Exemplo n.º 1
void CommandLineUtility::parseArguments(QStringList& arguments)
    QStringListIterator iter(arguments);
    QTextStream out(stdout);
    QTextStream errorsteam(stderr);

    while (iter.hasNext())
        QString temp = iter.next();
        if (helpRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            helpRequest = true;
        else if (versionRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            versionRequest = true;
        else if (trayRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            launchInTray = true;
            hideTrayIcon = false;
        else if (noTrayRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            hideTrayIcon = true;
            launchInTray = false;
        else if (loadProfileRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();
                QFileInfo fileInfo(temp);
                if (fileInfo.exists())
                    if (fileInfo.suffix() != "xml")
                        errorsteam << tr("Profile location %1 is not an XML file.").arg(temp) << endl;
                        encounteredError = true;
                        profileLocation = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
                    errorsteam << tr("Profile location %1 does not exist.").arg(temp) << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;
        else if (loadProfileForControllerRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();

                bool validNumber = false;
                int tempNumber = temp.toInt(&validNumber);
                if (validNumber)
                    controllerNumber = tempNumber;
                else if (!temp.isEmpty())
                    controllerIDString = temp;
                    errorsteam << tr("Controller identifier is not a valid value.") << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;
        else if (hiddenRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            hiddenRequest = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CommandLineUtility::parseArguments(QStringList& arguments)
    QStringListIterator iter(arguments);
    //QTextStream out(stdout);
    QTextStream errorsteam(stderr);

    while (iter.hasNext())
        QString temp = iter.next();
        if (helpRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            helpRequest = true;
        else if (versionRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            versionRequest = true;
        else if (trayRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            launchInTray = true;
            hideTrayIcon = false;
        else if (noTrayRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            hideTrayIcon = true;
            launchInTray = false;
        else if (loadProfileRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();
                QFileInfo fileInfo(temp);
                if (fileInfo.exists())
                    if (fileInfo.suffix() != "amgp" && fileInfo.suffix() != "xml")
                        errorsteam << tr("Profile location %1 is not an XML file.").arg(temp) << endl;
                        encounteredError = true;
                        profileLocation = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
                    errorsteam << tr("Profile location %1 does not exist.").arg(temp) << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;
        else if (loadProfileForControllerRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();

                bool validNumber = false;
                int tempNumber = temp.toInt(&validNumber);
                if (validNumber)
                    controllerNumber = tempNumber;
                else if (!temp.isEmpty())
                    controllerIDString = temp;
                    errorsteam << tr("Controller identifier is not a valid value.") << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;
        else if (hiddenRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            hiddenRequest = true;
        else if (unloadRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            unloadProfile = true;
            profileLocation = "";

            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();

                if (!isPossibleCommand(temp))
                    // A value has been passed. Attempt
                    // to validate the value.
                    bool validNumber = false;
                    int tempNumber = temp.toInt(&validNumber);
                    if (validNumber)
                        controllerNumber = tempNumber;
                    else if (!temp.isEmpty())
                        controllerIDString = temp;
                        errorsteam << tr("Controller identifier is not a valid value.") << endl;
                        encounteredError = true;
                    // Grabbed a possible command-line option.
                    // Move iterator back to previous item.
        else if (startSetRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();

                bool validNumber = false;
                int tempNumber = temp.toInt(&validNumber);
                if (validNumber && tempNumber >= 1 && tempNumber <= 8)
                    startSetNumber = tempNumber;
                else if (validNumber)
                    errorsteam << tr("An invalid set number was specified.") << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;

                if (iter.hasNext())
                    temp = iter.next();

                    if (!isPossibleCommand(temp))
                        if (validNumber)
                            controllerNumber = tempNumber;
                        else if (!temp.isEmpty())
                            controllerIDString = temp;
                            errorsteam << tr("Controller identifier is not a valid value.") << endl;
                            encounteredError = true;
                        // Grabbed a possible command-line option.
                        // Move iterator back to previous item.
                errorsteam << tr("No set number was specified.") << endl;
                encounteredError = true;
#ifdef USE_SDL_2
        else if (gamepadListRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            listControllers = true;
        else if (mappingRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                temp = iter.next();

                bool validNumber = false;
                int tempNumber = temp.toInt(&validNumber);
                if (validNumber)
                    controllerNumber = tempNumber;
                    mappingController = true;
                else if (!temp.isEmpty())
                    controllerIDString = temp;
                    mappingController = true;
                    errorsteam << tr("Controller identifier is not a valid value.") << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;
                errorsteam << tr("No controller was specified.") << endl;
                encounteredError = true;

#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
        else if (daemonRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            daemonMode = true;
    #ifdef WITH_X11
        else if (displayRegexp.exactMatch(temp))
            if (iter.hasNext())
                displayString = iter.next();
                errorsteam << tr("No display string was specified.") << endl;
                encounteredError = true;
        // Check if this is the last argument. If it is and no command line flag
        // is active, the final argument is likely a profile that has
        // been specified.
        else if (!temp.isEmpty() && !iter.hasNext())
            // If the file exists and it is an xml file, assume that it is a
            // profile.
            QFileInfo fileInfo(temp);
            if (fileInfo.exists())
                if (fileInfo.suffix() != "amgp" && fileInfo.suffix() != "xml")
                    errorsteam << tr("Profile location %1 is not an XML file.").arg(temp) << endl;
                    encounteredError = true;
                    profileLocation = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
                errorsteam << tr("Profile location %1 does not exist.").arg(temp) << endl;
                encounteredError = true;