// in degrees
Exemplo n.º 10
    void Astronomy::getHorizontalSunPosition (
        double jday,
        double longitude, double latitude,
        double &azimuth, double &altitude)
        // 2451544.5 == Astronomy::getJulianDayFromGregorianDateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
        // 2451543.5 == Astronomy::getJulianDayFromGregorianDateTime(1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0));
        double d = jday - 2451543.5;

        // Sun's Orbital elements:
        // argument of perihelion
        double w = double (282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d);
        // eccentricity (0=circle, 0-1=ellipse, 1=parabola)
        double e = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * d;
        // mean anomaly (0 at perihelion; increases uniformly with time)
        double M = double(356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d);
        // Obliquity of the ecliptic.
        //double oblecl = double (23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * d);

        // Eccentric anomaly
        double E = M + radToDeg(e * sinDeg (M) * (1 + e * cosDeg (M)));

        // Sun's Distance(R) and true longitude(L)
        double xv = cosDeg (E) - e;
        double yv = sinDeg (E) * sqrt (1 - e * e);
        //double r = sqrt (xv * xv + yv * yv);
        double lon = atan2Deg (yv, xv) + w;
        double lat = 0;

        double lambda = degToRad(lon);
        double beta = degToRad(lat);
        double rasc, decl;
        convertEclipticToEquatorialRad (lambda, beta, rasc, decl);
        rasc = radToDeg(rasc);
        decl = radToDeg(decl);

        // Horizontal spherical.
        Astronomy::convertEquatorialToHorizontal (
            jday, longitude, latitude, rasc, decl, azimuth, altitude);
void StatePlaying::initiate()
  float farClippingPlane = 2000.0f;

  // Set far clipping plane

  m_objects = new Ned3DObjectManager();	
	m_tetherCamera = new TetherCamera(m_objects);
  // Create terrain
  terrain = new Terrain(8,"terrain.xml"); //powers of two for terrain size
  // Load models

  // Loads game objects like the crows, plane, and silo
  // set fog
  gRenderer.setFogDistance(farClippingPlane - 1000.0f,farClippingPlane);

  // set lights
  Vector3 dir = Vector3(5.0f,-5.0f, 6.0f);
  // Create water now that we know what camera to use
  float fov = degToRad(gGame.m_currentCam->fov);
  water = new Water(fov, farClippingPlane, "water.xml");

	// aquire sounds  
  gSoundManager.setDopplerUnit(1.0f/3.0f); // sound factors
  // get windmill sound
  m_windmillSound = gSoundManager.requestSoundHandle("windmill2.wav");
  m_windmillSoundInstance = gSoundManager.requestInstance(m_windmillSound);  

  // add console commands  

Exemplo n.º 12
void EnemyShip::createEngagementRangeShape() {
  const float kSpread = 45.f;
  const int kSteps = 9;
  static const sf::Color color{255, 0, 0, 127};

  m_engagementRangeShape.resize(2 + kSteps);

  m_engagementRangeShape[0].position = sf::Vector2f(75.f, 0.f);
  m_engagementRangeShape[0].color = color;

  size_t i = 1;
  const float spreadStep = kSpread / static_cast<float>(kSteps);
  const float half = kSpread / -2.f;
  for (float degrees = 0.f; degrees <= kSpread; degrees += spreadStep, ++i) {
    m_engagementRangeShape[i].position.x =
        std::cos(degToRad(half + degrees)) * kMaxEngagementRange;
    m_engagementRangeShape[i].position.y =
        std::sin(degToRad(half + degrees)) * kMaxEngagementRange;
    m_engagementRangeShape[i].color = color;
Exemplo n.º 13
void PlayerBase::draw()
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
	glTranslatef(frame.position[0], frame.position[1] + 0.2*sin(degToRad(flyingAngle)), frame.position[2]);

//	drawGeometry(aabb);

Exemplo n.º 14
    Quaternion ParseEulerAngles(const std::string& text)
        Quaternion quat;
        StringVector components = SplitString(text, ' ');
        if (components.size() == 3)
                float xrad = degToRad(ParseString<float>(components[0]));
                float yrad = degToRad(ParseString<float>(components[1]));
                float zrad = degToRad(ParseString<float>(components[2]));
                float angle = yrad * 0.5;
                double cx = cos(angle);
                double sx = sin(angle);

                angle = zrad * 0.5;
                double cy = cos(angle);
                double sy = sin(angle);

                angle = xrad * 0.5;
                double cz = cos(angle);
                double sz = sin(angle);

                quat.x = sx * sy * cz + cx * cy * sz;
                quat.y = sx * cy * cz + cx * sy * sz;
                quat.z = cx * sy * cz - sx * cy * sz;
                quat.w = cx * cy * cz - sx * sy * sz;
            catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast)
        return quat;
Exemplo n.º 15
        right      = Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        up         = Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        forward    = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        eye        = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        viewMatrix = Matrix4::identity();
        vpMatrix   = Matrix4::identity();

        const float fovY   = degToRad(60.0f);
        const float aspect = static_cast<float>(windowWidth) / static_cast<float>(windowHeight);
        projMatrix = Matrix4::perspective(fovY, aspect, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
Exemplo n.º 16
 * @brief
 * @param nominal
 * @param actual
 * @return double
double NewRoboControl::getSpeedP(double nominal, double actual) // Drehgeschwindigkeit ruhig

    double diff = getDiffAngle(nominal, actual);
    // if (std::fabs(diff) < 1.57)
        if (std::fabs(diff) < degToRad(19) || std::fabs(diff) > degToRad(161))
            //return 0.45 * diff;
            return 0.4 * diff;
        else if (std::fabs(diff) < degToRad(30) || std::fabs(diff) > degToRad(150))
            //return 0.28 * diff;
            return 0.28 * diff;
            return 0.19 * diff;
Exemplo n.º 17
Transform Transform::glPerspective(Float fov, Float clipNear, Float clipFar) {
	Float recip = 1.0f / (clipNear - clipFar);
	Float cot = 1.0f / std::tan(degToRad(fov / 2.0f));

	Matrix4x4 trafo(
		cot,   0,     0,   0,
		0,     cot,   0,   0,
		0,     0,     (clipFar + clipNear) * recip,  2 * clipFar * clipNear * recip,
		0,     0,     -1,   0

	return Transform(trafo);
Exemplo n.º 18
	 * Configures the position of the sun. This calculation is based on
	 * your position on the world and time of day.
	 * From IES Lighting Handbook pg 361.
	void configureSunPosition(const Float lat, const Float lon,
			const int stdMrd, const int julDay, const Float timeOfDay) {
		const Float solarTime = timeOfDay
			+ (0.170 * sin(4.0 * M_PI * (julDay - 80.0) / 373.0)
			- 0.129 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * (julDay - 8.0) / 355.0))
			+ (stdMrd - lon) / 15.0;

		const Float solarDeclination = (0.4093 * sin(2 * M_PI * (julDay - 81) / 368));

		const Float solarAltitude = asin(sin(degToRad(lat))
			* sin(solarDeclination) - cos(degToRad(lat))
			* cos(solarDeclination) * cos(M_PI * solarTime / 12.0));

		const Float opp = -cos(solarDeclination) * sin(M_PI * solarTime / 12.0);
		const Float adj = -(cos(degToRad(lat)) * sin(solarDeclination)
			+ sin(degToRad(lat)) * cos(solarDeclination)
			* cos(M_PI * solarTime / 12.0));

		const Float solarAzimuth = atan2(opp,adj);

		m_phiS = -solarAzimuth;
		m_thetaS = M_PI / 2.0 - solarAltitude;
Exemplo n.º 19
void Polar::bvmgWind(double twaOrtho, double tws, double *twaVMG)
    double twa;
    twa = fmod(twa, TWO_PI);
    if (twa > PI)
      twa -= TWO_PI;
    } else if (twa < -PI)
      twa += TWO_PI;
Exemplo n.º 20
void OpenGLTools::gluPerspective(GLdouble fovy, GLdouble aspect, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar)
    double fovyRad = degToRad(fovy);
    double f = 1.0 / tan(fovyRad / 2);
    double zDepth = zNear - zFar;
    Matrix44 matrix (
        f / aspect, 0 ,             0          ,            0            ,
        0         , f ,             0          ,            0            ,
        0         , 0 , (zFar + zNear) / zDepth, 2 *zFar * zNear / zDepth,
        0         , 0 ,            -1          ,            0

Exemplo n.º 21
	static quat eulerAnglesToQuaternion(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) {

		float y0 = (float) degToRad(yaw / 2.0f);
		float p0 = (float) degToRad(pitch / 2.0f);
		float r0 = (float) degToRad(roll / 2.0f);

		float cosy = (float) cos(y0);
		float cosp = (float) cos(p0);
		float cosr = (float) cos(r0);

		float siny = (float) sin(y0);
		float sinp = (float) sin(p0);
		float sinr = (float) sin(r0);

		quat q;

		q.x = cosr * sinp * cosy + sinr * cosp * siny;
		q.y = cosr * cosp * siny - sinr * sinp * cosy;
		q.z = sinr * cosp * cosy - cosr * sinp * siny;
		q.w = cosr * cosp * cosy + sinr * sinp * siny;

		return q;
Exemplo n.º 22
void moveCameraByMouseMove(int x, int y, int last_x, int last_y) {
    int dx = x - last_x;
    int dy = y - last_y;

    float PIX_TO_DEG = 0.04f;
    auto pos = g_camera.getPosition();

    auto alt = pos.length() - EARTH_EQUITORIAL_RADIUS;
    auto scale_factor = 1.0;
    //auto scale_factor = alt / EARTH_EQUITORIAL_RADIUS;

    if (alt < 1000000) {
        PIX_TO_DEG = 0.001f;

    pos = vec3df::rotateZ(pos, -degToRad(dx * PIX_TO_DEG) * scale_factor);

    float dx_for_atan = vec3df::create(pos(0), pos(1), 0).length();
    float dy_for_atan = pos(2);
    float angle = atan2(dy_for_atan, dx_for_atan);

    const float MAX_ANGLE = degToRad(89);

    float delta_angle = degToRad(dy * PIX_TO_DEG);
    if (angle + delta_angle > MAX_ANGLE) {
        delta_angle = MAX_ANGLE - angle;
    if (angle + delta_angle < -MAX_ANGLE) {
        delta_angle = -MAX_ANGLE - angle;
    auto axis = vec3df::cross(pos, vec3df::create(0, 0, 1));
    auto rot = mat4df::createRotationAbout(axis, delta_angle * scale_factor * 0.5);
    pos = mat4df::mul(rot, pos);

Exemplo n.º 23
void update_speed_and_heading()
	if(distance_to_current_nav(degToRad((double)NMEA::getLatitude()), degToRad((double)NMEA::getLongitude())) < WAYPOINT_RADIUS)

	nav_list_t * current_nav = get_current_nav();

	bearing = compass.getHeadingXYDeg();
	heading = startHeading(degToRad(NMEA::getLatitude()), degToRad(NMEA::getLongitude()), current_nav->latitude, current_nav->longitude)*(180.0/M_PI);
		bearingCompensation = 0;
		bearingCompensation = headingPid.compute();
		speedOverGroundCompensation = 0;
		speedOverGroundCompensation = speedOverGroundPid.compute();
	leftThrottle = ((speedOverGroundCompensation - bearingCompensation) < THROTTLE_LIMIT) ? (speedOverGroundCompensation - bearingCompensation) : THROTTLE_LIMIT;
	rightThrottle = ((speedOverGroundCompensation + bearingCompensation) < THROTTLE_LIMIT) ? (speedOverGroundCompensation + bearingCompensation) : THROTTLE_LIMIT;
Exemplo n.º 24
    void checkMouseRotation()
        static const float maxAngle    = 89.5f; // Max degrees of rotation
        static const float rotateSpeed = 5.0f * (1.0f / 60.0f);
        static float pitchAmt;

        if (!mouse.leftButtonDown)

        // Rotate left/right:
        float amt = static_cast<float>(mouse.deltaX) * rotateSpeed;

        // Calculate amount to rotate up/down:
        amt = static_cast<float>(mouse.deltaY) * rotateSpeed;

        // Clamp pitch amount:
        if ((pitchAmt + amt) <= -maxAngle)
            amt = -maxAngle - pitchAmt;
            pitchAmt = -maxAngle;
        else if ((pitchAmt + amt) >= maxAngle)
            amt = maxAngle - pitchAmt;
            pitchAmt = maxAngle;
            pitchAmt += amt;

Exemplo n.º 25
float Calc::distance_in_miles(float lat1, float lon1, float lat2, float lon2)
//  float distance = (acos(sin(lat1/180*M_PI)*sin(lat2/180*M_PI) + cos(lat1/180*M_PI)*cos(lat2/180*M_PI)*cos(lon1/180*M_PI-lon2/180*M_PI))*180*60/M_PI);

    float distance = (acos(sin(degToRad(lat1)) * sin(degToRad(lat2)) + 
                    cos(degToRad(lat1)) * cos(degToRad(lat2)) * cos(degToRad(lon1)-degToRad(lon2))) * 180*60/M_PI);

    // miles in km; return 0 if distance is NaN
    return ( distance >= 0 ? distance : 0 );
Exemplo n.º 26
double AMAngle::radians()
	if(state() == RAD)
		return angle();
		if(state() == DEG){
			return angle();
			AMErrorMon::alert(0, AMANGLE_REQUEST_RADIANS_FROM_INVALID_STATE, QString("A call was made to AMAngle::radians() when the AMAngle instance was in an invalid state.") );
			return -1;
void updateNewPositionFromNotification(InputStream* inputStream) {
    float x = readHexFloat4(inputStream, POSITION_DIGIT_MM_PRECISION);
    float y = readHexFloat4(inputStream, POSITION_DIGIT_MM_PRECISION);
    float angleDegree = readHexFloat4(inputStream, ANGLE_DIGIT_DEGREE_PRECISION);
    gameStrategyContext->robotPosition->x = x;
    gameStrategyContext->robotPosition->y = y;
    gameStrategyContext->robotAngleRadian = degToRad(angleDegree);
    printPoint(getDebugOutputStreamLogger(), gameStrategyContext->robotPosition, "");
Exemplo n.º 28
	bool CSPhysXObject_Character::create(CSPhysXWorld* world, IPhysicsObjectData data)
		if (!CSPhysXObject::create(world)) return false;

		#define SKINWIDTH	0.0001f
		PxF32	gInitialRadius = data.scale.X;
		PxF32	gInitialHeight = data.scale.Y;

		if (data.node)
			gInitialRadius = data.node->getBoundingBox().getExtent().X / 2 * data.scale.X ;
			gInitialHeight = data.node->getBoundingBox().getExtent().Y / 2 * data.scale.Y ;

		PxCapsuleControllerDesc desc;
		desc.position.x			= data.position.X;
		desc.position.y			= data.position.Y;
		desc.position.z			= data.position.Z;
		desc.radius				= gInitialRadius;
		desc.height				= gInitialHeight;
		desc.upDirection		= PxVec3(0,1,0);
		desc.slopeLimit			= cosf(degToRad(45.0f));
		desc.stepOffset			= 0.02f;
		desc.callback			= &gControllerHitReport;
		desc.userData			= (void*)data.userdata;
		desc.scaleCoeff			= 0.9f;
		desc.volumeGrowth		= 1.2f;
		desc.density			= 10;
		desc.material			= getWorld()->getPhysXManager()->m_DefaultMaterial;
		m_Controller			= world->getControllerManager()->createController(*getWorld()->getPhysXManager()->m_PhysicsSDK, getWorld()->getScene(), desc);
		m_Controller->getActor()->userData = (void*)data.userdata;
		PxShape* shapes[10];
		PxU32 nShapes = m_Controller->getActor()->getShapes(shapes, 10);
		while (nShapes--)

		CS_CHECK_NULL(m_Controller, CSLOGTYPE::CSL_WARNING, "CSPhysXObject_Character::create() Controller creaation failed");

		// everything went fine
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 29
	NxQuat(const float angle, const btVector3 & axis)
	x = axis.x();
	y = axis.y();
	z = axis.z();

	const float i_length =  1.0f / sqrtf( x*x + y*y + z*z );
	x = x * i_length;
	y = y * i_length;
	z = z * i_length;

	float Half = degToRad(angle * 0.5f);

	w = cosf(Half);
	const float sin_theta_over_two = sinf(Half );
	x = x * sin_theta_over_two;
	y = y * sin_theta_over_two;
	z = z * sin_theta_over_two;
Exemplo n.º 30
void initRotation(struct transMatrix * m, int angle)
    double radAngle = degToRad(angle);
      Load the following matrix into 'm' :
      cos(t) -sin(t)  0
      sin(t)  cos(t)  0
        0       0     1
    m->matrix[0][0] = cos(radAngle);
    m->matrix[0][1] = -1*sin(radAngle);
    m->matrix[0][2] = 0;
    m->matrix[1][0] = sin(radAngle);
    m->matrix[1][1] =    cos(radAngle);
    m->matrix[1][2] = 0;
    m->matrix[2][0] =             0;
    m->matrix[2][1] =                0;
    m->matrix[2][2] = 1;